12 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Thursday , May 22. 1952 ReDublican Presidential Prospect Senator Robert A. Taft J ! : ii wxo-v- vw!gwi"-y.iwinjl'i m jiwhim '".'..ny" ' ' f ilT' - - .. ., -. ,, n,,,, i . -s "- r- iu." i ,.' ft v 111 '. Bobert A. Taft, born la Cincin nati, was 4 years old when this picture was taken. Aged 8, he had Joined a boy mili tary organization and had this proud picture taken to show he was a big- boy. Father, William Howard Taft, was President elect and Robert was 19 in this picture. Others are his mother, his younrer brother, Charles, and his sister, Helen. At the time "Bob" was a student at Yale University. State representative Taft took of fice in 1921 and served until 1926. He was Ohio state sen ator in 1931-1932. Next bir hurdle for Mr. Republican was election to Campaifnlnr ! a full time Job with the 62-year-Id the United States Senate. Here is the certification Senator. Here he has his hair trimmed by ft Wls- of the Taft-Hartley act, still a controversial law. consin barber who is a strong backer of Taft for Hartley is at left. President. Textile Day Draws Throng From Portland (Story also on Page and Farm Page.) A carload of Portland business executives will arrive in Salem on the Shasta Daylight at 9 a.m. today to start off the city's first Textile Day. Salem's importance as the na tion's flax center will be stressed in festivities calling special at tention to the flax crop and pro cessing and the woolen industry here. Salem Chamber of Commerce, arranging the event, will have a delegation at the Southern Pa cific Depot to meet the Portland ers. They with the Cherrians and the Salem High School band will march to the State Capitol for greetings by Gov. Douglas McKay and Mayor Alfred Loucks. Public events include Oregon made textiles display in the State house and afternoon open house at plants of the Kay Woolen Mill, Salem and Miles Linen Mills and the Oregon Flax Textiles. In the evening the Portlande-s and Sa lem businessmen will join in a no-host reception and dinner at the Marion Hotel. In Special Party Portland businessmen in the special party will be: Byron J. Beattie, Beattie and Co.; Al M. Bryant, Southern Pacific; D. L. Callicrate, Foster and Kleiser Co.; H. E. Carr, Neighbor and Co.; Dr. D. B. Charlton, Charlton Lab oratories; Erwin I Davis, Associ ted Commercial Co., Ltd.; C. W. Ellis, General Petroleum Corp. Alan F. Goldsmith, Archie Gold smith and Bro.; J. M. Griffin, Ames, Harris and Neville Co.: R. B. Haag, Sunshine Biscuits, Inc.: Claude C. Hockley Jr., R. W. Neighbor and Co.; John S. James. John S. James Co.; E. M. Justus, Swift and Co.; J. B. Kilmore, Pacific Power and Light; Francis Lambert, Realtor; I L. McCabe, Weyenberg Shoe Mfg. Co.: Pal mer C. Macdonald, Blake, Moffit j V.-; -, v.-:--:i 4frm'A . ITALIAN ENTRY Gianna Maocchi. Italy's entry in the "Miss Universe" beauty contest, smiles as she attends opening ceremonies of the Milan Industrial Fair. Dr I I Um N.D. Dr O Chan. N D DRS. CHAN . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty Offic open Saturday only, 10 a.m to 1 pjn.. 8 to 7 p.m Consultation tJlood pressure and urine testa are tree of -harge Practiced clnce 1917 Write for attractive gift No obligation and Towne; Arthur J. Markewitz, Bushong and Co. Many Firms Represented H. O. Newton, Travelers Pro tective Ass'n.; Sam Raddon, Pub lic Relations; R. H. Rosevear, Mc Kesson and Robbins, Inc.; Jerry J. Sechser, Western Air Lines; Lawrence C. Shaw, Shaw Surgical Co.; Edward F. Sinclair, Walter and Co.; Myron E. Sinclair, Sin clair and Co.; H. J. Stewart, Packer-Scott Co.: A. R. Taylor, Ernst and Ernst; E. A. Thirkell, Man ning Packing and Supply Co.; A. E. Voigt, Northwestern Drug Co. Edward J. Weinbaiim, Trade and Commerce, Portland Cham ber; Ford E. Watkins, First Na tional Bank; James H. Wild, Bon neville Power Administration; Frank J. Zike, Southern Pacific Co.; C. F. Adams, Portland Trust Bank; Clarence M. Bishop, Pen dleton Woolen Mills; C. S. Bris senden, Portland General Electric Co.; H. J. Darby, Mall well En velope Company; J. M. Donnisee, Dorman Hotel Supply Company; Harry Davis, U. S. National Bank; Harold D. Gill, J. K. Gill Com pany; Gus Grant, General Elec tric Company; Gordon T. Hanson, Stimson Lumber Company; Fred C. Inkster, Portland Chamber of Commerce Board; Richard J. Jones, The Oregonian; Hibverd Johnson, Portland Electric Com pany; R. A. Lawrence, S.P. & S. Railway; M i h alcik, Wobdbury Company; Harry Pedersen, Pacific Department Store; J. H. Pruett, Southern Pacific Company; George Patterson, McKesson & Robbins, Inc.; Joe South worth, Union Pa cific; Lee Wright, Westinghouse Electric Supply Company; J. H. White, Dun and Bradstreet. "Gee, Mom, I Couldn't Help It' How many times have you wished for your sake as well as your child's that you could do something about the dis tressing problem of bed-wetting? You can now, thanks to the amazing nW Enurtone method which hat enabled thousands of children to control the habit themselves within 30 days, without med icines or special diets. Call today for further information or write to the Enurtone Company of Salem. 2587 PARK LANE 4-5523 ATTENTION LOGGERS AND FARMERS LOGS WANTED 8-Ft. 16-Ft. And Long Lengths At Top Prices BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone 1125 Turner, Oregon Mrs. Ramey New President Of Rebekahs (Story also on parade 1) Mrs. Ralph Ramey, Hillsboro, was elected president of the Re bekah Assembly during the group's convention here Wednes day as part of the Odd Fellows state conclave, due to close today. Installation of Rebekah officers will take place today in a joint ceremony with new Grand Lodge officers in the closing minutes of the session this afternoon at Crys tal Gardens ballroom. Other Rebekah officers elected Wednesday include Mrs. Lola F. Osborne, Portland, vice-president; Mrs. Byrle Drury, Coburg, war den; Miss Louise Smith, Baker, secretary and Mrs. Adam Knight, Canby, treasurer. Nearly 550 Odd Fellows jammed the local IOOF hall to open the Grand Lodge session Wednesday morning. A breakfast for past grand masters was held at 7:30 a. m. Following a brief business session members and Rebekahs visited points of interest in Salem. Election of Grand Lodge offi cers is slated for this morning at 10 o'clock, according to George F. Lyons, Portland, grand master. Guests at the Grand Lodge ses sion included Austin Dodd, grand master of the Washington juris diction, and H. W. Schaeffer, Washington past grand master, and Harry O'Leary, past grand patriarch of Idaho. VANPORT MILL BURNS PORTLAND ()-A resaw lum ber mill north of Portland, near the old Vanport site, went up In flames early Wednesday. The owner, T. A. Speer, estimated the loss at about $35,000. Valley Births SILVERTON A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Olsen, Mol alla, May 21 at the Silverton Hospital. Draft Call Issued For June, July June and July draft calls for a total of 15 Marion County men were announced Wednesday by the county Selective Service office. Five men are to report here June 17 and another 10 men on July 8 for Induction. The office also listed seven men with whom it has lost contact. They were advised to contact the office as to their status or face immediate induction when located. They are Howard J. Houser, John H. Prouse, Hubert V. Stratton, Wayne O. McMillan, James Wil liam Tonole, Gene H. Cannon and Richard Leroy Zander. Mrs. Edna Wilhelm, chief clerk, reminded that the county office has moved to the second floor of the Salem Armory at Ferry and Liberty Streets. Expenses of Election Small A total of only $5 In campaign expenses, and that the filing fee, was listed by the first two candi dates to file accounts with Marion County clerk for the recent elec tion. S. J. Butler, named Republican candidate to succeed himself as county treasurer, showed no ex penses. Marvin A. Hutchings, named Democratic candidate for re-election as Jefferson justice cf the Batdorf f, Gray To Open New Store Today Salem's newest automotive and appliance store will hold open house today through Saturday at 14th and State Streets. Women customers will receive flowers, according to proprietors Richard Batdorff and R. F. Gray. Richard is the son of J. L. Bat dorff, long-time Salem business man, who, with another son, Rob ert, operates a Batdorff store at 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. At the new state street store visitors will find a complete line of Firestone and nationally ad vertized home appliances, auto motive supplies, including washers, f r e e ze r s, dryers, housewares, paints and sporting goods and chil dren's merchandise. In addition the automotive ser vice will include an auto repair shop, brake and tire service, un der the general supervision of Gray. A tire service for trucks may soon be added, the proprietors said. Adjacent to the store are four gasoline pumps. Also offered is a lubrication service. peace, listed $3, which wai his candidate filing fee. Neither had opposition on the ballot. School to Give Awards Friday Salem Christian Grade School will give an achievement program Friday evening at 7:45 in the auditorium of the Foursquare Church, 19th and Breyman Streets. ! The program will consist of J musical selections, recitations by- each pupil and scripture drills by the entire group. School work of the pupils will be on display in the basement of the church, where the school has been hel dthis year. Pupils taking part in the pro gram are Jan Thurston, John Lu chau, Kristan Maxfield, Marianne j Sutter, Leonard Drung, Linda ! Maier, Judith Madox, Curtis : Maxfield, Vernon Drung, Philip Schindler, and Marie Schindler. H. House Burned For Insurance PENDLETON GTVJohn Hess, 54, M i 1 1 o n-Freewater, admitted in court Wednesday that he set fire to his house, on which there was $2,500 insurance. The house burned Monday, and Hess was arrested Tuesday. He "pleaded guilty to a first-degree ar son charge. Circuit Judge W. C. Perry ordered a pre-sentence In vestigation. Hess meanwhile is held in the county Jail with bond set at $3,000. Baldoeks to Tour Europe State Highway Engineer R Baldock and Mrs. Baldock are leaving Salem next Wednesday for a six weeks tour of Europe. They will visit England, Scot land, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France and Denmark. Baldock said that while the tour was on a recreational basis he ex pected to observe carefully the highway construction programs in other countries. He has received a letter of introduction from the commissioner of public roads, Washington, D. C, to heads of the road departments in the countries he proposes to visit. The state highway engineer said he Is paying all expenses of the tour and with the pxrentinn of accumulated time for vacation is taking a leave of absence. KERR TO TALK IX PORTLAND PORTLAND (jP)-Sen. Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma, who Is seeking the Democratic presidential nom ination, will speak here May i8. He will arrive the night of May 27 and speak at a Democratic party lunch the next day. 4-H SUMMER SCHOOL SET CORVALLIS UP)-More than 1, 800 boys and girls are expected to attend the annual 4-H Club sum mer school here, June 17-27. FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN that I hav filed in the Circuit Court of trve State ol Oregon for the County of Marlon. Pro bat Department, my duly verified final account as administratrix of the estate of Mattie Troudt. deceased, and that taid Court has fixed Friday. tb 6th day of June. IS 52. at the hoar of 9 13 A M. of said day, aa the time, and the Circuit Court Room at the County Court House at Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, as the place for hearina said final account and all objection thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 6th clay of Mav. 1J52. VEONA LTVXSAY ' Administratrix of the Estate 04 Mattie Troudt. deceased. WILLIAMS & SKOPIL Attorneys for Administratrix 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon. M. 8, 15. 22, t9. J. S. Many birds are relatively color blind. Central U-Drive Truck Service Corner 12th and State Vans, Stakes, P.TJ. FOR RENT Phone 2-9062 IHhlMltf&xaW. n rtTllfflTTlfi I "III I ilinfltfllllOWIIHIIIL. no IN North bewnd Moinl inert leave ml &50 A. M.; 12:25 P. M. and 6:20 P. M. PORTLAND . . 30mln. SCATTLI .... l4 hrs. Sswthbownd Moinlinort Imv at 8:20 A. M.; 3:40 P.M. and 6:45 P. KL MEDFORO . . .' 1 hrs. SAN FRANCISCO 4 hrs. LOS ANGELES . . 7 hrs. Aport Terminal. Call 2-2455 or an authorized travel oa.nt. United air lines Ask About Schedule Chances Resulting from Oil strike. rTI HMM WAV TO lhe n m 0 with Tl TlTl TVh rCK TIT if II 1 1 w eiiosiv m I ONLY I t $ n i I 1 I without dieting! without hungor! without drugs! without oxorciso! . . . AND YOU DON'T HAVI TO DEPEND ON UNCONTROLLABLE WAI P0WIII Why stay dangerously fal and flabby? Thousands of women are getting back to normal weight easily, quickly, by using the new, HEALTHY, drug-free JUNEX Method. The JUNEX method allows you to eat all you want and enjoy EVERY MEAL yet those unwanted pounds will disappear like magie without dieting. Without calorie counting, without drugs or medicine, and without depending on that uncontrollable teill power. JUST AS EFFECTIVE FOR ME!S AS FOR WOMEN. You'll Loso Unwanted Pounds in 10 Days OR YOUR MONEY BACK! MEN! Dent lot excess fat harm your health, yovr fun. Romova those extra pounds easily nd safety . . . theJUHCA way. June tablets contain an amazing ingredient that provides the bulk for your stomach without the fattening elements. Thus you, can eat all you want, and still get thin. Clinical tests have shown that any normal man or woman must lose weight when they follow the -ay JUNEX PLAN. Best of all, Junes tablets provide you with the necessary vitamins essential to s healthy body. Yon have nothing to lose but those extra pounds when yon follow the JUNEX REDUCING PLAN. mttVtr.Usr. V ' UM, Mail This Coupon Today! Pay Less Druf Stora 484 State Street Salem, Oregon Enclosed is $2.98. Please send me a 10-day supply of Junex. IV7 irm rrrrD WiYrrrrrt WirrrrA : "City 1 4 si OO i ; l Be Smart Bay A Hew 1952 Super Quality Suit At Joe's And Save $10.00 To $15.00 100 Pure Wool Worsted Lor? slection oi nw pat terns, colors and styles in sizes from 34 to 50. Regular $40.00, To $75.00 Suits Sell Al Joe's For 29 50 $32 50 37'50 $42 S0 and $49 S0 SPORT COATS & SLACKS Finest Quality Fabrics. New smart styles, expert tailor ing. Lara selection oi patterns and colon. ' PRICED 25 LESS THAN GROUND FLOOR STORES Open Friday Nighis Til 9 o'CIock Stale Sfree! IlncfairC N.xt door to Nohlgren's. UJJaalCUia Abor9 Morrfs optical Co. Clothes Shop -f