The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1951, Page 5, Image 5

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; PFC Robert J. Rath, graduate,
cf Salem high school, has been as
signed to the 21Wth air weather
group, Wiesbaden. Germany, up
on arrival lor Bis -tour of oversea
ttaty with the air force. Son of
Ifr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rath of
. Santa Rosa, Calit, Bath attended
Santa Rosa junior college before
Vnlitfog last January.
'Tender young Eastern Oregon
Hereford beel for your locker, best
prices of the season, 49e lb. Con
venient credit may be arranged.
No down payment, up to 1 year to
pay. Deal with a friendly, reliable
dealer. Randall's Fine Meats, 1288
State St, Salem. Phone 3-6463. ,
, Ed Handle will show a film on
-Salem at the Wednesday noon
meeting of the Hollywood lions
dub in the Lions den,
Trader Louie needs large quantity
of used furniture. If you are rnov-
ing, call Trader Louie for. highest
offer on all your household xunu
WCf . w w . .
"fresh killed Turkey to bake or
fry 49c lb. Also baby beef for your
locker. Orwigs Market, 3975 Sil-
Verton Rd. JPh. 2-6128.
Townsend club 6 will meet to
i slight at 7:30 o'clock at 259 Court
street for business and an open
forum. '
For Sale: 1848 1-ton Ford pickup.
. excellent condition. Call 2-4191 or
m w i vw.
Johns - Man villa shingles applied
by Matins Bros- 184 S. ComO.
Free estimates. Ph. 3-4842.
Lee- Gustafson, new football
' coach at Salem high school, will
discuss the 1951 Viking football
team at a meeting of the Salem
Rotary club Wednesday noon at
the Marlon hotel.
Dies as Chute
Fails to Open
, FORT BRAGG, N.C, Aug. 28
Cpy-One paratrooper plunged 1,200
feet to death today .. when his
'chute failed to open during an
airdrop of 1,000 men in the war
games here.
Five hundred spectators watched
from the sidelines of the drop rone
as the enlisted man fell, with his
parachute trailing behind him. '
One airborne officer who
watched the fall, said the victim
appeared to have had the para
chute tangled under his arm: as
he leaped from his plane.
First reports said 38 others were
injured in the jump,, with their
Injuries ranging from minor to
serious. The identity of. the dead
man was not released immediately
by the army.
This was the only fatality re
ported In the Jump of 6,000 men
from the 82nd airborne division
during the past two days. -
The army reported yesterday 13
lnen have died from non-combat
causes during the army-air force
maneuvers, which will end tomor
row. The maneuvers dubbed
Exercise Southern Pine- started
13 days ago.
This final paratrooper Jump
gave defending U,S. forces new
reserves to use in the maneuver
designed to drive "aggressor"
forces from North Carolina.
Amy McGlcary,
76, Silvcrton
Woman, Dies
Statesman News Service
Cleary; 76, native of Sijverton,
died at her home here Saturday
She was born In the Silverton
area and had lived all her life
here. Her father was John Morley,
"an early Oregon pioneer. '
Surviving are three sons. Sylvan
"of .Silvertort. Elgin of Dallas and
Pearl of Portland; brothers,
Charles and John Morley of Sil
verton; sisters. Mrs. Ina Bell Mit
chell and Mrs. Rose Whitlock of
Salem, and four grandchildren.
Private funeral services will
take place Tuesday at 2 pjn. at
Mount Crest Abbey in Salem un
der direction of the Eton an Funer
eal home.
Wreck Damages -Auto,
Minor damage resulted from an
euto-pickup truck collision at Che-
mekeu and North 21st streets
Sunday morning, city police re
ported. 4 v
The auto, driven by William J.
Wilson, 265 N. 23rd st, traveling
Test on Chemeketa street, was
damaged on the right side, police
"said. The pickup truck, driven by
Perry Arlyn Lee, Salem route 4,
box 974, traveling south on North
21st street, was damaged in the
'front end. - ,
.. Ko citations were issued.
Ceei Grades
la Sebeet
Depend, te a
large Extent
On Geed
Beat Expect
Tew CkUdrer
Te Lears As
Tkey SWaJd
If Their
Tlslon Is Net
Up te Far.
2x. 5. A. Uairillsf
r -
1ZI Court Et rh. I-44S9
Thomas Welsh of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company
win speak on the sublet of nrxro-
wsves to the Salem Kiwanls club
at its noon meeting Tuesday in the
Senator hotel; , s a
New pack fancy canned, peaches
and apricots by the dozen or case.
a.,.,J11 tZ I
Aufrane Custom Cannery.
Catholics Plan
Farewell for
Catholics 1? Salem wUl gather 1
at a farewell reception Tuesday
night at the Catholic center. Ship
ping and Cottage streets, in honor
of the Rev. T4 J. Bernards, pastor
of St. Joseph's church t here who
win leave this week.; I
The reeeptidn, sponsored by the
organizations Of St Joseph's par-
orgaruzauons attenaed masses in 1
groups ounaay morning to near
Father Bernards preach his fare-
mrn urmnn i i 1
wuuu.w. .1
in Salem the , Rev. Bernards will
take over the pastorate of St.
John's church! in Oregon City on
Thursday. New pastor Of St Jos
eph's will be the Rev.! Joseph Van-
derbeck from Astoria.
Prepared in
War Games
FORT BRAGG, N. Cl Aug. 28-
CfVPara troopers today linked up
with the 43rd and 28th infantry
aivisions ana preparea ; a xnocx-1
Knockout' Blow
out blow against an enemy aggres- J scarf. KareUne Syverson. Indepen
aor which will end th twn-wMk aence: hand towels. Ottilia Atwater;
sor wnicn wui ena me two-wets I bed set. lace trimmed. Mrs. D. L. wu-
vuuxxus (um luiuuuuw.
The U. S. Ninth alt force doml-
nated the skies as 1.000 paratroop-
era of the 82nd airborne division
Jumped today to Joint the 5,000
"kT 111
Southern Fine, the biggest train-
ing maneuver since World War IL
t Tn tj-
IX. Gen. Jofia Hodge, director Of
the games, said the 43rd and 23th
Dwight D. Eisenhower' European
defense force in Europe this fall,
got "tremendously valuable" field
exwrimm i I
w " j ; ft ' .
Xhe boys have behaved them-
..tiM kA.nili.n iiim
He reported the maneuvers, which cloth and napkins embroidered in
involve more than 100,000 troops color, Mrs. D. L. Williams; table cloth
and airmen OVer the rolling, nine- napkins- trimmed ta lace. Mrs.
., . ,TT,, " j Williams; table or lunch cloth. Xlnora
topped Carolina sandhills, had pedersen; table or lunch cloth crochet
been worth five times the effort ed. Mrs. Iva Buell; centerpiece em
and money DUt into them." broldered In white and in color. Mrs.
. rrr"' . Williams: doilies crocheted. Mrs. Elmer
I think they have gotten about Chsptn; Monmouth; doilies embroider
every thing in i the book i in these ottiUa Atwater. Monmouth: doilies
maneuvers." HMra aHHwf embroidered in color, Ottilia Atwater.
maneuvers, xiooge aaded. Uay cioths embroidered. Ottflie At-
He meant the troops, especially water; buffet sets crocheted. Mrs. Jo
the two f-wmanv-Kn, Jeffery. Dallas: sofa pillow: EInora
Tjf m.-iTi Tt. j it
national guard, divisions, had been
trained in all tactical phases-
such as attacks, withdrawals, and
airborne movements o men and
supplies. I - I
i The tactical phases Were con -
trolled by umpires Who set up si-
tuations which the Soldiers may
wwv uufruca wvuui ict nit; aggres
sor isolate entire regimental com
bat teams to test their resource
fulness. The general said there
were a "lot o things that I saw
which can be corrected in about
10 minutes in battle." He was re-
Yerrin in th fail- .t it
ierring lO Uie failure pf all the
when they were confronted by th
uwa n mujc protective cover
. enemy- mies. lie pointed out
that no sound device! such as
loudspeakers, would i create the
realism of actual bullets falling
near troops. " i I
i HTJLTS To Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
ivin Hults, 698 N. High st, Sa
lem, a son, Sunday, August 26, at
aiem Memorial hospital.
I BIOKMAN To Mr and Mrs.
James Blackman, 258? N. 5th st,
Salem, a daughter, Sunday, Aug
ust 28, at Salem General hospi
tal. 5 . j i
! j
I I- t f va
together: with sincere desire to render genuine)
service In your time) of need. These) most Important
details ant offertd to every family we serve and ths
cost of the funeral la determined entirely by the
famify. j I "
Sp--rje--- y (Tf
Church at Ferry
Final Results
MONMOUTH. Aug. 28 Com
pleted results of Judging events at
the Polk county fair, which dosed
" jTSrr , "t13
Bounced. They include:, ;
Ttmm art
basket of trmt mannaL Jo
nw Rogers. inatpnqence; best
of snut arrangement. Strav Jotut
tr. Monmouth. . -.- c' 4'" . t..
Corsages Cones, sirs. Norman Bak
r. Dallas: leathers. Mrs. Baker, and
materials other than frcab Covers. Sirs.
( Virr Davis. Falls City. 4
Artiftic arrangements of dnr nutrri.
ala Dining tab centermeee. Mrs.
I Baiter: between meal table center
I puce, Betty dm. Independence; boi-
i ie arrangeaaestt. Mrs. vinru uana:
mantel arrangement. Mrs. Daris., and
I coffee table arrangement. Mrs. Baker.
Wat. mIm CHIt tl A
Cabby. Sa.em route 1. and landscaDo
or manna, Paul Besouglofx. Monmouth. I
landscape or marine. Marr A. Libbr.
and portrait. Mary A. Libbr. pencil or
pea tkitcbes--Landscape or marine.
iunict uranai, saiera route a.
portrait. Mary A. Lioby.
Amateur photography Views. Xbtora
Pedersen. Rickreail; color Views. Wai
Barth. Dallas: best tinted vlew.Heck:
ter nee a. Monmouut; beat view, John
beat portrait. lOnora Pedersen: best
still Hfe. John Barth.
Ceramics Best bowl w.rin
iRickreau: vase. Norman O. Baker. Dai
I las And ficurln. Mrs. Allie Bennaem.
jomijoii, Salem route S. Beat piastlc
article. Dnora Pedersen. Rickreail.
Hobby Best collection. Mrs. Norman
Baker. Dallas, and doll hobby. Mrs.
J. M. O'Brien. Independence. !
.Home eaaemics. textflss: f
DotnesUe art Dresser sleeve aoron.
Mrs. J. H. Neufeld. Rickreail; sleeve
teas work apron. Mrs. Trances Keater.
Monmouth; fancy apron, Mrs. K ester;
child's fancy dress. Mrs. j Kenneth
Keyt, Perrydale; child's coatt Kather-
ine Ataip. Dallas: baby outfit. Mrs. L.
Soue. ssiem rout S: chud'a can. Mrs.
Alton Upmeyer. Monmouth: other ao-
ipaxei arucie. xora xueoentnai. Mon
mouth; knitted dress. Mrs. Ira BuelX.
Dauas: knitted socks. Mrs. X. W. S lasts.
Monmoutn: Knitted scarf or ahawL
Mrs. John. Moicnaar. Penvdale: cro
cheted sweater. Otttlio At water. Mon
mouth; crocheted apron. Mrs.; Joe J ci
lery. Dallas: chrocheted child's dress.
Mrs. Clarence Cranford. Dallas; hand
I baa. Mrs. Edward Moetnaar; handker
chiefs. Mrs. George Van San ten. Perry-
dale; pot holders. Xlnora Pedersen;
embroidered -dresser scarf. Mrs. R. K.
Emerson. Monmouth; trimmed dresser
scarf. Ottilia Atwster; other dresser
bed set. lace trimmed. Mrs. D. i- wu -
I Hams. Monmouth; bed spread cro-
f014 Addle Harmon Xndepndance;
S towS Zrl
sen: cotton quilt, appiiqued. Mrs. Ira
?uTn ?5fL
e-' Mr-Brn.
taa; other quut or comforter. Oscar
KetVy. DaCas: puiow cases lace trim-
ned. ra. Ira Davis, Mbnmouttu sallow
cases cut work. XJnors Pedersen; pU-
low eases embroidered. Mrs. A. D.
Monmouth; pUlow eases appUqued. Mrs!
"WUhama: bedroom rue crocheted. Mrs.
B. Sweron. Monmouth; bedroom
hooked, Xatberine Alaip, Dallas:
I bedroom ruf braided, ranees Kester.
( Monmouth: bedroom ruf woven. Mrs.
i..... tj.i - ...... i i.
Pedersen; chair sets. Mrs. Jeffery;
other sofa pillow, Mrs. Kenneth Keyt.
Perrydale; table runner. Karoiine sy
verson. Independence: crocheted speci
men. Mrs. Buell; tatting spedman. Mrs.
D. L. Williams: French and eyelet em
broidery, Ottilie Atwater; other em
1 ?rIr7- t.-'Z
specimen. Mrs. Norman Baker; Preach
i knots. Mrs. A D. Campbell, and Sam-
Best bird house. Betty Ann Cline. In.
dependence; best mechanical- device.
Bertram Copp. Dallas; foot stool. David
Carleson. Rickreail; lamp pedestal.
Charles Kinkaid. Salem route 1: flight
model job. Lee Hart. Salem route. 1;
glider model. Allan Meissner, Salem
route 1 .... i
I MODDy collection uesi tour or mc
entries. Harry GUlam. Dallas route 1.
Hobby collection Best four lor mora
I school exhibit nest wors: aone o
I " elementary school. Oak Point schi
Marraal arts Best painted picture.
May Tate. Perrydale; crayon work,
Verda Wall, Perrydale: best print Psul
Besougloff, Monmouth; ceramie pro
duct. Pamela Wyatt. West I Salem;
plaques. Dorothy East, Dallas: metal
work. Barbara Knox. Monmouth, and
best photography, Bertram Copp. Dal
las route 1. vM
JarvenUe orranizatioaa:
Boy Scouts Best troop project, troop
3S, Monmouth. I
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 -(-The
defense department; today
identified 191 additional combat
casualties of the Korean war. The
list (No. 384) included 23 killed
in action, 128 wounded. 15 miss
ing, 21 Injured and four died of
Fhone J-91 27
Santiam Coiiple
One of the last families te leave fishers Camp in the threatened Saauam Caajoa area was Jlnt Wardle
and his wife Camilla. They, like many ether residents ef the area, left the danger area Smndar. The
War dies pH lined te drive the track. titnins ail their aaiUauriaca, te Hecal stiver where they faramexty
readed. (Statesaaaa pfeete.) (Stery mm pace ene.)
Harriman Says
Iran Solntioh
Still Possible
LONDON, Aug. 26-WVW. Av
erell Harriman, President Tru
man's roving ambassador, said to
night he Is 'much disappointed'
over the breakdown in Anglo
Iranian oil talks in Tehran bat
expressed the belief there is stOl
"a bassis for settlement"' '
Harriman flew to London from
Bled, Yugoslavia, via Paris. ' He
conferred with Yugoslav Premier
Marshal Tito on military and eco
nomic needs of Yugoslavia.; Har
riman had flown to Bled, where
Tito has his summer residence,
1 from Tehran after the breakdown
of the Iranian oil talks.
He will discuss the Iranian situ
ation, with British officials during
the two days he expects to be in
London before proceeding te
Washington to report to President
"I was much disappointed that
the talks came to an impasse m
Tehran,' he said m ar news con
ference at the airport "I believe
there is a basis for a settlement
and I hope that the talks may be
resumed under circumstances
where there can be a practical
discussion of problems that are
still unsolved.
Harriman said the "considerable
progress' made in efforts to work
out a smooth takeover of the na
tionalized billion dollar Anglo-
Iranian Oil Co. by Iran should not
be underestimated.
There is a great deal of emotion
in Iran." he added, "and under
these circumstances, negotiations
are made difficult"
Harriman spent only an hour in
Boy Hurt in Fall
- From Hayloft
Statesaaaa News Service ;
MT. ANGEL Norman Fischer,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Fischer, Mt AageL suffered
head cut and chest injuries of un
determined seriousness Sunday ai
ternoon when he fell 30 feet from
a hayloft
He was playing In a barn at
Hall's farm, picnic spot two miles
east of here, while at a Foresters
picnic. He is being held at Sal
verton hospital for observation and
treatment I
You'll get a wcrve far more liko
trr vm m
fl fill vli3
: SUJS tax
1 :
a li . ' KJ
. - J-
Tfff ouisitttr cotsn
mrzicju ctimt Ssuwcs
i tafc
Evacuate Belongings by Truck
Lt. Frees Takes
Altitude Flight'
How !t feels to "fly" at 40,000
feet altitude is one of the recent
additions to the knowledge pf Lt
Norman W. Frees, jr, Salem navy
pilot. at the San Diego naval air
Frees, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
Frees, 1643 Court st. took the
"flight" in one of the navy's huge
ow pressure chambers at the sta
tion, as pert of the instruction in
the use of high altitude breathing
equipment used in navy planes.
Driver Gted
After Wreck
Minor damage to twe autos and
citation for one driver resulted
from a two-car collision on North
Capitol at D street Sunday after
noon, city police reported.
Police said both autos were
traveling north on Capitol street
when a coupe driven by Fred. C
Kruse, 130 Bush st, stopped at
a traffic signal when the collision
occurred. Driver of the other
auto, Virginia C Boyd, 201S Fair
grounds rd, was cited by police
on a -charge of following too close,
causing an accident
The Kruse car was damaged
sliehtlv in the fear, the Bovd auto
sustained damage to the front end
and' body, police said.
NEW DELHI, India, Aug. 28-
(aVA railroad accident In Nagra
kata In northwest Assam today
killed seven persons and injured
24 others, reports received here
said. Heavy rains had washed out
the ground under the track.
Overhead Deer Co.
Of the Willamette Valley
For Free Estimates ,
Phone Day or Night
Salem Albany - Corvallia.
' v
- A
New Duties, 1
Awards Given
To Navy Men
New duties and awards for mid-
WilL'jnette valley men in the navy
were revealed by fleet news re
leases this week nd.
Oswald I. Purdy, airman ap
prentice, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Purdy of Valsetz, has been as
signed to air anti - submarine
squadron 21 at San Diego naval
air station. It is training for duty
aboard an aircraft carrier in the
Pacific fleet.
Leo c. bmitn, airman appren
tice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C
Smith of Albany, is a student at
the- aviation storekeeper's school
at the navy's air technical training
center in Jacksonville, Fla. He
enlisted last December after at
tending Oregon State college.
For outstanding service and fi
delity over three years, Thomas
O. Williams, Jr aviation chief
erdnanceman of Lebanon, has
been presented the navy good con
duct medal. He is assigned to air
ana-submarine squadron 21 la the
forward area of the Pacifie.
Europe's weather Is generated
In the Iceland area.
a oaxASS or oft rtosuat . .
tlAiWtOOf KTttS WU
rtovf ths coioarw. doxasu.
atcASStoov AMSWts errm
TTfiCAi fcansg tcoMoerf anb
iMixrnittn iAiaiTSJUMCa
P,.., , ,.t 1 y .
- r r 1 "
1 tyfi
The &3tekman. Solatia. Oregon,
Fairto Op
en at
4-H House in
By IiHIe I Madsea '
- raraa cVhlar. Th Statasmsn
AL&ANYi The 4-H house for
Una county i was put completely in
order Spy Sunday tor the annual
Linn County 4-H fair to open to
day and close Wednesday night
with the market livestock auction,
reported H. Joe Myers, 4-11 exten
sion agent , . -t-
W alter Shelby of Albany will be
general superintendent of live
stock. ISwine! Judging will start at
1:30 pjn. today. Earl Drury of Falls
City will judge the swine.
In charge Of the sheep division
win be Henry Kbrk of Halsey and
Claude Steusloff of Salem win
Judge i them. Judging of sheep
showmanship; will start Tuesday
morning at 9:30. Assisting with the
dairy show wiU be Bob Schmidt,
Albany; Jim Ruby, Scio, Karl Ar
nold. Albany Snd Lester Estegard,
namsourg, wiia nay xiooson ox
Amity- as dairy judge. Judging of
the dairy showmanship will be
Wednesday at 9 20 ajn. with dairy
judging to start at 11 o'clock.
Douglas Chambers of Salem will
judge beef cattle and assisting with
beef cattle show will He L. J. Cst
chell, and Marvin Morin, Lebanon.
In charge of poultry is to be Gene
Nygreni Albany, with T. E. Fox,
CorvaHis to judge. Judging of
poultry has been set for Tuesday
st 2 o clock, with beef showman
snip and beef Judging at 4 o'clock
The rabbit show promises to be
quite large, and judging win start
at 1:15 Tuesday with Karl Kurt-
singer: of Albany as judge.
In the canning and gardening di
visions women club leaders have
taken charge with Mrs. Frank
Coveyk Albany, overseeing the
canning division; Mrs. Ruth Tap
per, Albany, the vegetable garden
ing. and Mrs. jOma Mackie, Tan
gent the flower division. The veg
etable j and crop judging with the
canning demonstrations and con
tests wul
start at 9:30 a.m.
The climax of the fair wul be
the 9th annual market livestock
auction with Frank: Zarones as
auction manager. Preceding the
auction the general parade and
presentation of special awards will
be held, approximately at 7:30
Wednesday night The auction it
self Is scheduled for I pjn. Wed
nesday. Dan Roth Is to be the
auctioneer. Listed to be sold are
47 hogs, 68 sheep and 17 beef
animals. Chambers, who Is judg
ing beet will serve as offieial
grader for an fat animals offered
for the auction.! To enter the auc
tion ring animals must grade good
or better. "
air1'' ..
.Ubany Today
lence w comfort underfoot-its
TroCTs laaes ond dportnwttol hurt lee ore a
simple awssilMtHy wiHi KeatOe's bxiivWwal
tOee and the ohorotteeo year expandMa bt-
i --t-j; - - - 1
aees wi3 require are o9y perfermed at aay
lliisa Is ewy ar4a,e
infltfceearffc, KeaiHo wO out-wr any eifcif
el miliesst noorjwj w
fhaat eccosiofsel aeoppiog
bet eteaomy,
dmoAKfty is . ..-COCO EUSNS."
Monday. Ancust ,27. 3
Auto Demolished,
Driver Injured in
Crash at Brooks"
An auto was demolished and the
driver treated for face land heed
cuts after coSJskm with a truck
and trailer south of ; Brooks early
Sunday morning, state police re
ported. , . lit - ,
Injured was Charles Reese. Tan
gent Driver of the: truck-trailer
was Joseph Dansky, i Wood burn
route 1. police saidJ No citations
were listed. i M
Plan Wcdlc End
1 1
Salem Chemeketans: plan a
camping trip September 1 to 8
to Devil's Garden camp ground
west of Sparks lake on the Cen
tury drive near Bend, j
On Sunday, September 2, climb
ers in the group win hike to
Green Lakes and I win climb '
Broken Top mountain, j Those of
the party not wishing; to climb
may hire to ureen lor Moraine
lakes at the foot of Sov'ja Sister.
The public was Invited to make
the trip. Those wishing to go may
register at zu . commercial st.
by Wanes Goodnca
"IH wealt fufl mtnute f er Mrt
Cwtworw to answer. He's be)
In tho garden cutting ftow.
rs. . .Folks can't always get
to the telephone right away..t
so please give theraitims to
answer . . .Pacific Telephonex
: S
KeotlU's resA-
Cmititss coles?
XM ft)- "
pleosina to view
J L0"3
tt TETL5