CT"A?Jr tTlOl 4 til .tt. maatx;. i'aiui itj4 .tKni ,--mi3t CIEW.YOKK, Not. 15-ff)-To Ad Corp 24 69 Gen Foods AlChem, Gen Motors Al Chalmers--. 49 Am Airlines- 15 Am Pow & Lt -21H Am Tel & Tel 156 Am Tobacco - 60 Anaconda . 51)4 Atchison 72 Goodyear Tire Hoxnestake Int Harvester Int Paper Johns Man. Kenneeott Libby McN & Beth Steel . 50 Lock Aire - Boe Airplane 45 Loews Inc Borg Warner 63 Bur Adding M 17 Long Bell - Montg Ward Nash Kelv NY Central Calif Packing 28 Can Pacific - 30 Caterpillar 45 North Pac Celanese 48 . Chrysler 68 Con Edison 31 Cons Vultee . 17 . Crown Zeller 51 Curt Wright 10 Doug Aircraft - 56 Dupont ... : 85 Pac Am Fish . Pac Gas & Elec- 33 Pac Tel & TeL J Packard Penney Perm RR Pepsi Cola 'Philco : Eastman Kodak 46 Rad Corp . Rayonnier Ray Pfd ... Enter Radio 13 Gen Electric U 55 Bull Market Continues to Roll on Corn CHICAGO. Nov. 15 -UP- The five-month, bull market in corn miiod on tndar. even gathering a little more speedas prices jumped 2 to S cents to set new highs for thl vears croD. - The action of corn found re flection in other pits on the board of trade. Everything except lard at least was firm, and the gains were sufficient to send Decem ber. March and May wheat, as well as July oats, to new sea anna I rjeaks. Wheat closed higher, corn 2 to 3 cents higher, oats -1 higher, rye (new style 1- 1 " hicher. soybeans l-2 hiefcer and lard 12 cents lower to 16 cents a , hundred : pounds higher. . , Bullish enthusiasm also showed no in. the cash market Cash corn was quoted 1 to 2 cents higher. Oats were about 3 cents higher. Wheat advanced approximately 2 cents. Outside futures markets also t were strong, particularly Winnipeg, where flax ran up the 15 cents daily limiL Rails Bolster Slid NEW YORK, Nov. 15-4VRails Stood .out strongly today in an otherwise faltering stock market On balance the market was little higher pricewise and there were a few more plus than minus signs. . . The -Associated Press average of 60 stocks gained only 10 cents at $98.30. The industrial component remained unchanged, rails were ahead 60 cents while utilities lost 10 cents. ; ; . The trading list contained only 1 .096 individual . issues of which . 426 advanced and 389 declined with 22 new highs and 36 new lows. ' Volume agains was a small 1,200,600 chares as compared with i vm ooo shares yesterday. Curb stocks were mixed with trading k amounting to 440,000 -shares as compared with 400,000 . drM vMsterdav. Hietier curb stocks included Fnfd Motor of Canada, Interns tional 'Products, Lake Shore Mines, Molybdenum, Pennroad, and U..S. Radiator (which declar ed a stock dividend). Portland Livestock tiadti inm Nov. lS-IAP)-(USDA) r.iu ..i,m ur holdover 100: beef steers and heifers scarce, nominally steady: good fed steers early this week ISSoIS; small lot good 705 lb feed ers today 13.00: few utility dairy type steers 24.00-25.00. .some held rugner. cutter and utility" dairy type heifers wii utilit v beef heifers 2S.S- 27.00; canaer and cutter cows mostly 1740-28.00: few mixed cutter and util ity dairy type cows 21.00; two loads Utility nee COWS unawwi; wuuvr na9V SO - - Calves salable SO; market slow; Wu.t ctsdv ndd choice vealers 33.00: commercial and good calves and veal ers nae-330: cull and utility 17Jje- aa Hon aalahla 400: market alow: teadv to 25 cents lower; few choice amund 180-235 lb butchers 20.75-21JM; cleanup sales including medium trades down to 30.23: few heavier weiehU 19 00: choice 365-550 lb won U.QO-17.50; one 830 lb sow 15 JO: choice "feeder pigs euoiaDie zo.oo-zi.oo. Sheest salable 100: scattered sal about steady but quality less desir able; few lots mostly good with few choice weeied lambs 29.50; feeders 28.80-29 JO; good and choice ewe ' 1X50-11.50: CuU and utility 840-12.08, btoclcs and Bonds Compiled by the jsortated Press STOCK AVERAGES i 20 19 18 U - R3ito tndust util foreign Net change L. unch A. 6 D.1 A.1 Thursday 1-12 65.0 90.4 983 Prev. dav 132S. 84.4 90S 963 Week ago 130.4 833 50.8 94.8 Month 139.2 681 50.7 109 4 Year ago - 115.1 55.0 45.4 844 BOND AVERAGES , . 30 - lnd Net changa D.l Thursday 93.4 Prev. day 933 Week ago 93 J Month ago 94.6 Year ago 97.6 195t high 1003 1951 low -- 93.4 15 Rails Da 9.0 99.1 98.9 993 101.4 1013 7.2 13 88 Utl Stks Unch D.l 973 97.9 982 99.3 1033 1033 73 143 74.1 733 74.1 723 14.4 703 New 1951 low. You can hava unbroken slawp loo, if yovr ludneys and bla cUr ra In good ordar. Uso soiaefer's hd:iey pius Hr ml raSaf SCIIAEFEO'S DHUG ST0HE 131 tlorth Stocks day closinx Quotatioox: ..,, i 41 Repob Stl T I 56 I 49 Rey Metalsr. Richfield . . 56 57y4 30 . 42 38 Safeway 33 47 Sears Roebuck 56 Soc.Vac 34 70 South Pac i. 61 50 69 31 10 33 20 22 38 - 88 L 8 IStd OilCal. Std OU NX . Stndebakert . 21 18 Sunsh Mn 35 Swift and Co 70 11 - 17 (Transamerica Twent C Fox Un Oil Cal - 54 U Pac 99 32 30 5 32 40 13 40 25 ; 38 . 43 Un Airlines Un Aircraft . Un Corp 4jUS Plywood 67 US Steel 17 9 25 22 58 Warn Brost .. West Un Tel West Air Br West Elec Woolworthi I'ortlanti Grairi PORTLAND. Ore- Hoy. 13 -(API- Coarse craios. IS day shipment, bulk. coast delivery: Oats No. Z 31 lb white 7j.uo: Dane? mo.-a 4ibbw vo.oo. Wheat I bid I. to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.43'2: soft: white (excluding Rex) 2.43',,: White Club 2.43',. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.44: 10 percent 2.44; 11 percent 2.4a; 12 per cent z.T. J Hard White Baart: Ordinary 5.43" i: It percent 2.44,; 11 percent 2.481,; 12 percent z.a'. t Todays ear receiDts: -Wheat & flour 4; corn : oats 4: millf eed 3. ialem Market Quotations: ; ; (As of Ute yesterday) BirTTEKFAT Premium .78 .76 j88 .78 JU No. No. 1 2 I Wholesale Retail ttMtnaci , & Wholesale eruea rausa Crosa to rents owe bovine one-1 Large AA 1 XT Large A : JBX Medium AA -- so Medium - : - 'i m Small : -- f .41 POULTRY Leghorn hens Colored hens . J9 J4 ' Colored fryers Roasters ! 05 05 .(csiuca Vaiie Paekiaa paay tmarJasi 28.00 to 29.00 wool Lambs Sheared Lambs Fat Dairy i Cutter ' leifers, .. ; 28.00 to 2sao 20.00 j lsao-iojw . 21 00-24 00 i 25.00 to TIM , , i. , 3 00 to 12.00 4 23.08 to 28.00 Bulls Ewes Feeder Lambs Portland Produce ' PORTLAND. Nov. 13 -(AP)- Butter fat tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to Ji to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. 76-lSc lb; first quality. 74-77c; second quality. 72-75c Valley routes and country joints 2c less. Butter wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wnolesaiers: Grade AA. S3 score. 73c U; A. 93 score. 72c; B. SO score. 70c; C. s score 88c. Above- prices strictly nominal, t . ,4 . Cheese Selline nrlee to Portland Wholesalers: Orcnm alle u l aa i ... Ib; Oregon 4b loaf. 47-50C Eggs (to wholesalers): Candled eggs uUuunff no loss, cases included. F. OS. Portland: A large.' 88U-684c: A medium. 5',-61lsc; A mall. 48a-9; B araoe az-aac. Live chickens (No. 1 onalitv. T O R. plants): Fryers, J,-3 lbs, 28c; 3-4 lbs, 26c: roasters, 4 'bs and over. 27-28c; light hens, all weights. 21-22c: heavy nens, all weights, 2a-26c; old roosters. an weignts, u-itc Rabbits averase ar nowers: Live white, 4-5 lbs, 28-28c ,lb. few to 29c; 5-8 lbs. 24-26c; old does. 10-15c. few higher; fresh dressed f rvers to retail ers. 60-63c, some higner. i uresaea turkeys A grade young bronze hens net to growers F.O.B. farm on dressed basis, 43-44c lb; A grade torn- same basis. 28-36 'ic. Belts ville whites, hen 4 5 -48c; toms. 3-40c; to re tailers A e-rads toms. JMw York-stvte. 45c; A grade hens, 52-S5c: BelUvUle toms 48-50c: hens 55-SSc. Wamuts ADproximate price to grow ers for orchard run: Trankquette. 17- zuc io; wnoiesaie price .u.B. snlo- pmg point, urge No. 1, 31U-32',ic lb; N 2 grade babies. 23i-24',4c. Fresh dressed meats f wholesalers to retailers: dollars per wt): Beef: Steers, choice. 50-700 lbs. BS7.70. 58J0; good. $55.70-56.10; commercial. I50.70-51JO: cows, utility. $48.70-49.10; cows, commercial. $410-51.10; utility, $46.00-4SaOc canners cutters. $4330 44.60. . 1 i Beet cuts -(choice ateera): Hind miar- ters. $84.00-64.00: rounds. 862.70-63.10: f all loins, trimmed. $84.20-60; triangles. $4Vb-4 TO; forequarters. $53.10-50. veal: cooa-choice. sujw-eo.oo- com mercial. $50.00-54.00. f Calves: All weights food -choice. $53iio-58.00; commercial. $47.00-53.00. Pork cuts: Loins. Mo. 1. S-12 lbs, $52J0-5530: shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $3830-4130; sparer i os. S44 .00-45 30; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs. $51.00-54.50. Lambs: Gooaorime spiinaers. $56.00- $830. 'lit Mutton: Good-choice. $2830-30.00. Wool: Willamette valley, mostly no minal, grease basis. J Mohair: 50c lb on 12-month rrowth. FX) -B. country ahiplng points. utry-Ktuee: aaeass: Mutton: Best. 60-90 lbs. 25-26e lb: rought heavy bucks, ewes. 15-1 8c. veai: too ouaiiry.. 4-ssc lb: cooa heavies. 50-52c; others 42-45C Beef: Good cows. 47-49e lb: canners- cutters. 43-44C. f Hoes: Lieht blockers, aa-soe lb: sows. light 23-26C. i Lambs: Top Erade. 84-55e lb: other grades 43-5c. : :? Onions: 50 lb sacks! Oreeon yellows. ned, $230-10; , Urge. 8235-50; Wash, yellows. mecL. $1.75-2 00; Urge $330- 25. Idaho, sweet Spanish. No. l. 3-inch rain.. $235-50: white No. 1 tneoL $330- 25: jumbos 8425-50. Potatoes: Oregon ITeschutes russets. No. L 2-ineh miru- $530-35: special brands to fSJOl S3 lb. sacks S1J-Z3: bales 8-10 lb caper sk.. $3.40-60: bakers. No 1. $3 35: No. 2. SO lbs. $1.40-56. Wash, russets. No. L 2-inch mln4 $4.60-75; 35 lbs 81-20-30: bakers. Wo. L 8535-50; 50 lbs 8130-50: Idaho Russets. No. 1. 2-tnrh min, $55-50; bales 8-18 lb sk. $2.90-3.00. ! ! Hay: U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa, de livered car and truck lots. F.OB. Port land, mostly $36.00-37.00 ten: No. 1 timothy mixed hayJ FjOA Portland, baled. 836.eo-37.00. TRADEMARK NOTICE Notice its hereby given that Mrs. Dora Estepp. Salem. Oregon, has filed the trademarke "Beanie Dolls' with tho Secretary of the State of Oregon. i N 9. 16. 13. Os. Y.TJLaaa. 8LB-I)a 8s. DK& CUAJ1 , . . LAM , CCXNCSS CZ2ALX3TS 141 Noctk Uaerty Unatatrs above Jsorn. 8X1 ft. erty otace epos faxarday only U lit. to 1 aa. o 1 sua CansuRa- 4 TAX FORXCLOSLD LAMM nam and after : KM. on Decem ber 10. 195L at the West door of the county Courthouse in Salem.! Oregon, pursuant to an order ox the County Court fwJtxrioa County gon. made and entered en the ft th day f of November. IsSL I will seU at public I aale for each to the highest bidder, at I aot less than the minimum prices be- I tow tpceuita. any km tu eg toe fat- I wnil uca.nui.it peroeis ec real pre- I meketa. -Perry, to-wit: I AUiUT" 3 8 Acres la Section ff. Township S Sooth. Ranee 2 West. Vol. U. 2ae S3, Deed records $ 8088 Fraction west of Meredith's Addition. Salem. Oregon. VoL 313. page 639--Deed Re cords t 758.96 La 4. Block M, North Side -Addition to Silverton. Ore gon, R. of T. VoL 2. pax 501. tlMO.M V- Denver Young. Sheriff. Marion County. Oreeon. N. 9-16-23-39 NOTICE OT TTNAL ACCOUNT Oregon for the County of Marion. In I V. U. K. frf.l. T 1 sine. Deceased: No. 14.450. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the es tate of Lena Heistnc. deceased, has filed her final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mar ion County, and that Tuesday the 8th day of December. 1951. at the hour ef 30 A.M. of said day and the court room ef said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing; of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Hot. It, 1951. Date of lest publication Dec. ?. 193L - REIkA GOTTSCHALK, Administratrix Elmer M. Amundson. Attorney. N. 18. 23, 30. D. T, 300 Personal 312 Lost and Totxnd LOST: Si&mese cat. reward for re i covery. disappeared Monday night. Phone 2-094S. I LOST Waltham . wrist watch, ladies. Ilow sold, downtown Salem. Re- wara. cau sail I after asu pjn. 316 Personal FRED SAHIX Rt. L Aumsville buys large black Wamut trees. DR. STAPRAN. 479 N. Commercial. announces new cUnic hours: 1-8 P.M. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. 31$i N. I Commercial St. Phone 1-2108 Meet- I ings Sunday 3 pjn4 Tuesday 7 JO I Pn. : 1 AlXnnOUCS Anmvmoua Ph S-filB 1 po bx 721. IMCA. wed. and rn at I 8 .-00 pjn. . 400 Agricnltnre 402 Livastock WEANER PIGS. 3430 N. River Rd. CaU before noon. JERSEY COW just fresh. WlUiam Vogt on Maeleay Road near Rickey School. Rt. 8. Box 499. GEESE for sale for Thanksgiving. Rt. 4. ttox Bos, saiem. pnone S-024B. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer t C MfCanOHstl 1127 S Mth Pb 3-9147 BONDED iivestuck Ouret A t Sum him SI 30 Chemasrs Rd Ph 42617 uiCENSED and bonded livestock buyer. E. I Snethen. 1940 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-i345 Hun SERVICE reasonable Nelsons anvpiace anytime Phone 2949 BONDED Livestock buyer Claude Ed- wards. Rt 2. Box 899 E. Ph 4-1113 404 Poultry and Rabbits FOR SALE: Heavy geese. Phone 2-0268. DRESSED youne fat ducks, ph. 42489. FAT TURKEYS ready. 699 Kingwood or. pnone 3-721 z. FOR SALE: Turkeys dressed to order. Phone 2-4230. NEW HAMPSHIRE red fryers. Phone 2-som. FOR SALE: Corn fed turkeys, live or dressed. Phone 2-4263. - 17 NEW ZEALAND does. 10 nice bucks also hutches. Call 6 KM am. to 10 KM , p.m. between 89-E and Prlngle School. 1650 Boone Rd. Phone 4-2089. DRESSED bens. amount direct from farm. every Thursday. Phone 3-5616. DUCKS, geese, alive or dressed. Phone 4-3907 after 6 p.m. UAx OLD and surted cnicss E Cen ter Street Phone 22861 i Lee's Hat- ehery l. - HATCHES ot Golden Bruad and New Hampshire chicks every . Tuesday Wa specialize tn broiler chicks rors Hatchery. 3230 Stat St. phone 1-4968 4ETR5 TOR SALE: 1 puppies, S weeks old. Phone 4-2489. RAT TERRIER male. 11 rao. likes chil- dren. cheap to party in country. Phone 3-8754. PURE BREED black and white male Collie. 1 year old $50. with papers. write RT. 9. Jtiox usa. FOR SALE: English shepherd pups 82 each. John McAllister. Rt. 4. Box 868 Salem. ! miles Southwest of Pen Annex. 1 THOROUGHBRED cocker spaniel DUDDies 810 apiece. 3125 Knox Ave. COCKER PUPS for sale. Rt. 3. Box 907 A. South River Rd 1st house north of Roberts Store. SALE OR TRADE: AKC registered Chesapeake Bay retreiver, dark biown female. 2 years old. Rt. 4, Box 804. Phone 4-4532. 1 PART BOXER puppies: Pick yours out for Xmas now. 3040 Laraen Ave. Ph. U402. - TINY Mexican Chihuahua puppies for CANARIES: Choice of color, excellent Christmas .sift Call s-sces arter l p.m BRITTANY Spaniel pups, 3 months. Registered. AKC and FDSB. Proven show and field blood lines. Canadian Champion Dam. American Champion Sire fnone 2-TZB4. Village aquarium. Tropical csh and supplies. La bis a village, secona road in N. on 99E. fiOI.nriSH! Trooieal Fish. Salem Seed and Imnlement Co, rront ot siaTe. tfiOPICAL ITISH and supplies. C L. Mann Battleereek Rd Turner Ore MOORE'S Tropical bsh aquarium rial, tanks nlanta heaters at tber- mostata. Marvel pumps 3 mUeafrom S Lancaster on Maeleay Rd Phone 27321 : i UK GRAY KENNELS- 31083 " I J 1 py ,t ' I 410 StreXlS jma rlOBXR SHRUBBERY and ornamental trees. Piants ana xru ire. wrajutw of too quality at , less. Terms. Ph. 4-2879. kracE LAURELS $230 dor: rock tanhnat tl 00: crocus bulbS 3 dot $1.00. Knirht Pearcv Nursery.. 375 S. Ubexty. 42S Anctlon Sales , SCOTTY'S Auction House ! aaio rXNTER ST- SALEM On SaL. Nov. 17. 16 am. 8c t pa. One large homo of good furniture xo mt Auetian. with no reserve. M.' elec range, Bruno refrig. break, et. a sc. blonde dining rm. set. txl9 rug. 2 davenport At chair sets, twin beds, matts. A springs, dress , era. double beds, springs 4c znatu. wamut BJL set complete. 2 chests drawers, rockers, misc. dishes, pots e pass, garoea sooh. a so soon toois. new linens & etc. AT 2 PM. LIVESTOCK SeR. let us sell for you by bead ITSgainV turkeys. Come, spend the day. al ntg saje as aeonys. COL. sr ' acssai a. ah. sfw w m Auctioneer Ph.2-8274 412 Fruit Trc3 SPITZ APPLES. Joe Diedrich. Rt 2. Box 148. Salem. 1 mile Stralgnt west of Keizer school. 4U'Jrc3 CSd Fcra Produce rem SAUK: meld rat walnuts SOe Ib. filberts 15c lb. Gilbert meata 60c per lb. Highway 222 C miles &X. of Sa- lem.l Ft. 4. Boy . W. L-- Hnbbs. LIGHT walnut meats 00c lb. to S lb. lots. Ambers 70c 9 lb. Iota. IBM Cbe- for sale 25c per pound. Pwseotta Barber Shoo. 106 Oak. - CAULIFLOWEH for freezing 75c and1 si crate. Earl Wilson, bl . M 345-J. Ph. 2-0121 eves. CAULIFLOWER $1 per crate. PbCUpi Bros. Rt. C Box US. (4 ad. XV out state st i n e-aosi. 414 Farm Ecjulpmni ( - FOR SALE: Aids Chalmers machinery. new ana asea. f none sra. , 450 Merchandise i - Sl MrrrhPTW rmrl Tnola " "ln "r"1TI M ww DEALERS and repair station for Wood- doss cnau saws, btisksv canton at Wisconsin sasoline engines. Qowser tsro3. mo s. inn pn. 3-3M8. tutUliUAH mm ustrta. ana service i Hawser Bros Ph 3 SS4 1410 S 12th UUR time aoa ettort demands cood tools Rent or buy them at ttouser Bros 1410 8 12th 455 Household Goods foe Scda MAGIC CHEF gat range, almost new. very reasonable. 4670 Portland Kd. ' 6LDR TYPE Hotpolnt electric range. good condition S25. Phone 3-7639. NEARLY NEW washing machine, bar- eain. Phone 20520. SLIGHTLY used Kenmore oU heater. used Thor ironer, NW washing ma i chine, psed darenport. Ph. 3-4313. Used Furn Cheap TRADE TERMS Valley Furn. Co. 285 No. Coml 2-T472 UNFINISHED lurniture. matching units, modern design, compare wora manship and prices. Beavercraft Co. 775 N. Lancaster Dr. FOR SALE: Furniture and appliances of all kinds at attractive prices, nail Furniture Store. 1978 Fairgrounds Rd, .Phone 4-3481. HOUSEHOLD furniture and appliances. They can be seen 47 ti. sotn. rnone 3-3770. COLEMAN heater, like new. 125. Phone S-4427. Li NEARLY NEW 2Lenith deluxe electric range $1U 5 cu. ft. Leonard deluxe refrigerator $55. 1188 Do. Phono 4-1(113 MONTAG wood circulator, good con- 1 diUon 3278 Beacon St. or phone 3-3085. NEW Furniture at USED prices. Terms Sz trades. Trader Louie. 1870 Ave. NEW Duo-Therm oil heater. 5 room ' size $6935. Easy terms. GOOD HOUSKPlN O INC. 487 Court Phone 3-8611 456 Wanted. Household Goods' WANTED. Best prices paid tor used furniture, appliances and misc. Hau Furniture store, lvrs r air grounds ho. Phone 4-3481. COURTEOUS prompt appraisal in town or out on au furniture, appliances. miscellaneous. Ph. 2-0402 T-J rurni- ture Co. Highest Prices Vallev Farn. Co. 2-7472 OUR LOW OVERHEAD and rapid turn- over enables us to nay you more casn for vour furniture, appliances, mis cellaneous Glen Woodry. Phone 3.1110 today. 1605 North Summer. HIGHEST CASH. 1 piece or houseful. Call 3-3797 i I Hare Furniture. 255 N. High ! Premium Prices Paid for good used furniture and miscel laneous, it pays to aeai wim Trader Louie Ph. 38558 458 Buildinq Matarlais ! TT KHINGLES . SHAKES Best erade No l'a $10 Uo 2's 87. No S's ss .v ss Any amount oe live rea ls tn. No. l carton pacaea noewau shakes 81330 per sq. wttn unaer- course Common lumber all grades Oak and Pecan flooring Ted tluller oh Salem 2-1196 eveninrs OAK FLOORING, fine selection, i 8 lap siding 97S.S0. also V ' rustic. Knotty pine panel and shelving. Flooring low a $5450. Plywood, good assortment, any size. A" grade doors from S835. Wallboard 4x8 81.76. also sheetrock and rocklath. Lumber, all grades at attractive prices.; 36 months to pay If desired. North city limites on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 4-4433. Plywood ti In. standard sizes 9c 4 in. standard sizes iit, li-uc, mac, 20e. j Keith Brown Lumber Yard I FRONT & COURT STS. PH. 3-9111 Shiplap $25 and $33 at 2x4'a. $32.50 M. Reject sidewaU shakes $630 sq. Mahogany rront aoors, si. Cement ! Eppine Lumber Co. 2740 Silverton Rd. , Phone 2-2054 gQ Musictl HTT1THi YEAR OLD Baldwin Spinet piano. 8650. Call 2-0322 after 6. r Old Pianos Wanted Furniture Mart. 419 Ferry. Ph. 4-3772. 4S2 Sports Equipment SMALL wen built two-wheel trailer. $45. See Friday and Saturday s am. 12 n m at 1350 N. 15th. 12 GA. Over-Under. $65. Phone 2-3643. or 2-1573. ; : BOAT FOR SALE, call after 8 pjn. at 4046 Macleav Rd. 270 CALTBRE rifle, excellent condition, sell for $90 or traae tor gooa sei oz golf clubs and cash. pn. wa. , 4S4 Bicycles WORLD Heavy duty bicycle with knee action front wheel brakes, ana tnpie i need eears. Like new. 855. Call 26981. 1 1949 SCHWINN-WOKLD noys Dicycie in excellent condition. Reasonable. Also wood clarinet, recently recondi- tinnMl. Phone ' ' ! 1 4S3 For Bent Miscellaneous O DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kets furn. 197 s. Liberty, pn. t-wxz DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer elec portable sewing ma crane se per no. Free pickup and delivery, nuiger Sewing Machine Co. 138 N. ComX Ph. 3-3512. 450 MereliajidiM 474 MlsceTlfTneotts SNAG - 1 headauarters 1 mile NX. ot Roaring i aik- netar mmS aurance. Write XL S Bos 231. Scto. Oregon, or telephone 25FX Sdo foe bid forms. Lyle B. Seym our. resident forester. wIH conduct tours to snag rn leavtoa lie eduuarlars at JO at U-JO sun. oat Saturdays of Nov. Z3 Far EesL lcxEsasees ? I TOOLS At atdpeaent to make a joo nener. Kent or pay at ti Bros, 1411 8. Uth. Pdobs lStt. 470 Foe Sola. ESsceUcmaous M NKABLT KKW tank acwaoa ec attach ments, new price t7tJ5. Now $1J3. Yes $19.83 & worth double the mon ey. Glenn Woodrr's Bareains. 1605 N. Summer. Own ail dnv Fri. till 9 n.m. GOOD USED washerTfc. 1370 Hoyt. HOOVZa Vacuum and attachments. Latest modeL Make offer. S-5674. FOa SALE: 4 cord oak wood, cheapl Phone 4-1706. ' CB&OIDERED IUlian shawl. 9 ft. square, includina 24 Inch friac. Ph. S-S342. ' CARDS, wrappings, aprons, gifts. Mrs. Julius Pincus. 1700 N. 20th. Ph. 3-8342. GRAPHIC outfit 3'i x 4'i. Many extras. Sedswick 3-4759. IMPORTED eandlewlck Etch No.lT6 low sherberts. 8 tumbers. Wm. wle-i derkehns. Jefferson. 1 WONDERFUL selection of used elec- trie ranees. - re fri sera tors. washers. Extremely low. Bargain prices. Come and look around at the Glenn Woodry Furniture M-Kt., 1609 N. summer. Ooen Fri. Till 9 n.m. i T Cu. FT. Montgomery Ward refriger- ator. S7S. new Dicvcie oasKet. Phone 2-7850. SPECIALS I : Everything musical on SALE at the MUSIC CENTER, 475 FERRY SL Will be at Shopping Center Soon. t MONTH size wicker bassinett with hood. In excellent condition. $10. 3125 Knox Ave. Salem. 1 - SINGER buttonhole attachment. 973 Market. AP- CHRISTMAS CARDS. APRONS. RON SHOP 679 N. Hieh. BUTLTWELL Velour Davenport and chair, very usable, worth 890. Fri. only $45. at Glenn Woodry's Bargain Store, 1803 N. Summer. Open Fri. tul t s.m. ' , ; - ' BOYS leather boots and oxfords, also ram coat. Pnone 36882. ABC WASHER $15; 1 round oak chest range with coils, $10; 17 cu. ft. Fri- gidaire. sealed unit 875. They are : au in very good condition. Ph. 3-3481. John Mever. 2161 N. Front, i woo wheeiborrow ss. solid library -ar -m: . ' . desk $6. Large office desk $24. Wal nut arm swivel chair $10, 5 pc. Break fast set $15. Fine Console radio $25. Nice walnut bed 812. Every item above is a bargain. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1605 N. Summer. Open Fri. till 9 p.m. 1 Guaranteed Used treadle sewing machines from $17 SO to $35. Only $5 down. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Ph. 33139. CHAMPION Outboard motor, like new. Quick Meal oil burning ranee, white i enamel, medium size oil circulator. Phone 44285. 1 SURPLUS aircraft radio and misc. parts. Cheap. Phone 2-0586. GOOD Wheelbarrow. 85.00. Woodry. HOUSEHOLD furniture, small Jr. bike iand Kir is bicycle, skill saw. metal dou house and furniture, sewing machine & a 3 wheel trailer. 839. 34ia Ltvmg ston. Ph. 3-9037 before T p.m. DOUBLE iron bed and springs 820. Phone 43670. 1444 '4 Ferry. TARP 18x24. 16 oz.. used ; little. , price. Phone 4-3110. CHRISTMAS tree stumpage. Phone ! 2-5994 after 7 p. m. DEMING water pumps and tanks. FHA terms if desired. Max Vaughn. 443 ' N. 23rd. Phone 2-661L Temporary location. i WALNUT bed 8c vanity 82930. Both Pieces. Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW and Used Sewine Mamine Yeater A oolls nee Co 379 Chemek eta TERRIFIC BUYS right now I! on New and used mattresses. Be box springs. Woodry s Bargains. 1805 N. Summer. Open Fri. till 9 p.m. Sat, all day. BACK AND LININGS FOR Wooo circulators and cook stoves Vallev Turn.. 285 N Com'l. Ph. 2-7472. HOTPOINT ranee, apt. size, flat top 825. Ph. 3-5222. ! . Crushed Ouarry Rock Phone 4-3127 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. I f Crashed Rock For roads h drtveway Cement Ready- mix Concrete cardan Sana sun dozing -trainage and ditching 4 vd Wrecking Bldg. 582 Mill St Lot of 2x12 long length planks. 3-3292 evlnlngs. Fine Used j Spinet' Big Saving Several used uprights. Wiltsey Music House - - - 1 I860 State St. KLJCl'KlC Ranxes Mew and Used Yeater Appliance Co 17a uneme eta NEW Garage door hardware Tavart 49-er 1. Wt- 175. szijo. fnone zzsni. Linoleum $3.45 VALLEY FURN CO. 285 N COML 4 PC. WALNUT bed suite, modern. 37930. Woodry. 1605 N. summer. WASHING Machines. New ana Used Yeater ADOllanee CO w tnemen- STANLEY i tome products. Lee Mindt 335 s. istn. ! DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS Yeater Ap- oliance 375 Chemeketa ' 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs $435 Hare Fur- nrture Co 253 N. High. DANDY Washing Machine. $15. Glenn woodry's. 1605 N. summer. NEW location CHARIS Corsetier. Mary E. Bales, 1183 Center at snoppmg Center . 35918. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous USED wooden duck : decoys. Phone 3-4724. - TOP PRICES paid for old cars ana mn iron Call 2-OB95. WANTED late model house trailer, will trade seen c acre on umpqua River. Scottsburg. Oregon. Box 133, states- man. Premium Prices Paid For good used furniture and miscel laneous. It pays to deal with Trader Louie ! Ph. 38558 SAVE your newspapers and magazines for the Crtppiea uuiarena aouciy. Ph -e 22975. . HIGHEST PRICES paid tor old cars or metals of any kind, pnone nay or night 35652. ; 1 474 Miscellaneous I vanrsrrv srmrfC for mi Irk sale. Al- 1 ready nave unnsunas mercnanaise Jv in. First 8750 takes It. Act at once. Phont 4-1594 ' GOOD USED wood ranges. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 39183. v Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE O MOST CASES . Brtnf or Man Your Plates for aepmw DR. HARKT SeUMXat u' .. atfmh Wide tat Nm VMtl WAN1 ro Buy used cameras at leasee McEwan Photo Shoo : 245 N High 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous FALLING River Fish Hstchery and about 22 miles annlr an tools, transoertatiosu ana so- a, and arriying beck at baauarters 3. Nov. 10 and Nov. 17, 78 Fuel SEASONED md frowth fir slab oak 4-mi. S-M4S days and limbs. Phone evenimrs. WALNUT SfiXLLS makes good fuel. 85 ton. SO sacks to ton. Klorfein Packm. 4M N. rront. St GREEN IS in slab Mad X planer trimmings. Ph. S-7T21 or 3-6024 Capitol LnnAer & Fuel Co. Sawdust Clean, fresh cut screened. Prompt de livery Tube service or tnish off. Dry or green 18 tn. wood. - ! Oregon Fuel Co. 3087 Broadway Ph. 8-8533 ANDERSON'S hand picked choice slab. 2 cord load $11. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-4253. I Highway Fuel Co. 3eea sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel ells Ask far Penny Saver Stamps Ph S8444 West Salem Fuel Co. te-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OU frowth block wood 16 la dean no bark - SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4011 Ilea ntek up wood at 1525 Cdrewatw St W Salem LANER TRIMMINGS for cook stove and heater very nice for kindling. $f per cord. Phone 3-7721, or 3-6024. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. 500 Business & Finance 110 Monay to Loan AUTO LOANS I I WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 122 S Church St Ph t-249 Parking Aplenty ; Me M1SB-S1S4 FARat tQ t.ri LOANS and 8 four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortsaeea. CAPITOI SfTnTRTTTRS CO WCwrt St Ph a.T2fn I Private Money i On Cars rrueka & Trailer Homes Long or Short renrts Paymenta ' Roy H. Simmons rwBwofrtui St phww " SIRl mvpcw a m. -t r 1LJ IU f UUl OX O at PERSONAL Employed men and women- Loans for any good purpose. Phone first for 1 trip loan. Between payday loans. Come in or phone today. LOANS 825 to 8500 on auto, up to 8300 on furniture and signature. Personal Finance Co. 105 S. High St State license: Phone: 2-2484 S-122. M-165 Consolidate All Bills Salem's largest and oldest home owned loan company offers money when you need lt You can pay any tune to reduce net COST! No endorsers or-help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 850030. On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary, or other personal property to $300.00 total 8800.001 Phone or visit our office today) Hear "Top Trades" 12 A3 dairy - 7:45 . ajn. sat. uw utrsii 136 S. Commercial St. ! ! Lie. No. S138 and M 338 - We'd Like to Loan You f $100 : If you'd like to borrow $108 ' (or any amount up to 81500T ' Phone or call on us immediately Typical Repayment Plans II Mo. : Amount Paymenta 811S.08 250.92 531.38 870.84 1239.84 $ 8.0O 1730 36.00 59.00 84.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Phono 4-2202 MONEY TO LOAN on 1st mortgages. city property. Phone 2-2147. n CASH 1 BOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. -I 1980 Fairgrounds' Road (next door to bankl Free Parkins lot 291 will Csll 2-7032 fHJVATJk money to loan. Phone 2-0794 512 Loans Wanted SECOND MORTGAGE $1298. Will take $1000. Phone 4-2938. : 600 Employment S02 Help Wanted WANTED: Caretaker for Izaak Walton Building. Apt. furnished. See Lloyd Reinholdt. Phone 33639. j Jobs! Jobs! ! HERE'S YOUR NEW JOB! F-Bkkpr. full chg. 5 days . $250 F-Payrou ciers, exp. $170 F-Reg. nurse Dr's. office .8260 M-oen. otL. puo. ret. .$200 M-Young man, law training Open COMMERCIAL AUtWtl 494 SUte 4-3331 604 Help Wanted. Male WANTED: Journeyman, Herrai -Owens Co. body 606 Help Wanted. Female BABY-SITTER to live In for our daughter who is not quite old enough to star alone evenings. We would like older hi-echool or Willamette Uni versity girl for evening dishes (elec trie dishwasher) and Saturday bouse work. We offer board, your own room and bath plus $25 per month. Box 138, co Statesman. RELIABLE party to care for small baby, my home, a to 3. Phone 29905. HO-TSEKEEPER widow 35 to 45 who needs home more than wages. 1 child welcome. Out of town location. Write Box 134. co Statesman. WALNUT SHELLERS. Whole winter's work. Apply 460 N. Front. Korfein Packing Co. BUSINESS WOMEN with telephone sales experience, who type rapidly, to travel nearby area, can be home week ends. Good pay ana expenses to right person, car not necessary. Write P. O. Box 307. Salem, giving ffFUBlinfttrlfll. WANTED; Neat efficient stenographer. shorthand and credit experience oen nately required. Permanent position. .Apply Mogg Bros- zoo state at. 3 Young Ladies Aires 1$ to 23. single, free to travel r'.HforaLs-Teysa and return. Assist ing manager to advertising work with, well known organization. Mo experi ence necessary. Traveling expenses paid. $58 weekly to start, chance for aavanccrecnt. jtppiy au. vrnm . Room 301. Mario- Hotel. 18 sun. to 600 Employment 110 Sola P v7antad SALESMAN tractor and tana equip ment, gooa local nouse, national one, must be experienced. Box US, co aai 612 Work Wazxtd. Mai YOUNG MAN wants fun Ume Job tn local service station, ra. e-zros. AWuiiMi n suta tessxoabte Phone 4-2054 4240 Maeleay Rd 615 situations YYantsd YOUNG business woman desires baby sitting evenings. Reliable and reas onable. Phone I-S7S3 EXPERIENCED ' Baby Sitter. Phone 3-8119. - IRONING in my home. 745 S. 22nd. PAINTING. papering, free estimates. Don Lurera Phone PP CHILDREN and Infants un to 6' vears carreu ror m my nome. pnone 3-6628. POSITION WANTED: Young experi enced wool presser needs work. Or vill Tucker. Silverton, Oregon. Phone 4715. call evenines. RELIABLE painters and paperhangers. expert woikmanahip guaranteed at reduced faU rates. Phone 2-1925. T. Hudson. H Deelow. . YOUNG apprentice barber, graduate modern Barber College. Phone Sil- verton 4713 evenings MAN AND WIFE will work or manage motel, experienced. Call 4-3383, Sa- 'lem. LAWN MOWERS, and saw sharpening. 591 Perth. Phone 3-1656. HOUSEWORK, thorough cleaning by mature woman.. Live - out. Phone 2-5205. ROOFING 'and repairing of all kinds. large or small. T years experience. Eave troughs cleaned. Phone 3-5954. MAN with large family wishes work. snyklnd. Phone 3-8564. Mickenham's Day Nursery r Stat Licensed and Inspected. Phone 3-TS9S. ; - CHTIJI . care. 1080 Sh'ppingT Phooe 3-9934. 620 Day and Contract AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by RAT ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. Septic Tank Cleaning Drain fields Installed and repaired. Todd's Septic Tank . Service Phone 2-0734. - . Salem Sand & Gravel Co. ' . Contract Work ; Roads - Clearing Ditching . Sewer & Basement - Equipment Rental -Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-9408 Cvenlngs 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem.- Ore on CEMENT WORK, all kinoa John Feld- sOi.ii Phone 38-F-3 evenings. i GOOD tub ot ia wo mowet anarpen- tng - Howser Bros. 1410 3 izth 700 Rentals 702 Soaping Roornm. Board SLEEPING rooms, some with cooking privileges, aoa w. cottage. NICE furnished rooms, kitchen privl- leges at F rede rick jon Hall, phone 3-631T. - j . . 1 SINGLE. 1 double, heated, hot and coi3 water. 653 N. High. HOUSEKEEPING .room, private en trance and semi-private bath. Lady preferred, szo a month. Ph. z-iw, WARM basement room, near Willam ette University and Capitol. No smok lng or drinking. Phone 1-3175. ROOM with onvate half bath, garage available, .lady preferred. 1787 State St. Phone 35244. 705 Apartrnamts tog itant TWO also 3 room furnished apts. 888 N. Summer. 3 ROOM furnished ' apt. Winter rates. west saiem. p none 3-SJ4T. 3 ROOM furnished upstairs apt. with batii. private entrance.- garage, ssi N. Winter. Phone 34269 after S p.m 2 ROOMS auiUble for light housekeep ing or sleeping. Phone 3-4918 - after CLEAN, furnished room and kitchen- ette. $30 Including utilities, sawdust heat 340 E. Washington, '.i block X. of 1700 S. Commercial. ROOMS furnished and redecorated. 83730 Includes utilities. Sawdust heat. 3W E. Washmgton. AND I room housekeeping apart- ment, 103 Marion. NEW. modern deluxe apt. Elec range. refrigerator, rolls way Pea. mower, 12x24 garage. For couple or 3 work ing fir's. JOO ft, to bus stop St Groc ery. IS minutes North of Salem on Highway 99E at Brooks. North of Hdw. Store. 345 roontn.- A. Maruey. ROOM. 1st floor, well furnished apt. 472 N. Liberty. 1 CLEAN Had spacious, furnished 1 rooms with private bath. $35. pn. 3-5016. - 1 OR 2 room furnished apt. Utility in- cluded. Phone 37310. FURNISHED apartments. 2455 SUte. 3:30 p.m. " NEWLY furnished 1 bedroom court apt. Also unfurnished 1 bedroom apt. with stove and refrigerator. 823 S. 13th or ph. 2-7079. 3 ROOM upstairs apt. furnished, show er, outside entrance.- no cnuaren or drinking 455 s. ism ROOM oartment with bath. Holly wood district. Off street parking $55. Phone 3-9359. . .- 1ST FLOOR, lovely apartment, new range and refrigerator. 6 snort diocks to Livesley Building. Adults. See at 336 Oak St. ROOM furnished anartmenL ht. heat, water, tlose-ln. $28. 340 Pn FURNISHED 3 room and bath, private entrance, walking distance, aauits. S.T7SA. Phone 3-5860. ROOMY 6 room aoartment. 3 bedrooms. unf nlshed. 665 N. uoerty nt. FURN. cotUge $33. 1 rm. $22. Inq. apL No. 4. 827 N. Liberty, -- Lee Apts. : Union at Winter . ' have s' N Reduced Rental Schedule n unfurnished bachelor and 1 bed room apartments. A caU or your in gpectlon is invited today. Telephone 4-1641 Mr. Hammer Res. Mgr. CAPITAL PLAZA Rents Reduced Now being ottered ULTRAMODERN Cmir . Anartmenls. 1 -bedroom apartments. Just reduced to . $73.50 and 830. spacious rooms, miu Will furnish apartments for nominal additional cost to responsible parties. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Mrs. Edith Benn. Manager 1165 Chemeketa St. : Telenhane 3-8630 NICELY FURNISHED apts. Ambassa dor Apts. 550 N. summer. I4EWLY decorated, ground fioor. 2- room apartment, close m. iaay. esa Ferry. ' ' 1THNISHEQ anartments. 323 and 836 Ground floor, private entrance. 1968 N. Commercial. FURNISHED 2-room apartments, priv te baths and entrances. 725 S. 13th. ATTRACTIVE, furnished apartment. Ci rate bath, entrance, and new undry privileges, close In. Phone 3-3202. fURNISKZO 3 room sit ground floor. children. ne pets. 3310 N. 4th. COMFORTABLE, dean. 2 room apart ment, reasonable. 878 la rear of 874 i ROOM furnished a partmant. up ataira. 832J0. Baby- welcome. 948 S. iTll STAtt ST. 3 rooms furnished heat, water, lignuu- ravaw pavo. S'ROOU furnished apartmonta. Weal 700 Rentals 70S Apartmanta for Hact REAL NICK AFjT. AvtCibta Nov. 15th, Aunw new, cnoice iocauon. cue. range and refrigerator. Parking are for car 8 per mo. Call Al Uaak and Co. Realtor, 43311. 3055 Portland P.i. &OOM furnished apartment, prirsta bath, nesr Capital bulldtngt. $4 MJIL LARGE rooms, furnished, private ??i?'i?ft2it! rM' $60 841 M. ""ctt nimn a-a4. KlC 3 room furnished apartment fog two, $50. 918 Norwsy. UKMiHSD 3 rooms, bath. UUiitiei., Walking distance. 450 S. .Capitol. ROOM unfurnished, main floor. Lite trie stove and automatic beat furn tshed $32.50. 14S7 N th URN 2 no. aDt. $3V"l rml UL laZ, aot. No. 4. 827 N. . Liberty. - URN. APT. dose in, prlv. baUu13L 231 N. Hlvh ROOM furnished apt. private en trance. bath, refrurerator. 670 Uninn. DUPLEX, furnished. 2 rooms. Holly. wood District. Basement, washer. Ph. NEWLY decorated 3 roomi I'anS ba ui. ' a ciecvic court apartment, unrurn- : ished except stove and refiigeiatur. 1348 S. 12th. . " t -: ROOM furnished apartment.! 340. Phone 3-3530 or 128? N rommmul SEVERAL Apts. good location, inquira ' n. i. sun, a-siw. ROOM furnished apartment ' near state hcuse. Inquire 354 N; Winter. BEDROOM apartment en 80-E south. Second house S. from Fsbrv Rd. 4 ROOMS, private bathi bus at door; refrigerator. I child. 797 S. 25th. 3 ROOM and 3 room, clean furnished m Ti"lamJa' iSngeratore. phono 3-6768. v FURNISHED, lage warm comiortablo aparuneni vna encioaed sleeoms Porch. k block to Shopping Center. 2 blocks State Buildings. $60. 348 N. lin. npi. j. tURNISHED 2 L bedroom apartmenL private bath, hot water. 1585 S. Com mercial. BASEMENT bachelor furnished apart! meni. a rooms. eMctm range, auto ma tic heat. aath. narkine anaoiti alt - utilities furnished. $28. 1064 Oak St. i t ROOM Pullman apartment. elecU-isi 'tove and refrleerator fumlriiMl FURNISHED apt Close in, : 1075 " 707 Hoosm For Earn t PARTLY furnished duplex. 3 bedroom. yard for children, all private. 3-50B5. NEW ultra modern unfurn. 2 B R. sub. Uc"'r . . -luc" .enyon Realtors. Ph. 2-3551. s ; . NEW 3 BJl. nse West Salem. Nice 1 cation, adults. 870. Ph. 1.2147 FURNISHED HOUSE, $40 month. Phono -n aner e p.m. SMALL HOUSE., completely furnishedT xw trjupie or one, S39 a month. Phone ?4-2757. FOR RENT ' - . ' We win rent this new 3 br house fat East Engiewood to responsible party on a 6 month lease. This is very nice. U55 Evergreen Ave. $90 per month. ABRAMS. BOURLAND c SKINNER " 411 Miinnlr Rlrtv . Real Estate, Insurance, Mortgage Loans urnce s-sziT - Eves. 3-4709 LARGE HOUSE. 1032 Oak. Call 4-3261. 870 a month, j - : - FURNISHED motel cottace. utilities paid. $1030 week. 3590 S. Commercial. Phone 3-9329. ; , MODERN 3 room, electric heat, range. J3. ; rt. zmn. rrione 3.705. AVAILABLE Thursday or Saturday. 4 mora mine, newiy oecoratea. feneea n back yard. No objection to chil dren. Phone 4-3551. Mabel Need ham Real Estate. 341 State St. Room 7. DEC 1ST. 3 bedroom, iireplace. furn- aee. full basement. $60. No peta. 671 r. uioerty 5 ROOM. 2 bedroom house 3545 Fair- inaven Ave. Ph. 2-3250. TWO-ONE bedroom houses, fully mod- ern. unt newiy lumisneo, aouits only. One unfurnished. May be seen in rear of 2175 Maple Ave. from 8 to 8 pa. During day. : call Dallas 2965 for appointment. ' I BEDROOM on Capitol St. Fireplace hardwood floor, furnace. Inquire 12M Fir. - ; 1 i , . 3 ROOM house. 2587 Park Lane. Phono 2-7 6. - . ' ' : i BEDROOM homo. Box 876E. Sduth River Road about mue. BEDROOM furnished house. muW south S3S. For .urther Information caU 44200. BY MONTH modern 4 bedroom farm house. Rt. 14 Box 82, Brooksi Pit. 2-4393. 2 BEDROOM house. Chris 45 Farm. S miles m. on Portland Highwayt Ph. 44076 evenings. ONE BEDROOM bouse, modern, lec trie hot water heater, shower, water and electric 'power furnished. $33. Rt. 2. Box 107C. Phone 2-7188. ROOM modern furnished rotts . Ph. 2-6100. t BEDROOM cottage with garage, eJee trie stove, refrigerator. Bendix wash er. 630 Catterlin Ave. Phone 22707. NICE ONsTBEDROOM house. aU mod-' era. Good neighborhood adults only. $50 per month. 3 miles east of 4 ' corners on Maeieay Rd. Will Larsen, Rt Box 484. MODERN 1-bedroom duplex bouse, no pets. $42.50. Phone 3-6226 or 2-4781. NEW 2 bedroom home completely fur n ished, adults- only. 893 a raontn. (Jan see at 710 Evans Ave, Reiser. PhonO 2-3124. f: - ' '- ; A NEW 4 room bouse, unfurnished with garage. 1415 N. 18th. BR. PARTLY furn. homes $55. 231 N. High. 710 Wanted To Rent. Houses WE NEED rentals. Can Joe L Bouroo Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph s-szis. 714 Busineas Rentals 24x36 SHOP oristorage space for rent. South on 99-E. Northwest Heavy rm4nm.nt f.ll veninrs 2-2151. GOOD LOCATION for tuneup shop o " garage, adjoin service sxanon. irons 50914. -s . i . ciUaiMEhji Room. H L. Suit 800 Hral Estate "Bill!' Bliven ; . 25 Years on High St. COMFORT AT LOW COST Older type 4 bedroom home in nne condition, basement. lunuce, rw pUce. garage. 4805 S. 12th. Will take trailer house or small down pyt. Only $8000. : . INCOME PROPERTY 3-2 room apts. furn, . income tils monthly, very valuable 62x190 ft. lot with alley, across from cannery- ocs N. Front. $10,000. : LIBERTY DISTRICT Owner's 3 bedroom home Ac 2 rentala at $45 ea. on 128x380 ft. shady tot. rear cannery. Room for more bldgs. 812500. - --?! s , .. DONALD ST, Remodeled 2 bedroom home on 50x12 ft. lot. garage. $4950. Name your terms. . - . - 2 ACRES v - i S rooms, aot modern, good weu, iom Middle Grove Drive, good , berry land. $2600. Good terms. ; i TRADE ,-3- ' - - - - Good paying f fountain tc lunch bs HoUywood district, offered at sacri fice price of 84000 cash or will take -Salem property. j i Wml Bliven: Co. steattnea 841 N. High J Pn.3-7 Eves. Bartlet 2-8603. Homes 2-4773, Stevenson 2-8068 EOi Business Oppoctonias ALL MATERIALS for email snanufao turing business. Exclusive rights to patent Included. $300. Good part time business. Phone 2-1778 after 1039 SJfu -, SAtJ OR t.F-S.C. nraeery and meai 'market eqaipment. Phone 3-0546. fOR &ALB ORLEASE: Buil-Un KtoS) : suitable for Machmo Shop or Tire recapping-Hand throe bulk tanks and 3 Bum pa tn prosperous community. Box 422. Sothcrlin. Oregon. . . .tTrrrrnTC-downtowa location. Cost Inventory only. Phono Wood burn Bine 16 or Main fry. SLAViii STATION for lease. Fhoai ; 2-8528 after 8 pj V tan. 0 WALNUTS FLU SALE a pa 5 " Pnone