The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 06, 1951, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 Thm Zirfimmtm. Scdom, Orow Thtgaxkryv DmemmSbm 9. ItSl..
Wind Damage, Heavy in Lehanon yianity
LEBANON. Dm. wtad-l ilUd tre mxd. this .UrUinx pictw .n I?2JiS2
Lebanon'. North Min .tree. Jut north of th hlih wAool, fai Tne Sl fr,,t "1 rh.
frosnd and Bcsttercd.
iay'i bix wlndxto:
IXSANON, Dm. SOnre roots loom aloacsUo Wostera Wooi Product offloo strntnre. aborc after Tmo
dy'm windstorm aprooted an SO-foot poplar and tumbled It onto roofs of tho of fleo and tho Keren
rhoto Stadlo baildinjr (background).
Sheriff Y9ung to
Head Sessions
At Convention
Marion County Sheriff Denver
Young will preside at tho sessions
of tho Oregon State Sheriffs as
sociation which will hold a two-
day convention opening today in
Young is president of the organi
zation. Norman & Fields of Sher
man county is vice president.
Highlight of the meet will be the
Friday Joint gathering of the she
riffs and the Oregon association of
district attorneys, which will also
be meeting In Portland. Gov. Dou
glas McKay and Virgil O'Malley,
warden of the state prison, will
speak. Young said.
Tjiw enforcement officers from
the Portland police and the federal
bureau of investigation will speak
to the sheriffs in other sessions.
The , Department of Foreign
Affairs was created bv Act of Con
gress, uly 27, 1788. The name was
cnangea to uepanm w bww
Sept. 15, 1789.
Stat SL
flBDpdloi, Gifiwtefe
811 No.
Tho Farmer Is Goran? Loss' For His Livestock. Wo Are Givincj You Tho Benefit. All Oi
These Prices Are 'War Below "Ceiling."
Pol Boasts lb. 551
Bladoloasi . .lb. 59
Oonod Sleali . Ik 79
Oonoloss Sirloin lb. 35
CaLo Sicolis e lb. 79
Cube Stow . . . lb. 73
Veal Stoali . . lb. 69
Veal Boost . . lb. 65
Groond Doof
J,g0 IB.
Smohod Lixilis
Mldcot Ground Moats Aro ALL MEAT. They Merit Your Confidence. Salem Trusts
Thoso Wholosoxno Products.
Chickon4iko Texture. Light Colored Whoa Cooked.
Porlx Boasts . .lb. 351 Fresh Side ... lb. 45
Pork Siealrs . . lb. 47 Center Chops . . lb. 59
Roasi . . Ib. 47 Whole Loins . .lb. 48
Sliced Bacon u n, 47
Polish Rings . lb. 49
Jowl Bacon ... lb. 25
Bccon Squares .lb. 13
Bologna ... Ib. 49
Krlnloss IK 55
P. Ba Wo haro an extra nice supply of Commercial and UtSlSrj Baby Bool for tius Week.
Our Capitol Street Market Is Open Until 7 P. M. Fridays and Saturdays Until 9 P. M.
He Isn't Missing
At Grid Games
Bengston, s staunch Oklahoma
A&M alumnus, has been faithfully
attending Aggie home football
games this year. And his compan
ions have been A. O. Martin and
Thurman Gay, heads of the Ag
gies' Former Students Association.
Recently he received a copy of
the alumni newspaper listing him
as among those whose where
abouts is unknown.
Lebanon -Wind
Climbs High
By Mervtn Jenkins
Statesman Lebanon Correspondent
LEBANON, Dec. 5 Thousands
of dollars worth of damage was
being surveyed here today in the
wake of a heavy windstorm
which played havoc with roofs,
wires, trees, signs and planes.
The storm hit hardest in late
afternoon Tuesday, interrupting
electric power, telephones and
water supply. Roof damage was
heavy at Lebanon hospital,
Queen Anne and Santiam grade
schools, several business build
ings and homes.
Extra firemen were on duty,
but no complications developed
from the lack of water here from
4:30 to 8 p.m. The firemen got a
workout, however, in covering
gaps left in the hospital roof.
Wind toppled a huge transform
er at the north edge of the city,
and a blackout resulted until 7:30
p.m. Some parts of Lebanon had
no electric service until morning.
Two private individual-plane
hangars were lifted into the air
and smashed at Cascade Airways,
and three light planes were dam
aged extensively in the blow
Kelyn Harris Stinson, J. N. Mac
Donald's Piper family cruiser and
an Aeronca which had been
moored to the ground outside the
At the hospital, many patients
had to be moved and some were
sent home last night.
Christmas decorations on down
town streets took a beating. Light
ed outdoor Christmas trees at the
state highway and high school
buildings went down with, lights
burning. Growing trees, some as
Lambieon Mend
ROCHESTER. N. Dec 5 Lamble, a pet Japanese deer, recover
ing from shotgun wounds. Is fed by Charlene, 5, and Charles Weyl
man, 4, children of the deer's owner, Charles Weylman. sr of Ro
chester, N. Y. Lambie is expecting about Christmas. (AP Wire
photo to The Statesman).
big as 3-feet in diameter, fell in
many sectors. A large marquee
at Lebanon Motor Vu theatre was
blown from its standards and
crashed onto the nearby county
ANN ARBOR. Mich.-(1NS)-The
University of Michigan claims the
largest freshman class enrolled in i
Group Seeks i
Support for ;
Bonus Rep
Business and home-owning vet
erans and other property owners
were urged to form local groups
and work for repeal of the World
War II veterans bonus at the 1852
general election, in a statement re- .
ceived by state officials here Wed
nesday from; the" so-called "No.
property. tax bonus committee cf -Benton
county.". . ' - "
Preliminary petition for a roe- :
sure seeking repeal of the veterans
bonus recently was filed In the -state
elections bureau here., i
The committee's statement was .
signed by Howard L Ball. -Elmer .
WmnifonL David R. Barclay and
W R. Giesy, all residents of Cor
vallis with the exception of Giesy -who
lives at Monroe. - Giesy was -among
the signers of the original' .
petition to repeal tho bonus. .
The committee charged that ho '
bonus is wrong because it is pn- .
marily a debt on property owners .
while it should be paid by every- "
one. - ." t -
This bonus, if permitted -o bo "
paid in its present form, would bo .
a 20-year ball and chain on j lot .
cf young . families who are at- -tempting
to establish homes and
businesses," the committee state
ment read. "It should be paid on a
broad base and not just by prop
erty owners. Since when' was -World
War II just a property
owner's war? the committee asked.
The lowest spot In the United
States is Inyo. Calif. It is 280 feci
beflow sea leveL
any medical school in. the country, year's freshman class numbers 204.
University authorities report this an increase of 39 over last year.
t,S"' -'
so nice to
get ... so easy
to give . . . Sears
each to
a box
IV t
gets enough of theml See Sears big handsome-to-wear, attractive
Everybody loves to get fine handkerchiefs, nobody over
to-carry, wondorfu!-to-givo handkerchiefs . . .
priced to keep your Christmas budget in the best of spiritsl
m ,
Gift Boxes of 3
Plain, printed bordered or
Initialed cottons ....
from SO to 1.05
Open Stock Hankies
Cotton or linen, white or
colored In assorted de
signs, some lace trimmed
. . . . 23 l.SO
Gift Boxes of 3
Fine e o 1 1 o n or linen,
white, colored, initialed,
bordered or plain hand
kerchiefs from 79 2.0O
f Initialed Banded . . .
Open Stock Hankies
Cotton or linen in assorted
colors and styles.
15 to 50 each
Children's Plain Whits
Hankies .... 10
Children's Initialed
Boxed 75
Children's Hand Roiled
Handkerchiefs . . 19
Children's Print
Hankies 10
hi -s
ft K
t ' s i
STORI HOUM: Moo. I Frt., Iiao to 9.-O0 P. M. . Tun, WwL, Thvn., S.I., 10 A. M. to P. M.
Sa&jz2cto jwazaz&e& ?z petzz xeteey 6aa6" JfftRJ
Phono 3-9191
550 N. Capitol