The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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Frbm Tho Oregon Statesman's Vafloy Corrospondonts
SH Of TAL K Jfarine CapL Benjamin Eed (left). Korean
O-vt-ieran aad technical director for a film beinc made in Hollywood,
explains workfnes of a new 3.5 soper -bazooka ased In Kerea to
IA. CoL Peter Ortiz, World War II veteran la tae film.
ML Angel Club Community Club at
C? 13 T?I
l o Hiiiieriain
Farm Friends
S Ottoman Newt Service
MT. ANGEL The May 12 meet
lag of the Business Men's Club
win be designated "Farmers Night"
and each member is expected to
brmg two fanner friends as guests,
according to entertainment chair
man W. Verboort. This is to be an
annual affair.
to ha-e most of
community attend at least one
Farmer Night in a period of a
few years. The dinner is to be held
i St. Mary's School dining hall
ni the farmers' dinner paid for
by the member who invites them, i
Each member is to report the
names of his guests at the next
meeting, April 28.
George Schmidt, onion man, who
flew to Washington, D. C. two !
weVks ago to meet with the price
etaoilizing board, gave a short talk ;
on his impressions of Washington
business control and was of
tatesaua Nwi Service
PRATUM Officers will be
elected when the Pratum Com
munity Club meets at 8 p. m. Fri
day at the school.
Present officers, George Wil
liams, Maxine Hansen and Albert
Gerig are in charge of the pro
gram. The refreshment commit
Salem Heights
Pair Wins Cub
Scout Honors
award in Cub scouting, the
"Weblo award, was presented to
Gerald Kurth and Darrel Rybloom
on Friday evening, when the pack
meeting of the Cub Scouts of the
Liberty and Salem Heights area
met at the Salem Heights Com
munity Hall.
The theme for April was
"Things That Grow," and each
Cub Scout brought a potted plant
and presented it to their mothers,
as an Easter gift. Movies were the
feature of the evening.
At the presentation of awards.
Wolf awards were presented to
George Bent, Gary Fieken, and
Ned Norris; Wolf gold arrows,
Howard Knytych, Ned Harris and
Eddia Davenport; Wolf silver ar
rows, John Frees, (two) Lee
Gray, Larry Rector, Dick McKil
lop and Jim Thede. Dennis Blaco
! received a gold arrow in the bear
Lion badges were presented to
Paul Finell and Don Norris, Lion
gold arrow, Charles Turner, and
Lion Silver arrow, Gerald Kurth.
Jo Rermualt was awarded his
Den chief cord, and Bill Allen his
graduation certificate into troop
19. Jom Kinney, scoutmaster of
troop 19, gave a talk and wel
comed the scouts into the troop.
tee includes Mrs. John Hay, Mrs. ; .O f e
Ole Jensen and Mrs. Walter Ruyle. ! WC lC VFirlS
mS7ee ; Enrollment Up
At Hubbard
Grade School
Statc&maa Ntwi errieo
HUBBARD Enrollment in the
Hubbard Grade School tataled 207
Tuesday, compared with 188 at the
beginning of the year. Enrollment
of Judy Foss in the second grade,
Nancy and Carol Foss in the fifth
the i brought the total up.
Send Baskets
To Institutions
Dayton School
Selects Court
For May Day
(Utnnu Nra Service
DAYTON The Junior May
Court has been chosen by Dayton
Grade School students for the an
nual May Day Festival. Barbara
McCormick was elected queen with
Pamela Massev as maid of honor.
Princesses include Ruth Litscher,
Paula Joeckel, Dorothy Janes, Ca
rol Willard, Melva Jean Hamilton
and Carol Jo JFrancis. The May
Day program is set for Friday,
May 2.
The Student Body of Dayton
Union High School will present a
play, "Little Women.- at the May
Day activities. The four March
sisters, the "Little Women," will
be played by Willa Sisco, Mary
Merry man, Linda Benedict and
Margie Blanchard. Marcena Fow
ler will play Mrs. March and Mr.
March will" be played by Harold
Others in the cast include Shir
ley Tribbett, Deloris Whitehead,
Dean Schmitz, Elver Hoard, Ray
Hibbs, Jim Asher, Lois Schmitz,
Carol Hraba, Marlene Paris and
Delores TrammelL
Stage manager is Jim Litcher;
costume director, Betty Minor;
promoters, Suzanne Smith, Darle
na Abrahamson. Yvonne Ewing,
Barbara Makinster and Betty Jos-lyn.
pinion that the price control! Egg hunts and refreshments
would go outin June. j were enjoyed by the first and sec-
At the request of Mrs. Tony j ond graders at school Friday with
Bigter, a 4 - H Club leader, the mothers assisting the teachers
Business Men's Club voted to do- with the activities. The third and
ivate a full 4-H summer school
scholarship this year.
Through courtesy of John T.
Bau-man and W. Verboort, a mo
tion picture, sponsored by the Na
tional Association of Manufactur f
t s, was shown.
New Rule Set
For Primrose
Show, Exhibit
Statesman News Service
MT. ANGEL A new rule for
emhitHts in the 1952 Primrose
Show at Mt. Angel has been made
by the Garden Club which spon
sors the show. To qualify for entry
in the show, which is slated for
Sunday, April 27, all primrose
pi tut containers, except the regu
lar earthenware flower pots, must
be covered with green paper.
The new ruling resulted from
the unfavorable view presented
last year by the array of coffee
and othet lettered cans on the
exhibition table which made the
acene unsuitable for photograph
to?. Any kind of plain green paper
ia ecceptable
This year's show will be held in
the basement dining hall of St.
Mary's School and entries will be
received there Saturday afternoon,
Ap.-! tQ, and on Sunday from
I to 31 a.m. Judging will begin at
II a-.m. and no entries received
thereafter will be eligible for
fourth grades enjoyed; a combin
ed birthday party with exchange
of gifts, birthday cake and ice
cream, Easter favors and games.
Mothers assisted with the party.
The Lazy Daisy 4-H Sewing Club
met April 10 and discussed going
to the spring show in Stayton on
May 9. They made preparations to
show their projects at the P-T A
meeting, April 21.
The Hubbard Extension Unit
will - meet Wednesday for an all
day meeting in the Rebekah Hall
to learn abdut "Kitchen Storage."
The meeting will begin at 10:30
a jTi., a salad and coffee will be
served to go with a sack lunch.
Officers will be elected.
Ititinui Nw 8rvl-
SWEGLE A busy organiza
tion of Swegle school girls this
year has been the Swegle Brown- j
ie Troop 12. They have been meet- i
ing each week with Mrs. T. M. j
Blackburn, leader, and Mrs. Har-
ry Reese, assistant leader.
For their last project the girls !
made 20 Easter baskets. Ten of;
the baskets were given to a child's
clinic and ten to the Junior Red
Cross, which gave them to chil
dren at Fairview Home.
Members of the troop are Jesse
Bergin, Doretha Berg, Jean Black
burn, Vindy Bowers, Georgia
Brown, Jeanetta Forse, Virginia
Forse, Julia Giersch, Mary Lee
Harner, Linda Lue. Hinkle, Shar
on Hinkie, Jean Hamilton, Sharon
Rogers, Rilla Rose Otjen, Judy
Mansfield, Margie Masters, Sher
ry Parsons, Nancy Welty, Diane
Karb, Pamela Jipp, Nancy Starck,
Janice McDonald and Linda Mlck-lia.
tatessaaa News rrtee
Lyons The Three Links Club
bazaar will ba held Thursday
night at the Rebekah HalL
West Stajton The Aumsville
P-TA minstrel group will present
a minstrel show at 8 p. m. Thurs
day at the West Stayton school
house. This will ba the group's
third performance.
Bethel Sgt. Jack E. Thomp
son arrived from Camp McCoy,
Wis., by plane Monday to visit
his mother, Mrs. Hertha Thomp
son, and Mr. and Mrs. Niels Pet
ersen, his uncle and aunt. He re
cently completed 15 months serv
ice in Korea.
Four Corners An auction to
benefit the Four Corners Com
munity Hall fund will be held at
the hall Thursday at 7:30 p. m.,
sponsored by Auburn Woman's
Fruitland Fruitland Mothers
Club will meet at 8 p. m. Thurs
day at the school.
Middle Grove The Associ
ated Clubs of Middle Grove will
meet at 8 p. m. Friday at the
school. Youth of the community
will furnish the program. Sand
wiches will ba served.
Silverton George Christen
son underwent an emergency op
eration early Wednesday morning
at Silverton Hospital. He was re
ported "resting well" later.
WiUamina Mrs. Axel Wak
kure was hostess to tho Willamina
Garden Club when two new mem-
hsn TJIrm T ji m Phimhfri and
Mrs. Winifred Lovejoy joined the I TV-at f f 7 I
club. Tho club voted to sponsor j 1 Ov VHlvVI"
a fruit and vegetable contest this
summer with prizes to be award- luUnus News Service
ed. ItART SALEM New officers
were elected by two East Salem
Home Extension Units at meet
ings the past week. For Lansing j
Neighbors unit they were: Chair-,
man, Mrs. Joo Zajic: secretary and ;
treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Kuiper; and
vice chairman, Mrs. E. E. Mc-1
Elected as new officers for Swe
gle Unit, meeting at the home of
Mrs. Harold Holler, were: Chair-'
man, Mrs. V. M. LaDue; vice
chairman, Mrs. Alfred Pauili; and
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. George
Mrs. Juno Burke was project ,
leader for the demonstration,
short cuts in housekeeping, for ;
Lansing Neighbors Unit. Mrs. j
Marjorie White was leader for ;
Swegle Unit, discussing kitchen j
storage. ;
To Big Easter
Group at Zena
Statesaaaa Newt Service
ZENA Mr. and Mrs. Byron J.
Purvine were hosts at an Eater
breakfast and Indoor Easter egg
hunt at their Zena home Sunday
with Zena Sunday School mem
bers as guests.
Assisting Mrs. Purvine in serv
ing breakfast were Mesdames Ed
ward Schlegel, Harold D. Burns,
Jack Quiring, Elmer Terril and
Alvin E. Ellison
Group singing was led by James
R. Larson, accompanied on" the
accordion by Mrs. Larson. The
Larson family is leaving soon to
do missionary work at Belling
ham,, Wash.
Jack Quiring, Zena Sunday
School superintendent, showed
slides to 54 members of the Sun
day School.
Gerv ais Man to
Coach Jr. Legion
Team at Woodburn
fUttsmjLn Ntwt Srric
GERVAIS Paul L. Reiling.
principal of tho Gervais Union
High School, has been selected as
coach for tho Woodburn American
Legion Junior baseball team for
the current season. The Woodburn
city recreation and park board will
cooperate with the Legion in man
aging tho baseball team. Reiling
is a former baseball player and a
high school coach.
Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert M
READY ON FlRINC LINE Scree star Gary
Cooper takes place with his dog on the firing llae dartng shoetrag
routlno for tora at bagring pesky marples at Sea Valley. Idike,
Sally Humble of Empire; Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Harper of Salem;
guests or Mr. and i Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harper
Harper were Miss ! and Linda Catherine of Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ruther
ford and two sons of Silverton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale
Brown of Aberdeen. Wash.
East Salem
Units Choose
Silverton The Silverton
Chamber of Commerce will meet
Thursday noon at Toney's, when
members will make further plans
for the summer Western Horse
Show, which the local, chamber is
sponsoring this year for the first
time. The show was Started four
years ago by the Silverton Rotary
Club as a means of repairing
McGinnis Field ior high school
use. The Rotarians this year vot
ed against holding it any longer.
Bats are not birds but mammals
with fur and teeth who have
foung born alive and nurse at the
r east.
As a Dusincssman
I lilto
I It's right downtown,
near all my clients
.1 and financial centers.
1 day laundry service.
Stenographic service.
Men's cfvb and plunge.
i -Herd your
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tot rf
MO A.M.;2SP.vt
"d 75 P. M. :
PORTLAND . . . 30miru
ttATTU ,s4hr
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MEDfORD . . . iy,hrs.
$AN ANCISCO 4', hrs.
LOS ANGfUS . . 7 hrs.
Airport TWminoi. Coll 2-24U
or m outfcoriMd frov.l ag,i.
Silvotton The Immanuel
Women's Missionary Federation
will meet Thursday at 7:30 in the
Fireside Room at the church, with
Mrs. Wallace Satern to present
the topic. A special feature will
be the honoring of a member
whose name will be revealed
during the social hour of the eve
ning. Hostesses are Mrs. Daryl
Johnson, Mrs. Charles Hopkins,
Mrs. Vincent Jorgensen, Mrs. Os
car Johnson, Mrs. Ole Meland.
Mrs. Olaf Tokstad and Mrs.
Audno Tokstad.
Liberty Clubs
Plan Program,
Supper Friday
StatemJLn News trvle
LIBERTY The Liberty Womans
Club and the Liberty Mothers
Club will entertain Jointly on Fri
day at 6:30 p.m. at a family dinner
at Liberty School cafeteria.
A covered-dish supper will be
served. On the committee for tho
Womans Club are Mrs. James Falk,
Mrs. Alvin Pool, Mrs. Fred Rob
ertson, and Mrs. Harold Rose
braugh. Serving for tho Mothers
Club are Mrs. John Turner, Mrs.
Arthur Wirth, Mrs. Sid Boise and
Mrs. Sid VanDyke. Everyone is
asked to bring his own service.
A program will follow with
Mrs. C. W. Stacey in charge. It
will be put on by the Children's
Farm Home at Corvallis. Each per
son is asked bring a pair of socks
for the children at the home, and
a silver offering will be taken
for the home.
The wings of a bat are sup
ported by bones which correspond
to those of the fingers of a man's
Fruitland Unit Elects
Mrs. J. Shamberger
Statesman Newt Serrlc
Shamberger was hostess at her
home for the Fruitland Home Ex
tension Unit when June Burke
discussed housekeeping shortcuts.
Mrs. Arthur Dalke was elected
chairman for the next year. Oth
ers chosen were Mrs. Stanley
Fagg, vice chairman and Mrs.
Shamberger, secretary. They will
be installed at the May meeting.
Color blindness is seven times j
as common among men as among
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You may be suffering ''old
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Got genuine Rybutol today.
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That tohy the Vitamin Corpo
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KtiB-potency B-Coraplez vrtantas . . . vrta 3 nets, sf Vitamin B-12
CT9f$ tntrc Isxsry
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