0 The C?ntmnv Halm, Ore-, Hew York Slcclx Qsclalions By The Associated Press 1 Ad Corp . Al Chem 26 78 Gen Foods Gen Motors Al Chalmers . 50 Am Airlines 16 Am Pow & Lt 22 Am Tel & Tel15 G Pac Plywoods 22 Goodyear Tire .43 Homestake Int Harvester Am Tobacco Int Paper Anaconda Atchison Johns Manville 75 Vt 51 Kennecott . Beth Steel Ubby. McNeill Boeing Airplane 45 Lockheed Air Borg Warner Burr Add Ma Calif Pack C Pac 63 Loews Inc 18 28 35 47 51 70 102 33 17 Long Bell Montg Ward Nash Kelv Caterpillar Celanese NY Central . Northern Pac Chryiler Cities Service Cons Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zeller Curtiss Wright Pac Tel & Packard 52 Penney 9 Pepsi Cola Penn RR Philco Doug Aircraft 58 duPont 91 Eastman Kodak- 45 Emerson Radio 14 Radio Corp Rayonier Inc Gen Electric 58 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Friday (AP) - Butter fat tentative, subject to Immediate chance: Premium quality, maximum to JS to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. 81 -84c lb.: first quality. 79 83c: second quality. 77 -80c. valley routes and country points 3c less. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. . S3 score. 75c lb.: A. 82 score. 74c; B. 90 score. 73c; C. 89 score. 70c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price ttt Portland wholesalers' Oregon singles. 45-47c lb.: Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 49-52'.ac. Eggs (to wholesalers): Candled eggs containing no toss, cases, included. Lob. Portland: A large. 57I-5,ic: A medium. 53",4-54',4c; A small, nominal: B grade. 48-50c. Live chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Frtanta): Fryers. S',4-3 lbs.. 25-26c; 3-4 bs.. 25-26c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 2S-27c; light hens, all weights. 16c: heavy hens, all weights. 21 -22c; old roosters. aU weighU. 13-15c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-3 lbs.. 24-26c lb.: 5-6 lbs. 20 84c: old does. 10-12e: few higher: fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 59-6 3c. some higher. Dressed turkeys A grade young bronze hens net to growers f.o.b. farm on dressed basis. 47c lb.; A grade toms, same basist 37c. A grade toms. New York style. 46-47c: A grade hens. 56 87c; ready to cook hens. 67-68c; toms. 89-60c. Walnuts Approximate price to growers for orchard runs: Franquette. 17-20c lb.: wholesale price f.o.b. ship- Sing point, large. No. 1. 31V-32Uc lb.; Io. 2 grade babies. 2394-24401 Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers; dollars per CWT): Beef: Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs.. 837.70-58.10: good, $55.70-56.10: commer cial. $50.70-51.10; utility. $47.50-49.10: cows, commercial, $45.00-51.10; utility, $43.00-49.10; canners-cutters, $43.00 44.60. Beef cuts (choice steers): Hind quarters. $63.60-64.00: rounds. $62.70 63.10; full loins, trimmed. $84.20-60; triangles. $48.80-49.20: forequarters. 852.10-50: chucks. $55.70-57.10; ribs. 869.70-70.10. Veal: Good-choice, $55.00-58.00; com mercial. $49.00-51.00. SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490, KOPi 878. KGW 820. KEX Hit Pacific Standard Time FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX 92.3 (Altar's nate: Tbe Statesman onSUshes In good faith the programs a as provided by the radio stations, accuracy bkubi. HOUR 00:00 00:15 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX umtl as provided o j uiv ruin buiuviu, wm w.uw - hanged without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the News Timekeeper I Farm News West. Melody (West. Melody farm News News KOIN (Clock (KOIN Klock Clock Watch IClotch Watch INews Ore Farm Hr. I Ore. Farm Hr. I Ore. Farm Hr. 6 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Jamboree KOIN Klock Hear rhis Band Box I Break Gang I Jamboree IMacleod Hear This M. Agronsky 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KBX Leslie Nichols Chapel Echoes lHaven of Rest Haven of Rest Proudly Hail (Proudly Hail The Rangers I The Rangers Let's Pretend Let's Pretend Give & Take (Give At Take Coffee in Wn.l Coffee in No School INo School 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. News IStory Time (Pastor Call (Bargain Ctr. Vews Science Drama 4-H Club I Kid's Korner Theatre (Theatre ., n Holly wd. Stars ! Holly wd. Stars Proudly Hall (Proudly Hail ' ! Reading Fun I Book Carnival Toy land Tunes I Toy land Tunes I Space Patrol I Space Patrol KSLM News Land O' Free ISlory Time IMusie KOCO Aunt Sonhie I Aunt Sophie I Serenade I Serenade KOIN Grd. Cent Sta.lGrd. Cent. Sta. Hospital (Hospital KGW Mind Manners I Mind Manners iSmttin' Ed (Smilin Ed KBX Tom. Stars I Tom. Stars, ITom. Stars Horn. Stars 10 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KBX Herb's Hour T. B. A. Music Girls Mary Tavlor Met. Opera Herb's Hour T. B. A. IMusie Girls Marv Tavlor I Met. Opera 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KBX Blues-Greys T. B. A. News Farm-Home Met Opera Blues-Greys T. B. A. Galen Drake Farm-Home Met Opera 1 KSLM East vs. West East vs. West (East vs. West (East vs. West KOCO Matistee Matinee I Matinee Matinee KOIN Stan Daugherty Stan Daugherty! Kirkham News Kirkham News KGW To Be Advised I To Be Advised; To Be Advised To Be Advised KEX Met. Opera (Met Opera I Met Opera I Met Opera 2 KSLM East vs. West KOCO Matinee KOIN Bandstand KGW City Serenade KBX Tea At Crump East vs. Matinee Bandstand 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX East vs. West !East vs. West lEast vs. West East vs. West Salute Rec. I Salute Rec. Curtain Calls I Curtain Calls Ktrkham News' U.N. on Record 'Oversea Report I L. LeSueur News IKaltenborn . (Tin Pan Alley Tin Pan Alley Record Party (Record Party! I Record Party I Record Party 4 KSLM East vs. West Hemingway IMelody PortraitlTwln Views KOCO Chin up (Chin Up " (Dallas Youth News KOIN Schools and Ui Schools and UI Johnny Spot IJohnny Snot KGW Roberts. Music I Roberts. Music Skin nay Ennis ISklnnay Ennls KEX Mindy Carson rquirrel Cage iSouirrel Cage Santa Clau 5 KSLM Air Force Hour I Air Force Hour! Chris. Science 'Music KOCO Rhythm Ranch i Rhythm Ranch j Adventure I Music KOIN G Fischer I Brotherhood i Danger Ahead Goss. News KGW Jane Ace (Jane Ace Jane Ace IB. Considlne KEX Navy Hour I Navy Hour (Blue Sports Bob Garred 6 KSLM HawaU Calls KOCO Dinner Musie KOIN . Hop Cassidy KGW Eddy Arnold KBX Sports Edition HawaU Calls Dinner Musie Hop Cassidy TUJdy Arnold tome Edition 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Music Balladiers Qs Wax Works Roy Rogers Mark Trail Music Navy Bands Music Qs Wax Roy Rogers Mark Trail KSLM Reporters RdUD KOCO UCLA-Brad. UCLA-Brad. I UCLA-Brad. (UCLA-Brad. KOIN Vaugn Monroe v aun Monroev Gene Autry I Gene Autry KGW Talent Search Talent Search 1 Western Hits Western Hits KBX Loos Ranger (Lone Ranger 1U. S. S. R. U. S. S. R. 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW News I Pop Edwards 1 Dance Musie IMusie UCLA-Brad. (UCLA-Brad. UCLA-Brad. IBroadway Beat Gang Busters (Gang Busters Broadway Beat I UCLA-Brad. Mr. Keen Mr. Keen NW Review INW Review Frontier Town (Frontier Town Old Wld D ees lOld WTd D'ces 10 KSLM John Flynn KOCO News KOIN Night Final KGW News Dance Musie N W News Dancing Party I Dance Party lueorge risher orchestra rSDorts Psce IBersrman Orch. Final Edition I Intermezzo 11 KSLM Ooen House KOCO Dancing Party KOIN Organ Meted. KGW Castle Jazz fOoen House 1 Dancing Good ft KOAC sst KC 1040 a. m the Hews aad Weather: 18:15. Especially for Women: 11 The Concert Hall: 13 -0C. The News and Weather: 12:13 Noon rami Hour: 1M Ride 'em Cow boy; 1M. Stars oa Parade: 15. Mu sie for the Soul; 2.-00. Music of the Masters; 4:00. Excursion In Sci gqtarday, December- Q.1851 44 Rayonier Pf d . Republic Steel . Rey Metals Richfield 34 42 58 58 32 55 51 33 Safeway 35 Sears Roebuck 49 Socony-Vacuum 34 So Pacific 60 St Oil Cal 50 St Oil NJ 74 Studebaker 34 Sunshine Min 10 Swift & Co 32 - 67 87 . 8 22 17 40 67 18 18 65 Transamerica 23 Twentieth C Fox. 19 Union Oil 38 65 Union Pacific 100 Pac Am I ish 14. Un Airlines I 34 Pac Gas & FJec. 33iUn Aircraft 31 Tel109 Un Corp 4 4 JUS Plywood 32 684 US Steel 40 14 44 25 39 42 10 18 26 23 Warn 'Pictures Western Union West Air Brake Westinghouse 62 jWoolworth Calves: All weights, good-choice. $53.00-57.00: commercial. $47.00-31.00. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-13 lbs.. M5.oo-49.00: shoulders. 18 lbs., down. $35.00 - 38.00; spareribs. 844.00 - 45.90 fresh hams. 10-14 lbs.. $49.00-52.50. Lambs: Choice-prime, 40-50 lbs. $54.00-57.00; good. $54 .00-$56 .00. Mutton Good-choice. $33.40-80. Wool: Willamette valley, mostly nominal, crease basis. Mohair; 50c lb. on 13-month growth. Lo.b. country shipping points. Country-killed meats: Mutton: Best. 60-90c lbs.. 25-26c lbs, rough heavy bucks, ewes. 15-18c. Veal: Top quality, 53.2c lb.; others 37.9c and above. Beef: Utility cows. 40-42C Jb.: canners-cutters. 40-41C. Hogs: Ught blockers. 37 -28c lb.; sows, light. 20-22c. Lambs: Top grade. 50-53c lb.; other grades according to quality. Onions: 50 lb. sacks. Ore. yellows, med.. $2.75-3.00; large. $3.00-35. Idaho, sweet Spanish. No. 1, 3-inch min., $2.75-3.25. Potatoes: Ore. Deschutes russets. No. 1. 2-inch min., $5.25-50; special brands $5.60-85; 25 ib. sks.. $1.40-55; 5-10 lb. paper sks. $2.85-3.00; bakers. No. 1, $5.25-6.00: No. 2. 50 lbs.. $ Wash, russets. No. 1, 2-inch min.. $5.00-75; No. 2. 100 lbs.. $3.50-80: Idaho russets. No 1. 2-ineh min.. $5.75-6.00. Hay: U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa, deliv ered car and truck lots, f.o.b. Port land. $46.00 ton; No. 1 timothy mixed hay. f o b. Portland, baled. $45.00-46.00; No. 1 grass hay, nominally $42.00-43.00 baled, f o.b. cars truck lots. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.". Friday (AP) Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast delivery. Oats No. 2 38 lb. white 79.50; barley No. "2 45 lb. B. W. 71.50. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.44; soft white (ex cluding Rex) 2.44i: white club 2.44 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.44 li; 10 per cent 2.44'; 11 per cent 2.45Vi; 12 per cent 2.46a. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2.44 4; 10 per cent 2.44'i; 11 per cent 2.45'i; 12 per cent 2.46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8; bar ley 6; flour 1; corn 2; oats 3; feed 5. and but because oftlmes the programs are 00:30 0:45 INews I World News i KOIN Klock Hodge Podge !Ore. Farm Hr, 'Break. Gang IMuslc Keys I Top Trades I Ex. Service I Cons News INews I Bob Hazen Sews jGoss News News Bob Garred wn.i uve story lLove story iNo School II o School I Blues-Greys T. B. A. Blues-Greys T. B. A. Meet Missus IY. Oreeonians I Met. Opera Meet Missus V Oregonians Met. Opera Blues -Greys Blues-Greys T. B. A. T. B. A. Way for Youth Way for Youth S. Maugham Met Opera t. Maugham Met Opera West lEast vs. West Matinee lEast vs. West (Matinee JSat. at Chase City Serenade (To Be Advised! Eddy Arnold Tea At Crump.! Blue Serenade I Home Democrat J (West Ramblers) West Ramblers INews I Temple Echoes J. Dollar (Ole Opry IGuest Star I J Dollar (Ole Opry (Honor Medal Lyle At Western.lLyle Ac Western. Midcourt Q's Waxworks Roundup Time Great Advent Works Q s Waxworks i Roundup Time I Great Advent Rduo Lombardo USA ILombardo USA - - - - Orehsstra BenpYaan Orch. (Good Listening .Open House ppea House Party Dancing Party I Dancing Party (Organ Melod. Trees Bandstd iTreas. Bands tnd ICastle Jazs ISklnnay Ennls ISklnnay Ennis IGood listening IGood ' t-""ff (Good t.tstmtng ence: 4:1 3. On the Upbeat: Iffi, Stories n Stuff: 5 JO. London Let ter: 3:45. Report from Europe; M, The News and Weather: 8:15, Musie for the Connoisseur; 7:15, Grand Opera Tonight; 8:45 The News and Weather: S.-00 Dane Parade; 10 Sign Off. Xlf THE CIRCUIT CODWF OF THg 8TATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department No. 14630 In the Matter of the Xstate of OTTO MATTER. Deceased, NOTICX OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICX IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as executrix of the estate of OTTO MATTER, deceased, by virtue of an order duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of Marion Coun ty. Oregon. Probate Department, on the 39th day of November. 1951. will proceed to sell, at private or public sale, for cash or on terms, at the office of WILLIAMS 8c SKOPIL. 413 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Marion County. Oregon, from and after the 3d day .of January. 1953. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day. to the highest bidder, all of the right, title and interest of the estate of said decedent in ana to the following described lands and premises, to-wit: Lot No. 35 of Reimann Gardens. In Marion County. Oregon (see . Volume 13. Page 13. Record of Town Plata for said County and State). Said sale shall be made subject to the confirmation of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Department, in the matter of the estate of said decedent. Dated, posted and first published this 1st day of December. 1951. ELSIE NUNN Executrix of the Estate of Otto Matter, deceased. WILLIAMS 8c SKOPIL Attorneys for Executrix 413 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon D M. EXECUTORS' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WILLIAM J. VOGT and IDA OLDEN BURG have been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, appointed execu tors of the Estate of JACOB VOGT. DECEASED. Any persons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, with proper vouch ers .to saia executors at sio rioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated this 39th day of December, 1931. WILLIAM J. VOGT IDA OLDENBURG Executors of the Estate of JACOB VOGT. Deceased. RHOTEN. RHOTEN Sc SPEERSTRA Pioneer Trust Bulidinc Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executors D 29 J. 8-12-19-20 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Friday, red leather woman's wallet in 1500 block North Capitol. Engraved name. Reward. Phone 3-9321. FOUND: Good fox hound. Phone 2-5153 after 5. LADY'S red leather billfold. Lost near corne of High rnd State. Phone 4-1703. FOUND: Black cocker dog. Phone 2-8488. LOST: Large Rhinestone pin, Decem ber 24th. Keepsake. Reward. Phone 2-8053. LOST Keys in telephone booth at Hollywood Tavern. Notify Wesley carter pnone 44509. REWARD Lost Persian cat, gray and orange; vicinity l',a South of Liberty, aruwers to 'Nickee". Phone 3-7056. 314 Transportation" DRIVING to Southern California Jan uary 1st would like to have passen ger. Phone 4-3907 316 Personal OPAL KING psychic advisor, all prob lems, card reading. 678 N. Cottage ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 315',, N Commercial St. Phone 2-2108 Meet ings Sunday 3 pjn.. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ph. 3-9133. PO Bx 724. YMCA. Wed. and Fri. at 8-00 P-m. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock PART Guernsey 8c Jersey cow. $223. Rt. 3, Box 911, Phone 3-1073. FOR SALE young cow. giving 2 gals. calf rearfv for th hlnolr S"M fn. both. William Roth, 1740 Oxford. Phone 2-8883. FOR SALE 1 18 months old white face ncrciuru, i xooa mill cow. ttt. , Box 498. Salem or phone 4-4335. BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Som mer, 2130 Chemawa Rd. Phone 4-2617. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E C. McCandlish 1127 S Mt.h Ph 3-8147 BONDED Livestock buyer Claude Ed wards Rt 3 Box 899E Ph 4-1113 uICENSED and bonded livestock buyer E. 1 Gnethen. 1940 Lancaster Dr Phone 2 345 404 Poultry and Rabbits 170 AUSTRA -WHITE pullets. 4 months old. $1.23 each. Mrs. J. B. Thornton, Rt. 1. Box 290. WiUamlna. 40 N.H. PULLETS. 7 month old. lay ing good, $2 apiece. Phone 3-4307. SO HEAVY red pullets. Ready to lay. Albert Franchke. Rt 7. Box 323. 3 miles E. of Totem Pole. HENS WANTED. Heavy or light. Top prices. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. PARMENTEER cockerells sH3 New Hampshire chicks, weekly, day old or started. Ph. 2-2861, Lee's Hatchery. FOR Eggs Parmenter reds and Non broody Hampshire Also Pure Nich ols Broiler chicks Circular. Gehring Hatchery Silverton. HATCHES of Golden Broad and New Hampshire chicks every Tuesday We specialize in broiler chicks Fox s Hatchery 3830 State St. phono 3-4969 40 Pets BOXER puppies, best of blood line. AJC.C. registered. $63 up. Phone 3-5864. 120 Charles. COLLIE Shepherd. 7 months old, to give away. Phone 3-7823. DALMATION puppies (coach dogs). 848 N. Monmouth. Phone 773, Mon mouth. - GIVE AWAY Scotch terrier, 4 months old. Phone 2-4051 after 6 p.m. LAST of Hampsters available this sea- son. 2441 State. GERMAN Shephard puppies. AKC" registered, excellent blood lines from U. S. and England. $25 and $33. 110 Cascade Dr. TROPICAL FISH and supplies C L Mann RuttVet-reek Rd Turner Ore GOLDFISH: Tropical fish. Salem Seed ana implement Co., Front at State. LeGRAY KENNELS. 3-1083 MOORE'S tropical fish aquarium tanks, plants, heaters At thermos tates. Mar Tel pumps, 3 miles from S. Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Phone 37321. closed Wednesday. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce APPLES Best buys in town. See Display Ad on page s. 414 F FOR SALE: Alus Chalmers machinery. New and used. Phone 4-1953. Dr. Y.T Laaa.NJ. Dr. O. Cluum. N J DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HEKBAL1ST8 Upstairs. 241 North Liberty Office opea Saturday only, 10 sjo. to I pjn. 8 to 7 pjn. Consultation. Bkwd pressure and urine testa are free of charge. Practiced since 1917. Write for attractive gift No obligation. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Mlscenaneons SPECIAL SALE! NEW ADMIRAL REG. $259.$ BIG. $269.95 REG. $229.93 REG. $299.95 MARQUETTE DE REG. $319.95 REG. $329.95 . APEX WASHING MACHINES REG. $139.95 REG. $164.95 BANK TERMS DAVIS SUPPLY CO. PHONE 3-1793 3134 F AIRG ROUNDS ROAD 451 Machinery and Tools ROTOTTLLER sales, parts, and service Howser Bros. Ph. S-3848. 1410 S 12th YOUR ume and effort demand gooa tools Rent or bur them at House? Bros 1410 S 12th DEALERS and repair station for Wood boss chain saws. Brlggs. Clinton At Wisconsin gasoline engines. Howser Bros . 1410 S. 13th Ph. 3-3648. 455 Househeld Goods For Sole OAK dining room set Simmons twin beds. Call 3-4763. FOR SALE separately or together:: Keingerator, electric stove, deep freeze, daveno At Chair, bedroom set, chair, dining room set, tables and lamps. 1140 N. 5th St. MAYTAG, deluxe washer. All white porcelain, with pump. Brand new year warranty. Was $139.50. Now 109.95. Hogg Bros.. 115 5. commercial. BLUE DAVENO. Westing thouse range. wamut dining, 4 chairs. 2195 N. 4th. EASY, deluxe washer, porcelain tub. auto, cove rinse, lust a year oia with new guarantee. Was $179.95, Now $119.50. Hogg Bros., 115 S. Com'l. Used Furn., Cheap TRADE TERMS Valley Furn Co. 285 No Coml 2-7472 APEX WASHER, only 3 yrs. old. just like new. All white, deluxe wringer. Was $69.50 now $44.50. Hogg Bros. 115 S. Coml 456 Wanted, Household Goods HIGHEST CASH. 1 piece or houseful Call 3-3797 Hare Furniture. 255 N High Highest Prices Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 Courteous Appraisal Premium Prices Trader Louie 3-8558 BEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances and misc. Hall Furniture Store. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-348L 458 Bnfldlnq Materials WRECKING ONE OF SALEM'S LARG ER AND BETTER HOMES at 895 ChemekeU St. All kinds material to build anything. A lot of beautiful windows, large At small. All kinds doors. One of best steam heating units complete with 12 radiators 6c oil or gas burner. If you need win dow glass we sell them cheap. 12 Venetian blinds of all sizes. Bath tubs, large sinks, laundry tubs, sew er pipe, water pipe. All materials in this building is No. 1. All materials reasonably priced. Harry W. Par- sons. Phone 2-293Z. SALE New 4x8 plasterboard Waterproof wallboard, 4x8 New 1-panel doors $1.65 ..$2.20 $7.95 .$11.00 New glass doors Large metal medicine cabinets $7.50 3-tab. comb, roofing $7.00 sq. Cedar shingles Bargain Painted cedar shakes ; $11.00 sq. Used windows, complete $7.50 Cast iron lavatories $15.00 C. G. LONG Ph. 3-5831. 4-3139. (One mile N. Keizer) Shiplap 823 and $38 3x4's. $32.50 hL Reject sidewall shakes $6.50 sq. Mahogany front doors, $17. Cement Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Phone 22054 SHINGLES SHAKES Best grade No. l's $10 Uo. 3's 87. No 3'i 3 4 83 Any amount delivered. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed sidewall shakes $13.50 per so with undcr course. Common lumber all grades Oak and Pecan flooring Ted Muller ph. Salem 3-1198 evenings. 464 fiic7cl GIRLS bicycle. Phone 3-1954. 488 For Rent Miscellaneous' DO TOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer elee portable sewing machine $8 per mo. Free pickup and delivery. Singer Sewing Machine -Co. 130 N. Coml. Ph 3-3513 0 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-9063 TOOLS At equipment to make a good lob better. Rent or buy at Howser Bros. 1410 S. 13th. Phone 3-3848. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 3 PC. waterfall bdrm. suite, complete with box springs Ac inner spring mattress. $144.50. Trader Lowie. 1870 Lana Ave. Used Furniture Sale Sat. and Sunday 4t White enamel trash burner. White enamel apt size range. - Beautiful green daveno. Refrigerators, ranges, ruga. T-J FURNITURE CO. 566 Edgewater St. 800x15 WHITE sidewall nearly new. Phone 3-8140, 3434 Fairhaven. ARGUS C-3 M. M. camera with cou pled range finder, case, flash, filters and sun shade, 8 M. M. camera and projector, new range finder. Sylves ter Meissner. Rt L Box 170 C. ML Angel. Oregon. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy. $15. Phone ,3-7823. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator in good condition. Duo Therm oil heater and wood cook stove. Call mornings 468 a. winter, NEW wood lathe with chisels. Phone 3-4388. 1313 Candlewood Dr. LARGE oil circulator, good condition. FROM Sr303I 3r3t 3 GIRLS BICYCLES. CHEAP. AUTO. WASHING MACHINE WITH DISH WASHER ATTACH. TH. 4-4344V iiliili 4V5D' Merchan'dise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous REFRIGERATORS . NOW . NOW . NOW . NOW $194.00 $199.00 $149.00 $224.00 LUXE RANGES NOW . NOW . $239.00 $249.00 NOW NOW $104X0 $133.00 HOUSE trailer and baby calves for . sale. Phone 4-2463. BUNK BEDS Hardwood beds, use singly or stack. Complete with springs and like new mattresses. $36.50. CASCADE MERC. CO. Corner Fairgrounds Rd. 8c Church St. fcJ.ciKiL. Kangea Mew anu Usea Yeater Aoouance Co. 375 Chemek eta TREADLE sewing machine with set of attachments, $12.50. Ralph Johnson Appliance Co. Phone 3-3139, evenings 3-9813. PINK formal. 2 dresses. 2 coats, all size 14. In good condition. Phone 2-0690. Kohler & Campbell Pianos Wiltsey Music House I860 STATE PORTABLE laundry trays $7.95. Davis drop head sewing machine, very nice condition, $25. Twin bed com plete with inner spring mattress. $28.50. Trader ixmie. 1870 Lana Ave. NEW CROSLEY full sized radio-phonograph console. 3 speed record play er Floor sample, one orrfy. Reg. $259.95. New $199.50. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355 Center. NEW AND USED Sewing machines. Yeater Appliance Co.. 373 Chemek eta. CLOTHESLINE posts. $12 up. Railing columns, weather vanes to order 1145 N Liberty. Crushed Quarry Rock f none 4-3127 PLATFORM rockers. NEW $29.50 Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. DEMLNG water pumps and tanks. FHA terms if desired. Max Vaughn. 443 N. 23rd. Phone 3-661L Temporary ucauon DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS Yeater Ao ouance .tis cnemeketa OFFICE DESK, metal 60 inch stream line, inis is a-i and a rive awav at $149.50. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Av 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs $4-9d Hare Fur- niture Co., 255 N. High. NEW location. CHARIS Corsetier. Mary ones, uss ucour at snooping Center 35918, Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads At driveway. Cement Ready mix. Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing. lralnage and ditching i vd woTti t or one fTion WOOD circulator. $29.50. Electromode 4 KW. like new, $59.50. Gas circula tor 25.000 BTU. $17.50. Homart oil floor furnace, very nice. $75. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. Wrecking Bldg. 383 Mill St Lot of 2x13 long length pianxs. 3-3Z9Z evinings, WASHING Machines. Mew ana Used Yester Appliance Co 775 Chemek- eta STANLEY .tome products Lee Mlndt 335 S 19th. 1 SQUARE ci ane Neudogue receptor bath tub. never used. $75. 1192 Lan caster ELECTRIC portable sewing machine. $22-50. Ralph Johnson Appliance Co. f none a-aiaa, isve. 3-MB13 USED Singer electric portable sewing machine, good sewing condition, guaranteed. Free sewing lessons. Bargain $59.50. Singer Sewing Center, iju in . commercial. LESTER Betsy Ross Spinet piano, like new, very reasonable. Call evenings. i4oy s. lbtn st. ENCYCLOPEDIA BrltUnica. 26 vol umes up to 1947. Very nice $39.50. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. Linoleum S3 .45 VALLEY FURN. CO, 285 N. COMX. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous OLD cars and obsolete machinery for junk. Call 4-4021. 474 Miscellaneous" GOOD USED wood ranges. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 39183. WAN! lit tuy uaeo cameras Si rnrni Mryn Pnoto Shop 245 N High Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Of MOST CASES Brine or Ma0 Your Plates for Repali DR. HARRY SEMLFJt. DENTIST Adoloh BWg State A Com Pb 3-3311 476 Fuel FREE sawdust from resaw. You haul. Godsey Lumber Co.. Monmouth cut off road. Dallas. Oregon. Oregon Fuel Co. Good clean sawdust, tube service or push-out Dry or green 18 slab. Dry or green 18" edgings. 3087 Broadway Phone 3-5533 WALNUT SHELLS makes good fuel. $5 ton 60 sacks to ton. Klorfeln Packing 460 N. Front. ANDERSON'S hand-picked W slab wood 3 cord load $13. Also dry prune WOOCI. ftl. 2-7751 or 4-4253 DRY Ac GREEN 16 in. slab wood At planer trimmings. Ph. 3-7721 or 3-6024 Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. Ask for S & H Green Stamps Sawdust dumped or conveyed Dry or green, slab or millends pnone z-7443 SEASONED second growth fir and slab, prune wood. Phone 4-2941. 3-8445 days and evenings. Highway Fuel Co. Cksw sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel eUa. Ask tor Penny ver Stamps Pb 38444 LANLR TRIMMINGS for cook stove and heater, very nice for kindling. $ per cord. Phone 3-7721. or 3-6034. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OX GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 In. dean bo bar Is SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 3-4031 AJss pick up wood at 1528 Edgewate 500 Business & 'Finance 510 Money to Loan $$ CASH BOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO, 1980 Fairgrounds Road (next door to bank) Free Parkins lot n Tin m SB Call t-Ttm AUTO lAjANS) WILLAMETTE CREDIt CO.' 183 8- Church St Pb, 3-3457 Parking Aplenty ' if M1SB-S154 We'd Like to Loan You $100 If you'd like to borrow $100 (or any amount up to 81500V Phone or call oa us Immediately TyDicaL - Repayment Plans 13 Mo. Amount . Payments 8118.08 250.93 83138 870 84 133944 8 8.00 17 00 36.00 89.00 84.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Phone 4-2303 Private Money On Cars Trucks At Trailer Homos Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons aa Si rVwmnerctal St PHorte S-STSt Consolidate All Bills Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need it I You can pay any time to reduce net cost! No endorsers or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00. On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary, or other personal property to $300.00 total $800,001 Phone or visit our office today! Hear "Top Trades" 12 M daily - 7:43 a-m. Sat 1390 KC'sll 136 S. Commercial St. Lie. No. S138 and M338 8 Advantages of a Loan from PERSONAL 1. "Yes" to 4 out of 3 promptly. 2. Lunch hour service. 3. Payment date to fit your payday. 4. 1-visit loan phone first 5. Nationwide Credit Card. 6. Budget Counsel. 7. Between payday loans. 8. Loans fo- any worthy purpose Come in or phone today. LOANS $23 to $300 on Signature. Furniture; up to $500 on autos. Personal Finance Co. 105 S. High St. Phone 2-2464 State License S-122. M-165 FARM ana CITY LOANS and four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Rest Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 687 Court St Ph. 4-2283 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted Ambitious Man or woman with pleasing person ality to make appointments for dem onstrations for our appliance deal ers, steady work, earnings far above average. Write Box 174 co States man. 604 Help Wanted. Male LOOK Don't waste your Ume coming to this interview unless you feel you are able to pass an aptitude test, unless you have a car. a very neat appear ance, you want to be a salesman, you want your family to have the better things in life, are able to work up to supervisory position, you are a hard worker and between 21 and 45. Because of increasing demand for our product we will place 3 above average men with our company. No part time men need apply. See Mr. Murdock at Senator Hotel. Monday, 1:30 pjn. Sharp. December 31. RESTAURANT manager, able to as sume full responsibility, do buying, supervise help. Only person thoroughly experienced in restaurant operation will be considered. Good salary. Permanent position. Apply Oregon State Employment Service. 710 Ferry St.. Salem. (No fee charg ed 1). SERVICEMAN Wanted by nationally known dairy equipment manufac turers. Willing to travel, must be married, have car. Experience ma chine shop and overhaul heavier types equipment. Age 38-37. Salary, ex penses and car allowance. Apply Box 167 Statesman, giving full parti culars first letter. Interview will be arranged WANTED: Experienced steam turbo generator operator. Steady, year around work. Rate $2.13 per hour. Call Lebanon 1881. SOS Help Wanted. Female WAITRESS. Alvin's Cafe. EXPERIENCED car hop. day shift. Ap- piy in person. J. n. Drive in. zzjo fairgrounds. SOMEONE to care for 2 children from 11 to 7. West Salem home, Phone 3-7877 evenings. WALNUT SHELLERS. Whole winter's work. Apply 460 N. Front Korfeln Packing Co. 610 Sales Persons Wanted IF YOU have sales ability, a success ful background, a desire to make money and a good car. you may qjalify for a sales position with our rapidly expanding machinery main tenance company. Limited travel. For interview See Mr. Ail in at Marion Hotel, Salem or write P. O. Box 304, Hi! There Mr. Salesman or Lady. Get Sett For the biggest sale-profits in 1953 You Have Ever Earned. National organ ization. Earnings on this Repeat . Product Unbelievable till we show you the records. We can use several people in this and adjoining terri tory. Give name. age. experience. Rhone number and address. Right low Today. Sales manager. Box 173. co Statesman for an early appoint ment. An Opportunity For an aggressive exp- real estate brokei or salesman, executive work on business opportunities and closing In a growing office plenty of adver tising publicity, co-operation. Ans wers only if you have top notch qualification Inquiries. Will be kept confidential. Write Box 171 co Statesman. 612 Work Wanted. Male WOOD sawing, chain saw. Phone 44331. FARM WORK or other labor. Married man. Phone 3-4868. CARPENTER. Foundations, new and remodeling work. Phono 4-3038 or 3-8434. ' CAiiffiNTBT any kind, reasonable 4340 Mac tea y std. 600 EmpToymeht 614 Work Wanted, female LAUNDRY work or other. No office work. Write Box 17S cars Statesman. 615 Situations Wanted " SEWING. altering. coats rellned. crocheted doll dresses, baby clothes. CUSTOM killing, cutting, wraping. cur ing and smoking. Livestock bought Trailer loaned free." Freezing service. Salem Meat Co, 1325 S. 25th. MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and inspected. Phone 3-7898. BABY SITTING by adult Phone 3-4367. CHILD CARE. My home. Phone 4-3765. CAROLAN DAY Nursery School Pro f essional - guidance in constructive play, sew: cheerful environment: not balanced lunches 853 Mission St CURTAINS laundered, stretched. Ta- ble cloths, fine linens. Phone 2-3448. HOME BUILDING and carpenter work. EXPERIENCED baby' sitter, day or night Can give reference. Phone new ano repair, ra. 2-2093. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer & Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7413. 2-4411 Salem. Oregon GOOD too Ji la wd cnuwet snarpeti- in Bnwstf Rrm MIA s 12th AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by RAY ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-910L 7110 Mentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board HOT and cold water, closets, shower. 737 Center. - LIGHT, pleasant room for man. ex cellent location. Phone 3-6032. See alter 3. 141 J'a Court WARM, quiet rooms. Alexandria. 1130 Che-neketa. ROOM for man. Close in. 260 MaHonl rnrawj-Mis. BOARD 8c ROOM for elderly men. good location. 850 "E" St. CLEAN. Ught housekeeping room at J3 in. tnurcn NICE furnished rooms, kitchen privi leges at Fredcricluon Hall, phone 3-6317. 705 Apartments fat Rent GROUND floor. 3 room furnished, private bath and entrance. Phone 3-63)5. 660 N. High. 3 ROOM apartment, furnished, near State House. Inquire at 354 N. Winter. UNFURNISHED apartments for rent aowniown. can 3-7440 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom furnished . apartment. 1595 S. Commercial $40. CLEAN 3 room apartment. 4 blocks north of 1st National. 435 Division. BASEMENT apartment furnished. 1 block of Capitol buildings, heat and utilities furnished, $32.50. For 1 lady. rnone .5-0234 evenings $17 MONTH. 4 room furnished apart ment. 2 rooms $10 month. 2252 Simp- son corner Ford St. VERY nice 1 bedroom apartment with range and refrigerator, vscancv Jan uary 1st. 1664 S. 13th. Call '3-3654 FURNISHED 3 rooms 8c bath. Near Memorial hospital 8c school. Inquire jjv .-Mission. j-uio NE V BRICK court partly furaishetl. orycr at storage. 390 s. I7tn St. i ROOM court apartment with refrig erator and stove. Phone 2-3997. W. Salem. -- NICE furnished court apartment close in. garage. Knone CLEAN 2 room furnished, ground floor. private nam, entrance. 53 5. 17th. 2 BEDROOMS, completely furnished", hest. water furnished. Near school Sc buses. Phone 3-8783 before 8 JO. 3-8866 after 5:30 4 ROOM unfurnished except stove 81 refrigerator. Near shopping center ec school. 785 N. Capitol. Phone 3-8231. i BEDROOM unfurnished, ehildrm welcome. Phone 4-4289. I 3 LARGE rooms and bath, partly fur n Lshed utilities furnished. Phono 3-5236 Friday and Saturday. Sunday phone 2-9090. CLOSE IN. Clever studio apartment Private bath. Private entrance. Em- ploved lady. Phone 3-6969. CLOSE IN, Warm, clean, furnished apartment. Private entrance, private bath. Also furnished trailer. 345 Un ion. Phone 4-1468. CALL 3-4836 about a real home ready January 1st 3 rooms furnished, priv ate b:h and entrance, electric range and refrigerator, very reasonable. No objection to children. 200 S. 22nd. 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment on ground floor, private bath and en trance, stove and refrigerator fur nish?d If desired. 310 BeUevue. 2 ROOM semi-basement apartment nicely furnished, private bath, adults only. 1118 Oak St.. phone 3-5834. NICE 3 room apartment close in. stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal, auto matic laundry, furnished, 1177 Court. Phone 3-6610. ATTRACnVELY furnished large f room court apartment 1063 Madison. Phone 2-4450. COMFORTABLE light housekeeping room Phone 3-6033. See after 8. 1410i Court. WARM pullman apartments. Alexan- dria. 1130 ChemekeU. FURNISHED 3 room sot, private bath. 840. Estep Real Estate. Phone 3-8706. 3 ROOM furnished apt Close in. bath, refrigerator. 2-4886. 496 N 13th. FURNISHED cottage. 1-bedroom full bath. Call evenings or Saturday. Phone 2-3968. WARM. Homelike, couple, furnished 3 rooms Sc bath, utilities. Close In. 458 S. Capitol. UNFURNISHED new modern 3 room electric heat range, select area. Phone 2-1117 after 5 pjn. FURNISHED Apartments. 2455 State St FURN. apt., close in. $30. $35 with priv bath, $50. 231 N. High. FURNISHED. suburban. Northeast. Laundry with dryer. Modern, dean. garage. 2-3188. FURNISHED 1 bedroom court apart ment 2 bedroom unfurnished with str.ve and refrigerator. 923 S. 13th. . 2-7079. FURNISHED apartment 3 rooms and rrivate bath. $63 including utilities. 133 Cnemeketa after 6O0. LEE APTS. Salem's most distinguished adddress. Beautiful Bachelor apartments with Pullman Kitchens at Reduced rates. 1 bedroom apts. from 872.50 We in vite your inspection or call 4-1641. -Winter at Union Sts FURNISHED 3 rm. apt. $33. 1 rm. $23. Inqu le 827 ft. Liberty, Apt 4. ALMOST NEW very mod. apt, walking distance from Hollywood. Parrish 81 Grant schools, partially furn, $65 per mo Al Isaak 8c Co, Realtor. 3035 Portland Rd. Kh 4-3311 LIKE NEW. 3 rooms and bath, court apartment all electric, unfurnished except stoves and refrigerator. - Im- meaiate possession. 1348 ma. NEWLY decorated furnished 3 rooms and bath, all electric court apart ment 1348 S 13th St Immediate pos session; FURNISHED. 1 bedroom court apart--nent with itove and refrigerator. 923 S 13th. Ph. 2-707S NICELY FURNISHED apts. Ambassa dor Apts. 550 W. summer, APARTMENT, modern 3 room, clean, some furniture, garage. 3311 Fair grounds Rd. Columbia Apartments. Phone 3-9334. SEVERAL Apts, good location, inquire H. L Stiff. Ph. 3-9185. 707 Houses for Bent - FURNISHED 1 bedroom house. S Over ton Rd, close in. Phono 3-1248 days ana cryom- 3 BJL, bendix. stove or refrig. gd. district. 880. Murphy s Kent Pb, 4-2293. 1 LARGE bedroom, closets, fireplace, modern. Phono 3-5238 Friday and Saturday. Sunday phone 2-Q090. UPPER DUPLEX, unfurnished, spoei ous rooms, basement garage and private entrance. 1284 Court St Fn. 3-7124. -1 iuu iientau 707 Hi For Rent 3 ROOMS, bath, electric W.H, wlrt4 for range. $30. 353fr N. 4th. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, close town. $58 month. 458 Mill St Call at nursery next door. Phone 2-C117. 3 MODERN 3 bedroom houses. pracU- rally new. Call 2-7202. - 5 ROOM duplex with basement and oil m iws; m. a: irvire V".rvi, FURNISHED, lovely Utile bouse. BxanA n w. On Mill Creek. 3-5085. 3 BEDROOM house, attached firxa, hardwood floors. South. Phone 2-tS - BDRM. unfurnished homo with aU tacbed garage, fireplace, close in. $55. See Joe L. Bourne. Realtor. 1144 rurna-e. close tn. Phone 4-13?7. w. uspnoi. NICELY finished 3 bedroom house, close to schools, state buildings. a-cay or z-sz 1, i ROOM nicely furnished house, new. south. 85Q. Phone 2-Q7S4. FURNISHED or unfurnished. reasoSl able to right party. 4-3061 evenings. NICE 2 bed room home, completely fur DJsnea. close in. bus at door. Da mediate possession. Phono 3-6089. -NEARLY new 3 bedroom cottage near Englewood school and General Hoe- pitaL Phone 3-8063. NEW 3 bedroom cottage with wall to wall carpets. All electric kitchen. gsrsge. sap cattenin. $78. z-rror. MODERN 3 room, electric range ai2 oil heat $33. 1916N. 30th. 3-7053. 3 ROOM house at 3330 Winola Avow Inquire at 480 W. Salem Heights or call 3-3528 evenings. Saturday ay sunaay. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom home, elee trie heat electric stovo. 854. Phone ? ROOM house. $33. 1328 V. Winter, NICELY furnished modern one- bod room house, reasonable. 3348 Port- una Kd. NEW m-jdern unfurnished walking dis tance. Inquire at 890 S. Liberty St. NEW 3 bedroom house, fireplace. 44 Hare! Green Rd. Phono 3-3187. 3 BEDROOM cabin with bath, electrte heat 8c garage. $43. William Rotk 1740 Oxford. Phono S-8883. Trailer spco $10 a month. 3-BEDROOM home, unfurnished. $64 per month. Al Isaak Ax Ctx. Realtors, 3033 PoHland Rd. NEW strictly modern unfurnished S bedroom house. 4 Corners district. $70. Phone 3-Q634. RENTAL SERVICE. Homes, bulr5 ..Joe L. Bourne, 1140 N. CapitoL -til I BEDROOM unfurnished house, gar ag. vacant December 28. Adults, ae pets. 1915 Highway Ave. 1 BR. FURN. heme. 2665 Portland rd. $42 SO. 3 br home. 2663 Podlsnd rd. $55. Inquire 331 N. High. 709 Wanted to Rent WE NEED rentals Call Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N CapitoL Pb 3-8218. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses YOUNG COUPLE. No children or pets, want small furnished or partly furn lshed house with garage. Reasonable rent. Phone 4-2934. SMALL 3 room house for mlddjo age4 couple. Phone 34763. y RELXA3LE oarty wants to rent 3 bed room house by January L Ph. 4 411L 714 easiness Rentals YOU can have ground floor offices with free street parking and private off-street parking within M feet of your office door. Good location and accommodations. See architects drawings. Nelson & Nelson, Realton 703 N. High St. Ph 3-383 GROUND FLOOR office or desk spoeo to share in large fofiee. Low rental to right party. Phone 3-7873. iUSINEs Koom H L Sail 800 Real Estate r 15J1I WJ You'll Love the Room and. Location S-bedroom home - on Falrmount Hia with basement, sawdust furnace, fore place.- garage, and lots of shrubs, This property is la the best of coodte tioo, FJ&A. loan of SS408M avail able. Total price $11,000.00. Trade, a Lot on this home. Class A constroctioe, Only 1 years old. Insulated. Auto matic forced air oil furnace. X cherry and 3 walnut trees. F.H.A. term available. Total price S37tt.se. Once in a Blue Moon get a property In Englewood Dta -ict with oil beat. Part basement Fireplace. Garage. Paved street. Lawn, flowers, and shrubs, that we can sell for $1500.00 down: so sfS this one at ones for a total Of ecu $8750.00. T?.1 fnta I Almost new home. Very wen TM-K. terms arranged. Insulated s Klnrkv to aeh Attached garage. Wall to wall frpett Lawn and shrubs. This is bargsx for only $9250X0. Just listed this osiSb Kingwood Bargain 4 bedrocms. basement S tatbjwoms. Lots and lots of builtia and esooetaX rreshly redecorated, new u 1 T mmar Int. Kico las ahrubs. 3 car garage. This borne k. K.iiit tnil.v fns leea ma aaa aa -w 11 1 1 ,i 4 ukntf 9AIAW.W. wwm.. -v 11 - glaOOJW. FJLA, lerma vsiih . 103 Acres Close in. Excellent subdivision proev erty. Amity soil. Owner will separate and sell either half. Total price 343 atwi aaa Tmm .... nilUhk. 5 Acres with modern S-bedroom home. Small barn and chicken house. blocks to errK4 S apple and 3 walnut treoo. Deep wen. Priced for qutek sate ai $7450 DO. Term. 1 Acre Modern 2 -bed room borne Very foe4 condition. Nice setting. Garage. Chicken house. Lots of flowers and shrubs. $1000.00 down with a total price of only $7500 00. CALL FOR LLOYD JCEENX EVE. PHONE 3-8078 OR DAN ISAAK. EVE. PHONE 4-3331 Motel Bargain 3 double and S single unite. Modern home with apartment upstairs, wttav separate entrance Very best of eoo diUoo, Furniture first class. Good, lo cation. Terms arranged. Total price only $38.00000. Live in One, Rent the Other Good location. Very dean and saodera. Both units have bathroom. Rental newly remodeled. Paved street. Terms. Total price SIOJOSjSOi Coffee Shop Bargain Trsilway bus depot. Very well equipped to aeat 37. Modern, Very good Voesr- tson. Moaera a-ueui uu ters. Rent for restaurant and bring mirten only S3M per month. Own ers loos, your gain. Priced to sell for 84930jOO for everything. fZrrurv This Is nice and you 11 be proud to own. Tbe equipment is in the best ei condition, very clean stock. Choice location. Established many years. Nice clean living quarters. Rent only $100.90 per month. Total price tSZSQX t pius Inventory. CALL FOR MR. ANDERSON EVE. PHONE TURNER SX COLLECT OR 3-355S Mortgage Loans Al Isaak & Co. Realtors Office Pbooes: 4-3311 or 3-7828 Eve. 4-3533. 2-6078. 3-473X Turner SX collect or 3-355 J03S Portland Rd.