LubUjenUueis Plan Training Class Saturday A Cub Scout den chief train ing conference will be held Sat urday afternoon in the Golden Pheasant restaurant basement. About 50 scouts who work with den mothers in conducting cub pack meetings, are expected to attend the 5-hour session begin ning at 2 pjn. A banquet will be held at 5 pjn. followed by a dem onstration on cubbing ceremonies. To be discussed in forums and movies will be pack program planning, den meetings, mutual aid between den mothers and chiefs, pack recreation ideas, handicraft exhibits and other ac tivities pertaining to den and pack meetings. In charge of the conference is Howard Higby, assistant scout executive. Assisting him as dis cussion leaders will be Carlyle Shidler, cubmaster of Keizer pack 41; Charles Brunk, Cherry city district leadership and train ing chairman; Floyd Witteman, assistant cubmaster of McKinley school pack, and Albert Robert son, cubmaster of Turner pack 46. A recently developed radar an tenna intended for commercial use weighs 5 tons. Overall it is 41 feet across. Today's Pattern. 4630 20: 40 THIS IS A TWO-PIECER! You can wear these handsome sep arates together as the smartest casual you ever had, or with other separates to give them the brand new-season look!. The blouse has the two sleeve versions shown, or a tiny cap sleeve! Pattern 4630 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size 16 blouse 7 yards 35-inch, skirt 2 yards 54 Inch. This pattern east to use, sim ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions. Snd THDCTT ctnti In coins for thl pattern to ANNE ADAMS, car of The Statesman. Pattern Dept.. P. O. Box 8710. Chicago 80. 111. Print plainly TOUR NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE. SIZE. STYLE NUMBER. Needlecraft HEAD the fashion in either of these hats! Warm in worsted, chic in chenille for right now. Later you'll want to make them in straw jam for springtime. Smart little quickies! You'll want several in different colors. Pattern 601; crochet directions. SenJ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in Coin for this pattern to Tb Oregon Statesman. Needlecraft Dept. P.O. Box 3740. Chlcafo SO. 111. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and AOOKEgl With ZONE. Such colorful handiwork ideas 1 Bend Twenty Cents In coins for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Catalog. Choose your patterns from our gaily Illustrated toys, dolls, household and personal accessories. A Free Pattern Of a hand baa: Is printed la the book. . rrr' yyfY i mi V r 3 il i Jv V x.&b.v:--..:itt., a w- - '.v.ya 4k, XT v:S'3 Ik WW I - fe i KSHC- .'.j.-mmr w.iwbp.. , u -W M SW SSI sw1' i w H-f in I ii yt x xv .ffi SK V.: 3 WW I II II III II IV II II II II V 11 IV WW II Iff II UI all II II II x 'i. " v3. haf aw llll 'V II II II a II y I . vu mi a. I II II s . sf t.vAv.'Ai:.-..:.w.v.v.. . .av "ssa AT m w E4 & a ii im. v ii r ii ii it Jt sr a ar mm mm ,sT ssssmi isMiii asp Ev U 1 jr,y s m j"mm mm m, v - r lVvlaiJ'l 1 S 1 Val Si I a A W J. A I I U X I YY . i x r i r . v ai ir M 1 1 '"'''WmtV'Wr 5.98 to (DdPMIE EM Charmingly gift-wrapped, IPA(DIKA(KIE ffn-dDmm S A EL IL 9 S Oiv her a lovely feminine gift from SALLY'S and you'll make this her merriest Christmas ever! Here are her ideas on what shed like best to receive and she'll be all the more thrilled if itV from SALLY'S. ROBES and LINGERIE For Your Christmas Angel! Choose a Luxury Robe for her from our lovely assortments of Satins! Crepes 1 Taffe tas and Quilteds! In luscious colors. 7.98 to 49.95 rgeous 3-pc. Lounging Sets 17.98 to 24.95 hi a a ie ii love you more tor giving her igeriel Dream Gowns 4.98 to 25.00 Slips, 2.98 to 14.98 s A PURSES A Grand Gift 2.98 to 35.00 : GLOVES For luxury t her finger-tips 1.00 to 10.98 Lovely Wonderful CASHMERE SWEATERS By Bernard Altman 8.88 to 19.95 Other Sweaters, 4.98 to 12.98 SKIRTS A gift sure to please her m if ' H ir III 1 ' f .Saav S a:aaV. SB. Your Gift Purchase Gift-Wrapped Free! Choose her gift from our enchanting collection of BLOUSES 2.98 to ' i mm, r a aw . J LOVELY ftiifr SHEER U-tl . GOTHAM GOLD-STRIPE ' ' -. I g nylons p W from r1"' '' JJ" J v& $1.35 pnAi ; f c 'C Corner COURT and LIBERTY o Charge Accounts Invited at Sally's. Charge It Today 1 1-7 rr ' 4 a. - - - x v -:-:-.-:-: M 7 M mmmmwmmmmmmmmm' , - . , , x , j , 0 Pay Next Year SHOP MONDAYS and FRIDAYS TILL 9 P. Mi