The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1951, Page 13, Image 13

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K -jtrffj.i ?f.'.r; tl ttrVr
Great Varicly in Candles for Homo
Decorating, Vido Rango of Colors
; Br fu Gardner
The warmth and - charm of
randies gfr just the right touch
to mt special . occasion in the
borne. Norma
Simpson Is one"
designer who
realizes this,
and has styled 4
gift and party
candles in (
wide range of
eolors i andl
moods. Eavinf i
studied extens
ively la Italy
and Trance, she
has wonderfully
whimsical can- . - - -dies
reminiscent of the china and
wood Csjores of European crafts':
man. Sb also has Ancericaar oc
casions down to a T and In her
collection you can find a candle
to burn .for practically any Im
portant event in your life. - ' -'
Tot the first fall entertaminfc
Wis Simpson has harvest and
fiesta candles. Miniature cobs of
corn with graceful shucks bend
inf down all around arc amonx
her fall favories. She also has
' miniature cactus plants and pin
cones. Comes Halloween and
you have dancing ghost candles,
black ' cats, grinning pumpkin
lanterns, witches and brown Jugs
to light. Her famous pineapple
candle comes with holes in which
to stick toothpicks holding hors
d'oeuvres. , The pineapple la la
brown war with green top, mak
ing a good background for color
ful cocktail tidbits. Other buffet
candles are In orange, apple and
pumpkin shapes. This being the
football season, she has a minia
ture football for after-games par
ties. .
' Miniature Christmas trees glow
In every shape and size of can
dles. There are spiral designs.
Irregular swirl patterns, cone
, shapes, jagged branched trees
with snow covering and tree and
pine cone combinations mounted,
on a variety of logs. Christmas
bells, stars and flowers are also
la. candle form.
Wedding Parties
When ' It comes to a wedding
in the family, the candles can be
. equally as important as the cake.
Miss Simpson says many of the
families have floral decorations
built around -her long tapering
white wedding candles. However,
there are special candles for,
bridal showers and weddings. A
Lohengrin pillar ., candle is 18
inches high and is decorated with
sprays of lilies -of -the-valley and
orange blossoms. A miniature
hride and groom makes a charm
ing bridal gift for the couple who
probably would prefeY to . keep
the candles for a souvenir rather
than burn them at the wedding
feast. There Is also a wedding
bell candle and place card can
dles in the shape of hearts. . r
For a baby shower, you can Aa
the table up right, with bootees,
Miss Boyer to
Be Married
In Decern
The engagement of Miss Janet
Boyer is being announced by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred
Boyer, to Glenn Ericks, son of Mrs.
Bessie Ericks,. Klamath Tails. ;
The wedding is to be on Decern
ber 14. her parents and grandpar
ents wedding date.
Miss Boyer is a graduate of Sa
lem high school and worked at the
atate house the past year. Her fi
ance works for the 'Southern Pa
cific in Klamath Falls. ; ,; ;
Portland Artist i
Opens Exhibit
f Th3 watercolors of JohhWad
ineham. will be ion display from
September 17 to October 6 at Elf-
strom art galleries. waoingnam,a
native of England, has lived in
India and Canada and is now a
United States citizen. He served
during the second World war as a
radar operator-gunner and con
tributed cartoons for Yank maga
zine. V".y-: ,
He is now promotion- art direc
tor on the Portland Journal. - -
Mr. Wadiceham's i work has
been exhibited in Kansas, Califor
nia Washington and several Ore-
en galleries. He Is an active mem
r of the Portland Art museum,
Oregon Society of Artists and
Portland Advertising Artists guild.
WINtiP -WhorUge of
shipping .pace is d drying depar
ts of many inn lg-ants from
Britain to Canada, according to
M. Bowler, superintendent of
British emigratio for the Canadi
an National - Railways. He said
here that some who applied last
iay win not e atue to leave un-
tT late in the year. :
There are more than' S.000 alloys
xor tae metal, nickel.
.no dirt. odor... no
ash, long burning . J . no
storago problem juco
ft Cherry Ave.
mCk bottle or a smug; pair of
stork candles. ;
The regular hostess and dinner
candles come in a variety of
shapes, slim tapered white ct
colored ones, spirals, .-, vertical
grooves- and textured surfaces.
There is a wide range of colors
with xtew decorator gold, silver,
chartreuse.' russet, and hunter
green gaining in popularity,
! Holiday Styles? .
Towards Thanksgiving, you can
light up four and. a half inch
big torn turkey for your family
dinner. Add a few of the pine
cone candles or a couple of her
pine scented or bajberry candles
and your ' table centerpiece Is
l right in keeping with the times.
If your husBand's - bowling
team is expected, you can set the
i theme-for a buffet with minia
ture bowling pin and ball candles
that win delight the guests.
When the snow begins to fall,
the Simpson creations really
coma into their own. The newest
group is a set of wax figurine,
translucent to let light from the
: candles, art behind them, shine
-through. There is a "winking
Santa Claus, a heavenly angel
and a choir boy la do group.
Email figures of boy and girl
singers, complete with wings, are
: shown with candles burning be
i fore them. A Florentine angel
: and a choir boy carry small ean
1 dies in their arms. A group of
old Ingush carolers are shown
! singing in front of a lamp post
with a burning candle lit the post
i lantern. ' . , x. .. ..
Santa Claus is pictured In
i just every pose you can think of.
; carrying bis pack, sleeping on a
j log flanked by lighted Christmas
trees, uughing or winking at
you. e Miss Simpson has most of
ithe standing Santas with small
1 candles in their arms, which can
be replaced through the holiday
season.-The reason for this is
Ithat small children become dis-
turbed if Santa's head burns off
; and the whole candle disappears.
Snowball and snowmen candles
are in charming styles. One
giant snowball has a red center
; that glows as the candja burns.
- Easter Items
i Looking ahead to next Spring,
Miss Simpson has a variety of
J Coral candles including tulips,
'. daffodils and Hoating water
lilies There are miniature chicks,
ducks, whimsical rabbits in all
moods, as ell as Easter eggs.
"Other candles Include Jtayberry
r welcome , lights, pine welcome
: lights, candles for hurricane
lamps, birthday, and rem em
T brapce candles.
f (Copyright 1951,
L General Features Carp.) . ;
Grows Lflce Magic Needs No
Sun! JIo SoUI No Water!
As beautiful as a
tullD far a rose,
t h 1 a 1 sensational
tsaperied MYS
TEKIA will grow
TkZ Ea.
(S for $1)
and bloom Indoors ar eat ah
olatety withant aaa, sil ar wa
ter! Just pat them on a table
or window ledge la, a few
weeks they will bloom in every
shade of blae from soft Illae
te dee, rayal parple. S" greea
sterna. Up to S bleoasa per bulb!
Use C as a beaatifal niriBg"
centerpiece on yoar dialag ream
table. Ideal aa gifts that will
aaaaae everyeae. Special law ta
IrodBcUry price ZSe for X ploa
le postage. iiHiri or $1 for
5. S2 for 12, er SI for bulbs.
COJX's weleome a orders for
$1 or saee. Every balb gaaraa
teed.te bloen to year asttsfae
Uen ar year xnoney hack.
Extra Gift with every order,
a coktrfal imported French Lily
bulb ttZ orders receive t gifts
11 arders S gifts).
Marie Erase Karserles, Dept.
Z2117, Blooauarton, XU.
Name M
rk 2-4431 cr Z-ZZll
5 svy
v . ...
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 Actress
i bolero f a fabcloas pearl gewa which she modeled at a benefit
xaahlaa aaow at Lea Angalea. The Areas, created by L Magala aad
Co. for show paiBMiia, Is saaaated with aboat 10M ealtored pearls.
rained at f 1 apiece. The garment weighs 27-peimds. The actress
also wears a diamond aecklaco valued at SIMM aal matching 11,00
earrlaga, CAT fflreaaot t the
If yob vcar KIslffrSiZGS
If vc-j ivcsrl?SQ-SizeS
Vo ccny lha
rr.:st cltrcclivo
se!:cfi:n of
in Sslcm
Priced As Low As
Othare O.CO 1C.CD
You can avoid tha trouble of costly and tedJ
ous alterations by selecting dresses that ant
made to fit you. '
Choice of many styles made of quality fb
rics. We invite you to see them. ; I .
Vll OVt CQlNUllZn lAY-AVAY PLAfl ;
490 H. CAPITOL j ;
" In the Capitol Shopping Center
STORE nOUES: ?.Ionday and Friday 12:29 t. :C9 P. M.
Taes. - IVcd. - Tiers- - SiL 1S.C3 A. II. to C:C P. II.
e w .i
Diana Lyaa at the screea aaas the
Statesman ) :
,-':'- f r ' f " ? J. . .
i i 1
'. .V. i. (---:' . 1 ' - -' :
I""" 1 .uii im u ii mint, in Hi I ill LJ mil ,.i i... n. i. mi in, i I
Kearly 109 Masons, with their
lodges, gathered at the Scottish Bite
the centennial celebration of the
The ga&ericg was the first
Eiie'g new tzmple on South Commercial street, which wd be dedi
cated in ceremonies neat Saturday. - ' ' ;-. j
: The two-hour long program was
featured with addresses by Frank
Eennett, Salem superintendent of
schools, who spoke on Masonry
and the public schools, and AHea
Gribblet giving a history of Oregon
Masonry, entitled The Old Ore
gon Trail. Paved With a Century
of Masonry., : ,
Music for the centennial obser
vance was furnished by the San-
tiaza Choral .club of Stayton.
Earl Wiper, past master of the
Salem lodge was master of cere
monies. Deputy district grand mas
ter is Gordon A. Barker. ;
Lodges represented at the gath
ering were; Santiam No. 25, of
Stayton: SIlTerton No. 43; the host
lodge. Pacific No. 53, of Salem;
fidelity. NoJ 84 of Gervals; Pearl
No. &. of Turner: Woodburn No.
108: Donald No. 163, and urn cat
no. lan. , .
"While the eight lodges, compris
ing district No. 6 of Oregon, were
observing Masonry's 100th anni
versary, 18 other of the state's 32
lodges were! holding similar cele
brations throughout the state.
Underground wire cables often
are wrapped in steel tape topre
vent gophers trom' biting into
them. i
E IKS in'
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II a DuraPower ilainspring
should eTer break in serrice
it will be replaced without
charge to the owner of the
watch, by any Elgin jeweler
or by The Dpn National
"VTatch Company.
Pay cs Lov
11:. Veelly
familSes, from eight mid-valley
temple Saturday night to observe
Grand Lodge of Oregon.
public attendance -at the Scottish
Oppose iSwitcli
Of U.S. Bureau
Western rorest industries associa
tion today opposed the proposed
transfer of the bureau of land
management from the interior de
partment to the agriculture de
partment, i
Association members said pres
ent policies of the land manage
ment bureau In connection with
Oregon and California and public
domain lands encourage competi
tion and give all buyers an equal
chance at timber purchases.
The bureau offers timber for
sale in smaller lots than does the
forest service.! a division of the
agriculture department, the asso
ciation said. Smaller uniis give lit
tle operators, such as those in the
association, a better chance to buy,
the protest said.: -
The association said it feared
that forest service policies would
prevail if the bureau is placed un
der the agriculture department.
DiMlmeHiftr i
dmig. BUek myhm Nnt
A WhKM gift- WJ4
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mh mmmH ptmmdtj wit.
Elsim DtLmmm.
ftnfly $ty W m
mUk Aisfc tmmi vfmd.
fiyUmwmi. SjSS
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hmL Crwcefmi
Wfwlittiwla $J9J
Spirintly yuef
ssWlsV MaWfWVssMv sjajSjaa
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Meo VBssvassst are
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the fctoiesmo'galisadrlsoW
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! KHARTOUM, Anglo -Egyptian
Sudan 4JV Government officials
report that the Murle tribesmen
in Upper "Nil province have asked
to be paid In canoes instead of cash
for work on the local roads. There
are ho suitable trees in the area
1g7iI Any OhHioj
3 Months Ceitt
', 0 "- - 'II', V
' 1
' - 3
Gome in and see them today-rthe vtt
Elgins. rcsh, American styling ! Elgin :
famed timekeeping accuracy! The un.
matched dependability of tlie DuraPower
Mainspring backed by Elgin's guarantee!
Chobee from our wide selection of these;
newest Elgin models. Priced from $33.75.
1 AU price include Fd.TM t
Simriy ar m4 wmtt
Si3crf.tep!er3!5 1 lZZ 3--
for making canoes but they caa
be brought from netjfrborlna
areas. ! U I
The peach! trees moved across
America in advance of English and
French settlement through use ct
the tree by tlie Indians. I
Ph. 36773 I
456 Courtl I
ta Apply en Punches
-1 -
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ft, tmti tryml. OJf
Am. I'll
'. S7IJ
Friday -
'Til 9 P-iM.
.1- . .. . ; -;j
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