12 The Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Tue day. March 11, 1952 British Queen Orders Palace Redecoration By DON SCHWIND LONDON (yp)-Like many other housewives, Queen Elizabeth II is having a spot of spring decorating done. Although the young sovereign is still living at Clarence House a few doors down the red-pavea Mall,, she's having at least nine rooms repaired and re-painted in drafty old Buckingham Palace her future home. The Throne Room, where she'll receive visiting royalty, and the green drawing room, one of the most ornate in the ancient 690 room layout, are being done over in two shades of ivory. What's more, the royal plumb ers are installing steam heating in both rooms. Since the war, central heating has been slowly reaching into one room after an other of the rambling old pallace, but most are still pretty much as Victoria left them. King William IV once termed Buckingham Palace "the coldest palace in Europe" and palace flunkeys for whom the winter sniffles are almost an occupational disease ruefully dub themselves "royal ice cubes." Seven rooms on the second floor are being re-decorated in pastel hades. Unlike a lot of housewives facing the springtime cleafi-up-paint-up problem, there's no ac tual mop and bucket drill for the Queen herself. She's got the Min istry of Works for that, as w$ll as a permanent staff of 118 palace men. These workers give the palace a daily once-over. They include electricians, art and porcelaia ex perts, and brass and furniture polishers. One expert mothers the palace's 250 clocks. But Queen Elizabeth keeps a close eye on planning and ha the final say on color schemes and similar detail. So far, court circles say they don't know just when the Queen and her husband, the Duk:e of Edinburgh, plan to move from Clarence House to the big palace. Husband Dies After 'Call' From Dead Wife PHILADELPHIA (flV-Mrs. Cath erine Love, 65, died Friday. Sun day her husband, Howard, 70, told his two sons and five daughters: "I hear your dear mother call ing me." Then he collapsed and was rushed to Misericordia Jios pital. He was pronounced dead on arrival. The hospital said he had suffered an internal hemorrhage. BOMB BLAST IN TUNIS TUNIS, Tunisia, JP) A crowd of Nationalists, brandishing ;ban ners demanding Tunisian indepen dence, Sunday shattered with a bomb the window's of a French newspaper in mid town Tunis. No casualties were reported. Fox Outfoxes Berlin Fire Department BERLIN (P)- For three days now, the Lankwitz fire depart ment has been outfoxed and the firemen are getting pretty burned up about it. The hook and ladder boys were summoned Thursday by the city organization which protects ani mals from cruelty. The league said a fox had crawled up a pile of bomb ruins to the top of a 40 foot high chimney and couldn't find his way back. Up went the big ladder and a daring fireman tried to grab the fox by the scruff of the neck. Reynard objected and scurried in side the chimney, where he fig ured out a way to brace his four paws so he wouldn't fall. The firemen gave it up, re turned the next day with a big stone suspended from a long rope. They lowered the stone gradually and gently until the fox was forced to ease his way to the bot tom of the chimney. There two men waited with a big sack. The fox slipped past them, ran around the ruins and climbed back up on the chimney. Saturday night the firemen tried again. The fox found a re cess in the damaged chimney, crawled into it and yapped what some indignant firemon construed to be a Bronx cheer. After a council of war, the fire men decided to let the fox stay there. They figure he'll get hun gry sooner or later and do some thing about it. fScrap' Violin Made by Pastor Proves Worthy WASHINGTON (JP) - A pastor, unable to afford a violin that matched his young daughter's tal ent, made his own and thereby a hobby was born. The Rev. Clarence R. Ferguson, a Baptist minister here, started to read up on violins about the time he gave his 7-year-old daughter, Mary Alice, a half-sized violin. She made her first public appear ance four months later. In four years she won a five-state contest. The pastor made his first violin in 1940 from scraps from a lumber yard. It was on this violin his daughter, at 15, played a Bach, concerto with a symphony orchestra. Ferguson's violins are now made of imported wood in the Stradi various pattern. It takes him two weeks of steady work to make a violin, exclusive of the finish. He is now working on his eighth instrument. Chinese Editor Joins "Sewereide" Club TAIPEH, Formosa (-Professor Tao Hsi-Sheng, prominent edi tor, historian and government adviser, fell into an open sewer and broke his leg Saturday night. The Japanese-built sewer sys tem has caused so many such ac cidents that victims wryly call themselves members of the "sewer -cide club." 1 in n iFm L J; L: yuJ - h: " ZT f-"H ' "'v' M It'll" f 4 3 1 A - I s $ ' J tlJt. lililW III i Hi iiOIH I ll nl'lttWil't-n BILLION Many skills of many people go into the big job of providing reliable, growing telephone service in the West today This huge number of telephone calls a year is the impor tant responsibility of 73,000 men and women in the West Five billion conversations! By day and night, in cities and towns, across valleys and over mountains, the West's tele phone lines are busy carrying the calls that in a year total more than twice the population of the earth! Some calls are routine, others may save a life, but each call is vital to capable telephone people everywhere as they work to serve you and the nation well. CONVERSATIONS : 1 t TS" i ; ' " ;..v , yflA ft ' ' ' ""limii ''ti Jf ' a m Mi iff M I ii i i Mi-tii il in nil ii i ir - " -1 r i-- -t tifir- inn n r Ji 1 1- t - -a ft " - iA " mm ii in 1 i ii i I miiA -' Jlfciiwi'' atrr' Z x , Vhmi Spanning the seas and handling the calls that keep tie a nation of telephone neighbors here at home is only one of the many vital jobs 46,000 telephone women do here in the West. Even while you sleep they're on the job putting through the calls that keep America's telephone system the finest in the world . . . able to do its full share of the im portant task of keeping America strong. Buried treasure? No this telephone. team is pinpointing the location of a buried cable which needs repairs. It will be fixed quickly and calls will flow through it again. Mean while, your long distance calls are re-routed, to get them through with little or no delay. This is just part of the complex job of maintaining and expanding the telephone system in the West a job which now requires the skills of some 27,000 well-trained telephone men. four telephone is one of today's best bargains Pacific Telephone 1 Answer the Call Givethru Red Cross For every employee, we have about $20,000 invested in telephone equipment. Naturally, both must work together to bring you good telephone service. And it's reassuring to know that de spite our sharply-increased costs of both wages and materials, we've been able to keep your telephone one of today's best bargains. ,oOO M V ! 0 0 0 m A eT. 244.75 Save! Get Exclusive Frigidaire Features This Low, Low Price! Imagine It! A Genuine Frigidaire Re frigerator at this price I That's right.. but only for a limited time I So hurry In today ... look It over and order your right away. SEE ALL THESE;A!ID MANY M0BE FEATURES! Famous Meter-Miser mechanism has 5-year Warranty. Exclusive Quiclcube Tray with built in Tray and Cube Releases. Large Super-Freezer hold over 29 pounds frozen food. Cold Storage Tray for quick chilling meats, beverages, etc. Bin-size porcelain Hy drat or for fruit and vegetables. Ye your old bigeratoi may be an ediate apP aiBal and tb ur down biggest pays enl on on 0l these Stan dard Frlqidaire. Call -918 iof trade-to allowance ever 1 HEBE'S ANOTHER FRIGIDAIRE HONEY SAVER Frigfdaire's WMTl "30" 3C AT A THRIFTY $ , - Z 1-1 is O FULL -WIDTH OVEN WITH AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTROL O LIFETIME PORCELAIN FIN ISH. INSIDE AND OUT. O RADIANTUBE 5-SPEED SUR FACE UNITS Open Fridays flnlv j yet has biggest oven ,:'i in nnv hniipholH V : - I I unyo : O HIGH-SPEED. WAIST -HIGH BROILER O SLIDING. ADJUSTABLE. TIP PROOF SHELVES Q ALL STEEL CONSTRUCTION .50 It's a completely new idea in electric ranges big in everything that counts yet styled and priced to introduce the con venience of electric cooking in any kitchen. Come in, see all these feature demonstrated today. ) THIS YEAR'S BAIIGE BUY! 'TU 9 p.m. FREE PARKING la) P HttUMITIE?AllT'i LIADIHG APPIIAHCE 4 HOME rBMlSHkBJ EAIPM UReuOW Ul i H 115 S. COIl'L