The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1951, Page 9, Image 9

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    ! J
r f Tt Cfn?wnff!t Cclca. Orysa, Cssfjr,' Cruris t, 1
Mini . ' ' --mwwimJwm.mmmmmmwmw-mm
Fashion Show
On Agenda for'
September 18
-One of th larger affair of the
early faU season will be the fash
ion show and dessert bridge ben
efit to be given by members of the
Marion-Polk Medical society aux
iliary on Tuesday afternoon, Sep
tember 18. The- affair win be held
in the Mirror room of the Hotel
Marion at 1:15 o'clock and styles
will be shown by Esther Foster.
Proceeds from the affair will be
given to the Salem' General -and
Salem Memorial hospitals- Those
wishing to make reservations for
the fashion bridge are asked to call
Mrs. Harmon Harvey, Mrs. May
nard Shiffer or Mrs. Dean Brooks.
Those attending are asked to brine
their own table accessories.
Mrs. Horace D: McGee Is fen
eral chairman of the affair with
Mrs. G. Robert Hoffman the co
chairman. Assisting on the gener
al directorate are Mrs. Morris K.
Crothers. Mrs. Merle Brown, Mrs.
Otto Kraushaar, Mrs. Wlimer
Smith, Mrs. Robert T. WuiZ, Mrs.
William C Crothers and Mrs. Ro
bert 1". Anderson, presidents of the
auxiliary. ' ;
- Other committees for the bene
fit fashion bridge are as follows:
decorttlnx. Mrs. Charles Camp
bell. Mrs. Lynn Hammerstad. Mrs
Dean Brooks. Mrs, Wilard Tnomp
son. Mrs. William Lidbeck and
Mrs. Roscoe. Wilson; reservations,
Mrs. Harmon Harvey. Mrs. Wood
son Bennett. Mrs. John Ramage,
Mrs. Carl w. Tanmons, Mrs. H. IL
Gilbert; out-of-town reservations,
f Mrs. Charles Gray and Mrs. Rlch
t ard Upjohn; . assisting with the
- style show, Mrs.. Douglas Thomp
son and Mrs. Ian MacDonald
Dinner to Fete
Engaged Duo
"The South Commercial street
home of Mr. and Ha- John Car
son will be the scene of a buffet
dinner party on Friday night when
mem Den 01 me (parson lamuy en
tertain fori the pleasure of Miss
Marian Carson, daughter of the
Allan Canons, and her fiance, Ro
bert Havenick, who will be mar
ried on September S at SL Paul's
Episcopal church
The affair wilt follow the wed
ding rehearsal and bidden are
members of the bridal party and
the immediate family. Covers will
be placed for 40 guests.
Arriving Friday for the nuptials
will be the bride-elect's cousin and
her husband, Mr, and Mrs. James
Shaw (Jane Carson) of Medford.
who will remain over,th weekend
at the John Carson home.
. . ' : t , v"
Church Groups
Plan for Fall
; Sil verton Women groups - of
.the Sil verton churches are begin
ning to make- ready for the fall
and winter season, with number
of events being planned.
On Tuesday night, September 4,
raoml society ox the Calvary Lu
theran church will meet at the
home of Miss Bessie Gregerson at
7:30 to plan the fall program. Im
; manuel Ladies Aid circle win meet
Thursday at 2 o'clock at the home
or Miss Hannah Olson, 213 Mill
Both Trinity Ladies aid and
Dorcas meetings have been post
poned for one week, the Aid sod
ety to meet September 12 and the
Dorcas .society to meet Septem-
Der it..
. , ,-... '- ". .;
Trinity chanter. Order ef the
Eastern Star will resume meetings
at a o'clock Friday, September 7
at West Salem city hall- Mrs. J.E.
Van Wyngarden and Wilfred Wil
son, - worthy matron and patron
Will preside, - j
Br KBsaSeta BOBytt
'- - irfiisii!
If the werd bench to you means
. bo more than a bleak, nondescript
slab of're not up on the
latest la furniture- The bench to
day is furniture of Importance, and
comfort and style. It may be the
piece, of furniture that's missing
at your house, the extra seat
where there's no room tor more
chairs, the best idea for the choice
spot in front of the fireplace, the
only thing that can go in front of
the widest window. Benches are
now included in the dedans of
nearly all top furniture designers,
and at the recent fall preview
shows they reached a new high
in style and comfort The huge
doughnut bench Edward J Woma
ly designed was a stand-out. If s
big enough to seat three or four
people and was shown in rich
Mack leather. Mr. Wormley also
Osigned a new smaller bench to
add to his many long ones. The
sketch may suggest foot stool -sire,
but the seat is as large as the
seat of a large lounge chair. Jens
Risom's new bench is as soft and
comfortable as a chair seat and
has a smart shaped base of black
metaL -;
t tCeeyrtfJvt by Jean r. DUJe Co.)
m i tn
Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Johnson (Patricia Ann Ef-
etrom) pictured after their maniagr at the First Presbyterian
church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lewis Elfstrom arid the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Johnson of Belvedere, HL (Kennell-Qlis photo). j
Music foriToday
FarrolL dcSolis, Fiedler, Thobom;
Names io Bo Heard on Air This Week
. 1 By Maxlne Burea
Statesman Woman's Editor
Eileen larreH. soDrano and Karl Wrurntson. baritone win ba so
loists on th final summer concert of the NBC sympbony today, James
rassctt win continue his description of the Holland Music Festival on
Invitation to Music on CBS this morning and Soli to de Soils, pianist,
will play with the Standard symphony under Arthur Fiedler tonight.
Today's programs are: ) 1 t
10 a, m. on CBS Your Invitation to Music, James Tassett, host and
commentator. The Holland Festival of Music and Drama. ;
Kindertotenlieder "' i I. Z ,, - : ; -r Mah?
(Kathleen Ferrier, contralto; Concertgebouw 'Orchestra,
f' f H L Otto Klemnerer. conductor!
Choruses from B Minor Mass
(Netherlands Bach Society; Con
certgebouw orchestra, - A n t h o n
van der Horst, conductor).
5:30 on NBC-SymphoRy orches
tra ' summer concert series, with
guest conductor Harold Levey
and guest soloists Eileen Far-
relL. soprano, and Earl Wright
son, baritone. f 0
"Ruy Bias" Overture. Mendelssohn
Tm waltzes , , L
t -Orchestrs
Vol Lo Sapets. from "CsrsIlerU
Busticana" . Mstcasni
;. - i - Tamil
Scenes Ptttoraques Mxtenet
t Orchestra .
Two Sea Shanties, Trsd.-Arr. Scott
: Shenandoah t . i
' t Bio ,'Graade.i . ? I
i v i: i. Wrightstoa '
Intermerro No. S from "Jewels of
the aCadonna' Wolf -rerrsrl
March of the $ardar. from "Cauca- .
slaa Sketches". IppoUtov-Ivanov
h i Orchestra i
Madler ...j : ...Xehsr
TVlllia. from i"Th Merrj Widow"
. - I - i rarreQ t ..
Msxim't. from The Merry '
Widow" j ,1 -
f Wriahtston -
A Little Maiden, from "Gypsy '
Lova" I - I .:-
rarreS and Wrightstoa
WO on NBC The Standard
Hour, with I Arthur Fiedler di
recting the Standard Symphony
orchestra of San Francisco, and
v Solito de Soils, Spanish - born
composer-pianist as soloist. He
will play Chopin's Andante Spi
anato et Grande Polormaise and
: his own arrangement' of Cole
, Porter' Night and Day. The or
chestra Willi play: I
The Queen of Shebs: Cort.
WuUam TaB? iQattui ; .Rnsslnl
The BatUe Hyann et the Republic
. sterte-ootua
Cays and DoUs: Selacttoaa '.
Classical Jitim Box . ,. .Anderson
JaiOUSle t . j ;' rLmjtm
Monday's program Trill he:
S.S0 on KBC-J-Voice of Firestone,
Barbara: Gibson, soprano; or
' chestra and chorus conducted
by Howard Barlow, j
Califem-i-ay j - ,', ' ', ! .Kem ,
- Chorus and Orcbattra
My Beautiful ! Lady Caryn
i SOas Cibeoa i .
t Bamba dc Vara Cms Tucd
I Osebtstra i'
Je tuis Titaaia from "ICgaoa"
Miss Gibson and Chorus
Overture lXa Gasza Dadra"
ltanaa Street 8oax
- Miss Gibson ana Chorus
7:00 on NECBoston Pops orches
tra conducted by Arthur Fied
ler. . , I .1
' March, CaQing AS Workers"
ars Maria
yoortti fiym
Overtur 1o ,La
.1 Rossini
Slavonic tMact in G onnor. J. S
I - h "
. ginhnsiie Poem. Tb Moklan
f. ill " ftrrim
The Source The Hunt The Rustic
Wed (line UoocvUaht and !Mre of
' the Nymphs Tho St. John Bapids
-Vysehrad Metrro
8:30 on NBC The Railroad hour,
with Gordon MacEae and Doro
thy Warenskjold with Carmen
Drangon's orchestra and the
.Norman Luboff chorus in a mu
sical play, "Innocents Abroad."
9:00 on NBC The Telephone hour
- with Donald Voorneesi and the
Bell Symphonic orchestra; with
Blanche! Thebotn, mezzo-soprano,
guest soloist. 'I .
Medley U , l-Tntter
flisasrs from "Carmen" wJSuset
i i Thebora I - , j
Bappy Talk,' from "South Paciflc"
Bodg ers
The Rosary
i i Tbeoom
Scherzo, from "Afro-American
Symphony" -.SU11-,
Orchestra I :f
The Sweetest Story Ever Told
; ; L.stuits
- ' . The bom . ' ; ,
Engagement is Told '
Hubbard The engagement of
Miss Mildred Delores Peterson of
Hubbard, daughter of Mrs. LUa
Peterson of Hubbard and the late
Knute Peterson, to Aaron LeRoy
Wilson of Aurora, has been an
nounced by the bride-elect's mo
ther. Aaron's parents, iMr. and
Mrs. William Wilson live at Auro
ra. No date has been set for the
wedding. , s . - '.j
;r j . - ' - . '.L : )
Mr. and Mrs. Thome H. Haas-
mond and daughters, .Patty and
Marilyn, of Portland were In Sa
lem for the weekend and to attend
the state fair opening. They are
returning to Portland tonight and
were; guests of her parents, the
Samuel Boaxdmans, and her brother-in-law
and sister, the Albert
The first fall meeting ef the
Pythian Sisters will be held Wed
nesday night at Beaver hall at
o'clock. : . - .'
Mr. and Mrs. C Lester New
man and Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Meyer are spending the holiday
weekend at Breitenbush Springs,
for rte
snen. Svcsess for
pkysklasj. And
for s, yew pKanwsrltt
Here is a teem that
la Hated d2y try yovr
cawtliwed good heehh.
Open Every Sonday,
lit AM. to TJA.
I im - i?5i i
j ' rtum 3-51S7
IIS (lart!i CemanercUl
Conference in
Salem Named
Mrs. :M. Theodore Madsen and
Mrs. W. E. Smith co-chairmen for
the district convention of Zonta
International to be held In Salem
in October, have announced com
mittees for the event.
' Miss C Genevieve Morgan, dis
trict governor who will preside, is
a member of the Salem club. Mrs.
Paul Bockenfeuer is local presi
dent, t !
Committee diairxnea are: Mrs.
Harry Scott, housing: Miss Bertha
Kohlhagen. meals; . Mrs. Karl
Becke, . decorations; : Miss Nellie
Schwab, registration; Mrs. James
Bunnell, reception: Mrs. L N. Ba
con, favors; Mrs. Robert M. Fischer
Jr.. publicity; Mrs. Phil Brownell,
finance; Miss Lena- Belle Tartar,
program: Mrs. Lelace Kills, tours.
The conference is to be held at
the Senator hoteL
50th Wedding
r,. m
For Judsons
Mr. and Mrs. George Judson
wOl celebrate their golden wed
ding anniversary on Sunday, Sep
tember 9 st their borne on Judson
Heights. The occasion : wCl be
marked with an open house at
their residence with their friends
and relatives invited through the
press to call between 2 and 3
o'clock. . -: vj .. : -
Eva Armstrong, daughter of the
late W. H. Armstrong, and George
Judson were married 90 years ago
at the home of her grandfather,
William Armstrong, on South
Commercial street by the late Rev.
R- C Blackwell, who was pastor of
the Leslie Methodist church at that
time. ' i
The Judsons have two children,
Robert T. Judson of Salem and
Mrs. . John Orsborn of f Gervais;
four grandchildren, Mrs. Robert
Lang and Robert T. Judson, jr,
of, Salem, Jack and Mary Jane
Orsborn of Gervais; and three
great-grandchildren, Richard and
David Lang and Terri Lee Judson.
Presiding at the coffee tons dur
ing the open house will: be Mrs.
Lewis Judson and Mrs. Maude
Armstrong. Mr. Judson and Mrs.
Armstrong attended the! wedding
of the honor guests fifty years ago.
Cutting the cake will be Mrs. Leo
nard Judson and Mrs. R. T. Jud
son of Cloverdale.
Exhibit to Open
At Coast Gallery
An exhibit of the work of Stu
art H. Church, young Oregon art
ist, and Silvia Cend, Italian
sculptress, will be on display at
the Lincoln county art; center's
gallery by. the sea at DeLake this
month, opening September 9.
Stuart H. Church has r Just re
turned from Italy after : studying
affrescQ mural palhtmg i this last
year. He previously studied paint
ing to Florence for iwo years.
Silvia Cenci. sculptress from
Florence, Italy, has studied in
Florence and Paris. She arived in
this country in July and is plan
ning to! stay for a year! to study
American glazes for ceramics.
This exhibit will contain cur
rent representative work of cer
amics and Sculpture by Silvia Cen
ci and oil paintings and alfresco
panels, by -Church. I.
. S : - I
To Enter Oregon !
Miss Betty Coe Rilea. daughter
of Major General and Mrs. Thom
as . Rilea, is scheduled to enter
the senior; class in journalism at
the University of Oregon this Sep
tember. Last year Miss Rilea at
tended the University of Colorado.
She is $ member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority and the national
advertising, honorary, Gamma- Al
phi Chi; 4 - .
Chadwick chapter. Order ef
lstern Star will - hold I its first
regulari; meeting of thai fall on
Tuesday night, September 4 at the
Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. -, v
- The answer to that frequently-1
asked question, "Can X mix furni
ture of different styles and peri
ods effectively?" is an emphatic
YYJS! But it must be dooe dis
criminately. There should be a re
lationship of feeling in the styles
that are combined to preserve a
sense of unity. For instance: in
formal groupings, Chippendale
and. Adams pieces mix well with
Louis XV. They all have kn af
finity in line and design, all hare
rich mahogany or walnut satin
finishes that call for the luxurious
fabrics r associated with formal
rooms."!"- - j ' -
Pennsylvania Dutch blends ef
fectively with provincial Early
American in. informal groupings
... both naturally ally themselves
with homespun materials ging
ham, chintz or sailcloth. -
, Always place pieces i together
that are proportionate In scale.
Small delicate chairs near small
tables ' and chests.' Large tables
with buge davenports. Avoid mo
Roberta Meyer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, who
has accepted a position with the
Palm Springs radio station KCMJ
as secretary and assistant -to- the
production manager . . she
takes over her new duties on
Tuesday . . . Thursday night Ro
berta and Donna Lutz of Los An
geles, who" tomerly lived here,
attended the world premier of
"David and BatbsbebaT in Holly
wood ... The past month Rober
ta has bees in San Francisco ap
pearing oa several television
shows . . . She is a . graduate of
Willamette university, where she
appeared in many campus plays.
and later took graduate woik at
the University of Washington - . -STEADED
EAST .... in anoth
er Week will be Chief Justice and
Mrs. James T. BrancL who are en-
trainmg for New York City on
September 11 . . ..Justice Brand
will attend a meeting oz tne cnxex
justices of the United States and
also the American Bar association
meeting which follows ... While
In the east the Brands will visit
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr
and Mrs. Paul Asmussen, who re
side on -Long Island . . . Justice
and Mrs. George Rossman win
also be leaving the same week for
New York City to attend the Am
erican Bar association meeting ...
they plan to be away until the first
of October . ; ' .
Interesting letters . . .hare
come from Marianne Low, daugh
ter of the M. T. Lows, who is now
in Rangoon, Burma at the Amer
ican embassy with the department
of state . . . She recently toek e
trip to Bangkok, Slam, which she
found most fascinating and place
definitely to return to . . .. food
was so .reasonable and steaks were
plentiful as well as cheap . . .
TEA TOPICS ... Two lovely
affairs given the past week
on Wednesday afternoon, Mrs.
Henry . Hanzen and Mrs. Bruce
Williams entertained at the form
er's South High street home for the
pleasure of Mrs. Frank Turner
(Barbara WiUlasas), who la leav
ing this fall for Italy and Germany
to join her army captain husband
... Barbara wearing a two-piece
black taffeta dress ... Mrs. Han
zerin a becoming Slimmer print
and Mrs Williams in a good-looking
steer grey taffeta afternoon
dresa with full skirt . Also as
sisting in greeting the guests was
Barbara's mother, Mrs. Fred Wil
liams, who chose a black gown . ..
At the door . . . -Mrs. Lo ring
Schmidt in a pretty charcoal grey
afternoon dress . . a n d M r s.
Bruce Spaulding wearing black
velvet ...
Tfce decor .... beautiful bou
quets of zinnias in shades of pink,
white petunias and hydrangeas ar
ranged about the xwiiii . .
Guests going downstairs to the
Hansen's attractive daylight rec
reation room for coffee and tea .
and out onto the terrace to view
the beautiful garden with pool at
one end filled with pink water lil
ies ; -i Baby- pink -zinnias' and
pink tapers on the tea table with
its bottle green cloth . .
Among these, present . . . A
sign that faU is just around the
corner . . . Mrs- Charles Pomer
oy's becoming cinnamon velvet
dress . . . An almond brown suit
with matching hat and furs worn
by Mrs. Sam S peers tra . . . At
tractive Mrs. George. A. Arbuckle
wearing a smart grey wool with
hat in a lighter shade and red
purse and shoes - . Mrs. A. W.
Loucks donning a black and gold
metallic stole, which she had knit,
over her eggshell knit suit . .
The ever popular black for Mrs.
Douglas Chambers and Mrs. Rob
ert H. Hamilton . . . Mrs. C Ron
ald Hudkins coming in with her
young daughter, Margo, and Mrs
Richard Upjohn, who will be mov
ing in mid-September to the Hal
bert Harvard home on West Lef
felle . . . the Harvards are build
ing atop Canadalaria Heights . . .
Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr. chic
in a navy blue suit with pink clo
che .. . Petite Mrs. Lynn F
Crocemlller, jr, in a black duster
and black hat . . . and Mrs. Roy
Edgerton in a green plaid suit . . .
A week age . . Saturday Mrs.
Richard Slater was a tea hostess
at the South Church street home of
notony by not using equal am
ounts of the same periods. Note
how the one Modern cabinet-combination
in r bleached nuhogany
gives smart accent to traditional
room sketched above. Simple lines
oX lounge chairs and , traditional
mahogany . table are repeated in
Lawson sofa. Entire room is uni
fied by. simple color scheme of
green and yellow. ;
Ftuuiture is something which
should be bought with care. You
need friendly help from people in
terested in your home. And thafs
what you jet from us. Come In
anytime . '. . and just browse
' flHtA
fs limit!
FKONi 3343 .
jairr uua rcixnsxi
MraTDavid Bennett' Hm for the
pleasure of her two charming dau
ghters-in-law,-Mrs. Dudley Slater
and Mrs. Jackson P.- Slater . . .
who was Audrey Gatewood before
ner June marriage . . . Guests
canine aoon after three and the
line continuing until way past five
. . Mrs. Dudley Slater, wearins-
a watermelon red shantung dress,
wcuea aooux tna arrival of her
army husband from France next
th . and brunette Mrs.
Jack Slater choosing navy with a
red bodice . . . her mother, Mrs.
Cecil Gatewoodi and two aunts.
au-s. cryde Pendleton and Mrs.
Herbert Pendleton, all iin fund
Eugene for the occasion . . and
the grandmothers of Jack and
Dudley. Mrs. Josephine Parrish
Stewart and Mrs. C J.; Bright,
down from Portland for the tea
. both reminiscing with their
many Salem friends v'
A aJnk aasl 'viate - - Z txOar
scheme used in the decor about the
rooms ... lovely bouauets of
petunias, , phlox and gladioluses
. . a pink embroidered organdy
cloth on the tea. table ... deep
violet gladioluses nd chrysanthe
mums shading to rink with a
touch of yellow la the centerDiece
and violet satin ribbon . . . Punch
served in' the garden as a warm
summer's day . . . here a violet
cioua and a milk , glass punch
Here and there ... Friends
greeting Jane Walsh home from
San .Francisco enroute to Massa
chusetts for the winter . . . Jane
smart ur a navr blue linen with a
fuchsia-purple jacket and navy
velvet hat . . . Sally McLellan,
who has been vacationing in Sa
lem this summer with herparents,
the Daniel J. McLellans, plans- to
leave in a few weeks for Hawaii
. . . Au revoirs to Mrs. C K. Lo
gan, who will be teaching at West
port this winter . . . she wore a
becoming black and white strined
sheer and was among those assist
ing . Mrs. Roy S. Keene over
from Corvallis and wearing a
pretty black and white print . . .
The Keenes just home from their
annual summer vacation at Nes
kowin . . , Attrictive Mrs. Tho
mas Boardman (Sue Myers), a
bride of mid-July, serving in the
dining room . . Sue and Aud-
Tey Slater attendants for each oth
ers weddings this summer and
Chi Omega sorority sisters at Oregon-State--.
. t - j - v ,; .-
Priscilla Guild to Meet
Members of the Priscilla Guild
Misionary society.1 of the- Christ
Lutheran church will hold its reg
ular meteing Tuesday night at the
parish hall at 7:30 o'clock. The
study tneme, "Our Children, will
be led by Mrs. Alvin Battalion.
Special invitations to all mothers
of Sunday school children are be
ing arranged by Mrs. Theodore
Ellinger, chairman of Christian
Service. Serving as hostesses for
the meeting are Miss Tillie Albers
and Mrs. Gilbert Macke. i
I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claggett
and Mr.' and Mrs. Deryl Myers are
leaving Wednesday for a trip to
Crater lake and southern Oregon.
They will, also stop in Springfield
enroute south to visit Mr. Clag
getfs brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. H. F.: Franklin.
i :
The business meeting ef the Sa
lem chapter, American War Moth
ers slated for Tuesday has been
postponed until Tuesday, Septem
ber 11. when it will be held in the
Carrier room of the First Metho
dist church at 2 o'clock. .
Jobt Daughters, No,
Temple. 7:30 p. m.
at Masonic
i Chadwick chapter. OE3, meet St' Ma
tonic Temple, S p.nW
Pythian Sisters, Beaver hall, I pin.
i Board-of American XMion atrillarr
US. with Mrs. Josepa M milpi. 8 pjn.
-i f
I J 'm. - v. . a
I f ; s - v - s
I;, ; v '
UK' - 11 -
IL- , il l
A .!. s i K '-
JunioClub " - J
Plans Fall
- Plans for the Salem " Junior
Woman's club ! fall benefit on
Thursday, September 11 were
completed at a club plcnle held
this last week at the home of Mrs.
TbeodoreeTenny on Sunset avenue.
The dessert luncheon and bridge
benefit will be held at the Izaak
Walton clubhouse at 1:15 o'clock.
A feature of the affair will b
hair styling show to be presented
by the Salem Beauticians associa
tion with Mrs. Sdgar Lloyd in
charge. She will also serve as the
commentator for the showing of
daytime-and evening hair styles
and accessaries for the fcsir .wiil
also be featured. I,
Proceeds from the benefit .will
go to the club's philanthropic
runu. Keservaaons may be mace
with Mrs. Boyd Babbitt or any of
the committee members. Mrs. Wil
liam Judson is chairman of the
affair with Mrs. Richard Jenning
the co-chairman. Assisting on tht
directorate are Mrs- Sam Haley,
Mrs. Tern' RandalL Mrs. Dnan
jamce and Mrs. Babbitt.
Two Birthdays
Are Honored
John Kcdb and Leland Sblnn
were honored on their birthdays
at a .surprise party Saturday night
when Mrs. Kolb and Mrs. Shirm
entertained at the former's. Ben
Lomand Drive, home. After an In
formal evening a late supper and
Dirthday cake were served. -
Honoring Mr. - Kolb and Mr.
Shinn were Mr. and Mrs- Robert
H,r Hamilton,' Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Skopil, jr,, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ward, Mr." and Mrs. Frank Guer-
in, Mr. and Mrs. William Beard.
Mr- and Mrs. George Sirnio and
the hostesses. . j
3t7G (EL7-
lb -fesk : .dif
After a season of day and
dark (,
basic 1 v
styUd' J y r
fo please a i
lady X? T I i
t' I
j A Simple dark dress wfthi V
good slimming lines, to- J
j serve os a bockgrounof for
f bright occessorws. Row v
j Shop of gold-colored 'cortrkjges
Moiu AFrl., for on wnwsual occentj ,1
12:30 to 9 P.M. f Cynaro crept In block1
fsst, Wed., r end dork colors.; 'S f.
iThurs., Set Sixe$ , J ,
10 A.M. tp -V : . . ; .j?
a&fefi s Phone 319l ,
definitely show the ravages of summer exposure.
Prepare; your hafr now fdr your next pcVmanent
wave with one or two of our
conditioning treafmewts. By our
ods, essential oHs end lubricants
rtaturai beauty and lustre of
' Our salon Is a complete beauty
tn for free consultation.
iiitm or iNew
H. liberty St.
t ,
i (
cnonia Soctoiy -flccts
The Salem branch of the Amer
lean Begonia Society w& -meat
Tuesday, September 4 in the Mens
eriai hospital chapel at I p. nw
Dr. Dornlnlc CaElcrates of Fair .
view home will, speak ore orchids, .
and show the film, "Klfiways ti f
HawaiL" Anyone interested is ia i
vuea to rttend. ;
Vows Read
At quel ceremony performed .
on Saturday rnornlng at tha First
Christian church Miss ilargne .
rite Lehman, daughter! of Mrs
HuMa Ihman, became the bride
of James Hunt, son of: Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Hunt of Portland Tb
Rev. Dudley Strain performed th
10 o'clock nuptials before -members
of the Immediate family.
Miss Alice Iehman was her sis
ters only attendant and iMr. Hunt
stood with his son as .best man.'
The couple .1 left immediately
after the ceremony on their wed
ding trip. After September 15 they
will be at home in Salem at UZi
Hadley street. Mr. Hunt'; is wrea
the Portland General Eectria
company, . i
Wmaasina : KaUdeen
wu iionored on; August 25 oa her
second birthday at sl- party , given -by
her mother, Mrs. Bob Boundy
Guests were Mrs. Kenneth John
son and Judy of Sheridan, Mrs,
Doug Elexath and Susan gnd Mrs,
Bill Foster and Bormiit of- Me
Minnvilla, Mrs. Jimmy tMonaeoc
Tony and Terry Mrs. Cliff DuvaU '
and Dawn, Mrs. Let j HutcrUnsea
and Beverly. Dinner guests in the
evening were Mrs. Patsy) Boundy
and J. A. Jbhnson of McMinnvillav
Mr. and Mrs, Martin; Myers -and
Mr. and Mrs.Boundy .and Kath
leen. ... I v
N. Capitel
Efe'r. J
- Carol!
; '
fun voor hair will
rejuvenating, re--;
scientific meth-
will restore the j
your hair.
institution. Coma-
Phona 2-Zn
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