The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1951, Page 22, Image 22

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t- The Sfcrtttman. Salem, Oregon. Sunday December IS. 1851
Reveals Troth
At Sorority
From tfat University of Oregon
comes news of thm encasement of
MUs Josephine CauehelL ontar
dauthter-of Mr. and Mrs. John B.I Jafee Jeseph Feliea wQ
CaucbeQ. to John W.f Ixxihar7,on "Jurenile Detention at the
son of lur. and Mrs. W. E. Loach-1 meeting of the Salem Council of
ary ox Eugene. No date has been I Women's organization on Txmrs
set for the wedding. I day afternoon In the fireplace
The betrothal was first revealed I room of the city library at 2
Saturday night at the Gamma Phil o'clock. Mrs. W. H. Barber, presl
Beta sorority house during dinner I dent. Is inviting all interested
nour, when little cakes were pass-1 women to attend.
ed with the names of the engaged
duo. "; f -
Miss Caughell Is a popular mem
ber of the college set and an active
member of the r Salem Spinsters.
She and her fiance will receive
their degrees from the University
of Oregon in June. The bride-elec
has also served as president of her
sorority tnis year.
Hostesses to
At Teas
? w s
pads! ilft fav Vomi
This Lovely
b Ycurs
with tho
of 3 Pairs
SI gauae, 30 denier
1.50 p
3 pairs 4.40
f LtaiJMJUJi
60 Gauge, 15 Denier
175 pair
3 pairs
On the holiday agenda for the
m suing week are several teas.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Ralph
Wlrtn and Mrs. Russel JC Pratt
win be hostesses for a holiday tea
at the formers home on -Harden
avenne for a group of their
friends. Guests have been bidden
to call between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will
be Mrs. Arthur Bates and Mrs.
Charles Campbell. Presiding at the
tea urns will be Mrs. Phillip H.
Schnell of Portland, Mrs. Charles
S. Pratt. Mrs. Elmer O. Berg and
Mrs. Horace McGee.
Assisting will be Mrs. i Wayne
Keeney, Mrs. Maynard Sniffer,
Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. Thomas
McNeflL Mrs. Frank Test. Mrs.
William Bush, Mrs. P. H. Brrdon
and Mrs. Kenneth Edick of Al
Mrs. Grsxff Entertain
Mrs. Albert C Gragg will enter
tain with a Christmas coffee Tues
day morning at her North Capital
street home for a group of mends.
Calling hours are from 10 to noon.
Mrs. George Bunn will open the
Presiding at the coffee urns will
be Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and
Mrs. C Lester Newman. Serving
win be Mrs. C. R. Nelson, Mrs.
Harlan Judd and Mrs. Carl Cham
bers. Assisting in the living rooms
win be Mrs. Harris Lietz and Mrs.
Albert T. Anderson.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs.
Gragg win be hostess for a holi
day tea at her home with friends
calling from 3 to 8 o'clock.
Club Dances on
Weekend Slate
The pre-Christmas weekend
will be highlighted with numerous
club dances. The Waverly club
rthiiwr dance is slated for Satur
day night in the Capitol room of
the Senator hotel. Glenn wood-
rys orchestra will play for dan
cing between 9 and 1Z:30 o'clock.
The Christmas motif will be
used in the decor and on the com
mittee are Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Collin, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bo-
gardus, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc
Elhinny and Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Ben Hem Clab
The Bon Heur club's Christmas
dance will be Friday night at the
VFW hall between 9 and 12
o'clock. The Five Sharps will play
for dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Goodwin
are chairmen of the dance com
mittee and assisting are Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Carr, Mr. and Mrs.
George Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs.
John Gisler, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Tweedie, and Mr. and Mrs. Max
Cesmis Dance
The Cosmis dance club will en
tertain with a semi-formal Christ
mas dance on Saturday night, De
cember 22 at the Izaak Walton
clubhouse. Hours are from 9 to
Greens Sale for Club
The Garfield Mothers and Dads
club Is sponsoring a greens sale
at the regular meeting on Tues
day night at the school at 7:30
o'clock. Members are asked to
bring garden or house plants,
bulbs or Christmas decorations for
the fund to buy a, record player
for the school. Mrs. Harold Bus-
ick Is finance chairman for the
club and Kenneth Perry is presi
Holiday Dinners
And Luncheon
Mr. and Mrs. John Kolb win be
hosts for a holiday dinner tonight
at their Ben Lomand Park home.
Covers will be placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Shinn, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Skopil, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stu
art McFflhinny. Mr. and Mrs.
George Sirnio and the Kolbs.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock
have invited a group of friends to
a holiday dinner and bridge Tues
day night at their Royal Court
apartment. Covers will be placed
for twelve.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sherman
will be dinner hosts on Wednesday
night at their South Church street
home. The holiday motif will be
used in the decor and bridge will
be in play during the evening.
A Latneheen
Justice and Mrs. George Ross-
man will be hosts for a luncheon
at noon in Wednesday at their
North Capital street residence for
members of the supreme court,
their wives and a few guests.
Covers will be placed for Gov
ernor and Mrs. Douglas McKay,
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jaureguy of
Portland, Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith, Justice and Mrs. Jamei T.
Brand, Justice and Mrs. Hall Lusk,
Justice and Mrs. Arthur D. Hay,
Justice and Mrs. Harold Warner.
Justice and Mrs. Earl Latourette,
Justice and Mrs. Walter Tooze and
the Rossmans.
Children's Party
On Tuesday
Mrs. Stuart Johns, 3790 Monroe
street will open her home for her
annual Christmas party on Tues
day for disabled veterans' child
ren and families. Santa will be
there for the children. There will
be an exchange of gifts for the
adults, program and refreshments.
Committeees for the affair are
program, Mrs. Dennis Stephenson,
Mrs. Rose Hagerdorn and Mrs.
Pauline Richards, gift exchange.
Miss Mary Bremmer, Miss Es telle
Walrath and Mrs. Fanny Bard,
gifts, Mrs. Verne Dstrander, Mrs.
Alma Hatfield, Mrs. Ray Short,
hostess committee, Mrs. Eva Ben
nett, Mrs. veyln Bremmer Mrs.
Blaine Martin, Mrs. Cora Hutch
inson Mrs. Jim Mix and Mrs.
Fear Corners Hense guests In
the Willard Roscoe home are Mr.
and Mrs. Wilber Gourley of Hepp-
Parties to Fete
Miss Swift
And Fiance
The home of the Rev. and Mrs.
George H. Swift will be the scene
of much excitement this coming
12 o'clock and the committee in
cludes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finney
and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bowman.
re UL "V 1 I A.
1 S if
A limit to Fit
Your figure ...
Your budget . . .
Your Christmas List!
Yes, Knit Dresses
fit all occasions any season
of the year and are always ready
to be put on . . . made from soft
"Botany" yams by Barbara Carol in
flattering one-piece and two
piece styles . . . with or without
collars in luscious tones of winter
white, soft pink, mint, peacock,
purple, green . . . and
priced from just
Sizes 10 to 18
! j?) 464 CTATI fT-
Open 9 Fridays end .Mondays end Tfcsrs., Fit, Sat. Dec 20-22
week as their youngest daughter,
Jean Claire, is being married on
Saturday night to Russell C
Haehl. jr. of San 'Francisco. The
ceremony win take place at St.
Paul's Episcopal church with the
bride's father officiating at the 8
o'clock service. Miss Swiff s broth
er, George Swift. jr will be home
from the University of Washing
ton to give his sister in marriage.
Miss Swift, who has been mak
ing ner home in San Francisco for
the past two years, is arriving by
plane from the bay city on Wed
nesday night and will be met in
Portland by her parents. Her fi
ance is driving north and will ar
rive on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Haehl, also of San Francisco,
will arrive by plane on Friday for
their son's marriage. Several of
the ushers are also coming north
for the rites.
Rehearsal Dinner
Mrs. George C Alexander of
Portland, who is arriving in the
capital Wednesday to spend the
holidays, and Miss Mariann Croi-
san will be hostesses for a buffet
dinner on Friday night preceding
the wedding rehearsal for Miss
Swift and her fiance. The affair
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Alexander's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd W. Shepard, on North Sum
mer street. -
Covers will be placed for thirty i
including members of the bridal
party, the immediate families and
out-of-town guests here for the
nuptials. , ,
A Bridal Shower
Thursday night Miss Janet Kirk,
Miss Charlotte Alexander and
Mrs. John P. Maulding will be
hostesses for a bridal shower in
compliment to Miss Swift at the
Morningside home of Miss Kirk's
parents, the Walter Kirks. Forty
ox tne Drtde-elecrs friends nave
been bidden to the party. A mis
cellaneous shower will fete, the
honor guest and a late supper will
ne served by tne hostesses.
Several parties and showers
were, given in the bay city this
past wees: tor Miss Swift by
group of ber San Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Evenden
are announcing the engagement of
their daughter. Jessie Wyatt. to
Dale Van Laanen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Van Laanen, all of Sa
lem. No date has been set for the
The bride-elect is attending Sa
lem high school. Her fiance is a
graduate of Salem high school and
during World war II served with
the United States marines. He is
now employed with the Oregon
state highway department
Members ef Eta chanter ef Beta
Sigma Phi will be entertained at
a Christmas party on Wednesday
night at the home of their director.
Mrs. Percy Kelly, at 8 o'clock. The
pledges will serve as hostesses and
Mrs. Thomas Beal, vice-president,
is general chairman.
Vows Read
The marriage of Miss Irene M.
Cain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Cain of Salem, and Corporal
Marvin R. Yopp of Portsmouth,
Virginia, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Topp of Portsmouth, took place
on December 9 in Vancouver,
Wash, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. JL
Horton preformed the double ring
ceremony. " j
Mrs. Mae Belle Veneman was
her sister's only attendant and Or
villa Veneman served as best man.
A reception followed at -the
home the bride's parents on Try on
avenue. Miss Evyhn Groves pour
ed and Mrs. Edith Richardson cut
the cake. Assisting were Miss Ida
Ann Richards and Mrs. Richard
Veneman. T
The STOom wm return TatI
Richardson, Alaska in mid-Janu
ary ana nis oxide will follow in the
early spring. j i
And IffagaHY
. ' - f -
Phono 2-CC31
Sager Upholslery and Brapsfy
350 Chexnekefcx (31 V Steps Down Tne) Alley)
er 5
c w uhii mmm
J .
The social season hits its whirling peak at the holi
day season . . . with dances, parties and dinners at
every turn. Schlesinger's highlight this season
with a splendid collection of "just-right" formals,
dinner dresses and ballerina - length formals ...
styled in this season's imaginative fabrics . . . nets,
tulles, taffetas, satins, failles and velveteens grac
ed with metallic trims, sequins and flowers. To be
the highlight of any holiday party choose one of,
Schlesinger's original formal gowns.
Vo cro also clearing a jrcup of formals In many stylss
end ccbrs, sozno ilirjhlly soiled, at iho low prico of
CP I l)
& Co.
Open Monday and Friday 'til 9 P.M.
409 Court
1 iT s
i 1
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