The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1951, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' .... , ; - i , . - - . -
i J.
Seven cases of broncho pneu
monia and one of lobar pneumonia,
all in state institutions, were re
ported to Marion county health
department last week, the office
announced Monday. Other new
cases of communicable diseases re
ported were four of measels. two
of poliomyelitis and one of impe
tigo. :;
Fresh killed turkeys. Why not put
one in locker for Thanksgiving
and Christmas and save? Orwigs
Market, 3975 Silverton Rd. Ph.
Glen Wade will speak on "What
Ii in American?" at a luncheon
i meeting of the South Salem Lions
; club Wednesday noon at the Legion
club, ' " . ;
Com. Storm Doors $19.50. Storm
' sash 45c sq. ft Free estimates,
t Salem Woodworking, 1225 Cross,
t Phone 3-5953.
The Industrial Supervisors club
' will meet at 6:30 pjn. today at the
Salem YMCA, with the speaker
Harold Somerfield, recently ap
poined director of the accident
prevention division of the state
I Industrial accident commission. -
i Johns - Manvtll shingles applied
i by Mathis Bros, 184 S. Con
. j Fret estimates Th 3-4642. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Pratt left
i Monday morning for Stockton,
Calif., where they were called by
th death of Mrs. Pratt's brother-
in-law, James Allen,, who died
Sunday. The Pratts expect to De
way 10 days. ..
i ii Dr. Eugene Erny, missionary to
China and India, will speak and
show a -sound-color film, "Focus
on Formosa," at 7:45. tonight in
First Church of the Nazarene
Salem Christian Business Men's
committee is sponsoring the ap-
pearance here by Dr. Erny, who
i represents the Oriental Missionary
I society, now in convention in r"ori
' land. , I
r Now Open. Wallace Rd. Green
house and Nursery. Roses & Ever-
greens. Tommy Thomas, 1215 Wal
lace Rd. Phone 2-2329. ' ,
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
KugeL 3-7694. 153 N. High St.
MEIER To Mr. and Mrs. John
Meier. 1965 N. 23rd st a daugh
ter, Monday, November 1Z at ra
lem General hospital.
HASKELL To Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Haskell, 446" Water St., a
daughter, Monday, November 12
at Salem General hospital ' ,
B ARTEL To Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey, Bartel, Dallas, a daughter,
Monday, November 12 at Salem
General hospital.
LULAV To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Lulay, Sublimity route 1, a son,
Monday, November 12 at Salem
General hospital. ' . . ,
BANNING To" Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Banning, 1060 Baxter st, a
son, Monday, November 12 at Sa
lem Memorial hospital. .
MACKLIN To Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Macklin, 2550 S. Summer
st., a son, Monday, November 12
at Salem Memorial hospital. . . r
West Salem Grange will elect
new officers at its business session
tonight at 8 o'clock in the westside
city halL Robert Pattison is now
master. f
' I '
Castle. Permanent Wavers, 305
Livesley Bldg Phone 3-3663. Per
manents $5 and . up. Ruth Ford
and Carmen Rothgeb. -
Marion county Young Republi
cans will meet at 7:30 o'clock to
night in the courthouse for an elec
tion of delegates to the state con
vention, officers announced.
Speaker will be James Collins of
Portland, past state chairman of
Young Republicans and a sup
porter of Sen. Robert' Taft for the
presidency J -
Landscaping and designing. No
Job too large or too small. F. A.
Doerfler and Sons Nursery, 250
Lancaster Or. at 4 Corners. Phone
2-2549. I - .;
Alsco aluminum storm windows
and doors. Ph. 3-3748 or 2-7838.
Aufrahc's Famous Christmas Gift
Boxes with fruit, berries, pre
serves, dried prunes, shelled and
unshelled -walnuts and filberts.
Many ! fine assortments to choose
from. Prepaid in U. S. Auf ranc
Custom Cannery, Phone 3-8487.
Newsmen Plead
- . i . . I i
LAKE CHARLES, La., Nov. 12-lPh-Five
liake Charles American
Press newsmen denied in district
court Itoday charges of defaming
16 public fof ficials i and three ad
mitted gamblers in a newspaper
crusade-against wide open gamb
ling, t J
The; five?defendants pleaded in
nocent at their arraignment.
After pleadings, Defense Attor
ney Clement Moss filed two mo
tions asking for more information
about) two of the indictments.
Judge J. Bernard Cocke desired
setting a trial- date until after the
court disposes of the motions.
Judge Cocke, of New Orleans,
sitting fori Judge Mark Pickrel,
who is ill,set next Monday, No
vember 19, for hearings on the
Red Cross to
Reform Women's
Motor! Service
; A women's motor service corps
will be reactivated by Marion
county chapter, American Red
Cross.f beginning with an orienta
tion class at 10 o'clock this morn
ing. i -;
Any; women who are interested
are urged by the corps chairman,
Mrs. Philip W. Allison, to attend
today's meeting or to call her or
the Red Cross to register for the
motor corps. The goal is at least
30 drivers to take . volunteer driv
ing duty oiie deay each month.
The training program will in
clude t the lorientation, instruction
in atomic Injury, basic mechanics
and traffic! safety.
All I driving assignment will be
daytime for the women. Night
driving will be handled by men.
. . satewajr of th Sfinissippi
VUy . . Aacriai Maidi
DiN f Pallsusi, tMhm
ocb mm, o lik lowaM,
Mate cats Mri Imm fo ;
Yoall discoTcr rfal travel enjoy meat
when yoi go by Union Pacific. Youll
ojoy the good fellowship and friendly
ervkc ... and you'll arrive In the heart
of town, refreshed, and alert. G Vnm$
Pscifi... farts mriUvr.
awwi4cifr or poktiand1
0 1 T l ATM D IOII" -
i 1
LH m hlf Um ymr trip
Ask lor beautifully Uostrated booklet On
Roof 731 Pittock Block
Portland S, OrrTon
... V .-
Growers Plan
Annual Show
By LiUie L. Madsea 1
Garden Editor. The Statesman
' PORTLAND, Nov. 12 Christ
mas certainly gave the impression
oz Deing right around the corner
todav as th mmthtrt nt fVa Dm.
gon Holly Growers association
were preparing lor their annual
holly show, November 13 and 14.
The show will open Tuesday at
10 m. at Th Orevrtnlan TT -
House here and will remain open
Until S n m. Thm uma hmm mill
W a-a.a.a aVIU WW AAA
prevail Wednesday. Primary pur-
vi me snow is to cau atten
tion of the home gardeners, 1 the
great variety and decorativa tv.
sibilities of the various kinds of
holly grown successfully in the
Willamette valley area.-
' While the most desirable holly
for general . use ia the ' virlmii
strains of the English holly with
its brieht red berries and shinv.
prickly leaves, other varieties, now
1 I . . mm m mmm i
Deing usea commercially aiso, win
be displayed. There will be the
golden and silver variegated types,
the yellow berried holly, not very
common as yet, and the Dutch
hollr with its smooth leaves and
abundant bright scarlet berries.
tms latter holly is minus i the
spines and is in much demand for
wreaths, the growers say. j .
Christmas gift ideas, featuring
holly, proper packing for shipping,
and treatment will be on disnlav.
Commercial holly, reports Ray
ieacn, president or the Oregon
Holly Growers association, is all
treated with hormone chemicals to
prevent premature dropping of
leaves and berries. The chemicals,
under various trade names, may
be bought at moderate cost in the
seed stores. The material may be
sprayed on or the branches of
holly may be dioped into it. At all
events it should cover all foliage,
stems and berries when used.
Being arranged today for to
morrow's opening of the show,
were also decorative holly sprays
and arrangements - of holly alone
and in combination with other
greens for holiday table, mantel
and general use about the home
at Christmas time.
Also featured at the . Portland
show will be the small potted
holly trees which are as yet a
novelty but which Oregon holly
growers have been developing in
recent years.
- Members of the Oregon Hollv
Growers association are in charge
or the display, which they are also
furnishing.. Too, members of the
association will be present both
days to answer questions of those
who wish to learn more about
holly growing in the home garden.
In the days of ancient Rome, a
prison was used only as the place
for holding, not for punishing
criminals. i
Pup&ltgto a Prize Winner
.... - ' ? i .
yr., - f
Foster Buys
Camera Shop
Carly-tailed pops nosing Into a f ood dlah pravided phata ay which
was accorded Honorable menuon la non-metropelltan featore divi
sion of the northwest Associated Press photo contest last week end.
Photo was taken by Don DillStatesman staff photographer. The
pupa are AKC registered Dalmatians raised by the Gordon Nelsons
in Monmouth. j . . i
Salem's Newest Safeway Store
To Open fqtr Preview Tonight
Twenty-thousand five-hundred sauare feet of merchandising area
featuring newest food display techniques in an ultra-modern building
win De opened to the public tonight in a special prevue of Salem's new
Safeway store at 12th and Center streets. i i
From 5 'to 9 p.m. the public is invited by Safeway, Inc., to visit
the big red brick and aluminum trim structure bn the site of the old
Washington school at 1263 Center
T. M. (Ted) Medford, retail op
erations manager, and C. M. (Chet)
Heltzel, Salem district manager,
will join with Store Manager Car
los Lagerfeld in hosting the special
pre-opening prevue. t
With the opening of the new
store, Heltzel announced the clos
ing of Safeway's store at 14th and
State street, serving Salem's east
side since 1941. Lagerfeld and
other personnel of the State street
store have been moved to the store
to form a nucleus of the enlarged
staff required in the big market at
12th and Center. ; " j
188 Car Spaces
Store visitors will find parking
space for 188 cars on the full-block
site. Convenient entrances and
exits to .and from the four, sur
rounding streets are provided, f
Inside the store they will find
13,000 square feet of sales space
for display of the firm's 2,300 sales
items. There are 18 island displays
in addition to wall shelves. The
produce section is equipped with
72 feet of modern refrigerated
produce display cases. Another 76
feet of open-top refrigerated space
contains dairy products with addi
tional space for ice cream and
frozen foods.
: The meats, prepared in a modern
cutting and packaging room will be
displayed in self-service refriger
ated cases taking up 72 feet of
space, stock rooms and work areas
fill 7,500 square feet and include
refrigerated lockers for dairy prod
ucts, produce, meats and frozen
foods. . j
Distributes LUbt
Fluorescent lighting inside "the
store is designed to distribute light
evenly throughout the building.
Sixteen giant compressors provide
air conditioning and refrigeration.
Patrons will shop in a musical at
mosphero provided from records.
The music. Is piped into the store
from an FM radio .station.
Ten streamlined check-out
stands will add to the rapid shop
ping provided by the modern fa
cilities of the new store.
In addition to the many food and
allied items provided in the new
store, Safeway is including a mag
azine and book department for the
convenience of its customers.
- I !
jeep plunged from the Redwood
highway into a rain-filled ' ditch
last night, nearly drowning Wil
liam Dale Mallory, 36, Eureka,
Calif. Pinned under water by the
vehicle, he was .freed by passing
motorists and hospitalized nere.
Andy Foster, former Portland
and Eugene camera store manag
er, has purchased Burke's Cam
era shop at 174 N. Commercial st.
Now operating under the name
of Andy Foster's Camera's, the
business plana to offer numerous
new photo services, said Foster.
including photography Instruction
on an Informal basis to Interested
groups. A movie film exchange
has been added.
Noble Bashor remains as as
sistant in the local ahon. The re
tiring proprietor has purchased an
acreage north of Salem, i
Foster is a nartner of Lyman
Coburn who operates a largo Eu
gene camera shop.
Gas & Coke U
No Objection
PORTLAND. Nov. 12-tfVNo
objections were heard in federal
court today on a proposed recapi
tilization plan for the Portland
Gas Sc Coke company. '
Federal Judge Claude Mccul
loch announced as a result that ho
will approve the new plan at 10
ajn. tomorrow. The plan then Is
expected to go into effect around
The plan, already approved by
the securities and exchange com
mission, call for present stock to
be replaced by 547,627 shares of
common stock with 90 per cent to
go the present preferred stock
holders and 10 per cent to Ameri
can Power & Light Co., the pres
ent holder of all outstanding com
mon stock.
YM Centennial
Week Proclaimed
This week, November 11-18, has
been proclaimed YMCA week by
Gov. Douglas McKay and Mayor
Alfred Loucks in honor of the
100th anniversary of the YM in
the United States and Canada. The
Salem YMCA is celebrating its
60th anniversary.
"In the hundred years just end
ed the : YMCA has been serving
the youth of our nation, leaving its
humanitarian, democratic imprint
on our country's progress, Gov
ernor McKay said in saluting the
Mayor Loucks asked all Salem
citizens to join with him In paying
honor and respect to the.YM for
their programs of building strong
bodies, - alert minds and active
Christian service.
The Statesman, Salem. Qrtw Tuesday, November 19, ISM 3
Squad Offers to
Present Programs
The Willamette university for
ensic squad again this year is
offering its services , in debates,
discussions, symposia and lectures
to community organizations, ac
cording to Dr. Howard W. RunkeL
coach of the squad.
The squad is composed of 20
students who have been working
on number of current topics for
this year. The debate topic is
"Resolved that the federal govern
ment should adopt a permanent
program of erica and wan stabili
zation. This year's discussion
question is "How can wo as a na
tion improve our ethical and moral
Speaker! include students who
have won high honors In speech
events throughout the Pacific
northwest ' -.
- i - . i. f
Mrs. McKeown's
Book Published
Publication of "Alaska Silver.1
the third and concluding story of
uncie Mont Hawthorne's experi
ences in the Pacific Northwest, by
Martha Ferguson McKeown. has
been announced by the MacMil-
lan company. -
.- Mrs. McKeown, descendant of
covered wagon pioneers, is a grad
uate of Willamette university with
a bachelor of arts degree in Ore
gon history. The northwest in the
days when "Cap Hanks . . . sailed
the mall clean up around Capo
Flattery to Clallam Bay and back
to Grays Harbor" furnishes the
setting for the book.
Drive Leade
Roy Carland, Salem attorney, was
named to head the 1851 Christ
mas goal gale eamjsiin far
Marion County Tnbercrlcils and
Ileal th association.
Tuno tm KOCO-IO fcc.
Tuoo. Thru FrL 10tC3 PJ.L
HEAR ! f r
Teen-Ago Speaker
Outstanding Gospel Singer
Tuesday Thm Friday FJIL
And Sundays Till Nor. 25th
N. Liberty St Between
Belmont and Market Sta.
British connection with the
Sudan region of Africa began after
the opening of the . Suez Canal in
1869. i.
Missionary to China India
Speaking and Showing Sound and Color FUmi
Sponsored by Christian Businessmen's Comm.1
Uillomcltc Valley Hoof Gdi, Inc.
1810 Lana Artv
Phone 3-CS34
w1 n;-y j" Sf
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If&dh fa sure ny cmrefk;,
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- ICARtTTrr "
BEAUTIFUL EVA GABOR, star of telerision, screen and stag,
must always t in good voice. Tho dgarettt sho unokei mmt
agreo with her throat. By trying Camels as her steady j
smoke, she found that with mild, flavorful Camels she enjoyt
smoking without worrying about her throat. ; j
Make the sensible cigarette test make your own 30-daf
Camel mildness test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days ..
en joy the rich, full flavor said see how inild Cameb are,
pack after pack. . .see how well Camels agree with your throat
Then you'll know why, after all the mildness tests . . 1 !
" . ...V ...
v 4,
Oundj for ataay rears. Car and opera star, made cue
too., after carton, season
after season, be find that
Camels are Bidder and saore
aarorfal than any other ri
aretarbe'i rrer staokedl
30-day Camel test under the
soperrtaioaofs noted throat
aoecialitt. He found
tbft irritatiom da to
smoking Camels!
S, X BmUi tiBkaM Cai.
toui pbovino) oboono
for a dssrette is roar T-,Zoo"-T
for Throat. T foe
Tasta. Test Camels ia roaM
-T-Zoae" for 30 dars.
- See why Camel is America's
: popular cigamtel
i -