The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1951, Page 8, Image 8

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    f The. Ctedsrsiera. Salem, Oreean,
Barbata Sundet
Roger Wagner
To Marry
Wedding bells wCl ring oa Sat
urday, November S for blonde
Barbara Sundet and Roger Wag
ner, whose engagement and forth
coming marriage was revealed at
smartly arranged dessert bridge
party for which the bride-elect
was hostess Saturday afternoon at
230 o'clock at the East State street
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Sundet. The bridegroom-to-be
is the youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Z. Wagner.
Miss Sundet. a popular member
of the young set. Is a graduate of
Salem schools and received her
degree at the University of Oregon
in June. She is a member of PI
Beta Phi sorority, serving as pres-
. ident of her house this past year.
She is an active member of tne
Salem Spinsters. She is now -employed
at the state highway com
mission. Mr. Wagner is also a graduate
of Salem schools and Oregon State
college. He took graduate work at
the University of Oregon this past
year and also studied and traveled
in Europe two years ago. tUM rrs
ternitr is Phi Delta Theta. Mr.
Wagner is now manager of the civ
il service office in Portland.
The betrothal news and wedding
date was revealed em miniature
dvil service personnel forms,
which marked places for the
guests. Attending the announce
ment party were Mrs. J. T. Sundet,
Mrs. Charles E. Wagner, Miss
Margaret Wagner, Mrs. Vernon H.
Drye, Miss Mary Sundet, Mrs. Hu
bert Williamson, Mrs. James 8.
Phillips, Mrs. Harold Schick, Mrs.
' Thomas A. Roberts, Jr., Mrs. Rich
ard Gahlsdarf. Mrs. Alton Cham
berlain, Mrs. Ernest Hobbs, Mrs.
Frank Brown, Mrs. New bur y
Close, Mrs. John M. Fitzmauriee,
Mrs. Courtney Jones, Mrs. Edward
Salstrom, Mrs. Theodore nook.
Miss Sally Barr. Miss Joan Voigt
and Miss Patricia Brock.
Stoto President
Fotcd by FOE
The highlight In meetings for
the month of August for Willam
ette auxiliary of the Fraternal Or
' der of Eagles was a congratulation
party honoring the new state ma
dam president, Ruth Fletcher of
Albany, and the state champion
ladies drill team of Albany. Other
ladies seated with. the honored
guests were state outside guard.
Lois Robbinson of Dallas, and state
lodge mother, Mrs. Winn of Al
bany. The receDtion committee for the
evening consisted of the Salem of
ficers who presided over the in
stitution of Albany auxiliary in
1937 and the state madam presi
dent. They were Mrs. Minor Lew
Is, Mrs. Floyd Smith. Mrs. Pearl
Harland, Mrs. Sam Eshleman, Mrs.
Reva Davidson, Mrs. Frank Mar
shal; and Mrs. Ruth Fletcher, state
madam president.
The Albany drill team In full
uniform performed the opening
and closing ceremonies.
The evenings was concluded with
the serving of refreshments and
the showing of music of the drill
competition In Klamath Falls.
Whlta Cotton
Pink FeatherAIsM
A Cc 12-11
B Gas IZ-lt
Cap SS-49
Ffcnty Frca Pcrkinj
Whita Rayon h -
Satin - ' . vlY ! O' V Here's a secret well shout
Nyloe) Taffeta yZ-sJ " eawfinewwa circle arW (rtot
T . -vv I ' before) four perfectly cut
. - bust sections are sewn to-
' ' - f V-S-j - - ' oetherl Gives you e fesh-
f : iu illTSrV 1 "e, accentuated uplift.
Zsaadaj. An7ttt 23, 1 til-
" -:
JMx. and Mrs. Rlchofd Franklin Dennis (Donna Menlzer)
whoso wedding was an Went of August 18 at the) First Coo
gregatianal ctwrcfa. Thelbrida Is tho daughter of Mrs. Mar
Jorle Bonier Menlzer and the granddaughter of the Harley L.
Beaters, where the reception was held. The groom is the son
cl!Mrs. Jexom4 & Parxr
nis of Portland. Th couU will Hve in ScotxmenicC Oesten
Millerl. l f '
Church Rites
Baskets of white and yellow
gladioluses banked the altar ef the
First Church of the Nazarenel Sat
urday night for the wedding of
Miss I Ruth Irene Pardo, daughter
of Mrs. Theresa Sikorra and Wil
liam i JL Pardo, who became the
bride of Thomas C Hardwick, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardwfck of
Booths Point, Term. The S o'clock
double ring ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. Eugene L.
Stow. ... "I j .
Miss Pauline Petticord sang and
Miss Verlene Ericksen was the so
loist. Lighting the tapers were Miss
Jeanette Gilmour and Miss Kathy
Shank, who wort: aqua formals.
Of jvory slipper' satin was the
bridal gown made with a marquis
ette yoke and long sleeves edged
in lace. The skirt was fashioned
with tiers of the lace cascading
from i the waistline in back to the
end of the train. An orange blos
som headdress held in place her
fingertip veil. She carried aibou-
quet of stephanotis centered; with
a white orchid, t
Carry Flowered Lamps
Kiss Patricia McCorkle of Eu
reka, Calif- was the honor imaid
and wtre a yellow taffeta frock
with lace bodice, i She carried a
flowered lamp of green and wMte.QTTj CALCIDAH
gladioluses centered with a candle.) ZfJ
The bridesmaids were sisters of I i2hL. .blii
the bride? Miss Donna Pardo, and taJiwSSadK
, l-l -O r Z perfect circular stitched bra!
' V . - f"J.' ' , Charmode circular stitched
- Scix-5 I ' venu,,lce contour!
Shop f.'nu and
lues.. Wed. Thurs
the twins, Miss Marie and Miss
Margaret Pardo, all wearing mist
green taffeta and lace - dresses.
They carried flowered lamps of
yellow and white gladioluses ce
tered with candles. Shirley Sikor
ra, also sister of the bride, was
the flower girl and she wore a
yellow frock. . ? k
Everett Duckett of indepen
dence was his cousin's best man
and ushers were James Hardwick,
Jack Hardwick, jr- brothers of the
groom, Joe Pugh, Ray Doranand
William Brickeen.
For. her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Sikorra wore an aqua gown with
orchid corsage. The grooms par
ents were unable to come west for
the ceremony. ,
A reception followed in the
church -annex. Mrs. James Hard
wick poured and Mrs. Jack Hard
wick, Jr, cut tne cake. Assisting
were Misses Kathy Haskins, Mar
lerte Wolverton, Joyce Wright, Je
anne Girrard, Ann Haskins, Peg
gy Hamilton, Mrs. William Brick
een and Mrs. Delmar Kl assert. -
For traveling the bride changed
to a deep wine tailleur with grey
accessories. . The newlyweds will
make their home In Coos Bay.
lodge and Mrs. James T. Brand
have been vacationing at Breiten
bush the past week. Mrs. Brand
left Saturday morning for Coos
Bay to attend the wedding of Miss
Ann McGeorge that evening.. She
is spending the weekend there as
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James
FrL123 to 9 P. 1.1
Sat 13 A. t.i 6 P. M. 1
Brides-Elect Reveal Plans for
Early: September
September wedding plans are
elect this weekend. Miss Marian Andre Carson, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Grant Carson, and Robert John Havenick, son of
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Havenick of Everett, Wash, will be married on
Saturday night. September S at St. Paul's Episcopal church.
The Bev. George H. Swift will perform the 8 o'clock nuptials. Ed
ith Fairhian Gunnar will be the
soloist and Miss Ruth Bedford the
organist. lighting the tapers win
be. Miss Merle Bhoten and Miss
Donna Palmer cf Pend. ;:" v.:'
Miss Ann Carson wEl be her
cousin s honor maid and brides
maids wfil be Miss Patricia Flora
of Albany and Mrs. Albert Miles.
Robert Millard of Everett will
stand with the groom-elect as best
man and ushers include ward
Dunbar of Seattle, James Miller of
Portland, Allan Carson, jr., bro
ther of the bride-to-be, and Wal
lace Carson, jr, a cousin the bride-
elect, i -J- . V -.
The wedding reception will fol
low in the garden of the South
Church street home of the Allan
Canons. -
Miss Dorothy Cannon and Earle
Eshleman wiU .be married at an
afternoon ceremony on Saturday,
September S at the First Congre
gatkmal church. The bride-elect is
the daughter of Mrs. O. A. Cannon
and the late Mr. Cannon and .her
fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam B. Eshleman. i
Dr. Seth Huntington wul oer-
form the 4 o'cliock nuptials and a
reception will follow in the fire
place room. Miss Gwen Fry and
Miss Norma Canfleld will light the
tapers. i
Mrs. Solon Shinkle. fr. will be
her sister's honor matron and Miss
Bernics) Imlaa and Miss Alice Gi-
rod the bridesmaids. Flower girls
wiu do nancy Humphreys and
Nancy Boberta. s
Robert Meaney win serve as best
man and groomsmen are Douglas
Rogers and Solon Shinkle, ir. Ush
ers wffl be Robert FearsalL Gor
don Sloan and Ray Crittenden.
Taawher-aUggs '
The First Evangelical United
Brethren church will be the scene
of the wedding of Miss Diane
Riggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl H. Riggs and Claude A. Vau-
cher, son of Dr. and Mrs. Edouard
M. Vaucber of Geneva, Switzer
land, on September S. Dr. Paul
Petticord of Jennings Lodge, as
sisted by the Rev. Wilmer M
Brown, will perfoim the S o'clock
ceremony. Willard . Friesen and
Miss Connie' Nickey will sing with
William raws: the organist.
Miss LoroaT Sizes wul be her
sister's honor attendant and Mrs.
Carl Beach and Miss Barbara
Wood the bridesmaids. Miss Sallr
Jo and Miss Nickki Sue King, twin
daughters ox the Joseph Kings of
Portland, will be Junior brides
snaids. Cheryl Unruh win be the
A Schhinger& Co. Exclusive,
Gcttiag to know Culyz's new Tweed Tone.
Full skirted dress hugged bj jersey waistband
and topped by a relvetecn bolero.
:. . v 'A CatIv Custom Oatt ''" ' ::
See covcx Scpternbcjr Harper's juniox bazaas.
Carlye, St Louisl j Sizes 7 to 15.
beintf revealed by three brides
flower girl and Paul Dobbe the
ring bearer.7 -u
Raymond vaucher of Geneva,
Switzerland, win be bis brother's
best man. Gene Quinn jrm be the
groomsman and tishers will be
the groomsman and ushers wffl be
Robert and David Riggs. Merlin
Adamson and Ben Tavghlin, -
A reception win I allow at the
home of the bride's cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Unruh, on North
18th street.
Garden Tea to
Honor Mrs.
Turner .
One of -the larger social events
of the cceninx week wfll be the
garden tea for which Mrs. Henry
Hansen and Mrs. Bruce Williams
wfil be hostesses on , Wednesday
afternoon at the former's South
High street residence. The affair
Is being arranged in compliment to
Mrs. wmiamsr-sister-in-law, Mrs.
Frank Turner, who plans to leave
next week with her two daughters
for Germany to Join Captain Tur
ner, who is stationed at Frankfort.
"Assisting' in receivins with the
hostesses and honor guest win be
Mrs. Turer's mother, Mrs. Fred A.
Williams. A large group of friends
have been bidden to call between
3 ,and ff o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door win
be Mrs. Bruce Spaulding and Mrs.
Loring Schmidt Assisting wfll be
Mrs. James C Stone and Mrs. Co-
burn Grabenhorst. r
Presiding at the tea urns wfll be
Mrs. Robert L Elfstrom, Mrs.
George E Waters and Mrs. George
Rossman. At the punch bowl will
be Mrs. Otto Skopfl, Jr, and Mrs.
Seth Payson Smith. Serving in the
garden wfil be Mrs. Charles Pom
eroy, Mrs. Charles . Gray. Mrs.
Wililam L. Phillips, Mrs. James R.
Phillips,, Mrs. Don Phillips, Mrs.
Jack Price, Mcs. Patricia Dicapito
and Miss Jocelyn Davis.
Few Cerners Te Mr. and lira.
Raymond. Munger (Inez Hovey)
was born a daughter on August 20
at the. Salem General hospital. She
has been named Rose Ann and the
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S.
D. Hovey; of Four Corners, Mr.
and Mrs. Guy E. Munger, Salem.
Great-grandfather is John Katzen-
berger ox Palouse, Wash. : ;
Two Surprise
Two surprise parties and house-
warmings, were on the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips
were honored by a group of their
friends at a surprise party Satur
day night at their new home on
Ewald avenue in South Village. A
no-host midnight supper was serv
ed after an Informal evening. The
group presented a gift to the am
ple. ; . :.:.;.. ,:
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William L
Phillips, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Gahlsdort Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Roberts, Jr Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Johnson, Mrs. Roger M. SchnelL
ana ur. ana Mrs. Harold Schick.
A group of friends surprised Dr.
and Mrs. Otto Kraushaar at a
housewarming party Saturday
night They recently moved Into
their hew home on East Leff eUe
street which they purchased from
tne James Hawortbs. A late sup
per was served and an informal
evening enjoyed by the group.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Bmr Uft
Saturday for a ten day trip to
British Columbia. Enroute they
wfll stop in Seattle to visit with
DPV Dinner at i
Savcgs Homo
The country home of Miss Ma
bel Savage on the Garden road
wiU be the scene of the recreation
al meeting of the Salem Business
and Professional Women's club
on Tuesday night A no-host pic
nic supper wui be served in the
garden at C30 o'clock and mem
bers are asked to bring their own
table service.
Heading the recreation commit
schooi sumo
file toiTHTitdlMnro
famous American collection
of fall coats and
exclusively ours!
(7 fa
tee In charge of the affair are Mrs.
Chirks Forrette and Mrs. Paul I
Heath, co-chairmen, i Miss Edna,'
Mciahaney Is chairman of the hoe-
pitality' committee - making J sx
rangements for the picnic dinner.
Mrs. George Abbett and
George, Jr,' of Antioch, Calif, are
arriving in the capital today for a
week's visit at the home of her
brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and
Mrs. Leon Barrick. ' j
y '
09-415 Court St.
X09-4I5 Court Sf.