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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1951)
1 ' 1 r 3Th Cistsfcnca. fk&eiau Oregon, Snndcty, October It, 1851 450 Merchandise p Pots fcEAUTTFUL registered English point cr. 14 months. 1660 rtr. 3-8962. HAVE several cute, black, month-old terrier-type uppies to rive away. 480 Bradley or. 41 block east of Msdrona in Salem Heights) fnXAGE AQUARIUM. Tropical fish and supplies. Lablta ''illane. Second road In N. on 99. ' TROPICAL. FISH and supplies C L Mann Battle-reek Rd Turner Ore f,, wuu RA V KEN N EI. 31083 ooKi s rroptcat Can aquarium Fish Unki oUnU heaters & ther mostat Marvel pumps 2 miles from 8 Lancaster oo Macleay Rd, Phone 17321 . . : 410 Seeds and Plants DELPHINIUMS. 1 year old. S for $1.00: Azaleas a and 4 for $1; Rhodes $1.50 and up; Camelias $1 -nd up; Cactus and Ivy. Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce CRAPES. U-pick. 5c lb. Johnson, 2390 Wallace Rd. FRANQU-TTit walnuts 12c lb U-pick. Rt 2 Box 170C. Turn W. Keizer School and follow pavement 2 miles. CANNING tomatoes U-pick. $L50 per buaheL Bring boxes. George Asher on Grand Island. Rt. 1. Dayton, Ore. PECANS, walnuts, popcorn, nut meats. If interested write Kansas Produce, CoffeyvUle. Kansas. . . APPLES U-pick. several varieties. 75c bushel. Late pears. 2-2124. TOR SALE: Filberts. 15c lb. field run. W. Hoggs. Rt. 4. Box 922. (7 miles S. E. on Salem-Aumsville Highway). YOU PICK. Choice Red Pelicious and Winter Banana apr es. 91 bushel. J C. Savafe at Waconda. Phone 31049, CAULIFLOWER No. 1 for locker $1-50 per crate. No 2 for pickling $1 per crate. pntps Br., si. s. box lis. (4 ml. E. out State st.) Ph. 4-3081. 431 Machinery end Tools TOR RENT: C. Y. Lima. 62 ft. boom. for crane work. yard shovel, clam shell drag line or back Howe. Call Carl M. Halvorson. Inc.. Phone 4-1413. to lUTlLL t aaies, parts, and service Howser Bros. Ph. S-3646 1410 S 12th YOUR ume and effort demands Rood tools Rent or buy them at Houser Bros 1410 S mh SCALERS and repair station for Wood bosa chain saws. B rises. Clinton a Wisconsin gasoline engines Howser Bros- 1410 & 12th. Ph 3-3648. 11 Household Goods Fox Sals ZENITH WASHER Super Deluxe Double tub construction with pump and timer. 1 yr supply of Rinso with this washer. Regular $159.93 REDUCED $5 DAILY UNTIL SOLD Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT AND COURT STS. 3-9111 APARTMENT size electric ranee. Rood condition $75. 1950 Model Hotpoint refrigerator, used very little. Phone 3-4257. ROPER" gas range like new. Cost $200. Make offer. 2720 S. Summer. SlLTWELL UVing room set, bedroom set complete, coffee table drum type table. 2 end tables and 2 lamps, swing rocker. 1511 N Church St. J5EW Duo-Therm oil heater, 5 room size $69.95. Easy terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. J 87 Court Phone 3-9611 1 CUBIC . ft.? 1651 deluxe Shelvador type Firestone refrigerator. Original $350. now $225. Ph. 2-5627. GENERAL ELECTRIC portable dish washer. $50. Phone 2-2274. PIECE dining . room set. excellent condition, solid oak rocker and arm chair, beds, misc. Phone 37910. , BEDROOM suite. Eastern made, Mr. and Mrs. Chest, large mirror, 2 night stands, bookcase bed. all in select maple. One of the most beautiful seta In town for only $250. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS ) Pacific Standard Time i Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490, KOIN 970. KGff 20. KEX 1190 . FM: Megacycles KOIN 101:1; KEX 92.3 t a (Editor's note: Tks Statesman publishes ta good faith the programs sad times as provided by the radio stations, but because oftimes the programs are banted without notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accaracy herein). , ; J I HOUR 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 00:00 00:15 Church of Air Radio Pulpit Concert Hall Church of Air iRadlo Pulpit (Concert Hall 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX First Baptist River Boys -Tabernacle Church Home News First Baptist World News iTabernaele Church Home (Morn. Song 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bible Class IBible Class IProphecy ' iProphecy Bible (Lutheran IG'town Forum I G'town Forum Platform (Platform IHow. K. Smith INews ' News- 1 1 Guest Star Mus. Comedy IMus. Comedy Top of UomlnglTop of Momingl Mes. of Israel Mes. of Israel 10 KSLM Hardy News Mark Rodgers I Lutheran Hr. KOCO Wildwd Church, Sacred Heart IF'dom Story KOIN St. Fran Hr. I Univ. Explorer Ue wish Faith I iStarlite Melod. KGW Shellev Organ IShellev KEX News (Brunch 11 KSLM Frank & Era. I W. Hillman KOCO 1st Baptist list Baptist KOIN Symphonette (Symphonette KGW Mem. Music Foster News KEX Parade of Hits IParade of 12 KSLM News B Cunningham I CaL Caravan 1 Cal. Caravan KOCO News I Rams-Detroit I Rams-Detroit (Rams-Detroit KOIN NY PTiarmonlclNY P'harmonie! NY P'harmonicl NY P'harmonie KGW Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Oav. Lawrence I John C Swayze XEX Hit Parade IHit Parade I Christian Actn.lChristian Actn. 1 KSLM Hashknice HL iHashknice HL KOCO Rams-Detroit Rams-Detroit KOIN News Edwin C. HiU KGW Foster News I Book Section KEX : Revival Hour I Revival Hour KSLM jUkoco 01N W KGW I Shadow Yanks-Bears Yanks-Bears Codfrvi R'tble.lGodfrvs Amer. Forum - Amer. Forum (Mus. With Girls! Mus. With Girls Prophecy VoicolProphecy 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Yuk. ChaR. Yuk. ChaU. Nick Carter iNicfc Carter Yanks-Bears I Yanks-Bears I Yanks-Bears I Yanks-Bears Colllngwood . News Time of Life ITlmeofLlfe News IDick Haymes Billy Graham (Bdlly Graham I Mr. President IMr. President 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN News Serenade I Dude Ranch I Dude Ranch Yanks-Bears (Yanks-Bears Wonder land (Frazier Hunt Jack Benny L Jack Benny Amos 'n Andy I Amos n Andy Big Show I Big Show ( Big Show , (Big Show MUton Cross IMUtoa Cross iCholr i (News . KGW 5 KSLM News jMusic ) Enchanted Hr. Enchanted Hr. KOCO . Ava Maria Hr.lAve Maria Hr.J Soul Clinic (Soul Clinic KOIN C McCarthy IC. McCarthy (.News Room INews Room KGW Harris-Fay Harris-Fay 1 1 Theater Guild ITheater Guild KEX Stop Musis (Stop Musi (Stop Muslo I Stop Music 6 KSLM rsm.Thester IFara. Theater lesHlgby t I Geo. F Elliott KOCO Liberty Soke. I Liberty Soka. I Headline News I St. Francis KOIN Corliss Archer ICorliss Archer IContented Hr. Contented Hour KGW Theater Guild ITheater Guild To Be AdvisedlTo Be Advised KEX . Wtnchell I Lou Parsons Stars on Stage! Stars on Stage 7 KSLM Lean Back sVews Comedy IComedy KOCO SHS Players I' Jimmy Nolan INazarene I INaxaren KOIN O'Hara JO'Hara . (Whistler Whistler KGW - D. Fairbanks Jr.f D Fairbanks r.f To Be Advised (To Be Advised KEX Paul Harvey iR'dside Chapel Sammy Kay Sammy Kay - 8 KSLM 20 Questions 120- Questions : Forward Amer.I Forward Amer. KOCO Nazarenes iNaxarenes . 1 1 Don Stewart (Don Stewart KOIN ' Our M. BrookslOur M. Brooks! Horace Heidt (Horace Heidt KGW , ' Char. Hawks (Char. Hawks ISvmphonyi (Svmohony KEX Drew Pearson I Headline IWincbell j iChet Huntley 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Classics C McCarthy Svmohnnj . Stag 82 . EditortaQy Classics C, McCarthy I my. ; Stag 52 10 KSLM Crime Fighters I Crime Fighters ITBA ? ITBA KOCO Pentecostal - I Pentecostal (Pentecostal (Pentecostal KOIN S Star rtnal (Memories HWelk Orch. IWelk Orch. KGW Reporter - line But True Catholic Hour ICatboIle Hoar . KEX Final EdiUon I i Israel Vistas Good LisienmglGood Listening 11 KSLM Sign Oft- v . i KOCO Silent 1 Silent I Silent I (Silent KOIN Elmo Roper I Chicaroane (Bandstand ' --' Bandstand KGW Music Music Tia OrchL IFlns Orch. KEX Tood Listenlni' Jood UstenlnrGbd ListenirurlGood lisfntsar 450 Merchandho 45S Household Goods For Sals WE BUY, tell r trade for anything of value. - o - - t HAULS FURNITURE STORE 1979 ralrgrounds Rd. Phi 4-3481 ' Used Furn., Cheap TRADE TERMS Valley rum. Co. 2SS No Coml 1-7473 456 Wanted, Household Goods WANTED Used furniture, good con dition. Phone 3-3871. ? NEED davenos. Woodry. Phone 35110. FURNITURE and miscellaneous-want-. ed ready cash to you rnone 3-ewa. BEDROOM suite. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. TOP PRICES for furniture of all kinds. HALL'S FURNITURE STOKE 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-3481 CRP3S and chest. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. WE pay more. We pay cash. Furniture. antiques, funs, misa xit lurmiure Co. Phone 20402.' ' WOODRY buys pianos. Phone 3-5110, TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture and misc. special con sideration given on complete house holds, estates, etc Phone 3-855 or bring to 1870 Lana Ave TWIN beds. Woodry. Phone 3-5110. Highest Prices' Valley Furn. Co. 217472 HIGH grade fum. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. IMMEDIATE cash Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. WOODRY buys washers. Phone 3-5110. WOODRY pavs cash. Phone 3-5110. 158 Bufldlnq Materials USED BUILDING MATERIAL Verticle -rain fir firs'. $70 Per M Asbestos shakes $5.50 per sq. No. 1 pine, t&f. seoperM No. 2 dimension J. $60 per M Doors with frames hdw. Windows, double run . 32" showers with fitting $730 ea. . $7-50 ea. .$25.00 ea. Kit sink, units .$25.00 ea. Lavatories with fittings Heavy duty med. caoinets . Black nine 1". 14". 2" .$1230 ea. .$10.90 ea. Elec wiring Sc outlet boxes I i- trim 1". 2". V r i. Phone 3-7238 after 8 p.m. ' r.ARArtE dook INSTALLED Steel, wood or aluminum. Phone 27794 for estimate. i . SHINGLES - SHAKES BmI nadt No. l'a $10. Uo. 2's $7. No 3's $5 4 $3 Any amount delivered, it m No: I carton packed sidewall sh-kes $1330 per sq with under- course common tumoer au graaes Oak and Pecan flooring. Ted Mailer h. Salem 2-1196 evenings. OAK FLOORING at less than fir price. Tile board 1-4' :23c ea. Knotty Pine pane- g and shelving from $129.00. Combination storm doors." Ceiling 149 SO Shectrock and rocklath. Vail board low as $1.76 4x8. Ceiling tile and clank. Clear 8" V Rustnc. Ply wood of all kinds. Wide variety of Shake colors in stock. "D" fir floor ing S119.00. Pioneer-Flintkote roof ing of all kinds and colors. Boxing low as $30.00. 36 months to pay if desired. North I city limits on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD, 4-4433. - j 480 Musical Instruzaents Old Pianos Wanted Furniture Mart. 419 Ferry. Ph. 4-3772 NOW OPEN IN OUR TEMPORARY LOCATION i The Music Center 475 Ferry St., Salem Everything Musical Largest f selection in town. Salem's most modern and complete Music Store will be in the : Shopping Center after Nov; 15. 462 Sports Equipment FOR SALE or trade for deer rifle, 12 ga. double barrel. Ph. 2-5119 REMINGTON model 31TC i "Target- Grade 12 ga. pump. Ventilated rib. recoil pad. front and rear sights. New condition, i $165. Trader Louie, 1870 Lana Ave. t l 00:30 j 00:45 Melod. Journey! Melod.; Journey Church of Air Church of Air )Frnal Light lEter. Light iLyrically i ILyrically I i Back to God Fellowship i INews j John Doe i I Research ' I Back to God IFelloyship Inv. to Learning John Doe I iTo Veta (Lutheran Hr. I Organ Loft I Organ IMem Music IMem Music Time I Nat'L Vespers iNat'L Vespers (Science Report (First Baptist Radio, Canaries First Baptist NY P'harmonie NY pnamomc Meet Congress Meet Congress Hits iParade of Hits Parade of Hits I Wild B HickocklWild B. Hickock Rams-Detroit I Rams-Detroit Frankie Laine 1 Frankie Lain Martin Kane (Martin Kane I Revival Hour I tCevival Hour DetecUve i I Detective I Yanks-Bears I Yanks-Bears R'tblc.l S Mauxhan Th.l Mauehan Th. Voice, Greatest Story I Greatest Story Fant . Theatre (Famous Theatre High School I Classics f i Jack Benny lSUver Jub. iStag U i I New (Classics , (Jack Benny (Silver Jub. Stage 52 450 Merchnndiso 432 Sporti Equipment 13 OA. PUMP, like new. Some aheHa. call z-104-, 4S3 For Rent, Miscellaneous 0 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan kets turn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer eiee porta we sewing macnine so per mo. Free pickup and delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Coml Ph 3-3512. GOOD USED Piano. H. L. Stiff. TOOLS Sc equipment to make a good jod oener. Kent or buy at Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th. Pbont 3-3648. 470 For Sola. MLsceflcmeous 3 450x19 tires and tubes. Make offer. Aynbee Motors. 540 Union. 2-0703. ONE SET overload springs for 40-48 cnevroiei passenger cars or pickups. Complete set only $io. Aynbee Mo tors. 540 Union. 2-0703. HOOVER vacuum cleaner, with all at- lacnmems, make offer. Call 25674 before 9 a. ra. BROWN fur coat in good condition. KcisonaDie. 830 S. lath. - STROLLER- with bag. Priced reason ably. 1135 Lewis. Phone 24036. ' COLES Hot-Blast oil stove, large size, $35. 3088 Lansing Ave. Ph. 22319. NEW world famous LeCoultre watches at 60 off. It's unbelievable but its true. I am closing out these beautiful watches st half price. Trad er Louie. 1870 Lana Ave. COLEMAN oil circulator with fan. good concuuon, a-.u. -juornerm oil cir culator, good condition. $29.50. Ward wood circulator, good condition, $35. Trader Louie. 1870 Tna Aw USED Singer electric cabinet sewins? macnine. Kouna do Din. sold new at $194.50. Special discount. Sews for ward and reverse, embroiders, makes ouixon noies, Diina nems. sorry, no ohone orders. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 130 N. Commercial. GOOD set of bunk beds $25. Phone 3-7894. FOR SALE: A 1947 Salisbury" motor scooter. Also a 12' row boat. Ph. 3-770C. 490 Ti. Lancaster Dr. PIANO library table, cast iron heater, 1026 N. 5th St. Phone 3-4207. DUO THERM oil circulator with fan 137.50. Phone 3-5057. 2040 Virrinia BEDROOM suite and dinette set. also new nurse's cape. 1130 Wallace Rd'. COLDSPOT refrigerator. Call 3-3321 or see at 13Z8 n. Capitol after 5 D.m during week. Anytime Saturday or sunoay. GOOD ised Quaker oil circulator. 5 room size. Used hydraulic Jack tU new nyarauuc jaca; so. so wegs Kd. pn. 41091. '49 MANGLE Ironer for sale. 2880 Sil- verton Road.' CHILDS violin and case, good tone, Large oil circulator. Old books. Mis cellaneous articles. 1279 N. Church, in rear. FOR SALE at 3830 Midway. Small barn in good condition. GAS floor furnace, automatic control led. $75. 1700 IN. zotn. Phone 3-9342. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy with pad. 1700 N. ZOM. Phone 3-9342. COLLINS hot water heater, like new, J-8788 after 8. - DESK, flat top Mahogany, 6 drawer, 38Z3 commercial . . , Phone 2-3242, NEW Springfield 30.16, deer rifle, $90 ; none Z-B549. 12 INCH Admiral table model T.V. and antenna. Call 2-1440. CONSOLE model Duo-Therm . heater with power air blower. Phone 3-1170, WELL ROTTED COW 2-3180 or 2-5886. fertilizer. Call CEDAR HOP poles 20'. 7' fence posts. Cedar and fir shakes. So) W. Tucker. Idanha. Oregon. TROPICAL FISH, Aquariums, heaters & thermostats. Goldfish & supplies Salem Seed 3c Implement Co., Inc., Fronts tate Sts. ; 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs $4.95 Hare Fur niture Co.. 255 N. Hiph. CLOTHESLINE POSTS $12 up. Rail- lngs. columns tr -der. 1145 N. Lib- city. NEW location: CHARIS Corsetier. Mary E. Bales. 1182 Center at Shopping Center 35918 - BACK AND LININGS FOR Wood circulators and cook stoves. Valley Furn.. 285 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-7472. 1947 LEONARD 7 ft. refrigerator, ex cellent condition. Phone 2-1024. 3310 "D" St MAHOGANY piano, good as new. Very reasonable. 1690 S. Cottage. FOR SALE: Oil stove. 150 gallon bar- rel. Phone 2-8892 or 1560 Roosevelt after o. m. AUREX Hearing Aid never been used. Co. guarantee still good. Reasonable. LIKE NEW HARTMAN WARDROBE truck. Call 2853 Silverton p.m. 1023 S. Waler St. PLAST1-KOTE requires no waxing Yeater for vour floors or linoleum Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa NEW and Used Sewing Machines Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta Walling Sand & Gravel Co. i Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready- mix. Concrete, Garden Sand Bull dozing drainage and ditching 4 vd "io-ei ar qi g line pnone 3-wxs ELtClRlC Ranges New ahd Used. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta STANLEY home products Phone 3-4056. Lee Mindt. 335 S. 19th. Linoleum S3.45 VALLEY rURN CO.. 285 N COM GOOD USD pianos Stiff Furn Co. $75 ea H. WASHING Machines. New and Used Yester Appliance Co. 375 Chemek eta Wood range. 2-1128. CRUSHED QUARRY ROCK Best for roads or driveways. Any tizs, 100 fractured Salem Rock Produc tion Co Phone evenings 4-3IZ7. DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS pliance, 375 Chemeketa. Yeater Ap- 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous USED dining set. chrome or wood. Phone 4-IZ88 after c. Rt. 4, Box 443. USED steel tank about 3 or 4 ft. dia. Jodson's. Phone 3-4141. WANTED: Good piano. Phone 2-8725 WANTED: Good used air compressor. S cu. ft or better. 240 E. Madrona Ave. (Salem Heights Dist.l VOUNG couple will store piano for use. Phone 25119. WALNUT and Filbert drying. Hobbs Drier. 7 miles s.E. on Saiem-Aums ville Highway. Phono 3-5211 eve nings. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUB SERVICE P MOST CASES Brtnr or Mali Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMU.H. DENTIST WAN1 ro Buy useo cameras M McEwaa Photo Shop. 245 N High. 476 Fuel 16" FTR LIMBS. Ph. 43081. Oregon Fuel Co. Fresh clean, screened sawdust, deliver ed by tube service or push off truck. Finest dry or green 16 inch wood. Phone 3-5533. 3087 Broadway. Tri-City Fuel Clean handpicked 1$ slab wood Fresh cut screened sawdust 12- mill ends ASK FOB S&H GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 16" slab wood. S cords for $10. Ph. $-7721 S-024. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OM growth block wood II la., deaa no bark SCREENED--SA WDCST " RURAL DELTvT?S ODXSEL AND STOVE OTX Phone: Salem 3-4C3I "" Alw pick up wood at 1525 EdgcwaUi . an. w. Bam 450 llcrrhandlsa 478 Fuel ANDERSON'S band picked slabwood. a cora oniy rnon s-7751 or 4-4-53. Highway Fuel Co. - Clean sawdust wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask : for Penny Saver Stamp Ph 98444 ' Special VIM S Planer tHmmtngs ..f&M eord CAPITOL LUMBER -- FUEL CO. $-7721 or 3-6024 500 Business & Finance S10 Money to Loan MONEY to loan on first mortgages. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Phone 3-2147 $$ CASH! BOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO, ' 1980 Fairgrounds Road (next door to bankt Free Parkins lot t m m 3gi can t-tm CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 r Salem's largest and oldest home-own ed loan company otters money woes you need ltl You can pay anytime to i reduee net eostl No endorsers, or help from friends i On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 Ob furniture, livestock, , equipment Klary or other personal property up 8300.001 - Phone or vkdt our office : today I : Hear Top Trades" 12:05 dally 7:45 son Sat 1390 KC'SII General Finance Corp. Lie. No S13S and M33S PHONE $-9161 136 S CO Ml ST FARM and Cll Y LOANS , A and S four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash tor Real cstat con tracts and Second Mortgages. , CAPITOL SECURITIES CO ff Court St Ph 4-S2W We'd Like to Loan You $100 1 i U you'd like to borrow $100 ! (or any amount up to $1500 Phone or call on us Immediately Typical Repayment Plans - t 15 Mol Amount Payments $100.00 240.00 380 00 850 00 $00 19.00! 30.00 67-0 PACIFIC Industrial Loans t!8 S Liberty Phone 4-2203 PRIVATE money to loan Phone 2-0794 Private Money' j On Cars, rrucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons i 1 98 S Commercial St Phone 3-91S1 AUTO UUANS j WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ! in S. Church St I Ph. 2-2451 Parking Aplenty Lie M159-S154 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted ACT today. Excellent proposition for coupie lo operate cafe. Living quar ters included. Phone 2-3040. NEED EXTRA INCOME? , Become an expert milliner in your ume, ax home, nave your own busi ness. Sell to friends, neighbors and local shops. We teach you how. Earn that necessary cash this 'easy, fasci nating way. Compllte materials, blocks, etc., furnished, i If you are sincerely interested, write for details about this unusual opportunity. Louie Miller School of Millinery. Dept. 2E. 14UU reenieat Ave., Chicago Z6. ill. EVE. cook 4 12. Trailways Bus Depot, 520 N. High. ' Good Jobs! M-Acct. pub. acctg. exp -to $375 M-Bkkpr. full chg, out .$325 M-Koute sales trainee M-General office clerk ..$250 ..$175 F-Steno, some exp , , F-Stenographer. exp ..$185 ..$215 ..$150 F-Typist. it. shortland F-Asst bkkpr. Dr's ofc ..$175 F-BKicpr. clerk typist u F-Clerk typist, no exp. nec .$225 ..$150 F -College girl for gen ofc ..$180 CUMiMjKClA, P1ACEMINT 494 State 4-3351 TENANTS for Z bedroom country ee4- tage woman to neip part time house work, middle aged couple preferred. 2-4703. t WANTED walnut and filbert drying, small lot specially. Phone 2-2861. Lees Hatchery. j 604 Help Wanted, Male CONSTRUCTION WORKER Foreign 6c ijomestic projects civilian & Military Projects starting ''World Wide" for Laborers; Technical; Cler ical; Journeyme. Send $1.00 for latest JOB NEWS WITH APPLICATION FORMS TODAY. GLOBAL RE PORTS. P. O. Box 883-102, Holly wood 28, Calif. l IMMEDIATE opening, businessman . with executive ability for permanent traveling position, visiting schools. Car essential. No canvassing. No col lecting. No books. Exclusive terri- - tory. If you can qualify you j will earn $125 to $150 weekly plus sub stantial monthly bonuses. Rush dual ifications to A. Paulus. 514 Law Building, Kansas City. Mo, RELIABLE man with car wanted to call on farmers in Marion County. Wonderful opportunity, i $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. McNESS COMPANY, Dept. B, , 2423 Magnolia St.. Oakland 7 Calif. J BARBERS wanting license in Florida write C. S. Shoemaker. 501 West Adams Street, Jacksonville. Florida WANTED Young man 16 or older with bicycle, messenger work. In quire Western Union. 437 State. kEPRESVTATIVE wanted. Wonderful opportunity without investment to ngnt peiwa wiui ais. cApcrwncc, Inauire 975 Market St' GRADER to work behind Stetson Ross Planer. 450' per minute. Third Shift Apply: Independence Lumber &.Mfg. Co.. independence. Oregon. ; LUMBER BUYER Needed by estab llshed Eastern Wholesaler. Must be experienced buyer with adequate mill connections. Advise experience and compensation expected. Confidential. Reply Box 113, co Statesman, j EXPERIENCED man for shrub prun- lng. Ph. 4-1402. :; j , 606 Help Wanted, Female MAKE $50 EASILY 1 : SELL NEW CHRISTMAS CARDS Stunning new Christmas Cards sell on sight. Make up to 100 profit. $1 Assortments bring you - $50 on 100 boxes. Embossed Cards WITH NAME. 50 for $1.25. Stationery. 35 other fast-selling money-makers. FREE Imprint Samples, Assortments on approval. STYLART. 1717 W. Ninth. Dept 45-G. Los Angeles WAITRESS, experienced. night shift Taibots conce Shop. ii4i state EARN money at home. Full, part time. Box 93, co Statesman. ? HOUSEKEEPER for , family, livein. Phone 2-8745. - i t BABY SITTER, ft days a week. $ to 3:30. can after 4 p.m. pnone 3-4631 CAR HOP. San Shop. Portland Rd. WAITRESS. San Shop. Portland RdT BEAUTY operator in large downtown shop in McMinnvui. pnone ; stM. 134A X. Stb. .16 Soles P Wanted Salesman Iflddte-asred man to sell a Federal and Stat MUST to small businesses. Car essential. Franchise for Oregon. $100 a week taty. Contact Mr. Norman, Cabin No. L Best Motel ztwu s. com aoerclaJ 600 Employment 610 Salts Persons ftcmtsd FACTORY Representatives wanted. calling on Jobbers, chains. Fast-selling line fine quality plastic wallets, novelty items. Splendid proposition I no-any, pox m, - assais, n. j. - MAN to earn S90 week up. Long need ed Invention. Advertised Saturday Evening Post, . Colliers. Prospects everywhere. Full or part time. Ex clusive. No Investment. Free samples. Write Red Comet, Inc.. Dept. 69-A, Littleton. Colorado. OUT-OF-TOWN WORK OPENING for salesman or business man of good character above thirty. Must have good car, be ambitious. This is a permanent position. Earn ings the first year should be $6,000 to $8,000.00. which will increase by repeat orders every year.' Liberal drawing-account Man selected will be expected to be away from home . traveling ft days each week. Open ings in several sections of Oregon. Washington.: Field training by Divi sion Manager. Our firm is an old one, strong financially, and does bus iness on an international scale. No shortages, no credit restrictions. Quarterly and "early bonuses. Give your complete background in first letter. Vic President, Box 1341, Dallas, Texas. CALENDARS, ADVERTISING NOVEL XTES. MATCHES. All styles. Includ ing Religious, Varnished. 12 Sheet, Giils. Hundreds of Advertising Nov elties, Book Matches, etc. Fleming ' Calendar Co., 6537 Cottage Grove, Chicago 37. Illinois. SALESMAN WITH CAR FOR 1952 FOB OREGON & SOUTHERN IDAHO Exclusive Representation Only. - Sell Laces. Embroideries, Trimmings, Ladies' Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, Infants' Wear and Linens. Only men with experience and following con sidered. Reliable New York firm. Box 119, Statesman. 612 Work Wanted, Male MOST anything part time. Age 28. Ex- . periencefl bookkeeper. Dependable. Ph. 4-3719. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Phone 43903. ; CARPENTERS WORK. Call 3-3380 eve nings. 2-3511. CALL the above number for the finest painting and interior decor ating done at a competitive rate. No lob too big or WANTED: Small carpenter jobs. Good work, reasonable. Call 4-1424. EXPERIENCED accountant available for part time bookkeeping, system lzing. auditing, tax returns. Reason- abie price, pnone Z-44HZ 2 DAYS week oy middle aged man. Clerical preferred. Box 72. co States man. " CARPENTRY i any kind, reasonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phon 4-2054. 614 Work Wanted, Female GIRL desires part time fountain work, evenings or Saturday. Experienced. Call 2-3253 after 0 pan. . 615 Situations Wanted PAINTING Reduced prices. 7 days. Expert pamter. work, guaranteed. Ph. 1-5369, MICKENHAMS DAY NURSERY. STATE LICENSED AND INSPECTED. PH. 2-7896 ! DRESSMAKING, alterations, hat re modeling. 1st class work. Ph. 3-5359. RELIABLE adult baby sitter. Phone 21943. PAINTING AND DECORATING. PHONE 3-7552. . : POSITION by refined middle aged woman as housekeeper, companion to woman or man alone. Splendid ref erences. Box 116, co Statesman. YOUNG MAN, college graduate in ac- counung desires part time work, phone 4-3746 evenings or week ends. EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT. CALL 2-0494 PLOWING and discing. W. F. Cren- shaw. 4-3168. DAY CARE. Nursery school plan. ChiP dren 2 Sc 3. Ph. 39015. HOUSEWORK by the hour. Live out. .jorotny Brown, ynone z-auo. BABY sitting evenings 35c hour. Trans- portatlon. Phone 27148. 1 MOTHERS CARE. 2 children under 6. Infants welcome. Large well equip- ped play room, large yard. 3-6272. REMODELING and alterations. Quality Workmanship. Phone 38954. Septic Tank Cleaning I Drain fields ; Installed and repaired. Todd s Septic Tank Service. Phon 2-0734. CHILD CARE In my nor . Days only. 3390 Liberty Rd Phone 3-8755. CEMENT WORK. aU kinds. John Feld- sch-q. Phone 38-F-3 evenings-. A GOOD lob oi lawn mower sharpen ing Howser Bros 1410 S 12th CEMENT work. Free estimates. Phone 27163. FOR NEW LAWNS, prepared and seed- - ed. Call hiana Wolcott, z-81.7. 618 Education PIANO laying Is fun. State Accredited Teacher. Ph. 34oi7. - Diesel Heavy Equipment WE NEED several mechanically in clined and reliable men to train for positions In the Tractor and Equip ment industry. If you are not mak ing better than $90 per week, or you don't have all year job security, you owe it to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. j ( ' TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE j . Box 110 co Statesman 620 Par end ContradT Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing Ditching Sewer 8c Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot i Phone day 3-9408 Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 Salem, Oregon AUTO HA1JS 1 lMCy us I a oettei by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 2-91IL 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board CLEAN sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 461 w. High. NICE sleeping or light housekeeping room for 1 or I 2. Everything fur nished. 695 S. 18th. LIGHT housekeeping room, lady only, 685 N. Church. LARGE, well furnished, heated, kitch en privileges. Phone 2-4661. 1338 Third. 3-9868 APT. FOR RENT, care of furnace to apply on rent. 231 N. High. Ph. 3-5838, HEATED ROOMS. 565 N. COTTAGE. SINGLE, double, private entrance. heated, nicely furnished, garage. S53 N. High. SINGLE sleeping room for man. Hot and cold water. 477 N. Liberty, eve nings; ; - SINGLE or double. Horn cooking. 485 N. Cottage. NICELY furnished, heated room. Kit chen privilege. 1556 Chemeketa. ROOMS with hot and cold water. kitchen privileges.' 754 Ferry. 70S Apartments for Aent 2 ROOM housekeeping. Outside en trance. 408 N. 24th. CLEAN 2 large room furnished apart meot, tMt-cold water, refrigerator, oii HC-.. street door, close in. very reasonable. ; Adults.. 180 Division St (Corner N. Front and Division Sts NICE 3 rm. furnished apt 575 Marion. 2 ROOM furnished apt See at 590 N. 12th. SEMI-BASEMENT fumi-bed apt IflSJ N. CapitoL -- 3 ROOM furnished apartment $45. Pri vate bath. Phone 37197. 2770 N. Front $05. LARGE 4 room upstairs, furnish- ed. (arage, i automatic laundry, tele phone heat and hot water furnish ed. 35852 -K- 700 Rentals 70S Apcatasnti for Best 3 ROOM furnished apt upstairs. All electric, dean. Adults. 1109 Oak. 2-6796. APARTMENT 3 rooms and bath un-- furnished except range. Phone 2-4342. LARGE lumisned apartment close in. Phone 3-3202. ATTRACTIVE 1 room furnished, re frigerator, - electric stov?. private bath and entrance. 4 blocks to' state - buildings. -7830. . NICE 3 room furnished- apartment close in. 1177 Court St Phone 3-6610. 2 ROOM furnished upsUirs apt Ph. 2-0808. 600 Locust ; PLEASANT 2 rooms and kitchenette ' for 1 or 2 adults on bus line, garage available. 745 N. Church. PARTLY furnished apt 585 S. 12th. APARTMENT courts $3250 & $39.50 a - month, partly furnished. Mission St Lee St. NICELY furnished 3 room duplex apt.. Frigidair. Employed couple. . 849 i Marion. 3-6830 1 ROOM kitchenette, clean. Employed lady. Utilities furnished. Ph. 2-7469. 3 ROOM furnished apartment t new a ROOM furnished apt. for couple $35. Also 2 room furnished bachelor apt $23. 303 S. Winter. NICELY furnished 5 room apartment duplex, basement and garage, near State buildings. Adults. No drinking. Also 2 room furnished apt 190 S. 25th. Ph. 3-5045. FURNISHED one 2 room and one 3 room; private bath, refrigerator, out side entrance, washing facilities fur nished. 817 Mid St. ONE room furnished apt Electric stove, hot water, nice for 1 or 2 adults, $28 month. Phone 2-8626. FURNISHED 3 room apartment bus at door. 2310 N. 4th. CLEAN 2 room furnished apartment, private bath - entrai ce, bus by door. 959 S. mh. ! 2 ROOM basement apartment private entrance and bath, unfurnished ex cept for refrigerator and stoves. ' Walkins? distance to town. Adults. No pets. Sheldon Apts.. 1360 N. Liberty. 2 ROOM furnished apartment Private bath and entrance. Phone 2-5414 aft er S p. m. and Sat nd Sun. or call at 456 N. 18th st. J 3 ROOM partly furnished apartment. private entrance and bath, fireplace. 40 Mill. 3 ROOM furnished for rent, 20495. S40 esne. LARGE 3 rooms and bath, heated - apartment, partly furnished. $55. Phone 3-4303. 1599 Market. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished apartment except new electric range and refri gerator. Haseldorf Apts. PARTLY Furnished 2 to 4 room apart ment, adults mly. Phone 3-9454. FURNISHED 4 room apartment close In no pets. Phone 2-9185. IMMEDIATE -ossession. Newly decor ated 3 rooms and bath furnished. All electric. Court apt 1348 S. 12th. LEE APARTMENTS. offers Salem's best rental in new con structed building. Bachelor and 1 Bedroom units. Rent includes heat and hot water, range & refrigerator. Union at Winter. 4-1641. 1 ROOM Pullman apartment electric stove and refrigerator furnished. 2136 Fairgrounds, Call 37854 after 5. FURN. APTS. $35 and $50, priv. bath. close in. 231 N. High ROOM furn-K-d apt. Private bath. near stores and Puses. 1310 Madison, NICE 3 room court apartment, furn- ished or unfurnished. 1664 s. I3in. 2-ROOM partly furnished ' house. Call after 6:oo p.m. 545 s. iatn. .-yum. Georgene Gables Apt unfurn. except rang and re frig Auto, laundry. 9Z3 s. I3in. SMALL furnished apartment. All util ities included. $32.50. 340 E. Wash ington. - j 707 Houses For Rent NEARLY new 2 bedroom home, un furnished except for range and ;Ben dix. $75. 2365 Broadway. Call Sunday. 3 ROOM house $35. 1Z6 N. Winter 2 BDRM., 8 miles city limits; oil hrt.. wd. rnge. References, box uo, atates- man. ROOM farm home. Rt 1, Box 53, Brooks. Oregon hone 2-4393. THREE room modern furnished house. all electric No children or pets. Phone 37489. ' COTTAGE furnished. All electric. Close to bus and stores. Suitable for 2 people. 1025 after 0. 3rd St West Salem, STRICTLY modern 3 bedroom house. Nearly new. Phone 39413. 56Z Mill. BEDROOM furnished house, base ment, oil furnace, garage, $75. Days 38841. evenings 21751. 2 UNFURNISHED houses $40 and $45 month, water furnished.: Inquire 853 Gaines. NICE clean house completely fur nished, l'a bedrooms, snower. ga rage, fenced yard, close in. Phone 2-7830. CHARMING new completely furnished 1 bedroom home, Deautnui surrouna lngs. Adults. At Paradise Islands. 3 miles out Turner Road. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home. Oil heat. 975 Belmont. Ph. Z-Z708. 2 ROOM house with oil burner, range. stove. Inquire at 2330 Lee st' rnone 4-4589. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom house. short distance from Shopping cen ter North. Adults. Fn. J-bZoU. COZY, completely f urnished all new. 1l1t rlPMt for Z. 3-3UB3. FURNISHED 2 bedroom home South, 4 --n - - Inquire 3345 Maywood Drive A NICE 1 bedroom unfurnished house in West Salem insulated ana eieciric heat wired for range. Call evenings. Phone 37489, FOR RENT ! We will now rent this brand new 2 bedroom house, with full basement to responsible party. Reference re quired. Can have option to buy. 1025 Terrace Drive, Kingwood Heights. . Abrams, Bourland & Skinner! 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Phone: 3-9217 Evenings 2-4709 DUPLEX furnished 1 Bit 1010 Park Ave. Ph. 2-8746. i . CABIN FOR RENT by month, reason able. 470 Portland Ha. p none -4aiz. MODERN 2 bedroom - unfurnished country home. Phone 2-2031. SMALL furnished house in Hollywood District Suitable for working lady. Phone 2-1438. - ' 2 BEDROOM all electric home, $55. Rt 3. Box 532. Phone 2-2123. SMALL HOUSE at 4080 Arnold Ave., Keizer District. Pay rent by remodel ing. S. A. Wheatly. 725 Court St Phone 2-4469. 1 BEDROOM house for rent 560 Han- son Ave 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house, clean. close to school, bus, stores. Refer e rices required. 1915 Highway Ave. FOR RENT - 2 room house with shower hot water. 2 miles northwest of Keizer district r.00 per mo. Reimann Realtors. 201 High 2 ROOM cottage, electric range and refrigerator furnished. Adults only. 2390 State. WELL furnished 3 .room 1st floor du- plex. Steam heat 472 ; N. Liberty, evenings. ! CLEAN 3 room cabin, partly furnish ed. $25 a month. 3397 Williams Ave. BY - OWNER: Well built 2 bedroom house. Close to schools. Price $6500. Will take late model car on down payment. See 1675 Yew or ph. 3-8504, 710 Wanted To Rem, Houses NEED unfurnished 2 bedroom clean modern house, good references, up to $65. Phor 3-4755 CHRISTIAN family desire to rent 2 bedroom home in vicinity of Senior High School. Phone 2-4931. NICE unuf urnished 2 bedroom pre ferably fireplace, basement, carpet- - n PhAn T74(tt WANTED: 2 bedroom house in Salem, . on laree lot or small acreage to leas with option to buy. furnished or unfurnished. P. O. Box 667, Mill City. Oregon. 5 NEED 1 or a Bedroom clean Modern House. Good references. Ph. 2-Q487. HAVE GREAT DEMAND FOR RENT AT Jt (FARMS AND HOMES.) Set COLBATH LAND CO- REALTORS. ' Phone . '4552. . -.. f 1.00 Real Estate Phono and let us show ydtt any one of these budget houses. Must be sold this montn. - . ... t f 1 ?. bedroom masonry house. nQ heat, hardwood floors, large lot oa paved . Kpeet Carlhaven District Price $700 $500 Down, .'T ?7- f ew BJl- hoH5 with atUched garage. H. W. floors, coved ceiling. Inside laundry room, large lot landscaped and ready for lawn; Now Is the timo r?,R srass seed for a luxuriant lawn next summer. Pric $8,900 . $1000 Down. 3 Newly redecorated S.BJt house on Abrams Ave. In Cap! to la District near Washington School. Nice garage, electric heat City water on city sewer. Price is only $8,500. Your terms within Reason. - r : . 7 i . : i ' 7 l i . ; r , . Abrams, Bourland & Skinner SEAL ESTATE INSURANCE . Phone: 3-8217 Ohmart j ' " A',. -' : 7 & Calaba, ' ' 1 Realtors Lao Olunart ON THE EDGE OF TOWN SOUTH Good 2 bedroom home with 1 acre plus portion of the .frontage can be sold off. with plenty left for larg yard, this horn is 4 years old and In good . condition $8750. i JUST A GOOD FAMILY HOME FOR $10,500 - t' Has many features you find in the more expensive homes den fireplace - basement wall to wall carpeting 2 bedrooms with possible third located about 5 blocks from Englewood School Good terms, too. IT'S AVAILABLE : That attractive home on North 18th St. it s th on with 2 bedrooms down and 2 unfinished up. and a full basement fireplace in coxy living .room, outdoor patio for summer picnics Yes, it's available at just $12,500. HATE TO DO DISHES? Why not eliminate that drudgery and buy new 2 bedroom ranch style homo at th same time whole deal is only $12,500 with $2400 down and bal ance at 4 (includes garbage disposal too) located la new district edge of town East BRAND NEW LISTING. QUALITY PLUS In this very lovely 3 bedroom home we're p round tar show this property and point out the top grade construction throughout, near grad and Hi School owner will consider smaller home as part payment - i 53 ACRES NORTH ALL WILLAMETTE SILT SOIL 4 A. strawberries. 6 A. cane berries, good family orchard. 3 bedroom modern home, lots of out buildings. This farm can all be Irrigated from deep well with elec. pump, la also suitable for subdivision Will show a good income on a $30,000 investment. WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN ACREAGE WITHOUT BUILDING COME IN AND LET US Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors - Real Estate & Insurance . ! I 477 Court St 1 . Phone 24113 24110 Eve. Louis Lorenz 35590 Henry Torvend 33633 Pat Kemper 25297 Ralph Maddy 23488 i Candalaria Heights - i 7 . 7 . : Looking for a This home built by owner is the kind of home you would build for yourself, completely insulated and weather stripped, telephone jack in each room, combination living-dining room with fireplace, carpet -wall to wall, 28xl4 with 16' picture window. Two large bedrooms -and bath, large den finished In knotty pine with fireplace and 21' of window over-looking city and east ern hills, kitchen with nook, this is a kitchen any woman will love, large utility room with lots of built -ins, full landscaped. ; 2770 Argyle Dr. MINT FARM ' 109 A. of the Valley's finest soil. Chehahs silt, good set farm bldgs.. includ. ing Mint Still. 2 Tractors and complete farm equipment, 4 irrigation well and all irrigation equipment, $65.000 consider trade home, business bldg. . or other income property. KIGGINS. ? j TWO HOUSES CORNER LOT f 60x120 ft. One Is 4 B.R. with bsm't The other is 3 rms No. 3 zone. look them over and make an offer. Will make good income property, KIGGINS. : v KEIZER Nice lot 70x154 with Filbert Trees. $850 i i BURT PICHAV INC. 379 N. High St 700 Rentals 710 Wanted To Rent Houses WE NEED rentals. Call Jo L. Bourn Realtor. 1140 N, CapitoL Ph. 3-8216 712 Wanted To Rent. Apts. EMPLOYED mother, year old baby. want 1 bedroom apartment runusneo. North end near Hollywood District Not over $50. Ph. 2-7752; 714 Business Rentals OFFICE rental. 2 room suite: Inquire elevator operator. Phone 34114, ure- mn Rldff. STORE BUILDING with living quar- ters. one acre-for rent Call 4-2306. ONCE CHAIR Barber Shop, utilities furnished, $25 month. 780 . ti. com mercial. FURNISHED office space available in downtown Salem. Ph. 3-3711. KUSINESS Room B7 L Stiff iUSINESS building, approximately 2500 sq. ft space. Reasonable. Phone 3-5211. - 800 Real Estate BY BUILDER Andersons homes 3-5638 ' Just completed new 3 bedroom double garage home, I4es uougias Ave. -,4 mile S. of Hoyt and S. 12th on old Turner Rd. I don't have to describe this beauty because it has everything you want Price $13,750. Open for in spection 1 p jn. to 5 p jn. today. Phone 3-5638. j CUTE AS A BUG'S EAR This new neat 2 bedroom home with large liv. rm. and excellent autcnen you may buy for only $5650 and on terms. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, Broker 367 N. High 2-8611. 3-8814. 2-7843 KEIZER $4100 buys this well built, quite new 2 bedroom nome. acre impruv-a ground. Garage. Deep well. Healthy terms. i . ' , E. A. McGLAUFLIN ' Broker 367 N. High 2-8611. 2-7843. 3-8814 Open 2:00 to 5:00 Sat. & Sun. 330 Columbia Street A 1 3 bedroom home, one down and two up. anacn- ed garage. Owner says sell and give the veterans in prexerencc. see h today . Olaf Thonstad, Realtor 941 N. Capitol St ' Salm. Ore. Home & Income Located tn one of the better additions In Salem (East). A oeaunrui nr. rm. 22x18 with fireoL Lge. din. rm. 13x12. Lge. Kit. with worlds of builtins & breakfast nook. Full basemt with Idry. trays, fruit cupboards St saw- tiist Turn. S lee. bedrms. up. 1 sm bedrm. dn. Sc toilet Could b used ; fnr aleeoins? rooms with a nice ln- I come. This lovely home has lge. lot with fruit & nut trees.: Only $18,000 with $3000 down, bal. on contract i May consider trade for 2 bedrm. home I up to $8000. call Mr. aimpson. I 3 Bedroom Home This home is nicely located close to i school St stores. Bus by door, nice sized hv. rm. Din. rm. 12x12. Lge. j kit 3 nice bedrm. nice bath. Exterior asbestos shakes. 2 Lots 50x120 each. This is a real buy at $5750 with $1750 j down. Call Mr. Simpson. . s- 7. 7 5 Acres; ' ' 1 bedrm. house, barn, chicken house, good weU. Owner will trade on room lg house or trailer court. Only $6500, - See Mr. Todd. . i - Frank Graff, Real" Estate : 120 State Street Office Ph. 2-8391 t Evenings phone: t Simpson 2-8239. Todd 2-1721 HOO .Real Estate SPECIALS MORTGAGE LOANS Evenings: 1-4709 . i Rudy Calaba TELL YOU ABOUT THEM. Real Home? large two car garage, lot app. lOOxlOO - t . Phone 2-5207. DISTRICT takes it. KIGGINS. m - - fc -. i Phone: S-4047 Ouit Workine s For th other fellow; If you have $2000 v cash you can get into a dandy foun tain lunch business grossing $00,009 a year. Best of equipment including deep freeze, walk in cooler, soft Id cream machine, dish washer, in fact It has everything necessary for good going business. Exceptionally nice living quarters. LJL with fire place and so many more things I can tell you about when. you call in. Total price only $10,500. Ask fog Hazel Lindsay.,' -i . .. Art Madsen Realty 1326 State. Ph. 3-5580. 2-8812; eves 3-4094 $5,500 BUYS i A. with 3 room house and 1 room p-iest nous. Nic loca tion. N. E. Terms. $8,000 BUYS older 2 Br. home. Pari basement. Close in location. $12,500 GETS you a lovely 3 Br. homo north on pavement. Excellent terms. $10,950 MAYBE less for a lovely home on large iot east commercial green house on this one. WE ARE in need of listings on sA types of property.- A. A. LARSEN ' Realtor . 191 S. High , - 5 Andy Halvorsen - Ph. 37163. Off. F 28629. A. E. Beckett - M. S4391. ; 801 Business Opportunities BUSY? iYou sure can be and In your own business too U you will call 4.1SB0 for interview. 1 CAFE FOR SALE Doing nice business. Grade A. Family of 2 or 3 all count er work. Sell , reasonable. . Ulnetsi Phone 2-9240. ' 1 FILAI SHOP I and picture studio.) Only one In thfe area, uwner nas omer iniemi- .no will sell for $3000 .which include equipment and stock, v LEE AND EVA STUART, Oceanlake. Ore. ' DelaVe 3604, FURNITURE STORE This business is in a live-wire coa city and U a fine placa tor two peo pie. $250$ for equipment plus app.' $7500 Inventory will start you In a permanent growing business. This wont lastr See us, at once. LEE AND EVA STUART Oceanlake. Ore. Delake 3604 RESIDENTIAL COURT 10 units, well built good location. Sea dom a vacancy. Garages with as units. Rents at prices tenants can af ford, yet remarkable return on youi - money. Owner says he will take home in on bis equity or make the terms right. - RESIDENTIAL HOTEL - 27 rooms 8c 1 apt., close in. 2 blks. frcra statehouse. city center ana port ess fic. Completely furnished. Exc. Uv. qtrs. Steam heat: Seldom a vacancy, - Net rev. $7600 yr. Easily managed exceptional buy. Sm. dn. pymt Owni er retiring. Worth your lnvestigatioss Call for appt p ;: s '- Gabriel 6c Gabriel : - Real Estate & Insurance - (30 N. Capitol St l Phone 4-1591 j Sun: Sc evenings. 4-2868 SERVICE STATION and garage In the . heart of Independence, lew rent Call : or write 1-7471. Randle Oil. t SERVICE SUtion for lease. Attractive) deal for right party. Especially suited for older person, inquire Truax Oil ; Co. N. Front tc Columbia Sts. ' 132 Business PiowT FOR RENT or lease small business m office blag. 35 Mission st. HI UWMH Gooo business site, ware ; house garag railroad spur 3151 Portland Road For auic ksale $2U00ft , Phone 2-0511 ,.i . r- ' . i i. f.