14 The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Toeadar, April 29, 1852 Stock Market Prices Slip NEW YORK (JP) - Prices slipped fractions to around a point Mon day as the stock market had its slowest full session in almost three weeks. Railroad stocks got away to a ood start with some fair advances and it looked for a time as though they might pull the market ahead a bit. But the carriers succumbed shortly after the opening and the decline became general. Volume for the day was 980,000 shares. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dropped 30 cents at (101.10. The industrial average and the rails were down 40 cents each and utilities remained unchanged. Hot stars like the sun are be lieved to maintain their heat by the conversion of hydrogen into helium, the same process that may someday be used in a hydrogen bomb. , REPORT OF CONDITION of Willamette Valley Bank of Salem in the State of Oregon at the close of business on March 31. 952. ASSETS 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection - $ 511096.08 1. United States Government obligations, direct nd guaranteed 1,100.384.07 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions - 407,895.80 6. Loans and discounts (including $543.57 overdrafts) 1.396.997.35 7. Bank premises owned none, furniture and fixtures $39,849.23 39.849.23 11. Other assets i- 47,870.33 VX. TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES ' 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ..$1 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1, 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings).. 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions i 18. Other deposits (certified and officers" checks, etc.) - 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $3,323,026.72 23. Other liabilities i 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinate obligations shown below) CAPITAL 25. Capital 26. Surplus 27. Undivided profits 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes . 4 $ 304.373 53 I, A. H. FLICKER, Vice President, of the above-named bank, do solemnly (wear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly repre sents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. H. FLICKER Correct Attest: EARL H. MOOTRY F. G. RANKIN , DAVID O'HARA Directors (SEAL) State of Oregon. County of Marian, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before ne this 16th day of April, 1952. My commission expires 1-28-56. EDGAR 9. WHITT. Notary Public. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620. REX 1190 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101. j; KEX 92.3 (dttrs note: The Statesman publishes in good faith the programs and times as provided by the ra-Jio stations, but because of times the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein) HOUR 00:00 00:15 5 KOIN News S I D. Oregon Kotn Klock Xoin Klock KGW Clock Watcher Clock Watcher Clofk Watcher 'Farm Time KEX OreJTarm FlouriOre.Farm FlourlOre Jarm Flours Uohnny L. Wills 6 KSLM News Summary Music nmekpriMajrch Time KOCO West Melod. IWest Meled. Farm News KOIN Koin Klock "Macleod News KJoss News KGW Vnderson News Country Editor; Kneass News KEX First Edition i M Agronsky I Bob Garred 7 KSLM Hemingway Break. Gang Break Gang KOCO KOCO Clock I Homb'd Family Cal Tinney KOIN ronsum. News I Vaile News Grind Slam KGW The Old Songs The Old Songs Guest Star KEX Break. Club Break Club Break Club 8 KSLM Cecil Brown Family Altar Rest Haven KOCO Wildw. Church Harmony Shop iSafety Show KOIN Wendv Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent KGW Tune Test I Kate Smith Kae Smith KEX 9-a m. Edition .Stars Today Break Bank 9 KSLM N W News IMusic Palor's Call KOCO News iTune Time I Pafcla Stone KOIN Big Sister Ma Perkins IDr ; Malone KGW Bra:: l.evnolds Brad Revnolds Strike it Rich KEX 'ack Birch I Lone Journey I True Story 10 KSLM Glen Hardy ITelloTest KOCO Music IMusic KOIN 2nd Mrs Burtn ! Perry Mason KGW Doub or Nutn I Doub or Noth KEX Betty Crocker Chet Huntley 1H KSLM Ladies Fair Music Macleod News Foster .sews Paul Harvey ! Ladies Fair IMusic Come & Get It iRoad of Life I Noon Edition OCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM Top Trades I News KOCO News IFrank DeVol KOIN Hilltop House Carl Smith KGW Backstage wife ISteira Dallas KEX Kay West I Kay West 12 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX J. Kirkwood Magic Melody Jack Owens Just Plain Bill Ladies Be S't'd IJ. Kirkwood Magic Melody I Bell Ringers I Blue Serenade I Ladies Be S't'd KSLM News KOCO Magic Melody KOIN Kirkham News KGW Wei. Travelers KEX Betty Crocker Music Magic Melody Art Godirev I Wei. Travelers Girl Marries 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Charles Antell Magic Melody Art Godfrev Life Beautiful Norwesterners i News ; Magic Melody A ri Godfrey I Vlusic Box I Squirrel Cage 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Fulton Lewis Music U. Want Ed R. Murrow R. Harkness Space Cadet Hemingway I Music U. Want I News Foster News ISpace Cadet 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Chal. of Yukon Guess What Life Luigl Relax Music Weatherman Chal. of Yukon I Music I Life Luigl I Relax Music I Home Edition 6 KSLM Gabriel Heater News I Answer Man KOCO Candlelight Candlelight (News KOIN People r Funny 'People r Funny Music Hall KGW Eddie Cantor JEddie Cantor IRobtMntgmry KEX Silver Eagle I Silver Eagle I Issues at Stake 7 KSLM Block Museum I KOCO Vandercook I KOIN Lowell Thomas I KGW 1 Man's Family KEX "Met Auditions! Block Museum Rosary Jack Smith World News 'Met' Auditions 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Monte Criso Dugout Dope Candidates Bob Hope Town Meeting 9 KSLM Glenn Hardy Fulton Lewis Music I Musie KOCO Baseball J Baseball 'Baseball News KOIN S Star Final You St World! Desert Inn Ore J Desert Inn Ore KGW News Sports Final I Man Called X I Man Called X KEX Final Edition I Dance Time Dance Time Dance Time 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Love Mystery Night Song Mel Baldwin News Dance Time INewsreel 1 Night Song Mel Baldwin Bill Stern I Dance Time 11 KSLM Peter Salem KOCO Night Song I Mdn Melodies I Night Song KOAC, 55 k.e. 10:00 ajn. The News; 10:15 Especially for Women: 11:00 Ore gon School of the Air; 11 15 The Concert Hall: 12 K News & Weather: 12:15 P-m. Noon Farm Hour.; 1 :00 Ride em Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air; 1:30 Melody Lane: 1:45 Read ing for Fun; 2:00 Especially for Women; 2:30 Guest Star: 2:45 Oregon School of the Air; 3:00 Baseball- tier York Slock Quotations NEW VORK (FV-Monday's Clos ing quotations. Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Clfalrners 26 69 47 12 24 153 56 43 81 48 47 68 M 17 25 36 ls 50 41 74 101 31 17 51 7 82 V4 43 14 57 42 54 20 41 32 43 American Airlines - American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpiljajr Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysley Corporation Cities Service - Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown EeJlerbach Curtiss Vright - duPont jfle Nemours Eastman) Kodak . Emersoif Radio GenerallElectric GeneraliFoods General I Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyealr Tire International Harvester International Paper ..$3,504,092.86 628.756.44 465.429.51 34.046.64 182.195.19 12.598.94 18.054 14 $3,341,080 86 ACCOUNTS $ 130,00000 30.000.00 , 3.012.00 1. ACCOUNTS 163.012.00 $3,504,092.86 00:30 0045 I News Net News H. Babbitt I Sam Hayes I Bob Hazen 'Western Musie Meditations 'Rosemary I Trosbv Sc Frds iBreak. Club Rest Haven I Safety Show Gal Sunaav I Foster News I -Ueak Bank bargain Countr Guess What ! Guiding Light I Strike it Rich ITrue Story I Answer Man IMusic I Not ah Drake Like Miilionair I Against Storm j Muslo , IMusic Brighter Day Like Miilionair I Barney Keep I Queen for Day Queen for Qay I Music I Cedric Adams Happiness ! Lucky U Rnch MUSIC House Party Peppet Young Lucky D Rnch v I Gay 90 s I Frank DeVol IKirkham News VWiflder Brown f Kay West 1 Music j Frank DeVol iKirkham News I Woman in Hse. I Kay West ID'rfeell Ringer I Magic Melody I Ediy Arnold i Bo and Ray I Maty Martin I Music I Magic Melody I Tunefullv Dr.'s Wife Eve Winters I Morgan Music i Magic Melody I Art. Godfrey ! Dr Paul I Fof The Girls I Musie I Magic Melody )rt Godfrey Dave Garroway For the Girls (Charles Antell I Jarpboree IAr( Godfrey I Music Box ISqulrrel Cage I West Serenade Van Voorhis ICurt Massey I Music Box IHappy Time Curt Massey IBrad Steele (World Today Lawsn McCall IChet Huntley I iam Hayes I Uncle Remus IGoss News I Elmer Peterson I Bob Garred iSkj King SpQTts News I The People Act IFict-er St Molly Good Listening ISky King Hvmn I The People Act ibber Sc Molly Good Listening ISam Hayes 88 Keys Music Hall Voice of Amer. Issues at Stake J W Coast Ramb. I Bandstand The Norms Cavalcade of A I W Coast Ramb. I Bandstand j The Norths (Cavalcade of A I Piano Playhse. Piano piayhse. Monte Criso I Music Music Baseball j Baseball fBaseball Candidates Beiah I Peggy Lee Show Bob Hope I William Gargan William Gargan Town Meeting iTovwn Meeting Monitor Views iNews I News Bandstand Cirie's Tonight I Dance Time I Peter Salem 1 Lonesome Gal I Bandstand I Ciro's Tonight I Dance Time Midji Melodies' "dn Melodies I Night Song Night Sons 5:00 Children's Theatre; J :30 Those Who Gave Most; 5:45 You Never Know; :00 News Sc Weather; 6:19 Tom Roberts. Organist. 1:30 Afcing Successfully; 7:00 Ore. College of Education: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 Music of Czecho slovakia; 8:30 Electricity and you: 8:45 The Nwg; and Weather: 9:00 Musie That Endures; 9:45 Evening Medita tions; 10:09 Sign Off. 68 72 Libby, McNeill 7 Lockheed Aircraft .-. 19 i Loew's Incorporated 158 Long Bell A 37 Mi Montgomery Ward 60 Nash Kelvinator 19 New York Central 19V4 Northern Pacific 75 Pacific American Fish . 15 Vi Pacific Gas - Electric 35 Pacific Tel. & Tel. 109V4 Penney J. C. Co. 66 Pennsylvania R.R. 18 Pepsi Cola Co. 10 Phil co Radio 29 Radio Corporation 26 Rayonier Incorp. 27 Republic Steel 39 Reynolds Metals 52 Richfield Oil 60 Safeway Stores Inc 30 Scott Paper Co 49 Sears Roebuck &.Co. 53V4 Socony-Vacuum Oil 37 Southern Pacific 73 Standard Oil Calif. 54 Standard Oil N. J 74 Studebaker Corp. 38 Sunshine Mining 10 Swift & Company 3 IV Transamerica Corp 25 Twentieth Century Fox 17 Union Oil Company 42 Union Pacific 112 united Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake '8 28 5 37 13 39 25 Westmghouse Electric 35 Woolworth Company 43 Grain Market Stands Firm CHICAGO (JP) - Firmness which was noted first in wheat spread to other sections of the grain mar ket before the close on the. board of trade Monday. Practically all contracts ended with gains, although December corn and May and July rye were exceptions. And the lard deliveries were not able to get back to the plus side despite a late rally which car ried them to their best prices for the day. Wheat closed 1 to 1 higher, corn lower to 1 lower to 1 higher, oats - higher, rye 1 lower to higher, soybeans -2 higher and lard 3 to 10 cents a hundred pounds lower. Business DETROIT Directors of Nation al Automotive Fibres, Inc., de clared the regular quarterly divi dend of 50 cents per share, pay able June 2, 19L2 to stockholders of record May 10, 1952. J. R. Millar, board chairman, reported the company's consolida ted new profit for the three months ended March 31, 1952 am ounted to $403,926, after provision of $442,904 for Federal Income taxes, equal to $.41 per share, compared with $1.53 per share for the three months ended March 31. 1951. Consolidated sales for the first quarter of 1952 totaled $18,803, 099, as compared with $24,634,960 in the like period of 1951. oalem Market Quotations (As of late yesterday) iUTTKKt AT Premium . 7 No. 1 74 INO. 2 BUTTER Wholesale . .. . Retail Z tCibS (Buying) iWhoiesaie pi ices range from s to 7 cents ovei buying price ) Uarge AA .64 .74 .81 A AO .40 JT -29 Large A Medium AA Medium Small Ot I i'K Leghorn hens .17 Colored hens J20 Colored Fryers Old roosters , .14 Roasters . 28 LIVESTOCK Valley Packing Company Quotations) Fat Dairy 19 00 to 20 00 Cutter 17.00 to 20.00 Heifers 20.00 to 24.00 Bulls 25.00 to 27.00 Good Veal . 30.00 to 34.00 Calves 24 00 to 32.00 Fat lambs 25.50 to 26.50 Feeders 20.00 to 24.00 Portland Livestock PORTLAND (AP)-(USDA) Monday Cattle 1,200; market uneven: cows ac tive, steady-strong; some commercial grades slightly higher; steers very slow; bids and sales unevenly steady to 50 cents lower; load mostly choice 1,027 lb fed steers 34 25: few loads good choice steers 33.00-50- including 793 and 1,175 lb weights at 33.50; several loads fed steers unsold at noon; utility-commercial steers mostly 26.00-31.50; few good heifers 32.00; odd head to 33.00; commercial grades mostly 28.50-31.00; utility 22.00-27.50; canner-cutter cows mostly 17.50-21.00; shells down to 16.00; utility cows 22.00-25.00; commercial grades 26.00-27.00: commercial and odd food bulls 28.50-30.00; utility bulls 5.50-28.00. Calves salable 150; market fairly ac tive, mostly steady; choice vealers 35 00-37.00; commercial-good 27.00-34.00: utility 20.00-26.00; few lots good-choice 300-480 lb stock calves 32.00-35.00; odd lighter weights 37.00-41.00. Hogs salable 1.300; market rather slow, steady to 25 cents lower; choice No. 1 and 2 180-235 lbs 19.00-25; several lots early 19.50; heavier and lighter weights around 18.00; choice 300-450 lb sows 16.00-17.00; heavier weights and fat type sows 15.00-50: good-choice feeder pigs quotable 17.00-50. Sheep salable 600; market fairly ac tive, about steady considering quality; small lot good-choice 94 lb spring lambs 29.00; choice-prime 104-106 lb No. 3 pelt 27.00: 132 lbs 25.00; several lots shorn Or U Lam, N.D. Or O Chan. N J DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday only. . 10 sjb to 1 p.m to 7 p.m Consultation ttlood pressure end urine tests are free of 'barge. Practiced since 1917 Write for attractive gift No obligation. Johns Manville Kennecott Copper feeder lambs tneludlng some partly fat lambs" 23.00-24 50; good shorn ewes mostly 11.50-12.00; cuU-utility ewes 6.00-10.00; wooled ewes scarce. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press April 28 STOCK AVERAGES 20 15 Rails D.4 77.5 77 S 76.6 79.0 66.8 79.0 66.7 72.2 58.1 10 Utils Unch 51.1 51.1 50.9 51.5 47.9 52.3 50.7 51.0 46.4 60 Stks D.3 101.1 101.4 101.0 103.5 95.9 103.5 97.0 101.3 88.0 Ind. . D.4 Net change Monday ... . Prev. day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1952 nigh 1952 low 1951 high 1951 low 133.1 133 5 134.0 137.5 131.3 140.3 131.4 140.3 119.9 BOND AVERAGES 20 Rails Net change Unch Monday 95.6 Prev. day 95 6 Week a Bo 95 5 10 10 10 lnd Utll Frgn Unch Unch A.l 99.0 98.9 76.0 99.0 98.9 75.9 99.0 99.1 75.7 98.9 99.0 76.0 99.4 99.5 72.2 99.2 99.4 76.7 98.0 97.4 74 6 101.6 103.6 74.5 97.7 97.1 70.5 Month ago 95.3 Year ago 1952 high 1952 low 1951 high 1951 low 95.9 . 95 6 92.1 ..100.6 92.1 Portland Grain PORTLAND (AP) Monday - Coarse grains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast de very: Barley. No. 2. 45-lb B.W.. 72.00. Wheat bid to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered Coast: Soft White 2.50; Soft White excluding Rex. 2.50; White Club 2.50. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary. 2.50'a: 10 per cent 2.50' i; 11 per cent 2.50: 12 per cent 2.50a. Hard White Baart: Ordinary. 2.52; 10 per cent 2.52; 11 per cent 2.52; 12 per cent 2.52. Car receipts: Wheat 28; barley 4: flour 7; corn 15; oats 2; mill feed 12. Portland Produce PORTLAND (AP) Monday But terfat Tentative, subject to Immediate change Premium quality, maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 76-77c lb; first quality. 74 75c; second quality 73c. Valley routes and country points 2 cents less. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA. 83 score. 72c lb; 92 score. 70c: B. 90 score, 69c; C, 89 score. 68c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers Oregon singles 43'4-47c lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 49-52c. Eggs to wholesalers Candled eggs containing no loss, cases included, f o b. Portland A large. 46'i-47ic; A medi um. 45'ac: B grade, large 41-42c. Eggs to retailer Grade AA large, 52; A large 48-49c: AA medium. 48-49c; A meduim 47c. Cartons 3c additional. Live Chickens No. 1 quality, f ob. plants Fryers, 2!j-3 lbs, 29c, 3-4 lbs. 29-30c; roasters. 4"a lbs and over, 29 30c: light hens, all weights. 20c; old roosters, 14-15c. Rabbits Average to growers Live white. 3.i-4"a lbs. 26-29c; 5-6 lbs. 22 25c: old does. 12-16c. few higher; fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 62-65c. some higher. Fresh dressed meats wholesalers to retailers: dollars per cwt: Beef Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs. 52.00 - 58.10: commercial - good, 52 00 -56.10; commercial. 50.00-51.50; utility 47.50-49.10: cows. commercial. 45.00 50.00; utility 44.00-48.00; carmers-cut-ters. 40 00-43 50. Beef cuts choice steers. Hind quarters 62 50-64 00; rounds. 61.00-63 10; full loins, trimmed, 81.00-84 60; triangles. 45.00 - 49.20; forequarters. 48.00 - 52.50; chucks. 52.00-57.10: ribs. 65.00-70.10. Veal Good-choice, 56.00-58.40; com mercial. 50 00-51.40. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 8-U lbs. 46.00-50 00; shoulders. 16 lbs. 32.00-35 00: spareribs. 45.00-45.90; fresh hams. 10 14 lbs. 49.00-51.00. Lambs Choice-prime. 40-50 lb. 55.00 58.00; good. 53 00-57.50. Mutton Good-choice, 32.00-33.80. Wool Grease basis, nominally 50-60c. Mohair 50c lb on 12-month growth, f.o.b. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Mutton Best ewes and wethers, 23 25c lb- rough heavy bucks, ewes 16-18c. Beef Utilitv cows. 39-40c lb; can-ners-cutters 34-36c. Hogs Lean blockers, 21 -22c lb; sows, lipht. 25-2fic. Lambs Best. 52-54e lb. Onions 50 lb sacks. Ore. vellows, med.. No. 1. 6.25-75: large. 7.00-50: No. 2. med., 3 50-4.25: Texas White wax. 6.25-75: yellows 6.00-10. Potatoes Klamath Russets, No. 1. 5 53: unwashed 5 20: No. 2s. 4.23: Idaho Russets. 100 lb?. No. 1. 6 25-33; 5-10 lb sacks, 3 50; utility, 5.00 cwt. Hay U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered car and truck lots. f o b. Port land, nominally 50.00-51.00. 300 Personal 310 Meerina Notices SALEM LODGE. No. 4. AT. Sc A.M., Tues.. April 29. M M. de gree. 7:30 p.m. SALEM LODGE No. 4. A.F. & A.M.. Wed., April 30. M M. de gree, 7:30 p.m. 312 Lost and Found REWARD to person finding purse con taining money lost between Livesley building and Memorial Hospital Sat urday noon. Call at 2073 N. Commer cial or phone 4-5348. LOST: 3 week old red pig on Thursday. Reward. Phone 3767 Dallas. LOST: In the vicinity of Salem, Satur--'day evening, small white pig. Ph. 3-1217. 316Pergoncd "ANY person having Information a -bout collision of Buick seran and cattle truck and trailer Saturday, March 29. 1952, on South Santiam Highway, near the summit, please send name and address to Box 974, The Oregon Statesman." ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 315 N Commercial St Ph 2-2108. Meeting Sunday 3 p.m. Tuesday 8 p.m. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph 3-9133 2088 N. Commercial. Wed and Frl at S. 00 r m PALM reading, advice, past, present, future. Phone2-2082. 3745 Portland Road. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock REGISTERED saddle bred, yearling colt, chestnut and white markings. Also registered saddle bred brood mare due to foal in June. Ph. 3-6236. LOCKER BEEF, cut and wrapped. 49c lb.; Locker pork. 32c lb. Custom kill ing Livestock bought. Trailer loaned free. Ph. 3-4858. Salem Meat Co., South of Waters ball park BONDED-Livestock buyer. A. F. Som mer, 2130 Chemawa Rd. Phone 4-2617. BONDED lIVKSIOCK nuvei t (. McCandtish 1127 S Wth Ph 3-BI47 uiCENSKD and bonded uvestocX buyer E. I -.nethen. 1940 Lancaster Dr Phone 2 .345 BONDED Livestock buyer Claude Ed wards Rt 3. Box 899 E. Ph. 4-1113 404 Poultry and Rabbits LAYING BATTERIES. 12 ft. length. Capacity 432. Phone 2-7502 days. 3-5972 nights. NEW HA MP. chicks, best grade. Low prices. MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Trade & High Phone 3-3191 ATTENf ION LOGGERS AND FARMERS LOGS WANTED ft-Ft. 16-Ft. And long Lengths At Top Prices BURICLAND LUMBER CO. Phono 1125 Turner, Oregon I 400 -Agriculture 404 Poultry and Rabbits j Spring Is Here I And It Is Chick Time DAY-OLD AND STARTED CHICKS AVAILABLE NOW FOX HATCHERY. 3830 STATS s PHONE 3-4969. HNS ANL FRYERS WANTED: Heavy or light Top prices Phone 2-2861 Lee s Hatcherr NEW HAMPSHIRE red fryers and pul lets 35c per pound. Phone 2-3080. BAbY CHICKS, Day old Cockerals. Pullets Hampshlres. Parmenters. Wt. Rocks Wyandottes. Austra-Whites. Leghorns Started chlx at reasonable r rices. Quality since 1021. Phone -28'U. Lee s Hatchery Salem. 408 Pets SPRINGER Spaniel pups. 5-10. 4030 Silvert in Rd Bus. ph. 2-6243 or Res. Ph. 2-5727. MOOKES tropical fish tanks, plants, hea ers, thermostates. pumps. 2 miles from S. Lancaster on Macleay Rd Phone 2-7321 closed Wednesday. TROPICAL FISH and supplies C. L Mann Battiecreek Rd Turner. Ore 410 Seeds and Plants C0T TULIPS, will deliver 2 dozen or tnore. Paul Schaad, Ph . 4-13 15 THORN LESS Blackberry tips. 5c each, on gravel road off hard surface Rd. between Clear Lake - Quinaby. Op pek place. CERTIFIED strawberry plants. Central Oregon grown. Will dig to order. $12 per thousand, discount on large or ders. Phone 4-3983. or write Carl Fitts, Bend, Oregon. Rt. 1. Box 265. THORN LESS evergreen tips, 4c each. H. D. Gilbertson, Rt. 1 Brooks. Ji Mile North of North Howell School SPECIOSUM rubrum Lilly bulbs and bulbettes. Reasonable plant now. 2-5673. 18 NEW 1952 Fuschias, 100 older va rieties, Oregonians, Geranium, bed ding plants. Oppen's Greenhouse ,4330 Auburn Rd.. Ph. 4-1933. PANSIES. English Daisies. Geraniums nd all kinds of bedding plant-. Cabbage, lettuce and tomatoes at wholesale and retail prices. Arthur Plant's Greenhouses. "1298 S. 13th Phone 3-4S70. . 10 large danlias assorted colors $5.00 12 assorted con dahlias $3 50 100 Glads assorted colors $3.50 Spring Haven Dahlia and Iris Gardens Rt. 2, Box 1209. Camas. Washington 412 Fruit and Farm Produce BURBA NK Sc Netted Gem seed pota toes. 5230 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4078. 4lT Farm Equipment DISC, double 8 ft. tandem Oliver $85. Good condition, worth twice this amount. S. D. Buster, 1220 Center St., Salem. FOhD FERGUSON tractor. 2-14 plow nd scraper Phone 2-6887. VOH sAl K Alas Chalmers machinery New and used Phone 4-1955 425 Auction Sales AUCTION tonight at Scotty's Auction House. 485o Center St.. Salem. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools LOGGING ARC medium, rubber tires, perfect condition, $600. Leasure Mot ers. 1905 Fairgrounds Rd ., Salem. OEALKKS and repair station for Wood boss cha.n saws. Briggs Clinton & Wisconsin gasoline engines Howser Bro3 1410 S 12th Ph 3-3646 lOlUHLLUl MICS DdlUi. alio rrvkt Howser Bros Ph 3 3646 1410 S 12th YOUR tune ana ettort demanas good tools Rent or buy them at Housei Bros. 1410 S 12th 455 Household Goods For Sale BE FIRST and be glad that you hur ried down to save several dollars on the following good or excellent va lues: Wine Frieze davenport and Chair $39.50. Twin bed complete. $69. Walnut desk, $24.90, tapestry wing rocker $19.50. 5 pc. dark maple din ette set, $38.50. King size bed com plete. $90; matching vanity, bench and bed. $44.90. 9 Xl2 rug. used $7.95. Free delivery, S Sc H Green Stamps. Terms if requested. R. L. Elfstrom Co. Warehouse. 270 S. Liberty. If you can't come in Phone 2-2493. Unpaint ed book case head boards, full and twin sizes. 5 Piece walnut bedroom set $87 50 Breakfast set - $17.5 Baby crib and mattress $25.00 2 corner cupboards $27 50 Davenport & chair $35 00 Radios $10 & up Lots of other furniture at reduced prices. HALL'S FURNITURE STORE ; 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. UNFINISHED Furniture ready to paint. Complete stock at Good Housekeep ing Inc. 467 Court St. 456 Wanted. Household Goods Highest Prices Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 458 Building Materials Pioneer Flintkote ROOFING IMPERIAL GREEN FORESTRY BLEND AUTUMN BLEND GREEN BLEND SILVER GRAY BLUE BLEND CANYON RED GRAY BLEND RED BLEND BLACK THIKBUTS. HEXAGON. DUTCH LAP. SHADOW POINT, BRICK PATTERN, ROLLS. YOU NAME IT. WE HAVE IT. Why choose from 3 or 4 colors when all the above are in our store await ing your selection. Monthly payments on LABOR and MA TERIALS. No payment for 45 days sifter completion, then low per month. Call or see "Your Building Supply Friends." Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Road 4-4433 Building? New No. 1 composition roof shingles $575 per sq.. No. 1 cedar shingles $9 25. 2's $5 75. 3 s $3 75. 18 in. paint ed cedar shakes with Undercourse $11 50 sq. New No. 1 Asbestos siding 110.00 sq. C. G. LONG 2-5821 1 mile N. of Keizer 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials No Down Payment 30 months to pay. remodeling, repair, garages, barns, painting, plumbing, etc NO RED TAPE Phone 2-2054 for further information EPPIKG LUMBER CO. 3740 Silverton Hi Open all day Sat. LUMBER, lage ant. good grade, new lumber 30 M. del. SHINGLES. CE DAR. $9.25. $5.75. $3.7542.50. SHAKES cedarwall's painted, best fradc alio 1 unpainted. Ted Muller. Evenings, rnone aatem z-i isns. 460 Musical Instruments Spinet Pianos Regular $625 special Close out $575 Stone Piano Co. 1280 State Phone 2-5281 462 Sports Equipment Shooters and Hunters Closing out guns and ammunition This week only. Popular calibres. Am munition below wholesale. 603 Edge water. FOR SALE, factory built car-top boat, rack and oars. $50. Ph. 2-3156 eve nings. 468 For Rent Miscellaneous TOOLS & equipment to make a good Job better Rent or buy at Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Phone -3fi4fi u uRlVt TRUCKS (OR RENT Blan kets furn. Cor 12th and State Ph 2-9063. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous ASPHALT PAVING Driveways, Garages, Patios, resurfac ing. THE ECONOMICAL WAY Ph. 3-3032, Eve. 2-8267 Jack Hindman lVL' Stoneway Dr. ROLLEK. DOZER. Service BABY SCALES, bathinette. bassinette. 6 yr. cub and mattress. Bargains at Woodry's. 1605 JN. Summer. B. D. CLETRAC. 1949. fullv equipped for logging. Perfect condition. Will consider late model house trailer or car, part payment. Leasure Motors. 1905 Fairgrounds Rd.. Salem. USED electric desk model sewing ma chine. Has knee control, walking presser foot, attachments & sews for ward & reverse. Guaranteed. 45 discount. Sorry, no phone orders. Singer Sowing Center, 130 N. Com mercial. Open Friday evenings. FRENCH FRYER, large size; Edison General Electric for restaurant. Al most new. cost over $200. will sell for $50. 542 Games St. back of Capitol City La qndry. ELECTRIC mangle andCT!:Htank type vacuu m cleaner. Ph . 4-6505 . 2 CRANK hospital bedTperfect condi tion, $55. Phone 3-4995. GOOD TROMBONE. $35. Woodry. Fill Dirt Good sandy loam. Ph. 2-7329 after 5:30 . NEARLY new Montgomery Ward con concrete mixer. West of Nazerine Church, Keizer district. ELECTRIC SHAVERS. Sunbeam, Rem ington. Oster haircliper, miscellan eous barber supplies. Masonic ring, chest drawers, other articles. Cheap. Ph. 2-0243. QUICK SALE: Good piano. $100. Dav enport & chair, electric range, refrig erator. mscellarieoQs.Ph. 3-5260. HIP ROOF BARN 20x30. chicken i housed 12x46, fruit house 10x12. Ph. 4-5824. 6'j CU FT. Frigidaire in very good shape, reasonable. Lawn "mower cheap. 2-8242. WESTINGHOUSE RANGE perfect $89.50, wringer washer 3 vrs. old $37.50. Speed Queen washer $29.50. 330 S High. Phone 2-4587. APT. HOUSE refrigerator for sale, just like new. Ph. 3-8468. SINGER electric portable sewing ma chine, ound bobbin, just like new for unpaid balance. Sorry, no phone orders. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Commercial. Open Friday Eve LOVELY old carved desk, light wood. Ph. 2-2111. COILED trash burner, $19.50. Woodry . WOOD range, good shape. $15. 4940 Bailey Rd. East of Keizer School. Call evening.;. BEAUTIFUL formals, size 14. one new cheap. Phone 2-4972 or 4-5708. Inquiry. Eves. 185 S. Winter. ROTOTILLER for sale, good shape. 12 x 12 outdoor play pen. Ph. 2-5156. 9x12 WILTON rug. $29.50. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. WALNUT bedstead, chiff-o robe dressing-table, bench. Wilton rug. 9 x 12. elec. range Sc refrigerator Call 3-3587. GOOD household furniture at bargain, moving out of state. Ph. 2-2563. USED HOTPOINT Range, $35. Thor washer with pomp. $30. Good con- ditlon. Phone 4-3770. FULLER BRUSHES PHONE 3-8357 5 PC. BREAKFAST set. $17.50. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. LLtL I kil Ranges New ana tlsea Yeater Aooliance Co S75 Chemek eta FERTILIZERS Rotted or fresh, cow. chicken, turkey or sheep manure. Delivered by sack or yard. Mulches for loosening soil and hold moisture. FENCING Rustic cedar fences to order. Will in stall. Pickets, rails. 4x4 posts, split shakes, trellis, stakes, posts all lengths, poles. FLAGSTONES Patio, wall work, steps, walks. Red lava, granite, for garden and walls. Crushed red lava for drives. PHILLIPS BROS . RT. 6. BOX 118 2 miles E. 4 corners on State. Ph. 4-3081 5 PC. CHROME dinette set. Hot buy at $39.50. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. CLOTHESLINE posts, railings, porch columns, weathervanes. 1145 N. Lib erty. CHARIS foundation girdles, bra. For appointment Ph. 3-5918. Mary E. Bales. UtEPFHEEZE FREEZERS Yeater Ap pliance 375 Chemeketa NEW AND USED Sewing machines Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta STVN'LEY lome products Lee Mindt 335 S 18th W ailing Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads 8t driveway. Cement. Ready mix on ere t e waroen bjno tiuli dozing -Iraimige and ditcbing '4 vd hnT) Hf drg line Phone t-24o MAHOGANY CREDENZA. can use as a desk or buffett, Frigidaire refriger ator. Misc. tools. Ph. 2-8679. MAPLE BED Simmons springs and mattress. Congoleum rug "Universal" electric apartment size range. Gen eral Electric radiant heater. Bird's Eye Maple desk and chair. Ph. 3-7151. Fertilizer Mulch and Compost West Salem Fuel Co. MAURICE L. SHEPARD Phone 2-4031 WASHING Mac nines New ana Used Yeater ADoHanc Co V7S Chemek -et Top Soil & River Silt 1 Phone 2-1749 Crushed Quarry Rock Phone 4-3127 . VISIT Wards complete garden depart- ment. Everything you need for spring planting. WARDS FARM STORE Trad Sc High Phone 3-3111 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous CHEST OF drawers, preferably reddish maple, . chiffarobe, reasonable. PiJu 3-7495. 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous HOSPITAL beds for sale or rent. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9186. : Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICS V ; MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Reoatt DR HARRY S1TMI.FR DENTIST rtnlh QlHf Clal, . ,rr SH -TtH WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses M-Ewsn Photo Shop. 45 N High 476 Fuel " Oregon Fuel Co. Good clean sawdust tube service or push-out. Dry or green 16 slab. Dry or green 16" edgings. eoaL 3Q87 BrnjdwiT Phone 3-5533 '-ANtR TRIMMINGS for cook stove and heater verv . niie for -kindling S per cord "hone 3-7721 or 3-6024 Capitol LumberX Fiiel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 IB. clean, no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES OIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pho-.e: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Egewater St.. W Salem Ask tor S & H Green Stamps COAL - BRIQUETS Sawdust dumped or conveyed Dry or green, slab or mlllends Phone 2-7442 Elmer Boje 18" old Fir plywood cores. 2029 S 12th. Phone 3-9453. Highway Fuel Co. 'lean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps Ph. 36444. S00 Business & Finance BUICK with 30.000 miles trade Sc pay cash difference for mortgages or Contracts. BURT PICHA. 37 N. High St. 2-4047. Money to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S Church St Ph 1-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M15-S154 Consolidate All Bills Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need It! You can pay any time to reduce net cost I No indorsers or help from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00. On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property to $300.00 total $800 00 1 phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 dally - 7:45 a.m. Sat 1390 KC'slI 136 S. Commercial St. . Lie No S138 and M33 We'd Like to Loan You $100 If you'd like to borrow $104 (or any amount up to $1300) Phone or call on us Immediately Typical Repayment Plans II Mo. Amount Payments $118.06 250 92 531 36 870 84 1239 S4 $ 8 00 17 06 96.0 98.00 84 40 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 11S S Liberty Phone 4-t203 8 Advantages of: a Loan from PERSONAL 1 "Yes" to 4 out of S promptly. 2 Lunch hour service. S Payment date to fit vour payday. 4. 1-vislt loan phone first. 5 Nationwide Credit Card. 6 Budget Counsel. 7 Between payday loans. I Loans fo- any worthy purpose Come In or phone today. LOANS $25 to $300 on Signature, Furniture; up to $500 on autoe. Personal Finance Co. State License S-122, M-165 105 S High St Phone 2-2464 PRIVATE mnnev to loan Phone 2-0794. Here's Why PERSONAL Is Your Best "Buy"! o "Yes" to 4 out of 5 employed people married, single, e Lunch hour service, e Payment date to fit payday. 1 -visit loans (phone first). e Nationwide credit established in U.S. and Canada, e Budget counsel no obligation. Between payday loans. Loans for any worthy purpose. Come in or phone today. LOANS $25 to $300 on Signature or Furniture; up to $500 on- auto. Personal Finance Co. 105 S. High St. Phone: 2-2464 State license: S-122. M-165 lAKld I1U ..ill lAJANS W and four" own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgagee, CAPITOl SEmRITTES CO Kg? Court St Ph 4-2283 Private Money On Cars Trucks Sc Trailer Homes Loot or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 & Commercial St Phor.e S-8161 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted DISHWASHER. San Shop. Portland Rd. No phone calls . Good Jobs! Register today, work tomorrow? if qual ified. Only partial listing below. M. Bkkpr. acct . credit mgr. -...to $306 T. Bkkpr. genl. ledger, ep. $225 F. Bkkpr. gen. ofc. Js . $190 F. Bkkpr.. steno. . $215 F. Secv. steno. several , to $225 F. R. N.. Dr's ofc. , open F. Secy, bkkpr.. Dr's ofc. . $200 F. Dr's ofc asst. Nurse trang. $175 F. Ass t bkkpr, cashier ... .$185 F. Gen. ofc. recpt. . $185 F. Personnel elk. temp. .$190 F. Typist, top notch, temp. $250 F. Typist, several . to $200 THE BEST WAY TO THE BEST JOB. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 State 4-3351 604 Help Wanted. Mate MAN for general farm, must under stand crawler tractor, and' use of farm implements. Ph. 39Z3. EXPERIENCED furniture a ad floor covering salesman. Permanent posi tion. Apply Hoe Bros. 260 State St. BOY TO WORK after school- and oa Saturdays. Aruther Greenhouses, 123 S. 13th. -4 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Mala i ' WHY WATT? - a... -i; THE MOUNTAIN DIDN'T COM3C TO MOHAMMED! A GOOD MAN DO El E2.wArLJ,OR HIS FUTURE TX) COME TO HIM LIKE MOHAMMED. Z GOES TO MEET THX MOUN- XAXril ij 1 . IF YOU ARE A MAN who U Interested In a BETTER INCOMI and MORS v-SECURE FUTURE for yourself l3 family, you cant afford NOT' tat look into this which sre jotfer . . . An opportunity to loin a large, nationally-known corporation V wiUi an AAA-1 rating with Dua & find atreet. ij A job that is a! way exciting, in teresting and NEVER DOLL. . - Si An interview and test which srUl determine your adaptability to out business. . COME IN AND SEE VS. If geleeted. you wtU- go oh out-DeiWi CommiuioA and Bonus Plan starting at $398 90 to $789.80 per month See Mr Long. Hotel Senator See Mr. Long. Hotel Senator. Wed April 30. 2:30 p.m. and 8:00 pjn. Dentist for Small Office fN MID WILLAMETTE VALLEY CUT Holding Oregon license, will start e-p erator at $10,500 and assured sub stantial increase within year. AH re Plies will be confidential. Box 823. care Statesman. 2 - WANTED Journeyman mhi fr Mr. Gearhart, Valley Motor Co. Cen ter and Liberty. f 608 Help Wanted, f esnale " WANTED: Kitchen help t the G14 Arrow Restaurant. No phone Calls. HELP WANTED, office girl Roy Tool Real Estate. 520 State Sti : OREGON STATE Motor Association-! in need of young lady for tumiHng of general business in our Salem of fice. Please contact Mrs. Beristrora, at Salem 2-3761 for appointment. CAR HOP 14 yrs. or oyer San EEZSL Portland Rd. No phone call. 610 Soles Persons Wanted SALESMAN wanted to represent the world's oldest and largest builds of farm welders. Sell direct from fac tory to farm, earn $1M or more each week. Protected territory. Rapid advancement. Car essential. No uv vestment. Conact V.'m. Henri ck arte 6 p.m. at Marion Hotel. ;i OREGON Corporatiori wants youn men interested In learning selling. Good earning during training period. Wonderful opportunity for advance ment. Ph. 2-8663 for appointment. Monday or Tues. a 612 Work Wanted. Male PAINTING AND DECORATING Over 26 years in Salem, let me estU mate. Phone 3-7552. . WILL DO ro to tiller work and work uf old lawns and will put in lawns. H. MiP.er. Ph. 2-2801. After . SALESMAN for Used Car, lot. Salary and commision basis. or straight salary. Ray Hall oc it. P. Albanv. p. Box 257. ROTOVATOR work.. Vincent Kramer". 2150 Lansing Ave. rhon:2-3180. CARE of lawns, gardening. Expert enced. 1176 Saginaw. Ph. 4-5917. ROTOTILLING. prompt. '. courteous service. Call 3-6890. 1 GARDEN and lawn mowing, mower for tall grass. Phone 4-6158. 'j - CUSTOM plowing and discing. Immeclli ate service, new equipment. 4-2907. MAN WITH PICK-UP TRUCK wan3 work week-ends. Phone $-6466 after 6 p.m. i - LIGHT Crawler dozing, and dirt leveP ing. Phone 2-3220. ? TRACTOR work, no iob too large "oT small. Ph2-3041. U LAWN MOWER and saw isharpeninf. Guaranteed. 391 Perth. Phone 2-1655. COLLEGE MAN: Remodeling, paper ing. painting and genera repairs to finance schooling. Sedfwick, $-4751 or 3-M273. t - ? ROTOVATOR work wanted. Ph. 2-3044 NEW lawns complete free estimates. Also roto-hoe work. Ph. 4-2941. ROTOVATOR work makes' nice seed bed. garden or lawn. CaB 3-8529- 6lrWork WantedrFemaleT""" HOUSE WORK. Call before 8:00 a re. and after 5.00 pjn. Ph. 2-90L 615 Situations Wanted ' CHILD CARE: $1.25. Keizer District. Fenced yard, all hours, Pa. 4-2466.-CHILD CARE Large fenced yard, batj sitting. 1698 Believue St. Ph. 1-0743. EXPERIENCED, desirable irl would" like house cleaning. Good references. Phone 3-4084. WILL care for Infant in my home. Phone 2-5966. t ROTARY tilling. 24 In. Howard. 1-3537, FLORIST work. temporaryHor perms nent. Box 975 co Statesman. ROTOTILLING, plowing, discin levT eling, bulldozing, garden supplies. Service Center. 4-5573. H HOME building and remodeling. Free estimates. 'Easy payments. Be Graves. Phone 3-8393. H PAINTING Sc paper hanging woraC guaranteed. Reasonable rate. J. Hudson. Ph. 4-6148. H Deglow. CHILD care in my home, prefer oxtf age J Phone 3-7098. ;t EXPERIENCED office mgrii and bkpr. Capable of handling correspondence and all office details. Phone 3-9787, PAINTING and decorating. Satisfac tory workmanship assured. Youn Christian Character. Martins. Ph. 4-2879. ' WILL BOARD children, good countr" home. Excellent care. Phone 2-6290. . CUSTOM TILLING. 20" Roto boe. Phone 3-7238 after 6 pjnj CUSTOM plowing, discing and harrow ing. Call 2-8156 pr3-1084 evenings. ROTOTILLING wark wanted, yrs. experienced. Tom Schott., Ph. -7371f NEW lawns prepared, seeded, have . rotary hoe and Gibson tractor with, dozer. Ph. 2-8127. it CEMENT work all kinds. Brick flower wells, seotic tanks. Blockwalls. John Feldschau General Cement Con tractor Phone 38-F3 Salem. DRESSMAKING, experienced. M r Julius Pineua. 1700 No 20th Phone 3-9342. i 618 Education 4 GOOD 10b ot lawn mower sharpen Ing Howser Bros 1410 8-jtlttn. 620 Day and Contract BULLDOZING. LAND CLEARING General excavation and beck fill work. Will buv timber. W - , BUROKER CONST. CO. Highway 99-E. Box 325A.ni mile t. Woodburn. Ore. Ph. Black 318. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work A Roads - Clearing - DitcSUng i . Sewer & Basemesr' -Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot . Phone day 3-sHOS. tvenings 3-7412. 2-4417 ' " Salem. Oregost j 700 Rentals " NEW modern trailer space - accommo dating any enrth trailer. With toilet connections. Concrete patio to each space. Shady. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Rd. , fi 702 Sleeping Rooms. ROOM with. bath, gentleman. Phone 3-4791. - DOUBLE or single, nice beta, reduced. ,-ates 6T1 N. High. CLEAN, quiet room near state build- ings and Capitol Shopping District.' Phone 2-1449. NICE sleeping room wuk feot it eo23 water. 255 Center. NICE FUK.MSHED warm rooms. K.1U chea privileges. Close mt 254 Ferry gt. J i ! -