; r 1 That Statesmen. Salony.OraU School Bus -Route Changes In Prospect (Story also on page 1) fialaai school district is in its final -rush of preparing for the new school year which opens September 10 the school board in dicated Tuesday night as it author- 'bed bus route changes and went Into other final pre-school de tails. - t-v.' ; The bus-changes are: Extra bus run to return PringJes younger pupils home at 2:30 p. m. daily. This is the general prac- j , tice in Salem schools although Pringle has had its first, second and third graders wait an hour . after classes to use the same bus ran serving older pupils. With discontinuance of the Fairmottnt section school bus (be- cause of -the new Baker school in the neighborhood), the Liberty school bus win be available to the few children below Hansen ave nue in southwest Salem. Those wishing to continue going to Bush . school would have to arrange their , t own transportation. Overfeed Expected About 20 children north of Cen ter street and east of Englewood , will be transported to Swegle school because of the overload ex ' peeled at Lincoln school. Liberty bus route for older pu--. pils will this year Include a loop of Krueetz, Jones and Browning roads. - The board decided to ask for continued police patrol at the Mc- Gilcnrlst street crosswalk over South Commercial street at times when youngster traffic is heavy to or from McKinley schooL Mem bers also are asking police for a 1 similar patrol at Lefelle street where young children will cross to or from the new Baker school. Satff Complete I Superintendent Frank B. Ben- net reported the district's 248- teacher staff is now complete. Hired last night were Mrs. Marl lyn Patten Wickert, a former Sa lem teacher, for an elementary 1 sigtunent and Stewart V. Leek, Salem high and Willamette uni versity graduate, for assigned substitute teaching in high school English. . Business Manager C. C. Ward reported that the district's ice cream contract (for school cale " terlas) was let to Arden farms, on . a basic bid of $1.12 per gallon. Fuel contracts have been let iter consideration of bids in the many categories from 12 oil com panies to the following: . Gasoline, at 19.19 cents per gal lon, to Truax Oil Co. (Pride of Oregon-Standard gas); heavy fuel oil at $2,505 and medium at $2JJ05 per barrel to Capital City Trans fer; diesel fuel at 10.3 cents per gallon to D. A. Larmer and vari ous lubricants to Tidewater As sociated, KAGLBS PLAN SHOW Ah hour-long floor show is scheduled for the Salem Eagles lodge tonight, Vick Withrow, re ported Tuesday. The. show, open to Eagles and guests, win include accordion selections and a magic , act followed by a dance. US8 KESERVE 21 ROOMS SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2M The St Francis hotel said today It has reserved 28 rooms, includ ing two suites, for the Russian i delegation at the Japanese pea Veaty conference. lib s ( H t . .. V73zumdtiT Kxpxa2, XSSI 1 A-Secrels Said I NowWeUKept :NTW YORK, Auf.2-CPrOor-doo Dean, chairman of the atomic energy coTmrriistoo. said tonlht atomic bomb secrets of the-United States are being well kept, f The ABC chairman, appearing on an American broadcasting com pany program with commentator Pauline Frederick, also said: ' To the best of our knowledge (with the kelp of the IBI we are keeping spies out of our program today" ; - , i Man Sought ! After Report of City and state police Joined in a hunt early today for a young man who forced a Salem woman into: his car at gun point, drove her 'south of the dty and at temoted to assault her. 1 I According to police the woman said she was walking east on Che meketa street at Commercial about 10 p. m. when the man left his iced car. walked up behind with a gun in his hand and ordered her into the car The woman told police he then drove east on Chemeketa, out South 12th street and out the Pacific high way. He then turned around and returned to a spot near the 12th street Junction where he forced her to leave the car and into the brush. He ordered her to .take off her clothes but she refused and he apparently became frightened and : returned her to Trade and! Commercial street where he let her out of the car. i f The car was described as a 1950 or 'Sl.Buick sedan; bearing Wash ington license. State Policeman Robert Dunn said he had checked a car answering that description while it wu narked in th 12th I street junction area Tuesday bight. Assault Try, SiMedalSoiidit i 1 SEATTLE, Aug. 28-4rVA dis- abled American veterans post to night disclosed It is seeking Carnegie hero's medal for Jimmy Geraghty. if Jimmy, 13, battled ! choppy Puget Sound waters for a: mile and a half last, night to bring res cue to three pals clinging near exhaustion to their swamped! skiff. His cries were heard a quar ter-mile off shore near Three Tree Point Joe Abies and his son Tom picked up Jimmy With their out board motorboat, then rescued his companions just before they lost weir noia on . weir skiii. $ - I 1 : I DIPLOMATS TO MEET i f WASHINGTON, I Aug. 281 W -Secretary of State Acheson will meet here September 10 with the British and French foreign ; min isters In a four-day conference on key east-west problems. M I BOYS RECAPTCRED Two of five boys who'esoaped front Woodburn Boys school pic nic near Tart Monday were re captured Tuesday, state police re ported. Details of the apprehension of Robert Christian and Jerome Gibbons were unavailable. n-N f n n UU V.CJVX uu Extradition of Pair Aslied iir Holohan Case VERBANIA, Italy. Aug. 2S-WV The Verbania court requested to day the extradition of two former U. S. army behind-the-lines agents for trial here on charges that they took part in the murder of OSS MaJ. William Holohan, their cc mender on a secret mission in world war IL Court officials said the two. far mer LL Aldo I card! of Freakness, N. J and former Sgt. Carlo Lo- Dolce of Rochester, N. Y., wiU be tried here anyway In absentia if red tape prevents their extradi tion. They were accused formally of "participating in murder, par ticipation in robbery, and partici pation in hiding the body of Major Holohan" who was slain in parti' san-beid territory of north Italy in 1944. , ' v The U. S. defense department has said the two former service men did sway with the major in a plot motivated partly by Holo- han's reluctance to arm communist bands among the partisans. Both nave emphatically denied the ac cusatlon. . A trial in absentia would be largely for the record. A person convicted in such a hearing subject to punishment only if he comes to Italy. The maximum sentence In Italy Is Imprisonment since this country abolished capi tal punishment for ordinary crimes in 1944 and for political crimes In 1943. - Court officials here said they could not predict how long might take the extradition request to reach Washington. President Truman would have to sign orders before the men could the be sent to Italy. American courts, both military and civil, lack juris diction in the case. GRADT TO TALK TO SHAH TEHRAN. Iran, Aug. 28-(V UJ5. Ambassador Henry F. Grady plans to call on Iran's shah 1 to morrow to discuss the suspended British-Iranian oil negotiations. An informed source said the meet ing was arranged at the "shah's request. . : . , BODY FOUND IN RITER L PORTLAND. Aug. 28-;p-The body of a man about SO years old was recovered from the Wil lamette river here today. He was wearing sports slacks and a tie- less dress shirt. The coroner's : of fice scheduled an autopsy. - (Jest Defers Tea Get te ' Wl All SEX VINO LUIICH Choose From Our Famous Chinese end American Dtshee 2053 Fairgrounds Road .1m .1 Crash Damages i Two Automobiles Two cars were damaged and a little girl suffered a bump on the bead in a collision at Marion and C7niTTh streets Tuesday afternoon. dty police reported. Autos driven by Lowry Edwin- Johnson, 3310 William ave and Bruce Strainer, Lebanon, collided at the intersection at 3:03 pjn. The injured girl was Bonnie Ann Strainer, age 2, passenger in the eastbound car operated by her father. Johnson was driving north on Church street, police said. Wild Birds WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 -LW- Surgeon General Leonard A. Scheele said today federal research workers have confirmed that wild birds harbor the virus of sleeping sickness, Dr. Scheele said birds have been suspected for many years, but now their role has been definitely proven for the first time. . The public health service said in a statement the virus of the dis ease,- technically known as en cephalitis, was found in redwing blackbirds, magpies, mosquitoes and. mites In tests conducted at Greeley. Cola Dr. T. Aiden Cockburn, head of the federal agency's communlca ble disease center at Kansas City, Kan- who directed the experi ment, said wild birds harboring the virus do not. become "sick.1 Instead, he said, they serve as carriers from which mosquitoes can acquire the virus. Human beings become infected aner being bitten by the mos quitoes. Horses stricken with the same disease are described as a! flirted with the "blind staggers,' Dr. Cockburn said. Weather Halts Softball Meet EUGENE. Aug. 28 An scheduled action in the State soft ban tourney tonight was post poned because of rain. Semi-finals wiU be moved up to Wednesday night, weather permitting, with Mill City meeting Hermlston in the first game and Corvallis play ing Eugene in the nightcap. - ; - toe Hollywood Stoplights) . DINNER! Opoiu 11 A. M. 2A.M. Saturdays to 3 A. M. Phono 2-6596 (irry Sleeping SicknessVirus on n 71 J 1 O - . 1 i ' -. C3 Third Official Of Johnson AM Succumbs PORTLAND. Aug. 25-VA plane crash killed two top officials of a big Oregon lumber firm last w -k. A third collapsed and died at their funeral today. - . He was Robert Paul Richardson. 82. general manager of the C O. Johnson Lumber Co. mill at Tole- do. Ore. He was serving as a pallbearer at the funeral of owners Ernest E. aw Dean Johnson, brothers who killed m the United Airlines crash that claimed 50 lives near Oakland. Calif . last week. Richardson had hdped carry the casket of Dean Johnson from a church here, and was about to de part for a cemetery when he ap parently suffered a ' stroke. He was dead on arrival at a hospital. 1 1 u.1 loggfns! business all his life, Richardson was Dean John son's commanding officer in the so-called Spruce division of World war L He became associated with the Johnson null in 1925, Catholics Hold Reception for Rev. Bernards Members of Salem's two Cath olic parishes packed the Catholic center last night at a farewell re ception for the Rev. ' T. J. Ber nards, long-time pastor of St. Jo seph's church, who will leave to day to assume the pastorate at Oregon City. Richard Schmidt, representing the Knights of Columbus, was master of ceremonies. Main speak- era were D. J. McLellan and John Nathman. Also speaking were rep resentatives of other parish organ izations. A radio and table were present ed to the departing pastor by the SL Joseph's Altar society .and the Mother's club. Refreshments were served to about 500 by the Cath olic uaugnters. Thursday Sept. 6 mi EDITION 1952 I0ITI0N SHOW Plus 50 Philip Morris Stars Of Radio and Television SAIEM HIGH AUDITORIUM. 2 SHOWS 6:30 and9:00 P. M. Tickets en sale sow at . Stevens Sen. Jewelers . All Seat Reserved: tU, 1.SS. Z.4S. .OS (Ine. Tax) Sponsored by Salem 8hrine Club, Benefit Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children Pi L v.. i "Woro reffular clinic, Doc, for keeping lots of lib in your car's battery. It's a vital nerve-center for marry a power-drainina: jab. Modern cars witlidoxene of electrical drcoits call for peppy baUerie. And Our expert first aid helps keep 'em in the pinkl Cennt cn Car-CrrcTS f cr tkzs end sccrcs cf cthsr dependable senrlcesi j Tiro switching; correct tiro inflation; fas i- stay-pot patching and repairs. " ; T- : : Expert cfaassas Inhrication. and Oil filter sod sir cleaner service yocr engino free of impurities Wheel4erins; service to and safety of front wbeets. iWo-taEib fcoucGD cairo your car &TAM3AC9 OIL PCODUCTS e CAB-SAVCn SCQVICS .' Lebanon Youth Fails in Prison Escape Try LINCOLN. Neb, Aug. 2S-V Two Nebraska reformatory in mates broke down a gate with speeding truck in a bold escape attempt today but one was worn ded by a tower guard's gunfire. Both were recaptured endekry. Sept. George L. Morris said the two were Joe L Jimerfield. IS. of Lebanon, ore, sentenced last month from Cass county for one to three years on a bigamy charge. xiuman was tne one Injured- KOREA FIGHTING MUDDY U. S. EIGHTH ARMY READ. OTI A RTTJJS rm. TTT,Tn. 1. . Aug. 29-J-Rain soaked allied' troops hurled back six communist attacks yesterday in east -central Korea-but were forced to with draw from one hill position. Ther won a hin and lost another north east of Yanggu. , i - - The soil of Travancore. south ern Indian state, is highly fertile. A BBUCEtrjlAN'S BRBTENDUSH SPRINGS i NORTH SANTIaM HIGHWAY HOW OPEHl ...... Business as usual at our resort. Enfoy fall vacation during Sept., Oct. Reduced rates after Sept. 10. Write to Bruck man's at Breitenbuih, Oregon. it HELENE HUGHES REVUE fr 4-H AND FFA EXHIBITS it fiao HORSE SHOW anb RODEO ir AFTERNOON HORSE RACES f fr" t ai s v ft M a i ? f)' -I n n fyj .-rv "I IT " M . f? Tlero's our battery bosltb plan j rrequeut check vp; waterini: cells; watcbinf for cable corroaion; teatinf cell strenxtlL. If your battery's low. well charge it np fast! Make your battery orjerfcrerular rtiecla' tta nTilvr.na nf nun i ... axrtornatk to keef thoL2s, white Leads Inlliiississipp JACKSON. Win. Aug. 23-tFV- Veteran Campaigner Hugh White tonignt expanded his lea In a bid for a second term as governor of Mississippi. The ft. ! 3er chief executive was 4.000 votes out In front of Paul B. Johnson,! Jr, making his second Chest Group To Meet Today The labor-management commit tee of the Salem Community chest will meet at noon today in the Marion hotel, under the direction of Chairman W. E Klmsey, state labor commissioner. Purpose of the meeting is to formulate plans to install labor- management committees in vari ous Salem Industrial plants tP as sist with the Community chest fund campaign. LIVESTOCK CHAMPIONS M t. MMi III I , , I CarJMwrn nrlsTtWSr" ii . w ' attempt for -the governor's chair in a democratic primary. 1 . Unofficial returns : from 9S2 ol 1T82 precincts gave: ; l White, 63,349 ; 1 H Johnson. K233 ' lit White took the lead m the first ! returns from the bitter race short ly aner poa closing and has held a sometimes razor-thin' mard& ever since. Is! Open t-8tarta at Desk! Free Feay Rides! Red Skeltea Sally Ferrest EXCUSE MT DUST Krrel Flyssa i "DODGE CTTsTi '7,. NOWI Open 6:45 T7.it . STr CUM11' Cartee Brevity News I NOWt CmUbbmi JHOjl I NOWI CearUaaeea DaUyl Jsha Tayae, Dennis CrXeef e Arleea Wkslea ta passage vnsr n Valentino liOWl Open ct 6:45 Dana Andrews sUehard Ceate galerae ffrfli Bead AboV- THE FlGHTIKCs 5ULLIVANS-lf MOWl Open crt ft; t. "" A1AW LADD ia TBE BLACK CAI -Aad-f . John Wayne la . THE SEA SPOHZXS 7t AIR-CONDTnO?rX3 ::irJz:i alem's Only Ba-Owsed - .' Theatre- J . Starts Today Opea i:tl CASA MANANA LCUax Lstla Xhytha VJCDUEGDI v a 'Pep D!crdj I- I I . M i 9 i t -. s v i . - e.aee-4