p -I i, ; I - 12 The Sta!mcm, Sclenu Ow, Wednetorr October 3. 1951 , I7er Ycrlx Slock Qiclaiions NEW YORK, Oct. 2-)-Today'j Ad Corp 25 Gen Foods Al.Chem Al Chalmers 75 49Vi 15V4 Gen Motors Goodyear Tire - 47 Am Airlines Homestake Am Pow & Lt 21'. Am Tel Jc Tel 159 Int Harvester Int Paper Am Tobacco 63 Johns Man Kennecott i Libby McN lLockh Aire Anaconda 49 79 54 4 65 17 27 33 46 Atchison Beth Steel Boe Airplane . Borg Warner . Bur Add M Calif Packing Can Pacific Caterpillar Celanese Chrysler Con Edison Loew'r Inc Lone Bell Mdntg Ward Nash Kelv . NY Central North- Pac 53 Pac Am Fish 72 Pac Gas & 31 Pac Tel & Tel Cons Vultee 19 Packard Penney Perm RR Crown Zellerback 56 Curt Wright 11 Doug Aircraft 60 Dupont -i . 97 Eastman Kodak 50 Emer Radio 15 Gen Electric L 61 Pepsi Cola Philco Rad Corp iRaynonier Ray Pld Portland Produce PORTLAND, Oct. 2-(AP)-Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to Jo to 1 per cent acidity delivered In-Portland. 74c lb- first Quality. 72c: second quality, 70c, Valley routes and J country points 4C less. Butter Wholesale FX3.B., bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, 93 score, 68c lb; A. 82 score, 67c; B. 80 Score. 62c; C, 89 score, 57c. Above prices -strictly nominal. , Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles,' 43',a-44l.aC lb- Oregon 5-lb loaf. 47-48c. Eggs (to wholesaler!): Candled eggs containing no loss, cases included, F. O.B. Portland. A large 67i-8'ac: A medium. 53-573c. A small. 42i-441,ic, B grade. 52-55c. - Live chickens (No. 1 quality, T.OB. plants): Broilers. lt4-24 lbs, 25c; fry ers, a-5 lbs. 28c; 3-4 lbs. 28c; roast ers, 4 lbs and over, 28c; light hens, all weishts, 18c: heavy hens, all weights 20c: old roosters, all weights, 13-15c. Dressed turkeys A grade, young bens, net1 to grower. F.O.B. farm on dressed basis. 40-4 lc lb; A grade toms same basis, mostly 35c lb; A grade toms to retailers 45c-46c lb; few higher; New York style A grade hens. 49-50c. -Rabbits Average to growers: Live white. 4-5 lbs. 26-28c lb: 5-6 lbs. 23-25c; old does. 10-14c. lew higher; fresh dressed fryers to retailer. 60 -63c; some bliher. Fresh dressed nests (wholesalers to entailers: dollars er ewtl: Beef: Steers, choice 500-700 lbs, S54.70-57.10; good. $54 70-55.10; commer cial. $49.70-50.10; utility, $44.70-45.10; cows, commercial $4730-50.10; utility. $43 00 - 45.10; canners - cutters, S42.uo Beef juts-(choice steers) : Hind quar ters. $2.O0-4O; rounds. $57.70-58.10; full loins, trimmed. $85.70-B8.10; triangles, sua 70-48 40-. foreauarters. $31.70-52.10. , Veal: Good-choice, $55.00-60.00; com mercial. $50.00-55 .00. ..-,. ,w Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs. 84.80-5&30; shoulders. 16 lbs down, 1.00-41X0; sparer lbs, $44.00-47.00; ri him S53.OO-54.00. f 1 Lambs: Good-prime springers. $55.00- 7.00. , Wool: Willam :te valley, mostly nom trl n-7(V- lh srease basis. Mohair: 70c lb on 12-month growth. T.03. country snipping points, t . WEDNESDAY'S . acilicMandard lime FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.lt KpC 92.3 KUocycIes: KSLM 1390, KQCQ 1490, I f editor's note: The Statesman publishes in good f Sith the programs and . ,viri,i1 k the radio stations, but because ol times the proerams are chanced without notification, this newspaper cannot, be responsible for the accuracy herein). m HOUR 00:0 . 00:15 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Nw fTlmekeeper wtn Uelodles iWestri Melodies iFanfi News NeWS IKUIN MOCK ilS.Ul.TI IVIOCK Clockwatcher. 1 Clock Watcher IKneassNews Farm Hour I arm Hour 7 KSLM Htmlnjrwsy Break Gang; 4 iBreafc Gann KOCO Liberty IJamboree ! iCal Tirjiey . KOIN KOIN Klock iMcLeod News IGobsJ News KGW Mueller News jCountry Editor lKneiss News KEX. First EdiUon IM. AgronsKy iBQDMarrca 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Cecil Rrown 'Family Altar : Bib Inst Biwe-mst. Open House I Open House -m,ww 2mrm iiaii nu; The Old Songs IThe Old Songs To Be Advised j Dave Oarroway Break. Club (Break. Club 9 KSLM News J Music KOCO News Kennedy snow inoiirwa.jMews jit-iano ranem I0IN , Wendy Wtrren lAunt Jenny j tHeleb Trent ; Gal Sunday ins ? rrosbv -Frnds-Wune Test UXi am Ediuon isun ei 10 un r:in Rirri i Tfllii Test torn Winderini I 1 wanderinc. KOIN. Big Sister : i Ma Perkins KGW -House Party IHouse Party i ITo Be Advised ITo Be Advised SIX Jack Berch 14 ESLM KOCC - KOIN KSLM Ladles Fair -Ladies fair KOCO Wandering Wandering KOIN Ms. Burton (Perry Mason Doub. Nm. idouD Notn. 12 KSLM Top Trades KOCO News KOIN Macleod New KGW Foster News KEX P.Harvey . 1 KSLM Jack Kirkwood I Jack Kirk KOCO Magic Melody- Magic Melody KOIN HUitop House I Kings Row KGW Backstage Wife) Stella Dallas KEX Top Tunes ' iKay West 2 KSLM News - - IDr. Crane KOCO Magic Melody Magic Melody Ma KOIN , Strika Rich Strike Rich KGW Just Plain Bill Ft. Pg. Farrell I Lor KEX -: Pert. Husband 4 Perl Husband I Mai 3 KSLM Music - IMusie ! iNewb ! tt Music i KOCO . Second Look (Star Parade j .Lib. Jamboree (Uncle Remus KOIN Kirknam News Art Godfrey i Art. I Godfrey Art Godfrey KGW Traveler ITravelers (Aunt Mary IDr. Paul KEX - Valiant Lady I Marriage for 2 (Barney Keep Barney Keep- 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway - : iBehi d Story KOCO Young in Heart! Space Ship i i Unit ed Nations KOIN 'Art. Godfrey (Art Godfrey ; Art Oodfrev KGW Life Beautiful 1 Pickens Party IHorr etowners XX Barney Keep Squirrel 5 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bobby Benson J Bobby Benson JohnFlynn Tune Time J Xd R. Murrow jNews I Kaltenborn I Foster News Merne Circlet Merrie KSLM Gab. Heatter iN.W. News KOCO Candlelight ICandiclieht i KOIN Col. Feature I Col. Feature KGW J Murray (L. Murray KEX WstruHedlines IHome EdiUon 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Crnr Comment J. Vardercook Wavne Kin -Big Story Lone Range Organ Conct I Cisco Kid Music Jackpot Star Sing Wavne Kin IHr. ifCnarm Bia-Story llone Ranger IMystL Theare 8 KSLM Name of Song iName of Song KOCO - Track 1490 Track 1490 KOIN Lowell Thomas (Jack Smith KGW i t Man s Family News of world KEX FighU (Fights 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Glen Hardy Track 1490 Mr. Chameleon Groucho Marx j Gregory Hood i Fulton Lewis' Track 1490 Mr. Chameleon Groucho Marx Gregory Hood KSLM t Love Mvstery INewsreel KOCO Nit$Utn Nit San : avOIN 3 Star Final KGW Richfield Rep, KEX Final Edition You & World Sports Final El.ner Davis 11 KSLMMyst. Tray. IMdnt Melodies KOCO Nocturne I Nocturne KOIN Organ Melodies I Organ Melodies mn news , IHalDerwin KOAC 10 .-00 ajn. The News and r: '10:15 Especially for Women: 110 Oregon School of the Air; 11 U 5 The Concert Hall; 12:00 The News: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride Ira Cowboy; ld3 The UN Story; 1:50 Navy EUr Time; 1:45 Here Is Australia: 2.-00 Especially for Listening; 2:30 Memory Book of Music: 2:45 Stories That Live; 3:00 Oregon Reporter: 3:13 Music of the Masters: 4.-00 International Visitor; 'T j inaiuerwin uacKima urc uacxruisorc. ' KEX Good Listening! Good IUlejiUurlGoo4 ListeningGood Ustemng closing quotations: 44 IRepub Stl . 43 64 59 33 52 Rey Metals Richfield J8H Safeway 34 i Sears Roebuck 55 52 Soc Vac - 35 South Pac 65 ; 24 -86 & L ' 9 - 24 Std Oil Cal 54 Std Oil.NJ 68 Studebaker - 29 : ; 18 Sunsh Mn i-U 11 Swift and Co L 34 39 n 19 I 19 56 J Tfasamerica 20 Twent C Fox -JL 22 Un Oil Cal X 40 UPac . -.105 Un Airlines 1 27 Un Aircraft X 33 Un Corp 4 US Plywood 36 Va US Steel L 43 Warn Bros u 15 15 Elec 32 110 5 I 7i 20 i I 9 West Un Tel 44 r West Air Br L 27 21 1 24 64 West Elec - 39 Woolworth 44 J Country kiU4 meats: mr,,t-.n Rti fta.no lbs. 22-25e lb: rought heavy bucks, ewes. 15-18c. , i Veal : Top quanry, m-dm; gouu iv ies. 50-52C; others 40-45C .j Beet: uooa cows, wx iu; taimci sl itters, 41-42C. 1 - t ' ' - ,J ' Hon; Lisht 'blockers. 33-34C lbby gows, lght 28-30C. ' i Lambs: ; Top i grade, 53-35c; other grades-43-45C. i ' . . J Potaoes Wash, russets No. 1-A, $3 50-60; Klamath russets, $3.60-75; No. 2S. 50-lb- sack' 90-1.00; Mt. Vernon long whites; No, 1-A. $2.75. , . ! Hay: U. S. IND. -a green auaua, uc i;vr.il Mr an 4rnp1r lnt F O R. Porta land, mostly $34.00-35.00 ton; 'Willam ette valley raii and clover hay nomi nally S2S.UU-ZY.mi a ion, uauru mi xariii. No. 1 timothy mixed hay, F.O. Port land, balled $35.00. i . nninnn iut-lr icarlra, Or0on vellows. med.. $1.50-60; 1 Washington yellow$ A CA. aUm. (iiiaaI Gv4vtaiK maul $1.75-2 00; white. (2.75-3.00. - i L Salem Market Quotations As1 of ate1 yesterday ac it WttAT Premium ! - f No 1 jl i NO. t- :, r i i .71 .71 .63 .74 .70 BUTTER Wholesale 1- Retail tuus-(unyiagj i : (Wholsaivorics range from j ; to 7 cents over buy In orice Large AA . 4, Large A .02 Medium AA Medium -JS0 SmaU J4 !l7 .18 POULTRY -Leghorn i, hens Colored hens . Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Old roosters XI .14 Roasters LiVtlSTUCR 4 Valle Parkins ComAanv UnfnonfV Wool Lambs i , ; 27-00 to 28.50 Sheared LambsL- 26.00 to 27.50 . 21.00 18.00-20.00 21.00-24.00 23.00-2S.00 Fat Dairy J U Cutter , j ,. Heifers .ij.,... i.,, Buiis ,:, i....i- BROADCAST! s- i 'rr 'II I KOIN 9p0. KGW 620, KEX 1190 use on anjnot j f I li 00:30: 00:45 I I Farm News (News " I Net News IKOIN Klock J ilFarm Time I Johney L. Wills ; iiarmnour !Sons of Pioa'rs I KOCO Klock JBabbit Show -ISam Hayes IBobHazen - J Showcase !l Kennedy Show 1 1 irT tici slam i Roscmarv i .Break. Cluo ureas, ciuo ! IPaswipu xsanrain uounier Turn Test. iKneass wewi ii ivneass news I Break Bank J 10017 ibiidhi, lAnsWCr Man 1 Concert' lwanaenne iwjnuermi . j Dr Malont iGuid. ugnt Lone Jourtiey T ! Trai Story JTrue Story sjueen for Day I Queen for Day iWarJdering Wandering iNorih Drake i Brighter Day : Millionaire i Millionaire IN. Westerners J N. Westerners N W News Gay Wt- IMusie t Frank De Vol iFradkDeVol (Ritchie Come Oet It! I Houke arty IHouse Party Road of Life IPepper Young ( Happiness Noon EdiUon ITed iMarona IV. Lindlahr wood IMusie i IMueic I Magic Melody I Magic Melody IKirHhamf NewsiKirkham Mewsl iWidder Brown IWomanlnhse. IKajf West . IKay West' I Mus c ' Concert Muslo j i Magic Melody j I Tunefully I Bob and Ray i Evelyn Winters c Melody Qlin an Show - zoJ ones' Marnn Skch Hendersn l World News jlCurt Massev I Morgan Musie Cage Squirrel ; Cage Jon & Sparky Clyde Beatty- I Clyde Beatty Jos. Harsch. joss News I Peterson poirts Mews World Today - s of rrtmea Circle IChef Huntley II Bob Garred -lAnsv er Man (New i iii j Crosby Snow (Man Called X (Sam Hayes 188 Keys ' Crosbv Show I Man CaHed X (Buzz Adlam Buzz Adlanm ; I Cisco Kid . i Word on Sports 1 1 Hr. of Charm IMerid. Wilson Myst Theatre MCrid. Wilson Frdni. our bus. iTradk 1490 (Dr Christian Gildersleeva IMusie. Track 1490 Dr. Chnatlaa IGildersleeve FighU . lEigl Ighjta lusic Music IMusie . Track 149p News .v oeusan Dang. Assign. Club 18 Dang. Assign. ! ILawtnce Welk LawrnceWelk i Knck i IMyst. Trmv : I Music U Want ! lwelk Orch. i Tfews Summry (Good I4strningl IMusie TJ Want iweix orcn. Tex WillUms (Horse Races I Melodies :, , Melodies Nocturne J Nocturne RanActanif ! RinHctsml Jack' Fin Ore. 1 1 Jack Fins Ore. 4:13- On the Upbeat: 4:43 News & Weather: S-rOO Children's Theater: SOS Jerry of h Circus; 1:30 Chicago RoundUble: M News and Weather; 8:13 Tom. Roberts, Organist; 6:30 The People Act; T; 00 Rural Comment; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 00 Radio Short hand Contest: : S JO Master Works Story; 8:43 News and Weather; IM Music That; Endures; 0:43 Evening Mediations;- 10.-00 Sign Off. ' Salem ! bituarieo WOKOEIT Mrs. Kate Worden. at a Brooks n ursine home September 30. Survivors include grandchildren. Katherine Gou ley. Salem, and Romeo Gouley, Brooks. Graveside services will be held Wed nesday. October 3, at 3 pjn. at Pioneer cemetery under direction of Clough Barrick ' company. . the Rev. Louis Whit officiating. Pleas omit flowers. UNEBERRT. "1 John P. Line'jerry, at a local hos pital October 1. Survived by daugh ter;: Mrs. i Ruth Tran'ow. Kelso. Wash.; son. Parker Lineberry of Salem: broth er, i El wood i Lineberry of Anderson, Ind.: two grandchildren, Charles P. Lineberry of Salem: aad John Tran tow of Seattle.. Wash. Interment in City View cemetery. Vancouver. Wash. Dr. Charles Durdan will officiate, wilson - ; - Mr. Minnie Ford Wilson. 11844 S.E. Pine. Portland, at her residence Sept. 30. Survived by son. Ford E. Wilson, Portland; grandsons Ford E. Wilson, 1r Mill City: Richard G. Wilson. Sa tm.i great granddaughter Jeanne L. Wilson. Mill City; several nieces and nephews. Services will be held Wednes day.! October 3 at 11 a.m. at Clough Barrick chapel, the Rev. H. W. Black officiating. Interment in Belcrest Me morial park. . COX In this city. October 2.Ernest Cox. late 'resident 1015 Norway st. Survived by sister.! Mrs. Ina Savage. Salem. An nouncement of services later by the W. T. Rlgdon company. KIECK ' T " Arthur i! A. Rieck.' lite resident of 340 Mission st.. in a Portland hospital, October 1. Survived by widow, Alt a.. Announcement of: services later by. Clough-Barrick company. . LVPIEN I Mrs. May Elizabeth Luplen. late resi dent of Eagle, Ida., in Boise. Ida., Octo ber 1. Survived ' hy daughter; Mrs. Grace Cook, Portland: sons, Roy R. Nott, Portland; Clarence Nott. Boise, Ida.: sister. Mrs. Grace Wolf, Shelton, Wash.: one grandson. Ralph DeBast, Vancouver,! Wash.; great grandchild. Paul DeBast, Vancouver, wash, ser vices will toe held Thursday. October 4. at 1 :30 p.m. in ; the Clough-Barrick chapel. Concluding 1 services In Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. CARTWRIGflT ' Mrs. Mary Cartwright, late resident of Springfield. October 1. Survived by daughters. Mrs. W. A. Keller. Spring field; Mrs. R. E. Boatwright. Portland: son; Reace Cartwright, Holly, Colo.; 13 grandchildren, 12 great grandchil dren. Services will be held Thursday, October 4 at 3 p.m. in the Clough Barrick chapel. Dr. Seth R. Hunting ton officiating. Interment In Belcrest Memorlalj park. ' McCLELLAN Mary Frances McClellan, st the resi dence, 2164 Maple ave.. Oct 2, age of 70. Survived by husband, David S. Mc Clellan, Salem: sister, Mrs. Margaret Viola Rose of Caro, Mich.; two broth ers, Cecil Herbert McFadden, Auburn, Wash.; Douglas B. McFadden, Eugene. Services will be held in Howell-Edwards chapel Friday. October S, 1:30 p.m. Concluding services in Belcrest Memorial park, i i HEASLET - Martha Elizabeth Heaslev. late resi dent of 2305 N. Liberty St., at a local hospital October 2, age of 67. Survived by widower. A. E. Heasley. Salem, by widower. A. E. Hensley. Salem; two daughters. Pearl Crutchfield. Ru pert, Idaho, and Dorothy Brenner, Je lome, Idaho: three sons, Senetch Ward, Twin Falls. Idaho: Gilbert Ward, Port land, and Gaylord Ward. .Dietrich. Idaho; a sister, Mrs. Mary Heasley, Jerome. Idaho;, brother, John Keitch ley, Omaha; Nebr.: 17 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Member of Christian church. Announcement of services J later by Howell-Edwards cnapei. Portland livestock v PORTLAND. Oct. 2-(AP) - (USDA)- Cattle: Salable 225; holdover 125; mar ket slow, generally steady-weak with Monday, , but many bids 25-50 cents lower; load choice 1425 lb fed steers 36.50; odd utility-commercial grades 26.00-33.00; cutter-utility heifers 22.00 27.50; canner-cutter cows mostly 18.00 21.00; few 21.50; shells down to 15.00; utility cows 23.00-28.00; utility bulls 25.50-28.56: odd good bulls to 30.00. Calves:! Salable 75; holdover 25; mar ket slow; mostly steady except cull utility grades weak to 1.00 or more lower; few choice calves and vealers 35.00-36.00; good 31.00-34.00; commercial 27.00-30.00; CUll-utility 18.00-26.00. Hoes: Salable 250: holdover 50: mar ket active, unevenly steady to 25 cents niner: choice iao-Z33 ids largely 23.90. but numerous small lots 23.60-75; odd choice 240-250 lbs 22.50-23.00: choice 400-500 - lb sows ; 18.00-19.00; lighter weights up to 19 50. including part load 3 ids i at 19.SO-. few iota good-choice light feeder pigs 22 J0. Sffeep: Salable 200; market rather slow, about steady: several lots good- choice shorn lambs 28.50-29.50. includ ing choice No. -2 pelt 94 lb lambs at 28.50: few cnoice wooied iambs 30.00; good-choice feeders 28.50-29.00. includ ing shorn feeders at 28.75; odd good 100 lb yearlings 24.00; cull-utility ewes 6.00-11.50; good choice- ewes salable U.UO-13.00. Portland .Grain POH rLANDj Oct. 2 (API Coarse frrains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery j Oats. No 2. 38 ib white, 82 JO; barley No. 245 lb BW 62.50. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. J bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.35'a; ; soft - white excluding Rex) 2.35ar white club Z35',i. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.36; 10 per cent 2.36; 11 per cent 2J6; 12 per cent 2jo, - s Hard white Baart: Ordinary 25; 10 per cent 2.35; 11 per cent 2.35; 12 per cent z.30. , Today's car receipts: Wheat 71: bar ley 8; flour 7; corn. 10; oaU 3; mill- feed 7. ; l : QEUPTTIUIQE HERNU i II FILES (H.mofrhoid.) COLON $T0MACH ', Ail) j : TrtitMlilltsanillsHitltS KWXJ until S:00 Mea.ttinMMli M. Until 1,00 ,.m. MooWsdPri. CJ.D.M.D. Twwm nu. ll OnFmadm Writs 0t call THE DEAN CLINIC I in ova 42s4 ti Ml NOtTHtAir UN0T BOUltVAIO Tafcss lArt 3IS . hrlkvi 14. ( '1 . -J i Dt. TTXanv.NJ.Dr. OE& CHAN . aChaauNU) .-.LAM CHINESE HEKBAUSTS ' : a 241 Nerln Liberty i - rpstatrs abort Jant. 231 N. rty Office open Saturday only 10 mjm. ts 1 pjn 0 to 2 pjn Oasulto ttoa. Blood pressure sad urine tests are tree of cnarge. Practiced U1L U Stocks and Bonds ! - , 7" - Compiled by the Associated Preaa i. rw.v.. - . i STOCK AVERAGES i -. IS I Ind RaiU Net change AS A.i . Tuesday , . 139.2 69.1 Prev. day 138 J 692 Week ago 138.S 70.4 ' Month ago 136.0 65 j Year ago 114.2 MJ New ISSl ligtu . i BOND AVEKAGES is an UU stks A.I A.0 50.4 100.7 504 100.1 502 100.4 50 4 97J 45 J $31 20 10 ; 16 I Rails ' Ind UU Net change A.1 TJnch D 3 Tuesday Ml i 99.7 ! 89 J Prev. day 95.1 ! 99.7 '! 99 s Week ago 93 J ! 99.9 : 99 i Month ago 94.6 99.7 1001 Year ago 874 1Q1J icq j 10 Fgn A.1 73.6 73.5 73.7 73.8 7JJ i - : r . STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Statement of Ownership. Manaaement . and Circulation required fey , Act of Congress, August 4, 1912, as amend ed fey the Acts ef March 3. 1S33 and Jnly 2, 1946 (Title 39. U. 8. Code, See. 233). Of The Oregon Statesman pub lished at Salem, Oregon for October l, 195L r 1. Names and addresses of the pub lisher, editor, managing editor and business manager. , t . j .. Publisher and editor. Charles A Sprague; Managing editor, Wendell Webb; j Business manager, Wendell Willmarth, all of Salem. Oregon 2. The owner Is the Statesman ' Pub lishing Co.. Inc.. Salem. Oregon, whose stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of the stock are -Charles A. Sprague. Robert Sprague of Salem, Ore., Wallace A. Sprague, Short Hills.' N. J., Mrs. Martha Sprague Hur- lev. Richmond. Cal . i Qt HluI IKtJ- gees and other security holdersnone. x-aiagrapiis ana j inemde,- in cases where the stockholder of" security hnlrip nnrMr 1 1 ivin 4 Vim Vuui.. .1 r r ...... ..... wwata u company as trustee or in any fiduciary relations, the name of the person or corporation ior wnom such trustee is paragraphs show the affiant s full knowledge and belief as to the circum stances! and conditions - under: which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the pomnanv as trnta t hnlH itmi. i . 1 y- fv auu securities in a capacity other than that The average number ot copies of each iiMll of thin mirilinatinn anlrl n ,.jk , v.m -UAOL1AU uted through the malls or otherwise. 10, paio suDscriDers i aunng the 12 months : preceding the date I shown above was: Daily and Sunday 16.349. (jiiakljus a. arKAuu, Publisher Suhsrrihrl snrl iwnrn to haln.. , this Snd rlnv nf Ortnhr. Tn-i. t Armold. (My commission expinea Dec. U. ISM). IUJ. ' t 300 Personall HQ Moeflnq None SALEM LODGE No. 4 AF & AM. Wed., Oct. 3. Stated communi 1 cation. 7 JO p.m. y 312 Lost and Found LOST Friday evening. Boston Bull "8i icniaic, ncwirni j-iuoo. LOST: Gold rimmed personality glass es, tinner piease cau zacia before 5 LOST: Billfold. Need personal papers. earns, etc. k. round, Mortn Salem Motel, 2673 Portland Rd. j 314 Transportation t EXPERIENCED DRIVER wants ride to .new xotk iate, vicinity. 3-3811. 316 Personal NOT RESPONSIBLE for any bills other i man my own. uon zouner ana ooys. m. o, pox zui. aaiem. PROFESSIONAL instrucUon piano the- ory, Dana instruments. Jessop btu- oios. leiepnone 3-bzit ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, 315',i N. Commercial St Phone 2-2108 Meet ings, j Sunday 3 p.m.. Tuesday 730 D.m ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph, 3-9133. PO Bx 724. YMCA, Wed. and Frt. at $:30 p.m. , i it 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock WEANER PIGS. $12.50 each. 4840 Cen ter St., Salem. REGISTERED Guernsey 2 year old cow, fresh 2i months. $300. Also registered or standard bred Guern sey bull calves. Rt. 4. Box 458, Salem, On old Pacific Highway, 2 miles fnonn or aunnysiae, BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer ., C LlCKNSF.n LivMlnrk . i u " " " wwv VU.TSI I H. anetnen. i4o Lancaster dr Pf 2-1345 BONDED livestock buyer A. F. Som - "ier ziw unemiwi Ka fn I 4281T BULL SERVICE, reasonable. Nelson's anyplace anytime Phone 4-2949 - BONDED livestock buyer Claude Ed-.-wards. Rt. 3. Box 896E. Ph. 4-1113. 404 Poultry cmd Babbits FRYERS and pullets $1 each. Lewis Adams. Rt. 2. Box 261-CL Phnn. 4-43H 1 HEAD N.H. vearlinv lavi-- offer. On Salem Rt., 0, Box 276 1 mile South of Liberty School. SaUm N. H. FRYERS. 3 to-4 lb. 5 miles S airport Rd. 4 mile W. 4 mUe SJL Zlstel. Rt.4. Box 850.1 i RABBITS: Rt. 4, Box 673. East of Co lonial House. - HATCHES of -Golden Broad and New' Hampshire chicks every Tuesday We specialize in broiler chicks Fox's Hatchery. 3830 State St.. phone 3-400 DA V -OLD and started chicks It Cen ter Street Phone 22861 Lees Hat- 408 Pets K7H1!S Si wy- evenings. TROPICAL fish and supphesli ViUaee Aquariam. Labish Village. 2nd en- uaiicc nurm on to-XU. FOR SALk: Purebred Great Dane 2 Ja "I very reasonable. Call CANARIES, i Phone 3-8668. LAST CHANCE to get one of our cute SS,kr.15U-P.p,si 1260 Peac or call MOORtb Tropical iuh aquarium Fish . tanks olanta heaters & ther mostats. Marvel Dumps 2 miles from 5,J?ncMr 00 Mcleay RdK .' I II TROPICAL FISH and supplies C L. Mann Battle-reek Rd Turner Ore LE GRAY KENNEL. 31083 2 412 trull cmd farm Pfo3uco" APPLES and grapes. O. D. Moren. 2630 Blossom Dr. 4-2932. paun' 26JO . J . 1 Georse Asheron Grand Island. Rt 1. Dayton. THORNLESS blackberries, you Dick ZJ-&Al boxTlrlng Why Suffer Any Longer Whea otters fsJL nsa iu Chinese years ta China. Nei aaatter wtta wkat aJbwenU yea are afriietes disorders, stnsslus. heart, tesxsVlfv. n. kidneys, gas. ceiiaaenTnlcers. dUketes. r-enmafcUss, gall and bus- www icvct. saaa. tenw 'manual. LtlAKLIE CHAN ceuncsb nsa ' CO. 2t4 M. CenissereUI rsa t-iSM SALKM. OK. Office Hanra lut Tmes. and Sat. Only 400 AgricnltUre 412 Fmit Cmd Farm Produco CAULIFLOWER No. 1 for locker $1.30 per crate. No. 2 for pickling $1 per crate. Phillips Bros lit. 6, Box 110, Ph. 4-3081. . FOR SALE: Strawberry plants. Phone 2-3053. Salem. , 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and TooLi 8 FT PLANED 2x4's $30 m. Wade drag saw. 4 blades. Bauman Saw Mill. OlH highway from 12th , street Juction, soutn. ttH RENT: C. for crane work, shell drag line Y. Lima. 65 ft. boom. yara snovei. clam or back Howe. Call Carl ML Halvorson , inc., Phone 4-1412. HOl UTlLLEit sates, parts, ano service Howser Bros. ph. 2 -3640 1410 S 12th " ; VUUR tune and effort demands good tools Rent or buy them at Housei Bros mio a iztn OUAXJ&RS and repair station for Wood boss chain saws. Brig-gs. Clinton tt Wisconsin gasoline engines - Howser Bros.. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-364$ 455 Household Goods for Sal WE BUY, sell or trade for anything of value. ! - -" - - - HALL'S FURNITURE STORE 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 4-3481 USED oil heaterS i price. M. K. N. Furniture. 1423 Edgewater. W. Salem. i Youngstown 48 inch deluxe twin bowl cabinet sink. All steel construction, finished in high baked enamel. REGULAR PRICE $20450 Reduced $10 daily until sold Oct. 3, $134.50 Keith Brown Lumber U Yard FRONT AND COURT STS. PHONE 3-9111 USED oil heaters $10 and up. Good MouseKeeping, inc. 4h7 court. Used Furn., Cheap ' ! TRADE TERMS Vsllev Fim Co 28S '.1n Com l -747J COMPLETE household furnishings, like new. n. 456 Wanted, Household Goods TOP PRICES for furniture of all kinds. HALL'S FURNITURE STORE 1979 fairgrounds Rd. Ph.4-3481 ' WE pay more. We pay cash. Furniture, antiques, guns. - misc. TJ Furniture Co. Phone zpoz. TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture and misc. Special con sideration given on complete house holds, estates, etc Phone 3-8558 or bring to 1870 Lana Ave. S I. Highest Prices Valley Furn. go. 2-7472 IMMEDIATE cash Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. CASH for your furniture. One piece or houseful. , LAMBERTS. 3-7100. 4-4433. ; 458 Building MrteriaU" SALE j I SALE Used building materials. To start Wed nesday, ' October 3. 100 windows. aoors... 70 rous roonni paper, mm tubs, wash basins, pipe and fittings, to start Wednesday, October 3. Cap- ital Bargain House. 145 Center REMODEL and repair time is here. Let us help solve your problems, small - or large. Free estimates. Monthly payments on labor and ma terials. Portland Road Lumber Yard SHINGLES - SHAKES Best grade No. i s $10 Uo. 2 s $7. No. 3s $5 $3 Any amount delivered. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed sidewall - shakes $13.50 per sq. with under course. Common lumber, all grades Oak and Pecan flooring. Ted Muller. ph. Salem 2-1196 evenings. OAK FLOORING at less than fir price. Tile board l'x4 25c ea. Knotty Pine pane., g and shelving from $129.00. Combination storm doors. Ceiling $49.50. Sheetrock and rocklath. Wall board row as $1.76 4x8. Ceiling tile and plank. Clear 8" V Rustnc. Ply wood, of all kinds. Wide variety of Shake colors in stock. "D" fir floor ing $119.00. Pioneer-Flintkote roof ing of all kinds and colors. Boxing low as $30.00. 36 months to pay if desired. North city limits on 89. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 4-4433. ' Cedar Siding ',4 x 6 Random lengths, $49 per M. Mahogany front doors, $17. No. 1 prime shakes with undercourse. in boxes shy color, $15 sq. 10 down. 36 months to pay. Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Sflvertos Rd - Ph. 2-2054 BUILDING? No. 1 Shingles $10. 2's $7 00. 3's S4.7S. 210 lb. composition roofing $7.50 sq. first quality side wall i shakes with , underconrse $11.90 sq.. Plaster board 4x8 sheets SI JO. Water Droof wall board for wails or floor coverinc S2.20. . . " plywood 10c ft- 13c. 'a 18c. aoc, Z3c. i DOORS WINDOWS 1 panel doors $8.40. glass dors $11.00, hardwood entrance door $18.50. All sizes new complete windows in stock. Lowest prices. C. G. LONG, Phone 2562 1 1 mile north of KClter GARAGE DOORS INSTALLED Steel, wood or aluminum. Phone 27794 for estimate. 460 Musical Instruments PRICE or TEMPLE . up player 85 rolls. In first right piano, class shape. Phone a-yy-iH. Aaaress 1805 S. 12th, Price $195 , Acres of Pianos ' Well, almost that many anyway. For a REAL selection, come I to Stone'si- over 60 of America's greatest pianos to choose from! i . BALDWIN. WURLTTZER, CABLXr and HADDORFF pionas. I BALDWIN ORGANS. HAMMOND SPINET and CHORD ORGANS. SPINET PIANOS $395 (73-note, used) $575 - $773. etc. New and used spinets, grands, up rights.: STONE PIANO CO. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store 1280 State St. Salem : ! Wanted ! Old Pianos Valley Furn. Co Ph. 2-7472 462 Sports Equipment 14 FT. PLYWOOD boat- 2335 S. High si 30-06 CUSTOM made with scop. 2070 Myrtle Ave. 464 Bicycles FOR SALE: Good condition, girls bi cycle, basket, gear shift, horn. Phone 43475 fter 5:30. $30. - , : 468 For Rent Miscellaneous O DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan- hets furn. 197 S. Liberty-wh. 2-9062. DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer elee portable sewing machine $6 per - mo. Free pickup and delivery. Singer Sewing- Machine Co. 130 N. Com'L Pn 3-331Z. nboD USED Piano. H. L. Stiff. v-w-tt c Mr Miiinmnt to make a (ml job better. Rent or buy at Howser Eros. 1410 s. lzvn. rnone j-ooso. 470 For Sale. Miscelkmeous" USED oil beaters. Guaranteed. $2040. Judson s. i n. worn i. BUY SHOP SMITHS and Accessories at Allen Hardware. Easy Terms. 236 N. Commercial. MY 8 FT. CokUpot refrigerator, too big for my cme. must sell. Perfect condition. Call 2-7028. . 450 ftlerchandise 470 For Solo. MlaceDanooua NOW available Westinghouse automa tte clothes dryer. $193. Y eater Ap pliance Co. 373 Chemeketa USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER The right way to re build the soil. Free of weed seeds. Odorless. O o 6 sacks 5.00 Bulk 1 ton Z. 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free .'deliyeryL anywhere ' . in Salem area - I Phone 3-812? APARTMENT size AB . range with incuu lop caDinet xo maicn. Simmons sectional bed davenport. Custom built radio and record player, blonde cab inet. Table. Lamp shade. Electric oaster. Call SRftfiS i GIRLS BIKE. Fair condition. Hishton COLEMAN circulating oil heater. 6 jwjui tapacuy automatic electric water heater. 2 elements. 30 gals, $40; Hi-boy chest, painted, 5 drawers $15: rug pad SUW; Manila rope 75'xi" $4: al litems excellent con- umon. rnone zajji, SINGER Featherweight electric port- aDie sewing macnine lor unpaid bal ance. Has a special sewing table and attachments. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. Open Friday, im- u a p.m. FOR SALE used oil burner. Northwest j-ouury 6c uairy rroaucts Co. 1505 N. Front. I OIL CIRCULATOR Frogil, large size, very good condition. 1110 N 21st.lPh WANTED! Old post cards, used or unused before 1938. Any amount. Write Rt. 5, 317. Salem. Box COMPLETE set fixtures for a variety store. Inquire 1950 or 1960 Ni Capitol. 9x12 LINOLEUM rugs $4.95 Hare Fur- niture Co.. 253 N. High RUMMAGE, furniture, dishes, clothing, all household i goods. 2253 N. Com mercial. CLOTHESLINE POSTS $12 up. Rail ings.; columns to order. 1145 N. Lib erty. m ' f USED oil drums $1 each. Suitable for trasn purncrs. i7io w. fTont.- r NEW locaUon CHARIS Corse tier. Mary E. Bales. 11S2 - Center at Shoooing Center 3591S. , OAUK AND LININGS I OK I Wood circulators and cook ,. stoves. vauey r urn., zsa n. com i. m. z-7?z. PLA ST1-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa ' I NEW and Used Sewing Machines Yeater Appliance Co. 37S Chemek eta - I Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads & driveway. Cement. Ready, mix Concrete. Garden Sand Bull dozing irslnace and ditching ! vd hoeI Or drug tine Phone 1-V349 DEEPFREEZE FREEZERS Yeater Ap pliance, 375 Chemeketa. ( .. tLt-Cl R1C Ranges - New and Used Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemek -' eta STANLEY home products Phone 3-4056. Lee Mindt. 335 S. 19th. j Linoleum ; S3 .45 VALLEY FURN. CO.. 285 N. COM'L. GOOD USED pianos. $75 ea. H L. Stiff rum. . Co. f WASHING i Machines, New and Used -Yeater Appliance" Co 375 Chemek eta ; - CRUSHED QUARRY ROCK f Best for roads Or driveways. Any Size. 100 fractured. Salem Rock Produc tion Co. Phone evenings 4-3127. CONSOLE , model DuoTherm with power air blower. Call 31170 after 0 pm. ; 472 Wanted, MiscellaneousT WALNUT and Filbert drying. Hobbs Drier. 7 miles S.E. on Salem-Aums-ville Highway. Phone 3-5211 eve nings. FURNITURE and miscellaneous want ed, ready cash to you. Phone 3-6098. TO TRADE 3 choice lots at Gleneden Beach, Ore., for 23 ft. or larger cabin cruiser. Will pay cash differ ence for good one. fit 3, Box S15-A, Dallas. Ore. -j ! f ..,.. "i 474 MiBcellaneous Dental ! Plate Repair TWO-HOUR ! SERVICE Of MOST CASES i Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLFR." -DENTIST o1t, Rlrlr et '"nm r-hS-M11 WAN1 ro Buy useo cameras Sx Isnaea McEwan Photo Shop. 243 N High. : 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S hand picked slabwood, 2 cord only $12. Phone 2-7731 or 4-4253. . " - Oregon Fuel Co. Fresh clean, screened sawdust, deliver , ed by tube service or push off truck. Finest 'dry or green 16 inch wood. Phone 3-5533. 3087 Broadway. Special Planer trimmings - $84)0 cord . CAPITOL LUMBER . FUEL CO - 2-7721 or S-S024 , Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green ordry stDve-uiesei oils ass tor penny Sever Stsmps Ph S6444 f Tri-City Fuel Clean hand picked 18 slab wood - Fresh' cut screened sawdust , ,-. f ' 12" mill ends i ' ASK FOR S&H GREEN STAMPS PHONE 8-7442 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 16" slab wood. 2 cords for $10. Ph. 3-7721 or '.$6024. :. - .. :r . . - Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. . West "Salem Fuel Co. I IS-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 1$ in. clean no bark .it - SCREENED SAWDUST1- , RURAL TJELIVXRECS . DIESEL AND STOVE OIL '. Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also - pick up wood at I52S Edgewater 8t W. Salem 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS I ' WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. I 1S3 S Church St Ph- 2-2457 ; I Parking Aplenty j 1 fir M158-S154. I CASH U NOW f $25.00 to S500.00 1 Salem "s : largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need ttl l i You can pay anytime to reduce net - eostl v f. t i - ffo endorsers, or help from friend! I On ears, trucks) trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, 'livestock. - equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 .i i Phone or vtsdt ear office today I Hear "Top Trades7 U.-OS dally, 7:45 aJn Sat 1390 KCstl I i Geherql Finance Corp.1 Us. No IU and M33$ 1 phone x-eici us a. comx srr. 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan ! FARM ano CITY LOANS ' ' end four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Serond Mortgages. -CAPITOI SKniRITIES CO rr Court st ' - h -7rx s Private Money On Cars rmeks As Trailer Bonce -. Lone ee Short Terms Payments .1 Roy H. Simmons SS SI Commercial St ' Phone 3-$lSi $$ CASH BOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO, 1S80 Fairgrounds Road . , - .(next door to bank! Free Parking lot s 891 m S8 j Call -7OT We'd Like to Loan You U you'd like to borrow $100 r . Phone or call on us immediately Typical Repayment puns ; - is ita Paymenta Amount $100.00 j 240.00 380 00 $50 00 $ t oo 19.00 30.00 $7.00 pacific .; ' 1 Industrial Loans lis S Liberty Phone 4-2203 44 YES" to 4 out! of 5 i I at PERSONAL i Employed men and ' women . welcome. j ; i Loans for any good' purpose, i '. Phone first for 1 trip loan. Between payday loans.: "Come in or phone today. LOANS $25 to $500 on auto, up to $300 on furniture and signature. Personal! Finance Co. 103 S. High St. PHONE: 2-2404 ' State Ucense: 5-122. M-165 PRIVATE money to loan. Phone 2-0794. 60Q Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED walnut and filbert drying, small loti specially. Phone 2-2861. Lees natcnery. WANTED at once, someone to operate Grade A cafe.' living quarters avail able. Phone 2-3040. Good lobs! F-Clerk. ability with fig. -S1S0 r-Assi. uxpr, . .. ., , , F-Medical Sten. exp F-Bkkprashier-typlst F-Bkkpr, mach. iopr. F-Cashier, experienced -$200 $225 -$200 -$150 -$215 r-Clerk. typist 8 to 5. 5 days F-Typist. exp. 5 days i $150 $185 $17$ Open $175 Open $185 $250. r-xeiotype oper.. . F-Drs. ofc. asst.1 some trg -ecy, interesting wk F-Clerk, ready-to-wear expj F-Secy, lt, st, Hd L M or F-Off c. Mang. TempJ : u.i , - commrcialTplacemekt agency $325 nn amic !' ; 4-3301 EXPERIENCED cashier. Apply in per son. Ask for Mr. Hagbom. MONT GOMERY WARD. 155 N. Llbery. . Phone 3-3191.il ; 604 Help Wanted. Male NEED few , good brush painters st 1383 'Baker St. . THE WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., INC. has a limited' number of vacancies m for men 18 years or older Interested , in nstailation cot telept.one central office equipment. Applicants must be high school 'raduates in good health and willing to travel as nec essary. Previous industrial and armed forces experience considered for es tablishing starting wage. Progres sive wage scale in effect. Apply Ore gon State Employment Service. 710 Ferry. Salem.; Oregon. ' BUTCHER far market and grocery store. Phone Falls City 387. - MAN 20-35 to learn fountain. Must be fast -worker, ! steady employe and willing to work nights. Top wages to the right party. No phone calls. White's Drive-In. 113S S. Commercial. 60S Help Wanted, Female i MAKE $50! IN SPARE TIME Sell America's finest Christmas Cards. Make $50 on 100 new $1 Assortments. EMBOSSED Name-Imprinted Christ mas Cards 50 for $125 up. Big line fast-sellers. No ' experience needed. FREE Imprint Samples, Assortments on approval, j, STYLART, 1717 , W. Nintn. pepi. jis-B, Los Angeles CAR HOP. San Shop. Portland Rd. WAITRESS. San Shop. Portland Rd. BOOKKEEPER cashier, steady. San Shop, Portland Rd. BEAUTY operator in large downtown shop in McMinnville. Phone S434. 1343 E. 5th. - ' Wanted -1 STENOGRAPHER AND SALES GIRL GOOD HOURS, CONGENIAL WORK And Other Advantages prices. 133 w. Uberty EARN -'money at home. Full, part time. Box S3, co Statesman. 612 Work Wanted Mala T WANTED: Hour work of any descrip tion. Putting wood or splitting wood. c per nour. pnone 3-6396. EXPERIENCED j i accountant available ior parr lime DooKKeeplng, system lzing, auditing,; tax returns. Reason aoie price, r-nonc Z-44PZ. VOU CAN Firtex that 10x12 room for $85. Material inc. Ph. 4-2879. PAINTING Reduced prices. Reliable rainter. work guaranteed. Phone 2 DAYS week by middle aged man. Clerical preferred. Box 72. co States-: ii'dn. Painting ! and decoraYing. fHU.K 3-755Z; CAKPtNTRT any kind, reasonable 24P Mucleav Rd ' Phone 4-2054 WANTED: Small carpenter jobs. Good work. Reasonable. Call 4-1424. i 614 Work Wanted, Female EXPERIENCED baby sitter, day or night Lea la Frazier. Phone 3-5323. 615 Situations Wanted CURTAINS, table cloths, washed and stretched. 395 IS. 22nd i SERVICE man's wife will care for children days; or board by month. Have 2 children of my own. Phone 4-4338. LANDSCAPE, pruning and planting. shrubbery, lawn work. Phone 23061 CHILD C.RE in my home. Phone 28508 REMODELING and alterations. Oualit-i snruppeiy, lawn- worx. ynonc Z3061. REMODELING and alterations. QuaUty, worKmansriipi rnone 3B334 NOW AVAILABLE for remodeling and repairing, one of Salem most ex- t)6 IRONING in my borne. Phone 4-1786. i DAY CARE Nursery School plan. perienceo puuoera. rnone 3QS43 t;nnaren two ana three years. 3-9015. TREE pruning j and removaT Single trees r orchards. Alsoshrub prun- lng ano nower neos. rn. 4-140Z. Septic Tank Cleanins Drain fields Installed and repaired. : iooo i oepuc xans: .service, r CHILD CARE in my hor Days only. S390 Liberty Rd. Phone S-8755. FOR new lawns, prepared and seeded can uuane woicott, 2-8IZ7. CEMENT WORK, all kinds. John feia- scht.a. Phone 38-F-3 evenings. PLUMBING work. -Reasoaabl Phone 3-8377, A GOOD ob oi lawn mower sharpen tng Howser Bros 1410 S 12th I CliVS) CARE (N MT HOME - 1S S 1HTH H 2-S87S CHILD CARE in my home. Ph. 3-755. CEMENT work. Free estimates. Phone' 27163. 600 Employment 618 Education PIANO .laying Is run. State Acer edited Teacher. Ph. 34817. i 620 Dot end Contract " Si--..- Salem Sand & Gravel Co 1 " Contract Work ' Roads Clearing 4 Dttcbinf i- Sewer & Basement - Equipment Rental .. Ditching by the foot Phone day 3-&40S ! Evenings 3-7411. 2-4417 Salem, Oregon Ainu fAiN iiNu iust siude octter t 700ReilUls aid sekvice STATION aiid garage- in the heart of Independence, low rent. CaU or write z-nn. mnie OIL Royal Court Parking Lot Corner of Capital ahd ChemekeU , : Convenient ' to State Buildings J ' I i Monthly rat $4-30 Daily or weekly rates by arrangement See Manager Royal Court Apartments 1100 Chemeketa Street or call 3-9608 TRAILER space. $4 pei wk. P Joy ; xraiier fmfX. 2-P688. 702 Sleeping Rooma. FURN. hskpg. rm.. $22 mo. or VM i wsu inq. Apt. 7, 827 N. Uberty. NICELY furnished; helted room.' kj-'-ghen privilege. 1556 ChemekeU. FOR RENT: 2 good ctean roorniTwlth r kitchen prieges, 1333 Waller St. Phone 3-8388. I T . : CLOSE INTClean room j $20. 763 Marion. NEAR EVERYHIXGrTJoom and kiu chenctte. $270. 1 lauh4ry privileges. Ohji.art and Caiaba Realtors. NICE sleeping room Outside entrance $4 week. Pjhone 35768. ; SINGLE room for Christian man, $20. o smoxing r -ann icing. Close to oiuc wuuapigs ana university. 1333 . Trade St. 7 t i ; -SLEEPING rooms for rent. 1227 Court 31. ' : . ' i I PLEASANT rooms With alt mnnn tnon?' For employed; persons. Phone J f OD, ' 1 ' .13:'. j' $16 SiVlAI.t. Klfnlnff nnAm n w - ' -.- . WW H OWM , l i. cuuuinj uninan ana v-aiaoa. nnra. CLOSE IN. clean, room, adioinlns Cam Board ! pah. good heat. 658 Center. REASONABLE. Clean attractive rooms, ' Close in. Private entrance. Phone 2-7481 ,- - i ROOMS , with hot and- cold .water. ' kitchen privileges. 754 Ferry. NEWLY decorated housekeeping room. -Private entrance. 735 N. Church. 703 Wanted Rooms. Board ELDERLY lady would like downstairs u-uivum ana meais in nice- coma, close In, Phone 2-9571, f. . j - 705 Apartments tot flent 2 ROOM furnished ! apt.! Walking dis- a mo. mu n. commercial. CLEAN, nicely furnished small apart ment. private entrance, near state office buildings and university, bus. Phone 4-1636. 5 ROOM furnishetl. apartment, 3 bed rooms, private hath, good location. Phone 3-5323.1 i ; ATTRACTIVE clean apartment, private bath and entrance. 1009 N .5th. l1sTaTaRtmznt. ioj MARION: Ifurni AAK AL IS Realtor Phone 4-3311 NEWLY painUd furnished. 3 roomi and bath, all i e court apartment 1348 S. 12th St 3 ROOM furnished apartment $43. Adults only, trance. 1968 rnvdte ;bath and en- Corhmercial. ROOM .furnished; apartment, close in. . t7SE UmJ Mm thk.. In sum . asw-j at. IT UUnC -fj . ROOM and ba!th fu Jshed. Bus close. $55. Phone 4-3770L CLEAN 2 roonk furnished aoU Refri gerator and Utilities. Close in. 2-1050. a HlvJJKOOM downtown anartmnt private bath, utilities ifurnished. 22 3 LARGE fu hed Irodms, very nice. clean, garag. 1st floor. $60. 841 N. Lioerty. mone 2-5446.1 Z ROOM furnished $ bath. Phone B5222. Vps talis, shared NICELY furni ed a rtmenC Ambas sador. 550 N. Su mrjierj - I. i bedroom, partly at. i$55 You' pay uUl- CLEAN apartment -furnished, oil heat, Ities. 2-8633. 1750 Evergreen. NICELY furnished 31 roora court apt. Couple. 1664 S. 13th pie. FURNISHED 1st floor. 3 room, all elec tdJ 1st rage. I V . 3-834 trie, garage, laundry.! Vacant Octo- Der 15th BASEMENT apartment furnished, util Hies paid, 1 block to Capitol Build ings, i $30. Phlone 3f6030 days, 3-0254 evenings. ; j i REAL NICE APARTMENT i """ Laundry facilities,! electric range and refrigerator, (choice location almosi new, parking! area for car. rent S6$ month. Al Isaak nd Cm. Realtor, " 3035 Portlandj Rd. jPhone 4-3311. 1 ROOM kitchenette,! clean. Employed Isdy- Utilities' furnished. Ph. 2-7469. PLEASANT warm large rooms. Din ette and bath. Ground floor, fire place. Near bus depot. 1670 In rear ol 674 N. Church. ' I ' 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 1 fooift , furnished: baseme i apartment. Ph. CLEAN 2 roomi furnished apt Bus If aoor. 5 s . iztni t Georgtkie Gables Apt unfurn. except range' and refrlg. i Auto, laundry. 923 S. 13th. . SMALL furnished; apartment. All util lUei included. $32.50. .340 X. Wash I lngton. ' j f S '- -- i FURNISHED d ! int. ;3 blocks frora city -;enter.: Immediately available. Inquire Woodry Furniture Co., 474 1 L. Commercial. ! t .- ' 3 ROOM furnished apt. See At ISOT. 12th. FURNISHED and spacious 2 room with i private bath, quiet neighborhood. S3. : Call Nohlgrens Restaurant 3-5016. 707 Houses for Rent 1 BEDROOM furnished house. Silver j ton Rd. Call 1-5996.) j UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex. $50 ' a month- Adults only. 873 Vista Ave. FOR LEASE suburban 3 bedroom mod 1 em house also 3 room not modern ! cottage: Phone 2-3317. " WEST SALEM: Modern 2 bedroom house. Call 2-2885, br 2-0420. 2 BEDROOM house for; renL Inquire ai 2h oiaie ai. i p t a kuom apartment furnished, no qrinxers or pets rpone 3-3303. 4 BEDROOM ihousei kitchen, living room, dining room, ibath, 3 bedrooms up 1 down. Close to store and schooL $60 a month ifurnished. 129 N. 24th. Vt. m 1M, i: 1, - 2 BJR. home, lovely s arrangement in ( eluding Benaix. S7S. 443 W. Brown. , ing. Also 1 BR. partially furn. at 2620 Bluff. $270. CaU Joe Hutchi son 2-3629. I -i I NEW 2 bedroom duplex, $50 'to right : partyr No phone calls. See F. H. ! weir at 1247 S. Com'l.i $ ROOM unfurnished modern house.' 1 close in. Call 4-2729 days or 2-379$ ! after 9 j j' . ' SIX ROOM older home roomy and comtortaoie in new airtrict. tnree bedrooms, oil heat, t Xenny Real Estate. Ph. 2-2497.1 i f ' 4 BEDROOM modem, newly redecor I a ted house, Wi blocks from City ' I library $60 per month. 245 S. Winter, CONVENIENTLY located one bedroom 1 cottage for two. Unfurnished, nei ; S. Liberty. ' ' ' - NEW MODERN1 1 bedroom unfurnish ed. walking distance, inquire at 59$ S. Liberty. 1 f SMALL 2 oedroom jfurnished house. ; SuiUble for couple J $53. 1763 S. Capi tol. ' . I 2 BEDROOM .duplex! close In. Phone ; 41307. iff 1 " MODERN 2 bedroom home, partly fur- nlihed.. 2365 Broadway, Inquire 1 te f 4 p.m Thursday. ? FURNISHED motel Icottages. utilities !: paid. $10.50 week. i359$ 8. Com l or i pnone sshbw.