A round Town . . . By JERYME ENGLISH THE SOCIAL. WHIRL, . . . Miss Mary Eyre was hostess for a de lightful informal at home on Sun day afternoon at her Mill Street residence in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neer and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Broadbent ... Mr. Neer and Mrs. Broadbent are re tiring irom the Salem High School faculty, and assisting Miss Eyre were members of the social studies department of the high school . . . Seventy-five guests called between 4 and 7 o'clock . . . The coffee table arranged in the dining room . . . Both the home and the garden used for the occasion . . . Presiding: ... at the urns were Mrs. E. A. Carleton and Mrs. F. O. Br&dsaaw ... A lovely arrange ment of roses from Miss Eyre's garden in a crystal bowl centering the table . . . Assisting about the rooms and in the garden . . . Mrs. Sylvia Kraps, Miss Helen Lane, Mf. and Mrs. Roger Peterson, Mr. aad Mrs. Loren Mort, Mr. and Mrs. Ray L Smith, Mr. George Porter and Miss Dorathea Froehlich . . . Brides-elect . . . are sharing in much of the entertaining these days with parties planned in their honor , . . Miss Janet Gaiser, popu lar Jane bride-to-be of Bruce MacDonald, will be feted at sev eral parties in the fortnight pre ceding her marriage . . . Mrs. Brown E. Sisson and Mrs. A. A. Schramm will be hosts for a din ner party in compliment to Miss Gaiser and her fiance on June 11 at the latter's home . . . The fol lowing day Mrs. Ivan Stewart ani Miss Bonnie- Belle Stewart will be hostesses for a dessert luncheon and miscellaneous shower for the bride-elect . . . Miss Elaine Stan ley has asked the bride-to-be to reserve June 16 for a party and on June 17 Miss Joan Marie Miller, who will be one of the brides maids, will entertain for the popu lar bride-to-be . . . Mrs. Richard Welch was & luncheon hostess in compliment to Miss Gaiser at her Portland home last week for a group of her Lewis and Clark College classmates . . . To entertain ... on Tuesdav night, June 10, will be Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry, and Miss Luella Campbell, who have Invited guests to the former's Fair mount Hill home in honor of Miss Marilyn Hill, who will be married to Desmond K. Walker on June 14 . . . A miscellaneous shower will lete the guest of honor . . . A family luncheon . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Siegmund will be hosts at their country place on Saturday afternoon in compliment to their four children and their families . . . In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siegmund, Shirley, Tommy and Bobby of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Siegmund, Charles and Sarah Jane of Ta coma, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sieg mund, Jimmy, Martha and Eric of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wil son, Sharyn, Alan and John of Salem . . . and the hosts . . . Au revoir party . . . Tuesday night when Mrs. William Pettit and Mrs. Gordon Hecker enter tained for the pleasure of Mrs. Howard A mot, who is soon leaving with son, Michael, to join Mr. Ar il ot in Burbank, Calif., where they will make their home . . . The party was held at the Hecker home on the Wallace Road ... a dessert supper was followed by an eve ning of bridge and a gift was pre sented the young matron . . . Hon oring Mrs. Arnot were Mrs. Elmore Hill. Mrs. O. E. Snider, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. Douglas Drager, Miss Vada Hill, Mrs. George Hen ken, Mrs. David Reynolds, Miss Shirley Hill, Mrs. Robert Bohan non, Mrs. Peter Hauser, Miss Bar bars Belt, Mrs. Truxton Foreman and the hostesses . . . Supper hosts . . . tonight will be Dean and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist, who have invited a few guests to their Fairmount Hill home . . . Supper will be served in the play room with an informal evening following . . . NOTEWORTHY ... A number of Salem folk will be in Corvallis this week-end to attend the Ore- I gon State College baccalaureate ! on Sunday and the commencement j exercises on Monday . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pickens will be on the campus for, the graduation of their daughter, Jean . . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snyder will attend the graduation of their daughter, Nancy (Mrs. Donald White) . . . : Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoten and . son, David, will be in Corvallis i for the graduation of their daugh ; ter. Merle . . . 1 More of same . . . Eva McMullea : will be among the the Oregon ' State graduates and her entire family will be on hand for the occasion . . . Her parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. V. D. McMullen. sister, Bar i bara, and brothers, Allan, Ronny ; and Douglas . . . and Eva's great grandfather, Henry DeGuire of . Brooks . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winston Miss Simpson Tells Troth At Dinner At a birthday dinner at Todd Hall on the Oregon College of Education campus at Monmouth Monday night, announcement was made of the engagement of Miss Edithanne Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Simpson of Salem, to Lawrence A. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi A. Miller of Hubbard. No immediate plans have been made for the wedding. Coeds learned the news by an nouncements cleverly concealed in the place cards. The occasion was the last birthday dinner of the sea son and honored girls having sum mer birthdays. The bride-elect is a graduate of Salem schools and spent her fresh man year at the Willamette Uni versity Music School. She has now completed her junior year in teacher training at Oregon College of Education. Mr. Miller is a graduate of Hub bard schools and took his first two years at Willamette University, also studying in the music school. He recently returned from active service with the U. S. Navy and has registered for his junior year in education at Oregon College of Education. Both Miss Simpson and her fiance are active in musical events on the campus. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby pre sented her piano pupils in a re cital at her home on Tuesday night. Playing were Susie Guth rie, Sandra Hill, Joyce Brown, Wanda Noel, Ann Ross, Janet Mc Alpine and Todd Salisbury. G. Burris will attend the gradua tion of their daughter, Marilyn (Mrs. Dan Graham) . . . Arriving ... in the capital today by plane will be Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. ' Rowan of Oakland. Calif., who will be the week-end guests of Mrs. Rowan's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Bell . . . In Hood River ... on Wednes day were Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mrs. Gardner Knapp and Mrs. W. W. Moore, who were luncheon guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. John Syme . . . Returns . . . after a week's visit in the capital. Miss Alicia Mc Elroy, who has been the house guest of Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, left for her Portland home on Thursday . . . i SOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC ..:Xr. Ltf.' eVJ I f 4 4k. Iff HA 5 ' Cecil Fletcher and Mrs. Carl Staats, who were installed president and madame president, respectively, of the Wil lamette Aerie and Willamette Auxiliary, Fraternal Order of the Eagles at a joint ceremony on June 2. (McEwan Photos) Installation of Officers Held Willamette Auxiliary and the Willamette Arie, FOE, held a joint Installation of officers at a cere mony Tuesday night. Wayne Sipe, past president, acted as installing grand presi dent and Leon Du Bois the in stalling conductor. Mrs. Al Friesen was the installing grand madame president and Mrs. Emory Sand ers was the installing conductress. New officers of the Auxiliary installed were Mrs. Carl Staats, madame president; Mrs. Minor Lewis, junior past president; Mrs. Arthur Martin, vice-president; Mrs. Pearl Strobecke, chap lain; Mrs. Carl Chapman, secre tary; Mrs. John Golden, treas urer; Mrs. Roy Van Vleck, con ductress; Mrs. E. C. Bristol, Mrs. Bruce Anderson and Mrs. Austin Kyle, trustees; Mrs. Willian Stan ton, outside guard; and Mrs. A. J. Hertz, inside guard. Installed as president of the Willamette Arie wero Cecil Fletcher, president; E. C. Lin- hit M M & lljlMAhAy flf f f s J ' Sil ' fl' I Knom Afzomm "1 3 0 " a?wiiiri cream soup spoon u 1 (yL g The ILovely NEW PlffiIISTlINE, .... P- 5 wmwssm - . O n . America's most beautiful stainless pattern YOUR CHOICE OF 15 OPDI STOCK PIECES "Pristino" combines fholong woaring qualities of solid stainless stool with a design and finish o new and handsome youll use H in your dining room. The fine craftsmanship and gleaming mir ror finish set a new high standard for tableware. You'll use "Pristine for everything from picnics fo dinner parties. At our trifling price you'll wont a complete service I A PRODUCT OF NATIONAL SILVER COMPANY FREE! YOUR INITIAL ENGRAVED ON THIS FLATWARE . . . SEE DEMONSTRATION ON MAIN FLOOR n g table spooi jj r Jj g berry spoon !S? J a q cold moot fork ae g 5 SALEM. ORE. H U Wt m SALEM. ORE. .... . k . .. . . MN nuM nanonBi aim-am BO Cnk 0 Owrf CO NAME. g ADMES&. 0 D strand, Junior past president; Jack Henry, vice-president; Harp Eg gleston, chaplain; Ward Rowland, treasurer; Lawrence Zielinski, conductor; Minor Lewis, inside guard; Emory Jackson, outside guard; Herbert Barker, Ed Greg son, Arthur Martin, trustees; and L. A. Hamilton, lecretary. Tha auxiliary is busy making plans for participation in the com ing state convention to be held in Albany the latter part of June. ; The state president, Jack Henry ! of Klamath Falls will visit the : lodge on June 10 to make pres- i entation of drill team awards. There also will b a large class of initiates during the president's ; visit. Additional Society On Page 11 Mrs. Apperson To Head Unit . Principal business of Monday's meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary of Capital Unit 9 was the election of officers and for delegates to the state convention which will meet in Klamath Falls July 25 to 30. Newly elected officers are Mrs. A. D. Apperson, president; Mrs. T. J. Brabec, 1st vice president; Mrs. Lue Lucas, 2nd vice presi dent; Mrs. Claud Jorgensen, treasurer; Mrs. Glen Holman, re cording secretary; Mrs. Neil P. Witting, corresponding secretary, and three board members: Mrs. Fred Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Earl Andre sen and Mrs. Lucas Vogt. Delegates to the convention in addition to the out-going presi dent, Mrs. Anson B. Ingels, and the in-coming president, Mrs. Ap person, will be Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Glen Holman, Mrs. Lue Lucas, Mrs. Claud Jorgensen, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. Frank Marshall and Mrs. Ray Bassett. Alternates are Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. Walter S p a u 1 d i n g, Mrs. Rose Habernacht, Mrs. H. H. Henry, Mrs. Joe Spalding, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Lena Hildebrandt, Mrs. Archie Brewster, and Mrs. R. C. Blaxall. Announcement was made that Marion County Assembly will meet at Hubbard on Friday eve ning, June 13. A group of read ings by Mrs. Leon M. Brown and clarinet solos by Mrs. Brown's daughter, Edith Gayle, provided the entertainment features. Mrs. Lena Hildebrandt, Junior's The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, fridar ftm 8 lS52r-3 chairman, called attention to out standing records made in scholar ship and special ; activities by 21 members of her group. Mrs. Leon M. Brown, Girl'si State chairman, announced plans lor the informal reception which, will be the open ing event of Girl's State sessions June 9 at Baxter IHall on Willam ette University campus. CLUB CALENDAR FRIDAY Hl Hibbard Auxiliary, USWV. with Mrs. Fred Thompson. 1575 S. Commer cial St. 1 o'clock covered dish dinner. Woman Relief Corps, Gold Arrow, no-host luncheon. 1J:30 p.m. Englewood Woman's Club, dessert luncheon witn Mrs. Tyler Korley. 1724 Nebraska. 1 :15 p.m. Barbara Frietchie Tent, DUV, YMCA. 2pm SATURDAY Chemeketa Chapter. DAR. no-host luncheon. Pioneer Women's Cabin. Champoeff Park. 1 p.m. SUNDAY Nebraska club picnic. Silver Falls Park. All former 'Nebraskans invited. MONDAY Marion Auxiliary, VFW 861. meet at VFW hall. 8 p.m. Fly-Up Ceremony For Brownies A flying up ceremony for mem bers of Brownie Troop 118, Girl Scouts, was held Wednesday night at the N. G. Thomas playhouse. Mrs. E. Townsend of the American Legion Auxiliary presented the troops with its colors and Mrs. Raymond Stringham gave a talk on scouting. Mrs. Jack Gorman is leader of the troop. Girls taking part in the candle light flying up ceremony were Jacqueline Gorman, Penny Powell, Judy Mellford, Eloine Herbst, Ai- FOR PROPER FITTING CHILDREN'S SHOES buy ftak-j&m'&a SEE ERNIE SAVAGE ACKLIN'S JUNIOR B00TERY OPEN UNTIL 9:00 FRIDAY NIOHTS 134 N. High Senator Hotel Bldg. leen Hawkins, Judy Daggett, Ca rol Ramsden. Judy Fortmiller, Rosemary Myers, Janet Griffin. Linda Barry, Joan Griffith and Karen Cox. V AMAZING PERFORMANCE AND PRICE1 Escort Jr." Model 528 ONLY 29.95 f 'CtfYek-efX f PORTABLE ) Compact as a camera audi attractively designed in dura ble black Royalite with silvery (netal trim. Delightful tone,1 large speaker, remarkable reception range. Concentrated power chassis. mMmLic mr antenna. Designed to play up right or leaned on sturdy carry' ing handle. A.C. D.C. and Battery S&H Green Stamps iliichell Radio "Your Service Dealer" 1880 Stale Pho, 3-7577 Treat yourself to Sitting Pleasure in the chair that's Shaped-to-Fit rortiTaH of 49.95 1 I 2 tor 66.00 . 41 - IL.d 1-5 II iM w Cocktail Lounge Chair Here styling that makes a showplace out of a drab corner. Comfort you'd never dream possible in a budget-priced chair. No doubt you can think of dozens of uses for this chair in your own home while you are reading this. It hat that ; tame toft resilient spring edge teat you'd find in chairs two and three times the cost. The seat it deep enough lo cushion even a six-footer's frame. It's filled with rubberized hair that bounces back Into shape, and plump "cotton felt over No-Sag tprings. It' a big 31" high by a full 22" deep, and 24" wide. Fit beautifully anywhere in a modern or traditional home. Easy to assemble. Choose from a beautiful assortment of luxurious textured fabrict and plastics in the season's smartest colors. You'll want one or more for your boudoir, tun room, den or living room, tkree or four for tele vision or your game room. Hotelmen, restaurants and clubs will also want to tnap them up. It's made by Selig of Leominster, the greatett name in chairs. Tit tpiA-toh!no, cetitewr cfcslr fol ic n tk tines f yew koV. rUi sompUaly from da1 foet bclit H't tkp4 lit. Iwy . te c more for yovr komo. Available At These Two Fine Furniture Stores n7 n FURNITURE 1425 Edgewater WEST SALEM run FURNITURE 1161 Union In th CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER