The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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Ctcrteamcm, Safatau"
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Miss Benner,
Mr. Peters .
Tell Troth
Adding her name to the list of
brides-elect is Miss Virginia Ben
ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
vtrwiv A. Benner. whose engage
ment to Deryl Peters, son of Mr.
nd Mrs. Arthur T. Peters, all of
Salem, was recently announced
No date has been set for the wed
ding. The betrothal was first made
known on New Year's Day at a
gathering of relatives and friends
mt the Benner home on Lansing
ffhe bride-elect is a graduate of
Salem schools and attended Wil
lamette University, where she
was a member of Mu Phi Epsilon,
national music honorary, and Al
pha Lambda Delta, scholastic hon
orary. Her fiance is Junior at
Oregon State College, majoring in
business administration. He is a
member of Phi Kappa Tau fra
ternity Mrs. Edgar Reay
Receives Award
At the meeting of Ainsworth
Chapter, OES, Wednesday night at
the Scottish Rite Temple, an
nouncement was made that Mrs.
J. Edgar Reay, junior past matron
of Ainsworth Chapter, has been
presented the grand representative
commission to the grand jurisdic
tion of South Dakota. The an
nouncement came from the of
fice of the grand worthy matron
of Oregon, Mrs. Paul Robinson.
The chapter made plans for a
benefit card party to be held
K) Feb. 22 at the Scottish Rite
Temple. The refreshment com
mittee for the meeting included
Mrs. Lucille Watson and Mrs.
lAilu Pavey. '
On Used AppHancos
Westinghease with tight and
timer, four units
Wm 129.5ft
Westing bouse Deeiwell and
three units
Was 199 J8S QQ C
Westinhouse. good condition
Was S4.59 Now
Hot point with clock and timer
Was 139.95 Eat
Now Aat&"TaWW
Hotpolnt. good condition
Was 99.95
Now ..
Was 4739. Now
Apartment House Ranges,
2 only CQ QP
Was 99.95, Now W9sJ9
Westimfhoase 9 en. ft. 2 only;
Was 29.93
Westingbouse 7 en. ft.
Was 99.59 Now 84.50
Kelvteator 5 eu. ft. Apt. Six
Was S9.59
Keirfnater 4 eu. ft. Apt. sixo
floe condition
5"J! 64.95
CoMspot 7 eu. ft. Very good
Maytag square tub larre .rolls
one only
Was 49.59. Now
Uaytag 2 only round tub
Was 49.59
Now .,
GE with pump almost new
ZitH-L. 64,50
Westiagheuse 1 only
Easy very good condition
:5!fl .... 29.50
Thor Spinner guaranteed
5.L 99.50
BendtK Automatic 2 rrs. els!
Very good condition
S1 124.50
FREE 1952 Calendars
FREE maps of th dry
ol Salom
Tfc and many
iehoomm froml
np?Lini;cE go.
Kales' Oldest Exclusive
Electric Appliance ' Storo
375 Ckkta
FridUry. . frrauary 4j 1SS2 i
i . i - i
J .
3 V
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Hofrichter (LaVelle Baltimore)
who were married on Dec. 22 at the Church of Christ, Wil
lamina. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal
Baltimore of Willamlna. The groom is stationed at Camp
Carson, Colorado. (Gilliam Studio McMinnville).
Around Town....
Host for a Twelfth Night party
Saturday will be Paul B. Wallace,
who has invited a group of his
longtime friends to. his country
place, Wallace Orchards . , . Thirty
guests will attend the 6:36 o'clock
buffet dinner . . Assisting the
host will bo his daughters, Mrs.
Wallace Guild and Mrs. Robert W.
Gormsen ... -
Au re voir party ... on Wednes
day for Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ron
nlger, who will soon be moving to
Long Beach; Calif . . . Dr. Ron
nicer left Thursday for the South
and his wife and four sons will
Join him as soon as living accom
modations aro available ... A
group of the couple's friends ar
ranged a no-host dinner at the
Coloalal House . . . Dr. Morris
Crothers gave the farewell toast
and presented the duo with a silver
service and an orchid to Mrs. Ron
nlger . .
, Attending . . . the farewell din
ner for the Ronnigers were the
following doctors and their wives
. . . Carl Holm, Edward Vander
hoof, Morris Crothers, Howard
Kurtz, Richard Upjohn, James
Seacat, Otto Kraushaar, ' Horace
McGee, Charles D. Wood, Joseph
More land, Douglas Thompson,
Charles Gray. Vern W. Miller,
Dean K. Brooks, Owen Miller,
Lewis dark, Tom H. Dunham,
Willard Stone, Robert Wulf,
Charles Mills, William Lidbeck,
Terrence King, Dr. Margaret
DowelL Dr. Allan King . . . Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stirling, Mr. and
Mrs. William Rector, and Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren.
. Fifth birthday . . . party on
Thursday afternoon for Doug An
derson, son . of the Lawrence An
dersons . . . the affair held at the
Anderson residence on Douglas
Avenue . . ; a few of his friends
bidden, to come in for games and
birthday cake , . .
Important daio . . . for Camp
Fire Girls m the Salem District
Council Is Jan. 1 when Miss
Martha Allen of New York City.
Nationar Executive, will be la the
capital, for a short visit ... In
her honor th Salem Council Is
arranging an Informal eoffee hour
that morning between lo and 11
ajm. in the Fellowship Room of
the First Methodist Church . . .
No-host dinner ... on Saturday
night at the Ben Lomand Park
home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sex
ton, when members of Mrs. Sex
ton s bridge dub entertain for
their husbands . . Cards will be
in play following the dinner hour
, . . Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, Dr.
and Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Dr. and
Mrs. Lewis D. Clark. Dr. and Mrs.
Harold O. is Schneider, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Feika, Mr. and Mrs.
Bjaroe Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Prentiss and the Sextons.
Travel talk . . Mr. and Mrs.
Harry W. Scott are expected home
today from a week's trip sooth to
Davis, CaliL, where they spent
New Year's with their son and
daughter-in-law. Prat, and Mrs.
Verne Scott '.
Heading South . . . come Tues
day witt be Mrs. Joe W. Hutchi
son, who is, leaving by train for
buy lSjSmi
TU X. High Senator Hotel Bids.
- 4
a two months sojurn in Miami,
Florida . . . Enroute she will visit
in Los Angeles and Fort Worth,
Texas, and on the return trip will
stop in Topeka and Oklahoma City
A ls.efta Bdle trip ... for 27
members of the General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs, who will
leave Miami today for a 23 day
plane tour of nine South and Cen
tral American countries under the
leadership of Mrs. Hiram Cole
Houghton of Red Oak, Iowa, presi
aent of the Federation . . . The
women will meet and have eon
ferences with hundreds of club
women in Rio de Janeiro. Buenos
Aires, Santiago, Caracas, Bogota,
i-ima ana otner famous cities .
This tour is the third world co
operation tour of Federation lead
ers since September 1950, when
40 clubwomen went to Europe . .
many official receptions have been
planned for the visiting women
and forums will also be arranged
in each country .-. . Included
among the 27 clubwomen on the
tour is Mrs. John Noce of Port
land, Ore. . . .
By Elizabeth Hillyer
One of the best and easiest ways
to color scheme is to start with
printed fabric, and choose all the
colors, for the room to match the
colors in its pattern. But what if
you aren't starting the color
scheme? What if there already
sxe colors in the room that must
stay as they are? How can a good
color scheme be worked out by
changing only a few things? Ac
tually most' color schemers must
use colors that are established,
the starters-with-a-clean-slate are
comparatively few. But the idea of
color scheming with a fabric pat
tern is still good it works back
ward as well as forward. When
there are established colors, say in
furniture covers, walls and the rug,1
mn a xaorcc mat comnines tneir
colors. It will center the color
scheme and give it meaning by
bringing together the shades that
now may be unrelated and scatter
ed. Uae this key fabric for slip
covers, drapecies, those' things
which can be new in the room.
(Copyright by John T. Dill Co.)
Miss Taylor
Is Married
The home Of Mr.' and Mrs. Jess
Foster in. Portland was the scene
of the wedding: of Mrs. .Foster's
sister. Miss Lois Esther Taylor,
daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Fred
C Taylor of. Salem, and George
William- Mintfie. Salem, son of
W. A. "Mlnifie of Hamilton, Mont,
on Dec Z3-
The Rev. Mr. Taylor performed
the ceremony for his daughter.
Mr. Foster sang and Mrs. Foster
played violin selections. The
brides niece, Mrs. Dem Beste,
lighted the tapers.
For her wedding the bride wore
powder blue sheer crepe gown
with lace yoke and matching veiL
She carried a nosegay of white
carnations centered with a white
Mrs. Foster was her sister's hon
or matron and wore a chartreuse
gown and carried a nosegay of
pink roses and white chrysanthe
mums. Catherine Ann Foster,
niece of the bride, was the junior
attendant and wore a frock match
ing her mother's. John' D. Mlnifie
was best man for his brother.
Mrs. Taylor wore a navy blue
gown with a grey yoke and a
corsage of lavender orchids for
her daughters wedding.
At the reception following Mrs.
John D. Mlnifie cut the cake. Mrs.
Harry E. Ward, sister of the groom.
presided at the punch bowl and
Janice Lea Taylor, niece of the
bride, passed the groom's cake.
When the couple left on their
wedding trip the bride wore a
grey and black check suit !th
moss green trim and black acces
sories. The newlyweds are now at
home in Salem at 806 N. Cottage!
Finnicums Feted
On Anniversary
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Finnicum was observed
with an open house New Year's
Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Fowler on Grand Island. The
Finnicums were married Dec. 31,
1926 at the Methodist Parsonage
in Dayton.
More than eighty friends and
neighbors called between the
hours of two and five to congrat
ulate the couple. Receiving the
guests were Miss Donna Finnicum,
daughter of the couple, and Miss
Vonda Makinster. Misses JSharon
and PhylliciFlnnicum, also daugh
ters of the couple, served the wed
ding cake. At the punch bowl, was
Miss Marcena Fowler, and the
coffee urn was in charge of Miss
Delores Finnicum. neices of the
honor guests Assisting were Miss
LaVonna Finnicum and Miss Mary
Lou Hawkins. Kathy Prater passed
the guest book.
dub at Johns9 Home
Mrs. Chester Johns will be host
ess to the Englewood Woman's
Club this afternoon at her home,
1275 N. 16th St., at 1:15 o'clock
Assisting will be Mrs. William
Parker, Mrs. Julia Jennings and
Mrs. Winifred Butler. The devo
tions will be led by Mrs. Horton
Hughlett. Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh
will give a book review, "Doctor
in Buckskin," the life of Marcus
Whitman, by T. D. Allen.
The social club of Hal Hibbard
Auxiliary. USWV. will be enter
tained at the William Bush home,
1030 Glenview Way, West Salem,
Friday afternoon for a 1:30 dessert
luncheon. The hostesses will be
Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson and
Mrs. L. H. Wetherby.
The meeting of the social club
of Hal Hibbard Auxiliary slated
for this afternoon at the William
Bush home has been postponed
Trinity ChapUr OES. West Salem
City Hall.
Barbara Match l Tent. DUV. Install
ation of officers. YWCA. 2 p.m.
Cbomeketa Chapter, DAJt
Woman's Clubhouse, 1 p.m.
' IS
The soft, asaootfc look that powder gives your face
stow traasforsM your legs! Exclusive FACE POWDER
FINISH has a special natural skin too that is doll,
feisty, ssore flattering. Yet for all their lovetiaes sad
ej6faesa, these 60-gsage stockings wear longer ...
Wave sflor ayloa threads to every square lack. Aad be
cava they're saade by the world's largest rakers, yea
par far loss than you'd expect 1 In 15 A 20 ietuer
SprW Twist i 1,50
ft . ' - '
Corporal and Mrs. Low
ell L. Spacjle (Wanda Wil
liams) who were married
at a mid-December wed
ding Irr Albuquerque, New
Mexico. The groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Spagle ol Salem. The newly-weds
will live in Cali
fornia, where he is sta
tioned at Hamilton Field.
Miss Da Ike to
Wed Navy Man
From Seattle comes news of the
engagement of a Salem girl. Miss
Irene Marie Dalke, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalke. to
John H. Freese Jr., USN, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freese of
Baltimore, Maryland.
The wedding will take place in
Salem at the First Christian
Church on March 20, the birthday
of Miss Da Ike's father.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
Salem High School and the Eman
uel Hospital School of Nursing.
She is now a nurse at the Dental
School, University of Washington.
Her fiance is a navy recruiter in
Unit Meetings Slated
Three Marion County Extension
Unit meetings are on the calendar
for today. The Central Howell
Unit will meet at 10 a. m. with
Mrs. L. T. Arrell with the subject
"Step Saving Kitchen". The Me
hama Unit will meet at 10:30 a. m.
at the Women's Clubhouse with
the subject "Repair of Innerspring
Cushions". The Lancaster Unit
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Cleo Keppinger at 10:30 a. m.
and the subject is "Step Saving
On Etiquette
By KoberU Lao
Q. What rules apply to a bride's
displaying her wedding gifts?
A. Sometimes the gifts are
shown only to the relatives and
close friends. It is quite all right,
however, to let all the guests for
the reception view the gifts, a
special room being set aside for
displaying them.
Q. I know of one person who
makes a habit of placing his hand
on a person's arm while talking
with him. What do you think of
A. This may be a friendly ges
ture, but it is very annoying to
some people, and it is better to
avoid the reputation of being a
Q. Is it all right for a person
to butter an entire slice of bread
at a meal?
A. No; the bread should be but
tered onls a small piece at a time.
Sewing Machines
fad 60
Date Set for
Wedding bells will ring on
March 23 for Miss Joyce Olson
and- Arne Skedsvold, whose be
trothal is being announced by the
bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Olson. The groom-elect is
the ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Skedsvold of Alexander, North
Dakota. The ceremony will be per
formed at the Grace Lutheran
Church in Salem.
Miss Olson is a graduate of Sa
lem schools and the Emanuel Hos
pital School of Nursing. - She is
now employed at the Salem Gen
eral. Hospital. Her finance served
in the ajr force for three years
and is now attending Montana
State College at Bozeman. He is
a member of Lamba Chi Alpha
Legion Auxiliary
In Session
Members of American Legion
Auxiliary, 136, will receive no
tices of future meetings as a
means to increase the attendance.
This decision was reached at the
meeting of the unit Wednesday
night at the Salem Woman's
Clubhouse. Mrs. Elwood Town
send, chairman of the American
ism committee, announced that
the group's present project is to
encourage the schools to instruct
the pupils in the pledge of al
legiance once a week.
Mrs. Bert Walker, chairman
welfare committee, announced that
two Christmas baskets were given
to needy families and two pairs of
pajamas to needy veterans at the
Tuberculosis Hospital. The two
hospital beds maintained by the
unit are now available according
to Mrs. Walker.
Hostesses at the meeting were
Mrs. Dan Pantovich and Mrs
Charles Driver. "
. . . and when you see these "famous brand" fashions at
half price, you'll want to stock up! Not "sales fodder,
not cheap, sleazy garments made just for sales, but truly
your favorite brands!
. , . all wools, tweeds and worsteds! Coats and suits
for now . . . for next fall . . . staples you'd wear the
year through!
... tailored or casual dresses for the business woman.
Afternoon, street and. cocktail dresses all at half price'
... racks replenished? Come see . . . compare!
To Cut Down Wardrobe Costs, Cover
Own Buttons and Buckles, a Saving
By Sae Gardzter
One way to cut down ward
robe costs is to cover your own
buttons and buckles. This is
great saving in.
making a new
costume or re-f
vu . au wu j
One set off
discs for cover- J
ing your, own
buttons requires h
no tools or spe-
cial talenL The
top disc of the
button is used
for the fabric
and has a saw
tooth bottom that holds the ma
terial in place while you work.
A second disc, Which is the back
fits into place and the button is
finished. A little metal loop on
the back allows you to sew the
button on the costume. The
buckle works the same way.
You can reuse the discs at any
time by prying off the back with
a safety pin, removing the fabric
and starting over again. Any type
of fabric from sheer to poodle
cloth can be used.
Mr. and Mrs! Otto SkopU of
gene, Mrs. Miller B- Hayden. Mrs.
Marie Burch, and Mrs. Gertrude
Cheney were New Year's dinner
guests of Mrs. Ida Boet(icher at
her apartment at the Ambassador.
Rebere miseries direct
without "dosing"
f . i
You can give a new look to
an old dress with a button-on
capelet. By making a button-oa
flounce for a petticoat you. can
use it for semi-formal and formal
wear. I 5 '
If you want to give a 'double
life to a cocktail dres with a
low neckline, make a button-on
bib f or daytime' wear. Rows of
buttons, in graduated sixes can
be placed across the front at ft
jacket to give ft a jaunty touctu
' Placed diogoaally, buttons givo
a slenderizing line to the front
of a dress. f S
A bit of lame or sequin covered
buttons win highlight a neeklina
or any detail on a blouse or dress.
You can even make mrhtnf
earrings by removing the. loop
at the back of the button and
gluing earring backs on th back
disc. J 4
f Copyright 1M1. '
General Features Corj.)
LfH i R.k Omi mi Throat
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mIim iiitim ia braatkuas
W 2t IViXie a
135 N. CommorcUi I
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