The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1952, Page 12, Image 12

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    II Thm Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 22. 1952
From The Oregon Statesman's Valley Correspondents
Camera Catches 5 Generations Together
I -4 ' 4
BEOOKS Five reiterations are pictured above, and Mrs. Theresa Seifer, 82, Brooks, is matriarch of the
group. Shown visiting her daring a recent confinement are (from left) her great-rreat grandson, Rich
ard Wacker; great-granddaughter, Mrs. Eva Wacker; granddaaghter, Mrs. John Eaton, and daaghter,
Mrs. Lewis Fulcher, all of Seattle.
Speaker Tells Valley Club
Anchorage, Salem Same Size,
But Many Things Are Different
Statesman Newi Srvlc
SPRING VALLEY Bus drivers at Anchorage, Alaska, receive
$675 a month, but have to be good mechanics to keep the delapidated
buses running, Mrs. Lois Crawford of Lincoln, told Spring Valley
Community Club members at their recent meeting.
Mrs. Crawford recently returned from an extended vacation at
Anchorage which is about the size
f Salem. She " said a one-room
house without plumbing there
rented for $75 a month; three
rooms and bath, for $125.
Dogs play an important part in
the lives of Alaskans, and nearly
every family has one, Mrs. Craw
ford said, but many pet dogs run
away with the wild packs which
terrorize the moose herds and
sometimes attack humans. Police
make regulars raids on these dog
packs and exterminate them, she
Mrs. Crawford said one of the
most interesting trips she took was
along the 50-mile stretch of the
Turnagm Arm, an inlet covered
with ice that is broken into big
cakes by the incoming tide. Along
the highway, she said, were beau
tiful light-green glaciers, evident
ly getting their color from the
green water.
The speaker said she did not
see a spear of grass while she
was there, as everything was cov
ered with snow.
The community club also saw
two films on cancer, shown by
Mrs. James H. Turnbull, Cancer
Society spokesman. Dr. L. V. Cas
ey, acting Polk County health of
ficer, answered questions regard
ing the disease. It was pointed out
that about 95 per cent of skin
cancer cases can be cured.
Mack Hammond, club president,
announed that the Women's Sun
shine Club would present a play
at the next meeting. On the pro
gram committee were Mr. and
Mrs. Seth B. Dodge. Mrs. Pete
Wilwert and Mrs. Earl Johnson
served refreshments.
Statesman News Service
Mrs. Louis Bond
ALBANY Funeral services for
Mrs. Louise Bond, 83, will be held
from the Fisher Funeral Home
Saturday at 2 p. m. The Rev.
James Neely will officiate. Burial
will be in Riverside. Mrs. Bond
died in the Mennonite Home for
the Aged Wednesday following a
long illness.
Bom in Tennessee, Jan. 4, 1849,
she moved to Oregon in 1883,
since then living in the Halsey and
Albany communities. At Halsey in
1886 she was married to Austin
Bond who died in 1919. Mrs. Bond
was a member of Albany Baptist
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Grace Sickles, Halsey, and
Mrs. Vera Howard, Albany; two
sons, Lester A. Bond, Salem, and
Frank Bond, Harrisburg; a half
brother, E. N. Warmoth, Portland;
ten grandchildren and nine great
grandchildren. Mary V. Cale
ALBANY Services for Mary
Virginia Cale were held from the
Oakville church, Friday. The Rev.
J. Fred McConnelee officiated.
Burial was in Oakville Cemetary.
Born in Albany October 4, 1951,
the infant died in a Corvallis Hos
pital Tuesday following a sudden
illness. Surviving are her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Cale. Al
bany Route 3, two brothers, Jerry
and Kenneth Cale of Albany;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Scott of Tangent, and Mrs Mae
bell Cale of Albany, and a great
grandmother, .Mrs, Sarah Scott,
teenagers want most in their par
ents is the subject recently sur
veyed by a prominent Philadel
phia psychologist. Prof. George
Gaiphin says that the kids occa
sionally want to hear a good firm
"no when they ask for something.
Dr. Gaiphin explains that teen
agers wast roost for their parents
to take s definite stand on the
problems of the day even if that
. .s
Statesman News Service
Liberty Mrs. Glen Vergets
(Joyce VanDyke) has moved to
Monterary, Calif., while her hus
band is stationed at Ft. Ord.
East Salem Mrs. E. N. Wilhelm
visited her husband at Emmanuel
Hospital, Portland, during the
week end. She was accompanied
by their children, Jeanie and Ro
ger. Wilhelm expects to be con
fined there for another two weeks.
Willamina Mrs. Fanny McKin
ley, who recently incurred a brok
en hip, returned from the hospital
this week and is staying with Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Lee.
Turner Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith and children, Claudia and
Mike, have moved to Salem. The
Smiths operated the Ken and Del
Marquam Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Rice will observe their 60th wed
ding anniversary Sunday. Open
house will be conducted at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Rice
from 2 to 5 p.m.
Amity The Drain High School
band will present a concert at 8
p.m. Saturday at Amity High
School gymnasium. The event is
part of an exchange of concerts
between the two schools.
Willamina Kindergarten
classes will start Monday, March
31, at the Church of Christ and
wilT continue through May, Mrs.
Leo Mitchell reported this week.
Silverton The Rev. Douglas
Harrell left Friday for Grants Pass
to assist in the United Evangelistic
Mission of the Methodist Church
Hazel Green A half-scholarship
to 4-H Summer School will
be awarded by Hazel Green Ex
tension Unit with funds raised by
a plant sale at the home of Mrs.
A. M. Zahare this week.
Brooks Brooks P-TA officers
will be elected at the April meet
ing. Appointed as a nominating
committee at the group's recent
meeting were Mrs. Oren Lowery,
Sam Ramp and Mrs. Howard
Four Corners The annual Fou
Corners firemen's benefit ball will
be held Saturday night, conclud
ing a home visitation, "get
acquainted" campaign in the dis
trict. The firemen will hold public
open house in the fire house and
community hall Saturday from 7
to 9 p.m.
Willamina The Civic Club will
meet Thursday, March 27, at the
Rebekah Hall. The Willamina
Garden Club will provide the pro
gram and refreshments.
Tnrner Guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waller are the
laters brother" and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Simpson and Jackie of
Eston, Sask.
HTiiim Willi '- -fv. : -e5
1 "
Of 3 Schools
Debate Topic
Statesman News Service
ID AN HA Whether the De
troit Idanha school district
should consolidate with Mill
City and Gates will be debated
Monday night at Detroit Grade
Otis White and .Huber Ray
will speak in favor' of the con
solidation; Robert Manning and
Mrs. Reba Snyder will speak
against it. A general discussion
will follow the debate.
The three school districts will
vote on the proposed consoli
dation Friday, March 28.
Mill City and Gates school
board members are especially
invited to attend the debate.
Bethel Park
Area Reports
Statesman News Service
BROOKS The development of
Bethel Park continues with grad
ing and graveling of roads on the
west side. A new porch is being
built on the west side of the store
building, and the carport at the
L. C. Young residence is being
Miss Jeanette Finch, Seattle,
Wash., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Robert Swope. Miss Finch is assis
tant registrar at the Northwest
Bible College in Seattle.
Miss Ethel Berglund was guest
speaker of the Christ's Ambassa
dor group of the Assembly of God
Church at Newberg Sunday.
The Rev. Ralph Cobb, mission
ary to Africa, called at Bethel Park
Gardner Johnson has received
word his mother is ill in a Seattle
hospital. He will leave with his
family after work Saturday to
visit her, and plans to return late
The Rev. Carl Allquist of St.
Helens has been working on his
cottage at Bethel Park this week.
Miss Dormalee Bunn, has been
away from the office at Bethel
Park for the past week, due to
The Rev. and Mrs. Lester C.
Young and wife left Friday for
Springfield, Mo., to attend the
annual Sunday school convention.
They drove to Hood River first to
her mother, Mrs. A. B. Cooper,
to leave their daughters, Rebecca
and Sandra, while they motor to
Holy Land Pictures
At Aurora Monday
Statesman News Service
AURORA A free show and lec
ture will be sponsored by Aurora
firemen and Hermes Lodge 56,
Knights of Pythias, Monday at 8
p.m. In the KP Hall.
The pictures were photographed
by A. A. Anderson, McMinnville
and show the Holy Land as it is
today. Members, their families and
friends are invited.
'Bonded Repairs
Men from fAarr's
For Your
Radio & T. V. Sets
Ph. 2-1611 2140 S. Com1.
LDonald School
Teachers Get
$200 Raise
Statesman Newt lervle
DONALD The Donald School
Budget was approved at a recent
meeting. Teachers received a $200
raise for the 1952-1953 term
Louie Courtney is holding Bible
course every Tuesday night at the
K. Christopherson Sr., home. The
course is of the Seventh Day Ad
ventist denomination.
Mrs. Edward Iverson is back at
work. She has been ill with the
flu. Mrs. Cora Bubak helped in
the store during Mrs. Ivexson's
absence. Miss Marylin Goode is
suffering from complications fol
lowing the flu.
Mrs. Howard Noble (Madeline
Shire) and her daughter Janet,
15, were honored with a double
birthday dinner in Portland, on
St. Patrick's Day. Attending from
Donald were Mrs. Noble's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mayhew and
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Baker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bubak and
family have left for Sisston, S. D.
They have been guests at the home
of Mrs. Bubak's mother, Mrs. K.
Dean Peterson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ludvig Peterson is home for
a two-week furlough. He has been
stationed at Kelly Field, Texas.
Four Corners Robert Cable
left Thursday for Anchorage,
Alaska, where he will work for a
construction firm.
n Dj r ju
Uuu liUul!!i o
jf 1
Sides' Crtwing Company, Sclera, OrtM
Will Speak
HNBBARD Melville H. Geil,
Portland, (above) KP grand
chancellor who will adress KP
district convention here Thursday.
Large Cat. H. D. 14 . Ph. 2-2095
if Z DREW 66 is different . . . pltot- J
jiffflj antly smoother, lighter, Its deft-
y nite superiority can be proved f
thill JP by you! The proof is in the en- f
In 1 A joyment of the brew itself. Try f
.?.ff ti i
KP Conclave
Set Thursday
At Hubbard
Statesman News Service
HUBBARD Arion Lodge of
The Knights of Pythias, Hubbard,
will be host Thursday to the lodges
of Oregon City, Aurora, Salem,
Silverton, Independence and Dal
las at a district convention. Abe
Regier, of Dallas, district deputy
grand chancellor, will preside.
Justice Walter Tooze, long af
filiated with the order, will be the
main speaker, and will talk on the
Constitution. Also appearing on
the program will be Grand chan
cellor Melville H. Geil, Portland.
Other grand officers are expected
to be present.
Claud Moomaw, chancellor of
Arion, has issued an invitation to
all members of the order to attend
the meeting. Frank Anderson will
be host for the social hour after
the meeting and will serve his re
nowned oyster stew, assisted by
other members.
North Howell dub
Officers Installed
Statesman News Service
been completed for the 4-H Club
scholarship which was offered at
the recent meeting of North How
ell Grange Home Economics Club.
A request for the early record
books of the organization was
made by Mrs. A. B. Wiesner.
Installation of the following of
Sheet Bock and Oak j
Flooring Specials!
1316 x 24 ahorta
1316 x 24
No. 1 common, random length:
Remodelinr sod Improvement loans 38 mos. to say,
down. No mortgage.
Dependable estimating; service.
Phone 3-4939 for detailed information or call at our office 1
2 blocks north of Underpass and 1 block east at 1771 Lisa
Avenue. I
1 -
Here's .Wion-Dollar Horn I
ficers was made by Mrs. H. C
Espe; chairman, Mrs. Jim .Jack
son; vice-chairman, Mrs. Jasper
King; secretary, Mrs. Andrew
Hall; treasurer, Mrs. Roy Dunn
The hostesses, MrsJ K. D. Coom
ler and Mrs. Wayne Strachan, pre
sented a quiz program, won by
Mrs. Thomas Bump and Mrs. Leo
Peterson. Mrs. W. M. Oddie won
the spelling contest. Several piano
selections were given by Mrs.
Strachan. . i
$110 00
.$185 007,
& nejzauv ociruon