I - 5, III I -! f . ' ' i o o o J. o C i iy Mews UBemi eff is t ; , - . - - , i s . ; COUNCIL MEETS TODAY Salem Farmer-Labor -Consumer council will meet Monday at 8 pjn. in the Labor temple, 445 Cen ter st Earl Mason of. Albany will explain senate bill 315 for re , organization of Oregon school dis tricts, which the Grange is re ferring to the people for a vote. The legislative committee win re port and films wil be shovro at the open meeting. Shop Yeatert Christmas Gi f L Small Appliance Headquarters. Yeater Appliance Co. SOIL FOSmONS OPEN U.St civil service examinations for appointment as soil scientists, and soil conservationists, each paying $3,825 annually, have been announced. Positions would be in western states and Hawaii. Addi tional Information may be secured from W. H. Fischer, civil service secretary in Salem postoffice. MOVIE OFFERED Hildur Kane, Salvation Army public relations representative, re-? ports a color sound film. "Behind the Red Shield," is available free to organizations and groups. The movie deals 'with the Army's re habilitation of men. Movers Beauty Shoppe, 1405 N. ' Commercial St. Permanent waves, $5 up. Dial 3-7202. EUROPEAN AT RETREAT . The Hev. Andre Trocme of France, European secretary for Fellowship of Reconciliation, will . be the speaker at a retreat spon sored by the Orepon FOR next Saturday and Sunday at Nelscott. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Ethel Bowes, 847 Saginiaw U Of Forrestal Statesman to Birlhi FOWLER ' To Mr. and Mrs. Dwieht Fowler. Aurnsville route 1. a daughter, Sunday, September 23, at Salem Memorial nospuat - LIERMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lierman, Cutler City, a -son, Sunday, September 23at Sa lem uenerai nospitai. T . RE BO To Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rebo, 450 Academy at., Salefn, a son, Sunday, September 23, at Sa lem General hospital, , . y 1 RUCH To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruch, 1730 S. Capitol st- Salem, a son, Sunday, September 23, at Salem General hospital. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor, 635 Glencreek rd Sa lem, a son, Sunday, September 23, at Salem General hospital. MeCRACKEN To Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken, 4710 Tillman st., Salem, a daughter, Saturday, Sep tember 22, at Salem Memorial hospital; . LACKNER -e. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lackner, Lyons route1 1, a son, Saturday, September 22, at Salem Memorial hospital. CpL Carl ReinwaUr and his wife, Barbara, are visiting Reinwald's parents, Mr. and t Mrsy George Reinwald, W7 S 20t& st, Salem. Reinwald. a member off -the 43rd division, expects !to leave for Ger many oni' the completion cf his furlough September 27.1 i ' 'j I: Castle Permanent Wafers, 305 Liveley Bldg. Phone 3-3463. per manents S3 and up. Ruth; Ford and Carmen Rothgeb. i BROWN ENDS COCRSE! Robert ii E. Brown. Salem field reDresentattve for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hevt York, participated in a company forum held recently at Sacramento.- The iorum Is: part of i a eiree-year course given representatives of the firm.: g i s fj .-. SICCA IX TO SPEAK : - If T. Lawscn McCall fexecutive secretary to Gov Douglas McKay, will speak on the topic IThe Pattern-for the Minds of Men" at the Marion hotel Wednesday noon. He will be ; introducted pjr Elmer BerglundJ j ! ' - : i Johns -' Manvitle i shingles applied by Mathis 8ros. 164 S Com! Free estimates Ph 3-4642. EDUCATION TOPIC "Education In a Demof acy" will be the subject of a talk Tuesday Lnoon to Salem Kiwanis blub at the Senator hotel byjDn Charles How ard, former president pi Oregon College Of Education. I t. DRILLERS ELECT ! Ed Steinam, Portland; president of the Oregon Dnlung association ha been named as official dele gate to the national drillers' con' vention, at Orlando, FJa., in Nov ember. Steinmao was- elected at the association's meeting in Salem Friday night. i ; For Sale: 1946 1-ton Ford pickup, excellent condition. Call; 2-4 151 or 3-5769. I ' . I ' Li"; V. , VANDALISM REPORTED F. D. Palmer, 1231 Franklin st, reported to city police Sunday that Kiddie Rides equipment at 2234 Fairgrounds rd.i had been dam aged early Saturday. He? said sev eral ot the horses, had been mar red. electric wires pulled loose and metal braces bent. I JOE CHAMBER i New members of the Salem Chamber of Commerce listed this week were O. K.' DeWitt, Lyons; Ben Newell, Marion coiinty agent, and Sundin Custom tallprs, ISO S. Liberty St.- ': ; . i ': Wanted Experienced beautician Salary and Commission. Senator Hotel Beauty Shop Ph. 35818. RADIOS REPORTED STOLEN Two radios, valued at $90, were reported stolen from Wills Music store sometime I Saturday during business hours, city police reports showed Sunday, j - StartStory r ) 1 I ;j22 The true- story of James For restal's controversial career as America's first secretary ot de fense is now told , ; in The Forres- 1 tal Diaries," a series of 22 arti cles which will a p p e a r in The Oregon States man starting Wednesday, Sep tember 26. , Forrest al's sui cide on May 22, 1949, came as the direct . result of occupational f a- tiue. The fl"ht for his counter's ecurity- amid the intrW-mural feuds and red taoe of. post-war Washington, exauseri James For restal and, f?llv, "i"d him. Pfed bv FDR in 1849; I Forres al's "ovem mental career started in 1940, when ihe was nic'Jted by President franklin t 1 u j ; . . ; rwxive' es an aununis ira nun as sistant. Within six weeks.! Forres tal had been appointed ' to the newly-created post of urider-secre- tarv of the navy, At London, in spring.! 1941, For restal sou eh t to establish a closer liaison with the British! admiralty for working out lend-lease and naval procurement problems. He made an inspection tour- of the southwest Pacific late in 1942 and was with an assault task force in the .Marshall, islands.' Eighteen months later," he was to i witness the bombardment of Kwajalein by the Pacific fleet. Liked "Anonymity' Franklin Roosevelt said Forrestal for his passidn jfor ano nymity, but more and:moreFor he chose CHILD'S WAGON STOLEN R. J. McQueen, 144 S. 19th st reported to. city police Sunday that a child's green wagon Hvas stolen from his yard over the weekend. KEYS STOLEN . '. Seven keys to rooms were re ported stolen from a i downtown hotel over the weekend, jcity po lice said. HIT-RUN REPORTED Norman J. Smith, Salem route 1 box 46, reported that his auto, parked at 1100 Patterson ave was restalj entered 'tbe kpolUcfcL Upon the death cf Frank Knox In May, 1944, he became secretary of the fnavy. He watched the Marines land at Iwo Jima in 1945; attended the atomic bomb test at Bikini in 1946; remained as secretary until he was handed the job of reorganiz ing the armed services in 1947. Secretary of Defense James For restal lost the; fight for universal military training and saw his the ory that "preparation for j war is the best guarantee for peace" go unheeded. He learned a reputation for his ability! to reconcile; oppos ing ideas and help people work to gether through; compromise. -Werked for Newspapers 1 Born on February 15, 1892, in Matteawan, N. Y, Forrstal fin ished high school at 16. For the next four years he reported for newspapers In New York state. By 1912 he'd saved enough! money to enroll in college one year at Dartmouth, then to Princeton but was unable to graduate be cause of lack of funds. j Forrestal saw service j in the navy in 1917; as one of the earli est naval aviators (No. 154). After his discharge as a lieutenant in 1919,i he entered the statistical department of! W. A. Read com pany j (which fetter became! Dillon, Read and company) and made an outstanding record as a bond sales man. He was! soon admitted to partnership in the new firm, be came its president in 1938. Two years later came his call to public service from President Roosevelt, C of C to Hear Marshall Dana ! : J Jarshall Nj Dana, assistant to the president of the United States National bank and longtime Ore gon Journal editor, will ffeeak at I hthe Monday meeting of the Salem Chamber of I Commerce (in the Senator hotel this noon. In addition to a long career from 1909 to 1951 m newspaper work, Dana has served in many public and semi-public ' positions including regional chairman of the PWA. In 1547 he was a guest of the war department visiting! the far east. In 1949 he spent two! months visiting Israel, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland, He also toured Alaska 'with the Portland Chamber of Commerce j Alaska committee last year. uvic rrogram To Brin? Prize ToVEWPost Salem's i Veterans of Foreign Wars, Maricrt post 661, will get an award Monday night because, its members did something besides at tend meeting- ; .i, 14 In additiod io its many regular duties the cost has carried on a pxgressive I community service program. This includes aiding in local civic, educational and wel fare Drograms. -j Marion post topped all - other VFW poets iij Oregon in the com munity service, con test which ran from Sept. I, 1950, to May 31, 1951. The award will be presented Monday night to the post-by. De partment Commander WJ.- Ash- worth of Portland. The contest was nation-wide in scope. Arooag .th projects carried n by Marion post included assisting in a school children safety pro gram. Members assisted the Salem Traffic Safety council in placing safety poster over the city. Assisted Sheriff Pas Commander Nelson Hickok and other members of the post assisted Marion County Sherrff Denver Young and other veterans groups in organizing a civilian de fense program here. Past Commander Mel Clemens, 1 1 now 'in the navy, spent nearly three months in recruiting work ers for the defense program. The f-ost . also assisted Police Chief Clyde Warren, a past department commander of the VFW, in set ting up similar program in Salem- . , I The post held a Christmas party for about 140 underprivileged Children The women's auxiliary unit of the post sponsored a ham dinner to raise more than $100 for the polio fund. Scout Expenses 1 Marion post sponsors three Boy Scout troops. With the assistance jof the auxiliary the post paid ex benses of two scouts to the na tional Jamboree recently. Members of the post and auxil iary make regular visits to the Veterans Administration hospital in Portland presenting patients there with candy and rigarets and other gifts. The auxiliary unit donated 1.S00 hours of service to t&te institutions here giving gifts pf food and magazines to patients. I A public salenetted $400 for Mis. Edna Sloan of Salem, foster mother of nine children, who was severly burned in an auto accident. I ; Judges of the Oregon VFW con test were Gov. Douglas McKay, Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland, and Dr. Rex Putnam of Salem, state director of education. Th Staiesmcm. Sclam.- On Monday. " September 2 L' I 51-1-41 Street Name Changes Cost itioners Salem city officials called atten tion Saturday to the recently adopted requirement that petition ers! forj street name changes pay fioritheicost of advertising and re cording such changes. This nor mally runs between $10 and $15. The city, council last month de cided that, petitioners should "pay their own ' way." Several street name requests have come before theS council since the Salem post office ; recently announced plans for; extending house delivery into several suburban areas. ' f j j tinder a 1949 state, 3a w the citj council now has Juriidictioi ovet tfwnt nam wit K in civ m i U ( ff city limits. ' ; ' M i The Earl of Sandwich reintro duced the food item which bears his name in the 18th century, but it is believed to have been used by the ancient Romans. . Na Stadent : ' ShnU Be j Expected Te 1 ! Do First Quality School Vork With i Second Qualify Vision ! Why Guess I About The i Condition Of l our Child's Eyes When ! It Is Sa Easy i -To Be Sure 'L ! Dr. S. A. Whealle i I i OPTOMETRIST 725 Court St Ph. 2-4469 f i TelerfUn by V;arrcaGcit.:1 "Sorry to Interrupt but I must gSt the doctor! Junior took his orange fulco this morning withovt squeezing t". .LFor urgent calJs over busy pvartv iines. simply etplain the cir cumstances to the ether person L Pacific Telephone. rammed by another auto sometime Saturday night which dented his left front -fender, city police said. i mom ISSgTL MOW WMm TT7 FDR I - - ' . -" 1 ' I Prices Good thru Wed. 9c Walfdorf Io2efi losses W rolls Toiletry 10c Ma real Box 100 boiies ! r-i'l ' ' t I Toiletry 63c IPepsGdentlboijlipase 05c Moiizema i SItin 1 Cream llmkt lativ .Food : Economy Six 99c 86c Value DREtlE SHAMPOO 49c - . Toiletry. Free 25c ; Siiell Horn Permanent 1.25 m 98c, jEtiguet 60c Pes Bef Cream fn Pin Tap ill! loiiipoo 2 for 53c: $1.00 Valu ! VRISLEY. SHAVE BOWL Now. 39c ! j ' ! hi; Toiletry r Lower Level Food Bargain ' $1.05 White Satin I Reg- $5.95 FOG LIGHT Sealed it CO Beam ff lower Level ! $46.50 Dormeyer ! FOOD ; MIXER 1 34 Lower Level Food Grinder and Juicer1 40 !- $1.19 Standby MOTOR OIL SlOO lower level 2 Gal Can for' 9' S259 $1.49 Auto SEAT CUSHI0I1 79c lower Level .Open Fri. Till 9 P.M. i5c iHBB3r-spossges 2-98 Wtlte ffluslin U rr?ni it ovc siioiv ass - "49c Sezti SSiveates! V7ii 2 for fl9 5? 6 piece lower Level 0 iHHttr i urns u mo fit '2J We Reserve the FJhl la limil Quantities i , i 33c Clue Label ICE CREAM 1 qt. 25c Candy THE PRICE OF THE o REFRIGERATOR ALONE! ; ! - nk 'Til L- r Jf?K SPACE MAKER REFRIGERATOR SPACE! Big. 8.2-cu-ft4givea -you 14 more food itorage space than most refrigerators bow ia use occu i pyiog the same floor area! ! FEATURES! Across-the-top freezer. fuH-width chiller, f ruit-and-vegetable RoUa-Drawcrt. rustoroof ' Perma Color ibelvest ' i r f ' - ! .' - I , 'DEPENDABILITY! Famous G-E scakd-b refrig lenaing system. Over 2,700,000 G-E Refrigerators in use 10 years or longer! j . Cnber Models Ail Low As $219.05 our neii W00ISL YesHwst ank yew nefokbers wke m tafriertr jhew depenooble they are I They'll give yee mmnj feed reesenswiiy CeaereJ Electrk b yeer best bryl I 1 i Thj t the imw modU yawr 04E dmUt Wmt far yeef YwHI iwoys; be glad yew bovght O-cI J s Yonr Old Refrigerator Jfen Be ihe Dovm Payment TniKHAII GILBEnT APPLIAIICE DEPT. Authorized Dealer G E TI E R A L ( ) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOH5: i I 'i! 1 NEVY1 C-I SPACE MAKER LAZY SUSAN. Deugned to iv yoa tIJy. oufele storage pac in your G-E .Refrigerator. Just the thing for leftovers! Spins at m touch of your finger, giving easy access to food.! Five attractive clear glass jars USEFUL! mWCEXATOX DISKIS (OVENWAEI). Complete set ia match-, ing yellow and grey color combination. Set include space-saving design beverage pitcher, butter dish, two casseroles, two iodividual-siza bowls, i i i -j - i :i . :! REFRIGERATORS " " '' !f i : 1 . I r 1 . - -- il a ........ - ' -MMiin-mi iii-mi ir r ii nil i n n it i i i i Ar f .2 3