The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1951, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hiss Doubrava
Hubbard Miss Magdalene Dou
brava, daughter of John P. Dou
brava of 'Hubbard, and , Glen
Kreiger of JldlinnvC, son of
Alhort fTrdfer of Lab Beach.
CaiiL, were united in marriage at
nuptial mass Saturday morning,
November 10, la the St Agnes
Catholic church. Hubbard, The
double ring ceremony was per
formed by the Her. V. I llofjen
bier. Mrs. George Crimps was or
ganist. Mrs. Wencel Doubrava
The bride, given in marriage by
father, wore a traditional
white satin gown and her, veil of
illusion was held in place with a
hart shaned crown of lace edged
in orange blossoms. She carried
a cascade bouquet of white chrys-
anthemums wiia an orcnio. ;
iTiss llarv Potwora of Wood-
burn was maid of honor and wore
a light moss green gown, match
fog mitts and heart shaped crown
trimmed with 10y-of-the-vally.
fihe carried a nosegay of white
; chrysanthemums. Bridesmaids
were Mrs. Vera Coleman and Miss
Jean Boldade, both of Woodburn,
wearing American beauty rose
gowns with matching mitts and
i crowns and carrying white nose-
Louis Doubrava, brother of the
bride, was best man, Ushers were
Joseph Stupf el and Eugene
Schmidt, both of McMinnvUla.
Susan Jo Doubrava, niece- of the
bride, was flower girL
The reception followed in the
Hubbard Firemen's haU. The
bride's cake was served by Mrs.
Albert Pirkl, sister of the bride,
and Mrs. Anton Pirkl, also a sister,
noured. Assisting were Mrs. John
, Doubrava, Mrs. George unmps,
Misses Arlene Jordan and Mary
Bronec, Mrs. C L. Welch, Mrs.
Clarence Friend, Miss Lillian
Bronec Mrs. Wencel Doubrava
and Mrs. G. H. Kauffman of Port'
land. . r !
For traveling the bride wore
gray suit with black and green ac
cessories. They win be at home
in McMinnvffle. j
. 7 . i - i :
Committee Slakes Plans
Salem Memorial hospital auxil-
iary membership committee: met
Tuesday morning at the home of
- Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr, cnarrmau,
to outline plana for the member-
i chip drive, which will be launched
in January. Co-chairman of the
drive is Mrs. Stephen H. Sherman
L and others on the committee are
i Mrs. Charles Heltxel and Mrs. C.
Ronald Hudkins. The regular
n ! i fc i 4 i
Monday at the YWCA and reports
' . were given on the successful rum
saage aale hela this fall.
i Rotanas Plan Events
' Rotana rlub members were
tertained Monday sdght at the
heme of Mrs. Chester Pickins with
Mrs. Merrill Barber and Mrs. WiK
mer. Walls assisting. George Bir
rell was the guest speaker i and
told of the atomic defense ipro
gram. The group made, plana for
Tummage sale on December ? and
the annual Christmas dinner for
Du smlwr 10. Teatative plans were
outlined for the Christmas welfare
work ef the dub.
Frmltiaad Mrs. Beward
Vomer of Salem wee .hasten lor
- shower in honor sC tea.
Sheraberger of Stayton en Wed
' sMsday at the home of Mrs.; J. J.
.fascnberger. Attending: were Me
dames Arthur Sandner and Harry
Davis of Stayton, Eabert Koenig,
lrvin Shatts. Svin Sfaatts. Miss
Opal Shatts pf Woodburn, Ken-
ateth Jensen, George Williams, Su
1 eaa Shamberger, John G. Shem-
serger, E. C Cooler, K. M. Robi
een, E. Gates, . McClellath Clay
ton Mumby and Mary Shember
ger, mi oi aeiem. i
Mothers' Ckb
Organic at
Sliav Sclicol
News service
SHAW Mrs. Irvin Bartels was
elected president when women oi
the. Shaw , public school district
Damage Suit
Asks 014,062
Suit for $14JK23 damages for
injuries allegedly- sustained in an
auto collision last January 18 at
Silverton was filed Tuesday in
Marion county circuit court by
Lynn I Carlyle against Alous
Moen, ' owner, and James Moen,
driver, of the other ear involved.
Carlyle alleged he sustained
Balanced Diet
Said Help to
Avoid Gmcer
i couaTza on ruaLoucn
HUBBABD Charles Courier.
on of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cour
ier, is home on a 7-day furlough.
Oregon. VedaeedLry. Kerr. IL ISS1T
He is stationed in Arizona with the I Rhode Island entered the unioo,
army. . . '. . - ' " 'in 1TS3. Y -
diet has something to do with
cancer is now an established fact. I
Dr. Howard H. Hillemann, assist-1
ITccdlccraf t
i f i ! -
It is so much eisier to whip
through j the mornings chores if
the beds .slide easily over the floor.
One of , today's favorite beds, the
headboard bed, may be hard to
move because it sits on the floor
on six legs attached to the box
spring. But it needn't be. You can
buy a frame for it to make it
moveable, a i frame that adds not
an Inch: to the bed's length or
night. i. I shoulders resulting , in permanent
Mrs. Georae Walsh was named! partial disablement. He asked for
I vice-president, and Mrs. Floyd 1 $10,000 general damages and
Lacey. secretary-treasurer. Mrs. S4.062.80 sDecial damaees. includ-
George -Walsh, school clerk, pre-ling medical care, loss of, income
sioea. .j I end damage to automobile.
im uctoDer scnooi carnival i Th ,.-a . v: l
w uw w ouj an I and Hteh streets.
wuuu ucvvic Drojecwr ur un
school. Means of financing the
balance were discussed. It was al-l
so voted to purchase an electric
cotxee urn.
Future Motherr club meeting
will be held at Shaw school on the I
second Tuesday of each month at
8 p.m. Kine women attended the
first meeting.'
Shaw grade school has an
rolllment of 32 this year. Mrs.
Lillian Hoyt is principal and tea
cher of the four upper grades. I
Mrs. Margarett McCali is teacher
of the first lour grades.
width. This frame can be attached Silverton 7alrln Hilla 1
to any headboard and it makes the "VCTO r gUQO illllS ,
headboard moveable as well as the Granse Installation Set
imHuit anil nv4n Tf 1nt Mia 1 B
headboard legs slightly above the
floor. The weight of the bed is
evenly distributed and the frame
legs on casters fit underneath
where they cant be bumped into.
You cant change one headboard for
another with ease yourself, and it
is even possible to convert a twin
bed to a double bed, or a double
bed to a twin bed and use the
same frame because the frame is
adjustable to any bed size, from
single tb double. And if a bed with
boxsprings isn't a headboard bed,
but youfwish it were, the old rails
can be traded for the new frame
so it can become one.
i (Copyright by Joha T. DO Co.)
On Etiquette
- J By taberta Lea
i Q. What rule should be followed
in the setting of a- dinner table?
A. The one unbreakable rule is
that everything on the table must
be geometrically spaced the cen
terpiece in the actual center, the
"placs" jat equal distances, and all
utensils balanced, Beyond this
rule, you may set your table as
you wish, j
i Q. How does one word a note of
regret in reply to av formal, en
graved wedding invitation?
! A. In; the third person, the same
as the invitation has beW worded.
"Mr. end Mrs. John J. Smith re
gret, etc" J
Q. If one is walkiaaT with a
friend who steps to speak with en
other friendy what should one do?
A. -walk on slowry. end do not
stand by awkwardly and wait for
i introduction. If your friend
labes to make an mtreductUsfi.
he an bring his friend to yeu.
1 i
organized a Mother's dub Friday I vere bruises of the head, neck and ant professor of zoology at Ore
gon State college, said today.
A balanced diet will tend to
reduce the chances of developing
cancer and to prolong life if can-
is evident. Dr. Hillman con
cluded from his ' just-completed
research project on hamsters.
During this two-year study, he
injected ISO hamsters (a . guinea
pig-like animal) in three . diet
groups with one hundred , gram of
benzyoryrene, cancer - inducing
tobacco tar derivative.
Hamsters on a deficient diet
fed enriched white bread and
carrots: whole diet hamsters ate
greens and whole grains; and sup
plemental-diet animals munched
greens, whole 'grains, vitamins.
minerals and some proteins.!
More than 50 per cent of all
animals. Dr. Hillmann found, de
veloped, cancerous growths ' after I
en average of 132 days following
injections, -end died on the aver-1
age within 30 days after the ap
pearance of the tumor.
Only 37 per cent of the animals
on . the supplemental or vitamin-1
boosted diet developed cancers as
against 58 per cent of the hamsters
on the deficient and whole: diets,
he recorded.
All experimental animals , were I
placed on a supplemental diet im-1
mediately after a tumor appeared.
but all eventually died. Average I
span alter cancer appeared was
do days for the supplemental-diet I
group: 27 days, whole diet hams
ters: and 33 days, deficient-diet
animals. Supplemental-diet hams-1
ten had a life-span average of 48
per cent over both the whole and
deficient diet groups.
Most ' cancerous growths, like
rhabdomyosarcoma, were found to
be highly .malignant. They 1 grew
rapidly to large sice and - fre
quently outweighed en animal by
as much as 25 per cent.
In the past Tears. Dr. Hillemann
has guided mere than 10 graduate
students in as many research pro
jects concerning' the hamster's I
growth. As widely-known em-
bryologist, he has written numer-
ous articles for leading scientific
News gertlca
Silverton The ' Silverton
Grange will meet Friday night,
November 16. instead of on its
regular date, the fourth Friday
night of the month. The meeting
was set forward because of the
Thanksgiving holiday.
This will be installation of offi
cers and the Waldo Hills Grange
will install jointly with the local
The Silverton Grange Home
Economics dub will meet Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Marie Hope and Officers will be
installed at this meeting also.
New Dates listed for
IN. Marion High Events
N"ws Sttf let
HUBBARD The Firemen's au
xiliary met Monday night. The date
of the football banquet for the
North Marion union high school
teems, sponsored by firemen, has
been changed and Is now tentative
i 1
U Lfi Lr U
V Buy any pair of xhcos in our storo at rcQuIar j
( O. P. Si prico of 12.95 or moro end got la tur- ik
( Icov cbsolutolxf ttm! I i h )
SIM) l.r hSs. UdALlblMIlK.G.
( Buy any pair of shoos in our storo at regular!
O.P.Sjpricoof 8.95 to 12.95 and got a chick-
( cn absolutely froo. I l i H )
Let passers-by enjoy your handi
work. These easy to make trans-
eso pm. at me acnooi. r f glass windows. A child could make T; VTTtT ZCZ Z
The Junior class- play "Aaron I them too!
Slick from Funken Crick," a ru-J Use transparent and heavy pa
rs! three-act comedy, will be re-1 per for window designs. Pattern
presented at g P-m. Wednesday. S33 has transfer. 2 motifs 8kxll.
November 21, to the tiuooara grade i - .
school gym. The date has been e I t,T Mtt to liS
up irom novemoer n Dscause OT I rfwiHrmft nc pa Bosoms, on-
the district football play-off.
sa. m. Print piabur raxTKBM
BROOKS The fourth-eTade
room at Brooks crade school won
a prize for having the most par
ents present et the recent P-TA
meeting here.
HCHBU, jrur
van zoita.
itr eant te
MIDDLE GROVEThe fourth-1
and-fifth grade room at Middle
Grove school has elected the
following officers: Chairman. Bill
ie Joe Slimak; . vice-chairman,
Harry Sckarf; secretary. Donna
Roberts. Wallace Turner is the
class instructor.' -
attarss . tar mur
ikW'troaa taw auy Ulustratsd
A Ftm Fattom fa prlntoS ss
LONDON. Nov. llHUPHe Bri
tish review ef the worldrs armed
forces said Tuesday Russia is be
lieved to have 380 submarines m
service and et toast 1X0 mere un
der constructioe. i ,
It's our 5th birthday you 'got tho present. No fjimmicks or
tricks attached. Top quality birds guaranteed--this is a bon-
aUL VfiaiON To -Mr. end Mia.
Bebert Hastie, Woodhum, a datch
tar, at Silverton hospital. No
her a. ;
HUBBARD Mr. and Mrs. Rob-1
ert Braadt lare parents of 4
bora November et Salem
taL 1 j
eceeeeeeee eeeeeel
t . I ........
tvery persoo with funds
to invest should give coosid
; eracioa to the advantages
I offered by owning a First
1 National! Investment Man-
24 ScLrlo!
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Sa convenient!. Choice of 24
schedules daily. Relax as you
as as you ecrve . . . by Grey-houndl
Te. Dally Oee-Way
Sebedmlas Fare
fsrttcmd 24J$10
rncjene 11 IJSQ
Cm nil Pons 1Q.
Fles Federal Tax
Trh tt LESS . .
Xemad Trip Tickets
J. L. Wells,
Agent s
4Si N. Cbardi
agement account. ;
The services of our invest'
ment soanagement specialists
offer a safeguard against mis
takes whijii are made because
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Supervision of your account
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You are invited to make
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InvesemesW Management at
your caOTenience with an
omcer of! our Trust Depart
be arranged through any
First National banking office.
- e
sassMBMSaemAaMaa m a
Snlpiifrftr h a
salem cnAr:cH
' ' 1 1 II ! It i! i
- -ike Mmm)M MaiL:f
WM Mwony
show Hi stuff when fhe lejbt
that comfortina reservoir ef
power fori safe posting on fbe open
reed. No doubt about it, you're the boss whs
you anve Mercery, ror here s e perrarmer
are cut
ie size by eight cyleidsFS
V-type S power. Traffic
tenses eerevel before Is swe-footed fait,
tyweys aaease iWgJtways aw fo sywehronifed
the bounce ens! ounce. UKfe' wonder mot
Mercury is sash a fe-erewi
you fust cssVt beet Its casnbetotion ef
nee, value, and pare-wiming.
round for road test end
w---- ww-o-.,.-.. wesM
. IM
DKJToft a Mercur for proof of vgfue
wse priceT Mercwy's
pries too yew conecuiiy under
stand a big donor's worth
for every doMer Investsd.
WH vewkeep stey lowT
You save ssoney year efler
Mercury s feaiees
kmmpi repair Mits at
e rock-boftoai low. . j
Is It fenei for long Bfet
It is Indeedl 92 of oil
MarcMTys buOf for use in this.
uwnwy ere stfli oil fae rood,'
according to latest annual
. officio! raettlroHoa flour as.
WQ tree-bi vomo stay
high? Mercwys feasp IMr
volwi wsed car aarkr . re
parts cwirtonrty preve M.
1 I WIS yeo bo eure of i
1 peiaHne seBeogeTMorcury
ho provoef its more-milss-par.
eoflae by winning offideBy
ad aconomy tests.
- euleeT Mercury owners sey
YESI So wig yow wfcea yew
at the story froat year
Mercury aeeler. See hM i
Par "Hi Sri af yor
llf r Marcwry offers a
tript dtoie in jtWpma"
oM tramainfoiw. Mre
0-Mali Drha, asw
ttmpiti smooth', Mora
fficMnt awtoialk Iran.
tsiMisn-or thrifty Tawdt
O-MaiKc Ovefariva ars
pHual at axtra cast.
Thar s; aisa tiiumt-
Oas 1 S kwJWtef
420 M. Ceirsnsrdsl Street, Ssltn
7 : .' F.-" I - '''1'