The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 15, 1951, Page 9, Image 9

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la the rsita SU'eg Elstrirt Court
CCa Etetrict of Oreron. Civil fto.
7. tonaH. Cmted SMm of
- amIc. Plaintiff, v. Mr Cam
. Sioicasnbt Mr. Claire Doetaca;
. O. Yoderj Robert Barn Mr. Robert
Brr, Mrt. rannie MAltmaa; Robert
Corn:, UtrCenr. tho mkammm
- steal rfkb Jade Hamlin, dwmn);
ad mkMwa next of kin o Um
dsceased person smknownwbeoe
.bodice were buried in th north luuf
' ( Section 12 and the northeast quar
ter of Section IS Tewnsh p Sooth.
fcne iMt of the WUumftt
niuc Una County. Oregon,
unoil coroorsnon: sad Marvoo
1y. Oregon, municipal corporation.
rSefendant. To; ;cw O. Yoder, Cam
Kokams, Robert Barr. Mr. Robert
Barr. Fannie Maltman. Robert Coy.
rwnu. tha imluawil Dtxt of
kin of Jack HaenhB. deceased, and the
unknown next ( kla f tM osesssr-a
persons unknown wbott bodies toexe
bexied at the grave aitaa described ta
the peUUoa and decimated as Grave
Brtrs No. 1 to t inclusive, and number
. la too nam ot tbo United State
of America, You are hereby required
to appear and nrwer the Pettttoa
iLmi Mtnt vou la the above entitled
, action within six weeks from the date
Of the Crst ounucauon os was
imu. and If vo fail so to appear
answer, the petitioner for treat there
of wUl apply to the Court tor w
reUef arrayed for la the Petition, to
writ; Tar an order and decree author
Mm and direcUnx the United States
of America acting throur the Corp
of Engineers to exhume the bodies of
deceased persons unknown found or
which anay be found to toe crave anea
located In that portion of the north
, a stina 11 and the northeast
-mmrtmr of Section 15 Township t
UutH uft East of (he Willamette
i Meridian located In Marion County.
; Oregon, and prtfieulv described and
. th netitieai herein ea
Crave -Site number 1 to T Inehaar
Ctwwa Site number t. and to
properly and deeently reinler such
bodies te an established century to
the vicinity of such grave sites and
mt th area to he Inundated
Vr the eonstructleo of the Detroit
Dam to the North Sentient River. Or.
goo, and to preserve a recoro as eccur-
Z . i- K IrienttiV of each
dorfsrwt persons and the location of
such reinterment. TWs summons ' la
served unon vou bv order of the Hon
orable James A leer Tee. Judge of the
shove entitled Court made and enter
ed on the lath dav of Aprtt.1951
pubMeauon thereof Tor itt mm
tm tfc OrcfMf Statesman.
newspaper printed and twbltshed to
4k )- elm. Marion Couritr.
Oregon, which said newsuaper as of
eeneral circulation in Marion County.
- the first publication of said summons
bcincmade on te issue of ald news
paper ea the tth dav of Set ember.
. 1951. Henry LC HeM. United States Attorney-.
Bert C Bovian. Soecial Ae-
- sistant to the tlnited State Attornev.
and Linus M. nuter. aneaai nwr-"
a the United S'atea ArneT. 107 U,
rmrthnuM. Portland B Oeon. '
- i s. a-is-s-st
: noticx or salk or rzax
TfoUce to hereby given that jmrsuant
to order f the Circuit Court of the
State ec Oregon for the County of
Marion, the nnderslrnd.. the Guardian
I the Estate of William E. Goodman,
an Incompetent, wtn proceed to sea at
prtvate sale, for cash or on terms a in
Ik- Aimfrtink nf ttva nndcrslsned shaa
be deemed to be the best interest of
th ward, at the office of ber sttornys.
Osterman sk Williama. tXt Oregon
Suibiiu ataiem. Oiesork. from and
after the boor of W o'clock sjn, entoe
ini M-m ot October. 1H1. the following
Aofriama anal nrooerty and the tn-
tareat of said ward therein, .which
snWeet and real property are
scribed as follows: , t
a udlvided lnterert. not
. than an tocboat curtery interest.
and net more than an undivided
, one-half interest as a tenant by
the entirety, in and to the follow
KHoocle: KSL&I 1331. KOCO 1411.
Padfic DayUiit Time
i r , Pil Me gacycki -2K0IN . 101;' ETJE tn f ,
: . "
. .WMmm mtm, Tk ItmlKBU MbUSk
t-JTZrm.owt.0 bv the radio statiswa.
etexged wttkoat aoofleattoa, Caia aswtpaper cannot be reepoaaiklejier ue
aeeeracy be rets). ...
News iTImekeepor irjrm Nwt
West Melody (West Melody West. Melody
New KotN Kaaen JKOW SOock
Clock Watch V (CVotch Watch IWews.
' Oawnbeat ' Oawnbeat f - - Dawnbeat .
Hemingway I Break '
Platter Party ! Platter
KOC4 SUoc iMacteod
a on -
- Hear - Oua ' I near anas
Roundup Boys 1 M Agronsky
ISLM Leslie Nichols Musie r-
OCO Organ Moon - UTUiacran
XOIM ; News - ILet a Ptetno
to - Blywd.LOVO MMrywa.uove .
KKX No School iNoScnoei
N.W. New
; Science
No School
(No School
KBLM News -
KOCO Aunt Sophie '
COIN Alia J. Doe
ROW Mind Manner
K.KX Tom. Stars
1 Alias J.
KSLM Dunn. Disc
KOCO Major Leagu
;otM Musie Cirla'
ROW Mary Tavior
Dunn, Discs
Major League
iMusto Girls
Marv Tavior
Concert Hour
KOCO Major Lcajrue
KOI Newa
sow rarm-i
I N.W. New ! -
(Major League
I Galen Drake
. Ifarm-Haaie:
Sports Par. Sports Par.; Band Concert JBand Concert
Major League fMajor League I Sat Matinee I Sat. Matinee
rhe Chieagoensl the Cfaicagoaesl Kirkham . Xirknam .
To Be Advised TTo Be Advised l;NU. Goif INatP qotf,
Newa ''- iHors Race . Jau Concert Wax Concert
Air rore Br. lAir Fore
stow .
Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Sat Matinee Sat Matinee
Scratchpad fTarm New (Cross Section 1 Dross Section
Speak for Self ISpeak for
Must to Go . IMuaic to
KiUsI Bands-Bonda Bands-Bond I Mosie . l4-HHIles
XOCO Sat. Matinee (Sat. Matmee (News- ' I Army Band
KOIN Kirkham News Atlantic Bands ISoorks Review 'LeSueur New
m Mm : Earl rsadWtaa Kfmnh. Oreh ISwjnnh 'Open. :
KBJC Muste to Go IMusto to
John rtrna Memingway
rhinin IChte-uo
Trees. BandrtdJ Trees. BandstdJJohnnv Soot IJohnnvSoot '
Symph. Orch. . isympn.
Pacific Pact '
Air Force Hour! Mr Force Hourl Chris Science tXtmMcrver
1 ihm RancniKhvthm RanchiYour Beritago I Encore Std
G. Fischer Guest Starr 1 (IDenger Ahead iGoaa. New
Meet Congress Meet Coneress ISerenade E. Heteraoo
Navy Hour (Navy Hour Blue Sports Guest Star
BawaQ Calls
Dinner Mue
IHawalt Ca
!Titea,va.afe,w IWi
tiTburs. rtncb'Ravbtim. r
Eddy Arnold J Eddy Arnold
inorta Edition I .onte fcditwn
rolleee Choir t College
Trvalti ITraekltto
Songs for Sal )Songa for
- Bob and Ray (Bob and Ray IO Opry Oie Oory v
At Shamrock lAt Shamrock (Space Patrol (Spec Patrol
KSLM steoorter Rdun'Reoorters
KOCO Dugout Dop inaseoaii
UH New I D. Grime
m r--m Ta r Advised ITa Be Advised i Mont Woo lev Moot. Wooiev
. k Lone Banger iuhshuiw' usisiBnu' iijuomna 1
IPop Edward
! Base bail
Cans Busters
Merry-go-R'd '
Dencing Party
IGane Buster
erry - ao
10 i
KtLM Monica '
KOCO Kite Song
ot Hunt sutai .
GMT News
PU.X - Final Edition
a at OlttM
1 f ttK O D
I I SOit o
I I Kf-: K
veaaa rtM, Ho- - . rtrtm Whim - Huma ITmes Hmaa
rjuxdne Parte ILtauctne
Organ Ueiod. tOrgan
Hit Derwin iHai oerwut I '.Tvi Hawaiian ;oyj nawauana
KEE Good Listening (Good Listening sGood Listeninx luooa usiecmg
KOAC S3 X . 10 jr The
rtwt aad weather- 10:12 Especially tor
wetnen: 11x4 Tbo Concert Hall- 12 d
The News; 12 :1V nm Non Fari
Hour; l v Bide Em Coa boy: 10
.Ura aw Parade: 2 Music of the
1 tasters: ti Science tai of toe
MBtft Oregon,!
- ee vW mmt iwt
tut Ctdcrftei ml
Pareel As Let tX tn Block X. of St.
juny Addnsosi to Saiera. Kirton
Cotnty. Oregon See Vot. X. Pay
S3. Beeerd ac Town Piatt far said
County and State. . -
eet B: Lots lUevea (11) and
Twelve- (U. Block Three (Jt. I
Kicka-Jooea BubdrrtsJon. Marion
County. Ore on (Sea VoL 14. j
Pat- X Record of Town. Plata for
said Cowry and State).?
Bids far either or both said parcels
be submitted to the uadexsiaTned
at the eaxiee of said attorney at any
Um after the first publics taon -of thai
notice, oh the ZSta Say of Aujtast. XSJ1.
Sales are subject to resale and eon
firniataoa by the Circuit Cowl of the
State- ot Oeeaon far to County of
CvardJan of the Estate of W;Uini 1
Good man. Incompetent.
I ----- A25-Sl--XS-2X
300 Prnooa)
312 Lett and Found
SMALL brown and white spotted part
Pake. License no. S7W. pnpn Z68Z1
sZaV tSencUy female Siamese eat ba
strayed from Sw Clenncreek or. U
ah is vtsiUa- yon wiU yon
can J83.
atRAD frn il tWeys Ave. Black
male docker. License No. fnio. Fnooe
ZSX21 evemnrs. Reward.
C5ST: Large heavy alumiflum kettle
LOST U Dcraon who lound girl's purse
at Slavs ana High streets lues, nignt
will please call 3-3MS. the will ba
a reward even if money is missing.
Personal effect bedly needed. .
LOST BUck Labrador puppy 1 week
id. itoo block i Liberty, stcwaxa.
Ph. 3-2571.
LOST: model airplane, east on South
Cottage rarm. rwoer call sumer
Hoth. 3Wm Market. ' ?!'
LOST: Small gray coin purs, contain
ing rehgKms article and sem amau
change. at. canitoi.
316 Personal "
WANTED someone to rale calf for
one .half of beef. 2-72. a
LONELY widow would - like to meet
fenUeanan age S3 to so. xM ea co
tatesman. -
PATrTcU BOULWA&2 please t call !
2-1440 erarding your mail.
f AM NOT responsible for debts other
than ml own. Louts . uinger.
i , i ml.iv a nnoovTuoua rn sim
po Br n Mr a wed aw a ww
ALcoHflLlCS AH6.WM6US iuw il
CommeeciaJ St. Phone S-S10S
inrs. Sunday 2 pa. Tuesday 13 ;
400 Agrienlture
402 Utastock
7 WIENER pigs. RL I Box S3, Brooks.
Ph. 41187. - '
rRtSH COW and ealf for sale. Ben
w iters Rt. 2. Bo . Turner. Oregon.
2 COOQ fresh dairy cows, guaranteed'
sound and rentle, Scottys 2 mL East
on CeQier St. SaKm.
oUtU Livestucfc ouvet 4'iauoe Ed-
"kjKDtQ Livestock buvet 8 d
McCsnt!wh 1127 B vam pw -is7
i.u rNsi.D Livestock nuver H K
e-nethen 140 Laneatee &t P - -343
HiMUKp livestock ottver
ter-. 1Sf Otetnawa fid
A- 9
P, 4317
reaaooatwe Nelson s
anvptaco anvttme Phono 4-CT4S
The skunk is credited with de
stroylnt many rodents and. insects
which eat farm crops.
KOOt lit. KGVT 621. KMX Ulf
f f1
SB XOd tattlt gb MeCtSSB Ond
be beeaeae eftteae the aeerraaaa are
1 "-
i si3s
-NW f -- -
Net New v
tKOn Kloek :.
Hodge Pod
Can IBreak. Gang
Party I Jerry Sears
News fC Nwa
tSdn Pioneers
Ex. Service 4
icons new
Ham Dem. Ag.lBob Hazea
I -
I Haven of Rest IHaven of Rest
Proudiv Hall PnwdH Hau
'ilBomance Romance
I Secret Storp I secret Story
(No School INo School
IFarm Home JorCan . rBareafti Cr.
VMut RMdin . tClub time IXid sKorner
(Theatre JirJoUywd. Stars (HoUywd, Start
I PiihHr Affairs 1 1 darn, of Books News ;-
fToy land Tunes - Toyland Tunes
Land O1 Free JMnsi f Musi j? ;
I Aunt Sonhie IMaiorLeaauo IMaior Leocuo
Doe (ram. Advisor iram. Advisor
IMutd Manncrt ISitulln Ed isnulut' Ed
(Tom. Star iTom. Stars . - I Tom. Stars
IDunn. Discs
(Major League
IMoet Missus
f aJor Leagu
Meet Missus
IY. Oresonlana
I Concert Hour
IY. Oreron lan
I Concert Hour
(Man on rarm Man on Farm
IMaior Learua waior League
iiWay for YoutlliWay for Youth,
mrmv Basan in.
lirriako .
Br. EGoor. Crsckers Ceor. Crackers
Self ICtty Serenade laty Serenade
Go . IGirlScouU I Music to Co
Go J Pacific Pact (Pacific Pact
: rMalodv rVrtrait!Twin Views
Curtain Calls ICurtainCan . I
orcn, , troixatnsie ireiKMusic 1
iracias ran 1 quin - KMtm r3quu r vaf
West 1 RamhTersi West Ramblers
I aerls
I Ass. of Cod
fRaybura. FtocbJ Rayburn. Finch
Bob and Ray Bob and Ray I
Stars Parade IBert Andrews . I
Cheir I Reservist I
I Bandstand IBaadstand
Sal ISongs tor Sale (Songs tor Bale
Rduo'iombardl. TJ!1A ILombartfi USA
' iDaseoau 1 uaseoan
OrchGene Autry ; IGene Autry
(Dane Maxld IMusie
IBaseball iBaaebati "
t'Jee Sudy Orch.'Joe Sudy OrcfaJ
- Kd IKeUevsBlue uvetty-sttroe
Party Did Wkt D'ees iCUd W14 D oes )
Dance than H W News1
INite Song - INew.
Kteorg Fwaer (Weik Orch, '
Rdver Jebuee 1 Snort Paso
llBterxiexxo .Hcne Races
Cyaoaof Pari
- (Weik Orch.
EMindy Carson
Coed Lbnea's
Partv ujaaemc rarty luancrag parry
Metod. Traa bandstd frrea. Bandstnd
c Weather; $0 Child renTs Theatre;
S3 Defense Report; a :4 Lorsd-sn Let
ter; IM The News end Waatoer; 0:12 j
Dtnaer Ketodies: S3 Porta of Caa;
7 Llsfct Oper Tonlehtr $.43 The
News and W eather; n.J Dsoc 'Par
ade; 19 45 News and Weaker; IXXH
fek a .ftt
i. w v 1 4. .. J
4S4 VobZtt cad rsLLs -
HATCHES nf Co!5es Broad iM Pew
HaoBpsirir e&icls every Tuesday
We peciaJr kn prouet eases roi l
E ? ? ?e t, rfe 1-4 y
t OLirf and aariel emeaa av
ser Stfeet. Pboee tzx La a
rOS SALE: AJCC mlatrred Daach-
fcund. black and taa feraaia moams
red male. 2 years. Excellent, A. E.
Skacga. fit. 2 Boat aBS-F-i, McMinn-
VtSie. - t
rt2 SAfJtU Reg. EnMiab springer
spamlel. femate. la yrs. old. ooea
hunter SIS. Elmer Bofmann, Jtt. 1.
Box ISt. Marion, Ore. Phone Stay-
ton 323S4- ' ' "
ilttli&Ali Sheoherd nupa. AJCjC ree-
tstcrea. mx U aa J. on wauace rta.
auuKaa rroatcat Tea eouaxuun
risn tanks nisota neatexs tber-
mnstats. Jfarvei pamoa s cnues man
S Lancaster on aaacleev aid
fKOr-iCAJ- rUd and suppiiea T
Mamn Btlei 'eea d Ttrmer
411 Fruit m3T
PRUNES XT-pick, t $1 bushel. Phone
SEETTomatoe at Roberts. $1.73 box.
PHnne 4t!SX L H. ZteiKe. ' '
tea PLANT. eeDDers. s Dears.
tnmltriM Cin BMr BJS. S-SV
a nuLEZLNG. Brocoli. lde lb. Cauli
flower S2 crata, Manama Garuens.
Hirhwsv 222. mfles East of Staytoa.
PICKLING cucumbers and tomatoes,
Phone eveilnrs. 2-121. ' -
CANNING yinach, green peppers for
tale, can J-xzn.
ae 4S nound an. Any at. Alan
wsasner. a ntuea xotia ox veaumi
Howell. ' -; - - '.
Gravenstetos. ST0 Portland BO.
414 Farm Eqcipiaeat
PORD tractor. t N. 20th. Phono 288TT.
450 Merchandise
451 Macbinmrr and tools
nCALEBS and renaW station for Wood-
boss chain saw, sriggs. t;untoa at
Wiaconsin gasoline engines Bowser
Bros., 141
12th. Ph. s-4(i
ii ti i ii I n fcM a a oirU. iaO :
Hows tiros ftt aoe w
IOUR uene ana etturt Oemanoa gouO
tools Rent or out tnesn as uoussi
Bros i4ia ,a tzta :
I 11-1. J. M . 1
455 Household Goods For Sola
mnlete 11 vine
room. Chrome dinette, electric ranee. !
Bedroom suites, occasional tables,
chairs, misc. 4 mUa N. Marquam-
Canbv Hi way. C. M. Nickotaon.
ELECTRIC jthonograph, bold 10
LECTRIC jthonograph, bold 10
ords. 390 S. High. CU after 2.-
MaDTOROLA. radio and phonograph
w: ,1. aa rf--11 na
1830 S. Capitol. ' ' - . .
FOR Sale good Vajo jic wood range.
tif a ok at-iva
YOUTH bed and mattress. Call 3M1S.
GOOD - used f urnUurc. 2023 Market.
. Phone s-osa. - - r
naif dinette aet 2 extra leales, 4
USED oil beaters $10 and up. Good
Hotrackeeplng, Ine. 447 Court -
sweeper, electric: iove. rerrigeraior,
davenport, library table. 811 J slier?
ann ' ' ' '
ZU ARK oil beater in excellent .ooodU
tlon: roaa naveno. cnair sex. rvmtru-
cally new: Chinese booked rug vjuz;
round dining table: shelf eoox
raw. elaaa doors: small green daven
port, .other household goods, IBS W,
I GOOD hoktsehoi i f onuahing. Jteaaon
able. 434 S. 15th.- - : -
WE BUY. sell and trad used f urni-
tirre. dishes, tools, etc. -urjmure
Msrt i Ferry. Taow 4-3772.
New and used furniture. We buy or
trade tor anytbinc ot value, we pay.
-casn. . '
197t Falrirroundj Fd. Phone 4-3481
Used; Ftirn -' Cheap.-
FaDy Fum Co 223 No Coral t-tm
45S Wanted, HousenolrT
WE pay more. Wo pay cash. Furnitur.
anuquea. guns. ouse. u aurmiure
Co. Phone 20402. i --
CHILD3 WARDROBE or chest drawer
suitable for nursery, cau 410po. ; -
PHONE 2-A402 for DfoniDt aDDraiiaT
T-J ruraitur Co.. V fclrewater st
MUST HAVE at once, good used fur-
niture, appliances or anything oi i
value.- Large deals solicited. Small
deals appreciated. We pay cash..
l7 FsrrgTotinds Rd. Phono 4-3451
i TRADER LCUlE offers fair cash prices
on furniture and misc. soecisi con
sideration given en complete house
holds, estates, etc Fbone . s-u or
i bring to 1270 Lns Ave.
.Highest Prices
Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472
fMMT.iATI cash Woodry. Ph. 3-5110,
CASH for vour furniture. One niece
or houseful. LAJSBSitrrav s-tiuu.
151 Eniidlnq Mcrfrtals
; Hundreds of - surplus building mater
ials at our Salem yard. Modern win
dow and doors complete with frame
at fraction cost of new. C G. Lone.
Phone 2-021. one mil North of
Keizer. -
OAK FLOORING1 at tea than fir price.
Tile board 1X4 zse ea. s&notty run
paneling and shelving front $12200.
Combination storm doors. Ceiling
$49.30. Sheetrock and rocklath. Wall
board tow as 11.74 4x8. Celling til
and plank. Clear " V Bustnc. Ply
wood of all kinds. Wide variety of
Shake colon in stock. D" fir floor
ing $11 M. Piooeer-Fllntkote roof
ing of all kinds and colors. Boxing
low as 230.00. 3f months to pay If
desired. North eity limits on -00.
No. 1 Shingles $10, fs $7 00. 3s $473.
XI lb. conipoaineai roofing $7 JO en.
first ouauty. side wail shake with
trndercours ill SO so. Plaster board
4x0 aheeU tlA. Water proof wall
board for walls or floor covering- $2to.
plywood -10c ft. " 13c 4a" lac.
20c. 4 23c.
2 nanel doors ta.4a. srlass dor tlljW. j
hardwood entrance door'SlsJe. AH
sires new complete windows in stock.
Lowest price.. C G. LONG, phoa
23821. X mil north of Knzer.
O. Chan. HJ
cnixrss crrsAUSTS
lil Kartii Uberty
UnctstT above Jsax. 232 ft. Lib
erty Office opea Saturday only 1$
f axa. tola am, a to i an -xnsuna-
sa Blood pressure and nrtn teets
i are Cro ot oharg. Practices no
; Uit.
Os. T TXaaa HJt Dc.
V LtXi w 1 " !LwJ S
Best rrade N. i s S13. to. I s fT. !?&
ra U 4 Any amount delivered, j
la in. av l carton packed aide wall
uat pee an. with wnder
Common number ail rradea
Oak and Pecan fOoonng. Ted UuJez.
ipa. Salem evenings. -
S2S and 13 nor It
Uabogany front doors. iiT.
i Ho, I prima shakes with wndereours. I
di Doasesv any. eotor. iu oq.
1 down. month to pay. .
Epping Luinber Co..
XH SUverton R4. Ph. S-3834
CJ. I4nslccd.Iias1raTnnts
X flat Trumpet, good eondtttoav S2S.
Marioo. . --
A Baldwin built piano in very good
CTni i7Ti. rrione ; z35.
5 FLAT Ebonite elarinet. IUmT
$100. 24 homo course seasons included.
See at Z31t Hvde. Salem.
ELSE mahogany piano, very
able. 1990 S. Cottare St.
BALDWIN spinet pinna. Bee
luce new sondiuon. ooa sevmga.
Cash or terms.; Slon piano - Co
law state st. -
violin i with
iioo. H
4-Z83BL : -
EOW A&D 'iano. Phone 4-OS3. iroau
house for sale, mile out.
pkAC-rlcALXY Wew setae? plXKo.
Old Pianos .
VaTTry Tvtn. Co- Ph. 1-T47f
OLD vioiin. 221 ChetnekeU St. Phone
-74. . ' - ;
4S2 Sports Eqidpanaiil ' -
JO-OS deer rifle with box of shells. A-l
shape. Priced to sen. Phone 3-9791.
300 Remington Automatic high grade
scope mi. etc, like new. Sea at 234S
Re St. after njn.
SALE or Trade: 304M Enfield remod-
eled. altered, with weaver KS scope.
S137J0. Bcmln(ta la gauge pump,
weaver choke, $52-50. Electric Bang.
Phone 3-074. 1509 N. 5th St
WINCHESTER model 70-270 rifle,' R
ington 721-200 Magnum rifle, good J
slide Trombone and ease, also eonv
binttion radio-pbonograpb. 2S47 Port
land ko. i . j
ALMOST new $900 Schwinn racing
bike $50.00. At 2005 S. Cottage.
4S3 For Rent Mlscallanaous -
coop vm piw at- 8tiff
uvOUH aewui now stent a binges
portable sewing machine $0 per
rree pick no deu
Slnaer !
Sewina Machine
Co 13
kem 17 g l.ihertv Ph
ruoLS & eouioment to make a- eovd
lob better Rent or buy t Howsor
Broa, 1410 3 12th Phone 23644
470 For Sale, Misctkawousi
Piano Boxes"
73e each. Stone Piano. 1280 Stat St
kRESREY floor i furnace, complete
with . barrel and pipe 279. Phone
"22851. - ' -
WORLD bicycle $25. Universal camera
ana equipment t SW. , McCoy.
Phone 28728, - -'
4 PAIR floral living room draperies.
Green oecxgrognri. pn. 3559.
iTHERMADOR electric heater Large.
portable. Shoteun, 1 gauge. Both
like new. Ph. 28344. . .
fTWTiiEL chairs, good condition. Bea-
sonaoie. PHne 1509 N. 4th.
rlfle. Bauer -pottery, service
I 4 original : colors eerving I
fort in
dunes, platters, coffee Jug. etc- half
Price; some garden tools and misc.
hardware. Phone 35778.
PUMP shallow well centrifugal k h.p.
, rnotor. 733 Criems-yi Rd.
STATE Fair Prize Winning Rcipesi
. Includes Bran - Gem. Quick Fruit
Bread. Marble Cake. Date Bars, Re
frigerator Oatmeal Cookies. Ginger
Cookies. On rile -cards. Six 21.00.
Wilma Cummins. Taft.-
IS inch Johnston power mower S63J55.
saiem Boat House.
V :hfcToiSoil;-.?: --:
River sfrt, flTJ dirt; ' . Phone 2-T320
PLASTl-aCOTB requires no waxing
for your floor or linoleum . Y eater
Aonfianc Co S7S Chemeketa
STANLEY , " horn ; products ' ePhon
2-405. Lee Mindt,23i S. 10th.
IRiC Ranees. Mew an Ui
Yeater Aooliance'Co.
273 Chemek-
-t- - ' -
Jaed '. Ses
win Machines
Yea tee
Appliance Co. 379 Chemek
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crnslied RocJa
For roads gt driveway. Cement Beady,
boarait. wuino nana duu-
dosing, iralnag andditching vd
shovel drat line Phone" 2-0240
pliance, 275 Chemeketa. '
MENS' SUIT, shirts, sweaters, sua 23-
40: Girls fall suits, dresses six 14-10.
571 Union St.
CE PORTABLE dishwasher $135. phono
2-532L j
40x10 FOOT shed,; plywood exterior.
construction otnee to be moved from
Blind School site. Missioa St
Church, Suitable for two ataxia car
garages. Make offer; Geo. Isackson,
Is2 8. E. Exeter DriYa, Portland,
ore. t . ' - ,
PISTON TYPE ahallow well pump A-l !
condiuon. complete sss. 443S Maeleay
Rd. Phone 26210 or 27310. '
NEW Knotty pin fun cabinet $35. So
after a:30 pjn. 542 s. lata St.
SALISBURY motor scooter, all th
extras. Can be seen at 089 Garnet,
Phone 25603 evenlnrs.
DOUBLE laundry trays, with standHT.
pn. Z56Z1 before noon or after a. f
GOOD trailei. gOJd tires, cheap. il'
Brown, ath St oft Battle Creek Rd,
Turner. Oreron. m .
OIL circulator with! fan. $35. 730 Fair-
Phone 4-3148 before 19 a. m. or eve-
ninrs. 180 N. 23rd.
CASpENTEB tools for sate. No "un
dav calls. 1195 Chemawa Rd.
0 YEAR "old baby crib and woo3
range. 055 1 N. Church. '
OIL circulator Wth fan. $33. 730 Rair-
vtew. Phone 1-04CT after a JO p. ra.
NEW Singer Sewing machines electric
portable witn zre sev ing touist sno
regular set of attachments only $12 JO !
dowa payment and It months to pay j
balance. Slnr;r Sewtf Machine Co..
130 N. Com! Open Friday until 0
P- U- ;
r - Linolenrn S3. 45 -V;-"
WAjtrliNG ssactunea. aw and liaeO'
Yeater Aooltanoe Cm T7 Cnemefc-
- eta
GOOD GSZJ) ptano
S7 on
Sff rum- Co ' i
NEW location: CHARI3 Corse tier. Mary !
X, Bale, 110 Center at & bopping
Center 35VS8 - - -
I Best for roads or drivewaya. Any six.
100 fractured. Salem Rock Produo- I
tlon Co. Phone evenings 4-3127.
i WTiy Suffer Any Longer
Then etners fan, sne oar Chtoese
resaedte Assastog sncees fee oo
aar to Cbiao, No aaatter aruk
bat aitssents yw ar afrnetod I
diserderx siaesius. heart tangs, fle
et, kidney, gas. censtipati. a leers,
diabetes, raeaaaa riasn. gall and biad-
ct.. levee, skia, f
23 14. Cmerial
Pna 3-H't
- 0ALSrx..CA : ; J
OfSic Beer to 0,
Teas, sad tax, Only f '
CCD; Cnsplornient
1 -
' Blue Lak Packers, Inc.
r . - i ... t : .
t - " , .- .;;.-."- "
Vork available
622 Hal? Wcmlad
EXPEaiENCXD part-tiro bookkeeper.
z boars dally. Box H ee statesman
givtag ' experience, salary expected
s and nhone. ! -
fHORNLES3 blackberry pickers need-
ed .at- one. Very-good piclung. Jo
j W. Appek. Rt. 1. Box 24. i
BOYS is year or older, steady winter
j lob. Evenmes, good pay. B a B
iBowBrig. 3063 Portland Rd. .
. - Sell LOW COST
Aarto insurance ';-""
- wQX traia
; 154 S. Hlrh . - v
CORVALLI3. Oregon. Wife can earn
v bom, utilities and pay while bus
- band attend college. No children.
Call 2-7751. Salem.
BEAUTICIAN, wanted. I will
itvt mv advanced training work-
- shop. If you are interested in better
hairuressing apply tnca ox new
I York, E5t. Lfberty. , I
450 Merchandise
474 Mlscallrmeous
ONE upright Gibson freezer. On size refrigerator. 19N ',
Cher, pickup for sale. Phone 22707. .
I Dental Plate Kepair f
' .-. - CASES
Srtnf or Mail Your Prate for Reoair
. ... . " , ' . . i
BAHi lJ taur usee canteraa ac raw
McEwan Pnoto Shop 243 N High '
478 Fuel M
Piaaer trlmminrv 0800 cord
; - 5-7721 or 2-fr24
Oresron Fdel Co.
veal, eleaev. aereened sawdust deflv-
ered by tube service or push off
truck. Finest dry ee green is-tnca
Phone 3-5533. SOff? Broadway.
OJELUWaj 27 UC1 f
swduet wood areen or ary
Stove-Diesel . oils Ask for Penny i
Sever Stemn h 0S444
Tri-City Fuel
1 Osn handpicked If" slab wood
' S Fresh cut screened sswdust .
; 5 ' - ' IT mill ends ' -
PHONg 3-7443
wood. S cords for Hi. Ph. 2-7721 ot
Capitol Ltimber & Fuel Co.
. , , ,
West Salem t uel Lo.
Old frowth block wood It in. da '
no bark
Phone: Salem 1-4031
i . 1
Asm pick up wood at 1525 Edgrwatet
Jt7 Iswm
ANDERSON S ham picked slab wood.
2 cord fix, Phono s-5i or
560 Baainess & Finance
510 Money I to Loan
PltiVATg money to toan. Phone 2-074.
JS2&00 to $500.00
and oldest
ed loan com;
mpany offer money wnea
Too eaa pay anytime
as reoaee
No endorser. S or help from friends!
On oar, truck trailer home to $300 -0
Os furniture.: livestock, equipment.
sry or other prsonaj property, ux
to $300 J0I
av vkstt nor ornc sooayt
Hear Top Trade daily 1:42 jn.
c. itoa rr-",u v
I General; Finance Corp.
ttm No ansa and 1330
PHONg 2-01t 13 S COMl fT
Vacation Loans
! ) . $25 to $500
Donl v borrow: unnecessarily, but B
wmira short nf Cash - for travel CX
casn Joan iron rcnonai
may be .
the best solutioa to your
Us to $300 on Auto, up to
on Furnitur or salary, tiepay
when you return first payment not
due for 30 day. Come ta or phone
for cash for any good purpose.
Finance Company
of Kalans . - f
100 SL Hhrti St - -' Ph. 2-S44 f
I Lie No S-122. M-1C5 C ft ADen. MfT
fABaS ana liV LOANS
, and 0 -
four ewa term of repayment wlthia
reason. Cash for Real Estate Con-
t tracts and Second Mort see.
' clapitoi. axniRixiES CO
wt Cotf rt frt r Ph 4-J59
122 & Church St Ph.- 2-2431
Parkin Apienry
!-! 154
v Private Moaey "
' On Car frocks fk TraUer Homos
t Lone o Short Term Payment
I Roy H. Simmons
rie 8 Co"uiel1 St ' Phone t
We'd Like to Loan Yon
Xf you'd Eke to borrow 0100
loe anv amount tin to 21500i
Phone or call on a immediately
j - , syoicau api-iD
"Amount " ' " .- '
15 21
t !
... 00
Indokrial Loans
; t! S Lfbeny - p7!ore t-rl
.. 1 Fauxrouads Road
(next toot to' baskk
Fraw Parkin lot
291. mU i- Call 2-7022
S12 Loess TTcrlsd
I WANT loan trans prrvat party on 2
new house on 1 'ot. Ph. 2-7113. u-
lamett Real Edtete.
- CCD sployraent
tZi n2- T7csiaxL ZZdlm
on all shifts
I COLLECTOR with legal training or de
gree. Excellent pay. line : future.
Largo Northwest firm. Must be will
ing to transfer. Ago 25-35- Write P.
O. Box 20T. Salem, giving full details
and reference. Present employer will
u be contacted- '
BOY to work o car lot. t ajn, tol
pjw. Must no wver , mquira iza
raii-rround Rd.
IBUS30Y wanted day anlft. Marion
HoteL Commercial at Terr? Sts.
EUTCHER for market- and grocery
store. Phone Pall Citv 387. ;
NATIONAL, concern desires capable
ung man for general clerical d
s. Good future, advise age. ex
perience and education. Box U. car
statesman. I
ATTN.: Boys 12 lor 14 yrs. old; if you
interested; in having a paper
route; file your application with th
Oregon SUtesmaa CIRCrjLATION
Dent. i
MAN 20-15 U learn fountain. Must be
fast worker, steady empiore and
willing to work night Top wares to
do right parry. No phono calls.
whites Drtve-in, LUS S, Conunorclal.
ttl Halp Wontaxl
WANTED, poultry dresser, xnale or fe
male. rooM zzwl, ;
j 60S Help WcmtadU Famed)
r m
WOMAN or girt general housework.
live in. 695 N. Liberty .
WOMAN to care for invalid. Roorn
board and wages. 215 E. Lincoln.
Experienced cook at Monmouth
Hotel. Monmouth, Ore --.
i AGE 21-45. Lady with pleasing per
sonality.! WO train you for netting
appointments, i Earning far ! above
average, ror appointment call 25364.
Saturday or Sunday evenings. -
HOUSEKEEPER.) may have child. 2
- aauiu. Moaern country home, rnone
4-4061. -
! CHRISTIAN lady for secretary In
church . office, i Typing and mimeo
graphic experience required. 0 hour
- day. Tuesday through Saturday. Ph.
27413 for aocotntment
CORVAIAJS. Oregon, Wile can earn
home, utilities l and -pay while hus
band attends coUefc. No children.
Call 2-7721. Salem.
NEEDED baby sitter, prefer live in.
Modern home. Ph. 2-1131 between 0
.m. and 120.'i - -'
YOUNG GIRU Slock work and selling
- ror lames rea ay to we ar rtore. -TOf0.
HOUSEKEEPER to live in and help
age! husband care for Invalid wife.
Reasonable pay- and home privileges.
1360 HalL . -
EXPERIENCED typist wanted imroe-
oiatery -or several weeks - work in
near .by valley town hi physicians'
offices. Must have good personality.
Good pay and expenses. If spplicant
has car mileage paid to and from
lob daily. Write P. O. Box 207. Sa
lem, rvinr qualifications. ;
PRACTICAL aurse to care for elder-
ly lady. 695 N. Liberty. Phone SOSSa.
aXTERIENCED coat and suit ' aalea-
woman. Earn over $50 weekly. Ap
ply Mr. Brown Antta. 404 State. .
WAITRESS wanted Shanghai . Caia.
1 WAITRESS. San 6hop,' Portland Rd.
j - - r . -
Phone 2173.
6C3 PicJwrB wemtod
PRUNE 'picker, "twin "Hills Ranch,' ouz
Libertv Rt. at An ken v Hill.
PICKERS wanted for Thornles Ever?
green blackberries, c pound. Steady
job. Wayne Straehao, 1 mile West -of
North Howell store. j
TUORNLESS blackberry pickers wanl-
ed. O. Zistel. Rt 4 Box S5. Phone
PICKERS for 23 A. Thorn less Ever-
freea blackberrias . at Alvin Van
Cleave Farms in Hazel Green.! North
on 00-E to-Totem Pole. East 1.
miles to 4 . comers. North en Van
' Cleave Rd. Phone 2-5165.
IRRIGATED . Thornlcss - Evere green
Blackbejrri.e-ood. picking, mile.
north Kerzer ' on ' Clearlak s Road.
Phone 4-425. Rt. 2 Box" 2M.
BOP PICKERS: Our bus leaves 12th
St at Rural at 0 a jn, x down 12th
to State to Employment office, then
down . State to . Caml South to
Owens. For information call 3-0137
nfter 0 pjn. Bishop' Hop Yards. ,
IBIO Solos Persona Wanted
We need 2 more ood salesmen for
Phone 25950 for Anot .'
I EXPERIENCED sportswear saleslady
. wanted. Apply LSallyx aetweaa 0'JO
and 10 JO , m.;
LADIES: Car year around work lo
I . jcally. convenient hours, excellent for
housewife. Earn $40 t $7$ week, not
house to houae. Write Box S3.
1612 Work Wcmled, Mala
KXPERmeCEO accountant wants po
sition tn Salem, est Try 00 , Ave,
Phone 4-3283. s ' '
PHONE 3-7553. ! ;
CAKPSlMTRV any. kind, reasuoable
4240 Maeleay Rd Phono -2054
614 Vork VVcmted. Femcdo
EXPERIENCED: babv sitter, day or
night Leal Frailer. Phone 2-5323.
TYPING in my home, References,
2-5569. 455 Untversity. ; , - 1 ; j
615 Sltuatlonsv V7cmted i
PADmNG. Special prices. 10 days.;
Expert painter.. Work fuaranteea.
Ph. 35359. . "
RELIABLE adult!, baby itter. Phone
Septic Tank Cleaning
Drain fields installed and repaired.
Tnrio"a Sentic Tana Service. , pnone
-v7-u - ' i
MAN wants evening work, part tune.
4 or 2 hovrr. Can 'ASf ' - -
CHILD CA&E in : my hooae days. 1232
M LiW. or ea31 43314.
DAESS MAKING; forma Is a specialty.
Mrs. JuUus Ptneus. l700 .N2CUi 6t
work, reasonable. Phone 4-14Z4.
CHILD CARET tny nor-. Days only,
sywLiberty Rd, Phene s-srss,
fiW LAWNS, put in. Free estimates.
- Evening phone 4-2941, days 2-0445.
FOR new lawns, prepared and seeded!
rmVI rt.M Wnbntt S-S177. i
IduSZiT WOEX. ail kinds. John Fed-
rvsn Phone Ss-F-3 evei'ines.
PLUii&LSG work. Reasoaahle Phone
S-PTI7. I . !
I CHILD CARE to my homo. hour, day
or week Phone x-cvjo . ; .
I A GOOD lob
ti taws mower soarpea-
in Hi
I3tw 141 S irth
bede and ! shrub
pvsnlnx. new lawns, xntsa cyuun
and yard work off aO kind Phoo
4-17 " .
122 S laTB H -rt
t'J Dorf cad Cootrcwrt
Salem Sana & Grarel Co.
Contract Wort: '
Bond - Clearing - IHteblax
., Sewer A Basemnt ,. j .
' Equipnaent Rental . i
jtching; by the foot i "
phone day 2-041)0 !
Evecttsrs 2-7412. 3-4417
Bajenv, Oregott v ;. '
Z&rsu Orsw gg3rdar CT-tgrbo3r IS. 1-31 3
623 Ikrf cagj Ccauftaei
I 4UTO PATmte fust a Shad bettoj
ry my itiu Uii snroca
Co o-ivn.
700 Rentals
TZ2 S)rfdaq Eoctas. Board
SLEEPING roo?b nttrat hoeo lot
CLEAN, light housekeeping room, prir
jvye entrance. 135 N. Church.
t&LSJEPlNG rooms: private balk; em-
pteyd men. Ph. 2-T?0t. .
SooiiS tor rent by dav ec week.10
! and wp per day
97 per week and
Phon 2041. 441
up. - Bligk Hotel
5 State St.
RiCX aieeping room for student. Waco-
i ee ee ompkoyed peraoau iota N. Cot-
f tare.
ROOM3 elDse in. 56S N. Cottage,
NICE &OOM3 for 1 coiieg students.
j $30 and $23. Line. .furnished. 741 N.
vVARM sleeping room for fenUeman,
'344 N. Capitol
SIN CLE. double, private
clean, first
floor. 52 N.
ROOM for girls, bom privilege; 150
N. Winter,
SLXEPIXG room,- b- lUd.
rloss iau
; tvj n. winter.
BOARD and room for elderly men!
Phone 2-S70S, ' '
ATTRACTIVE aieeping rooms, college
j men or teacher. 2-4423. (29 N. CoU
;tare. ;
ROOMS with not and cold water.
! kitchen nrtvUeres. 754 Ferry.
REASONABLE. Clean attractive room.
; uioae ux. private ontranea. Pbona
CLEAN quiet sleeping room, private
705 Apartmamts lot Rant
FURNISHED aparkment, $40. Ground
; floor, private batik , and entrance.
!196 N. Commercial. J-r
For 2230. 1384 Waller.
I LIKE new 2 rooms and bath, all elec-
, trie court anartmant unfurnished ex
cept stove and sefrigerator. 1240 S.
bath, carpeted, full sua
electric refrirsrator. ' excellent furn-
lshtnga including utilities. 16 N. 12th
St. -
I RSFRlGERAf OS. ulllitie and Beau
tyrest mattress, fully furnished.
Close to Capitol (hopping center and
new Safeway, To employed couple
oruy. jaw tjenter.
3: ruKNISHED rooms, electric range.
'refrigerator, laundry, near bus. util
ities furnished. Phone 2-212. 1041 S.
' 13th St $35.
THREE BOOM furriahed duplexTafP
eleccie. Dhone 4-5434.
SMALL furnished apartment Private
bath. Hot water. 1595 S. Commercial,
2 ROOM basement, dean. Employed
i couple
Utilities furnished.
. ROOM furnished apartment, lady
ground Boor. $41 N. Cot-
170. 2 ROOM furnished apartment
including reiriera xir. prtvate
trance, close in. North, all utilities
furnished except gas. Inquire Burt
Pich. 270 N. HiXh. 2-4047.
NICELY ' furnished apartment suitable
for 2. Xlectnc range ann new refrige
rator, free laundry facilities, bus by
door.' S3A50 aU utilities paid. 2030
N. Commercial after 2 p. m. t
FURNISHED 2 room apartment $40,
Private bath. 107$ N. Capitol. Phono
FURNISHED and spacious 1 room with
private bath, quiet neighborhood. $39.
ail Nonigrens ttestaurant s-soi.
2 ROOM court apartment furnished or
unfurnished. 1664 S. 13th St
.LOVELY 2 room apartment, first floor.
Fireplace. CIom an S7 in rear of 14
Ti. Churcn St. .
NICE furnished 3 rooms and bath:
utilities: near universitv and : Hoa-
nital. 450 S. Caottol St.
FURNISHED 2 rooaa apt $30. Inq, Apt
'OS W Ss - 1
f. CLf r- aUsITerriT.
.rooms and bath, .ail
eiectrkj court apartment unfurnish
ed ezsept store and refrigerator.
134 S. 12th.
NOW OPEN for occupanU the beauu-
ful Capitol Plaxa Apt. 11SS Cbe
meketa St t bedroom Pullman type,
kitchen, larse hving room. 0SS. 1
bedroom, kitchen and dinette, spac
ious livtnx room. S82J0 Au ntuiuea
Included except electricity. Free
automatic laundry facilities, ideal
location. 1 block from State Capital
block, Shopping Center and trans
portation, Mrs. B L. Beno, mgr.
Ant. 101
NEWLY OECORATED. " partly furnisRr
ed anaxtmenta. West Sakem Phone
yr. old property. Inquire 104 S. Com-
m I.
MALE Willamette student wQI share
apartment with one or two fellow
students. Apartment has laundry fa
cilities, deluxe kitchen, bath, ward
robe, radiant heat; two blocks front
campus. . I have my : own kitchen
utensils and bedding. 1190 Chemek--ta.
ant 1 between 10 and 12. a.m.
ATTRACTIVE, dean. 1st Toor fur-
nlshed apartment private entrane.
private bath, kitchenette, refrigera
tor. 349 Union. Phone 4-1468.
I J ROOM, radiant h- bus by door.
lumished to fult 508 S. 19th,
Georgene Gahles
Apt: unfurn. except rang and refrtg.
Auto. - laundry. SO 8. 13th. ;
FOR COUPLE 2 blocks from city' cen-
ter. Inquire Woodry Furniture CO 474
S. CommereiaL . ' - :: -
The best costs only a ntOe snore amy
aad you can o prouo or your an-
dress 068.00 per month rents a
aad lovely, tare e bachelor trait ta th
Lee Apartments. North Winter and
(Union. $8300 rents e. roomy on bed
room . unit beautifully decorated,
large windows in every apartment
snake for a pleasant outlook and lots
of eentuauon. Rent includes range,
refrigerator, baseboard heating, wat
- or and garbage service. See Mr. Ham
mer at th Lee. 4-141 or call m
anytime. Claude KUgore, Phone
2-5700 Exclusive Rental Agent for th
Lee. - -
furnished apt Private
bath, entrance. Bus. vss a. uta.
707 Houses For RerxT
TWO bedroom modern home, partially
furnished. Call 2-4302 after 12 am
URNISHED motel cottage, utilities
paid. $10.50 week. Phone 2-0820 or
CLEAN 2 bedroom furnished hoi
f.uni r. Tl TH Rum. PkOM ZjZTf.
ONE room caodern home furnished.
I , hewlr decorated. Phone 26853
J FSsSESSION Sept, 2L Neat and clean.
Leslie and Bush school district, $85.
inn Yew St.
2 ROOMS aad bath, wired for range.
elertrte W.H $39. 2530 ri. 4th.
APT. HOUSE. per mo. 2 br. down,
sot cn with separate rentaL Also
br. mod. Country homo, S mi. - E.
.- $45 per mo. Colbath Land Co, IfiSi
Center St Ph. 3-4552.
2 BEDROOM laniurniabed modern
house-. 2 vears old. Auto, oil heat
Large yard. Adults only. 151 N,
11th St Phono 23794 even wra.
1 2 bedroom unfumished modern bouse
'. mlla North dtv limits, a
double garage, Completery reftnisbed
Inside and out. Phone zxnw evenngs.
IX'RNiSKED 2 bedroom, Manbtia Gar-
den. Pnone 23733.
700 Renlib
IC7 ITons Fct r.ra '
U10 S. 13th St. 2 bodroema. hot and
cold water, bath, wired far stove,
Phone Mr. -Page -a avaoinst
ROOX bouae uiuSirnisbed, aikoulio
1X3 N. Wtnto - .T .
Call to 4 or T to 9.
IR0OAI aniurnianed nouso eii.'d
n w imer. ' -
WAIJCING distance to own. uniurniJS-.
he,? Srr "V
rEtOROCMbVkk homeTi UihX
soa. uis state, call J-KU after S
P. m. i i
south. 3 room duple, a
rage. 1 block t. store, bwa, enwech.
2 btoeks ta arhaal PhtM
i BZDROOM modemTCaJ at lioZ
?Tn Heirhts Ave, after 8:30 p. wt
rMSSOQM boiuae for rent also Vael
ticaUy new range for I. 123$ Ever
green Ave, Phono 2-223. Can ssnrn
sl&NTAl. Service.
komesJ But Ja
U40 N. Cartttol 231,.
703 Wanted" to Rent
WANT TO RENT 00 to ISO acre level
sraia tana, vau naiem 1-2774 ee writ.
Box 04. co Statesman.
WE NEED rentals Call Jee L Ewirno
was nor ties rt. Capitol Ph S-tllS.
710 Vcratwd To Rent Hcrst
WATT t or 2 Bit M. Prefer HlghUnd
Putt Ph. 4-376S. ;
Wanted by coupOS. i ehildr: I
oeoToom tmrornished house. Exiel.
sent care given, References. Can
2-W. i
WANTED: By Elderly cqunU by OeV
to ber t. Unfurnished i house witxt
garden apace,; must be permanent
Suburb - preferred.- Reasonable rant.
Box CI. care Statesman.
REFINED women and 2 children want
2 bedroom house or -purtment in
vicinity of Bosh School, ISO a month.
Phone 3-44M. t r I
BUSINESS man with family wants to
rent or lease 3 and 4 bedroom smb
turnished house. North end ot towv
prefer 1 ed.1 Phene 2-P306.
WAN TED: 2 bedroom i unurniah4
house, prefer suburban.; best of care
given. Mrs. Miller. Rt Box 1L
714 Euxinexs Rentals
BUSINESS - building., approximately
2500 so- ft apace- Reasonable. Phono
2-5211. i 1- i
HUSiNESS Room B L Stiff '
R00 Real Estate
Beautiful new 2 B Jt home with Don.
2 Fireplace, i Dishwasher. Garbage
DisposaL Full Basement: Party team.
Auto, toreed air furnace; Attached S
car garage. Large lot i A beautiful
home overlooking the city. $23200,
$11,730 i ; I i- '
Beautiful, modern. 2 BJL nomas dose
in. 4 years old. All on pae floor. 2
ear garage. Comer tot SpriakHnf
system in lawn. Large picture win
dows. Good term. 1
$11,500 -- - t- ; - 5 "
Clean, modern I BA homo. North,
Close to schools and hopping; center.
$2,000 down, $50,000 month.
$0,700 - - - t - -r - -
Attractive new modern 1 b.r
Attached garage.: Auto i oil furna
Shade tree. $1305 down.
TEA. ' i
. - KEALTORS t ' '
' 18t 8. High St Ptione l-AltX
2Vi ACRES, "4 room bowaeT2U0. '0
. down, balance $3 month.. Ph. 3-StN
after 40 for ; infoTmstipn.
Here is a good
If you hv adequate earnlnf power.
but lack sufficnlent flown paymeni
you will want to talk with us abm
these two stew Candalarta Heir
homes 17S Alice Avenue t $14,900)
end (ISO CandaUrla Blvd. at fl$JO0)..
Quahty thruout with genaroua die
mention on 31 foot lots,
pen for your Inspection; Phone tho
Wider lor da tails at 2-5000 or J
extension $.. i
I !
j - 1
3 BediYjbm Homa
$8950. ;
. - - I
bed looms on I floor, arranged ta
economical otary to heat floor plan,
12x10 living loora. I larg bedroom.
S adequately sized bedrooms. Kitrh
en chock-full of built-laa. Beautiful
hardwood floars. IneuUted. Window,
screetts. How lust !', years- old.
Utility room and garage.
Uig lot for tit kids, close to school.
oua ana sicirwj.
low traffte. In : reatrtoted dlsttseV
aew homes 9 around. !
Will Go GJ I.
may assuro owner OX i
srs-i7va 8CHOOL. 13 1 rUJAU ill
tee Lxr-r. j
Hi iv
Nortn. Close to vatnooe arawi w
BlghUhd School. 0 BBS. full base
ment Double gars. Fenced-in badg
yard. Clean, and in good swnditton.
Good term. - t 's )
NOW 3 o JV. nome. Jttiacnea aarase.
North Just 2 blocks from Highland
SchooL TILA, terms. .
1 WO BJt. BOUSO: ai IBB wrr.
Ctoseto bus line, and the new echoes.
Newlydeeorated. $5000 down,
' v ;wuh r. -; "
HT HSgti St i Phone 2-4171
Eton hnwii ' '
room SMwae suburban north. immed
lata possession. 04 per soo. on
$5730 per mo. Unfinished but Uvablo
3 bedroom house north, large upstair
could be additional 2 bedrooms, tm-
- mediate possession. : , -
Wem ' DOWN 5
$0730 per mo. 2 bedroom, oould be t
with additional 2 room houae to rear.
04 x lot lot, J hard surfaced street
northeast, immediate possession,
201 So. Sigh i Phone
' . Vee4 4.15 tm the Upbeat; 4:42 Mi
'f L, ,V
,,. .... ,
, x 1 :
utm osu . --. . .
;.;v.;:r.. i.ttt ; ;. t?i 'i !.!.-..