The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1951, Page 5, Image 5

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    " !
- - : v
CLonnxa disappears i
Theft' of .clothing from a car '
which had skidded into a ditch
between Sublimity and SUverton
Sunday was reported to the Mar
ion county sheriffs office by Jack
Donald Rosholt of Gates. He said
he. left the scene for a half hour
to summon a tow car. Stolen were
suitcase, coat, sport shirt, blue
slacks, sweater, ' electric razor;
, toilet kit, overcoat, three shirts
and five ties. v ' v
Spencer Corsetiere, Armena Felt
ol Spencer Support Shop in Port
land will be at the Senator Hotel
Friday, Nov. 16th. -
; Two factory-trained shaver ex
perts; in .cooperation with the Cap-"
ital Drue store, will be at the store
to. clean and adjust Remington
shavers free Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, sponsors of the "clinic"
announced in inviting everyone in
terested .to attend.: - p V
Fresh killed turkeys. Why not put
one In locker for Thanksgiving
and Christmas and savet.Orwigs
Market, 3975 SUverton ; JM. Ph.
2-6128, -rl . ,-; . : m.- ,
! Two alteration permits were Is-
sued Tuesday , by -the city engin
eer's office. One,' for $2,300, went
to Mrs. Kate Soester for a house at
1265 East ave. The other, for $300,
, went to A. R. JElitacca for a house
at 748 N, 20th St. : :
Fisher's Shoe Repair now open at
697 N. Capitol, 1 block S. of Par
rish School. .
Com.1 Storm Doors $19.50. Storm
sash 45c sq. ft. Free estimates.
baiem woodworking, 1Z25 Cross.
Phone 3-5953.
f Bill Wagner, Detroit, Ore, -was
charged Tuesday ; by ; city police
; with hauling logs without a -permit.,
after he was stopped in the
' 200 block on Trade street Court
appearance set for Wednesday.
Johns Manvin shingles applied
oyMauus Bros, 164 S. ComT.
Free estimates. Pb $-4643.
You've a treat in store for you
when you have Roast Prime Rib
of Beef at Shattuc's Chateau,
served Wednesdays and Sundays.
POTTS ,Ta Mr. and Mrs
James Potts, 1286 Court st, i
daughter, Tuesday, November 13
at Salem Memorial hospital.
i O'CONNER To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert O'Conner, Stayton; a son.
Tuesday, November 13, at Salem
Memorial Hospital.
7 MESSICK To Mr. and, Mrs.
J Don Messick, 1235 S. 17th st, a
son, Tuesday, November 13, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
WULF To Dr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Wulf, 809 S. High st, a son,
Tuesday, November 13, at Sa
lem General hospital.
PRICE To Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Price, 1275 McKoy tt, a
son, Tuesday, November 13, at
Salem General hospital.
' FRENCH To Mr. and UTre
Leonard French, 2610 N. Front
st, daughter, Tuesday, Novem
ber 13, at Salem General hospital
WATSOV J Tn M, anA Utm
George Watson. 2750 I.aninr
daughter, Monday, November
, n saiem ueneral hospital.
X y ; .FREE oH I
- HOME . - I cuftkeat
I i ill I V X I
Theft of $35 worth of auto parts
from his car in front of his home
was reported to city police Tues
day by Arthur Herschback, 1375
N. Commercial st. He said the ar
ticles consisted of a spare tire and
rim. Jack and handle, and miscel
laneous tools. I
Now Open. Wallace Rd. Green
house and Nursery. Roses & Ever
greens. Tommy Thomas, 1215 Wal
lace Rd. Phone 2-2329. i '
-" . , ( . :
Now available! the new automatic
Sunbeam steain iron. The Yeater
Appliance Coj 375 Chemeketa.
Harry 'Ewinc will be acting
toastmastfer at; th meetinff Thurs
day night of Capitol Toastmaster
dub In the Gold Arrow restaurant
at 8:15 o'clock. Slated" speakers
include George VanDusen, Marion
Curray, Richard Reiman and Dew
ey Davis.
Yeaterf .Christmas , Gift.
Appliance Headquarters.
ADnliance f!n. ..
Fisher's Shoe Repair, Salem, is
the assumed business name filed
Tuesday 3 with Marion county
clerk by Deart G. Fisher of Inde
pendence. .-
Castle 1 Permanent Wavers, 305
Livesley Bldgi Phone 3-3663. Per
manents 45 . and up. Ruth Ford
and Carmen Rothgeb.: . "
Questions and answers on credit
subjects are planned for the Sa
lem Retail Credit association
luncheon Friday noon in the Gold
en Pheasant j
i I
Bazaar and cooked food sale
Thursday; Elfstrom's Basement.
Pythian Sisters.
---r f " - ;
OSC Mother's ;Club rummage sale.
185 No. High. Nov. 16, 17.
Liqiior Store
Clerk Jobs
i 5 '
Now Vacant
Announcement of several va
cancies' for lquor retail store
clerks in i various sections of the
state was made Tuesday by James
Clinton, state; civil service three
tor. i
He said recent ruling of the
board of; control raised the be
ginning salary of liquor store
clerks from $210 to $229 a month,
Also included In the increase were
liquors eniercement inspectors
from $261 to $284 a month. There
are openings for this work in the
Portland area!
Also reported by Clinton was an
increasing demand for nurses in
the state-operated hospitals. Three
supervisory nurses and nine gen
eral duty; nuries will be required
when the new tuberculosis unit
opens at the Oregon state hospital
here early net year. General duty
nurses i are rjow needed at the
main hospital! .
At the-state tuberculosis hos
pital in SalerA there are openings
for both superintendent and as
sistant superintendent of nurses.
Other current job openings in
clude a calculating machine oper
ator and? revenue auditor in the
state tax commission, and key
puncn operator in Portland.
Clinton said persons desiring
these Jobs should report to the
suite uvu . service commission.
I I u i
I , j . Powerful, turbine-type blower system.
! - pots rid of host, lint, and moisture.
Koops room cool, dry, comfortable.
Baldock Cites
Heavy Use of
wav 99
The Pacific highway, particu
larly from Eugene to Portland,
probably is one of the most heavily
traveled two-way arteries in the
entire west, State Highway En
gineer R, H. Baldock reported
Tuesday. - j
Baldock, on his annual vacation,
traveled in -10 - western states
where he observed traffic condi
tions. He attended the annual ses
sion of .the American Association
of Highway Officials at Omaha,
Neb. . !
"Most officials at the meeting
agreed," Baldock said, "that de
fense production officials in Wash
ington, D.C-, still lack proper un
derstanding of the importance of
building and Maintaining the key
highways of the nation." - j;
He said government road build
ing materials, under existing con
ditions, are inadequate J meet
the demands of the various states.
Baldock said it was evident that
the steel supply would be extreme
ly tight throughout the next year.
"Thu means it will be virtually
impossible to obtain any structural
steel for bridges until late in 1952,?
Baldock said. He emphasized that
other states are facing the same
highway problems as Oregon.
Baldock said under current con
ditions it would be necessary for
the highway department j to - con
fine its operations largely to road
construction with bridge building
postponed for at least a year.
Vandalism Laid
To 2 Juveniles
Two juveniles were believed
responsible for $25 damage caused
to a truck belonging to the Beaver
State Produce company,1 714 S.
20th st.. which was reported to
city police Tuesday by A. J. Engelj
bart manager.
Engelbart told police that both
windshield wipers and the rear
view mirror were broken, and a
curtain at the back of the truck
was ripped.
Two youths were questioned by
city police in connection with the
vandalism and their parents con
tacted. " .'
Strickland to
Supply Information
On Civil Service
Persons seeking information oh
U. S. civil . service positions will now from Eugene Strict
land in room 209 of Salem post
office. His appointment as secre
tary of the civil service board
was announced Tuesday by Post
master Albert C. Gragg.
Strickland, who is Gragg's sec
retary and postoffice personnel
director, replaces William H.
Fischer, general delivery clerk.
Gragg said Fischer has been "very
efficient" during his term of sev
eral years but that his clerking
duties did not give . him suf
ficient time to handle the civil
service work, which sometimes
delayed other customers at the
window. I
Fischer will remain on the local
board, whose members conduct
examinations for some ' job ap
pointments. Other members are
Strickland, clerk Norman Rue,
carriers Roy Follis and Walter
Bailey. - n
fifes VEQ
Open Friday Evenings 'til 9
Oregon: Swine Growers
BylLfllie L. Madsen
N ' ; .s Farm Editor. The Statesman
John Haase of Cornelius was elected president of tne Oregon Swine
Growers association at its annual meeting held at Senator hotel. Tues
day. Mr. Haase replaces George Kraus of Sikrerton who has served
this past year. J ' . ' I
Other officers named were Earl Drury of Fall Creek, vice presi
dent and Ben Newell, Salem, secretary. New directors are Glenn Haw
kins of Shedd and Wallace Saw-
tell of .Molalla. .. J
Plans were made to hold "four
bred gilt sales in early spring with
the first one set for Salem on Feb
ruary 2. The other three will be
held at LaGrande, February 16;
Prinevilie late, in February, and
Klamath Falls early in March. Ap
proximately 100 gilts are to be of
fered at the four sales with Lyle
McXinley of Woodburn named -as
sale's committee chairman and
John Landers of Corvallis as sift
ing committee chairman. V I '
Swine growers showed some con
cern as to a possible .increase of
brucellosis in the state;' However,
reports . showed that out of 1,000
animals tested. as they were going
to slaughter. - only three per-cent
reacted. -r'-
The swine men urged that more
testing be done on the farms, how
ever, so that a complete picture
could be had. Breeders agreed that
bru cellos! is more difficult; to de
tect in swine that in cattle and that
it is a matter of herd testing rath
er than individual testing.
Mr. Newell reporting on past
sales, : said that in the 12 sales
since 1946 held a total of 368 gilts
had been sold at an average of $144
a head. . - I-
Al Oliver, professor in meats at
Oregon State college, spoke on
market show animals urging that
more attention be given type. If
correct type and proper feed and
pasture management are had, Ore
gon can produce top market hogs,
Oliver stated.
Dr. James Oldfield, OSC research
specialist, spoke encouragingly on
the progress being made in anemia
and vitamin findings, and John
Landers, county agent at j large,
OSC, said there was room for a lot
of improvement in swine housing
in Oregon. He also urged further
study on swine feeding and hous
ing management.
Fred Rubel of the Portland Un
ion Stock yards complimented the
swine growers on the great im
provement in market swine' which
had been made in the past 25 years.
Immediately following the lunch
eon, Don Schmidt of Valley Farm
store, showed a motion picture, "A
Trip Through a Pig Factory'
group of more than 100
growers in attendance. ;
to the
Youth Charged!
With Threatening
Tavern Operator
Lewis . O'Neal Dutton, 18, of
Detroit, is to plead today in Stay
ton justice court to a charge of
threatening commission ofj a fel
ony, on which he was arrested
Monday night at Detroit. He was
held in Marion county jail in lieu
of $1,000 bail. ;
Dutton, who asked 24 hours to
plead, when he appeared in court
Tuesday, was arrested j on com
plaint of Earl E. Layman, proprie
tor of the Cedar tavern, by i Depu
ty Sheriffs Larry Wright and
Harvey Frankum. I j j
Layman alleged that Dutton,
newcomer from Decatur Ala.,
brandished a knife and a gun
when he was refused beer, at the
tavern. " i : I ,
11 !
Your clothes will
because a Bendix
us place a Bendix
i : - i
has tho "POW-R-YENT
low heat with high air flow.
n Your Own Home With
A Sman Deposit
Man to Mead
College Starts
combined Campus Chest and Red
Cross drive got underway Tues
day with a $1,200 goal set. Friday
is the fund deadline. Felix Calkins
is chairman. .
Dr. Victor H. ' Sword,
missionary in j-India; told students
at Tuesday's chapel hour of In
dia's need for assistance by .the
World Student Service fund. -
Fifty per 'cent of Willamette's
campus chest fund will be donat
ed to Garchati university 'Assom,
India. Ten per , cent each 1 will be
given the Salem Community chest,
Marion County Red Cross, cam
pus YMCA; campus YWCA and
Willamette UNESCO. v
i Proceeds of Varsity . Varieties,
compus talent show to ce pre
sented Saturday, night, will be
given to the drive, r ?
Group to Meet
H i I
New officers will be installed at
the Wednesday night dinner meet
ing of the Salem 30 Stater club, at
6:30 p so. in Nohlgren s restaur
ant. The 30-Stater group is an
Oregon State College alumni group
of Salem. : j
Ralph Floberg, president of the
Oregon State alumni association
and Portland insurance man, will
install as new officers P. J. Blake,
president; John Riches, vice presi
ddent, and Jack Stewart, secre
tary-treasurer. I
Movies will be shown of the
Southern Cal-OSC football game
where Oregon State came out on
the short end of the score, 16-14.
Blake, newly elected president.
said, We are also attempting to
get the game movies of the Wash
ington-OSC football game, and, of
course, any Oregon State male
alumni living in the vicinity of
Salem is welcome to attend the
meeting. . - - ! .-
30 Boys to Join
Cub ScoutPack
Thirty boys wiU be invested as
new members of Cub Scout pack
12, sponsored by the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, tonight at the VFW
hall in north Salem.
I Cubmaster. Charles Martin will
conduct the candlelight ceremony.
The program is open to ! the par
ents and friends and will begin at
7:30 o'clock.!
i 1
Keystone Aluninun
! , Windows and Doors
Free Estimate Ph. 3-7328
ELMER, ths Blind Mem
Fund Campaign
OSC Alumni
y vmMm
dry in any Weather, any j season, any time of day or night ; .
makes it's own drying weather. Just como in or call and let
Dryer in your home for t free 10-day home trial.
; ; only BENDIX
automatic DRYER
!.! : -. ! ' -
Clothes look better, feel better, last
longer. .-)'
Delicate fabrics are never subjected; to
tho dangers of high heat, because tho
Bendix dryer operates at lower tem
perature than any other dryer.
I . - ' - ' ' k
Your Own Washablesl
Will layaway Your Bendix for
o . Como in or
Over $74,000
Requested in
Damage Suit
More than $74,000 in damages
for injuries allegedly sustained ( in
a . truck - motorcycle collision is
sought in a complaint filed Tues
day in Marion county circuit court
by Helen Vincent. . , 1 ,
Defendants are Salem Heavy
Hauling and Equipment company,
owned by F. S. Anunsen, Paul B.
Wallace: R. H. Hatfield, w. H.
Miurhead and B. L. Carpenter, and
the truck driver W. W. Ankeny,
The crash occurred June 24, 1950,
on the Salem-Stayton road, four
miles northwest of Stayton.
The plaintiff, a passenger on the
motorcycle, alleged that she was
thrown into a ditch and suffered
compound fractures of the left arm
and leg and several lacerations and
shock. She asked for $70,000 gen
era! damages and a total of $4,476.
88 special damages for medical and
hospital treatment.- , .
26 Foreign
Students to
Visit College
Twenty - six foreign ' students
from six Oregon colleges, will be
guests on the Willamette univers
ity campus Friday . and Saturday
when the university plays host 'to
"International Weekend.'
Th YWCA will nontnr the
weekend for representatives from
umversity of Oregon, racuic.
Willamette, Oregon State, Lin
field and Lewis and Clark col
leges. ; j
A dinner honoring the foreign
scholars will ooen the activities
Friday night Following the din
ner there will be an informal open
house sponsored by UNESCO, j A
period for discussion and meeting
foreign students will be held also.
Saturdav mornine a tour of the
campus and places of interest in
Salem will be conducted lor tne
guest students. That afternoon
thev will attend the Chito-Wll-
lamette football game at McCul-
loch stadium.
Chairman for the International
weekend is Marie Deetz, Oregon
City. Assisting1 are: Daline Mon
tag, Carolyn Vester and Heather
stran pe. all of Portland: Diana
Hobart, SUverton; Phyllis Muhs,
Salem; Pat Moll, Union, wasru
i - . .
xne zom lniamry envision, tasii vl
six committed to Gen. Dwight iD.
Kisonhnwer'f Atlantic nact forces.
began sailing xuesaay zor Europe.
Actually Hides Deafness
Hearing Center
James N. Tart
rnmr State and Hie h
Oman Bldr. Ph. 2-44911
i . i
Christmaa ! '
Phono 3-3139
y'V i
TV m
The Statesman. Sclem. Ofgon,
Speech Contest
Entrants Chosen;
To Compete Today
Salem's four 'school winners in
the Junior Chamber of Commerce
"Voice of Democracy contest were
announced - Tuesday. They will
speak in city-wide competition to
day " ...
They are Ray Cook and - Paul
Ward' of Salem high school, Dolly
O'Neil of Salem academy and De
lores Gottfried of Sacred Heart
academy. :.:.ryr;. .
In a 3 p.m. broadcast over station
KSLM today, each will give a five
minute talk on "I Speak for Demo
cracy The recorded speech by
the winner will go into the state
contest December L according to
Wesley Wilson, local chairman.
Fined iii Court
Six "duck hunters whd kept; aft
er their prey too long paid fines
Tuesday in Marion county district
court. A seventh similarly charged
with hunting after . hours pleaded
innocent. . :. . . . .
Fines of $25 each, with $13 sus
pended, were levied against Pete
Sproed and John William Eggers,
both of Brooks route l; David
Lowell Neitling and Robert Wayne
Hastings, both of Stayton; Ed
ward Klukis, 969 S. 13th st, and
Duane Elwood Isaacson, 1599
State st. l
Trial was set November 18 for
Edward J. Klukis, 345 S. 20th st
All' were arrested by state police
officers. :
Absolutely Without Charge By :
Remington Rand Factory Experts
your Remington Shaver
. 405 State St at Llbertf
We Giro S&H Greta Ctcmtps
Wednesday. VorJ 11 1SS1
K. of G. Plans
Dinner Dance
Annual dinner-dance of Willam
ette valley Fourth Degree socie
ties of the Knights of Columbus
will take place in Salem Thursday,
night at the Catholic center. ...
About 100 knights, their ladies
and guests are expected to attend
the banquet beginning at 7 p.m.
Dancing will follow.' In charge of
the affair : are Thomas Bagan, A.
L. FJvin and M. J. Raschko of the
Salem counciL : ' j (-1
The physically handicapped .
need yevr help. Goodwill in-,
dnstries needs year discard
ed clothing, furniture and
household i articles te keep
the handieapped employed.
Telephone 4-2240
: Pickups en Fridays, .
- Saturdays; ; 6
"lust Gocxi Fumrtur
Pleasingly PricecP ;
- 1978 North Capitol .
Too Arej Very Wlcoxae
to Look Around
Find out for yourself. Take
heme a new, revolutionary
Remington 60 or Contour
De Luxe for al 14-day trial.
This week only! If net m
pletely satisfied,: your
money refunded!
ii, . iw f i
NOV. IS -18-17
" 1 t f i ! " 1
. - . '5 . jv fl
. 1 s