1 -Th SlalMmatt. Salea, Orjoou Uandar Angus! 27, 1S51 Dairy Co-op Studies Bulk IVIilk Tanks lUttoui News Service J SILVERTOST Richard Barnes, youngest director of the Oregon Dairy Co-op association, was one of the four-man committee to visit the Los Angeles dairy area last -week to Inspect new tanks for storage of bulk milk. G rover Poe, in charge of the field department of the co-op Sam Graham, head of the procure ment department, and Erwln Laughlin, manager of the Western Dairy Equipment company, all of Portland, drove to Los Angeles earlier in the week and Barnes joined them by plane on Wednes day. The area visited, one of the larger concentrated milk produc tion centers in the world, uses the bulk tanks 100 per cent. Milk if poured directly into the bulk tanks, where cooling takes place. It Is later transferred to the pick- up bulk tanks. The committee was told that the bacteria count dropped from 200,- 000 to 40,000 per CC after the in stallation of bulk tanks. - The average dairy farm Is 10 acres with 200 cows the average herd. All feed is purchased and hauled into the area. The largest farm visited by the four, main tained 3,000 cows. The committee, Barnes stated, will recommend to the association that Grade A milk producers af filiated with the association,, be piacea on Duuc tan delivery service as soon as feasible. The bulk system has been under an intensive study in the Willam ette valley for several weeks. While this committee, of which Barnes Is a member, was on its tour In the south, other directors made a similar visit to the dairy around Linden, Wash., where the bulk tank system has been in use for over six months. ; . i Dr. Isabel Shannon Dies in Portland PORTLAND, Aug. 28 VPh- Dr. Isabel B. Shannon, 72, died in- a hospital here yesterday after a Jong illness. She had practiced five years at The Dalles Tuberculosis hospital said one year at the Salem hos pital before retiring to Portland in 1939. She was bora in Bovington, Pa., February 9, iai9 Ridaicdys Anstcer Delivered to Reds v - t" s I ' 1 y " "vT ... ' . " i .... , 4 ' ' - J . . .- .. .. - ' t v EEOLX, Korea, Asf. 2 Lieut CoL Lee See Teng of the South Korean army (right), TJ.N. liaison offi cer, hands Gen. Matthew B. -Udgway's sharply worded answer to commonist charges against the UJf ., to CoL Chang (left), chief North Korean liaison officer, at Tanmunjim, Aug. 25 (Korean date). Two Interpreters (eeater) look on. (AP WlrephoU via radio front Tokyo.) Silverton Schools Open September 10 f Statessaai News Service SILVERTON Silvertori schools will; open September 10, reports Lloyd Larsen, chairman) of the school board, with, registrations to be held the week previously. Principal M. B. Tord will be in his office in the grade school be ginning September 27 and! first graders are asked to register prior to the opening of school. Regis tration in the high; school and jun ior high school -will be Thursday and t Friday, September 6 and 7. Offices -in both schools j will be open Thursday night, September 6, to give those an opportunity to register who work days.! I New teachers in the system this year will be Spats Hoeye, industrial arts j Janet Burpee, commercial studies, and Mrs. Knute Digerness, fourth grade. j j i ; MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time ! Kilocycles: KSLM --. KOCO 1O0. KOD4 70. KGW C2I. KEX 11M I'M: Megacycles - KOIN 101.1; KEX 82.3 (Bdltofs MUt The lUtmua ptib-shes In fee fmito tko pttpuN ul time as pre vide sy ths radio stations, sot Inun ertlmes the pregraaes ar aaaged without aoUTicauoa. tats newspaper cannot oo rctswaslbl tar th accuracy herein), i : 1 BOUK 0:e 0:15 00 0041 6 KSLM KOCO KOIM KOW KEX New West Melod. Nw Clock Watcher Farm Edition (Timekeeper TTarm News ; I 'W.W News west Hcjoa. irarra news 1 1 not news r Koin Klock IKoin Klock I Koto fOoek Clock Watcher i Kneaao News lTarm ITimo Kr SmUlag I Keep 8mlans uohnnjr U WUla Bashful King Gets Kissed r --4 if y V 1 - it- 1 (Obituaries 400 Agricnltnre 434 Poqlary cad RabblU If H. FRYTRS Jt' to 4 th. S aaSet S. Airport Rd. milt W . s. ,R. Ztste!, Rt I. Box ISO. a,Vc.V. fnunda?. iiimpt At CornlaA Cram Chicks Ptran Cthnnt Hatc-i- 450 Merchanflise i ' 450 Blerchan 31 , H TV s 7- "... BESGNEK ennia Bcrcaer. uto naadent ox euerauo kU. at a iocai aonpiial August - 2i. - survived by toe' ruow, Mrs. dna Bergner. Saicm; daughters. Betty Jeaa feergner. Saiesa. ana airs. DottsUi CaxnatnafiL PorUaadz brota- ra. Oscar. mil and Dri&. Ranea. Sweden: sisters, TeUa and Muta Ranea; granddaughter. Kristin Car natiian.. PorUand; aunt. Mrs. Anna Bionquutt. uenvcr. Colo. Servicea wUI oe oeia Moaaar, AususV 21 at S Dsn. trora th Virgil T. Golden chapel. la- termeni in eeicrest aiemorjai park. stoss Joseph Beniamin fioss. ir- Infant son ot Mr. and airs. Joseph B. Ross. 13 N. Whitman at, Monmouto. at a local hositai August 23. Survived alao br aistcra. Julie Kay and Carol Ana of Monmouth; grandparents, Mr. and Mr. X. P. Sneeart sreat crandinothr. Mrs. Lena Seward. Graveside services wm bo aeia Tuesday. August ZS. at lA p.m. in the Monntoutn cemetery with th Rev. C. I. Jantxett officiating. Direction by th Virgil X. Golden company. post ' William H. Post, at a local homltal. August 2S. Survived, by sister, Mrs. Dolly Church. Vancouver. Wash.; step son. K. L. Christensen. Ontario. Calif.; lao several nieces and nephews. An nouncement of services later by Clougb-BarriclE company. ZTEGixa ! Mrs. Emma S. Zlesler. lata rtxUcnt of 1625 Center st. in this city, August 23 at th age of 78. Survived by nepnew, Louis Buem. Duiur; cousin. Mrs. J. A. Jelderks. Salem. Announce ment of services later bv the w. T. Rigdon company. KCNKLS Harry William Kunkl. lats resident of 201 N. 25th st- in this city August 2S. at th age of 61. Survived by wife, Mrs. Jessie Kunkle. Salem; sons. Sid ney KunkJc, Ukiah. Calif,, and John Kunkle, Lyons; mother. Mrs. Uttlie Kunkle. Roseburg; sisters. Mrs. Jen nie Lowell and Mrs. Grace Stuer. both Roseburg. and Mrs. Alice Bemaprki, urain; Drotners. rrea Kunkle, Eugene. Lawrence Kunkle and Bruce Kunkle. both Portland; also seven grandchil dren. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 28, in th Howell Edwards chapel Concluding services will b held in Fox Valley cemetery. vyons. FRANCIS Carl Francis, lata resident of Salem route t, box 414. Liberty road, at a local hospital. August 28. at the ace of 67. .Survived by wife. Mrs. Ella M. Francis, j saiem; sons. Lioyd . rrancls and Ray u. crancis, both Salem, and Carl a. Francis, Dayton. Announcement of services later by . Howell-Edwards chapel. CHVKCH Charles M. Church, lata resident of 4950 crater St.. in thU city August 23, at the age of 70. Survived by children, Mrs. Mary Smith and C. P. Church. both Salem. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesdav. August 28. at St. Vin cent DePaui church, interment at st. 1 451 Machinery and Tools PaiK MOfMatavw VeiiivatlAM 4t 4ka W rosary will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, August 27. in th W. T. Rigdon chapel. 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 1 470 Foe Sal. Kllscalcneoua APARTMENT kise AS. eWtrie ranre. rKcelient coryirtion. S5. Phone 1-45 18. I OLDA-RULAj stroikr. Bursery chair. both tike' new. Phone 1-8133. S PC DXNEKC3 room set. 3 rasa. bod. Special HATCHES of Coldest Broad and New Hampshire chicks ererr Tnecdav W speciahr ta broiW chicks Fort Ho 4 b)ROOM house at once in mad box soruves. nitars. pool table. 1 lac curtains, dressing table. 3&S Jerrls Ave. Phoie J-J77J. Hatchery 3830 State S. phono S-49FS uAt ulu mia sunea cnicu k, eea ter Street Pboo X2861 Lee s Hat eTF- v i 403 Pets . , 1 . RTNQ KECK Doves. SI JO a pair. Mer- nj ureen Moose, Brooks. 1 auoKi& Inxucju ftaa aauanum Fish tanks nlants. heaters At ther mostats Marvel pump 8 miles from S Lancaster oa Mac tea? Rd Phone TROPICAL FISH and -supplies C L. wiinn BTTicTit Hrtr Tunei ore IX-RAV KfSfXS 31083 FOR SALE; Purebred toy Boston BulL male. 2 months old. S23. Call eve nings. Mrs. Phillip Crerg. Kt. s. Box 193. Silverton. Pbon tiiue 2z. 412 Fruit end Farm Produce BARTUETT Pears. TSc and up. Phone 2-7361. ; - TJ-PICK beans. 4c pound. Ph.'4-itlt.' BARTLETT pears. U-pick. TSc box. Brine containers. Phone 85-F-14 dRAVENSTEIN apoles SI box. Brina containers. 1STI M. Winter. Fbon 2-8721. SPRAYED Bartlett pears. 11.7S bushel aelivered. Phone 4-1073. IRRIGATED corn for freesing or can- ning. Waldo Lowery. RL L Box 258, Brooks. Phone 2-1102. FOR SALE: Tomatoes. Back of the Cascade High School. R. V. CaldwelL Rt. 1. Box 119-A. 'Turner. APPLES and pears. ' You pick.' $1 per box. Bring your ' own boxes. Gus Schlicker. 1 roll South of Four Corners. - CANNIN'fi PEARS tic box picked. i-none a-iwo. BEANS for sale, you pick, 3c lb. Gear Lak Farm, North 01 Keixer school. Rt. 2 Box 274. Phone 4-1316. i BARTLETT PEARS: U-pick 81 box.! fnone z-tiki. .... - - g I Sawmill Equipment - i h n. elee. motor with f Mmr. 8 h.p. elec. Pond saw. new chaua. 8 h.p. elee, motor, 1208 rJ. j s a reuucing gears. - ' s 1 in- 4 in. and f in. used' pip. cable St cabl ehokerl, Turtle bees: and rol-cr -Kf Frlgtdarre I ft, clean tnatd 8k out. I Heary log tongues, coffingholst, Ilk city or outside. Call Percy Iffimsn Real Ertate Co. Ph. S-89C2 or S-7054. "Used Guaranteed nances Res. $94 JO. Now SUM. New Hotpoint - 1 ft. floor sample. Reg. -. now smjo. M W w-shen bke new. auto, timer. eg. 8144.50. Now 8134.4. Maytag washer, lata model, with pump, Reg. 8149.50. Now S139.S0. I Hotpoint - s ft., sealed unit. apt. ats. neg. siosjoi. now new. Shan bearings, set f collars, sprocket. Alemtt grease guns. Air noa. oil barrels, ctrculal1 saw iKtx. cast iroa drainboerd typ atnk. roll top desk. These items ar priced t eH at 135 N. liberty St Good USED Stiff rum Cn Hotpoint dishwasher, lat tnodaL New NEW location: CHARIS Corse Us r. Mary mm. liu entT at -AODDinS S294J3. Now S13S.50. 40 gaL Fowler water heater, double elements, porcelain lined. Reg. 859.50. Now H9 50i . i Freeser 8 ft, (upright. New 84193. Now Center 33918. 8284.50. Easy washer Reg. S99.50 SIZES TO OPEN spin dry lat model. NOW 884.50. MANY OTHER MODELS. PRICES. CHOOSE FROM FRIDAYS TILL Ralph Johnson com pie wheels and 1-1983 after lances 472 Wonted. MLreeilcneous . SAVE your News oa pars & Marazlne tor tnpDWd Children Societr Call City Wast Paper Co for blckuaav 584 Hollvwood Or Pnoa 22878.. 474 Miscellaneous i H i WANT TO Buv lM mm imwi M lmn MePmw PHotn hnp 745 N H)rt ' Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE PT MOST CASES . n Brtrte or Man Your Plat for Repair. DR. HARRY SrMLFR DENTIST .doloh Bids Stat row : pa r8-3U "SALEM'S I FINEST APPLIANCE j STORE SSS Center Thnn S-Si-ta USED FORD PARTS: RadiatoT. differential, starter. 8 476 Fuel tires. 9 p.m. manifold. Phone APPLES Gravensteins. 150 FT. of I'i" steel pipe. 80 ft. of U". aw n. 01 i. so rt. 01 l'.k corjDer did, fnone -iis. C ROOM household furniture includes w autuif wet, wnric nui, I CAPTTAI. fTPV niucM m refrigerator, bedroom set, Ubles and Vii . 1 lamps. 1330 state. 1 1 1 juii" : ' ; . . USED mans bicycle, excellent condi- Mi? K'M S CORD LOAD: Tir-V 01r A7! - J wu v- )s: 16" WOOD $29.75' j tier bl tM-a 3 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 4670 Portland Rd. G. APPLES, B. pears. Ph. 4-3081. tion. See at 1960 Center Street after s p.m. 425 Auction Sales SCHAEFER Mrs. Katie A. Schaefer. lat resident 01 863 D it., in this city August 23. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rigdon company. 7 KSLM KOCO OIN ROW KIX Hemingway Jimbore Koin Klock Mueller News 1st Edition Break. Gang I Break. Gang 'Jamboree flDr. HambUa Macleod New IGoss News Countrr EditorKneass News IM. Agroniky I Bob Garred f Top Trad i KOCO Klock Babbitt Show I Sam !ays . S Bob Bazen 0 KSLM Cecil Brown I Family Altar KOCO Pentecostal tPentecostal KOIM - Consumer News! Vail News KOW Old Songs (Old Songs KIX Break. Club I Break. Club i Bible institute Bible Institute !C. Tinneys Or. Kennedy Show i I Grand Slam ..Rosemary I Jack Berch : ,Dave Garrowav I Break. Club .'Break. Club 9 R8LM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX News Platter Party wenay warren Aunt Jenny IMomt Melody I Pastor's Call Barraia Count! I PUtter Party I HoUywd News ! (Second Look Crosbv-Frtends I Tune Test I Stars of Today J Eve. winters News '(Helen Trent ilTun Test Gal Sunday i lKnea News I Girl Marries KSLM News KOCO Net News KOIN Big Sister KOW Hostess Party KEX Neighbor's Vc Tello Test Answer Man Stars Sing Wandering Ma Perkins (Dr. Malon Hostess Party ) Break Bank Headlin Newt jTru Story :Musie j H . Wandering f I Guiding Ught J) Break Bank I (True Story 1 Queen Day i Queen a day IWandering Wandering f KSL 1 "J K0C I KOIN I KOW KSLM -idles Fair (Ladies Fair KOCO Wandering IWanderlne - KOIN 2nd Mrs Burton Perry Mason iNorah Drake i Brighter Day KOW Dbl or Noth Dble or Notn. ! Millionaire s Millionaire KEX Betty Crocker Lone Journey I Nrthwfners I INVthwfners 1 KSLM rooTradea (News fGay rtTs iMortanMusle KOCO News IMalor Learu I Ma lor Learu f fMaior LaagtM KOIN . Macleod News I Come Get It I House Party , Rouse Party OW Foster News utoed of Life Peooer Youna J Happiness. KEX Paul Harvey Noon Edition tMod. Romance David Amity 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Jack Ktrkwaod Jack Ktrkwood i Musi I Musi Major League (Major Learu IMaelc Melody I iMairie Melody I Kins Row fKtrkham News Hilltop House Backatase WlfeiStella Dallas Top Tune Kay West Klrkham New llWidder Brown Woman la Hse iKay West : OCav West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN : KOW KEX Nws iMusi IMusi I (Music Marie Melody Marie Melody I Magic Melody 1 fMacie Meiocy Strike It Rich Strike It Rich I Music Sparkles JTunefuily Your Just Plain Bin IF. Pace FarrellLorenzo Jones ; I Bob and Ray PrfcL Husband iPrfct. Husband (Family Orel J I Tamil Orel 3 4 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX- Musie Russ Morgan Klrkham News Travelers : Mary McBrld Musi iNews Science ;1 Frank De Vol Art Godfrey Art Oodfrcy Travelers lAunt Mary MaryMcBrid I Barney Keen t iMusle ! iUb.Jambore I Art Godfrey -IIIEv Young . 5 'Barney Keep KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemiarway i Behind Story I (Sam Hayes KOCO Music U Want Music U Want (J. Vandercook i lOld Scotchman KOIN . . , Art God trey Wirt Godfrey (Art Godfrey f ICurt Massev KGW Dr. Paul Life Beautiful IHometowners : Russ Morgan KEX Stars Sing ' I Squirrel Cage 'Squirrel Cage j Jemr i KSLM Mert'a Record IMert "a Record KOCO 12th St. hour - 11 2th St. hour KOIN Ed R. Morrow (News KOW Rich. Harkncss Foster News KEX Merrve Circle iMerri Orel I Music 1 Jim Mercer United Nation ; IBS Keys J World Today j World Today (Firestone Vole Firestone Vote jlHunUey News I Bob Garred J KSLM Gabriel HeataslN.W New (Answer Man i Sam Hayes , r KOCO Candlelight I Candle Usrht (News I Twilight Sons KOIN: Radio Theater Radio Theater i I Radio Theater Radio Theater KGW - Marine Band J Marine Band Dixie Jarx , Dixie Jarr - KEX WtUxHdiinea I Home EdiUon lFrontier Town i iFronuer Town 7 KSLM Corner Cments iRay Block (Cisco Kid (Cisco Kid OCO H-ShirerNews IMusle Jackpot (Baseball Band. H Baseball Band. KOIN B. Hawk Show B. Hawk Show Q's Waxworka 1 IQ s Waxworks KOW ; Beaton Pops (Boston Pops I Boston Pop iBoston Pups KEX Lone Ranger ILon Ranger iflayboua - IPlayhous-: 0 9 KSLM .Gee, Do It : IGeo Do tt ilTr. Our BusL Joncert i KOCO - Dugout Dop J Baseball Baseball , Baseball P ' KOIM 1 Lowell Thomas I Jack Smith " 5 (Herb Shhner Herb Shinier SvGW " . Man a Family (News f World Railroad Hour Railroad Hons KEX rurtainCaU Curtain Call Henry. Taylor ' LesGrumn - KSLM KOCO KOIM KGW Hardy News Fulton Lewis I Cud this B You (Cud this B You Pictorial (Pictorial . I Winter Halter : (News t Suspense 1 Suspense . jBeulah . IClublS " Phooe Hour iPn-ae atoor Uua. Cavalead Mia Cavalead Q.CD. IQ.E.D. . iPianoPUyhs. : tPiano Plavhs 101 KSLM 1 Love Mystery Newsr! v f News itnter. Airport I KOCO Nijrt Song . I Night Song JNihtSong INtghtSong - oi a &tae nnu itoaiMworu juei uowia - IMeJ Baldwin GW Richfield Reps. ( Dane Uusie r Sports Pax t Star Sootlisht KEX rinal S-litian DJws Tomorrow iOoad IJsreniwg lQod 1 fTpiw 1 1f KSLM tatet AliTort KOCO Nicht Son r a w 1 si Issll 18i WtCiH ' News KEX Good Ltstentng Mldntt MMBe IMldn Melodic Svtion MeiodM 'Night Song ! Sight Soec IN'iaht Sons? Cstallna Oreh. fRandstand (Brdrfnd Hal Derwin Red Ntcnoai 1 Red Nichols I-stenmg IGood listening iCood Ustesung EOAC III ko-cstaywine Th rews and Westhr; 18:18- Especially j - r We-r ea: 1 1 Th Concert Hall; lie Th News? 12.8 Noon Farm our; 1 9 Rul "Fra Cowboy; 1:15 t'ncj Don's Story Tim: 1 :45 Favorite Ir.rmn; 1.-04 Mu-ie from Interlochen: 8 X Orefon Reporter: 311 Musi of th Masters: 43 5 ports Review: 4:18 Oa th Upbeat; 4:48 News and Wealh- en le caudreas Theater: 130 Lon don Forum; i New and Weath er: : Oregon OvU Service! Flying Time; 048 Errand of Mer cy: 7.00 New World of Atomic En ergy; : I'll Evening Farm Boor; t-00 Musi of th CoBaoisseur; 84 Th News! and Weather; 8:1 Mm that Enfure: ie-48 foew and wcataar; Siga Off.- --.;..-.! v ,'. . SAN FRANCISCO. Ang. 26 John Markisx shies kwkf from congrst. Utory kiss by Renee Sobelmsn liter he was selected king; and she tneen of Lsmberton School party's axtnnal baby pstrsdc John is only fear and probably to) young to appreciate the accolade. Renee is four too but that feminine instinct has nothing to de with age. (AT Wlrephoto to The BUtes-nsn.) Morgans Hosts To Democrats - Statesman News Service MONMOUTH Mr. and Mrs Howard Morgan were hosts; at their new farm home southwest of Monmouth, Saturday from 4 to ? pjtl, to the Polk County Demo crats. --:' V A picnic supper was enjoyed by a large group, in the oak grove ad joining the house. The Morgans bought a large tract of former Camp Adair cantonment land, built a new home and barns, and have participated actively in Com munity life here. Morgan was a state representative from Multno mah county. Mrs. Morgan, county vice chair man, sparked the committee which prepared a distinctive Democra tic booth at the county fair. if eCANNiX BETTER i SILVERTON Dr. A. J. McCan nel, who has been confined to the Silverton hospital for a month fol lowing a heart attack, was able to be moved to his home in the Waldo Hills Thursday and is re- Valley Births Statesman News Service j DALLAS To Mrs, and Mrs. Dan Friesen, Dallas, a daughter. born August 21, at Dallas hospital. To Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schnei der, Dallas, a daughter, August 23, at Dallas hospitaL Langsev Off to South America Statesman News Service SILVERTON Floyd Langsev, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Langsev of the Evens Valley community, left by plane Thursday for, Bar celona, Venezuela, where he will teach for his second year. The school in which he teaches is maintained by the Mene Grande Oil company for th families of their employes. t Langsev attended the summer session of the University of Ore gon at Eugene the past few weeks spending week-ends with his par ents on the farm near here. ! ported as resting well after the trip home. ? 7? ! ''I . P ' 3 .4 V. i " The "Tair" sex the hcautiful and the bovine meet during re hearsal lull as Helen Hughes dancers 'get-acquainted' with friendly liolftein. Girls are just a few of those appearing in TuLp-Time Revue" p. sta;e show extravaganza, appearing nightly at the 1831 Oregon tate Fur, opening k Salem oa September J TOLLMAN'S PIANO BARGAINS New Sc used, large selection. Many fin mases as KnaDe. Steinway, Mason, ie Hamlin. Fischer. Mehhn. Lester BeUy Rosa spinets, etc. 84-88 notes. Spinet pianos, from $375 850 dowr4, balance Ilk rent Upright pianos from $100 uowdl iu or more a monm. Monday. August 27. at 1 pjn. Walter ClranA rtianna - fin. cj1m. Scheffe mner. Ralph Alsman. Auc- vrana pianOS - line SdeC- tion new and used. Scotty's Auction House 8 ML FAST ON CENTER ST.. SALEM BIG FURNITURE AUCTION TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 28 FARM SALE. 2'i miles east of Brooks, Oregon. Watch for arrows. Today, Uoneer. wooL 8 cords for 810. Pu, UTtl of Capitol Lumberi Fuel Co. FOR VALUE. ouanUty and priced order . jinoeraon s nana piCKso also wood, 8 full cords only SIX. Phone i S.TTSl or 4-4-53 If Special fuMBl 8-T7zl or S-S0T4 Planer tiimmlni CAPITOL LUMBER - FUIL CO 88 00 cord 450 Merchandise Salem Market Quotations (At of late yesterday) BUTTEKFAI Premium no i No. BUTTEB Wholesale . Retail EGGS (Boyiac) . , . ' . twnoMaai pneos ranfe rrom s to 7 cents over burins orioa.l Large AA Lars a . .Tl DEALERS and retfSir station for Wood- boss chain saws. Briers. Clinton & Wisconsin gasoline engines. Howser Bros., 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-3646. buJlUl-LLXK sates, parts, ana service Howser Bros. Ph. 8-3&4S 1410 I 12th Your Utdo ana effort demarwla soua tools. Rent or Duy tnem at Uouser Bros, 1410 8 izta 4V55 Household Goods for Sol FOR SALE OR TRADE New and used furniture. We buy or traoe zor anytning t value, we pay casn. WM. HALL'S FURNTTURI CO. 1879 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481 BxlS LINOLEUM rugs 840&. Hare Fur niture CO, 858 N. High. Used FurnW Cheap Medium AA J7 Medium A . " M Small .34 I M -20 J -----. J2 --. J4 J9 UVESTOCft (Valley Packint Compaar Oeotattoni) Fat Dairy cows 20.00 to zi.oo Cutters ' - 18.00 to 19-50 Bulls Good veal 30.00 to 34.00 Feeder lambs 20.00 to 23 00 Lambs s 28.00 to 11 M TRASS TERMS Fsfley Fum Co T8S 7io Coml S-t4T8 . jgs 9x12 WOOL RUGS 829-SO. Ear Furni- ny 1 -lure, zso n. rusn. WINE MOHAIR davenport and chair Shop with safety at Tallraan Piano Store . I Established 1890 365-395 S. 12th. Salem A mile from higTi oricea SILVER gray and blue Storkline bug in perfect condition. S78 cross Phone 3-5848. BJ-FRIGE-UTOR. Good condition. Set of fancy ' fireplace Irons. 1178 Sag- truw. h'none 3-76Z7. CRUSHED QUARRY. ROCK Best for roads or driveway. Any size. 100 fractured. Salem liock Produc tion Coi Phone eveninrs 4-312T. USED Youngstowa 64" deluxe cabinet sink in eery rood condi tion." sells new at 1B7 60. this one only 8118 50. The Kitchen Centre. 3U SUt St. Phone 2-T892. ' 1 SPECIAL SALE SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS Floor models and demonst rators up t o discount. Budget terms. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. ' 130 N. Com 1 Open Frl. till t p.m, FOR SALki Good white enamel wood cook stove with coils 828. or trade for trash burner. Cue Sy-erson. RL L Box 183. Aurora, wear Bros a seres. "ELMER BOJE ", , i " Ph 8-9433 2023 S 12th 18" Old rtr Veneer Core SnUt for ruiwe 3 Oreffon Fuel CoL! Fresh, clesn. screened sawdutf ! deUr- ereu dt iuoe service or push off truck Finest drr or ereen lS-tnrfe wood Phone 3-5533. 3087 Broadway, Highway Fuel Ctf Cleaa sawdust -wood STen or ore. . s- a . T - r a-- swvwiMvum oum tot i ;rmny vtt ammw Tri-City Fuel Oean handpicked 18" slab rood Fresh cut screened sawdust IS" mill er a 1. t ASK FOR SH ORE EN STAMPS PHONE J.144I s DRY 16 old growtn fir bod!wowL limited suddIv. so old eustomar. or der now Philips Bros. Rt i. Boat 118 Salem phone 4-3l. H j i West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY-OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS i 1 .pid crowtb block wood 19 In, claaa no oars 1 s 1 SCREENED SAWDUST ?! rural Deuvmrrs ' ' DIESEL AND STOVE Oil! PhoBs; ftilMv 111 Tl ii I Ala ek Up wood at 1328 Edgtwat .. , k n. Buna I wgitg,n6oVpi7Hhc- 0004 (500 Businesg & Rnanco POULTRY Leghorn hens - Colored hens Colored fryers Leghorn fryers Old roosters Roasters ic uoaia ivcuwb maM rutir I j. ; r t - , - : . -l... W I I I A TIT V1 Wl0TfWWt .UlAIKUtU Pearl. Set after S fax. 1 ratifc. Doubla ; brorer, grill, 1 510 MonT to Loan I rstf SUQlTfl I - - 456 Wcmtwd, Household Goods CELLO KITE Auto PalnL L quart. WILL BUY discounted mortgag t MUST HAVE at once, good used fur niture, appliances or anything of value. Large deals solicited. Small deals appreciated. We pay cash. WM. HALL'S FURNITURE CO. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481 WILL store refrigerator lor use. Ph. 3-7135. riees 1-8558 rHAi&R UL- offers fair caan" on furniture and misc. Phone or brine to 187 Lana Ave CASH for your furniture, 1 piece "or nous ruii. pnon a-715-. PHONE 2-0402 for T-J Furnltur Co., Gil Ward. 450 Center PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or hnoleum. Yeatcr Aennance Co 375 Chemelteta. 1 POOL table and 1 iuke box. 12 rec orda. wiu seu reasonaDi. an -ems Ave. Phone 2-3775. STANLEY home products. Phone 3-4058. Lee Mlndt. 333 S. 19tH. BUYING A contract. Phone 8-878T. erf 1 f i: 5 On Your Savings W hav always paid our tnve-ipr act on their -ivestmentsv Buy first mortgages ea real cstatci! Sslem 4s vldnity. W Uk ear of all detail for you. Amounts 81400 t up. prompt appraisal aee svogewater st. j NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS KilftH nrnnms 1 for th g-firttTnir. 'Ion of RestRooms in the Cloverdale IMMEDIATE cash. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110. School. District 144c, Rout 2, Turner. ' ureson. win d receivea untu auzusi 2V, 1951. f :oo r. ML. ana wiu b puo- ucly opened in th scnool cunning at that tun. The construction will consist of re modeling two room to provide toilet mnA r. f.eil1ti Flans, speculations ana other ooc- 450 RrrilHinn Mataulal nment- rouirel for hiddina- m be I i ..ii-- inspected st th office of James L. Architect, ibz souu Church Highest Prices VaUey Furn. Co. 2-7472 CASH for your furniture. One piece or houseful. LAMBERT'S. 8-7100. PIANO? SEE Payne. Street. Salem. Oregon, and copies may be obtained by qualified propective bidders upon a deposit ot sajw. wmcn amount will be refunded in case th documents ar returned, but otherwise wiu be retained. Attention of bidders is directed to Section 98-103, O.CX-A. providing for prequalificationa. All proposals must be upon regular blank forms rurnisnea wun ta spea flcations. and must be accompanied bv a certified eneck for an amount to or excee-ing rive percent 4.i ot tne total bid. A 100 corporate surety bond will be required to quarantee th faithful performance of th contract together with Insurance In such sum as may be necessary to protect th District against iocs or damage by re' son of injuries to person or property. SHINGLES - SHAKES Best trad No. I s 810. Uo. 2's 17. No. 3'a 88-, 4-33. Any amount Delivered. 18 in. No. l carton packed sidewall shakes 3130 per sa. with under eours. Common lumber, all grades. Oak and pecan flooring. Ted Muiler. Ph. Salem 2-1198 evenings. FLOORING KD 859.50. VG low 8149.00. KNOTTY PINK paneling and Iil2s. Clear whit, pin finish. 8" and 10 lap siding snd beaded ceil ing $49.50. Pioneer-FUntkot roofing, all colors. Plywood, any adze. Wall board 4x8 81.78. Roeklath and sheet- rock. No. 1 Stained cartoned shake and undercourse $19.00. Steel and aluminum garage doors. All grades In stock at attractive prices. 34 months to pay if desired. North city limits on 99 If you want a real selection, com to Stone at new store at uoo state, an beautiful ! instruments on display all finishes, desisns. prices. SDlneta -- from 8399 (used 73-note) Kninrttvled uorlaht special 8398 Grands . i . . .. , from $105 Rebuilt ubrifhta from 315 i Free beach, delivery, tuning. Terms. America's finest makes auuawut. Wurlitler. Cable. Haddorff it then. Baldwin organs, Hammond spinet and Chord organs. OPXN rUUAT XXLiLt C-MU PIANO CO. YARD. 4-4433 Th right la reserved by the District I CABINET SHOPS White Pine 8 fln- to reject any or au dios. or to accept et anv th proposal which appear most ad- I la good. PORTLAND LUMBER YARD vantageous. -'. I 4-4433. - -UTS Edna T. Btevenson I SPLIT shakes, rustle roof and wall. Aa9-AU-22-23-24-29-26-27-8-29 Also smooth 'and wide spUt 200. q. to pick from. On Highway S miles Tb Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1280 State ' Salem Phillips Bros. rerti Users ROTTED Jaanore an tp-a eedar ao-ta. stakes, shakes picket feneea, roe treuuw potca mj special cedar erders- Flarston for steps, patio. waD x walks Also reo Lava ana oxner sxaoe Rt Box 118. Salem. Ph. 4-3081 .Ci UC i Ranges ;M and Usd Y ester AppUanc Co. 878 Chemek- iah. all widths. Order while selection j fiABY" ktudcV, scales, electric bottl sterilizer. 3140 univenity. cau tweerl 47 p m. 2-25S5. CLOTHES LINE sosta. poreh columns I- i i State Finance Col 167 S. High ;i !! , Sit : ' CASH - NOW Si $25.00 to $500.00 Salem largest sad eldest bore-ov. d loan company oilers mooey wna-t you need ttl You can pay aaytimo s re das ate cost I - : Ti No endorsers, or r1b from rriendfl Oa cars, trucks, trailer bom to 9O0iJ Oa furniture livestock, qipm-i salary or other personal geopetty to S300Xl - o Phone or visit our office today! Hear Top Trades" 12.-QS daily 7;4i 8J-W SSL 1390 K.U 81I i - P S General Finance :Corp U. No S138 0d H338 PHONE 8-9181 138 ,CQM1 WeM Like to Loan You $100 It 300 Personal it. Alsea. Oreeon fiARdA-KS FOR BUILD erT and railings to order porch . 1145 N. Liberty. ft ! ! 1 If youM like to borrow 810 ' foe anv amount as to 81501 Phone or call on oa Immediately Typical Repayment rians . . 15 Me, Amount ' ' Payment 312 Lost cmd Found LOST: At Olinger PooL New.bUce try Statesman carrier, needed for route. 1954 Hszel. Phone 3-835. - LOST: Siames cat. tan with brown feet and face, whit markings en rear middle toes. Vicinity Carwlalaria and rairview. . itewara. x-sws-. Shiplap and 2x4 2-Tab Rfg. 210 lb Sheetrock, 4x8 Window Frames SERV1CB ihmW CO. Pbon 2882 .Silverton 833.00 at 1J9 So, lA4Sht 80 Disc. Yeatar eta I Used aewin Appliance Co. 3' Machines 78 Chetne- 316 Personal PSYCHIC card reading." Phone 2-631. auuiHULiU mwo ffiuuut fa i u TO BS 77. fttCA wt rrv iwow 450 -viusiccd Instn-ments y PRACrnCALLY KTW Wurntser piano and Solovox. Will sell separate, can after s pm. wnt.- . ' Wanted Old Pianos VaUey Sora. Coy Ph. S-747S . AXCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS. 1S S. lj fSr-rtf F-TT"- ' Commercial St Phon J-21C8 Meet- OA J-a --uij--?-u tnga. Sunday I p.m. pJbx. Tuesday 1-tt WANT TO . at S interest. Box BORROW private money 827 Statea- 20-08 Enfield rifle with new barrel and tiebt action, see. or trade lor aood 1 IV or lr nghtweight boat. - K.y "Stose, 109 'Cascade Dr. Call S-36&8 srur 129 pm. cars. ... Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Gushed Rock For roads 8k drtveway Cement . steady- .! Coocreta. uaroea sua. ouu- dozing nrainage ana cucning. " va shovel draft tine PTwne j-ww aweeoer. treadia sew- ing mach-ne," upright p-tno. lromwm k- 1H $PTBx!tfL tKttiZ.tSm, Y eater Ap 1 pllaBce. 379 Chfmeeta. , . EOPEii gas range like new. Cost (200. e.Ti : rti rrs 8L Summer. fiARdAtrf , ft Oreson Sc Chipper ofaawta and m rt. oar ae ea S-4M9. Mfi If CSDIlOl. WXTa CHA2Y To offer bargain bk this. U ca. cl zenrtn - . f 100 08 240 0 30 . 85000 $ 880 h 1940 i 8 6 i! 87.P8 . PAGIFie Industrial Loans ' ttS 8 Ubeerr Phon 4-tJCS AU1U fcAJANS ; , WILLAMETTE C&&DI. CO. 183 S. Church St - P-, S-248Y Parkins Aplenty i j - - Me M159-S154 - . f A&at an Utl LUAA.& ., W and 9 i- ri gour ow term of repayment :tnt reasoo. Cash -for Heat ewu vsa- tracts and Second Mortfws' i 4ortei . CAPITOL StrU RjTt X 400 Ajpricidtiire : : 14 Licrci" iZZ Lhrestoclc BONDED Livestock buyer - Claud Ed- wartfs. P.t 3. Bo C99E Ph -l!I3. v C WANTED Boys 24" bicycle. Writ Milton ZJhby. Manoa. Oregon, or . Thrtro Jeffer-An 3fl3. fKZLZ: Crls 26" bicycle for 24 gix-i bicycle, pnon z-fi-U. ... gn cotirt t TlNnrjl iJVF.T(M'K buvn McCandhn 1177 S h Ph 3-8147 I j' 1 r C. f: n, -,. . r I a -rr W. -... .. ,ww . UCfcNsLD livestock ouvet cehn, Laneter Of Pt BonucU uvestuc ouyet l-i.VS A 8 Som- 3 Chews ws Rd Ph 45SIT BULL SLR V'1C reasonabi Neiaoa anypuc anytime Pbon 4-348. 434 Pot-Urr cmd Rabbits 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE pullets laying 73. $U each. Rt. 2. Box 384. N. ta-Mcaster Dr. JE. i. Ward. Ph. 4-1111. QOOO trOFP Pirw n'v grf uu lUlk aewt auw fcUmt a tuii tee portable sewing mac nine is per mo Free pick no Sc delivery Singer Sewtnc Macfaln Co UO N ween i Pi J'12 . Iret. firm t1 S MSertv Ph 8-2 iHJL a -brnl sw nva-e a aoua inh it-r hnt mm buv a I nt Broa. Ill S. UX Pbon 23644. Klnr..- tnMtr S7S to 4ZS frozen lood. riermemca-y sc-jc nntt - r 'warrantv on tiniL AUG. 87. PRICE REG. 1378 9 TMi hav-titifvii Homo Freezer SO be re- dueed SI daily until sokL . Keith Brown'I-TJinbeT Yd. Linoleum $3.45 VALLEY rUR?f. CO Tt W. COM1 ftVUtUAU Macnioes, jsw ana wsea Yester Aooiianoe Cl 373 Cbemea eta1 - ' VACUUM cleaners. FOectroiiia. , Kb. Hoover. Lewvt- FUter Oue-xn. Sani tiaer. Sinrer. A3 makes 818 and an. Phon or 2 Portland -UU Vacation Loans . . . , e- $25 to $500 ti Doat ' borrow'- aniianasanry. i vm n yoUT Short Of CaSO w uavw aa penses. a cash loan from Personal -mav be the ' best aolutioo to you problem Up to 8508 oa Auto- op t 8-09 oa Furniture or Salary .Repay when you return first payment du for 80 days. Com ta or phoo for cash for any good purpose. PERSONAL r Finance Comnan; ' i of lateaii - 1 lfiS R K!rh 8L ' Ph. 2-2484 - Uc Wo 8-122. M-l9 C. L , ABrn, Mg, $$ CASHI I! BOLLYWOOD FLNANCE CO. . L8 FairaTouod Road (nest door to bank I n Fre Parkin lot r et1 V Csni-Tt i PaiWATS. aMMy to toaa. tboom S-i'iiZ o O O o