The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 11, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    Girl Sings Way
To Talent Win
At Sweet Home
Statesman Newt Service
SWEET HOME Miss Marilyn
Cooksley, senior at Sweet Home
Union High School, won first
place in the first annual talent
show sponsored by the Sweet Home
Kiwanis Club. Final contest wjis
Miss Cooksley, a lyric soprano,
was named winner of the grard
final award by a panel of
judges. Her selections were "In
dian Love Call," and "Estrellita."
Miss Cooksley is the daughter of
the Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Cooksley,
Sweet Home.
Cecil Huffman, Crawfordsville,
has opened a tavern in Los An
geles, it was learned here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Galloway
and Michael Galloway went to
Portland Friday evening to attend
the 90th birthday party for Mr.
Galloway's oldest sister, Mrs. J.
W. (Elizabeth Galloway) McFerin,
at the home of Mrs. McFerin's
daughter-in-law and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Mirrison. Of the Gal
loway family of nine children
only four are living. They are Mrs.
McFerin, Portland, Michael Gal
loway, 86, Sweet Home, Mrs. Stel
la Johnson, Portland, and Jack
Galloway. The family were among
the early pioneer settlers of Ore
gon and have been prominent in
affairs of the state.
The Rev. Roy Franklin, pastor
of the local Church of the Naz
arene, arrived home Wednesday
evening after a month in Good
Samaritan Hospital at Nampa,
Idaho, and at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Frank
lin, Meridian, Idaho. A short time
after arrival there he became ill
and was taken to the hospital. He
is still in a weakened condition.
Sixteen members of the Royal
Ambassadors Class of the First
Baptist Church went to Trout
Creek government camp Friday
evening for an over-night stay.
They were accompanied by Coun
cilor Otto Shockey, Jack Barger
and the Rev. Lee Finley. Saturday
the boys took a high to Rooster
A Sunday school study course
will start March 24 and continue
through March 28 at First Baptist
church. Frank Nixon, Eugene;
Mrs. Carey Moore, Portland, and
Mrs. Perley Webster, Klamath
Falls, will take part.
Heights Cubs
Meet Friday
Statesman Newt Service
The Liberty and Salem Heights
Cub Scouts will have their monthly
pack meeting Friday, March 14,
at 7:30, at the Salem Heights Com
munity Hall.
Every den will take part in the
program. The theme for March is
Jungle Tales, and youngsters will
wear costumes to represent the
jungle animals which their groups
have chosen to be. The costumes
will later be used in the Scout
Circus. There will be a presenta
tion of awards, and refreshments
will be served.
Mexico's youngest and most
active volcano is El Paracutin,
southwest of Mexico Citv. It
erupted first on Feb. 19, 1943.
Dedicated to better health
and a longer life
for Salem families
From Tho Oregon
Parents See
Liberty School
Talent Sho
Statesman Newt Service
LIBERTY Students of Ihe Lib
erty School presented talent show
for their assembly Friday at the
school auditorium with many
parents attending.
Robert Seeger, student body
president, announced the rooms
with each group having their own
announcer. Douglas Nelson led the
flag salute, and Billy Largent led
singing. ;
Other numbers were a trio, by
Bill Largent, Peggy Peterson, and
Bobby Bradley, a skit, by Joyce
Clark, Carole Epperly, arid Helen
Barker, a song, by Bill jLargent,
Peggy Peterson, and John Rose
braugh, and a piano solo, by John
Rosebraugh. i.
The fifth and sixth graces gave
a demonstration on baton twirling,
and the first grades sanj a song
and played a toy band. E
The girls' chorus, which included
Patricia Zilda, Mary Ellen1 Emery,
Gwyn Combs, Edwina Ballard,
Terry Miller, Bonnie Barber, De
anna Schendel, and Rose Peter
son, sang. A solo with violin ac
companiment was given by Bonnie
Barber and Donna Strinfer.
Choral readings featured Terry
Miller, Helen Bonofogsi, Rose
Peterson, Lila Sylvester. Boys in a
war dance were Gene Bader, Jerry
Bader, David Rosebraugh, Kim
Cl(&k, Charles Turner, G3en Bar
ber and Tommy Strawni, Dennis
Blaco played the drum.
A poem was delivered by Vivian
Hills, a duet by the Martin sisters
and a duet by Tex Shirley and
Jerry Seeger. J
Cast Prepares
Play at Amity
Statesman Newt 8erv(ce
AMITY The Amity High School
senior class play, "January Thaw,"
will be presented April 9 in the
school gymnasium. i
Miss Roberta Schmalz, director,
has announced the cast to include
Viola Warren, Wayne Hickerson,
Helen Dille, Ila Taskinert, Wanda
Warner, Donna CressweU, James
LaFollette, Bob Edgren.f Delores
Bell, Richard Dodge. Torn! Duncan,
Ronald Nelson and Dean Warrick.
The Amity Methodist; Church
will join other Methodist phurches
of the Portland area in? the one
week United Evangelistic Crusade.
Services began Sunday. The Rev.
Wilmer Briggs of Myrte Point
leads the services each I evening
at 8 o'clock. ?
SILVERTON Mrs. Kenneth
Ashland, Woodburn, who? was in
jured in an automobile accident
Sunday night, is reported -"getting
along fine" at Silverton Hospital.
She believed she would be able to
return to her home by mid-week.
Statesman's Valloy
Statesman Newt Service
Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
French returned to Falls City this
week end after touring California
for eight days. They drove on
Highway 101 as far as Los An
geles, and returned on U. S. 99.
While in California they visited
the Reeves Bros, lumber mills at
Thor, and the Casteel Mills at
Gloverdale. The Reeves Brothers
formerly operated a mill in the
Falls City area.
Sheridan The Parent-Teacher
Association will sponsor an exhi
bition of copies of famous paint
ings March 31 to April 5 in the
Burchell Building. The exhibit
consists of 150 large reproductions
of the world's great paintings. A
small charge will be made to buy
paintings for the schools.
Sweet Home A large window
in the Community Church, Meth
odist, valued at $600, has been
broken, evidently by rifle shot. It
has not been determined whether
the window was accidentally or
maliciously broken, but police
warned the many youngsters with
air rifles that it is unlawful to
shoot any kind of gun within the
city limits.
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Wells returned Monday from Rich
land, Wash., where they had been
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Les
ter Bruns, and family.
Sheridan CTSN Barbara Chris
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Chrisman, has returned to
Washington, D. C, where the is
stationed with the Navy.
L&bish Center The Community
Club, which was to have met this
Friday night, has postponed its
meeting one week to March 21.
Mountain View A Mountain
View school budget meeting is
scheduled to be held Tuesday eve
ning, March 11 at 8 p.m. in the
school house.
Maeleay The Macleay Home
Economics Club will meet at the
Grange Hall at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday,
March 11.
Sheridan Garden
Officers Named
SHERIDAN Officers elected by
Sheridan Garden club tare Nell
Brandt, president; Thelma Hill,
vice president; Myra Ash, secre
tary; and Dorothy Krauthoefer,
treasurer. Frieda Shively gave a
talk on primroses. Hostesses were
Alkie Wiser, Cora Wilbur and
Maude Aldrich.
Cecil Harrison, chief of the
Sheridan fire department, was
honored with a dinner last week
in celebration of his 25 years on
the department. He was presented
with a wrist watch by Mayor
Francis Bradley, who is also a
member of the department.
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It helps your doctor to
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Now you can easily keep an
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personal copy of the 24-page
Health Passport, offered by Prudential
and dedicated to better health and
looser life for you and .your family.
l from your
Banquet Held
Statesman Newt Service
banquet was held at the Baptist
Church Thursday night, with
women of the church serving a
ham dinner.
During the program musical
numbers were rendered on the Ha
waiian guitar by one of the guests.
The featured speaker was the Rev.
James Neely, pastor of the First
Baptist Church of Albany. Mas
ter of ceremonies was Al Price.
Mr. Hotchkiss, the oldest father
present, aged 95, played two se
lections on his hat p. A colored
movie, "Fishing in Alaska'', was
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harwood
and daughter, Sandra, spent the
week end with their son, Allan
Harwood, at Aberdeen, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing
have returned from a vacation in
Southern California.
Mrs. Cora Berry and son Bill
moved to Albany the first of the
week to make their home. They
will be located near the home of
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Dee Taylor and family.
Demoss Forest of Rosetown,
Canada, is visiting at the home
of his sister, Mrs. Dalvina Robin
son. Family Moves
At Falls City
Statesman Newt Service
Reeves has returned to her home
in Garberville, Calif., after visit
ing with friends for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shephard
have moved to Garberville where
he has employment in a mill.
Mrs. Wm. McGinnls and child
ren of Iowa, and Mrs. Hazel Peter
sen of San Francisco, were week
end guests of Mildred Wray.
Mrs. Katherine Paulson of
Yankton, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hegge, of Crafton, Nebr., Edmond
Hegge of Linden, Calif., Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Wedmore of Los
Angeles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Hegge, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Hegge and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Britton of Spokane, Wash., were
called here of the serious illness
of Henry Hegge, who is in Bartell
Hospital, Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd French are
on a three-weeks trip to Califor
nia, Arizona and Mexico.
Valley Births
Statesman News Service
SILVERTON A daughter to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Bennett, Molalla,
March 9, at the Silverton Hospital.
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Na
thaniel J. Jones, Woodburn, March
7, at Silverton Hospital.
Prudential Agent...
No obligation
Family Night
Meet Held at
Marqum Hall
MARQUAM, The usual family
nlghf dinner was held at the com
munity hall Thursday evening.
Mrs. ; Orrin Rice and Mrs. Omer
Marquam, supervised the social
hour; with hat making and guess
ing games. Prize winners were Mr.
Chas, Cline, Mr. Lee Colbert, Mrs.
Alford Oster, Mrs. Russel Ray and
Mrs. W. McPherson.
The WSCS society had their
regular program Wednesday af
ternoon The president Mrs. Ruth
Beck officiating. Devotional was
by Mrs. Vera Paquin with an in
structive reading. Mrs. Gasner
White handed out devotional clip
pings to each one to read.
Mrs. Beck gave a review on
parts of Mexico, Central and South
America. The next meeting will be
study of Brazil and other South
American countries. Mrs. Beck ex
tended her appreciations to all
who aided the society in making
the tamale supper another success
ful event of the year.
Among the dinner guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Toep
fer Tuesday was Mrs. W. McPher
son, who enjoyed the useful arti
cles on display sent home from
Japan and China by their son Wil
lis N, Toepfer who is now in the
navy, After his thirty day leave
here he will be stationed at San
Diego, Calif.
Silverton Guests
From Fort Lewis
SUteim&n Nw Service
SILVERTON Week-end guests
of Mayor and Mrs. Errol Ross, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Fish were a group of Army
officers and their wives from Fort
Lewis. Included were Col.
Mrs.: Raymond Miller, Col.
Mrs. Edward Donahue, Col.
Mrs. Lee L. Alfred. Lt. and
Dale French and Mai. and
Anthony Kelley.
The group were entertained at
dinner Saturday night by their
local hosts and attended services
at the Methodist Church Sunday
Col. Alfred Is a son of I. B.
Alfred of Silverton.
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180 V-8 Horsepower, even on nun
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Jefferson Soldier
Wins Combat Badge
JEFFERSON Sfc. Daniel L.
Koike, Route I, Jefferson is among
the first members of the 40th in
fantry Division to be awarded the
Combat Infantryman Badge, sym
bal of the front line fighting man,
since the unit's arrival in Korea,
according to word received here.
The 40th, a National Guard unit
from Southern California, was the
first organization of its kind to
arrive overseas after the start of
the Korean conflict. It trained for
16 months in Japan before it was
committed to Korea in January.
Salem Heights
Garden Club
Holds Meeting
Bangert entertained the Friendly
Neighbors Garden Club on Thurs
day evening at her home on Fair
view Ave. Mrs. William Gardner
was the assisting hostess.
Mi. William Hall conducted the
business meeting and Mrs. R. H.
Parks, reported on the Garden
Council and told of the flower
show which is scheduled for May
10 and 11, in which the club will
participate. Committees to work
on the entry will be named later.
Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh was the
guest speaker and gave a travel
ogue on a trip taken last summer
to the various National parks in
the U.S.
Guest was Mrs. Glen Ivie, of
Coquille, former member of the
Silverton Man Jailed
On Liquor-to-Minors
Statesman Newt Service
SILVERTON Orrin Cougheen
ower of Silverton was taken to
Marion County jail Monday to
serve a 30-day sentence on a
charge of giving alcoholic liquor
to minors.
He was one of three men ar
rested on the charge by Con
stable Emery J. Jackson. The oth
ers are awaiting trial. Cougheen
ower pleaded guilty Monday be
fore Justice of the Peace Alf O.
Nelson. He also was fined $500.
You'll never know what sne means
till you try Chrysler's Full-Time Power
Steering yourself! Even other cars irith
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much new tafety and ease as she getsl
On every turn, hydraulic power does
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She eases into parking places you
wouldn't even try. She slips through
Ths) Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tu day. March 11, lS52-i-3
Dallas Couple
Return From
Visit to Idaho
SUteisuin New Scrvie
Kenneth Stanford and baby
daughter, Sally Ann returned to
their home in Dallas. Mrs. Stan
ford and baby daughter spent the
past two weeks at the home of
the baby's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Mull. Little Sally Ann
is the great granddaughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Brownlee of
Jerome. Idaho and the great great
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Hatfield also of Jerome.
A large group of friends and
relatives gathered over the week
end to help Martin Gentlemann
celebrate his 18th or his 72nd
birthday last Friday, Feb. 29. All
his sisters, brothers and children
were present. Mr. and Mrs. Gentle
mann also celebrated their wed
ding anniversary which was on
the 28th.
Women Meet
At Jefferson
statesman Niwi lerrlca
JEFFERSON The Christian
Woman's Fellowship met Friday
for a covered dish luncheon and
study. Miss Myrtle Myers and Mrs.
Lee Wells were hostesses. Mrs.
Frank Higgins led the program,
and Mrs. Robert Higgins reviewed
the new study book. The mission
ary layette was worked on.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Towery of
Marion have daughter born at
Salem Memorial hospital Moo
day, March 3.
Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs. Guy
Johnston and, Mrs; Richard Kelly
attended the program Sunday af
ternoon at the Oregon State Col
iseum presented by the OSC con
cert band. Playing in the band
were Mrs. Miller's son, Donald,
and Donna Wiederkehr, both t of
Jefferson. j
C. M. Cochran, proprietor cf
Cochran's Texaco Station, has been
ill the past week with flu. Miss
Addie Libby, ill with flu last
week, was able to be back at the,
library Tuesday afternoon. Miss
Myrtle Myers substituted durina;
her absence.
Malayan Airliner
Almost Destroyed
Near Own Airport
SINGAPORE (P- Hundreds i of
persons at Singapore's Kalian
Airport held their breath as they
watched a two-engined plane jot
the Malayan Airways swoop down
for an emergency landing its
starboard engine spitting smoke
and flame. j
Some of them knew there were
21 passengers on the plane, arriv
ing from Kuala Lumpur. As air
port fire engines reached the
stricken craft, the smoke ceased.
The pilot had doused the fire la
time with an emergency extin
guisher, j
Income Tax
Returns Prepared
Leon A. Fiscus
1509 N. 4th Ph. 3-5213
traffic with the precision of a watch.
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