! I ! ) Rodeo at ; McMinnyille Sunday j;; To Draw Many Valley Riders : lUtoMa Newt Unfct McinNHVIIXK One of the valley last outdoor rodeos of the season win be held Sunday at the , Yamhill County Sheriffs Posse rodeo crousds west of McMinnville. The grand erltry will start at 130 p.nu with a two and one-half hour rodeo and amateur, riding event to follow. -: Ai'-- , f ..j -- The event is sponsored by the sherurs posse. Officers of the posse said 15 compete In the 20-event program, which will feature Gat races, reg ular races, stake bending, scurries, bareback riding, roping events, steer riding and cutting hone competition. The rodeo events will be open to all comers as Jack-pot events. ' -. - One of the feature events of the program will be a greased ; pig scramble for children 12 and un der with the three winners to keep their prize catch. The Sunday show will be one of i the last 1951 public attractions 1 sponsored by the posse, which an nually conducts a Fourth of July rodeo and celebration and a spring automobile show and dance. ' Sunday's program has been ar ' banged to provide competitive vent for men, women and child organizations have been asked to ren: In participating riding organi zations. ! Some of the valley's top cow boys have already Indicated their intention to participate to the Jack-pot rodeo events. Tough stock furnished by Elery De Lash mutt, Sheridan rodeo producer, will give them plenty of rough riding and roping during the ai- ternoonvshow. I S HFXrS AND1AL CONTROI S1LVZRTON; Victor Howard, Marion county government trap per. Is lending a hand to preda tory animal control; in Clackamas county. Clifford Rolison, Clacka mas county trapper, is vacationing for three weeks. . NEW TOKJK. N. T ScpL 1 Dr. E. T. Bedlasd (abeve), postmas ter Pvrtland. has been as- Minted Oregaa state ehairaaa f the March af Dimes far the Utft cansecvtlve year, it w announced t d a v by Baxil O'Connor, president of the Na tional FaondaUaa f Infantile Paralysis. - -" I New Mexico became U. Territory In 1848. j I S '.1 -V-? r:-:y; r 'f-'A TO TKA!ri:S fcAUlXEES PORTLAXD, Sept. 20-i?VRob- ert i E Lee. resident engineer st Lookout Point dam on the middle fork of the Willamette river, win I be transferred to a new nasi at Walla Walla, the corps of engi- neers announced here, Mexico City is sinking Into the ancient lake bed on which it was built and sanitary .engineers have warned that the flow ox its sewe system will be reversed if it con tinues to sink. With 4Jk Lea. 1 f LADD'S IIAIISET 1715 S. 12th St. I - . '. "--r., v-;.n (4 I O How Stalin expressed to Byrnes his personal opinion of President Truman. Hott Eisenhower spoki off-the-cuff on the boom- How a "get-tough" was written to tha Kremlin. not O Haw Forrestal listed his "Specifications for a ; Presidential Candidate i ! O How the bitter personal feelings in the long unification battle wert i ironed out. ' ! 0 How a fragment of 1 classical poetry figured ! in Forrestal'a tragio ' ! death. i 0 How James Forrestal became a victim of th Washington scene". O Howa subtle "feeling expressed in a telegram front General Clay put Washington in a sweat 'and sparked the fight for rearmament . ! - i -4 -4 "" '"...! i - , m ; .': ' - i I " 3 i --. : J 4 i ---- , i j - - Corrjpbllinq scenes from the private and public life of . ; v i - f i - - -' . - 1 ;.: a man who stood in r " '- ; ' . " . . .it : ; : . ; ' ?, " i he international spotlight WE ... .. i ! starting! September 26 in i . . . ; 5 'I i Th Statesasea, Sclera, Oregon, Friday, &rptem!er 11. IS31-9 The Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY ! in Your Home Newspaper I i i)!i!iii!IIHtl i i I I tii OM. TMEffES v - i , 5 t Quiet ( SOMETHtNC I S hepe oeevs me j- H t I PULLED ) f:- j: J j! p r BLONDS EASV. TESSf .LLJD HtW. tWVlt,lHtVKCi CONG TO Ry MDU -r-v home ; -1 r WANT TO Y I M GOtNQ STAV VWTTU I MTH SOU. VOU. I . ITESS. THEM WANT TO 1IMCOMINQ HELP FJMO A BACK ? touR DABY 1 we r.we made rr,E3ur tuat was ourn A DROP. 1 NOU COT KNOCKED OR? ON TWE FLOOR, EH? OKAV. STOP YELLING f vlARED,Mcs UP, TCP L. DICK TRACY WtKt WNUft uumts. QUI WUKC K) SWNY NEW NCKEL---r! MAM AUVE, OOC . MSLfRE BETTECVl ALL 1 RIGHT-RBST TIME IN ALL M LIFE f ER SAVrV ANYBO0Y LEARN HOW i TO MIL A COW In ONLY TWO LESSORS- HEY. DOCTDO YDCPP WANTED ON THE LONS- DtSTAMCE PK4E- 1.-; i- TT TELLtMTO CALL 8AOC If BUSY IN THE RNE ARTS ,DPACTWNT" 'Jv5 KlOW IVI A REGiXAR OLD CCM-MiX? MAKES ME FEEL kkuUOEk THAN N A PCIIE-WIWN PEACOCK- IT EVERY BUSTER FEELS UKff KrlS A C0N6RESS0KAL M.-r4 TJar j MEDAL i 4 m LITTLE ANNIE ROONET LEAVIM5 MB V VS,1,NTMZ y for an THINK OP THS SCAWOAL! ) EVHR SS. THINK WHAT PBOPUfi X TO ME! A FUPpV- V . MEANVWDCgT" I : (SENILIS. XXJ 1 BUZZ SAWYER UPS OP HONESTY ANO KESPECTASlLTTY... X HOPE -NOU'eH SctAJTY TO GOTO WOZICI TO SWOWATY FAITH IN U DON'T THINItf VOU... THS VE2Y S I DON'T J KEKT VICTIM THAT f?APPEC!AiTS A WANPEJ IN. .i I'M 7 IT.... J GOING TO TURN iXV 4 ' OVER TO YOU! MS' (THI3 LQQKg UE THg PUACB 1 MICKEY MOUSE X au..: don-tows 7 IT 1 J lt VOiWRW?EKTS WB3S TjTA1 or www they oo ou i ; Vtyi7! ARf THS ONiy IAOTHER J fijP, IVH BVB? KNOWN. ..AND r MM fliulJiJ 1 ALLTWS HAS TWJGKTM1 ever i mm GREAT VOU. J (? 6AO HELPED ME i was a auy, T . V . K TiMi9-6A8Vt, iflr i r jEIP?B3EBy vyehese heard of volt gaod fortune J Tnanks z . ...... m r AV.waifet, am we bonzitutote you 9 Vfethajohtvou tricttt Lke to contraxrDe ix uusca ' our fund tor the VmomentJ RsrEsbilitatcn of Irdbent wit?ri fAskthemff thir l0ai5000ta ooupte of 'ixfioqrit LtTn2h2sbiIit25ted pbusinesa mert. GASOLINE ALLEY I rArrtrbse.ttisapari 1 of coIJectxxs tor a I as crowe as I charity tljnd.ShaSlVYOu are! j r-ii -I lltLim tnem every nrf "f i.i ai.i 'KMM&M,a,laMaka,M ...... ss . - i 21' ' " " ""- Tl - rr - injncrfT 1 1 1 sTAreo from thc dav he was AUJCLnfA UB 1 X eflSY HATCHEO-OH,HOWl WORKED OA His ( CLOnOEEtHEAD !! "i -AlTf SSiSJSS6 iY x fissure abcs-ws cowsoMAMTs, his vowos, VP'HttlH leZo U VOU HIS DIPHTHONGS, HIS GRAMMAR, T TTr V WLftTH ROOSTER J u'l HIS ELDCLTTlON"! KEPT ENLARGING bcJX IU lH3tLi V VOCABULARY AND THEtt AFTER VJSt iJL' , EAEIv GOOGLP