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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1952)
5 700 Rentals T07 Houms For Rant BIO S bedroom horn with basement and acreage. Newly decorated and painted. Close to city limits. West Salem. fS month, if occupied for one year rent can apply on pur- chae. Phone 2-3719. FURNISHED home in lovely residen tial district, from June 8 to Auk. 23rd. Reasonable to right couple. Phone $-4407. ITOT)f-RN newly decorated house, au tomatic hot water. Seasonable rent. 3715 Silverton Rd. I BEDROOM furnished house, new, close to bus. stores, Willamette. Adults, no pets. 147 N. 18th. i ROOM. 2 bedrooms modern, electric range and heat. Utilities. 1161 7th St. Call at 553 S. Commercial or phone 4-5913. JT5PER MONTH. 4 bedroom dwelling, unfurnished. Full basement. Call 1-3136. Pioneer Trust Co. 800 Real Estate ISAAK'S BEST BUYS rune in KOCO. Wednesday and Fri day al 8:00 A.M. and hear the Counselor. EXTRA ORDINARY UNUSUAL And we mean every word of It. This Older type home is offered for sale to close an estate. No. 2 zone near Capitol shopping center. 5 bedrooms. i2 bathrooms 2 fireplaces. 2 fur naces. The construction is of the fin est Lovely corner lot In apartment tone. The home is Just loaded with the most beautiful antique furniture you have ever seen. Offered for sale at $25,000. Terms. EYE THIS BUY tn Englewdbd district. X bedrooms plus basement. Insulated. Owner reports another home could be built on same lot and use this one for a rental. At tached garage. Liberal terms. Total pi ice $6,300. ST. VINCENT District Full basement. 2 bedrooms. Attached garage. Very clean older type home in the very best of re pair. Terms arranged. Total price Only (8500. CUTIE Almost new. Very clean and in the best of repair. Very well built 2-bedroom home with attached garage. Street to be paved very soon. Owner will ex change for three bedroom home, preferably Penn 4 corners district. The price has been reduced to $7950. ALL FOR DAN ISAAK. eve. phone 4-3533, OT LLOYD KEENE. tve. phone 2-8076 DUPLEX WITH APPEAL fust like new. 2 bedrooms and full bath with tile in each unit. Lota of built-lns. Extra storage space in at tic Englewood district. Corner lot. Paved street. Liberal terms. Total Price $14,500. MARKET Bartra well established. Large volume of business. Net rent only $155 00 per month If you're interested in the frocery business investigate this one. otal price only $16,000. Owner may consider terms or will accept home as part payment. CLEANING PLANT Xxtra well equipped. Doing good busi ness. Shown by appointement only Owner will sell business and equip ment for $17,500 which is far below replacement cost and lease building for a very reasonable figure, or will sell building and aU for $27,500. Terms arranged if desired. CALL FOR MR. ANDERSON 8X Turner, collect, evenings P ACRES SUBDIVISION Property. Very modern 2-bedroom home with basement. New duplex as rental. Chicken house. Brooder house Good well. Stone throw from chiol. Bus service front door. Own r has left city and is very anxious to sell Terms Total price has been reduced to $18 850. This is a buy of DU i. 10 ACRES If ear Salem. No waste land l'i acres evergreen berries. 6 acres black ber ries Good 5-room house built In 1941. Chicken house, rabbit hutches. Disc, plow, harrow and Irrigation System Included. See this one for 10.950. Terms. 10 ACRES Modern S -bedroom. 20 by 30 bam. Chicken house Garage. Fruit room. Family orchard and walnuts. 2 wells This is a nice little ranch. Total price only $9250. CALL FOP MR. LEAVENS eve. phone 3-4735 AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve.t 4-3533. 2-6078 or 3-4735 Statesman Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Classified Advertising Per word. 1 time 4e Per word. S times 19e Per word. 7 times le Per ward, 1 Month 60c Minimum ten words. Extra charge for "Blind" ads tie Readers In city briefs: Pe- word 7 Minimum ten words. No Refunds. The deadline for classified and reader advertising is 5:45 p nY dally Only emergence "lost" ads will be accented after that hour The Statesman reserves the right to reject Questionable advertising It further reserves the riRht to place all advertising under the proper classification The Statesman assumes no fin es nciai responsibility for errors which may apoear in advertise ments published in its columns and tn cases where this Da per is at fault will reprint that Dart of an advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman box number for an address is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The States man la not at liberty to divulge Information as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. 6QO Employment It Pays A HE knows market values and his professional ability has been Sroven by the National end local board of REALTORS before i title REALTOR was bestowed upon him. Look for This Symbol Salem Board o - . - 9F . TL? t t .r , t MHMsVsMMHMMHHMWMs New Strictly Modern 3-BEDROOM HOME RESTRICTED KEIZER DISTRICT. i ACRE. LEAVING STATE. WILL SELL WITH OR WITHOUT ALL FURNITURE. PIANO. ALSO NEW OLDS "88". 1095 MAIN ST. PHONE 2-0071. Roy Todd Real Estate COZY COTTAGE FOR SALE One bedroom. Just right for any small family, well located just a few minutes' ride down town on the city bus. Yard all fenced In. Call Mr. Wulf salesman. The Beauty of this Place is Unsurpassed. 7-room English type home. Corner lot in a ditinctive neighborhood. Interior decoration attractive and un usual. Picturesque sunken gardens complete the picture. Call Mr. Barnes for appointment. Salesman. READY ESTABLISHED BUSINESS Garage, equipment and lot 50xl00) lo cated on one of Salem's busiest streets, doing excellent business but owner Is ill and must sell. A real buy at $12,000. Call Mr. Simpson Salesman. 100 Acres AH Stocked and Equipped Volcanic ash soil. 62 Acre cultivated (8'3 A. Strawberries, balance in hay. grain and pasture. Approx. 33 Acres in timber. Year-around spring, over $4000 worth of equipment. 8 head of cattle. 2 horses, everything goes including crop. Well worth the asking price of $22,000. Call Mr. Todd. A NICE TWO-BDRM. HOME. Emaculately clean and ready to move Into. Nicely shrubbed, lot in back for garden, shade trees. Closa to schl. trans, and tores. Call Mr. Simpson salesman. Roy Todd, Realtor 820 State St Eves Call: Simpson 3-8234. Barnes Candalaria Heights 570 Ben Vista New 8-bedroom home designed for the woman. Convenient "step-saver" kitchen. Youngstown dishwasher, birch cabinets, view of Mt Hood from nook. Dining room trimmed In birch. Large living room with fireplace, trimmed in mahogany. Entry hall with access to all rooms, linen and stor age closets. Master bedroom has "his and hers" wardrobes. Tile lined tub. DAYLIGHT BASEMENT with finished 15 X 26 party room. Plastered utility and bath. Basm't. doors open to wood back yard, fir and oak trees. Oversize forced air oil furnace. Double garage. Salem's finest residential area. Excellent floor pl.m. master workmanship. Maximum loan, bank terms. Priced at $24,500 Open daily, shown by ap pointment. BUILT AND GUARANTEED BY BROWNINO Sc RANDOLPH, conti actors 1137 S. Commercial Phone 2-7452 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent UNFURNISHED, small 2 bedroom cot tage. Electric heat. $50 a month. 1815 N 5th. Phone 2-2555. 2 ROOM HOUSE $25 month. Shower, wired for range, 1430 Boone Rd FURNISHED 4 room house, full base ment. $60 1235 North 16th. Phone 2-3756. MODERN 1 bedroom house, attached garage, close in. vacant June 6th. Adults. No pets. Phone 4-3435. NEW two bedroom house. All modern in South Salem. H. A. Linden, 515 Hruhetz. 6 BEDROOMS, double plumbing, gar age, full basement. $85. Available June 15 701 N. Church. 3 BEDROOM house, close in, June 1st. Call 3-9413 2 BEDROOM furnished house, nice yard. Phone 3-6961. Couple only CABINS, part'v furnished $7 a week or monthly. 3397 Williams Ave. 709 Wanted to Rent RENTALS: Reliable property manage ment. Joe L Bourne. Realtor. 1140 N Capitol. Phone 3-8213. 710 Wanted to Rent Houses PERMANENT couple and daughter want 2 bedroom unfurnished house except stove Reasonable. Ph. 4-3754. ESTABLISHED Salem busine4s man desires 2 or 3 bedroom home. Ref erences. Phone 2-7036 if no answer 3-3582. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS Room H L Stiff. 800 Real Estate Moved The Star Realty has moved to 1059 East Rural Ave and will eive DroniDt i foyers011 to u new and old "i E M. Hunter (Broker) Ph. t-8497 Business ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES adding machines and typewriters sold, rented, repaired Roen. 456 Court Phone 3-8T73. ALUMINUM Windows, Peors, Screens AMEPJCA'S most complete Una. De signed manufaituied by Wilson Company. Par land Bert Lenton. 3-6881. VPPLIANCE SERVICE Bt.NOlX, Crosley and Hotpoint Sales and Service Karph Johnson Ap 3a5 Center St Phone 3-313P YEA TER APPLIANCE Co J75 Cliemek eta Phone 3-4311 CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIMNEY CWEEP, furnuce. -himney stoe vSwUiim claning. Ensley 3-7176. FIGURINES & FLOCK FINISHING FLOCK FINISHING. Statuettes in Zar cite Salem Statuary & Flock Craft. 555 S. Com l. Ph. 4-5913. I KCTRICAL SERVICE ELECTRICAL Wiring or Service. Vlb bert Electric Phone 3-9031 FURNITURE REFTN1SHING FURNITUHE refi rushed, repaired. Ed- gar tsroc. 664 Norway St. Phone 3-837. G I ' NSMITHING Repairs All makes of Guns. Basement. Howard Wicklund's Sptg. Goods. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS ' I R W ATKINS Co products 1135 S Saiem Ph 3-S3S5 Free del. LAWNMOWtRI SHARPENING. sales and sea-rice" Dougherty Bicycle and atawer Shoo 2130 Fairgrounds Phone 3-8721 SHARP EN NO - Guaranteed service New poarer and hand mower. Call Harry W Scott. 147 So Coml St iv.BTING FIXTURES . - KM S Exclusive lighting stoe 238 kl Ulm B.iBitm klatal Bid. 6Q0 Employment To Deal With Realtor Before You Buy of Realtors Office phone 2-8591 4-3955. Wulf 4-2884. Todd 2-1731 CLOSE IN 5 acres good soil all in cult. 2 blks or schl Good for berries or garden. Subdivision possibilities. Nice 5-rm modern plstrd home with hardwood firs, built In 1941. Small barn and chick hse Might consider some trade. Call Mr. Parsons. Salesman. NEAR SALEM 60 acres with 31 acres in crop, balance pasture. Creek. 4-rm hottse. barn 30x70 3 hog houses. Price only $10. 000. 'j down, good terms on balance. About 60 head hogs. 3 cows and ma chinery can be purchased. Call Mr. Willoughby. Salesman. Murphy & Kent, Realtors 456 N Church ' Phone 4-2293 Eves: Mr Parsons - 2-1508 Mr. Willoughby - - 4-4137 D or G airv rain rarm 206 Acres productive land. 40 x 60 j dairy barn equipped with water and 1 milicing machines. Was Grade A dairy. Fine late built 4-br. home with full basement 4 wells, good fences. A money maker. ; New 2 Br. Just completed. Dn. nr., full base- me:. w) ft Montage. Close to school and bus. Price $10.000 $2,000 dn. ! Fine Investment i Business and apt bldg. Long lease on I 2 stores. 6 apts. always occupied Ideal location Gross income 15500 ann. Price $32,000 on easy terms. Country Home 1 acre of level fruit and garden soil. Lovely spacious 3-br. home, 28 ft. living and dn. rm. Beautiful carpets 2 baths, breereway and 2-car gar age out wanace Ha. call Bon Cleary. Walter Mtisgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939 Directory- MATTRESSES CAPITAL Bedding, cotton.- wool, spring mattresses. Renovated, repaired. Ph. 3-4069 NURSERIES LANDSCAPING & Designing f A Doerfler & Sons. ISO No. Lancaster "h -1322 rHIMBI.NG GENERAL REPAIR and pumps Deca- tur fit Maera ww a tjom I ptx 3-8223 PAINTING PAINTING Inside or out Free es timates. Phone 2-6191. C. Horn. 3560 Roberts Ave. PAINTING PAPER HANGING PAINTING Si Pioiin 1 ree estimates 3-9513. 857 Shipping. khi ,:t iin, JOY STRICKFADEN. PHONE 3-5410 SAND AND GRAVEL v G SAND and GH. VEX- C Crushed rock For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete Garden sand Bulldozing drainage & ditching a yd shove) and drag una Phone 3-9249 SEPTIC TANKS TODD'S septic tank service, cleaning. installation. Repairs. Phone 2-0734. Ha merit sCdul tanks ano unes ciean ed. Guaranteed worfck. Phone 3-7404 MIKE'S Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Elec Hotary service n sewers drains 0T9 Elm St. W Salem Ph 3-9488 StWR. Septic tanks, drains cleaned Roto-rooter sewer service Ph. 3-4327 SPRAYING SPRAYING, pruning, topping. Fully In sured. L. W. Caudle. Phone 4-1461. TREK SURGERY BREN.NEN TREE SERVICE. We will take the bad ones. Complete Insur ance. Free estimates. Phone 2-374$. DRILLING Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial H. A Rob nson 2214 N St Ph 3-7293 WELL DRILLING: Cleaning and re "'m n mtu. Ufta aL lib 800 Real Estate Auction Sale June 6, 1952 i Homes Outbuildings TO CLEAR THE RIGHT OT WAY FOR THE SALEM-BY-PASS Two Homes. Two Garages. Five chicken houses. Fruit house and miscellaneous outbuildings. All located Southeasterly of Salem on Fairview Road. Drive to Pringle School, then East on gravel road to the first paved road. Turn left on paved road. Drive North to first left turn. Buildings are located on this turn on the South side of the road. SALE STARTS at 1:30 P.M. Friday, June 8. 1952. at the above location. All buildings to be sold separately. TERMS OF SALE are: The above buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, but subject to the approval of the Oregon State Highway Commission and with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. 50 of bid price Is to be paid by successful bidder at conclusion of bids and balance to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of bid by the Oregon State High way Commission. Buildings must be removed from present location within 30 days of notice of acceptance of bid. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Monday June 2, 1952. from 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. ANY FINANCING NECESSARY MUST BE ARRANGED BY YOU WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY Or YOUR CHOICE PRIOR TO SALE DATE. INFORMATION regarding moving costs and reestablishment of foundation and concrete work, plumbing and septic tank and well may be obtained by calling C. W. Parker, State Highway Department, Salem, Phone 4-2171. Ext. 717. AUCTIONEER: Claude M Kilgore 390 S. Lancaster Dr. Salem. Oregon OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS On the door of this nearly new 2-bedroom home, nice large kitchen and liv ing room, front entrance hall, newly decorated inside and out. nice land scaped lot. a very good Investment at only $6500.00. Call Tibbetts. A SOLID HOME TOR A SOUD TAMILY This large two-bedroom home with fireplace, nice tiled bath, double plumb ing, full dining room, hardwood floors, large kitchen, a party room the whole family will enjoy, newly redecoiated inside and out. all on one floor. 70 x 163 lot with nice outside patio, a home you will enjoy and be proud to own. Call Tibbetts. 3-BEDROOM SUBURBAN HOME When we say home we mean it This place hs all those things to make a house a home All hardwood floors, lots of closet space and built-lns. good fireplace, automatic oil heat, large level lot with new laws, paved street, end large garage. Call Jim. REAL ECONOMY S roomy bedrooms In this 3-year-old home, nice L shape living room, and dining room combination, splc and span kitchen with good bulltins. good garage. 02 x 130 lot all for $6900.00. Call Jim. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Here's your opportunity to stop watching the clock and start making money for yourself, buy this garage, service station, used car lot wrecking yard and nice 2-bedroom home 'ocated on approx 3 acres close in on 99E. Will take trade: farm, home, or what have you. Call Chet. NORTH NEW FULL BASEMENT Buy this home where every day is a vacation from noise and crowded living. The kitchen is designed to add pleasure and efficiency to your kitchen hours. A living room to hold your grand piano with room to spare, large basement where clothes dry quickly, and where insomnia is only a mem ory. Price slashed to the bone, will trade. Call Chet. 140 ACRES WILLAMETTE AND AMITY SOIL All crops are in and ready for you to reap the harvest of oats fgrar and whltel wheat, barley, and permanent pasture. Older tvpe 3 bedroom home, large barn, machine shed. $200.00 per acre. See Dent. RAWLINS 2060 N. Capitol Tibbetts 2-7488 IT'S YOUR TOWN OWN A PART Lee Ohmart NEAT HOME -- SMALL LOT Just the spot for a retired couple, spotless 2-bedroom home, bright kitchen, att garage, bus by ' door $6C50. iSim BUYS IT A nearly new. 2-bedroom home with partly finished up. oil heat, 90 k 120 lot g jod location North of Town. IN BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN GARDENS A lovelv 5-room home. Just newly decorated, o.l heat, fneplace HERE'S A HOME FOR YOU GOOD DEAlf AT $11,000. IN' THE EAST MORELAND DISTRICT Modern 2-bedroom home comple'e with dining room plus handy nook in kitchen, attractive patio, fireplace, large fenced in yard A NICE HOMi FOR J13.ti50. LARGE DOUBLE LOT ZONE NO. 2 LARGE HOME Very close In - $93 00 a month rent from upstairs rooms, basement and fur nace lot is 108 x 110 $27,500. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Restaurant, stock and fixtures, easy terms low rent in good spot $3900. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 2-4118 Eve Ralph Maddy 2-3488. L. Lorenz 3-3590. Henry Torvend 3-3632 REIMANN SPECIAL $12500 DOWN Pay only $25.00 per month. 3 rooms and bath in city on paved street. Only 1 block to bus. - $5950 FULL PRICE A dandy home only 12 years old. 2 bedrooms and a possible room for 3 bedrooms. Nice kitchen plastered. Venetian blinds, garage. Plenty of room for garden, just outside city, only 2 blocks to bus line. Will sell for small down payment. WHY NOT TRADE? Your place for a new home. We have a lovely large 2-bedroom home with extra nice living room and corner fireplace. Large bedrooms with wardrobe closets. Enclosed utility, attached garage. In new addition with city water, paved streets, side walks and city fire protection. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS 8c INSURANCE 201 South High Street Phone 3-9203 Phone Evenings 4-1671. 4-5319. 3-3384 801 Busineu OpportunltiM RESTAURANT $500 DOWN Fully equipped, will consider car or trailer nouse in traae. ruu price $1999. or will consider leasing. ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838. eve. 2-9848 SELLING WELL established businesa. wholesale, expansion unlimited. Ph. 4-3612 after 5:30 p.m. CHEVRON GAS Station for lease, small Inventory to buy. If Interested. telephone 3-9295. GOOD gallonage. Major Oil Co. Ser "lce Station, in Salem for lease by distributor. Phone 4-4458. . CUT RATE service station for lease, inoutrs 2320 Faarerounda 9 800 Real Estate OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION STATE HIGHWAY BUILDING SALEM. OREGON REALTY (Hollywood District. Realtor i Office Phones t-4864 or 4-1761 Evening Phones Jim 2-8578 Chet 3-6238 Dent 3-7633 3 Rudy Calaba 801 Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION for lease in near by town. Living quarters Included. Small investment needed to handle inventorv. Contact Truax Oil Co. 205 Columbia. Phone 2-4169. Sacrifice at S32.500 One of Salem's newest motels. 10 de luxe rentals. f'nest construction throughout with electric heat. Separate owner's home and office. Very nicely furnished. fireplace, hardwood floors, attached garage One acre of grounds on Highway 99E North. Landscaped with shrubs, lawn, flowers. Price has been drastically reduced because owner must sell. Call owner. Salem 2-7189 or Portland PhilmOre K4S45, Mr. Erskine. Bonat Realty Service. 802 Businesa Property PLUS acres, available R- R- siding. Phoie 2-861J 804 Suburban OWNER'S ATTRACTIVE HOME This is a modern 5-room Bung, in excellent condition. Kitchen with connecting Utility room 14x20. Oil heat. Fireplace. New separte Ga rage. 14x20 on Choice Acre in Vari ety of Bearing Fruif and on a quiet street. Desirable Location. Reason ably priced at $13,500. Terms. See us at once. ED D. POTTER, Realtor 213 S. High St. Phone 3-3630 808 Houses For Sol HAVE a number of fine homes, farms, suburban and Inc. properties for sale or trade. Come In or call: might have wtoat you are looking for. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1463 N. Capitol. 2-0103; eve. 2-8257 DRIVE by. Small new house. Nice lot. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale Open House SUNDAY. 2-5 Beautiful new home. 4 bedrooms, den. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, crystal chan deliers, game room. 470 E. Miller. Phone 2-3855 or 2-7481. Transferred Leaving state, must sell our 2-bdrm.. 5 rm. hse. new lawn and picket fence. Hse. remodeled and redecorated. Bsm't and furn. Close in. Near school, bus, stores. Terms and price are right for quick sale. To see for appt. Call my broker. Percy Ullman. 3-8902 or 3-7054. LUCKY YOU Room for everything in this late-built home at 1875 N. 24th. Ea$h bedroom has twin closets and 2 sets of bullt ins Fireplace, din. rm.. breakfast spuce in kitchen, central hall leads from 22x24 attached garage to all rooms. Stairway to floored attic. 2 baths. Basement and landscaped yard. Owner will sell or trade for good 3 or 4-bdrm. home in good lo cation. Ph. J-9939 4 HK ENGLEWOOD. LATE BUILT. FORCED A!R OIL HEAT. LOVELY YARD, SHRUBS FLOWERS. $10. 500. F. H. A AL BELL RL. EST. BRANCH OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. 1818 N. CAPITOL PH. 2-7380 CLOSE to ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL. 3 UR Eng. style. Full base., oil fur nace, fireplace, clean & neat. $10,800. Al Bell Rl. Est Branch Office Open Sunday.Ph. 2-730 1318 NCapitol. CLOSE in 4 bedro-nn house, 'i of them furnished apartments. Can be sub rented. $75 lease to responsible party. 1525 State St. $800 DOWN Small old 2 BR home, bath, on corner lot. paved street, shrubs Sc trees. Will consider trade on car or trailer house. Total price only $3,000. GEO. D. ALDER IN or R. E. MEREDITH 796 S Comi St. Ph. 3-5780 OWNER. 3 bedroom, full bath, nice kitchen, plenty buiituis, flowers, shrubs, fruit and nuLs. Also nice modern 2 bedroom home at Gates. Phone 2-9848 for particulars. BY OWNER. 2 bedroom newer home. Highland district, top condition, ex cellent appraisal Phone 4-1673. 3 BR's North Cottage St.. llv. rm.-din. rm. comb . Ig. kitch.. utility rm. dbl. garage. 60x150 lot with variety of fruit. $6300. $1000 dn. Call Mr. Bell 4-1601 eve. & Sun. 2-7280 Al Bell Rl. Est. FOR SALE by owner. 2 Bedroom house. Full cement basement, good roof, fireplace, garage, furnace, water heater. 480 S. 21st Price $7,500 Bv Builder New 2 Bedrooms. 3422 Brenna. Phone 2-6757 afternoons. SUBURBAN SOUlil $6.3O0 BUYS 1 bedroom home, partly furnished. la acre, electric heat, city water, fruit trees, garden. J. J. Rose. 730 Idewood Dr.. Salem. Oregon V ROOMS. 2 baths, ground floor, 4 rooms, bath up. Clean furnished, half basement, furnace. $8,000. 1173 N. 4 th. Ph.jsaO. FOR SALE by owner, small home Just being finished. Attached garage, lovely view. $1000. below appraisal at $5250. See at 1075 Orchard Heights Jjyd. Sunday. EXCHANGE OR SEI.I. Close Tn fur nished apartrmmt nouse. price $16.0O0. exchange for ood 2 bedroom nouse. near bus line. Owner carry balance. What have via? General Real Estate, 255 Center. Phone 3-3289 NEW 2 BEDHOOM HOME 'BEAUTIFUL" Walnut Paik Addition 57j N 23rd 9 Birch- cabinets ih kitchen and utility room e Mahogany In dining room and living room a F.ber lass Insulation in ceiling. Extra large rooms e Fireplace e Dtlco oil furnace e Inside utility room e La.n and shrubs in Phojie 34172 PRICE i educed verv nice 3 bedroom home Living room with fireplace. dining room. .lovely vard with patio. Tmm r d Ute poss e s i o n Phone 2-9TOB. FOR SALE" or' "exchange, a must. 65 acres of land. 3 bedroom home. barn. c. hou-e. m. shed: priced $18,000. Will take In fjood 2 or 3 bedroom home. Will carrv balance General Real Es tate, 255 Center, Phone 3-3289 ; BY BUU.DER Just completed. 3 bedroom home, din ing, living, breakfast nook, dish washer, large utilltv. double plumb ing, double garage. 1150 N. 23rd. Ph. 3-8547. Open Sunday afternoon. $500 Down And $45 00 per month will buy this 1 bedroom house on Thorndale Road. Oil heat and wired for electric stove. I-argo lot. Total price $3500. $7500 2- B R house on W. 6th Street with nice lawn and shrubs. Has aluminum siding and new composition roof. $8750 Verv neat 2-B R house with oil fur nace, large l'ving room, dinette, roomy kitchen, attached garage with buin-in storage cabinets. Fenced in back yard. lo97 Baker Street. English Style 3- B R house with full basement, saw dust furnace, separate dining room. H2 baths, lovely lawn, walnut and fruit trees. Abrams. Bourland & Skinner Real Estate. Insurance. Mortgage Loans Off. 3-9217. Eves.Ph. Mel Kelley 2-4709 BY OWNER, leaving town, Englewood. 3 bedroom. 2 fireplaces, basement, oil heat, nicely landscaped. $13,750. 1743 N. 23rd. Ph 3-3409 4-bedroom Home North Close to Highland school. Just right for a large family. $7350. Drive by 2360 N. Church and take a look at the outside and then call us for ap pointment to see the Inside. Please do not disturb . tennanta. Out. Keizer Way 2-bedrm. house, nice utility, garage and car port, lot 112x200. garden planted, 400 strawberry plants, chick en house, etc. $8500. CaU Dollle on these. Art Madsen Realtv Co. 1328 STATE ST. PH. 3-5580 28813 Cluett & Kenyon. Realtors 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-3551 m RENT SAVER: Nicely furnished, small. neat home on paved st. Garage. Price $3950 $600 down. SOUTH SALEM: New. modernistic 2 bedroom home. Complete electrically-equipped kitchen and laundry. Large lot. Price $9500 owner will listen to terms. NORTHEAST: Pleasantly-decorated 2 b e d r o o m home: hardwood floors: enjoyable kitchen and dinette: extra large utility; dble. garage. Price $9450 $1000 dn., bal. like rent. TAMARACK ST.- Very desirable 2 bedroom modern home. Full basement. Attractively land scaped. Value at $10,500 with reasonable financing. Eve. Ph. 3-7692 Ray Moon. Broker. or Mr. Davis 3-7028 FOR information about the few un sold view tracts in Kingwood Heights and Cascade Terraces, call owner. C. A. Robertson. Phone 3-8413. BY BUILDER 2 - 3 bedroom homes. Inquire 1999 N. 24th. BY OWNER Lovely 3 bedroom, near High School, fruit trees, fenced yard. Reasonable. Terms. Phone 3-3000. NEW 3-bedroom home daylight base ment party room, dishwasher, dining room. nook. 570 Best Vista. 82400. Builder. Pit S-742 The Statesman, Salem. 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Sale BANK 1951 Plymouth. 4-door, heater . 1949 Plymouth club coupe, heater . 1948 Studebaker Champion, radio, heater, overdrive 1947 Merc. 4-door. radio, heater 1947 Chev club coupe, radio, heater 1947 Dodge, 4-door. heater KYMES USED CARS 109 ORCHARD AVE.. DALLAS. OREGON PHONE 3901 OPEN FRIDAY AND EVENINGS Real Values '50 OMs "Bo" sdnt, loaded. Look see. '49 Olds "98" sdn. Everything, vou het. '49 Plymouth spec dlx sdn, sharp. '47 Plymouth spec dlx sdn. Jim Dandy, '46 Nash 600 sdn. 2 tone. Real sharp. '40 Int. V-ttm pick up. Good. We got them (aged) ones. too. Get our deal (afteri you have tried the real and you'll get the best in town (Try Us I. Dewey s NEVER CLOSE (SHOP 3080 Market St. 800 Real Estate 808 Lots For Sale LOTS $10 DOWN. 10 months Water. electricity, close to store and school. General Real Estate, 255 Center, Pti. 3-3289 CITY LOT 81' x 126'. city water, sewer deep enough for basement, some fruit trees, berries, walking distance to schools, good neighborhood, excell ent location for children as minimum of traffic. $1500. See at 1010 Electric Ave. Phone 3 -3660 . 2 LOTS FOR SALE, or trade for late model car. Located East of Salem in restricted Rehb addition Ph. 2-4426. LOT. LARGE 80 x 120 . 3 miles east of Salem on Silverton Rd . next tr Mid dle Grove School Will sell equity for $17. leaving $440 to be paid at $10 per month. Call 2-6381 after 6 p.m. I 810 Faring, Acreage For Sale 325 A. GENTLEMAN'S farm Lovelv j 4 BR triple piumbed. full base., home. I Walkin freeze:, sicen house, barns. mach. sheds, seed cleaning plant. Also new 2 BR tenant house. This show p!ace ias been admired by thousands now vou can own It. Call Al Bell R! Est Br. Off Open Sun dav Ph 2-7380 1K18 N -Capitol. BY OWNER C acres with hilltop home site. Lovely view, "school, bus. light and telephone nvailable. Price $1250. Phone 4-2K86 5 ACRES level excellent business site. 600 ft of railroad frontage House an1 garage on property $16,000 Ph 2-7350 T Howe 818 Wanted, Real Estate GOOD residential court or apartment house State price 4c location P. O, Box 212. Salem. ' CASH AND TERM Olivers wanting to buy all t pe of Real Estate Reason able pru-ed nropertv accented COLBATH LAND CO. PHONE 2-4552 850 Automotive 852 Used Care For Sale 1947 -66' OLDS radio, heater, hydra matic. Phone 2-8078. May be seen. 253 Perth Ave 1948 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Can be seen at Senator Garage. Cantact Mr. Deane Kenworthv. 2605 State St. 2695 State St. Everv Dav Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ALL PRICES We Invite your comparison for price with like make A mode) anywhere Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS n N I "bertr Ph ?-41t? '38 BUICK good motor and rubber. New paint. $160 3480 Sunn lyvlew. We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N High Salem. O regon 1950 PONTIAC 4 door sedan, radio, heater, hydramat-.c. See at 2003 Fa'.r- f rounds Rd. Phone Days 3-4424. Eve. -7925. BY OWNER 1949 Ford 2 door, good condition, low mileage, will sacrifice. 1560 N. 17ih. . ABC OPEN FOR THE HOLIDAYS SAT & SUN. Alsmans Better Cars DRIVE OUT AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF THE REAL VALUES LISTED BELOWJ 50 Olds '88" Hydra. R&H 49 Pontiac Every Extra 50 Chev. Club Cpe. RAH 49 DeSoto. Tiptoe trans .. 48 Chev. Club Cpe. R&H 47 Chrys. conv. RAH Fid. Drive 48 Chev. Sed. RAH. 2-tone 42 Olds Club Cpe.. Hydra. R&H 41 Olds, 4-Dr. Sdn . Hydra. RAH 41 Plym Spec. Dlx 4-Dr. 41 Chev 2-Dr R1H . $1995 .$1693 ..!550 $1550 $1195 $1075 $1150 $ 45 . $ 393 $ 395 $ 500 OPEN EVES AND SUNDAYS Silverton Rd. at Lancaster Dr. Phone 3-8591 st ttfiontatestaaa i MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for repahlicatia of all the local news printed in this newspaper, as well as aU AP news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU OF ADVERTISING Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Co, New York. Chicago, San Francisco. Detroit. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily and Sunday Weefc-days Os sundae OUy By oaril it in dn $ U month 1 LOO mooth .IS yeek 5 JM month "J By maO ta Oram. M tx tnoa. rS (In advance) S.00 rear year 9y mall tn OJSJk. utslde Oreftoo ila advj L.20 month T.20 six 14-44 rear Orexjcm, Sunday. Jnn I. 1352 IT 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sal TERMS -J1493 -$i2a t 993 . t 793 793 . t 793 SUNDAY) USED CARS Phone 3-4081 1939 BUICK convertible, new top. neve tires, exceptionally clean.PhajgOJI. PRIVATE party wishes to sell 194$ Oldsmobile sedan, clean. hydTanauc. Phone 2-6188. 1949 CUSTOM DeSOTO club coupe. Immaculate, fully equipped, best offer. Sunday only. May consider 1931 4 door sedan. Phone 3-9694. 1935 PLYMOUTH 4 door, excellent con- diti on. 4634 C la r Ave Piione 2-8187. SACRIFICE for cash 1941 Chev. club coupe, excellent condition. 2040 Madl- son 1935 PLYMOUTH 4 joor. excellent con- dition. 2 owner, best offer. Ph. 2-8I8T, 1940 PLYMOUTH coupe, new motor. r rieht. 3105 Lvnn Av at N'ortHiu4 Park Ave. 1941 FORD sedan. Phone 4-4909. PRIVATE car owner getting company car. Will sell 1948 4 door Oldsmobile sedan. A-l snape. 4 new tires, heater. radio. Phone 2-6433 or 4-1117. 1930 MODEL A. good condition. 16'1 wheels, heater. Ph. 4-4513 evenings. Special By owner. '50 Olds "98". 4 Door De luxe Town Sedan, low mileage. A-l condition, fair price. Ph. 3-440C. af ter 3 p.m. all day Friday. Saturday Sc Sunday. No dealers. DEPENDABLE RECIPE! GOOD USED CARS . plus HONEST DEALING plus THE DESIRE TO PLEASE gives LASTING SATISFACTION OREGON-S OLDEST AUTO AGENCY OVER FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICB Otto J.' Wilson Co. Commercial at Center Phone S-3424 854 Trucks, Trailers For Sale . 1947 FORD chain drive and 1943 Went win trailer. Both dual axles. 900 rub' ber. air brakes. Job with truck. Trade for car or trailer house. See M. O. Cooper after 7 p.m. at 418 East Salent Road. Dallas, Oregon. 1937 CHEV. pickup, valves regtound. new rings and ' clutch overhauled.- New paint. See at B5 S.,Z3r. NEW AND USED TRAILERS JAYHAVK TRAILER SALES 2140 Portland Rd. 856 Wanted, Cars Trucks WANTED, best car $350 will buy. Ph. 2-9278. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT - SELL TRADE S329 Fairgrounds Rd Ph 2-8454 862 House Trailers SACRIFICE 33 ft. trailer eastern buili all metal, sleeps 6'. awning, dollv. etc. Please no trade. See at 3910 N. River R d. : . FOR SALE: Nice 18 ft trader house. less than 1 yr. old $i50, or will take pickup or panel truck as trade tn. 821 Howe Ph. 26O0 Dallas. No Sur Calls. . FOR SALE. 1948 Travels Trailer. Inquire at Liberty Store on Libe Rd. SS moo S.7S at