1 The Statesman,' Salem. Oregon, fAdaf. Jun 6. 1952 i t 1 zfdii&ffiumt) -'j a-, a , - - ; - . . - i . ;i ' i i i n ii i in ii ii iij i iiiiiii iim iii.i.iiiimii ii in n in Tffl 1 ' rJ.,ar si3eirnnii Mrmorlal Day officially opened the picnic season and Oregonians will eat a good many meals out of doors during: the next three months. Some will indulge in gentlemanly meals like the one pictured here, with attractive appointments. Others will go rugged and cook over an open fire. But each man to his own taste even in outdoor meals and they'll be the year's highlight. Here wieners and pickles are heated on skewers and served in hot-dog type buns. Potato salad, Sweaters7 Future Depends on Both Material, Make A new sweater's future how well it will wear and keep a good appearance depends not only on the fiber of which it is made, but also on the way it's made, the knitting stitch, and other details, so says Shirley Johnstone, clothing specialist in the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, U. S. De partment of Agriculture. Taking one construction point as an example of how a shopper can learn to judge quality, she explains that a commercial sweat er may be full-fashioned or cut-and-sewn, like a dress. The finest and most expen sive sweaters are full-fashioned throughout. That is, the back, front, and sleeves are knit on ma chines that shape and bind off the edges as they knit. Where Stitches are increased or decreased in number to shape the garment, little fashioning marks can be seen. These are found about the armholes, sleeves, sides, and sometimes the neckline. Fashioning marks are some times imitated on cut-and-sewn sweaters, for looks only. You can tell if the marks are genuine, says Miss Johnstone: the rows of stitch es oh either side of the mark meet at an angle. If the fashioning is imitated, the rows of stitches on either side are simply parallel. Ia sweater making it is cheaper and quicker to cut out pieces of knit yard goods by patterns than to knit shaped pieces. So, inex pensive sweaters are always cut-and-sewn, but so also are some better-grade sweaters that are good buys for serviceability and appearance. When buying, looki t see whether the sweater was' cut out carefully, so that the ribs ! and courses of the knit goods are J straight in the finished garment's front, back, and sleeves. This is easy to see, she explains, in a i sweater coarsely knit. It takes a little practice to detect careles cutting in one finer knit. A shopping guide, to aid home mnkers in knowing what to expect from sweaters in service and ap pearance, has been prepared by Miss Johnstone. Single copies of "Buying Sweat ers for the Family," (H.G. No. 16) can be obtained free on re quest from the Office of Informa tion, U.S. Department of Agri culture, Washington 25, D. C. FRUIT MERINGUE Add a touch of spring to family meals or party refreshments by serving this easy-to-prepar fruit meringue cake. To make it, cover the top of an angel food cake (home-made or baker's) with the drained fruit from half a can o fruit cocktail. Spread a heavy meringue over the fruit and sides of the cake. Place on a cookie sheet and bake in a hot oven for five minutes. Top the meringue with the remainder of the drained fruit cocktail and serve immediately. Shrimp Bakes in Casserole Mixture, Shrimps and macaroni combine to make an excellent casserole dish to be used at dinner at home, or as a covered dish to take to a community dinner. MARYLAND SHRIMP BAKE 6 ounces elbow macaroni 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine 3 tablespoons chopped onion. 3 tablespoons flour V teaspoon salt cups milk 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 cup cooked shrimp Buttered bread crumbs Cook macaroni in boiling salt ed water until tender (about 10 minutes). Dain and rinse. While macaroni is cooking melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Add onion and brown lightly. Stir in flour and salt. Add milk and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Re move from heat and cool slight ly. Quickly blend" in egg yolk, lem on juice and parsley. Fold in mac aroni and shrimp and mix lightly. Pour into 1 -quart casserole. Sprin kle with buttered bread crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350) about 20 minutes. Makes 4 servings Soak-Washing Technique Best for Woolen Blankets Shrinkage of wool blankets from laundering in a washing machine is caused mostly by the agitation and mechanical action of the wool fabric in the water rather than by the temperature of the water, ac cording to a study a the Ohio Experiment station. To save blankets from shrink age, the station developed a meth od of soak-washing. Blankets were soaked 15 to 20 minutes in warm water cotaining a synthetic deter gent. The soaking readily remov ed the soil so tha' no agitation in the water was required. After the soak-washing, the water was spun off and then the blankets were soaked in two different rinses of clear warm water- Tor live min utes and spun again to remove the water. Measurements of 20 new all wool blankets, laundered by this DYE CORDUROY Corduroy is a good sturdy fabric that proves useful for -garments and furnishings which take hard wear. Sometimes it fades, how ever, but fortunately it takes to a good dye, advises the Dyers Guild. Sometimes if the material has become Dadly soiled by a spot which will not come out in clean ing, re-dyeing can save- the day. TAX PAYMENT Spices were so valuable in Bib lical times that the Pharisees paid taxes in mint, anise and cummin. Foreign Dish is Practical to Make This curry lends an exotic touch to spring menus. Make the curry with a can of mushroom soup, add cooked shimp and cubes of but tery avocado, and serve on hot rice. EASY SHRIMP CURRY 4 green onions 1 tablespoon butter or marga rine. 1 (lOVi ounce) can cream ol mushroom soup cup milk Va teaspoon curry powder Vx pound cleaned cooked shrimp 1 medium-sized avocado Hot cooked rice Slice onions and cook very slowly in butter 5 minutes. Add soup, and gradually blend in milk. Stir in curry powder and shrimp, and heat thoroughly. To prepare Calavo, cut into halves and re move seed and skin. Dice fruit. Stir into hot mixture and heat a minute longer, just to warm the Calavo cubes. Do not overcook. Serve at once on hot rice. Serves 3 to 4. You say the secret is Curly's Milk? It's really no secret, ev eryone knows CURLY'S MILK gives you a big lift. It's energy-packed for vim and vigor . . . and richer, tasting for more enjoyment. For me'hod, showed no more than 2 per cent shrinkage. When the blankets were blocked and brush ed with a small wire bristle brush to fluff up the surface, they came back to their original length and a few even became slightly long er. As a result of these studies the ! Ohio scientists report that wool blanke's can be washed success fully in an automatic washer if: (1) The washer does not agitate or tumble while filling with water, or, if it does, the lid or door can be opened and the blanket added after the tub is filled. (2) The washer control dial is ' flexible so that the cycle can be changed by hand operation at any poin'. Not all automatic washers have these features and thus not all are suited to blanket-washing. Omelet Special Dish for Company A dish for special supper or lun cheon menus is this omelet glori fied with creamed crabmeat and mushrooms. This two part taste charmer is within the scope of even inexperienced cooks. The simple creamed mixture is crafted first, then heated slowly to serv ing temperature while the omelet is being completed. Note the sim plicity of ingredients, too canned sliced mushrooms, canned crab meat, evaporated milk, in the creamed mixture and eggs and evaporated milk for the creamy tender omelet. CRABMEAT AND MUSHROOM OMELET 8 tablespoons butter 1 small can sliced mushrooms (2 oz. drained) 1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 teaspoon salt V cup liquid drained from mushrooms Vt cup other liquid 1 cup evaporated milk 2 7-oz. cans crabmeat 6 eggs V cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter Melt the 3 tablespoons butter in a saucepan. Cook drained mush-; rooms in butter about 5 minutes. I Blend in cornstarch and salt. Stir , in mushroom liquid and vegetable juice or water. Cook until thick- . oned. Stir in milk and crabmeat. j While omelet is cooking, place over very low heat and bring to serving j temperature, stirring occasionally. Beat the eggs until yolks and whites are well blended. Blend in milk and salt. Melt butter in a large fry pan over low heat. When butter just begins to bubble, pour in egg mixture. Cook slowly. With a spatula, lift the cooked egg gent ly from sides of the pan and let uncooked egg run under. Continue cooking and lifting until omelet is soft and creamy. Set in hot oven (400) or under broiler (about 5 inches from source of heat) for 2 or 3 minutes to finish cooking top. With a spatula or turner, fold omelet and slide it onto a hot platter. Spread about i half the creamed crabmeat be tween halves of omelet. Cut ome let into 4 portions and serve with remainder of creamed crabmeat on top. Makes 4 servings. I - - iatff -- iirMu&W Always a favorite, no matter when or how served, scrambled eggs are pictured here as a Sunday night supper feature. They're served topped with chopped chives and, instead of toast, with small crisp breakfast cereal bites, which have been seasoned with butter and salt and heated weLL Green beans are a color and texture contrast. s rjsf r (viiriJi.Utf k 1 -4- r 4J Ml If X. X. 'au, Ail i mdT M Beet Sugar and 2 cups water (yields 2x cups syrup). To keep golden, stir in Vi teaspoon ascor bic acid powder to each 1 'j cups cold syrup just before pouring over fruit in containers. Phone 3-8783 For Home Delivery FREE Beet Sugar's new booklet "Well Preserved" a variety how of jams, jellies, preserves and relishes. Starring surprise treats of uncooked jellies, frozen jams and garnishes. Helpful tips and charts, too. (Also still avail able "Answers By The Canning Doctor" 56- pages on the 'how to" of homecanning and freez ing.) Send for your iree copies now. Address below. The Beet Sugar aidrflavor, helps, preserve color; adds food energy, f lbs- (about 50 medium) apricots ' V cup (No. 1 flat can) crushed, drained pineapple I Vi tsps. finely grated lemon rind II cups Beet Sugar 1 H cups coarsely chopped, blanched almonds, or Vi Hp. almond extract Wash, pit and quarter un peeled apricots. Measure 13Vi cups. Combine fruits, lemon rind and sugar in large preserving kettle; stir to blend in sugar. Bring to a rolling boil on high heat. Reduce heat; boil 20 minutes, or until two thick heavy drops run together off clean metal spoon (219 F.), stirring often. Remove from heat; ton. Stir in chopped nutmeats gZ3H&int- Pour into hot sten- al at once. Makes Fruit Cottage Sundae. Cook slow ly, 2 cups fresh berries, cherries or apricot halves with x cup Beet Sugar until juice is syrupy; chill. Place, in 6 sherbet glasses; top with cottage cheese. Serve with crisp crackers. Fruit Melody. Top chilled, sliced peaches or apricots with sugared berries. Sprinkle with lemon juice and top with crushed macaroons and whipped cream. ' m mi I a: Chemists have proved that sugar is sugar, whether from sugar beets or sugar cane. Pure sugar cannot be traced to its source by any chemical test. In all the world there it no better fugar than Beet Sugar grown and produced in the United States. Beet Sugar is unsurpassed or making jellies, for fine baking every sugar use. Freeze unpeeled- halve In cold medium syrup made of 1 cup CONSUME! SEIVICf WEST! II IEET S06AI PIOOBCEK, IMC P. 0.1m 354. Sea frasdsm 19. Ofdfim Elegant Name for Practical Pie A main dish that has an elabo rate sounding name will make good eating at this time of year, when casserole dishes are in de mand. RIO GRANDE PIE li cups sifted flour 2 teaspoon salt 2 cup shortening " 4 cup chopped parsley 3 tablespoons cold water Sift together flour and salt. Cut or rub in shortening until mixture, is crumbly. Add parsley and mix ; lightly. Sprinkle wit water. Mix ; lightly until douh begins to stick j together. Press together into ball, 1 wrap in wax paper and set aside while preparing Southwest Frank furters. SOUTHWEST FRANKFURTERS 3 tablespoans fat or drippings l cup chopped onion 4 pound frankfurters, sliced 3 tablespoons enriched flour teaspoon salt 2Vi cups cooked tomatoes (No. 2 can) cup shredded American cheese Melt fat or drippings In skillet. Add onion and frankfurters and brown lightly. Stir In flour and salt. Add tomatoes and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour into lH quart casserole. Sprinkle with cheese. Divide pas try in half. Roll Vi dough out to circle V inch larger than cas serole and place over frankfurter mixture. Roll remaining half out to rectangle 4 inch thick. Brush lightly with melted shortening. Roll up like jelly roll. Cut into pieces -about -lnch thick. Ar range cut side down on top of casserole. Bake in moderately hot oven (400) about 45 minutes. Makes 4 servings. HANDY Rich Roman gourmets stored Lemon, Rico Used ' In Fluffy Dessert Lemon rice meringue is -en in teresting dessert recipe light e nough for luncheon or an ample dinner. LEMON BICE MXKINGUE 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup water 4 cup (about 2 whole) lemon juice 2 cups cooked white rice M cup uncooked) In the top of a double boiler) beat slightly one whole egg and one yolk (white saved for merin gue), blend in sugar, flour, water, and lemon juice thoroughly. Coca over boiling water until mixture thickens (about 15 minutes) stir ring often. Remove from boiling water; cool. In a lightly butter ed 8-inch cake or pie pan, alter nate layers of the cooked rice and lemon filling, beginning with rice and ending with filling. Dot with puffs of meringue. (Beat e white until stiff. Gradually add 2 tablespoons sugar, beating un til white forms stiff peaks). Bake in moderate oven (350) 10 min utes, or until meringue puffs art golden brown. Serve warm or cold. Serves 6. SOFT MUSIC Music of a monotonous, but not too loud character, is oftentimes live fish In ponds and huge salt ; an aid in lulling one to sleep. A water tanks, from which they I comfortable bed is important la were caught Just before cooking. I seeking sound, relaxing sleep. Ifswtttsoft drinks leave you thirsty ...then SM fo SQCRT a7l Tn ULvSTOlT GUM o co'i.e.i rut tfT co jt Fresh, clean taste at you drink Squirt . . . Fresh, clean taste after you drink Squirt . . , Never an after-thirst I Dr. Pepper Bottling Company 1095 N. liberty Phone 3-6116 -5 1 3390 Portland Road QUANTITY LIMITED 3 iGI 325 Edgewaier Street cc Biltmore Tuna Chunk Style A $1 Vi size - 27c ea for I Shrimp Each - 35c . .. 3 for 1 Catcher Small Wet Pack Pork and Beans Van Camp's Q $ No. 1 Cans O for 1 T (Fm Yoong, Farm Fresh ydH0nc Ik awas mmtm Swiffs Cello rap Franks lb. 55c Sugar Cured Slab Bacon . lb. 39c Freshpan Ready Frvers . . ea. 1.19 LssU: HALF GALLON PUREX BLEACH 25c CHOCOLATE SYRUP 2 . 33c Hershey's Large No. 1 Can 1 SKOALS SOAP POWDERS Tide Dux Dreft Ivory Snow Large Package 2 for 28c With Coupon SPAGHETTI Franco-American 2 15'i-ox. can for Kellogg's Corn Flakes KelloggY Brand Flakes 12-o. pkgs. Both for Vnionc Prai IETTUCF, 'tends Sweet j 7 and Jt,. CELERY 9c