18 Thf Stat man, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. May 1. 1852 Portland Livestock PORTLAND (AP) - USD A - Wednes day. Cattle salable 250; market ac tive, fully steady; supply Includes few loads fed steers: 1 lot choice 1045 lb. steers 34.00 with 1170 lb weights out at 33.00; load good 969 lbs and load 112$ lbs. 33.00. sorted with 11 head at 11.00; load commercial and low good 854 lbs 33.75; scattered lots utility and commercial steers 34.00 - 31.00 includ ing part load dairy-type 884 lbs at 37.00; odd good around 700 lb feeders 20.00-31.00; few utility and low com mercial heifers 22.00 - 28.50; canner and cutter cows in limited supply at 17.50 - 21.00; utility cows 22.00 - 25.00; part load high utility and commercial cows26.00; odd head high commercial grades 27.50; utility and commercial bulls 25.50-29.00; cutter bulls 22.00 24.00 Calves salable 50; market rather alow, about steady; few choice veal ers 35.00-36.00; commercial and good calves and vealers 37.00-34.00; utility grades 21.00-28.00. Hogs salable 250: market strong: only odd head choice No. 1 around 200 lb. butchers at 19.75: bulk choice No. 1, X and 3 butchers from 180-235 lbs 19.25-1950; few choice No. 1 and 2 174 and 245 lb. Butchers 19.00; choice 250-260 lbs 18 50; few 136-170 lbs 18.00 -18.50; sows very uneven... few choice 300-370 lbs steady at 16.50-17.00; choice 400-500 lb sows 15.00-16.00; medium grades and fat-type sows down to 14.25 few good and choice feeder pigs held above 17.50. Sheep salable 50 : sizable lot mostly good shorn lambs unsold at market quotable steady: choice 85-92 lb. spring lambs Tuesday 30.00 with good and choice wooled lambs 27.00-27.50 and shorn lambs 26.O0-26.50; good wooled ewes salable around 13.00; light shorn ewes quotable 12.00 down. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE BEN VISTA DRIVE FROM HANSEN AVENUE TO LOT 9, BLOCK 9, CAN DALARIA HEIGHTS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedie.it and hereby declares its pur pose and Intention to improve BEN VISTA DRIVE from the north line of Hansen Avenue to the north line. If extended easterly, of Lot 9. BIock 9, Candalarta Heights, in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, the portion of the street being im proved being more clearly and defi nitely shown on the plans and speci fications hereinafter referred to, at the -xpense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said street with a ?j inch asphamc concrete pavement SO feet in width. In accordance with the plans and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 14. 1992. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this refere-ice thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the street im provement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be filed with the citv recorder at any time within ten days after the final pub lication of this notice by the owners of the prooerty affected. By Order of the Common Council April 14. 1952: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the programs ana times as pro sided by the radio stations, but because oftimes the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein) HOUR 00:00 00:15 5 KOIN KGW KEX News Clock Watch Ore. Farm Hr. R.F.D. Ore. IClock Watch I Ore. Farm Hr. 6 KSLM Morn. News ITimekeeper March Tim News KOCO Western MelodieiWestern MeM eiFarm News Net News KOIN KOIN Klock Macleod News .Goss News H. Babbitt KGW Andersn. News (Country Edit. I News Sam Hayea KEX First Edition iM Agronsky Bob Garred Bob Hazen 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Hombard Fam. Cons. News The Old Songs Break Club iBreak Gang I Gal Tinney iValle News I Old Songs Uieak Club 8 KSLM Cecil Brown Family Altar Haven of Rest IHaven of Rest KOCO Wildw'd churck' Harmony Shop ! Safety Show Safety Show KOIN Wendv Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent iGal Sundav KGW Tune Test Kate Smith ! Kate Smith Chuck Foster KEX News CUri ol Today Brea Bank IBreak Bank 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W News News Big Sister Reynolds show Jack Berch ICommentary (Guess What Ma Perkins I Reynolds show Lone Journey 10 KSLM News ITelloTest I Answer Man KOCO Music I Music I Music KOIN Mrs Burton Perry Mason Norah Drake KGW Daub Nothing Doub Nothing Like Millir.aire KEX Whisper Sts. .Chet Huntley I Against Storm 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ladies Fair Music Macleod News Fostei News Paul Harvey I '.dies Fair Music Come Get It Road to Life I Noon Edition 12 KSLM Top Trades I News KOCO News (Baseball KOIN Hilltop House Carl Smith KGW Back5tage Wlfel Stella Dallas KEX Kay West I Kay West 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX J. Klrkwood Baseball J. Owens Show Plain Bill Ladies Be S't'd IJ. Klrkwood ! Baseball iThe Bell R'grs I Music ! Ladies Be S't'd 2 KSLM KOCO News Magic Melody Kirkham News Travelers Betty Crocker IMusic I Magic Melody JArt- Godfrey (Travelers Girl Marries OIN GW EX 3 KSLM Sharles An till (News KOCO Majic Melody iMajic Melody KOIN Art Godfrey Art Godfrey KGW Life Beautiful Music Box KEX Nor'westrners I Squirrel Cage 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Music U Want Murrow Harkness Space Cadet Hemingway IMusic U Want News poster Newt Space Cadet 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Yukon ChaU. Music Mr. Chmeleon Relax Music Weatherman I Yukon ChaU. I Guess what I Mr. Chmeleon I Relax Music I Horn Edition 6 KSLM Gab. Heater N.W. News KOCO Candlelight Candlelight KOIN Op. Undergrnd !Op. Undergrnd KGW HitParade I Hit Parade KEX Silver Eagle (Silver Eagle 7 KSLM Adv. of Casnva I Adv. of Casnva IMusic KOCO Cud this Be U Cud this Be U lBandstand KOIN Lowell Thomas Jack Smith I Playhouse KGW 1 Man's Family iWorld News I Father Knows KEX Amateur Hour Amateur Hour lAmateur Hour 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Clyde Beatty Dugout dope FBI "ragnet Mr.DA Clyde Beatty I Baseball IFBI I ;Rnet I Mr. D-A. 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Jlen Hardy Baseball 5 Stat Final Reporter Final Edition I Fulton Lewis Baseball fou World Sports Final I Dance Tim 10 KSLM Lovf Mystery NewsreeJ INW Newa KOCO Baseball I Baseball INews KOIN rgan Melodies Organ Melodies Bandstand KGW News Bill Stern J Giro's Tonight KEX Dance Time I Dance Time I Dance Time 11 TSLM Music J Mdn Melodies iMidn Melodic." MiJn Melodies KOCO Lonesome gal J Night Song Night Song Night Song KOAC 558 K.C. 10 a.m. The News and Weather: 10:15 Especially for Women- 11 rOO Oregow School of The Air; 11:1$ The Coneert Hall; 12:00 The News snd Weather. 12:15 pm Noon Farm Hour: 10 Ride Em Cowboy: 1 15 Oregon School of The Air; 1:45 Radio Book Shelf: 20 Especially for Woman: 2 JO Serenade In Blue: t 45 Oregon School of the Air: 30 Oregon reporter 3:13 Music of the Selling Sends Corn Down CHICAGO (JP)-A heavy barrage of selling sent corn tumbling to new lows for the year and longer, unsettling the rest of the market on the Board of Trade Wednesday. Wheat closed 1 to 2 cents low er, corn 2V4-3 lower, oats -IV lower, rye ltt-2Vt lower, soy beans -l4 lower and lard 8 to 22 cents a hundred pounds lower. Prime factor in the corn drop was the belief, confirmed after the market's close, that deliveries of cash grain on May contracts would be heavy. Thursday is the first day for such delivery. The clearing house reported 2,065,000 bushels of corn would be delivered. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE EAST NOB HILL STREET FROM OHMART STREET TO McGILCHRIST STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur pose and intention to improve EAST NOB HILL STREET from the south line of Ohmart Street to the south line of McGilchrist Street, in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. -by bringing said portion of said street to the- estaoliah-d grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 2lt" asphaltic concrete pavement 24 feet In width. in accordance with the plana and speci fications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council April 14, 1953, which are now on file in the office of thr citv recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final pub lication of this notice by the owners of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council April 14. If 52: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder p 21. 23. 23. 24. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29. 30. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, probate department, his verified Final Account, and that said Court has fixed Monday. May 26. 1952. at the hour of 9:15 AM. as the time and the Circuit Court Room. In County Court House, at Salem, in said County and State as the place for hear ing said account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, and first published April 24. 1952. RONALD C. GLOVER Administrator of Estate of Beulah E. Hewitt, deceased. Number 14376 in said court. Ap. 24-M. 1-8-15-22 00:30 00-45 KOIN Klock I Clock Watcher I Ore. Farm Hr. KOIN Moc Farm Time I Johnny L Wills Break. Gang KOCO Klock Grand Slam Music Box Brran Club I Western Music I Meditations Rosemary IMusic Box Break Club I Pastors Call I Breakfast in Dr Malone I Strike it Rich iTrue sior 'Bargain Countr Phoenix Guld. Light I Strike it Rich (True Story I Music I Music Brighter Day Like Millinaire Uarnev Keep I Queen for Day I Music IHouse Party Pepper Young Lucky U Rnch I Queen for Day IMusic House Party I HapDiness I Lucky U Rnch I Gay 90 s Baseball I Kirk".. am News Widder Brown IKay West IMusic ! Baseball Kirk ham Newa iWoman in Hse. IKay West IMus; Morgan I Baseball Ed " Arnoid Bob & Roy I Mary Marlin : Music I Baseball I Tunefully yours IDoctor's Wife I Eveiyn Winter I Dick Hayir.es I Magic Melody Art Godfrey (Dr. Paul IFor the Girls I Music I Magic Melody Art Godtrev I Dave Garroway I For the Girls I Charles AntiU I Jamboree I Art Godfrey (Music Box ISquirrei Cage IMusic I Van Voorhees Curt Massey Music Box 'Happy Time Curt Massey J Brad Steele (World Today I T. L. McCall I Chet Huntley 13am Hayes Uncle Remus IGocs, News Peterson IB. Garred Sky King ISkv King orts News 1 J. Vandercook ! Ins. Hrthstone ! Ins. Hrthstone I Bob and Ray I Bob and Ray Good Listening Good Listening (Answer Man INews 13am Haves M Keys I World Affairs I Across Footltc. I Defense Atty. : World Affair (Across Footltf. I Defense Atty. Music Bandstand Playhouse Father Knows The Unexpected iRancho Grade IRancho Grade Baseball Baseball IBeuiah Peggy Lee I Comm. for FBI Comm. for FBI I Search for Stars Search for Stars t Music I Baseball IMusic News Desert Inn Ore. The Falcon ! Dance Time Desert Inn Ore. The Falcon I Dance Time (Music Lonesome gal Bandstand Ciro's Tonight (Dance Time Masters. 40 University hour. 50 Children's Theatre; 5 JO Proudly We Hail: 80 News & Weather: :15 OSC Department of Music: 6:30 O P S Show: 6:45 Headlines in Chemistry; 7. -00 Southern Oregon College: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 80 BBC Theatre: 90 The News and Weather; 9:15 Music That Endures; 9:45 Evening Medi lat tices; 100 Sign Oft 300 Personal 310 M tog Notice SALEM LODGE. No. 4. A.F. & A.M.. Thur, May 1st M.M. de gree. 7 JO p.m. 2? 312 Lost and Found LOST: In the vicinity of Salem. Satur day evening, small whit pig. Ph. 3-1217. 316 Personal LADY wishes to met gentleman with own home. Age 50 to 60. More for home than wages, co boxe 982, Statesman. "BORN TO LIVE" 'ANY person having information a bout collision of Buick seran and cattle truck and trailer Saturday. March 29. 1952. on South Santiam Highway, near the summit, please send name and address to Box 974. The Oregon Statesman.' ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 315i N Commercial St Ph 2-2108. Meeting Sunday 3 p.m. Tuesday 8 p.m. ALA OHO L1CS Anonymous Ph 3-9133 2088 N. Commercial Wed and Frt at a "00 d m PALM reading, advice, past, present, future. Phone 2-2082. 3745 Portland Road. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock LARGE Jersey Springer, gentle, heavy producer. Phone 2-5994 after 7 pm. LOCKER BEEF, cut and wrapped. 49c lb.; Locker pork. 32c lb. Custom kill ing Livestock bought. Trailer loaned free. Ph. 3-4858. Salem Meat Co.. South of Waters ball park. BONDED Livestock buyer. A. F. Som mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Phone 4-2617, -OND LIV-SIOCK Ouvtri l McCandnsn M27 S !Wh Ph i-$i47 LICENSED and Ponded livestock buyer X. I one then 1940 Lancaster Dr Phone 2 . 345 BUNDED Livestock buyer Claude Ed wards Rt 3. Box BOTE. Ph 4-1113 404 Poultry and Rabbits ONE to raise turkeys on shares. Write In care of box 983, Statesman. LAYING BATTERIES. 12 ft. length. Capacity 432. Phone 2-7502 days. 3-5972 nlghta NEW HAMP. chicks, best grade. Low prices. MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Trade High Phone 2-3191 Spring Is Here And It Is Chick Time DAY-OLD AND STARTED CHICKS AVAILABLE NOW FOX HATCHERY. 3830 STATE PHONE 3-4969. HENS AND FRYERS WANTED: Heavy or light. Top prices Phone 2-2861 Lee s Hatchery NEW HAMPSHIRE red fryers and pul lets 35c per pound. Phone 2-3080. BABY CHICKS. Day old Cockerals. Pullets. Hampshire. Parmenters. Wt. Rocks Wyandotte. Austra-Whites. Leghorns Started chix at reasonable prices. Quality since 1921. Phone 2-281. Lees Hatchery Salem. 408 Pets FOR SALE 2 year Springer Spaniel, good hunter and watch dog. Gentle with children. Make offer. 3275 Beacon St. FOR SALE: Puppies Toy Terrier. 4 Chihuahua Phone 2-4345. 1895 Birchwood Dr. TROPICAL FISH and supplies C. U Mann Battlecreek Rd Turner Ore MUUKES tropical fish Lanka, plants, hea'ers, thermostates. Dumps. 2 miles from S Lancaster on Macleay Rd Phone 2-7321. closed Wednesday. 410 Seeds and Plants FOR SALE: Sawdust for garden and flowers. 3820 Hollywood Ave. FUSCHIAS. GERANIUMS 25c DELPHINIUMS 3 for $1.00 Peonys, Phlox. Bleeding Heart 50c Ea. Giad bulbs 35c Dz. 1 Bedding plants 35c Dz. MERRILLS GREENHOUSE. BROOKS AZALEAS 72 VARIETIES. Gables. Glendales iKurumes now in bloom. Several thousand to choose from dub bed and blooming plants $o0c St up. Visitors welcome. 2 miles W. of Dal- las on Ellendale Ad. Martin Nursery. CUT TULIPS, will deliver 2 dozen or more. Paul Schaad. Ph. 4-1315. CERTIFIED strawberry plants. Central Oregon grown. Will dig to order. $12 per thousand, discount on large or ders. Phone 4-3983, or write Carl FittsJJend Oregon. Rt. 1. Box 265 SPECIOSUM rubrum Lilly bulbs and bulbettes. Reasonable plant now. 2-5673. 18 NEW 1952 Fuschias. 100 older va rieties. Oregonians, Geranium, bed ding plants. Oppen's Greenhouse ,4330 Auburn Rd.. Ph. 4-1933. PANSIES. English Daisies. Geraniums and all kinds of bedding plants. Cabbage, lettuce and tomatoes at wholesale and retail prices. Arthur Plants Greenhouses. 1298 S. 13th Phone 3-4670. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce BURBANK & Netted Gem seed pota toes. 5230 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4078. 4TTT arm Equipment DISC, double 8 ft. tandem Oliver $85. Good condition, worth twice this amount. S. D. Buster. 1220 Center St., Salem. FORD F1vGUSON tractor, 2-14 plow and scraper Phone 2-6887. FOR SALE Alus Chalmers machinery New and used Phone 4-195$. 425 Auction Sales Sudtell's LIVESTOCK AND FURNITURE AUCTION THURSDAY. MAY 1st AT 10 A.M. AND 7 P.M. n.t Miles E. of Salem, on Silverton Rd. Phone 3-6098 S niece blond walnut bedroom set black walnut organ, davenos, occ. chairs, chest of drawers, sewing ma- Chine, 1 lot or antique aisnes. Dai ance of John Ray, estate, bedding, tools and misc., several washing ma chines. Roper gas range, and many misc. articles of furniture. Bear cat Sarden tractor and attachments, -ailers, bean and berry wire. 1 P.M. Livestock, Chickens and rabbits, calves and heavy veal, weiner and feeder pigs, heifers, milk and beef cows, 12 head of yearling heifers. 7 yearling steers, 11 month old Hereford bull. Lane SudtelFs Auction Sales Yard 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools LOGGING ARC medium, rubber tires. perfect condition. eoo. treasure saoi- ors. 1SWJ3 rairgrounqs no- asiem. 6 AIDERS and repair station for Wood boss chain saws. Briggs Clinton tt Wisconsin gasoline engines Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Ph 3-3646 iuilu.c.H saies oarts ano service Howser Brre Ph 3 3646 1410 S 12th vutiR ume ana effort demands rood tools. Rent or buv them at Houser Bros 1410 S 12th Call 2-2441 for Pulling Power 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For Sal A-l condition. A-B electric range, $69.70, oil heater. $49.70. refriger ator. $39.50; sofa bed. $29. Break fast set, $30. Across No. Santiam Groc. Marion-Stayton Rd. R. War- neke. 5 Piece walnut bedroom set Breakfast set Baby crib and mattress ..$87.50 ..$17.50 ..$25.00 2 corner cupboards Davenport Ac chair $27.50 $35.00 Kadlos $10 & up Lota of other furniture at reduced prices. HALL'S FURNITURE STORE 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. UNFINISHED Furniture ready to paint. Complete stock at Good Housekeep ing Inc. 467 Court St 456 Wanted, Household Goods TRADER Louie open Friday evening. EDM 37 03tt Highest Prices Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 458 Building Materials PLYWOOD 4x8. low as 8'ic: 18,4c. Fine selection of smaller sizes at greatly reduced prices. SCREEN DOORS. $6.95. Tenslon-tlte window screens. Wallboard of every kind, starts at $1.49, 4x8. 10 colors of roofing in stack. aU patterns. Lap Siding. $59.50. 3x4 Gutter. 15c. Oak flooring $114.50: Fir $59.50.. Fine selection fir and ma hogany doors, priced right. Monthly payments, nothing down. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3545 Portland Road 4-4433 Building? New No. 1 composition roof shingles $5.75 per sq.. No. 1 cedar shingles $9.25. 2 s $5 75. 3 s $3.75. 18 in. paint ed cedar shakes with undercourse $11.50 sq. New No. 1 Asbestos siding $10.00 sq. C. O. LONO 2-5821 1 mile N. of Ketzer LUMBER, lg. ant. good grade, new lum ber $30 er M. del. SHINGLES. CE DAR. $9 25. $5.75. $3.76,$2.50. SHAKES . cedarwall's painted, best grade also unpainted. Ted Mulier, Evenings, Phone Salem 2-1196. 460 Musical Instruments PIANOS, small studio and oak up right, both very reasonable. 810 Breys Ave. Spinet Pianos Regular $825 special Close out $575 Stone Piano Co. 1280 State Phone 2-5i91 462 Sports Equipment 16 GAUGE Remington automatic shot gun. with nydar sights. Must sell in ? days. Phone 4-3420 or 2-3422. Shooters and Hunters Closing out guns and ammunition. This week only. Popular calibres. Am munition below wholesale. 603 Edge water. 468 For Rent, Miscellaneous HOSPITAL BEDS, wheel chairs, crut ches. .'-7775. Max O. Buren. 745 Court St. llOL St eouipment to mane a good lob better Rent or buy at Howser tiros 1410 s iztn pnone 3-364 U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. Cor. 12th and State. Ph 2-9062. 470 For Sole, Miscellaneous RESTAURANT equipment enough for complete cafe. Make offer. Phone 2-7306. 4175 Weathers. KARASTAN ru and pad. 9x10.6. Like new. '2 price. Phone 3-3396. ALL RECORDS 9c and 19c. Maga zines 10 for 25c. 360' of 12" shelv ing, cases, less than half. 603 Edge water. TRADER Louis open Friday evening. 4-DRAWER weTT constructed wooden file, electric range and refrigera tor. Call 3-3587. USED treadle combination electric cabinet sewing machine, good sew ing condition and guaranteed. Plus free sewing lessons. Only $59.50. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Commercial. Open Friday evenings. ELECTRIC RANGE, clock automatic oven, Philco combination radio with S speed record player. Electric soda ?op cooler, restaurant type. 1140 N. th St. CAST IRON tubs recessed, one new but chipped, one like new perfect, with all trim, $50 each, new Crane toilet rim crack, guaranteed not to leak, with seat. $30. Used toilets, modern reverse trap, $25 with seat; used sinks, $5. 1174 Mill St. NEW MATERNITY suiL 14 to 16. $15. Also maternity girdle. Phone 2-7447. DAVENPORT and chair. Blue tapestry. fa: large chest drawers, $15; 6'i or cu. ft. Frlgidaire. very good condi tion. $100. Phone 2-8242. 1075 Shady Lane. ASPHALT PAVING Driveways, Garages, Patios, resurfac ing. THE ECONOMICAL WAY Ph. 3-3032. Eve. 2-8267 Jack Hindman 175 Stoneway Dr. ROLLER, DOZER. Service B. D. CLETRAC. 1949. fully equipped for logging. Perfect condition. Will consider late model house trailer or car, part payment. Leasure Motors. 1905 Fairgrounds Rd., Salem. USED electric desk model sewing ma chine. Has knee control, walking presser foot, attachments & sewa for ward St reverse. Guaranteed. 45 discount. Sorry, no phone orders. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Com- mercial. Open Friday evenings. USED Singer electric cabinet sewing machine. Has new cabinet motor, light and foot control. Guaranteed. Only $15 down, $5J7 per month. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Commercial. Open Friday evenings. ELECTRIC mangle and G. E. tank type vacuum cleaner. Ph. 4-6505. 2 CRANK hospital bed. perfect condi tion, $55. Phone 3-4995. Fill Dirt Good sandy loam. Ph. 2-7329 after 5:30. NEARLY new Montgomery Ward con concrete mixer. West of Naserine Church. Keizer district. ELECTRIC SHAVERS, Sunbeam. Rem ington. Oster haircliper, miscellan eous barber supplies. Masonic ring, chest drawers, other articles. Cheap. Ph. 2-0243 QUICK SALE: Good piano. $100. Dav enport 8c chair, electric range, re frig -erator, miscellaneous. Ph. 3-5260. FULLER BRUSHES PHONE 3-8357 hJcLTi K1C Manges Mew ana Used Yeater Appliance Co. 275 Chem eta FERTILIZERS Rotted or fresh, cow. chicken, turkey or sheep manure. Delivered by sack or yard. Mulches for loosening soil nd hold moisture. FENCING Rustic cedar fences to order. Will In stall. Pickets, rails. 4x4 posts, split shakes, trellis, stakes, posts all length, poies. FLAGSTONES Patio, wall work, steps, walks. Red lava, granite, for garden and walla. rmihMl red lava for drives. PHILLIPS BROS.. RT. g. BOX lit , 1 miles E. 4 corner on Stat. Ph. 4-3081 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous FRENCH FRYER, large size: Edison General Electric for restaurant. Al most new. cost over $200, will sell for $50. 542 Gaines St. back of Capitol city La una CLOTHESLINE posts, railings, porch columns, weathervanes. 1145 N. Lib rty. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra For appointment Ph. 3-5918. Mary E Bales. OEEfK.tiai FREEZERS Y eater Ap bllance 375 Chemeketa NEW AND USED Sewing machines Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek- T eta STANLEY lome products Lee Mlndt 335 S 19th Walling Sand & Gravel Co Crushed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement. Ready mix -oncrele uartlen sane Liu 11 dozing tralnage and ditching ' vd hne 1rS' Mne Phone Organic Fertilizer FREE OF WEED SEEDS AND ODOR LESS SACK AND BULK ORDERS DELIVERED. .Phone 3-8127 V AirllNO viacnine. N jim Cisco Yeater A.DDl1nre Co V7t Chrnek et Top Soil & River Silt Phone 2-1749 Crushed Quarry Rock Phone 4-3127 VISIT Wards complete garden depart nvent. Everything you need for spring planting. WARDS FARM STORE Trade & High Phone 3-3191 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous CHEST OF drawers, preferably reddish maple, chlffarobe, reasonable. Ph. 2-7495. 474 Miscellaneous HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-91B6. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HO US SERVICX IM MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Itepali DR. HARRY SIMLTR DENTIST rtrIK W1H Cft J '-..T. Pi WANT TO Buy used cameras Be lenses M-Ewsn Photo Shop. 45 N High. 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S hand picked slab wood, $12. Call 2-7751 or 4-4253. SPECIAL Handpicked green 16" slab or edging. 2 cord load. $12. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 3087 Broadway ANLR TRIMMINGS loi cook stove and heater very nice for kindling $ per cord. hone 3-7721. or 3-6024 Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. 18-LN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 In. clean, no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. W. Salem Ask tor S & H Green Stamps COAL BRIQUETS Sawdust dumped or conveyed Dry or green, slab or millends Phone 2-7442 Elmer Boje 16 old Fir plywood cores. 2025 S 12th. Phone 3-9453. Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 00 Business & Finance CAN PLACE several good first mort gages of about $6,000 at 6r" interest. Long or short terms. Call 2-3269 af- ter 8 p m. BUICK with 30.000 miles trade 6c pay cash difference for mortgages or Contracts. BURT PICHA. 379 N High St. 2-4047. S10 Money- to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St Ph J-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie M159-S154 Consolidate All Bills Salem's largest and oldest home-owm-ed loan company offers money when you need ttl You can pay any time to reduce net cost I No endorsers or help from friends 1 On cars, trucks, trailer home to $500.00. On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property to $300 00 total $800 001 Phone or visit our office today 1 Hear "Top Trades" 12:03 daily - 7:45 jn. Sat. 1390 KC'sll 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No S138 and M338 We'd Like to Loan You $100 If you'd like to borrow $100 (or any amount up to $1500) Phone or call on us immediately Typical Repayment Plans II Mo. Atnouot Payment $11808 250 93 531 36 870 $4 1239 84 $ 8.00 17 0 S 0 99.00 $4 00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 11 S Liberty Phone 4-2202' Here's Why PERSONAL Is Your Best "Buy"! , "Yes" to 4 out of 3 employed people married, single. Lunch hour service. Payment date to fit payday. 1 -visit loans (phone first). Nationwide credit established la U.S. and Canada. Budget counsel no obligation. Between payday loans. Loans for any worthy purpose. Come in or phone today. LOANS $25 to $300 on Signature or Furniture; up to $500 on auto. Personal Finance Co. 103 S. High St. Phone: 2-2484 State license: a-izz. M-iea asa tout own term of reoavtneat wlthla reason. Cask for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgage. . riprrm sirrriiRrTiES CO ? Court B. Pn- 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan PRIVATE money to loan Phone 2-0794 Private Money Oa Cars frucka St Trailer Home Long or Short Terms Payment Roy H. Simmons i3S S Commercial St Pbor. 3-1111 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED COUPLE Man to drive truck, woman to do sales work, salvage material. Steady posi tion to capable reliable people. Pre fer active couple over 40 years of age. Co box SflO Statesman DISHWASHER San Shop. Portland Rd. No phone calls. 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Right of Wav Agent train ees in Roseberg and Bend. Must be college graduate. A career opportun ity. Contact Personnel Division. Ore gon State Highway Department, Sa lem. WOULD YOU CHANGE jobs to make $20 commissions daily to start? Full er Brush has opportunity for 2 men to work by appointment only. Phone 3-8357. EXPERIENCED furniture and floor covering salesman. Permanent posl tion. Apply Hogg Bros. 260 State St. ACCOUNTANT and Office Manager for processing and manufacturing busi ness. An opportunity for some one trained in all phases of accounting. System well established. Make writ ten application stating education, ex perience, if any and salary required. Write Monmouth Cooperative Ware- house. Box 125, Monmouth. Oregon. "CAT OPERATOR on new machine. Must be good blade and line man. Call Wood burn Bl ack 3 16 after 6 p.m. Dentist for Small Office IN MID WILLAMETTE VALLEY CITY Holding Oregon license, will start op erator at $10,500 and assured sub stantial increase within year All re plies will be confidential Box 925. care Statesman. WANTED: Title Abstractor. Must have title experience or real property law training. Contact Personnel Divi sion. Oregon State Highway De- partment, aalem. WANTED Journeyman mechanics. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Co. Cen ter and Liberty. 606 Help Wanted, female EMPLOYED lady with car to share my home. Kitchen privileges. Phone 2-1360. WAITRESS wanted Whites lunch. 1138 S. Commercial. Apply In per son. Closed Sundays. BEAUTICIAN wanted. Excellent op portunity for the right person. Call Erich of New York. 3-3921. OPEN INC for student to learn labora tory work. Apply Hendrie Laboratory 616 Uvesly Building. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Af ternoon and evening shift. Apply 155 N. Commercial. CAR HOP 18 yrm. or over. San Shop. Portland Rd. No phone calls. 610 Sales Persons Wanted SALESMAN wanted to represent the world's oldest and largest builder of farm welders. Sell direct from fac tory to farm, earn $150 or more each week. Protected territory. Rapid advancement. Car essential. No in vestment. Conact Wm. Henrick after 6 p.m. at Marlon Hotel. 612 Work Wanted. Male SCHOOL Boy 17, wants work on farm. Experienced in Irrigating, cultivation. 2-8137. PLASTER patching and painting. Box 9&5. Statesman. OUTSIDE Brush and Spray painting. Paint anything, any time. Guaran tee satisfaction. Free estimate. No obligation. Ph. 27162. BODY and fender radiator service. 2630 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-7611. ELDERLY MAN. Active, reliable, wants work. Home more than wages. Co Box 977 Statesman. CEMENT and carpenter work Drives. walks, floors a specialy. Free esti- mates. Phone 2-4962 LOG HAULING (wanted) short or long hauls. Phone 2-7103. PAINTING AND DECORATING Over 26 years in Salem, let me esti- mate. Phone 3-7552 WILL DO rototiller work and work up old lawns and will put in lawns. H. Miller. Ph. 2-2801. After 5. ROTOVATOR work. Vincent Kramer, 2150 Lansing Ave. Phone 2-3180. ROTOTILLING. prompt. courteous service. Call 3-68S0 LIGHT Crawler dozing, and dirt level ing. Phone 2-3220. TRACTOR work, no 1ob too large or small. Ph. 2-3041. LAWN MOWER and saw sharpening. Guaranteed. 391 Gerth. Phone 2-1656. i-rT I Tf.T MAN : Remodeling, paper ing, painting and general repairs to finance schooling. Sedgwick. 3-4759 or 3-1273. ROTOVATOR work wanted. Ph. 2-3044. NEW lawns complete free estimates. Also roto-hoe work. Ph. 4-2941. ROTOVATOR work makes nice seed bed, garden or lawn. Call 3-8529. 614 Work Wanted. Female PART TIME work. Reliable middle aged woman . co box 981. Statesman. HOUSE WORK. Call before 8:00 a.m. and after i 00 pm. Ph. 2-9901. 615 Situations Wanted CEMENT work. Free estimates, also aeptic tanks installed. Phone 2-7163. PAPER Hanging, reasonable rates, free estimates. Bennett. Phone 2-7243. WANTED Carpenter and repair work. Phone 2-1459. PLOWING and discing with Ford Tractor. $3.50 hour. Phone 1-4343 HOME BUILDING Free estimates. Phone 4-3126. CHILD CARE: $1.25. KeUer District, Fenced vard. all hours. Ph. 4-2466. CHILD CARE Large fenced yard, baby sitting, l raspeue vue si. rn. -UNEXPERIENCED, desirable girl would like house cleaning. Good references. Phone 3-4Q84. ROTOTILLING, plowing, discing, lev- ellng, bulldozing, garden supplies. Service Center. 4-35i3. CUSTOM plowing, discing and harrow- tng. Call ?-6156 or 3-1064 evenings. CHILD care in mv home, prefer over age 4. Phone 3-7088. NTLNG and decorating. SaUsiac- tory workmanship assured. Young Christian Character. Martins. Ph. 4-2879. WILL BOARD children, good country home. Excellent care. Phone 2-6290. CUSTOM TILLING, 20" Roto hoe. Phone 3-7238 after 8 p m. HOME building and remodeling. Free estimates. Easy payments. Ben Graves. Phone 3-8393. ftOTOTTLLTNG work wanted. 3 yrs. experienced, Tom Schott. Ph 2-7371. NEW Lawns prepared, seeded, have rotary hoe and Gibson tractor with dozer. Ph. 2-8127. CEMENT work all kinds. Brick flower wells. ep tie tanks. Blockwalls. John Feldschau. General Cement Con tractor. Phone 38-F3 Salem. DRESSMAKING, experienced: Mrs. Julius Pincua. 1700 No. 20th St. Phone S-9342. 618 Education A GOOD ob at lawn mower sharpen ing Howeer Bros 1410 8 12th. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Soads Clearing - Ditching Sewer 8k Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the fool piimu A i asm Evenings 3-7412. 2-441T Oregon 800 Real Estate SOUTH - SUBURBAN Good 2-bedroom home. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, kttdtca large lot. good lawn, close to bus. $10300. i -e SOUTH SALEM 1 4-bed room home. 2 down and 2 up. Attached garage, fine lawB and shrvbS. Corner lot. paved street on both sides, $11,500. . r ' ENCLXWOOD ! 2- bedroom home Living room with fireplace. Venetian blinds. Good lot s ni g street. $10,800. . ENGLZWOOD 3- bed room home. Living room has fireplace. Full basement. Oil beat. Domble garage. Fine location $11,000 OTHER FINE HOMES TO SHOW McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS J. Raschko 2-7401 Phone 3-8620 Sunday and Evenings W. E. Brown 3-4937 M. 600 Employment 620 Day and Contract BULLDOZING. LAND CLEARING General excavation and backfill work. Will buv timber. BL'ROKER CONST. CO. Highway 99-E. Box 325A. 1 rr.i S. Woodburn. Ore. Ph. Black 316. 700 Rentals NEW modern trailer space accommo dating any ength trailer. With toilet connections. Concrete patio to each space. Shady. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 39:0 N. River Rd. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board" PLEASANT room, congenial people. wonderful food. 495 X. Cottage. NICE sleeping room for gentleman. Phone 2-5066. 1153 Leslie. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, hot plate, refrigerator, utilities paid, free trans portation to capitol area. Phone 3-4918 1 LARGE room apartment $25 month", furnished. Man preferred. 2-87K. ROOM with bath, gentleman. Phone 3-4791. DOUBLE or single, nice bath, reduced ,-ates 653 N. High. CLEAN, quiet room near state build lngs and Capitol Shopping District. Phone 2-1449. NICE sleeping room with hot It cold water. 255 Center. NICE FURNISHED warm rooms. Kit chen privileges. Close in. 7S4 Ferry St. 705 Apartments For Rent 2 ROOM furnished, bath, refrigerator. hot water, laundry, utilities free. S30. 1599 State. MODERN furnished, private bath, u tilities. walking distance. 450 S. Capi tol. FURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment. $60 includes utilities. 1206 Cheme keta. Phone 2-6607 or 2-3565. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished court apart ment with stove and refrigerator. 923 S. 13th. 1-2 BEDROOM, private bath, entrance washing facilities, adults. Phone 3-6288 evenings. Completely Furnished Apt. PREFER OLDER COUPLE NO CHILDREN. 830 N. Commercial. Phone 2-1593. LARGE 3 room furnished apt. $65. Month. All utilities paid. 353 S. 14th. Ph 3-6648. COZY APARTMENT in beautiful new brick court. 396 S. 17th 2 BEDRO M apartment, Fngidaire. al so cottage, adults. 3 blocks town. 730 Mill PLEASANT unfurnished apartment, close to downtown also s:ate house. Desirable for employed couple. All utilities furnished. Phr.ne 2-4817. LARGE 4 room furnished apartment, private bath and entrance. Close sho p.ng center and state buildings. Phone 3-7694. CLEAN comfortable 2 room and kitch enette. .-lose in. reasonable rent. La dies. 645 Kerry. EXTRA NICE sleeping room, hot and cold water. 472 N. Liberty. 2 ROOMS furnished includes utilities, close in. Inquire 790 N. Church. NICE 3 room furnished Court apt Clean. 8 blocks out. Ph. 2-0546. 47l N. CAPITOL. 3 room furnished apartment, woman. Ph. 3-7525. ADULTS ONLY, no pets, partly furn ished. Phone 2-5421 CLEAN. 3 room furnished apartment. rrivate bath. 248 Marion. Phone -7050. 2 RM. NICE and clean, private bath, ail utilities furnished except gas, nicely furnished, close to downtown, north 37 50. Inq. BURT PICHA. 379 N. High St 2-4047. COURT APARTMENT, newly decor ated. furnished 3 room St bath. In- qulre 1348 S. 12th St. EXTRA LARGE 2 bedroom, clean and modern, close in 1055 Edgewater. West Salem. 2 ROOM furnished apt. I Adults. 1935 Center St refrigerator. NICE bedroom court apt. 1664 S. 13th. Call 3-3654 or 3-4217. 3 CLEAN and attractive furnished apt. electric stove and refrigerator. Clean beds, two in basement just complet ed Close in. Phone 4-1468. 243 Union. 3 ROOM furnished $33. Close In. Ph. 3-???. 3 LARGE ROOMS, nicely furnished apt. 1st floor front, laundry. $40 a month. 695 S. 18th St. N I CE SLEEPING room for gentleman. outside enrance, $4 a week. Phone 3-5768. GROUND FLOOR 3 room, private en trance. refrigerator, nicely furnished. Ph. i-6697. 551 N. 21st. NICE 3 room basement apt. $30. 1580 Center St. CLEAN 2 room furn. apt, 959 S. 12th. Bus by door, 2-ROOM furnished. upstairs. one woman. 152 S. 13th. Phone 2-5122. FURNISHED apartment at 1843 Court. Ladies only. 3-8290. FURNISHED 3 room apt. Private bath Si entrance. 359 N. Liberty for ap- pointment. j-ili. 3 ROOM court apartment, electric range, utilities furnished. Ph. 2-5339 or 3-6396. 3 RM. unfurnished apt. Ground floor, private entrance and bath. Apply $45 S. 12th. NICELY furnished apartments. Ambas sador Apartments. $50 No. Summer St WEST SALEM, small 4 room court apt, unfurnished except elec. range. Large storage locker in utility room. $38.50 per month. Pnqne z-aws. FURNISHED 3-room apL Private bath, entrance. After 5 pjn. and Satur- days and Sundays. 418 so. istn. LEE APTS. Salem':, most distinguished adddreea Beautiful Bachelor apartments with Pullman Kitchens at Reduced rates 1 bedroom apta. from 172-50 We in vite your inspection or call 4-1841 Winter at Union Sts VERY nice apt, surrounded by shade trees and 4 blocks from U. S- Bank. New elee. range St refrigerator. Adults $45. See at 336 Oak St. FURNISHED apartment. 3 blocks from city center. Call at Woodry Furnl ture Company, 474 S Commercial. FURNISHED apartments. $36 St $40. Private baths and entrances. 1968 N. Commercial. CLEAN, attractive, private bath and en t ran- e 1009 N. 3tn FURN. 2 rm. cottage. $35: 1 rm. $22. Inq. Apt. 4. 827 N. Liberty- UN Ft; RS LSHXD ultra modern. apartment spacious. Appliances. rugs, laundry. 2-4704. 2-3-4 ROOM furn. apts. close in. prtv. bath. 2-7100 or 2-6098 eve. 707 H ouses For Rent 2 BEDROOM house: 1 bedroom bouse; large 2 room partly furnished apart ment. S room partly furnished house, electric range and oil ctrc iator In each. Nice yard and garden spot for each unit. Inspect 365-383 Tay lor. Inquire 325 Oregon Bdi g. FOR RENT. 2 bedroom -ouee. $30. Phone 3-5968 A NEW 2 bedroom bouse completely furnished. $75. Well located. Phone S-4115. 800 Real Estate REALTORS Ralph Best i-7068 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 2 BEDROOMS, garage, yard, oil storsL $55. 3573 Shelley Ave. 2-9877 ? 2-0541. 5 ROOM house, sio Souih St. Paoni 4-J1U. UN FURN ISH ED on Wnwn ST. garage near Capitol Shopping Cen ter. Furniture for tl ap rant 1 desed. Phone 3-6283 after $ p. m. SMALL rear house, completely turif is neq irage. j-ejT? after 9 pa. 4 BOOMS. ufrahed. L range. Phone 3-5222. 2 FAMILY house for rent. $60 pf month. S37'a S. Commercial. Phone 7-9129. . PARTLY furnished" 3 foom house and bath, garage. $46. Can be tees at Tij Church. NEAT uf unuahed I bedroom, large garage, nice lot. $55. See Joe L Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol. CLEAN 1 bedroom modern house, gar age. adult, no pets, also cabin not modem. 191S Highway Ave. 4-3153. 3 ROOM unfurnished houses lor rent. 1326 X. Winter. SMALL modem 2 bedroom house 8A8c Inquire 4145 N. River Rd. CONVENIENTLY located 1 bedrooi cottage, unfurnished. Inquire US3j S. Liberty. - ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom bouse. Living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen, u H lty walk in wardrobe, guest and lin en cloeet Venetian blinds through out. buried garbage unit, range and refrigerator, and vacuum furnished.' Dryer available. $&5. Z2 Frederic St. First Street North ef Center bo tween 20th 8c Catterlin. Pp. 2-1063. 3 ROOM furnished cottage for rest. U Hollywood district. 2125 Myrtle Are. FOR RENT: 4 bedroom house. Inquire 250 N. High. vsiY nice one bedroom court, unfurl nished except refrigerator and Itovs. 2445 Market. Phone 3-1958, FRESHLY painted unfurnished 1 beo room house St attached garage. l4 mile E of 4 Comers, ui a month. pets. Keys at 4575 State. Ph. 4-19 NEW modern 1 bedroom houae in i court. 1533 Court St. 709 Wanted to Rent FOR RENT or lease 20 acres seeded. 1 acre strawberries. See G. L. Ter ry. Rt. 1. Gervais. 12 miles NerOj on Saiem Newberg Highway. Fu-n . house North Eld rid re School. FARM LAND near Salem. Liberty 3 East preferred. Phone 2-8368. RENTALS Reliable property manage ment. Joe I Bourne. Realtor. 114g N. Capitol. Phone 3-8218. 710 Wanted to Rent Hou NEAT, modem furnished 2 bedroom home with yard. Phone 2-0443. 714 Business Rentals SMALL FACTORY, or business wrUi living quarters. Adjacent main ar tertal. Ph. 3-9534. 1 OR 2 outside office rooms. Evato and janitor service. Oregon Building. Phone 3-4114 Mr. Roberts. Office lei So. High St. BUSINESS Room H L Stif 800 Real Estate OWNER moving. $7,000 buys this feat cute home with 2 bed rooms. Lav. Rm., Dm. Rm. Inside utility. Make offer. E. A. McGlauflin. Realtor. 367 N. High. 2-8611 Eve. 3-8814. 2.7843. t ENGLEWOOD HOME Net one storv, east front. 2 bedroom home within 2 blocks of the Ingle-' wood grade school, excellent large double garage. 2 city buses with$ the block A good value, backed US with an FHA 4'5- loan commrtroent for 89200 to purchaser If desired. $11,750. See Mr. Bourne. Eve. F. 3-7217. 12 15r Net Return On your investment of $10 00 for this conservatively rented property. re onable terms can be arranged. See Mr. Gies. Eve. Ph. 2-7812. 2 Homes One Lot Drive by the new 2 bdr. green afc ake home at 1570 Chemeketa. Hs a nice fireplace, hardwood floors, airtotnatit oil heat, beautiful kitchen with in side utility. Also look at nice 1 bed room home in rear (do not bathe tenant . This is choice thorn in prop erty to state buildings, and will a good high loan. Contact us fog details. . Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. CaDitol Ptv 3-21f BUILDERS take notice: 3 a. tract i heart of new sub divtson dirt on? 9 blks from grade school. North, ti lovely new 2 bdrm heme with Ui shrubs. c a variety of fruit. $T30& Ph: 3-3255. Eve-3-66S6 or 2-5017. Le Oerc 8c Miller. Rltrs. 3363 Portland fiNOLEWOOD Dist: J fedrw. feanci style home with fireplace, cevet ceiling, forced oil heat. $1300. Not Much Money, Oh But Honey, Five acre RANCH-TIE, with neat cozy 4 yr. old. S Darn very moorr home, chick house. S acres of at and vetch balance reay to gr a big garden In fine aoU. JLalee y own meat. ggs. milk and vegetal Norui- Only $2700. down Price 8T3M Tall Trees New House Salem Academy Hill, hae m lot "to of fer, in his spacious sttractivo 1 bdrm home. Bnck planters, pated street, large lot. oil furnace. Fnc $10,500. Clio's Crowded? Right close to a schools, is 4 bdrm, basement with sawdust turn . Fir place, fenced yards, and ae dean mm a hb. E St. location. $3000. down Price $12,108. Salem's Real Estate Exchange IOCS Cascade Dr. P -38 601 Em-ness Opyxntiinlrtee u V -nt Ka a rial ICMTttT this unit cottage court r- tu sw eated, very nice condition P "Cr fnshed full price $3JCB w a low down payment of 811.$8t-t r will take bouse to (U0I8 8. Lawrence Real -Estate 404 Sou High St. ZSf 10-unit Court f Located Wee Salem. 1 la very nice. X UtU rms. This prop, snowing the owner a net of over S4188 year! and rent (or $380. FQ price $-LK4. C. W. Reere, Realtor MOS.Counercl-L J S-OMl ere $