Seen and Heard.. By JERYME ENGLISH 1KST StJKDAT ... in Decem ber adhered in with numerous so dal affairs and benefits . . . the atter proving to be most success til (financially, and all for wor hy causes) . . . Nearly two hun lred attending the Salem Music federation tea at the Dean K. rooks home . . . which proves hat torrents of rain don't keep regeaians from going out ... A Continuous program of music throughout the afternoon . . . A Cfcrlttmasy air . . . prevail ing in the decor about the rooms . . . the stairway decorated with evergreen boughs giving a lacy ef fect and caught here and there tvith red bows ... A Swedish Eeasant wood candelabra (an eirloom of Mrs. Brooks) topping the newel post . . . Holly, snow berries and laurel backing the lantel with an arrangement 01 eep rusty goblets and angels . . . ie tea table covered wim a ndsome white Chinese rice lin- n fomhroidered cloth . . . and Centered with a bouquet of red and pink carnations flanked by red tapers in silver candelabras . . . and encircling the arrange ment Christmas ornaments in Shapes of musical instruments . . . Receiving . . . Miss Lena Belle Tartar, the dub president, in a black lace gown ... A number of state officers down from Port land . . . Mrs. F. R. Hunter, the state Drexy . . . Mrs. J. L. Mc Ginnis (a sister of Mrs. Robert E. fchinn), a member of the national inusic federation board . . . Mrs. Mary Craig . . . Mrs. Virginia McCormick. Mrs. Eva Graves O'Neil and Mrs. E. McCurry . . Also accompanying the group was Mrs. Herbert Odeen of Portland . . . Mrs. Brooks, greeting the guests informally about .the rooms, and wearing a becoming char treuse raw silk dress, which she had made . . . Mrs. J. A. Wilt- ?ey, chairman of the successful af air, choosing a green and gold striped skirt with gold jacket . . . A bevy of young musicians assist ing . . . Ann Gibbens, Lucille Wilson, Lorraine Creswell, Suz anna Howell and Bernice Rath . Children . . . accompanied by their parents . . . most of them music students ... an anticipa ted event each year for the entire family ... To mention a few . . . Mrs. Kenneth Potts and their talented young sons, Ronnie and Larry, who are pianists . . . Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone, Donna, Cathy and John . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hal DeSart and her daugh ters . . . Dr. and Mrs. Harold Olinger and Susan . . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson and San- Ari . . . A LARGE GROUP . . . also at tended the. Hadassah fun carnival and kosher, snack party at Temple Meth Shofem ... the affair be ginning hi the early evening and lasting until nearly midnight . . - ? Nearly two hundred attending with over half of that number from outside the congregation . . . Six hundred dollars (the Hadas sah chapter's quota for this year to carry on their worthwhile pro jects) raised at the party . . . . Guests enjoying the fun games and delicious kosher snacks made by the chapter members . . . . Much credit goes to Mrs. Norman Rogers, the president, and the en tire chapter (which numbers less than thirty) for the successful party . . . many who attended asking for a repeat performance next year . . . OPEN HOUSE . . . on Sunday afternoon atop Candalaria Heights t the Glenn Stevens' attractive and spacious new home . . . . Guests nearly blown away with the wind and rain on entering . . . but once Inside a cheery and warm atmosphere . . . much buzzing conversation and helloes . . . Glenn and Helen receiving inrormally, here and there . . . . definitely enjoying their party and having time to chat with each uest ... A steady stream of Needlocraft guests calling from four o'clock on . . . the den -and living room (which are practically the same size) and dining room all used for the party; . . . even though a hundred there at one time, it was never crowded . . . Incidentally, the Invitations which the hosts sent out, were made from the hall wallpaper, very clever and effect ive ... At the deer way . . . Mrs. Chandler Brown in a steel grey wool with which she wore a hand some coral pink hand knit stole . . From out-of-town . . . Sa lem friends greeting Dr. and Mrs. Robert Coffey, who were down from Portland . . . they resided here until after the war years . . . The coffeys telling us about their daughters . . . Sharon, a student at Stanford, and Carolie at the University of Oregon . . . and both juniors . . . Dr. and Mrs. Penn Srum also here from Port land . . . and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Beal of Donald . . . Among ethers noted . . Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson in a stun ning 5 o'clock dress of black taf feta with deep peplum and the bodice of lace and flesh net . . . Mrs. Coburn Grabenhorst in a good-looking stone grey silk with becoming fichu neckline and pen dant earrings to match . . . her hat of shell pink . . . Black vel vet the choice of Mrs. Edward Roth . . . : Mrs. Werner Brown adorning her black outfit with a white ermine collar and a winter white chapeau . . . Mrs. Arthur Fisher a symphony in a deep pur ple with shoes to match ... A brown velvet afternoon dress and hat worn by Mrs. George Scales . . . and a pert Jeweled hat worn by Mrs. Richard Cooley with her black ensemble ... The collation . . . trays of de licious ham, turkey, cheese, crab legs and Chinese pork on the buf fet table . , . a green cloth with two antique silver candelabras holding red twisted tapers encir cled with holly for the striking centerpiece . . . AT HOME ... to a large group of their friends Sunday afternoon and evening, were the Lyman Mc Donalds and Joseph Feltons, who entertained at the former's new home, also situated on Candalar ia Heights On Argyle Drive . . . The hosts receiving in the living room by the view windows over looking the city . . . Mrs. Mc Donald in white crepe and Mrs. Felton in an ankle length black velvet gown . . . Attractive Sal ly Becker at the door and wearing a .lilac tulle gown with violet shoes . . . Both punch and cof fee served ; . . the pretty table centerpiece ' of green, pink and mauve - chrysanthemums arranged In, al crystal compote . . . adorn- f ed-with a strand of pearls extend- ingrfxQzn the larger bouquet to a smaller, one . . . and encircled with31hy angels . . . . About the guests . . . Judge and Mrs. George Duncan .... their son and daughter-in-law, the Richard Duncans . . .Mrs. Charles Woodring, Congressman Walter Norblad's secretary, here from the nation's capital for a while and busy greeting old friends ... the William Busicks . . . she ih a smart navy satin suit and bon bon pink hat em bellished with feathers . . . Mr. and Mrs. A, L. McCafferty . . . the latter in a becoming shell pink sheer wool enhanced with irridescent sequins and pinned to her shoulder green chrysanthe mums from their garden . . . Many of the guests coming in from other parties . . . and a number of ;tha men chatting in the den while their wives were as sisting . . . The American War Mothers will meet Tuesday afternoon, Decem ber 11 at 2 o'clock in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church. -The meeting last week was postponed due to the death of one of the members, Mrs. A. A. Lee. - -M. W JVT lip z?r BABY'S OWN birth record! A darting idea for a Blessed Event present you embroider the sam pler now, add birth data in your own handwriting and embroider. No nursery is complete without this! Pattern 648 has transfer of motif 10x13 inches. sni TwcNTT-rrvB cznrs in coins (or this pattern to To Oregon Statesman. Need leer aft Dept.. P.O. Box ST40, Chicago SO. 111. Print plainly PACTUM NUMBCK. your MAMS and ADDRESS wttn ZONS. Such oolorful handiwork Ideas I Send Twenty Cents In coins for oar fcfere Vbetkr Needlocraft Catalog. Choose jrour patterns tram our fatly illustrated toys, dolls, household and personal accessories. A Pre Pattern ,9l handbaa is printed la the book. Woman's Club Meets frriday The Salem Women's club session at the clubhouse on Friday, De cember 14 at 2 o'clock will be the Christmas meeting. Mrs Louis Ger linger will read a Christmas story and a trio including Laurel Herr, Carol Lee and Sidney Krc mer, accompanied by Patricia Fagg, will sing Christmas music Mrs. R. W. Marsters, chairman of the Children's Farm Home committee will take a collection for the homer's chapel fund. A board meeting will be held at 1 o'clock. ! Mrs. J, N. Chambers will be tea chairman for the afternoon. LITTLE TRICKS WITH WALLPAPER Leftover wallpaper can do tricks, especially the new super washable plastic coated kind. It can make new dust jackets to protect the bindings of books and make the books match the walls Don't cover all the books on the shelves with a patterned paper Cover some of them in plain paper for variety and to emphasize room scheme colors. Plain wallpaper in medium and dark shades can cover the white shade that now is a glare spot and make it a more restful opaque shade. To cut the wallpaper to fit the shade, spread the paper upside down on a table. Place the shade on its side on the paper and draw top and bottom edges as you roll the shade from the seam around to the seam again. The firmness of some of the plastic coated papers makes it pos sible to turn margins over the shade frame, but with other pa pers a narrow shade binding or a tiny edging to cover the edges of the paper may be necessary. (Copyright by John T. Dille Co.) Caiendt ctr uecember 10 Marion-Polk County Medical auxiliary dinner for hus bands, American Legion club, 7:30 p. m. December 11 Salem Garden club Christmas Greens Show, Izaak Walton League clubhouse, 2 to 9 p. m. AAUW Christmas Musicale, First Christian church, 8 p.m. December 12 -Salem Garden club Christmas Greens Show, Izaak Walton clubhouse, 2 to 9 p. m. December IS Salem Garden club Christmas Greens show, Izaak ; Walton clubhouse, 2 to p. m. - Mrs. Glenn Stevens and Mrs. Harold Busick, Christmas coffee, 2825 Alvarado Terrace, 2 to 4 p. m. December 14 Tuxedo club dinner dance, American Legion club, 7:30 p. m. Trotters club dance, Senator hotel, 10 to 1 a. m. Wisteria club dance, VFW halL 9 to 12 p. m. December 16 The Messiah, Salem high school auditorium, 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen open house, 5 to 9 p. m. December 19 Mr, and Mrs. James Walton, Elisabeth Walton, at home, 7:30 to 9:00 p. m. December 21 Rainbow Girls formal dance, Crystal Gardens, 9 to 12 p. m. Bon Heur club dance, VFW hall. December 22 Spinsters Christmas Charity ball, Knights of Colum bus hall, 10 to 1 a. m. Waverly club Christmas dinner dance, Senator hotel. Jean Claire Swift-Russell Haehl, jr., wedding, St. Paul's Episcopal church, 8 p. m. Marilyn Archibald-Donald Eastridge wedding. First Presbyterian church, 8 p. m. December 23 Beverly Kendall-William Marker wedding, St. Mark Lutheran church, 2 p. m. December 26 Kathleen Moore-Carlos Houck wedding, First Congre gational church, 8 p. m. December 29 Subscription club New Year's dinner dance, Marion hotel. December 31 New Year's eve dances, Tillicum at Marion hotel; Town club at Senator hotel; Carousel at Izaak Walton club house; and Cama at Knights of Columbus hall. The Alpha Phi Alumnae will hold a Christmas party and gift exchange on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Theodore R. Flook, 1860 South Capitol street, at 7:30 o'clock. A dessert supper will be served and the co-hostess is Mrs. Norman Sargeant. The nominat ing committee will report the slate of new officers for 1952. The Dakota Ladies club will have a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Percy Ullman, 632 North Winter street, at 8 o'clock. Members are asked to bring cook ies, candy, fruit or nuts wrapped for individual gift boxes. Xhere will be a program, gift exchange and refreshments. Members of chapter AB, PEO will hold its annual Christmas party at the Roberts' studio, 505 North Summer street, on Monday night. Husbands of members will be special guests. The Rotana club will hold its Christmas party on Monday night with a dinner at the Pine Inn at 6:30 o'clock. Later in the evening the group will return to the home of Mrs. George Bagnall for ex change of gifts. J Italian Import Has Now Style Sewing Cabinet a Small Chest with Drawers By Sue Gardner A handsome new sewing ma chine just coming on the market looks like a small chest with three drawers and shiny metal pulls. The drawers are Just part of the design, however, and when you pull away the front of the cabinet you see they are the back of a seat for use when sewing. The top of the "chest" is an extra leaf which opens for working space when you use the machine. In the seat part there Is a roomy side drawer with sections for thread and other sewing material and storage space for material. The cabinet comes In limed oak, walnut and mahogany finishes. The machine is an Italian Im port which allows for a wide va- I it r2 riety of embroidery and trimming without the use of special attach ments. You can sew buttons, make buttonholes, hemstitch, and make all of a costume, drapes and slip covers on this machine by just moving the levers Instead of changing attachments. A novel Christmas gift for a little girl you want to interest in sewing is a music box machine, also an Italian import. The music box plays as the child sews, work ing the wheel of (he machine man ually. In addition to the modern chest cabinet there are a number of traditional styles for use as occa sional tables and writing desks. Maple models go with early American homes, and there are English traditional styles for more formal homes. The desk models come in modern and traditional styles with simple or elaborate drawer pulls. There are also two styles of portable machines with carrying cases. (Copyright 1951. General Features Corp.) all I want foi r Christmas Is a 'A - r-v V PERMANENT WAVE Yos, and it must be a wave by rick of Hew York This it the opinion of smart women in the Willamette valley. Ask your personal Santa Claus for one of our gift certificates from five to one hundred dollar. Male your appointment arly for your Holiday beauty needs. Call 3-3921 rick of New Yorl 251 Liberty - Salem, Oregon Salem Junior Woman's club members will meet Monday night at the clubhouse at 8 o'clock with a board meeting preceding at 7 o'clock. The American Citizenship committee will present the pro gram with Miss Dorothy Cooper as chairman. The guest speaker will be Wallace S. Wharton, direc tion of civilian defense for Mar ion county. Wool Growers Reelect Oregon Man President PORTLAND, Dec. 8 -JP- The National Wool Growers associa tion Friday urged a long-range program to increase lamb produc tion in this country. To finance the program, the committee voted for a two-cent levy per head on lambs marketed. A standing commltte and a direc tor will be named to handle the program. The association also opposed slaughtering quotas, and accused department of agriculture meat inspectors of downgrading ani mals. The sheepmen also asked con gress to appropriate $968,509 for the fish and wild life service to use in controlling coyotes and oth er predators. The annual convention closed with re-election of W. H. Steiwer, Fossil, Ore., president; R. C. Rich, Burley, Idaho, honorary presi dent; and John H. Breckenriage, Twin Falls, Idaho, vice-president. It will take 2,000 pictures to give an overall pieture of the heavens in great depth, the California In stitute of Technology estimates. The Salem Practical Nurses as sociation is planning a Christmas party, covered dish dinner and grab bag party for Thursday, De cember 13 at the Salem Woman's clubhouse at 6:30 o'clock. All members, their families and friends are invited to attend. Chapter 'CB. PEO will be en tertained at a Christmas party Thursday night at the Salem Heights home of Mrs. Harmon T. Harvey at 7:30 o'clock. The mem bers wili exchange Christmas re cipes with samples. Course in Bible by Correspondence Grows to 100,000 ST. LOUIS Indicative of the current emphasis on spiritual values in America is the marked increase in the number of people enrolling in the Lutheran Hour Bible correspondence course, ac cording to a report by Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, director of the global broadcast. Already the world's largest, the free course has an enrollment of nearly 100,000 people from all parts of the globe. Featuring three subjects of 30 lessons each, the course now in cludes "Fundamentals of the Christian Faith.T-Tife of Christ," and 'Life of St, Paul and His New Testament -Epistles." Sponsored by the Lutheran Lay men's league, the .Lutheran Hour is now in its 19th season of broad casting. j GXOCEXS ASK BOOST WASHINGTON, Dec The nation's 560,000 grocery stores Friday asked the government for higher ceiling prices- on many food items paying .their operat ing costs have increased; ii SHEUFFS ELECT FIELDS PORTLAND, Dec. 8 -t?V The Oregon State Sheriffs assodatioa Friday elected Norman E Fields, Sherman county, as president, succeeding Denver Young, Mar ion county. i SusSom Upholstery Irapery Service COMPLETE FROM WINDOW MEASUREMENTS TO INSTALLATION OF DRAPERIES 1 HAND WOVEN EARLY AMERICAN I RAIICH STYLE BUGS I 1 CORNICE BOARDS SUP COVERS Phone 2-8031 Sager Upholstery and Drapery 350 Chemeketa (51 V Steps Down The Alley) f T i r . tot a 1 1 Vw1' I i ASrirZ Sr ysemtfJaliv ttert-fV tin-. g 3 VMS ttsanC&enl' SPiuiTrr ,?.. s4j t,-- -t-.' XwsW-.-.. rrX A v: V--" - " 5iN&,. VSrB35' 5fc r i X w v I --- -- If VA y--fi ' i . 1 fr. ' r T-''?- . if if -vk mmm is TO -my . v x y-J:X---Sy-c.- Ia As Your Health Goes So Goes Your Success and Happinots! y" fait pace ... at work and at home . . . has in many catet Increased fatigue and lowered our physical retittance . . resulting in thatconsfant "tired feeling." Periodic scientific rett . . . with the entire body properly supported can give you a new out look on life . . . and that's why we highly recommend the Ktnmar Contour. The mort lounge chair styling and its contour design will make it the most popular choir In your living room. As illustrated. In Boltaflex in your choice of colors. Also available Tapestries, Hi-loops, Brocalelles, etc Open Monday and Friday Nights Till Christmas ,WJiaui L-'ajRWOTUQE CO. 275 North liberty