r I t llfJilT" L-JIt Meet Friday . Kentudty, Billikens, BYU, Wills' Ready NEW ORLEANS, Dec The Sugar Bowl baslrethall tour lutment looks m terrific m the New Year'i day football match between Tennessee and Maryland. Kentucky, ranked No. 2 in the Associated Press poll and N.CAA, champions, meets Brifcham Young. National Invitational tournament and Skyline conference kings. . Vilissnova, unbeaten in five starts this -winter, takes on per ennially powerful St. Louis, the No. 4 team in the AP poll. The opening round Friday night is a sellout and even the scalpers are complaining they cant find tickets. The Sugar Bowl basketball tour ney" has grown in popularity and prominence in recent seasons- and this year's field appears as evenly matched as the New Year's day grid tussel between Tennessee and Maryland the nation's No. 1 and S ranked elevens. Villa nova's entire squad is back from last season led by Larry Hennessey, a six foot three for ward, who scored 703 points last year as a sophomore for an all time collegiate mark for one sea son." Wildcats Lose Snivey Kentucky has its entire NJIA. champions team back except for center Bill Spivey. (Spivey, All-America center and one of Kentucky's all-time bas ketball greats, said today he has been removed from the univer sity's eligibility last at his own request because of "false and ma licious rumors" linking him with the college basketball bribery scandals. Spivey has not played this winter because of a knee in Jury.) Brigham Young is missing Cen ter Mel Hutchins and Forward Roland Minson from last year's N.I.T. team, but don't worry the Utah five is still plush with talent. Forward Joe Richey has averaged better than IS points a game this fall. St. Louis Billkens have earned some of their finest basketball vic tories in the Sugar Bowl and Coach Eddie Hickey said "We're returning for the third time in four years without misgivings of any kind." Spivey Linked With Scandal (Continued from proceeding page) member of the present team which the New York district attorney's office desires to question, and I wish to stop the vicious rumors being circulated in regard to my teammates and to remove any sus picion from them. Release of Spivey's letter came less than a week after Vincent O' Connor, assistant New York dis trict attorney, and members of his staff conducted a five-day inves tigation here into an alleged bas ketball "fix" case. Spivey, one of the school's all time great cage players, denied ever receiving any money from anyone at any place or at any time for "shaving" points or fix ing a game. The cases of these players AH -America Center Alex Groza, All-America Guard Ralph Beard and Former Capt. Dale Barnsta ble are still pending in court in New York. AU three this fall ad mitted point shaving. Harger Sends Merry Christmas9 Greeting Den Harger (Coin After 'Em), still flat en bis rumble seat in Salem General Hospital, wishes a Merry Christmas to all and te all big fish or dock. Harger. Statesman Outdoor Edi tor, is recovering from injuries saffered te a recent automobile accident. Fowl Feeding Operation Ended PORTLAND, Dec. 24-(Special)-Plantinga of rye grass and barley to provide green feed for winter ing waterfowl at Fern ridge reser voir have been completed on 100 acres by Game Agent Wayne .a.e I niyyli -D.ItiETC-piTmie -j- Ji J motel-so ru bo V we T3-vUXLL M4RC DOWN T2 TlPS-Vl RBCOKC FOR THE riCOMS T4X,rW- OJT VLJPUCATS. oHJLS fok MX EXPENSE ACCOUNT Cole Showing Way fiflarito 1 Cape ' Csnnpaign Marion County B league basketballing goes idle until January 4, because of the year-end holidays and school vacation. When the nine team circuit again swings into action. Sublimity's veteran Saints will be atop the heap with four straight victories. Mill City's Timber wolves are now. resting In second I ; : place with a 3-1 mark and Ger- vais, Gates and the School for the deaf are deadlocked at 2-1. Although four rounds of play are behind the S teams, there are two makeup games to be played. Gervais has jjgame to play at Chemawa and jfJefferson one at Detroit. ! When play resumes in January Gervais goes to "Detroit, Mill City to St. Paul, Deaf Schoolers to Gates and Chemawa to Sublim ity. In the individual scoring race Gates high's Marlin Cole is far MARION B LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Pet, W L Pet. Sublimity 4 0 1.0M Jefferson 1 J -333 MU1 City 3 I .750iChemawa 0 2 .000 Gervais S 1 .86? St. Paul 0 3 .000 Gates X 1 .661; Detroit 0 3 .000 O.C.D. 1 .66ti in front with Jr4 points in his three games, alj average of 24.7 per game. Mill City's Roy Chase is in second place with 57 points in folir games and Gervais' Terry Mahony is third; with 54 points in but three games! f The top two scorers for each team thus far: i Mill City Roy Chase 57 and Dick Downer 37. Jefferson DaleSWattenbarger 38 and Lee Cameron 27. St. Paul Sam Smith 28 and Pat Kirk 23. Deaf School I?arwin Wallstrum 40 and Ervin Mrtin 32. Chemawa Elmer Benalie 17 and Don James 14. Sublimity Jim Gries 40 and Ron Rdef 39. Gervais Terry Mahony 54 and John Mc Call 28. Gates4-Marlin Cole 74 and Herb Romef 20. Detroit Bob Layman 31 and Bill Palmer 20. Table of Coastal Tides Tide for Taft. i Oregon. December. 1951 (compiled hyJVJS. Coast and Geo detlo Survey. Portland. Ore.) Parlfle Standard Time HIGH WATERS LOW WATERS Dec. Tim Ht. 23 8:98 ajn. 7.8 11:10 p-m. 4.8 28 9:47 ajn. tS Time 2:26 aan. 4:33 p.m. 38 ajn. 5:20 pan. 4:22 ajn. 6:07 pjn. S:17 ajn. 6:54 pjn. 6:13 ajn. 7:41 pjn. 7:12 ajn. 8:27 pjn. 37 12:06 ajn. 10:35 ajn. 12:56 ajn. 11:24 ajn. 1:43 ajn. 13:15 p.m. 2:26 ajn. 1 .OS p.m. 30 Young. Last week Young estimated 5,000 Canada geese were using the reservoir as a resting area and flying to nearby farm lands to graze. The rye grass was seeded on 36 acres of land in the north east corner of the reservoir. Last month the game commission ob tained title to this tract through the U. S. general services admin istration in Seattle. Gibson island and several strips along the shore line of the reser voir leased . by the commission from the army? engineers were planted with 5300 pounds of fall barley.' - The brief stopover of migrant ducks and geese in the Willamette valley is due in part to a lack of food .and resting areas. Game agents reason that provision of smaU t Cyway refuges and food plantings will help hold the birds and provide better hunting. 1 1A THS HAJMGEK OR J HE TTSflVcLg r i pmWraiM PaJ. 1 BOTH W45-TME S -V us JkaT rur LA mjcrv ncyn ius 1 . - . - , M 1 ikJ a If . to.,-. v . .... . I -" WhV I ' i k HIP&SMM FOR THlMGS TO to Pointsmen No Hard Drills For Georgia Tech MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 24-(VGeor-gia ' Tech's football players, who go to bowl games for furi not to work their heads off on a prtStlce field will reach the Miami water vacationland a day earlier man their Orange Bowl opponents, the Baylor Bears. They'll reassemble in Atlanta Wednesday morning, following the Christmas holidays, for the flight to Miami, and Coach Bobby Dodd figures to show them all the sights before the New Year's day game. "Well just have some very light workouts in Miami,' Dodd said. "But shucks, if our boys aren't in shape for a football game now after a whole season, they never will be." Look and Learn By A C Gerdoa 1. Which were the first and sec ond capital cities of the United States. 2. With what does the science of euthenics deal? 3. Who Invented the electrical telegraph? 4. What insect is the chief en emy of the cotton plant? 5. What is a polyandrous woman? ANSWERS 1. New York, from 1785 to 1790, and Philadelphia from 1790 to 1800. 2. Better living conditions. 3. Samuel Morse (1791-1872). 4. The boll weevil. 5. One who has more than one husband. 5- For Christmas and the New Year, may you : enjoy a continuous round of good cheer, happiness, good health and prosperity. JAYSON'S 19S North Liberty 'M i By Jimmy Hado : AKATfOF THE I - Kt RKE&AJ. '1 6W4-uucrfX i - - a a J AP Scribe Bob Myers ' Gets Writing Accolade LOS ANGELES, Dec. 24-0r-Bob Myers, who spends his time writing . about jother people, got written up himself today. He was named "the best wire: service sports writer of 1951 in Southern California' by the bi weekly magazine, Southern Cali fornia Sports. Myers is sports ed itor for ' the Associated Press in Los Angeles. Gordon Macker, associate editor of the magazine, said he surveyed a cross-section of 150,000 readers. Publisher Al Stevens will present Myers with the "Big Thumb," which the magazine calls "The Oscar of the sports world. DGIIEP AY IAS? Pct Your C00GC1 Creocrn Irion rtlisvca promptly berarae it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, mfltmed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please yon or money refunded. Creomntekm baa stood the test of millions of users. ctv lsiTGIl's FOR f ALL SPEEDS ALL LEADING LINES See Us For That New Radto Console or Tttb RCA Victor . Packard ftell Admiral and Others See Us for Repairs All House and Car Radio Your-Friendly Store at 1993 Fairgrounds Across From Hollywood Bank Open Every Night Til 9P.M. Until Doc. 24 Me Z& t j umis'r.mr r i cookie is CLONDIZ DICK TRACY day r eversav I I viiv J 5M0W SAYS ITS WlNTEfl.BUT I SUNBEAMS IS DANClN r ic e-t u.i ete rrb Iriw sun JHU 119 LITTLE ANNIE ROOKET BUZZ SAWYER MICKEY MOUSE 12 BTP EJfiBY GASOLINE ALLCT Banntt l! 7 ' i l " A FEW UICE AAYSELPl flVC NEVET2 THE SOIL, 19 VETTY PO HUMAN- ' .V ...WHO SEKVETHE SEEN RjOWEBS f" - I CH MERE I flock, what I got! ) 5ee here! A)J1 L Big I sm,JL tiq o5rt -h JT "V It " yeLl swoon t?A COMPLETE WHEN f (iSX, VE HEARTH' j 7 iLdJ JTYZ2 BODACIOUS J SSV rVE TRIED THREE ( times; but it vjas 5RAJ5KLE. fX3Nr SING SO imipn iMiirtf HOMEST. ZERO-TUISW THE SKY IS SO NICE" AH BLUE IS THE BEAUTIFULESr If AN SHlMY AM WILL YA LOOK the: at we way the happy' little cnoni? Om THE SHOW f!i inwUi- (5UT, FROM ASOVE, ZAZAROP IS TuonumJA at uiu. . TO A WITH fi)eSWATCLY, LtTTLE, 8JUZ CUWS HIS IMAV TO A LESS PRECARIOUS POSrrtON. r ' I' '"( iL 4 -jr '1 ' pUFFi! PiFfU WAlT'li. I TELL VE ABOUT CRICKET BARLOW SHE-UH fTmie tor brcakfastj j ij.Jhuun. vt ITS AMAZING- HOW OtO SHE evewdo rrwmw out professional! PtUMSERS TOOLS? w.rteygixyz cf tact FLEttrr. 'iHU a s blame nuxy V Atvf Tlltr Ca.aTMAi f WS Cf curu CLEAN AN WUITE-JUST , AK 14EQ LIKE A BIG ANGEL CAKE" IT USED WITH OIAM0MO-0UST gop WW, fc fmmm 1. tm .fi4 lifrt VJX NO! XXJ CM058 J TR1E MAKE DEAL VC3U, IMSCHANICALLVJA (before J ( 4 rris. J .SAWVER. rr CEKTA1NUY IS t PS" ST MR. THOSE FLAMES TONIGHT. TMEV WERE BUSNIN9 kibby rrs DESAON0.' I MUST SPEAK our plane: STILL MEANS TO to vnu ' V What on eartfv trnpperr LCKAezvs DONE TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT. LONZO GO GfT lAJARSHEO UP FER SUPPER T : V TELL tll,j.Ar?tT - rtiarvt t j " n-rf sfce jeath coca. M w rTWj-y- J U r- V-. t -T Jf f ATM M tuic n n oaou uACor rue ctw) utjau LITTLE BABY LIVE IT DtXStiT IQQtCLlKEj TO! IT LOOKS WMDA QLBET AN PEACEFUL LIKE IT WAS MAYBE A CHURCH-, r t if X AM NOT SURPRISES DES.M BUT WS MUST A the haw GO OH... OUR: ONLY VI ru lurs uirru A rw ran t.1 CROSSE? 13 TO TBJPL6- inn vwm CROSS HIM tvno'd Eke sucpr ) J i svr so owsisoEai - 1 I VAWiOY. WAMATTWOF I R, (MOWITS,Y0UUtO voun ir kuo pluncS C j 2?O0 FEET TO AM X ' k UWPOTUNATE AM 4 r DADDURN GOSSIPY i EM NOTHIN'U