Willamette valley farmer News and Views of Farm and Garden -By LILLIE L MADSEN Strawberry Growers Will Meet Jan. 18 Frost prevention in strawberry fields vtU be one of the featured talks at a meeting of strawberry growers cheduled by County Ex tension Agent D. L. Rasmussen for Friday. Jan 18, in Salem. The meetiiig will start at 1:30 p-m. in the Izaak Walton League club house,; S00 South Cottage Street Albert Jesse, strawberry grower frem Gales Creek in Washington fCduaty; will discuss frost preven tion methods and results at his farm. Jesse has kept records dur ing the past five years that should be of Interest to those attending ' the meeting. Other speakers on the program will discuss the outlook situation for strawberries in 1952 and di sease and insect control. A panel ' discussion by certain Marion County etrawberry growers will eomnlete the oroffram. Tentative plans call for brief discussions about irrigation, cover crops ana fertilizers, and other management practices by members of the panel. RioMusen renorts that there will be plenty of room to seat everyone in tne izaax waiion League building. At similar straw berrr growers meetings held else where m Salem the past two years, overflow crowds forced some growers to stand during the pro gram. These growers and others wilt be assured of seats at the meeting on Jan. 18. 4-H Stamp to Be Available Jan. 15 A new 8 cent postage stamp commemorating the 4-H Club work will go on sale in the post offices about January 15. The stamp will be green m color with a 4-H Club emblem , in the center. beneath which Is printed "The 4-H Clubs" and across the top "To Make the Best Better." A farmstead scene is on the stamp and a boy and girl wearing 4-H Club emblems. Essential Oils Will Be Discussed at Corvallis Parley Essential oils around the world will be discussed by Dr. Ernest Guenther, outstanding essential oil authority for New York City, at the Oregon Essentia! Oil Growers League annual meeting In Corval lis Jan. 10 and 11. Dr. Guenther is vice president and director in charge of research for the Fritzche Brothers Essential Oil Company of New York City. Karl Baur. Director of Research, Pacific Supply Cooperative, Port land will speak to the essential oil growers on fertilizers. Weed con trol in mint will be discussed by Arthur J. Renney, agronomist. University of British Columbia. A report from the eientlal oil in dustry will be given by Larry Giv ins of I. P. Callison and Sons Company of Seattle Egypt Needs Small Industry LOS ANGELES - (JPi - Egypt is undergoing a period of rapid change and jieeds small indus trial enterprises and social serv ices, says Dr. Karl de Schweinitz of the University of California, who has recently returned from heading a U. S. state department Point Four mission in Egypt. Two factors are bringing about great social change, Dr. de Schweinitz said. The first is in terest in western technical ad vanceS and social Customs which have resulted in modern building construction and increased rights for women. The second factor is that the Egyptians for the first time In their history are running their own government. From 52S B.C. to 1838 AJD- Egypt has been ruled successively by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks and British, he said. Egg Contest Entries Will Close Jan. 11 CORVALLIS Entries in the contest to decide which Oregon poultryman produces the best eggs are due at Oregon State College by Friday noon, Jan. 11. Producer entrants are restricted to no more than four entries of a dozen un cracked eggs each, and single entries must include eggs of the same color. Prospective en trants must notify the club by writing to the egg snow commit tee. Poultry Club, OSC poultry de partment by Jan. 9, giving name and address, number of entries and color of eggs. Sheep Raisers Are Warned of Ewe Paralysis Ewe paralysis or pregnancy dis ease in sheep flocks has made its appearance already this year and flock owners are warned to watch the ewe flock closely. Many things may contribute to the disease according to County Extension Agent Ben A. Newell: Pregnancy, poor feeding and lack of exercise usually are the causes. Symtoms usually include lagging behind the rest in moving, and the victim grinds her teeth, ap pears weak and dull and trembles. If good green pasture is not available then give clean bright legume hay. Small quantities of molasses, pure dextrose, corn syrup or brown sugar also are advised as well as plenty of salt and clean water. INSTITUTE JUNE 28 CORVALLIS Dates for the fourth Institute of Northwest Re sources at the 1952 Oregon State College summer session have been announced as June 23 to July 5. Farm Income Outpaced by Rising Costs J. J. Inskeep, Clackamas County Extension Agent, says Clackamas farmers are rubbing their sore shins and looking hopefully to ward the New Year because their bout with old man 1951 was dis appointing to say the least. Even a whopping and surpris- inz 25.687.000 dollar income, 2 per cent above that of last year, failed to keep pace with rising costs, he said. While income was up, on the whole purchasing power of the average farm family has under gone a decline because of continu ed inflation and increase in oper ating expenses. During the past 10 years almost everyone on the farm made a little money. This year, however, many individual farm operators, berry growers in particular, went into the red, Inskeep said. The gross Income preliminary figure for 1951. $25,637,000 is sub ject to adjustment as more com plete information is obtained. This estimate compares with the first estimate of $24,696,000 for 1950. Of this year's figure farm crops accounted for $12,397,000. The to tal for animal products including meat animals, dairy and poultry products is estimated at $13,290, 000. Dollar increases were shown in dairy products, meat animals and wool, poultry and poultry pro ducts, tree fruit and nuts, specialty field and drug crops, potatoes and truck crops. Decreases were shown in mis cellaneous animal products, grain and hay, seed crops, small fruit crops and horticultural specialty crops. Farm forestry products held even. Communism in Malaya Described as Racket KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya-yP)- A Malayan leader says commu nism in Malaya is 'nothing more or less than a fabulously wealthy racket. W. M. MacLeod, member of the Council of the Malayan Associa tion, said he estimated conserva tively that the communists in the jungles were collecting something like $3,300,000 monthly from the sale of stolen rubber. LOOk WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR O J(3 Ji oY zy zs STORi NO. 1 3390 PORTLAND ROAD STOKE STORE NO. 1 525 EDGEWATER Hours: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily Including Sunday WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES HUNGRY JACK -i S77 L PANCAKE FLOUR jjP )g)W0 SWIFT OR ARMOUR ' r-v STKTK CORNED BEEF 'L 5) WW0 40 FATHOM r$f7 L MINCED CLAMS T H - WW0 HALVES IN HEAVY SYRUP T"s f7f7 l BARTLEH PEARS NftT : 5) - WW0 IVORY FLAKES TIDE OXYDOL ji rv7 L SOAP POWDER , ST 4 , NAVY BEANS - HUNTS - ' Y-rt SOLID PACK TOMATOES -T ! - WW0 WEST PEAK IN HEAVY SYRUP 7f7 L FREESTONE PEACHES "S. (g) , WW0 CALIFORNIA IN HEAVY SYRUP gflV TfT FRUIT COCKTAIL j(Q) WW0 TUNA FEAST SS TUNA "&T 5 WW0 CALIFORNIA 00mm SPINACH . ' WW0 NU-MELLO 1 MARGARINE ' 4 a WW0 sunshine rNfrN KRISPY CRACKERS WW0 . I ,f- aaa FRESH PRODUCE FZKX . j Grapefruit 18 for 99c IDAHO NO. 2 Potatoes 18 o. 99c FANCY. ROMS BEAUTY Apples 10 &. 99c tan -;. I Bananas 10 & 99c PORK STEAK ' 2 n. 99c LARD Swiff or Armour's (Pail) Ox. 99 c r.lEAT LOAF lb. 99c SLICED DACOil Swiff 99c DAC0.1 Ends and Places 99c Thm Stat man, Salra, Ortjon, Friday Icmaarj 4." 1SS27 I- The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in -; Your Home Newspaper BLONDS Iblondie rvE 7I1 VA HlX ah-thank coooness- ''iHKT Jh' - " ' -, J9JgS2 LOOKED EVERY PLACE) jL ffi - AT LAST. THERE r?S ( EMPTY J ; BLONDlE)WA UPSTAIRS f - V- T IS rlTT T? QUICK - C3 ANO CANT WELUTHEN. ZTZfn Sf -f5 1 fZ mav i JeV; S ROOMS y find rr cwCs i (V5 the r: aa I V, -U fl r BO?POW T'Jj- v "XT' . JMnf r KITCHEN OO A&IU O NjH 1 j; SP TiT R O L I DON'T KNOW WHAT I r ARE WE GOING TO BE 1 I DOVOU MEAC2 ME? T ) Here's twat record pSS Mi5 ST1JB60ralouT.Tws? NKBXxb.J . THAT'S ALL. I WANT TO SPWNEQ. OH-MV (ChJLM?? e?F Si& know. MARGE. WHERE IS srJYY? WRJSTS U fyr 'i t TH PlL as DICX TRACT MOW TUAT YOUR SUBOlVlSON IS PUTTING UP TEN MOUSES EVERT DAY, THE NAME SNOOPLEY 16 GOING TO 8E AS WELL KNOWN AS THAT. Of MAN STREETJ ITS ABOUT TIME - FOR A VUILE Sfl PRAISES OP ANNIE ROOWEY TMEy SCARCELY MENTiOnEO h , , - MY NAME-. rl Jf THEY'RE MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME. WOW AMOVOUR PEERLESS PCOMOTlOMi hr MAN WILL KEEP SLAVING TWENTY- Ar-. FIVE HOURS A Day MAKING A Y-' Vmi A CELEBRITY VOU SPOKE A90UT A rtr BONUS??, r GEE, ZERO -PRETTySOOMALCNj THE POOR FOLKS KM MCXEOUT I Of TKE old soap facjccy into & KEW LITTLE HOMESCF TH OWN -I I WINK fIS SwtLLy'f LITTLE ANNIE EOONET Ik. BUZZ SAWYEB MICKEY MOUSS lf (I .V BUT HOW J IT'S ALLt II XiOOtiW J ) S. I CAN 00 TO HANS Oft V if I KANXTO 6S. M gUtCUWS yr MmJ VVn VMY SELF. yLZ Ft? vSCW 'A zAZAiwc a ? cAfij hW u 4 I ptxnrD -1 sua foot. JJ:' f V l. if SjN 7. WW WtWf SAWYwZN Hi li h a V . f t : -r HEIPME! 1 Mtwirre5ss If f t t r ajot I ; I Minutes rss. I If m puTlmyseij I zazarof looks , Sit kM p Kff M 1! ImUi I I PLACE HIS SHOC. I . j -Sf. S VLH' I A HE'LL 68 ALL V-3 r VOU WlU. MOT 88 WARMEO VET Xf"yl X TW5 PALACE WAS6UH.T V n zWtrrtZ wbi Uao .L take twem to the cusst win3 pW?i VOU have J FOU the COMFORT Of ) WHAT MAVS A TO LEAKM THE tra , . -J'if TO KEEP T THE IAPERlAL FLOWER J; you done A fveso vrlTSTc tVyV hYmr nr so mot S not for ordinaky 1 " 683 4 -I TT S If VI morses ano a gl-cs .A Sf 1 f TO TWS AJ5PORT.' I'LL f ( I All the work and worryTWe aren't on f I congratulate T ! congratulate Vp Walt, the money you V And those two of the past year teeasy stnpet but yxi,Ytatl Jyou,.Agtr?seJ raised was a trarisfusiaiT subcontracts will - PY)r3 "Y f 5L V . M Wicker clletT song V f fM SH&T-PAQUTH 1 IPSST- lMTHWKtNf LAWSY SAKE3J I S RIDDLES V 1 rt.t tell vTs ) lLkl itSJrr I DARLOUJ U U A LEETLE SECRET VMtg SMtF BOWJCOUS ; JIST ( VE MIND VORE J BREATHE A WORD 7 -SS"i5S ?Jtt2irL p fZr C -. CL BTP DBBY GASOLINE ALLFI SAflNEY GOOGTJS