nOO Real Estate Located tn Talk Co.- ekiee to seta and store. All in eutt. 1 A peaches. Good . etetrd rm hsa with full cement basement. Old barn. All macbinerr In- , chiding 3. O. tractor, 2 fine cows. 2 Betters. 1 calf, and U tons hay. Au for mi r i j sob. - w-, ea tsrisatxd AH in eult. 2S A nop, finest river bottom sou. Lovely T rm fcs la beautiful set ting, fine 40x60 bam. chicken hse, green hse. for the best in soil and tm- provements, see this for only $12,000 Phillips. - - 21 IRRIGATED attver bottom farm located on Pudding Oaod f rm hw feara. chicken hse. 4 acre orchard. Price Includes livestock and ejucinc piace xor iau Mr. mmipi. . ' KXtTXlX3tT CATTLK BANCS 0-1. ........I .w 1rrrm nWtatc ammr ta a reasonable offer. 260 A. MS in cult, cress-fenced, filed irrigation rights homo, excellent Irg barn. Call Mr. Willoughby. . MURPHY & KENT REALTORS Phone 4-2282 45 N. Church PUBLIC AUCTION HOMES ! - . . ; I - If." ' To Qcar Right-of-way for the Salem By-Pass Residence No. 3660, Osborn Avenue, Salem, No. 17251 ! ! t bedrooms, living room, dining room, floors, cedar shakes exterior; noor rurnace, eiecinc water sysiera, wwinc ' water heater: attached garage 2 years old. With this home will bo sold Lot 4. Block 4, Rehb's Addition. Marlon County. j i " r - " ' ' - - ' I Residence No.1 3690, Truman Avenue, Salem, . : ; No. 17246 - . ' -; . I bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath, Ins stove, attached garage, ceaar snaae exienor. eiectric water neiwr, years old. With this home win be sold that portion of Lot 5. Block 2. . Rehb's Addition, Marlon County, lying east and outside of the right of way. First Time Homes Have Been Offered Under This Method hy Highway Commission 3 ' ' . . ... The above described noma to be SO id to for cash, but subject to the approval 01 me uregon btaxe nignway (com mission and with the right reserved to reject any and an bids. An Initial rfeaocit of 50 of hlrh bid will be reauired at the conclusion of bids. Home must be removed from present of offer. WnmM will he onan for Insoeclion October ISill information resardina estimated septic tanks . and new well ana outer .had by calling c. w. Parser, state A-llTt. Ext. 717. Sale date Saturday. October 20th at 280 ft Mr at aEsm I T-timan Avenue. TERMS OF SALE ARE: 50 deposit at bid price to be paid within ten days Highway commission. - Oregon State Highway Commission Auctioneer: Claude M KQgoro - Bone 2-5704 -r South Lancaster Drive. Salem tAXCM ONE Bedroom, plastered home in Keizer Bus. only a years om. Lu iiooetui ARE THREE BEDROOMS ESSENTIAL? A double garage with floored-in hobby shop or playroom above, located on paved street in Englewood. Two nice large bedroms up. Master bedroom and bath down. Extra large dining room and living room. Beautiful kitch en and nook. This Is an older type home that is in excellent repair and a very good buy at only 29.450 oo. can . HOME PLUS Older typ 4 bedroom home, partial basement, nice living room and dining room, kitchen. Lot 25 x 165; Nice small rental home on back of lot now renting for $40.00 per month a real buy. CaU Jim Royer. KEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM ONLY M750 If you are looking for a clean fin small ouy oc me year, ijocaiea in ciiy omy NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH One of the finer built 2 bedroom homea .Automatic forced oil heat, lovely fireplace, a dream of a kitchen, attached garage. Full price f 11.900 0O. Possibly S2.soo.oo flown, can cnet. C-TTY FARMERS AND FARMERETTES "Here Tis." Near new 2 bedroom unfinished upstairs, plastered home-nice entrance hall full dining roomweather stripped, attached garage. Near ' Schools. FuU price $9,500 00. Good Terms. CaU Chet. HEY YOUI ONLY 2750 DOWN - . ? 'Would von bo Interested In buying a new ing room, living room and a nice kitchen. It's a wonderful buy at 27350.00, with S750 aown ana easy terms on oaiance. bee un. v . - MR. FARMER Wa have one of the best little places for sale In the valley. It has the best of soil and the crops sre aU in a regular money maker. A reaUy nice barn and a beautiful home. Close In to town. Price 221.000. It's good you 'U like It. See Dent. RAWLINS (Hollywood District Realtor) 2060 N. Capitol St, Jlbbetts 2-74M Evening Chet 3-OT38 NOW YOU CAN NEW HOME. Close in. well built and room, modern kitchen with nook, bus and close to Mcjumey scnooi. ENGLEWOOD Charm inr 11 vine room, fireplace, dinette, In back yard. Insulated and weather scnooi. f 1150. CLOSE TO LESLIE AND 2 bedrooms down and 1 up In this home cheerful fireolace. dining room, kitchen with nook, oil furnace in full baa-1 MAM- rasKI ..w.f IMrt as ft 14 Uivutt wwi mmt- 4l v vm sn ay .n,wwa McKILLOP'S Office Phono 2-8622 j Evenings and Sundays BUI Brown : I - 2-4937 ! LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US 493 Center at North High i REALTORS 4-16! Statesman Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Classified Adrertiiinf Per word. 1 ttme Per word. S times ta Pa- word. 7 ttzaee Per word. 1 Blosth 2lntmm tea words. Extra ennrr for "BUni- Urn ' Readers la city brlete Per trord Jttr Kflnlmnna tea words. Ne Rereads. The tfoadnne for classified and reader advertising is 8:42 p m daily Os esnerrency Tost- ada will be accepted after that hour. The Statesman raaaevaa th right reject questionable sdverttatng. It further reserves the right to place an adverttalns under the proper slsssnfiesUoe. , Th etatosman aawinias sssdal teanomibCtty fas which nay appear In advertls monta published in Its column and to easts where thia paper la t testt ril reprint that part of aa advertisement ta which th typo graphical mistake occur. A "Blind" Ad an ad eontalntne a fftaiesmaa box number for an address U for th protection of th advertiser and must therefore b answsrad by letter The States man ss not at liberty to dlvnlg informatioei aa to th Identity of aa sdverttagr usta a "Fnnd ed. COd Real Ectste acres down, fun; price $35,000. Call Mr. J An - . I I ACRES ' - I River. Nearly new Irrigation system.! and hlahlv productive berries, family I some equipment. This li a food pro-l aall and he has asked US to aWt him balance open pasture. aH fenced and from stream, also 2 wette. . Fair farm Eves: Mr. WiHoughby 4-4137 ! kitchen, bath: plastered Interior, oakl ceiled interior, fir floors, oil heat-1 .. . . .... . . . I n We nignesi Diaaer St puduc aucuoni location within 30 days of acceptance 14. 19513 to 9 P.M. cost of moving, concrete foundation. inspections oi me properties may dc i tugnway uepanmeni, naiem. pnone i Osborn Avenue at 1:00 ptf, and there- Umi of receiving bid and remainder of of notice of acceptance of bid by the ; Stat Highway Building Salem . CUTTE district, paved street, H block from Mr. Tibbetts. INCOME 2 bedroom horn then dont mlaa thia bdjw. STYLE SUBURBAN NJL Suburban on extra large lot 2 bedroom suburban home, with din i REALTY Office Phones 2-4684 or 4-1781 Phones: Dent 3-7632 Royer 2-60131 HAVE IT! attractive 2 bedroom home with living nice bath, oil heat, garage, V block to ss.730. kitchen. Very neat and clean, fenced stripped. 2 blocks from Englewood JVIcKINLEY SCHOOLS in ideal location. Living room with KAA i - I REALTORS Mike Raschko u 2-701 ! B usiness sg i ... -'. ADDING MACHINE! f I PLUMBING ALL MAKES I adding imi-Mb and GENERAL REPAIR and pumps. Deca- typewriters sold, rented, repaired. -tur & Maerr 70 S. Com't Ph. 3-8223. . Roen, 458 Court Phone 3-8773. JUDSON'S. 379 N. ComX Ph. 3-414L APPLIANCE ST VICE 3 ROAD GRADING . JOY STK1CKFAPEN PHONE 3-5410 BENDIX. Crosley and Hotpoint 8ales tAND AND GRAVEL" SSncSSSCen P,,"' w.UXIMG AND and G HAVEL CSJ yP"'"' f!5 f?a "L Crushed rock For roads and drive YEATER V LIANCE Co. 3V Chemeiv way. Cement Ready-mix concret e . Phont 3-43 1L Garden sand Bulldozing dramas & ELECTRICAL SERVICE s ditching 4 vd shove) mad drag Un ' Phroe 3-9249 ELECTRICAL Wiring or Service. Vlb- fcEFTIC TANKS bert Electric. Phone 2-9031. Mantel s seout tanks and lines clean- HEATING ed. Guaranteed workk. Phone 3-7404 JUDSON S. 279 N. ComX Ph. 2-4141. MtKaTS bepUc Service. lauJu cleaned . ' Elec Rotary service m sewers, drains HOUSE MOVING 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph 3-0468 HJTT. MOVING. h. 2i-42. Ezper- Rotror "ir ienced bonded and Insured. SKWlNtt sewer service. Ph. 3-5327 HOUSEHJLD PRODUCTS I Expert repairs on all makes. Free PlckT J. R. WATKTNS Co. products. 1133 S. ad delivery Free estimates given Co,m. Salem Ph. 2Ssi rTee eL Jgf Mh. 01 u stnr INSULATION ' f twiMi wMHINtS WEYEKHAEUSER SU.VA WOOL. Unit- . uMfkaifc Kepau bervic All ataAaa ed Insulation Co. Ph. 2-85. Free esttmaU - Work Guaranteed LAWN MOWERS t Rslph Johnson Appliances, ph 3-313V SHARPENING Guaranteed service. TREE gtlBCRt ' New poorer and hand mowers. Call BRXfiNAN Tree Service Specialiae Harry W. Scott. 147 So. Coml St. dangerou trees. Powc aquip. Phoo tAtl't.Tj'hL.I.'. lit fflmfcC . EEPADUNO MATTRESSES given. Convenient terms, prices very CAPITAL Bedding, cotton, wool, spring ZMVTS. Vgrn"' mattressea. Renovated, repaired. Ph. . gltur Mart, 4l Ferry st. 4-3772. vratnTv. ! ! 1 A SNEU St SOiNS Since UW7 ZSM p-Yr.J i , -w r- Brooks Salem Phon 3-8809 rfSmf tSTlineS Domestic. Irrig.tlndustrlal -B. A. L S00- l Lancaster. Robinson 2214 N. Frottt St Ph 2-7293 WELL DRILLING: Oeaiunf and"-r, PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO pairing. H R Miller. IS M. 2th. H J. Woodworth painting pa per hang- 2-5095. . - . tng experienced. Freoi - as Uma tea. WATERPROOFING 'Ttl!-'" . : ' BASEMENT, atucco. and PLASTIC PAINTING st Papering. Fte esUmaWa? ROCK - floors Rurface Protection. 2-2513, 251 Shipping- ' .i- 1 Phone 4-2780- vc . ; I 1 - j rtTAW TTS Tills four-room shake exterior cottage ft C(J6 - lYeaJ Estate -' - potimon soon. tali Mrs. ogles bee. COMPLETE TOMTOM at the right price. Kear Junior Hi. Comfortable 2 bedroom Twitne with large attic fireplace In living room, sunny sea call V. Omer Huff. Rltr. Ph. 1-5091 TaE TOWN S this for $13,500. run basement. 2 bedims dn. 2 up. On large lot 70 X 140 beautifully landscaped. Excellent view West Salem Height. CaU Al Watts. 21.200 DOWN you stop paying rent. With this small down payment yoa could be the owner of thia 2 bedrm. hv rm. kit gar, laws, shrubs, garden. However, onry once. 4-au wan juexei. Kenny Real Estate 1410 Broadway Arnold 1-0191. Klekel 2-4578. Dane 2-8851. Hill 4-123, Watts 3-7363. V. Omer 'Uwi: zv. Select Your Now being built 2 bdrm, liv. rm4 din. posal, hdwd. Qrs. thruout. fireplace, incntaes lswn. rmest district, soon CaU Roy No Where but in Candalaria can vou find thia kind rm, a oarm. on one fir, excellent rm. ruu Dasmt, able garage. Ail for szi,ooo. CaU Pet Geiser a ; "When the City Becomes Tiresome Seek the restfulness of this ULTRA-MODERN CANDALARIA west view. Su- rrlative construction by master craftsmen is reflected thruout this new I barm. home, full advantage has been Uken to bring the magnificent I view into your home. The spacious .kitchen is blrchwood - auto-dlahwasher. I Tin rm liv rm mirumr 9 Mrmi der rm. complete the first floor JuU ige. tropny rm, nrepiace ana soaa oar. wiU consider good modern home as Call Chet Auto Repairs Completely equipped, n In ess necessitates main artery. For details call J. X. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. . m mi A n.. j A aa., oy aerra a-ouiv rew ueiaer j-bjuo OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2:00 175 AND 185 W. 2 beautifully designed, expertly finished out, spacious living rms witn n replaces, aimng rooms, auio. au xorcea-air heat. 1 1.850 to $11,000. FAA. terms. Out S. Commercial to Hoyt foUow the Ha & open bouse signs. ; MURPHY & KENT REALTORS I 452 K. Church OPEN HOUSE I Sunday, 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. I 1 1482 NARCISSUS DR. r 210 mile out Wallace Rd. Very attractive place, rurnace, oax flooring, large bedrooms, lawn front and back. Owners are anxious to selL FHA loan commitment 28700. Dont fall to Inspect this piace. CLAUDE KILGORE Real Estate Broker tc Auctioneer 290 S. Lancaster OPEN HOUSE I ! - If you are in the market to buy, visit these 2 homes - Sunday, Octoher 14, 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. t 1683 NORTH 18th STREET. 2 bedroom home unfinished up, fuU 2 bedrooms, full basement. Auto oil heat. Priced $12,500. i ; Salesman will be on these properties to assist you. , . I OHMART & CALAB A, REALTORS ! 477 Court St. Phone 2-4113 - 2-4118 Call Joe Hutchison, Realtor t High School Special NORTH 14th, 2 Br. modern home, fireplace, basement. 27230.00. Terms (no offers). Englewood NORTH 17th. 4 Br. 2 garages, one at vucmcs. vmj aojw.uu vno oueri). Family Xat nrnriri finrh r v.- T. "v. " Tu' "7. "w waU carpet, drc. fireplace, built-lns uwinv, uuuun garage, ig. pauo, inn Auborn 2 bucs. to school. 2 br. HW floors. Natural Finish paneling In kitchen. All on one gooa acre, you wui nxe tne planting boxes, too. FuU price $10,300.00. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Phone Directory- fi6b fetete MEAT. ITS TlLlg "; """"" f bik to bus line blka to school I break: last baa sawdust sumac, to or I4a i - "- f BEST BUT - " - - f with dining space, utility rm. attached yoa must act fast, upporurniry docks Phone 23497 days or 2-8851 nites Ogleabe 2-5372. R. Beesley 3-SS72. Huff Rltr. 2-042. Matxek 2-1492 - f 1 .1 1 1 :oir Colors' r 1 . rm. kitchen, nook, dishwasher, dis fun basmt. auto-ou neat, corner jov ready to move into, sisou. rerria i of value. View horn. Ice. hv. rm, din. arrangement, nrepiace up ana oown. full Kath with acrukraut ahower now-1 lower floor with view windows has I 3 norms, ana uumy. uuaer-owncr i part payment. rerna I Garage immediate sale. Excellent location on Law i Phone 2-2471 .-.1 . mni . W . f 1 1 , itrru a-aiaa . -a, u rsiw - 5:00 P.M. McGILCHRIST homes in fine district. Hdwd firs thru Phone 4-2292 5 room home. FuH basement, fire I Phone 2-1702 basement, sawdust furnace. $13,500.00. At once possession.! Special auey can be used as SHOP, walnuts. I Home v..i galore, over 1700 sq. ft. floor space In a il WAU1 . U.U19. TV SU lO noma wiu seu at $15,UUV.OU. Road 2 - 3822 Eve. 2-4789 804 Suburban PRIVATE party will pay up to 211.000 casn xor late s or 3 bedroom home, acreage preferred. Give detailed des cription, price and address in first setter box lis. co statesman. 806 Hotasee Tor Sale Kingwood Heights Beautiful View of City ! 987 CASCADE DRIVE i - Lovely new ranch type 3 br. Perma- stone front, fireplace, insulated. weatnerstnppea. aouoie plastered ga rage. t i . . Phone Biiilder: 3-7212 or 2-3482 or 4-1580 Special ? 1st time advertised, one of best IB year oia nouses in jsaiem. Living room with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen and breakfast nook. 2 large bedrooms and fuU bath down, am Die closet space, stairway to floored at-1 nc. : run oasement witn automatic forced sir heat to each room, large ' garage, nice yard with fruit trees. Recently painted In .and out. Full price 210.500. Terms. T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 880 N. Summer ' Phone 3-64" j ILLNESS 'orces sate of thia good 4 B. R. family home near high achooL Fireplace, Din. Rnu. St nook too. nasement. -ou furnace, newly rede corated. CaU Al Bell Agent for fur ther information. VS. 4-1601 or 2-7380 eve. - . - M 1190 N. 21st j 2 BR nicely decorated, oak floors, fire place, full basement, oil heat. OPEN Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Phone 2-105J f , n Fee" Sate OWNER has built . new homo, must seu. present noma this mo. Three vr. o'dl 2 R. R. Iwim ImAm (m 4th B. R-). Liv. Em, Din. Do. kitch. neoK. hdwd. floors, insulated Sc ktherstrinoed. large garage, has child renj nlav room, rood lawn. shrub. Drive by -105? Rural, then rail agent Mr. Bell 41001 or ZT3B for appointment. $5000 OFF Fte 4 bedroom ranch-type suburban home south wltn unexceiieo nuitop view, heretofore available for 231.500. k W . MAM I.. 1 W .4 figure because owner will retain un- erty: tana inctuaea'wiin name u lis by 283 feet and Includes excellent .building sit la addition to home It self which has 2 bathrooms. 3 fire places, hemlock kitchen and living room, patio, playyard. city water: no cnanc oc oostructea mew. f none owner at 2-3942. - - 1500 DOWN Good largo 4 nr. house on lot lOOx uo located m cservats. wired lor electric range, has H. water " htr. run price QQ. Vacant. CaU Al Bell Arent. 41601 or eve 17360. $3800 Full Price Clean, sm. home. dble. gsr, on U A, paved street, on bus line, near sen, berries, grapes Be rruu irees. Excellent- location. $1000 dn, BaL 233 mo. Immed. poss. $4500 Full Price A vrx nice 1 B. R. home in desirable am, besatuui view lot. iwu au. 245 per mo. i - TT -rji Crr.av Toal Tvctat Xi. Hi. Vorey AlCdl aubldic 1385 Broadway Ph. -2-0532. eves. 3-3810. CHOltS LOCATION ON CORNER LOT completely morern -n:h-type sxyung. 2 bedroom home, spacious linn mAm firvniarw. dinlna room. In den or possible bedroom, wonderful kitchen St nook, reiresnmeni oar, m ritim tittntv-room. Tree attached ga rage. Within 1 blocks of P. O. , Ed D. Potter, Realtor 215 S. Hleh Phone 3-3630 untrr r -tt" p.v for a si raa m vttin7s worm. nouK. uric liv. rm, with fireplace. Urge dining rm, inside utility rm, dble. plumb, dble. garage, ft acre fruit and garden. Just outside city unuxs. xerma. Lawrence Real Estate 404 South High Phone 3-7508 Noh Hill LARGE COLONIAL 3 BEDROOM HOME " in saiem s nnesi aismci. Beautiful lr rm. 2 fireolacea. IX din. rm. double plumbing, full bsmt, auto oil heat, i Everything in fine condi tion, see this before you. buy. Call Ray Davis. - Geo. A. Walterg, Realtor Ph. 2-3849. 1 960 S. Com!. Eve. 4-3773 BY OWNER a hMlronm home, fine neighborhood block from new school, uooa vaiue at 23500. PHONE 2-5894 Open - Open! DAYLIGHT BASEMENT. Fireplace in 44 ft party room. Kougnea-u xor ex tra hath and bedroom. Oil furnace, i bedrooms or 2 ' bedrooms and den Fireplace, dining room and eating space in kitchen. Wooded lot. on bus line. FJLA. loan. Brown shake house 2 blocks east ox soutn um i on on cliff Dr. Phone a-T7S. Near New Wash. Sch. V.r Mat nlastered livina room, dng vrwm Mrm WIT m nun fic a UUI up. 2 car garage, extra lot.. Store or court possibilities. Trees. Price 39500 255 Center Phone 3-3289 " VT.rV GOOD VALUE Nw t bdroom home. oak. noors. larg pteasanx a v. rm. mnaj uwnni. i am uBijm tarmmm ' m uu. a iibw urn E. A. McGLAUTLIN, Broker 26T N. High 2-8811. 3-8814. 2-7B4S BY OWNER: Qom in South. 2 bed- room horn witn carpeung. orapea. fireplace i in living room and full basement. Tor 27500. To see ceU BY OWNER: 1000 below cost: 2 bed- room house. 3 yrs. oia. very nice, exclusive dist. Beautiful yard. 2-5115. Price 29000. No agent. BRAND new 2 bedroom home by owner and builder. Close to dus. scnooia and park. EHA terms. Call 3-8470. Price Reduced Lovely S room house, attached garage in setting oi nrs anu wu. j". old in choice location close to Cas cade Dr. W. Salem. Owner moving out of state. Phone 2-5055. $8,450. SIX YEAR OLD two bedroom home witn l- acres, iwo , ndw. floors. Modern bath. Extra large living room. Wired for electric range. Stairs to attic, uooa sou. ujrata. Ren-les. Chicken house. Small barn. Your own well with electric pump. Ttl.xlr inn atreet. Good DOSSibllitieS tnr future sub-division. $1500 will handle. S on balance. Check this property against any you have seen lor the price, uwntri mu ku nmw. CLYDE PRALL REAL ESTATE (n.t1 rtmr tn the Elsinore) 154 S. High. 4-3651. even. & Sun. 3-7250 West Salem Homes $850 ' and up" dn. pymt some trades. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Phone 2-2147 KEIZER DISTRICT. 3 bedroom home on paved street. Lot so x wu. met I52W). Terms. v atr Mm tnt HILL. 8 room home Paved street. Close xo scnooi. .Large shade trees. Price tszao. i erms. Denton & Denton Realtors 344 State St. Phone 2-3663 Evenings caU: Mr. Voorhees. 2-4007 CANDALARIA Do you want a view? A really livable large three Dearoom nome wiui pauu, basement party room and many other attractive lea lu res 7 rrtone z-oui. Longview Attractive 2 B.R. home with fireplace, patio, elec. oun wasner. ige. uuuiy with extra toilet, att. garage and Ige. lot. Immediate possession. Attractive price. NEW WITH BASEMENT Just comnleted. DJt.. eating space In kit. on a larce anaav lot in very gooa south side neighborhood. Price only SUBURBAN TRADE We have a soa clous 2 BJL ranch home near Market & Lancaster, ige. ga rage and a small barn for chickens or a horse. Ilk acres of ground. Price 212.700. Trade for a small nous or a farm. Call Bon Cleary. Walter MusCTave Realtors 1211 Edgewster s-siot, Eve, a-ww REDUCED 21000 New 2 -bdrm. house, new dlst., hi blk. to bus. Close to Englewood school. Paved st It's a real buy at $9500 and owner will consider trade. Terma. NEW SUBURBAN 2 bdrms, Ige. liv. rm, nice kit. Excep tionally wen built. Lara lot. paved st. Owner will consider trade for lota, hse.. trailer or late model ear. See us on thia one. It s a dandy for So73u. SUBURBAN EAST 3 bdrms. 2 yrs. old. Near Wash, school. t acre, barn and corral. Owner will trade lor acreage, win. oe giao. UNFINISHED SUBURBAN 2-bdrm. hse. north en 99 E. Material on band to complete. 138 acres. 200 ft. on 99E. 25250. Down $1800. This on mer its your Investigation. "Gabriel & -Gabriel Real Estate & Insurance 230 N. Capitol St. Phon 4-1591 Sun. t evenings a-sa8 SC3 Hi fcs? Sate Compare Before Buying This nom with similar ones. Nice set ting in Cap! tola district. Paved street. Bus front door. Only 4 years told. Nice lawn and shrubs. 56x210 lot. Walking distance from school. Hard- od floors. Venetian blinds. Total price only 28000. Liberal terms ar ranged. : i Yon'U Love This enarmlng brand new home in Lea se district. Extra well built. TUe roof. Forced air oil furnace. Corner lot. Eire place. 2 blocks to McKlnley school. Insulated. E.HA. terms. We mean this is really a good home and the price ts only $11.7 W).. . No Inflation Here Tea we know that, because we lust had it F.H.A. appraised ana approved for n sabuo loan. Real nice setting just outside city limits. Lovely front and neck yara. Automatic neat, onry years old. Insulated : garage. Owner win exchange for larger home. The total price la only 210.900. $300 Down to Veterans New 2 bedroom homea with garage. narawooa noors. Paved ana curbed " street City- water and sewer. Oil hest. Choice of wood or Youngstown kitchens. Total nric onlv 26995 ' 2 bedroom home can be bought on thia same subdivision for $500 down to veterans with a total price of $8150. Reserves for fire Insurance and taxes are reauired with the down navment. The same houses are available to non-veterans on rAA. terms. Come in xor aetaiia. CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK EVE PHONE 4-3553 OR MR. LLOYD KEENS EVE PHONE 4-3932 Candy1 Shop Very wen eouinoed. Very little over- head. Good location. Reasonable rent. Owner's reason for selling, has other interests, arveryuung : goes Tor S45oo. Terms. 250 Feet Highway Frontage Very modern and equipped new build ing witn a party rooms plus s acres, a home and garage. Ample water supply. The location will imnrove with the change of highway. This property has many possibilities. The price is S3X.790. Terms arranged. CALL FOR AX, ISAAK EVE PHONE 3-3552- 22 Acres Modern older tnt 2 bedroom home. Barn, garage, chicken house, brooder house and pump house. Amity soil. 2 cows. Furniture. Everything goes xor sa.uoo. some terms. 80 Acres On the Ablqua river. This Is really hot Newberg and Willamette soil. About half under irrigation. Good buildings. very well equipped, irrigation sys tern. This is one of the choice farms In the Willamette Valley. Liberal terms. Total price only $45,000, CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS EVE PHONE 3-4735 FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS IN REAR OF BUILDING Mortgage Loans -Al Isaak & Coj Realtors , Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 Eve. 4-3533. 4-3938. 4-3735 or 2-3552 8035 Portland Rd. Special $9500 Ranch style 2. bdrm. Liv, Din. Kit Lg. bath. Fireplace, oil St elec heat. Insulated. W.W. carpet on liv. At hall. Asphalt tile on rest. 14' x 23" attached garage. 418 acre. Big garden apace. Lawn la up. Suburban living at its best. See blue house on Hoffman Road. 4 mil past Swegle school. Ph. 2-8353.- $7950.00 BUYS THIS nice 2 bedroom nome. nwo iirs. u. rm. ig iv. rm. tax, nice utility, bath, pretty setting in large fir trees on li acres 5 miles of Salem, terma and a good buy. CaU Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2-3849. 960 S. Coml. Eve. 4-3773 IS THIS ITt A brand new home ready for occupancy at 175 Alice Street in Candalaria Heights. Best of quality at Medium price. See it yourself and buy direct from builder. You nam the terms. W name th price. Phone 2-5000. BY OWNER: 70 acre Improved farm and equipment, a room house, gooa buildings, good well. 82 acre oats and vetch, 5 acres pasture. Located 3Vi mile North of Independence on Greenwood Rd. Rt. 1, Box 273. NEW 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic dish washer and electric sink, forced air oil heat, attached garage. Lot 60x120. Near rrpde school. Phone 2-0004. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house $12,500. Englewood District. 1833 Madison. Ph. 24916. r OWNER MUST SELL, leaving town. 8 rooms completely reoecoraiea, nearly new. South suburban. Unfinished up stairs, garage, lovely ya- lota of shrubs. Phone 34716. ' 5 ACRES North. 5 room house, deep well. Phone 43133. no agents. BY BUILDER New 2 bedroom attached garage, hard wood floors, birch doors, automate oil furnace, completely weather stripped end insulated. CaU 4-2821 or 4-2643. - BY OWNER: New 2 and 3 bedroom homes 'n East Moreland district. FHA approved. 1545 and 1575 North 23rd St. Near bus, school and store. B08 Lots for Sale , TRADER HUDKINS Fairmount hiU lot. $2,500.00. Owner will take car in trade. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phon 2-4122 Ph. eve. 2-8180 810 forms. Acreage fat Sale 33 'Acres Polk Co. 5 rm hse. new land, berries, 20 acres in wheat. $7500 Terms. B. Isherwood,! Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. 1 Phone 2-2147 Irrigated Farm Near Woodburn 50 acres WIU. slit, va riety of fruit, nuts and berries. Ir rig. system and stream. Nice 2 br modern home, fplace, bsmt. Ige barn. inci tractor ana misc equipment, ssi,- soo equity sis.uuu. B. Isherwood,! Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Phone 2-2147 25 ACRES Here's that little farm) you are look ing for. Good 2 br. house, garage, workshop, "nacn. shed, barn, 2 chick en houses; pump house 8c fruit room. S A hrriea. balance food nasture AU this or only $8000. Terms. CaU Mr. BeU. 41801. Al Bell Baal Estate Eve. 27380. ' r Sell or Exchange 18 acres south, good plastered T room home, nicely decorated insid and out. Utility, garage, barn, fine water, family fruit. Price $18,500 or exchange for good home in Salem. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 255 Center Phone 3-3289 2i ACRES Willamette soiL Rt. 7 Box 418. mil N. of Middlegrove SchooL TWO NEW" ' Strout Catalogs JUST OUT! Ranches. Homes. Country Businesses, etc 37t9 outstanding bar gains, 21 States. East, Mid-West RED COVERED; Western edition BLUE, Either ' Mailed FREE! Save thru I STROUT. 528 ft. W. 8th Aya, Port land A Or. ' 3C3 Hi S00 'Real Estate ZIP Farmn. Acncxp Tot Sal SUBURBAN aero lot, fine soil, good roaa. cose to scnooi and High school bus. Terms. Phone 4-4128 after T3e pm . A. AUBURI Rd. Black, sod. Cane? berries rnd apple. Reasonable. Ph. 2-7S55. V v Unbelievable Oo to W A. in this farm: about 180 A tn cultivation: about 100 more could easily be "lea red. Approxi mately 300.000 ft of timber, worth 33.500. Good modern bouse, barn, sheds, garage, etc.. in excellent con dition. Good, very productive soil, excellent for seed, grain and - pas ture. A steal at 219X0028.000 down will handle. Owner ' leaving state about October 20th. CaU E. R. Nelte. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 453 Court St Ph. 2-3829 : Sell or Trade 2 A North with aU kinds fruit end nuts. rm. mod. bungalow, all hdwd. firs, fireplace, basement & oil fur nace. HaysvUle school dist $12,300. ALSO 18 A. South with 4 bdrm. bungalow, au in cuu. Barn & gooa water sys tem. $10,500. ... Art Madsen Realty 1328 Stat Ph. 3-5580. 2-8812 Eve. 34094 812 Exchanejw Used Estat 8-UNTT APARTMENT house close in on business lot 8 completely furnish ed-Price $14,500. Consider some trade. Also have a number of fine homes. farms and income properties for sale or traae. Joe Noonchester REAL ESTATE 1463 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-0103. Eve. 2-8257 1951 FRAZER Vagabond car to apnly on smau nouse or wnat nave you. 3-7929 or 3-9557. HAVE "U" nice 3 bedrm. home you would trade for apt. hse, with large hv. qtrs. or would consider trade for acreage. j Lawrence Real Estate 404 South High . , Phone 2-7502 816 Resort Property OCEANLAKE, ORE. Dear Folks I The swans on Devil's Lake have In creased from 7 to 23. Could be just , visitors but probably the relatives have moved in for the winter. And we think we have troubles! DO YOU LIKE FISH? This perfect home on an acre of ground with 100 ft Siletx River frontage has 2 bedrooms and Is one of the finest In this area. There Is a 2 story ga rage with work-shop or apartment above, besides the guest house on the river bank. A fine garden of river loam with berries and fruit an be half your living. The boat and motor are included for your fishing. You will say that it la worth every cent of S3o,ooo wnen you see it. REMEMBER that we have many good values in this area, so stop by when over this way .Very sincerely yours. LEE AND EVA STUART P.S., We win soon have 2 rooms for our office one for chatting one for nodding (Lee has a davenport in his) and, last but not least, one lor Dusi ness. s. - 818 Wanted. Real Estatt) WANT farm, acreages.' houses. Br in come properties. 172 S. Liberty, Wll lamette Real Estate. Ph. 3-7113. - 830 Automotive hH Used Core For Sole" OR TRADE: "36 Hudson - onvertlble. Best offer takes. Phone 33497. 1949" PLYMOUTH . uburban. Phone 28244 or see at 2293 Market St. 140 V-8 2 DOOR. Fair condition, $175. 3080 Lansing Ave. Ph. 22319. j49 STUDEBAKER Champion deluxe 4 door. A-l. ! hill holder, overdrive, radio, heater. $1350. CaU Gervala 2052 for appointment before 2:30 P" 1941 6LDSM6BILE AS cyL club coupe which Is very clean. Has heater A seat covers. Should give someone a lot of carefree transportation. Price $575. Terms Mc ra'l Vft State. 1948 OLDSMOBILE convertible, radio. heater, good condition. 283 s. nm. S-85za after a. 1937 BUICK 860 AH ready to go. McCaU's. 1297 Stat. Dial 3-8108. ONE OWNER 1248 .ILDSMOBILE cyi. - door sedan- ette. hydramauc. transmission, raoio. heater, clean inside and out. This ear has really been cared for. Price $1095. McCalls. 1297 g ate. Dlsl 38108. '$1 FORD custom. 4-door. rsdio and heater. 8780 miles, pnone v-oa. PRICES USED GARS 1153 S. 12TH PHONE 3-8892 50 Chev. sdn. power glide, rsdio. heater 50 Ford, seat covers, radio, heater. overdrive, sharp : $1599 42 Olds 28 sdn, radio, heater, hy- dramatic, sharp 21795 '47 Chev. club coupe, heater, eat covers, like new ; $H5 41 Keizer. sdn. heater, seat covers. new nalnt -2 893 41 Olds. sdn. 8. radio, heater, seat - covers, sharp : 1 J7S 41 Chev. sdn, hester 595 41 Plymouth sedan, extra ciean 37 Buick seaan. snarp 1948 HUDSON super Six, tudor, fully equipped. $1095. Phone z-uaao BY OWNER: 1947 Dodge 4-door seaan. low mileage, gooa tonoinon, spare tire. $1050. 151$ N. 16th. Phone 2-4873. -- '42 UlCk sedanetie. $400. Terms.. Ph. 3-4122 days. i? CHEVROLET stylemaster sdn $800. Terms. Ph dsys 3-4122. orienMintr.-. '4Q Oldsmobile. good motor, new rubber, new painL Phone 2-7481 Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ALL smirTJ. We Invite your comparison for price with Uke make St moaei anywnere Heirall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS " St N. Liberty Ph 2-41IS aa,w i UZalBER OF THX ASSOCIATED rKESS ne Asseelatesl Press U enUtted eaelnslvely U the ase far repabBcstlosi ef all ibe leeel news printed la this newspaper, a well as all AP news dlipatches. -j j -. BtXMBEJt PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF J8UEXA0 OF AJDVXXT1SINQ h -i Arertliiiix Fpre2nUUm-Wrd-Crlfnta Ce, New Tork. C&ksxtv : . 8aa Frasselsee. Detroit. ; , f ; ; pn mrr miMAO OF CIECTJ1ATION .;MBBBaHBMaBwa j 1 sLCsurnoN rates -n-- - ' ' 'rm Dally sad Suaday By carrisr ta attlas t L28 month .90 month 4-50 six mos, !" 2.00 rear man la Oregov. a sdrsncei By snatt t VMJk, sutatd Oregoa ,1a adJ I : 1 J month 228 six mos. 1 R40 rear 850 Automotive .852 Deed Cars Fat Sale 1238 BTJICK loor, good condition. Phone 3-3778. FOR SALE OR TRAbaT " 1842 PooUac 2 dr. RH, 3 new tlree. w Danery. brakes, and seat covers. Good motor and -ody. Will trade for Hi ton truck Ford. Chev, or Dodge. See at 2770 Garden Road. . - BY OWNER: 1947 Bulck converCElel tmvta only 340OB miles by owner. New top, battery and Life Guard tubes, excellent condition. Ph. 33892 SPECIAL 1248 CHEVROLET SEDAN R&H. sew tu-tone blue paint, new mats.' tailormade seal cov. . era. Not perfect but can't b beat for onlv $693.00 ' AYNBEE MOTORS 240 Union i i : Ph. 20702 Night Plione 3-3253 SOME one to take over payments on nasn a aoor zor -t. sat univor ity St. i - 1941 Chev. Panel Exceptlonslly deaa. $450. Phone 3-4713. 140 FORD door deluxe sedan, equipped with radio, heater, white wail tires, ex pensive seat covers, good paint and In fin mechanical condition. This car Is far above average. Price 249a McCalls. 1297 State. 1 Dial 2-8108. 1940 DODGE 2 door, $295. 695 Breyy ' 1950 4 DOOR Plymouth deluxe, heater. nylon seat covers, sooo mile, cast he seen at 125 W. Ewald. 1939 CHEV. coupe. Clean, good condi- tlon. heater, sea ten oeam liana, 1S7S rranklin. W. Salem. '36 CHEVROLET coupe for sale cheap. S91 S 18th. Phone 2-3429. outboard just overhauled, for car, pickup, or Skill saw or anyining oi equai iu. loa Dinlrr Dallas N. nart of town. 1933 FORD pickup for sale, very good condition, see at Ana aneu acmes at 12th and Mission. 1951 OLDSMOBILE 98. 4 door sedan. - very clean. wo owned. Call 4-3593. miles, privately Dewey's 50 Ply. spec. dlx. sdn. 48 Ply. spec. dlx. sdn. 48 Kaiser dlx- sdn. 42 Chevj s-pass. club 41 Hudson sdn. ' ' 41 Olds -78 sdn. 39 Sture Champ, sdn. ' Dewey s 3020 Market Used cars - Always Open Phon 3-4081, $295.00 TAKE YOUR ' PICK! , ' 1940 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN 1 RAH. good engine, a sound fam ily carl 1942 STUDEBAKED CHAMPION SB DAN i . R&H. gas-saving overdrive, just the car for. low-priced transpor tation! i . i 1940 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE R&H. paint r,body average, but good enginer-See it I AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union ' : Ph- 2O70I Ntghr rnone a-azaj , BEST BUYS 1949 CHEV. de luxe sdn. one owner. spotless i ; JM8S, 1247 CHEV. club coupe. Heater, or- iginal paint, clean 1092 1941 CHEV. club coupe. R&H, new ' f i: paint, tailormade seat covers. I i visor i -i 1941 CHEV. town sedan. R&H. low miles, on owner ; . BSS 1941 PONTTAC custom dub coup. R&H, excellent paint 222 1940 CHEV. so. dlx. sedan. Rebuilt I engine. R&H, - original paint. I skirts & tailormade seat cov- era . 828 1940 FORD town sedan. Excellent . body with original black fin- ; ish. very clean Inside 49S MANY OTHERS s TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS OF COURSE AYNBEE MOTORS i 840 Union i Phone 2-0703 f Night Phone 3-3253 This Time It's HUDSON I erne - SALES - Parts : I. Shrock Motor Co. Home of Good Used Cars - Church ind Chemeketa Sta Ph 3-8101 We Are iri the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. WIN High Salem Oreeoo BY OWNER: '47 Buick Roadmaster sedan. AU the . -re is. New tires. Low mileage. Or win trade for Utter model ear. CaU Hunt Clark 2-3343. ! ; - ' - ' 854 Tracks. Trafiers For Sale 50 Vs TON Chv! panel, $1295. Phon 3-3595. ' . 1910 CMC pickup, good conditton. 4360 ; Claxter Road. Phone i-i.. 48 CHEVROLET one ton express panel. $350 below Blue book price, iww. Phon days 3-4122. 856 Wanted. Cars Trucks WANTED: 1939-47 Olds engine. Phon , WILL PAY top prices for good clean 1937 thru 1941 Chevroleta. AYNBEE MOTORS ' 840 Union M ;Ph. 2-0703 Night pnone a-jaj ZEEB'S I USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE -2323 Fairfrounds Rd. Ph 2-8454 858 Motorcycles HARLEY Davidson 123. Very good con dition, has extras. Don Hsves. Bax ter Hall, Willamette University. Phone 2SZ32. t CUSHMAN motor s er. exceuenl engine and body. Phon 4-2874. 882 Hon Trollere SEX THE NEW 15 ATRSTREAM Jayhawk Trailer Sale 1 2640 Portland Rd. ' ' " , 27 C6NT1NENTAL trailer hous. Bleeps 4. 1820 Waller St - Wadays Only Sundays "ajy $ L08 saoath .12 JO moatti 2.75 Six 1.00 year M I I M month ' 2.75 six mos. 1X2 rear I i t I