t, 1S3I Salem-made Fuel Tanks Bound for Army 5- ; V : . -:"r-v..v-v. : . .. -..... ...v : KnjiMjt. ::.:'" M Thue Cilem mtda fael teaks are kind far U. 8. depot im New Jersey and Ohto. The predaet ef Salem! Eleetr-WsU Imtestries. the 75f-fJlea twe-eemymrtmeait Unke are keta made to army specification nnder a eoatraet frem tM aartenastcr eery. TBe alem plant expects to eeeaplete 52 enore taaka tkla meetk am4 aMpiiem te California and ether ctatce. The fetal erder was 75 tanksEleetro-Watt alse recently filled a naTy tnbinc eentraet tn the natieas defense effort. Pletnred in frent ec the taak-toaded flat are (left te richt) Dm Helthef sad Leonard Petersen, plant pUyes, and Jack Nielsen, 0 fD o ill f m Bill III I m f Ij )0 0. Surprlso Her with a Dox of our Sheer Beauties! They're Wonderfully Low in Price! From America's finest manufacturer . . . every pair perfect . . . every pair 60-gauge 15-denier ... . you can't buy better . irrespective of price . 'Gv "STT ' ' 7 Jc , a' : t: r ) T"l Gift-Wrapped) 8 Va 6)95 J i -n ' ST ...',... ST M JT "BSBnV Ship Control Automatic by 1960-Forecast NEW; YORK, Dec. 5-(INS)-By 1960 electronic ' developments in marine design will usher Ameri ca's merchant marine fleet Into an age tof "automatic ships," it was predicated . at the 25th joint an nual convention of the Propellor club and the American Merchant Marine. "Automatic control, from bridge to keel is being sought by marine engineers not simply for labor saving or comfort advantages but for greater efficiency, perform ance and protection of equip ment.' explained Maurice R. East in, transportation manager of the Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator company. Even today it would be possible, under Ideal conditions, to sail a ship from port to port under al most full robot control, he said. "A single crew member, sitting before a specially built control panel, could supervise the ship's entire vovaafe." Eastin uiri ex plaining that such robot controls as auiomauc navigation devices, automatic boiler controls and mas ter controls of nmruilsinn machin ery have been so highly developed to make this robot voyage possible. He cited the wave of new pas senger and cargo ships recently added to the American fleet as examples of the development of automatic control. Savings, Loan Firms Likely To Be Double MIAMI BEACH, Fla.-)-5av-ingyand loan associations can ex pect to double their business from the present total of nearly $19 bil lion within the next 10 years, Wal ter J. L. Ray, president of the Un ited States Savings and Loan lea gue, told the organization's recent convention here. "Today there are approximately eight million families with incomes of $5,000 a year as compared with only 1,570,000 10 years ago," Ray said. "In the past decade our total population Increased by 14.4 per cent, but individual family units increased by 25 per cent. "During the early years of the past decade, we saw the highest rate of marriages in history and a war-baby boom. In another decade the "war babies will start coming of marriageable age and we can ex pect the rate of new family forma tions to zoom upward to a" new all-time high." Speedster Retires On $11 Per Month ROME-lAVThe man who gave Italy her only speed record for the North Atlantic crossing by ship is now retired on an $11 a month pension. This is the typical pension of some 20,000 Italian merchant sea men who sailed the seas for at least two decades before being re tired. Francesco Tarbotto, former cap tain of the uRex" luxury liner, guided the "Rex" across the ocean in 1933 In four days 13 hours and 58 minutes breaking the record held at that time by the German transatlantic liner, Bremen. Light Bulb Eater Pays Off a Debt In London Street LONDON, Dec. 8 -(INS)- A mild-looking little man in a derby hat stood in the corner of Lon don's busiest intersection recently and ate an electric light bulb. No rush calls were sent to ran- tic asylums and passers-by in Pic cadilly Circus were not particular ly interested. An unimpressed po liceman merely told Maurice Aid man to "move along there, please." for Aiaman, a professional sword-awallower and glas seater, was simply paying off an election bet. He explained: "I was so sure the Labor Gov ernment would stay in power, I promised to eat an electric liiht bulb in Piccadilly Circus If they lost." This, Aldman admitted, was no hardship. He said he chews up "plate glass and cups and saucers and things like that" twice nightly in his act. Battery Firm Sales Up But Income Lower ST. PAUL, Minn, Dec. 5 Gould -National Batteries, Inc., sales for the six months period ended Oct. 31, 1951 were 18 per cent higher than in the like 1950 period, but net income was lower because of higher taxes, Albert H. Daggett, president, announced. Sale for the half-year amount ed to $30,944,134. Net profit after federal income taxes totaled $1, 466,985, equal to $4.38 a share on the common stock, against $1,581, 349 or $4.72 a share of common stock for the similar period last year. Federal taxes amounted 'to $2, 175,669, compared with $1,218,267 last year. The Gould -National Battery nationwide plant system includes the National Battery manufactur ing plant on Patterson avenue in westside Salem. RUN ON TWINS DES MOINES. Ia.-(P)-T h r e e sets of twin calves were born all within 10 days, on the Mauri tz Land farm near Pilot recently. The calves were born to three brown Swiss heifers. There were four bulls and two heifers. VAYO 12 I The (Sift that will bring a loved one safely home. or take one to the fireside of a kinsman. THI FRIENDLY ftUS UNI Shert Koute East SPECIAL Fancy high style scuffs . . satins ... metallks . . brocades ... 6 colors . . . VEtY SPfClAL BUY Regular 2.95 while they last and 3.95, W4 cfl tWG? Hi K&0 in Salesn Liberty IN SALEM IT'S ill - JL liJAlX,iIJU4...:il- fc-J : " 1 SANTA'S COMING SOON! VJG NEED rtOOir.l! YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE! PDG For your Shopping Convenience Penney's will remain open 'til 9 P. M. the following even ings 'til Christmas: Mondays, Dec. 10, 17; Fridays, Dec. 7, 14,' 21 ; Thursday, Dec. 20 and Saturday, December 22. to) Y 0 I Rl'S Buy One of These Warm, Wool COVERTS or spft FLEECES or rugged GABARDINES for Her! COATS fH? I W CJ. AT A . A great groupl "Unisec" Ray en Gabardine coats also. All wool clipped fleece in doep colors, warmly interlined cov erts and what grand variety of stylos. Sizes 7 to 14. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR FEATURES i f For The SOISTEE Agers! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL COATS OF ALL-WOOL . . ON THESE . . GIRL'S CARDIGAN COTTONS AND WOOLENS First love of every school girl, .t i i.. rnese son, iovwi stylo in soft wool zephyr or smooth cotton knit. Choose from several colors. Come In odayl PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR ss 10 ONLY1 TODDLER BOYS COATS, LEGGING SETS In All-Wool Covert, Fleece 7.00 CLIP FLEECE At This . . . Gracefully styled for s tho if fl young grown-upsl Sub4oon J ' sizes 1 0 to 1 6 in a good se- I lection of styles and colors. II j LJ fcS Exact ZUastratioa PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR 9 WHAT A GIFT SUGGESTION! SLIP-AND-PANTY GIFT SETS FOR GIRLS Two-Bar Tricot Knit Rayon In White, Maize, Pink, Blue Colors Slip has nylon lace-trimmed top, el- a stic shirred back, ruffled nylon not t bottoml Panty also has Uco and ribbon bows. 6 to 14. u o PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR CLOSE-OUT FEATURE! WOMEN'S RAINCOATS O An Assortment O Of the Popular O Stylos . Broken Sizes. Throe popular styles! Cravonottod rayon satin raincoats with hoods, "retail- treated rayon sboon gabardine raincoats, and colorful corduroy coats with matching cap. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR i