o o o ; r . . Headed Fo .: - r , - ' ' n The State Fair.:. i i : ! . 1 u Women i Society S; Gluts e. T f w 1 1 v .V. 1 .- i . . , . .... s .. ' ' .: Mrs. Collis lohnson of Portland and Salem pictured above driving her fine harness mare, Stonewall King's Breath of Heaven, which she will enter at the nighty horse show at the state fairgrounds stadium beginning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. lohnson will ride in several of the ; events during the week. 0. A- McOasky photo). - fi- 1 , " . . M I x i bection Music Pi 8j Lr3 I ; i - j ( 1 1 1 4 v t i n n : - M - I . f 1 j. - - f s - . v-' V , v- r r x - .v.- I iKi V !' . I: I. 'T ";r -"i Admiring Spun Silk, a Junior live gaited mare from the Green' Valley'; sta- bles, owned by the Gollis Johnsons, ore left to right Miss Margaret Wag ner, Mrs. Robert Needham, Tuck Hlggins, manager of the stables, fcndiMrs. Reynolds Allen. Eight of !the Johnsons horses will be shown 1 at the nightly horse shows. The! stables are ideally situated on the Silverton road opposite the fairgrounds. (Kennell-Elhs photo). " "' 4 ? ; l i u fc .. . 9 . j- i ' r T A U I U M Trying to settle on a "winner" are a group of - young ma trons, who will be among the hundreds of . Salem -folk- attending . the daily ras at Lone Oak race tuck during the state fair. Left to 'right in one of the boxes ' in . the grandstand are . Mrs. Rollin Haag, Mrs. Roger M. &3inell,-Mrs. Earl Bogaxdus, Mrs. James R. Pliillips, Mrs. John H. Johnson and ? Mrs. Robert, W. Gorm setL QCe nh e 1 1-E 1 1 1 s photo). y ' if r . . i . . ! -v - - - V : ."' 'A V - - ;r . . J ' -I r.- -?vyAVsn- ' t - ' . ' v ' - . 11 i vrVr ' 4 iW '. H--.:-.. ,.,,,-.:.. .'!' V 1 ! - - . . - - - . t - - j-.-T .( . A - J 0 0 - 1 4 : . Even in busy times housewives find . time to bake a cake for ' the state fair 'culinary department and no ex-, ception to tills is Mrs.; Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, who will enter one of her fa- . mous angel food cakes this year. After beating the egg wliiteti on a platter with wia whip , Mrs. McKay Is shown about to add tho sugar, a tablespoon at a time. Mothers end chidren will b a familiar scene along the midway during state fedr week. One of fh beauty spots "on the fairgrounds is th fountain and pool in front of the stadium with zinnias adding much color to" the set : tng. Sealed before the fountain 'ere Lcring Schmidt; Jr., Casey dinger, 'Mrs. Karold Olinger, 1-irs.Icring Schmidt, ."Ectby. Schmidt end Susan C&ger. (Kennell-Ellis phcto). . . . - ' ' A "t the lft are1 the i Jochimsen sisters, , 1 SondraJ and Suzanne, . . daughters cl the Her f ; man C Jochlmsens, ! who have boen practic-: j " , ing making muilins and baking cakes, w h 1 c h tliey will enter at the ' state fair ctne Satur- . day. The children's di J " vision i3 grcwLig rtcre popular each year. - (ennell-EUia ph;tos) i