j ,Q The Statesman, Balgx, Oregon, Saturday. April 8, 1952 700 Rentals 702 SI pin? Rooms. Board CHEERFUL room, good meal. IAS month 495 N. Cottage. EIGHTH housekeeping room, lady only. 683 N. Church. 705 Apartments For Rent X ROOM furnished pt.. newly dec orated, all utilities paid. Elec. range & refrigerator, private bath and en trance. Inquire 2219 Broadway. APT.. 3 rooms, range St refrigerator, oil beat, and garage. Inquire at 3111 Sunnyview Ave. Ph. 4-2938. UPSTAIRS one bedroom, livingroom, kitchen, bath. $28. 1029 Saginaw. 4-3982. 3 ROOM furnished upstairs apt., auto matic washer. Phone 2-4814 or 4-1600. FURNISHED 3 room, clean, light, auto matic hot water, washing facilities. Refrigeration. Adults. $35 and (40. 310 E. Judson. FURNISHED kitchenette, sitting room. Business girl. Ph. 3-9696. 1370 Che meketa. DOWNTOWN, nice clean one room. kitchenette, 658 Center. FURN. 3 rms. and bath. Ground floor. All electric. Utilities furn. 985 Sag inaw. UNFURNI6HED duplex 3 rooms, hot and cold water furn. Call 2-2815. NICE room, private bath. 1165 Court St. NICE APARTMENT, 1165 COURT ST. (ROOM furnished apt. $45. Full bath, heat and water furnished. Call 4-5604. NICELY furnished 2 oom. private bath and entrance, kitchenette, new elec tric range, refrigerator. Phone 4-1636. NICE FURNISHED 3 room Apartment, close in. newly decorated, private bath. Ph. 3-6768. . FURNISHED 3 room 1st floor, private bath Children O.K. 231Q N. 14th. 1 ROOM house furnished, inquire 375 Market St. : SMALL 2 room furnished basement apt. 375 Market. LARGE 3 room furnished cottage, util ities paid, garage. $50. 2-0688. FURNISHED 3 room, private bath, re fngerator, utilities free. $48. 1599 State. FURNISHED, kitchenette, sitting room, business girl. Ph. 3-9696. 1370 Chem eketa. NEWLY decorated 1 room furnished apt. utilities paid. $25. 2261 Hazel Ave. P.v .-9084. . NEWLY furnished 2 room apartment with entrance and bath. Close to Shopping Center Sc downtown. 1145 Bellevue St. HOUSE FOR rent, inquire at 1315 N. 17th. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apartment, pri vate bath, hot water. Phone 3-6434. LARGE 3 room nicely furnished apt. Close in. 549 . . Cottage. VERY NICE 1 Bedroom furnished, util ities paid. $58. 1410'a Court. 475 N- CAPITOL. 3 room furnished front apartment, utilities paid except cooking. $45 month. Single woman. Phone 3-7525. NICELY furnished apartment, close to State offices. Reasonable. Ph. 4-5578. CLEAN, modern 3" room, range and re frigerator. N'o other furnishings. Eastndge Apartments. 1055 Edge water ft ROOM furnished, all electric, first floor. 1J10 Madison . t BEDROOM unfurnished court apart ment with stove and refrigerrator. 905 S. 13th. Phone 2-7079. NICELY furnished ground floor. 3 rooms Private bath and entrance. After 3 p.m. 1775 N. Front. 4-1677. NICELY furnished apartments. Ambas sador Apartments. 550 No. Summer St. . FURNISHED 3-room apt. $40. Private bath and entrance. 1968 N. Commercial. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KOIN 970, KGW 620, KEX 11H Pacific Standard Time FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the programs and times as provided by the radio stations, but because oftlmes the programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein). HOUR 00:00 00:15 KSLM News KOCO West. Melody KOIN News KGW Clock Watch KEX Ore Farm Hr. 6 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway I Break Gang Break Gang Jamboree IJamboree Music Keys KOIN Klock (Macleod Newi Guss News Hear This JHear This IHear This Band Box I M. Agronsky Bob Garred KSLM Music (Music Haven of Rest Haven of Rest KOCO Proudly Hail (Proudly Hail I The Rangers I The Rangers KOIN Let's Pretend (Let's Pretend Give Sc Take (Give St Take KGW C.G. Cadeta ICG. Cadets Love Story lLove Story I KEX No School INo Scliool UNo Scnool INo School 8 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX NW Newi IFarmScHome Pastor Call (Bargain Ctr Vews Music of West ! 4-H Club ISoapbox Derby Theatre I Theatre I Holly wd. Stars Hollywood Stars Howdy Doody - 'Howdy Doody Reading Fun IHowdy Doody Toyland Tunes IToyland Tunes 1 Space Patrol ISpace Patrol News Mark Rogers IStory Time IMusic Aunt Sophie I Aunt Sophie I Serenade ) Serenade Grd. Cent Sta. Grd. Cent. Sta. Hospital Hospital Howdy Doody Adventure Smilin' Ed ISmilin' Ed lorn. Stars iTom. Stars iTom. Stars ITom. Stars 11 KSLM Herb's Hour KOCO Science Drama KOIN Music Girls KGW Mary Tavlor KEX Met. Opera Herb's Hour Baseball .Music Girls Klarv Tavior I Met. Opera 12 KSLM Gay 90s KOCO Baseball KOIN News KGW Farm-Home KEX Met. Opera IN.W. News I Baseball I Galen Drake iFarm-Home I Met. Opera KSLM M Rogers IMusic IMusic IMusic KOCO Baseball Baseball I Matinee I Matinee KOIN Quiz Kids IQuiz Kids 'Kirkham News Kirkham News KGW Conrad Nagel Conrad Nagel 'Mind Manners 'Mind Manners KKX Met. Opera IMet. Opera 'Met. Opera IMet. Opera 1 2 KSLM KOCO fOIN GW KEX Music IMusic I Bands, Bonds I Bands, Bonds Matinee IMus Best Bets I Matinee Matinee Band Band I Cross Section Cross Section City Serenade City Serenade HeHlping Hand Ter. Lea Sings Tea Sc Crump. Tea Crump. Blue Serenade I Demo. Agent 3 KSLM i KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Music IMusic IMusic I Mindy Carson Matinee I Matinee Matinee Curtain Calls Kirkham Vews U.N on Record Mindy Carson ' L. LeSueur Public Affair To Be Advised Blue Serenade Guest Star Labor Conf. i Labor Conf. Review In Mu. Review in Mu 4 KSLM John Flvnn Hemingway KOCO Chin up IChln Up KOIN Schools and U Schools and KGW Meet Congress Meet Congress Medicine USA Medicine USA KEX Review in Mu Review in 5 KSLM Mr Force Hour' Mr Force HourC"hri science Music KOCO Square Sets I Rhythm Ranch Stories to Rem. Upper Room KOIN G Fischer I Guest Stars CI uest Stars Goss. News KGW Kaltcnborn Sews IT L. McCall I Bill Stern KEX Navy Hour I Navy Hour I Blue S porta Bob Garred 6 7 8 9 KSLM Vews IMusic West Ramblers' West Ramblers KOCO Dinner Music UlinnerMuslo News I Assembly God KOIN Tarzan ITarzan The Big Time The Big Time KGW West. Theatre West. Theatre lludy Capova iludy Canova KEX Sports Edition I. .ome Edition ood Listen'g I Good Listening KSLM Music IMusic ILyle & Western. Lyle St Western. KOCO Speaker of Wk. Speaker of Wk. Music Midcourt KOIN Qs Wax Works I Qs Wax Works Q s Wax W'ks Q's Wax W'ks KGW V. Monroe V. Monroe Grand Opry IGrand Opry KEX ood Listen'g I ood Listen'g I Great Advent. ! Great Advent. KSLM ReDorters RduD' Reporters RduD Music IMusic KOCO Dance Party ' Dance Party Dance Party ! Dance Party KOIN Meet Millie Meet Millie Gene Autry IGeneAutry KGW Eddy Arnold Eddy Arnold I Roundup Time Roundup Time KEX Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger I Pres. Truman I Pres. Truman KSLM News IPop Edwards I Record Show I Record Show KOCO Dance Party ! Dance Party Dance Party (Dance Party KOIN Gane Busters IGang Busters fBrodwav Beat1 Broadway Beat KGW Bar B-Q Bill (Bar B-Q Bill- I NW Square Da NW Square Da. KKX Dance Party I Dance Party lOld Wld. Da .n. Old Wld. Dan. 10 KSLM Record Show KOCO Dance Party KOIN Night Tinal KGW News KKX Final Edition 11 KSLM Open House fOpen House Open House Own House KOCO Dance Party I Dance Party Dance Party I Dance Party KOIN Orchestra I Organ Melod. Treas Bands td I Tress Banastnd KGW Ciro's Tonight Ciro's Tonight CiroTooight J Ciro's Tonight KKX Dance Time I Dance Time I Dance Time IDaneeTime KOAC 550 KC 10 00 a. m. The News and Weather: 10:13. Especially tor Women; 11: 0. University Concerts: 120. The" News and Weather: 12:1$ Noon Farm Hour: 1 :00 Port of cU- 1:30 Report from Europe: 1:45 Music ior Soul; 2:00 Music of the Masters: 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Rent SMALL, furnished cottage, clean, close In, $30: Utilities. One lady. Ph. 3-5211. MODERN FURNISHED Apartment bath - utilities - walking distance 450 S. Capitol. 1 ROOM furnished. I woman. 132 6. 13th. Ph. 3-5223. YOU WILL Uka this one Lovely 3 room newly decorated, furnished, roomy. Private bath, private en trance, garage. $30. 841 N. Liberty. HOUSING problem, try 2453 State StT CLEAN, attractive, private bath and entran- e. 1009 N. Stn. . LEE APTS. Salem l most distinguished adddresa. Beautiful Bachelor apartments with Pullman Kitchens at Reduced rates 1 bedroom apts. from (72.50 We in vite your inspection or call 4-1641 w.ntcr at Union Sts FURNISHED apartment, 3 blocks from city center. Call at Woodry Furni , ture Company, 474 S. Commercial. BEAUTIFUL 3 room apartment and bath. All electric appliances fur nished including automatic washer and dryer. Call at 1395 N. Liberty. Phone 2-7905. FURN apT close In. $30. 135 with priv. bath, $50. 790 N. Church. i ROOM furnished apartment, ground floor private bath and entrance 945 S. 12th. 707 Houses For Rent LARGE 2 BR. house with double garage, nice view and lawn. This is a very comfortable but not elaborate home. Rent is $65 mo. Call z-4644. CLEAN, one bedroom unfurnished house, oil heater, lawn, garden, near State Hospital. Ph. 2-2271. DUPLEX, attractive unfurnished, one bedroom, adults. Phone 2-4708. OLDER type modern house $45. Partly furnished. Phone 3-9829 or 2-0867. MODERN clean 2 B. R. furnished house. Ph. 2-5277. 1 132 Ruge. DOWNSTAIRS, one bedroom, living room, dining room. bath, kitchen. $59. Utilities. 155 South 19th. 4-3982. 2 ROOM furnished cottage, electric, adults, no pets. C. E. Andresen. 4990 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 41247. ALMOST new 2 bedroom, hardwood floors, oil furnace, large garage. $75. 950 Morningside. Phone 42785. ONE BEDROOM house, garden spot and shade trees. $35. mo. Ph. 2-1609. NICE ONE bedroom unfurnished cot tage. handy location. Inquire 1163 S. Liberty. CLOSE IN house, steam heated, lower apt. for self. 2 upper apt. now rented. 2 garaees rented. A good proposition. for reliable adults, fn. z-wu. 2 BEDROOM house, garden plowed, electric pump. Ernest E. Portor. 4850 Rerkman Rd '2 mile E. Keizer. 3 ROOM modern furnished cottage in West Salem, electric heat, on bus line. $50 for one or 2 people. Phone after 5:30 p.m. 2-6981. ONE BEDROOM, electric range & heat, fruit Sc garden. $40. No smoking or drinking. Ph. 3-353Q. 2 ROOM partly furnished, close in, on bus line. Inquire at 930 N. Com- mercial. SMALL 2 bedroom house, garage, elec tric range, refrigerator, $60 per month. 1525 Bonnie way. 3ROOM modern unfurnished house, $30 a nonth. 1570 S. Commercial. VACANT today, furnished, perfect for two Stove, bus. 3-5085 . 319 S. 25th. 3 BEDROOM house. 1075 N. 20th, $5$! Available April 7. Phone 2-1751. MODERN HOUSE and i acre. 4123 State St.. $40. Immediate possession. Phone 2-7150. 00:30 1:45 (Timekeeper iFarm News INewe West. Melody (Farm News I World Newa KOIN Clock I KOIN Klock . KOIN KloK Clotch Watch Clock Watch Clock Watch !Ore Farm Hr. I Ore Farm Hr. Ore. farm Hr. Top Trades Ex. Service i Cons News I News I Bob Hazen I ! Herb's Hour Baseball Meet Missus IY. Oregonians !Met: Opera I Herb's Hour I Baseball I Meet Missus I v Oregomana '.Met. Opera Man on Farm I Baseball I Quiz Secret Story IMt. Opera I Man on Farm I Baseball (Family Fun Secret Story IMet. Opera 'Mark Rogers j Twin Views (Religious I News U Health Facts Scratchpad Mu Review in Mu. Review in Mu. ! Record Show IN W News lOrchestra I Lonesome Gal 'Lonesome Gal 'Dance Party Chicagoans Drhestr 1 Orchestra IS ports Page I Downhomers IDownhomers I Dance Time I Dance Time I Dance Time 440 Excursion In Science: 4:13 On the Upbeat: 4:45 Frontier Fighters: 5 .00 Stories n Stuff; 3:30 London Letter: 3:43, A Trip Through Switzerland: AO The News and Weather; 6:15 Music for the Connoisseur: 7:13, Grand Op era Tonight: 940. News and Weather; 9:13. Dane Parade: 10:00. Sign Off 800 Real Estate ATTENTION PLEASE $1000 UNDER APPRAISAL Owner says "sell" 2 year old 2 bdrm. home near Washington School. Oppor tunity is knocking) Who will be the lucky one to get this really good deal? Price only (6800. Call Al Watts, home ph. 3-7265. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING 702 N. High St. North Side We have a very good buy In this 3 bdrm. home, large corner lot, and very good price. Only $4500. Now Is the Time For you to see the value in this 3-bdrm. home, bedrooms all on one floor. Convenient to schla , bus and markets. Priced right for anybody. $5850. You Can't Beat This Very nice home located north, close to schools and bus. 3 full bedrooms and basement. Large lot, big garden space, excellent buy for any family. $7250. This Can Be Yours For very little down, and easy monthly payments, good loc 3 bedrooms ana Gen. or 4 bedrooms, a lady s Kitcnen ana Desiaes ail tnat it has a basement. Full price $8500. A Beauty Lovely 4 bedroom home, plus den or music room. Nice arrangement, beau tifully decorated. You must see this to really see the value at the price of only $15,700.00. We have manv good buys In farm lands these days, for example: 20 Acres $12,500. 35 Acres $14,500. Many good buys In building lots also. 4 Acre, beautiful view Priced for quick sale, only $2500. Our office Is located at 1853 North Capitol St. In the heart of Hollywood where there's LOADS OF PARKING SPACE. Zeeb's Real Estate and Ins. Eves. Phone Mrs. O'Donnell. 4-6318; Mr. Klang, 3-3292 or Mr. Zeeb. 2-6862 . 4 BEDROOMS 1240 Evergreen Owner being transfered. Must sell this la story house. 2 B. R. down Sc 2 B. R. up. (One is double room). This house was completed in August last year and is in excellent shape. Very good heating plant, fireplace. Inside laundry room is equipped with auto, washer and dryer, which will remain In the house. Near bus and school tEnglewood). Call and let us show you this. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner Real Estate OFFICE 3-9217 $68253 BEDROOM HOME This three bedroom home all on one floor, located on larger lot, with paved street, needs some handy man's attention, but a very good buy on today's market. Call Tibbetts. 2 BEDROOM WITH FTREPLACE 2 bedroom home located close to transportation, well landscaped on large lot. hardwood floors, attached garage, a very comfortable well planned home, asking $7200.00. Call Tibbetts. QUICK SALE VALUE Needs paint and paper but: was built when home building was an art. has nice large lot with good trees. 2 bdrm. down, and 2 unfinished up, nas an atmosphere of quiet dignity. Hurry, this won't last. Call Jim. NICE ENGLEWOOD HOME The location la good (1625 Norway St.) surrounded by fine homes, home Is reallv nice (2 bdrm. den), automatic heat, lawn Is just right to cut, nice shrubs to trim. Owner is going to Eugene, says sell quick, price now $9400 00. Call Jim Rawlins. 4 ACRE EAST Nice 2 bedroom home located east near Lincoln school, some furniture goes, full price $6000. Make offer on down payment. Call Chet. RESTAURANT & GRILL Avail yourself of this money maker now located close to Detroit Dam. Full price $1100. Call Chet. CROISEN CREEK If you love seclusion yet have your home sitting amid other beautiful homes on Croisen. we have 2 of the finest homes on the creek for sale. Both have fireplaces, patio, 2 bedroom, forced air heat, prices $11,500 $12,500. Call Chet. 69 ACRES In ten miles of Salem, has good large home and lots of good out buildings, can be bought with or without crop, which is already In. So step in and oe a farmer tomorrow Call Dent for details. HEY YOUM! If you need a small acreage or nice building site, see Dent. We can fix you up. NEEDED AT ONCE We are in need of good farm listings If you have one we can sell it. Bee or eall Dent. RAWLINS 1060 N. Capitol EVENING Tibbetts 2-7486 Jim 2-8578 EAST ON PAVEMENT $6.250 Small 2 Br. home, completely furnished. Extra large lot. Nice garden space. Some fruit. Bus close by. $1200 down will handle. A MUST SELL $9.000 Owner transferred to California Must sell modern 2 Br. home. B years old. East, near D St. bus. About $2200 needed. Take over FHA at $43 per mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $9,500 Close in 3 Br. older home. Basement, fireplace. New heating plant. Just vacated Move right in. Good terms. MAKE OFFER On this older 6 Rm. home. Walking distance to town or State Bldgs. Needs some repairs. Asking $4500. Good terms. HORSEMAN OR COWGIRL A well located 7 A ranch. Large barn. Good modern t Br. home. Some commercial fruit Nice garden. Fenced pasture On pavement, and close enough for sub-dividing now, if desired. Present owner leaving on account of health. Asking $15,500. Terms, of course. WORTH SEEING This 17 A. ranch, not far out on pavement, well worth the $10,500 asked. Nice field, of berries. Some commercial filberts. Family orchard Modern 2 Br. home Plenty of out-buildings for cows, pigs, chickens, etc. Close enough to work in town. Terms. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 S. Phone Andy Halvorsen Ph. 3-7163 Eves and Apartment House In excellent location, convenient to State Offices and shopping center. Shows excellent return on investment. 8 apts. 2 single rooms 3 garages. Call J. E. Law, Salesman. Close in N. E. Located on bus line. "2 Acre with small home Garage, poultry house, fruit trees, berries. $500 down. Ideal for retired couple or the young man that wants a start. See this place before you buy. Call O. V. Hume, Co-op. Broker. A. Good Farm Buy 235 Acres, apprcnt. one hundred acres of prunes. 20 acres of cherries, bal. open land and pasture. Creek. Old house, paved road. Located 12 miles out. Price $22,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr.. Co-op. Broker. YouTl Be Proud of This Lovely Candalaria view home. Spacious liv. rm. and din. rm., kitchen with nice view from corner sink. 3 lovely bdrms., 2 sets plbg.. inside utility rm.. forced air oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. firs., dble. garage. All yard work. done. To see this lovely home call Pete Geiser, Salesman. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call: Pete Geiser. 3-906$ J. X. Law. 3-5113 O. V. Hum. Broker. 2-5204 800 Real Estate REALTORS Ph. 8-3669 Insurance Mortgage Loans EVES. PH. MEL KELLEY. 1-4709 REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) Office phones 2-4664 or 4-1761 PHONES Chet 3-6236 Dent 3-7638 High 2 - 8629 A. E. Beckett Ph. 2-4591 Sunday 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent ALMOST NEW 2 bedroom house. Elec tric range, automatic heat, hardwood floors, insulated. 2230 Maple Ave. AVAILABLE April 10. In Allen Court, lx vely one bedroom house, electric stove, refrigerator, and oil circulator furnished, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, garage, $53. See now. 1290 N. 1-Uh. Phone 3-3000. MODERN 1 BEDROOM HOUSE, unfur nished. In small court near Capitol Bidgs. ' Cozy and convenient. See at 1533 Court St FOR RENT. 2 room furnished cabin, oil heat, electric range $35 per month. All utilities paid. Fir Crest Trailer ourt. 3910 N. River Rd.. Cabin 1 2 CABINS, not modern, city bus.adults, reasonable. 1913 Highway Ave. AVAILABLE APRIL 1ST. Modern 1 bedroom, all electric. In small court lose in. See NOW. 1533 Court Street. 708 Farms, Tracts For Rent 12 ACRES subject to Irrigation. 20 miles N. Small buildings, fruit and beris. Long lease if lesired. D A. Fish. 1488 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-4706. 710 Wanted to Rent Housea WANTED: 2 or 3 bedroom house, no C h i ldren. no pets. 4-2248. fOUPLE wants house with small acre age within 5 miles Salem. Ph. 4-2796. 2 BEDROOM home with acreage. 5080 Newberg Dr. WXNT TO RENT immed iately, modern unfurnished nouse with small acre age or a small farm, suitable for some livestock. Young reliable couple, no children, no drinkers. Box 924, co Statesman. RELIABLE COUPLE desire or 1 or 2 bedroom home. Two year lease de sirable. Box 914. co Statesman. 714 Businesa Rentals BUSINESS Room. H L. Stiff. 800 Real Estate BUILDING 72x28, acre. South l'i miles. Priced at price of building. all goes for $2350. Phone 4-2687. MR. VETERAN Whv not invest your bonus in a home? All we require is a very small .de posit with the balance of down pay ment upon completion and delivery of one of these brand new homes. Just think the total price is only $7150 for a two bedroom and $8250 on a three bedroom. Only 10'" total down payment to veterans, plus re serves. We invite you to inspect these homes. Please note they are not PRE FABRICATED. THEY ARE BUILT RIGHT FROM SCRATCH ON THE LOT YOU SELECT. ELBOW ROOM Yet not too much yard. 50 by 217 feet. 2 year old home. Black top street. Insulated. Approx. 900 sq. ft. Owner will exchange for 2 bedroom home ,with small lot. Total price only $7250. ROOMY YET INEXPENSIVE 2 regular size and one small bedroom. 4 blocks to school. Large garage. 60 by 140 ft lot. Owner leaving state. Insulated. 'a block to bus. Price hps been drastjcally reduced to $7250. Terms arranged. DANDY LITTLE HOME Very cute and unique. Modern and very clean. Nice yard. Garage. Pri vate well, 'brd acre lot. Out of the high tax district. Just think, the price is only $4250. Terms. QUALITY PLUS And we mean every word of it. This home is really well built. Has all the features of an expensive home. Very good surroundings. Oil heat. Garage. Paved St., 1 year old and its expen sive. Nice yard. Private water sys tem. See this one befpre you buy. Price $10,500. FHA terms If desired LIKE A GREEN HOUSE If so. see this one. Only 1 year old. Very near school, bus, and store. Plus the green house, it has a very modern 2 bedroom home, almost new. Insulated, weather-stripped. Garage Ven. blinds. 70x170 ft lot. Only $2500 down. Total price $10,700. CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK. eve. ph. 4-3533 or LLOYD KEENE, eve ph. 2-6076. DANDY SUBURBAN S'i acres. Only 2 miles from Salem. 2 bedroom home almost new in very good condition. 20 by 50 ft. chicken house not quite finished. New brood er house. Private well. Just listed this one for $6950. U B THE JUDGE On this one. We think its a real buy. 2 bedroom home, very good condi tion. Barn, chicken house, tool house, store house, family orchard. Willam ette soil. Nice lawn and shrubs. School bus. Well. Total price $10,950. 25 ACRES ONLY $1000 15 minutes from Salem. Good building site. Creek. See this today. PRICE REDUCED On this 10 acre tract. Modern ranch type home. Chicken house, rabbit hutches. 7'ii acres berries Family orchard. Farm machinery. Price has been reduced to $10,950. Will trade for small home. AMITY SOIL Buildings need paint but are In good ture in some goes. 3 cows. 24 chick ens. Price reduced to S80O0. Terms condition. No waste land All furm arranged. CALL FOR MR. LEAV ENS, eve. ph. 3-4735. FOUNTAIN LUNCH BARGAIN Ideal for man and wife. Fast growing district. Very reasonable rent. Ev erything goes for $3200. Better hurry on this one. CALL FOR MR. KEENE. eve. ph. 2-6076. MORTGAGE LOANS AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve 4-3533. 2-6076 or 3-4735 801 Business Opportunities FOR LEASE: Major Oil Company Ser vice Station in Salem. Phone days 4-4458 or 3-9317 evenings and Sun- days 2-6045. STORAGE GARAGE AND CAR SERVICE Dandy setup, excellent downtown lo cation, only $3500. plus inventory call for full particulars. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 2-41152-4116 802 Business Property AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP Having decided to s,ell. we are offer ing our Kalser-Frazer automobile deal ership for sale. This includes our concrete building 65x72 'a. built new In 1946. used car lot. modern paint and body and fender shop and mechanical department with plenty of work booked in advance. This building and lot can be pur chased with or without garage equip ment. Building would make a fine grocery store, office, medical building, or roller skating rink. Going for appraised property price. Only qualified buyers answer. Bradley Brothers Duane Bradley and Melvin Bradley (Contact Duane Bradley. 802 Kent St.. Silverton. Oregon, INVEST in income property where it pays -ou i1 to 14 on your money. See F. W. Weir. 1247 S. CommerciaL Ph. 3-9411. 800 Real Estate If f ;srff & ; j . i - Lee Ohnsart IT'S YOUR TOWN OWN A PART OWNER NEEDS LARGE HOME Is offering this .well built 2 bedroom home with inside utility and extra lot with nice assortment ol fruit for Just $6300 good financing. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Can be yours of this very neat 2 bedroom home, auto oil heat, hardwood floors, well located North WORTH THE MONEY AT $7700. GI APPROVED ABOUT $800 DOWN Makes you owner of this 2 bedroom home with unfinished up. att. garage, nearly new and just suburban $7750. NEWT.v T iSTrn tt tct sirattrniv Close in, almost 2 A. of good black soil, well built 2 bedroom home and den, combined living-room and dining room 13ax30 handy kitchen with nook, chicken house and small barn all very neat and clean and well worth the price asked of $11,000. KINGWOOD VIEW HOME A wonderful value in this 3 bedroom ranch home. YES. it has a basement with party room and fireplace, large living room with interesting fireplace, oil heat, double garage, all natural woodwork A BUY AT $16,900. STOCK AND GRASS SEED RANCH 727 Acres. 190 A. now in cultivation, more can be cleared, all sheep tight fence, several springs, all year stream, new 2 bedroom home. 2 older Darns This is a wonderful set-up for stock and seed Priced at $40.000. stock and equipment can be bought Will take court or other Income property In trade. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court St Phone 2-4113 - 2-4116 Eve Henry Torvend. 3-3632: Pat Kemper. 2-5297; Ralph Maddy, 2-3488; L. Lorenz, 3-5590 806 Houses For Sale Frank Graff Real Estate 3 bdrm.. very nice thruout, large lv. & dn. combination, breakfast nook, at tached garage. Reasonable at $7900. Call Matzek. WORTH THE MONEY Large lv. room, dinette, lovely kitchen with plenty of nice built-ins. 2 pleasant bedrooms with bath between, unfinished attic, large garage. Won't last at $8000. Call Simpson. KEIZER AREA Owner wants to farm, will trade his almost new 4 bdrm. home on corner lot. has forced air oil furnace, hardwood floors, part basement very nice large home. i:i58 sq ft. on first floor. A little finishing to do upstairs Very reasonable at $10,500. Call Todd. TRADE ONLY FOR ACREAGE 2 bdrm.. oil floor furnace, nice lv. room. kit. and din comb . only 3 yrs old owner will trade only for up to 15 acres. $7000. Call Matzek. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Almost new 3 bdrm . lge. liv. with fireplace, forced air furnace, din rm hardw floors, beautifully decoiated, attached garage. $2500 down at $1120o' Call Simpson. Roy T. Todd. Realtor 520 State St Office Phone: 2-8591 Eve. Phone: Simpson. Salesman. 3-8239: Matzek. Salesman. 3-6233; Todd 2-1731 Bargain can vou beat this By OWNER 3 acres close to city limits. Large mod ern house. 2 bedrooms on 1st floor. 3 bedrooms up. Living room 1528. Basement 20x40. Barn 20x60. Sev eral chicken houses, finest garden spot In town, spring & stream. Sev eral fruit trees, pear. plum, apple, cherry & others. Electricity all con veniences. Total price $8,500. small down payment balance $50 month at 5 interest. Contact L. L. Hughes. 2210 N. Church. Ph. 2-3719. $7950 - LOW DOWN PAYMENT BY OWNER New 2 bedroom. F.H A. home with dining room, attached garage, out S. Commercial to Ratcliff Dr. Turn E. 'a block to Willa Lane then right 3430. Owner 2520 S. Summer. Phone 2-1483. 4 UNIT apartment house. $8000. 1173 N. 4th. BY OWNER New 2 bedroom ranch style. Inside utility. Birch kitchen, nook, dining room, living room, separate tile show er in large bath. Delco forced air heat, all rooms spacious, 1500 sq. ft. floor space, large lot, $16,000. Phone 3-8645. POSSIBLY G. I. 10r, down New 2 bedroom home with L R.. D R . tile bath, french doors, patio, large clos ets, hardwood floors, fireplace, auto matic oil furnace. Beautiful open stairway, from L R. to large unfin ished upstairs. Utility room, attached garage, located in the S E. Corner center circle of Southview Place. Paved St. water. Price $11,000. See owner, P h on e 2-6923 . SALE OR TRADE: Woodburn. 6 room attractive home, highway frontage, suitable for small business. White house across from Laurel Cafe. Phone Red 285. Mon -Fri. after 6 p.m.. Satur day all day. $67 50 G. I. $750 Down OR FHA $1500 down for this clean, neat, plastered small 2 bedroom home with full bath located near Highland School on deep lot with large ga rage. Full price $7500. About $45 monthly payments. See Mr. Bourne Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph 3-8216 IN KNOB HILL Dlst 4 bedroom, l'j bath, full basement, fireplace, cor ner location with extra lot. Beautiful yard, near schools. Low down pay- ment. Ph. 4-1674. SELL OR TRADE trailer park for house or a house with acrea ge. Ph. 2-1746. APPROX. S500 DN. STATE G. I. 2 B. R. home, 4 yr. old about 'i A. 4'2 mi. out on paved road No wait ing. Deposit $500 Si. move in. Full price $5000. Allen C. Jones 231 N. High Ph. 3-5838 Eve. 3-7497 or 2-B848 For Sale N. E. Dit. 3 YR OLD 2 B R HOME. WITH AN OTHER BEDROOM STARTED IN ATTIC. LARGE L R, KITCHEN WITH BUILT INS. LAUNDRY TRAYS. ATTACHED GARAGE. FI BER GLASS INSULATED. PH. 2-0022. ROOM TO RELAX When dav's work is done. 140x140 lot, mod. 2 B. R . Liv. rm. 13x22. din rm 10x10, nice kit . att. garage, all for $5250. Don't wait, see VAN GREER TODAY. BURT PICHA 379 N. High St Off.: 2-4047 Eves: 3-8295 SMALL house, good lot, fine location. $3,000.00. $500 down. 3 B R. Home. Highland Dist., well ar ranged. $6750. Good terms. 3 B.R. Home, Fairmont hill Dist. Large lot. $8950. Fine late built 2 B R. home. H.W. floors, coved ceiling, inside utility room. Att. garage, best of surroundings. 41,arc loan. $1854 down. Bal. like rent. B. M. MASON, REALTOR E. H. Leach, Salesman 164 S. Comm'l Ph. 3-8841 - 4-1777 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2 to 5 p.m. by owner. F.H -A. available. 1997 N. 23rd. Phone 2-0337. MAKE offer. 3 bedroom. Hi bath, base ment, garden, near schools and bus. 662 H. 20th. 5061 WILL Ave.. Keizer, ranch type house, 2 bedrooms, den. tile bath, large living room-dining room comb., lovely kitchen, inside utility room, attached garage, insulated, hardwood floors, plastered, automatic oil fur nace. $10.500. Phone 2-8194. BY OWNER, almost new 1 bedroom house, hardwood floors, electric heat, lawn, suburban. Small down payment. Will accept trailer house part pay ment. Ph. 2-7323. Saturday. Sunday or evenings. Statesman Classified Ads Pay Q00 Real Estate 3- V . J i s Rudy Calaba 806 Houses For Sale 3 BEDROOM Englewood home, lovely corner lot Immediate possession. Phone 2-8608. 3 BR. HOME, full basement, double (arage,- furnace, fenced in yard. 10,500. $1200 down. Capitol Realty Co., 1142 Center. Phone 4-3431 or 4-4168. $10,000 : 2 HOUSES on 1 lot. Nicely fur nished. 2 bedroom house, dry base ment, unfinished attic, sprinkling system; small house in rear rents $40 month. Phone 4-3551. MABEL NEEDHAM, Real Estate Broker 341 State Street j IN KINGWOOD Heights, brand new 3 bedroom house, full basement, 2 fire- E laces, lovely permanent view, l',i aths. Mahogany trim in living room Sc dining room. Lots of builtins. Lo cated between Kingwood St Cascade Dr. a$ 1595 Bonnie Way. Ph. 3-7659. 2 B R. HOME in Turner wired for range, electric water heater. Lots of flowers, trees and garden space. $450 uown. ynone 4-5147. 2 BEDROOM house electric hot water heater, wired for range, bath, kitchen, front room, utility room. 8 In. irri bation well, 5 acres of land. Ernest E. Portor. 4850 Rickman Rd. i Mil E. Keizer. U N I'SUA L OFFER. 4 vr. old 3 bed- room home, hardwood floors, fire i place, large fenced in back yard. N. ! E. district. 1 block to city bus $8175. 2060 Bruce St. Ph. 2-2370. , BY OWNER. 2 bedroom home, dining j room, utility, garage. Oil heat, fenced back yard. $7,500. Ph. 4-3863. j OWNER. BEING TRANSFERRED inis very comfortable home can not be reproduced at the price asked, approximately 1800 sq. ft. floor space, double plumbing, mahogany paneled living room, large lot, walnut trees. 632 Dearborn Ave North 17th Street 3 B. R. house with full basement on corner lot with double garage. Nice lawn, shrubs & fruit trees. $13,700. Maximum financing. English Style 3 B. R. house l'a baths, extra large living room, full basement, sawdust furnace with fan. $14,000. Let us show you this house. We can arrange fi nancing. Ahrams, Bourland & Skinner Real Estate Mortgage Loans Insurance Office 3-9217 Evenings Ph. Mel Kelley 2-4709 EQU TY in 2 bedroom home 1700 by owner. 3365 Fairhaven Ave. BY OWNER 2 bedroom house, close in. 1410 N. Commercial. Phone 4-3446. ONE WEEK ONLY. Apr. 5-12 Ownef will offer Fairmount Hill home. Liv ing room, dining room. 2 bedrooms, bath plus shower, kitchen, breakfast room, second floor play" room, full basement .oil furnace. attached garage. Convenient to Baker. Mc kinley, Leslie schools. Bus '4 block. Save money Phone Owner, i-4663. ATTRACTIVE new 2 bedroom home, large lot. Desirable location. Total price $7500. Terms. Phone 2-3139. $18.500 LOVELY 3 BEDROOM SUB URBAN HOME ON 4 ACRES CLOSE IN. double plumbing, basement, par ty rm. oil heat, lg. lv. rm. St D rm, 2 car garage. $30.00 per mo. extra Income from neat 2 bed rm rental adjoining garage. Geo. A. falters, Realtor Ph. 2-3849 or 2-5260 960 S. Com'l. $7500 SALEM HEIGHTS DISTRICT good 5 room plastered home with stairs to attic, large lot with lots of flowers & shrubs, new lath house, $1,000 down. bal. on contract. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2-3849 or 2-5260 960 S. Coml. Good Buy 7 Acre Close in E. Good strawberry land. Small home. Well with electric pres sure system. Garden tractor. $1,500 down, balance $30 per mo. Full price $4,000. These kind of buys are hard to find. Call Joe. eve. ph. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8216 3 ROOM house, full basement, sawdust furnace, close to school end bus. Very good condition throughout. Price $6750. By owner. 2105 N. eth. 808 Lots For Sal BEAUTIFUL western view lot. 100 ft. by 193 ft. 2nd lot from corner of Crestview Dr. on North side of Downs St. $2100 cash or $2400 term. Ph. 2-0841. ' CHOICE "level lot on Fairmount Hill 50 x 150. Paved street and paved Al ley. Will sell reasonable and on terms. Phone 2-8803. KEIZER. several large, well located restricted building lots. 1223 Cheroa wa Rd. 800 Real Estate 8G8 Lots For Scd : . LARGE wooded Fairmount HIH. let, choice location, tree will not InterZ . fere with view or building. Ph. 3-852 CITY LOT FOR &AlLT T 81 ft. x 128 ft., city water and sewef available. Several fruit tree and berries. Excellent neighborhood. Walking distance to grade school, junior high school and proposed higa school. Located away from trifJo. -$1500. See at 1010 Eiectrta Ave. of Phone 3-3668. WILL SWAP choice kingwood" cornel lot for late model car. Ph. 2-v453. STo" Farms. Acrecny For Sal 49 ACRES NORTH All in cult., two sets bulMngs, IB, L older mod. home, one NEW 2 B. n, mod. home, 2 car garage, bam, chicle en house, tool shed, good home l& exchange. Balance easy terms. See) VAN GREER. , $4748 GROSS INCOME Per year from this 7J Acr tract, close in North, new 2 B. R. Home. att. garage, utility rm. tool shed, -. truly an excellent buy for $14,000. See VAN GREER. , : - ROOM TO RELAX When day's work is done, 140x140 lot. moa. z ts. k., uv. rm. 13x22. tnr rm. 10x10. nice kit., att. garage. ior uon i wail, see VAN KEEK TODAY. 49 ACRES NORTH All in cult., two seta bldgs.. 3 B. B. older mod. home, one NEW. 2 B.- J mod. home. 2 car garage, barn, chick -en house, tool shed, good home in exchange. Balance easy terms. Se4) VAN GREER. $4748 GROSS INCOME Per year from this 7.9 Acre tract, close) in North, new IB. R. Home. att. ga rage, utility rm. tool shed, truly aA excellent buy for $14,000. See VAN GREER. . , Burt Picha 379 N. High St. Off.: 2-404 Eves: 3-8293 YOU'LL want it: 4 acre DOultrv far Fruit land; 3 bdrm. home; 2 poultr houses each 30x30; brooder hous 24x52; egg house; double garagei barn; deep well, plenty ol watcfl fine soil. Price of $18,500 Include.! 18' 2 cu. ft. deep freeze and liuJ chickens. all necessary chickeA -equipment. Bill Cleave Realtors Goodwin Bartlett Goodwin-McMlllln 474 Court St. Phone 3-47' A 1 .1 . nurDmuk farm On tnnln Ma a norm; iuo acres; gooa 8 bdrm. hom two large barns, double garage; walks in freezer; fruits and nuts. If you ask to see this farm, you'll be glaj you did. Bill Cleav. Realtors Goodwin Bartlett Good win -McMillin 474 Court St. Phone 3-470T 3 ACRES. 2 bedroom home, barn. Keie rer District. 1275 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-2396. 3 ACRES level, excellent business sitC 600 ft. of railroad frontage. Hous? ani garage on property. $I(.000 ph. 2-7350 T Howe 3 A BERRY garden soil. houses. 121 Alder, Narth Cherry. 816 Resort Property t FOR SALE in Neskowin. 4 room cot tage. fireplace and garage. hPonO 4-4392 or 3-7577. 818 Wanted. Real Estate 3 or 4 BEDROOM, one floor, moders) house with big yard. State pricew down payment expected and address Box 926, co Statesman. Wanted! Best buy in a 1 B. R. house. Prefer East. Box 909, Statesman. HAVE a 1951 Plymouth convertible aa a aown payment on a 2 or 3 bedroona nome wltn acreage. 5080 Newberg p i WE ARE BADLY in need: ol listing Any type property, farms, homes, acreages. Income property or what have you. Reasonably priced. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ofc. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 ! REAL ESTATE LISTING WANT Homes farms, a creases, trades an rentals Cash term buyers waitin. CONTACT COLBATH LAND CO Realtors. 1883 CENTER ST. EIa 1-4552. , - ! 850 Automotive 852 Used, Cars For Sale 1947 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan. Motor over hauled. New battery. New seat co ers Good rubber. Price $240 under ceiling. Phone 3-7804 1639 FORD 2 door sedan, good coRV dition. radio, heater. Call after S pro, fiap. nines. i i 1948 . TON rord pickup, very good secona owner, trice $895. pn. 3-7B04fr '37 DODGE 4 door, heater. 0 fair tire food body, dependable, few owners 125. 4-2495. i 1950 KAISER Traveler, heavy duT I shocks Sc springs, back opens ifc pickup aury also room tor bed. n&r, lne St hunting trios. 23.000 miles. di feet condition. Radio, heater, iph, ?-BjW.see it law strong Rd 1941 CHEV. club couDe. Nearly 1 motor. Good rubber. Excellent c dition It Sc W. Call 1-4029. MO 10th I i iwerv Day is sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ! ALL MAKES ALL MOIX-U. AL ' PRICES . j We Invite your comparison I for price with like make Si modal anywhere. Herrall-Oweni Co. TRADES We Are in the Market rOR LATE MODEL CAM V ELSNER MOTOR CO. 52 N Hlsrh Salem O gnw SPECIAL 22 foot house trailer. $731 See at Lara Lane Trailer Plaza. U94S La na Avenue. j ) 40 OLDS, excellent condition, good H. Ph. 3-5638. 1934 CHEV. master del ice, good bod tires. S63. 607 N. commercial. Apt. '47 V-8 TUDOR. R St H. $800. Phon 3-3081. 1 j 49 PON'TIAC '8' 4 Dr. Sedan. Lots o Extras. Sacrifice for $1590. 443 Union' Street. I 1 49 CHEV. 2 Dr. Fl. Dlx.. R .St H, ,juc family car. $1393 . 445 Union St. 48 CHEV. Clb. Cpe., R St U. best Oi condition. $893. 443 Union; St. 1937 FORD 3 pass, coupe sUso boy 4 bike. 1263 Waller. i t , 1938 CHEV. Coupe, excellent condition. 1 owner. Call 3-7888. j j 1933 4 DOOR Buick, $75. $13 donft. il a week. 1320 Hickory St., Salem. inone 1937 BUICK, "46 motor, redio. good shape, seat covers. $130. i Going i service. 888 N. Commercial. j 1941 CHEVROLET coupe. Must sell Jo- day. nest oner over a. new paini. completely reconditioned motors Ph. 1941 STUDEBAKER Champion Club Coupe.- heater and overdrive. As is price $123 and may be purchased with, $50 down and small moalhly Stay , VTT'alla 12Q7 Stat 1837 CHEV. coupe good I condition. new rings. $150. Ph. 4-29f' 2 1948 PONTIAC Sedan! Hyd Radio, Heater, low mileage. Bank Terms. Ph. 2-4063. See at 2890 & Summer. Sunday and Monday. i . : '49 FORD Custom V-A tudor. radio, heater, overdrive, undercoated. wind shield : wssher. original birch grey color. $1250. Phone 1-2632. j j 193$ CHEVROLET coup in very good condition. Down payment S.5 an bal. i easy terms. McCallg. 11 SUta. ( 1