The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1951, Page 17, Image 17

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uoamauTH, Aug. 25 a cap
acity crowd estimated at : U0O0
helped close eut tbe 1931 PoU;
county fair here tonight."
A edal frosram cf cntertaln
Eoerit including iqoare danclnt and
iwritil TrttrnbcT was preset-ted at
A&2081 ra ctvstn lair
yadging results wGl appear ta
tht final show by tb Polk Cotsnty
Farmers Onion. - - -
PoJk fair goers termed the fair
gut 4f cbe most successful ta his
tory and described this years fruit
and weeetabla exhibits U on-
paralleled. -
v sta a
ii aniln beef tastter
r.r GMte-r. Dallas:
kW aialir division.
Clarence Grusvd sbw-
mHMf trophy. Cootey.
Ltttae. far fat hor. WaaaaS. US
bog, accakntd: Junior n. BalriW "
ta I-ai-re DrxtxS.
Junior cut. Eagen DUoa. atfloiaowm.
fcteaTlIli ewtbdsWn tVhMfhtN
Ewe. Dwrtr CnwrtM,
a Oiraa ewe- lambs.
market lamb. BtlH Ridden. Ia-
VJr,Hn.Un ana laffalk
ewe lamb. Irwla RiddeTLIa-
depuadenf. snarkat lamb, Done Cats,
ItoMatstb: pen of tkr w lambs.
"ZSZhS: market lamb. Hiebeatbei.
fSSSStrllM kmfar. Cool-
-s.M ai Asmta
Dm. m rr oeyer. '-.Vlda laaa
Camtt. taV-Unr: do 4f
Tim- ameeM oarrcn. uai "
Barbara Hamnn. inaepenoca;
tmltota. Hamann: chickens, Amartoaa
lam; eSctaM. Amsrtcaa. w. cockerel
and twa pullets. Garrett: i raaslars.
Garrett: turkey, one torn and . ene
young toaa. Carrett; ducto. "?l?f
ink and two younS hens. Donald
iWlens. Dallas.
. n.u f-Patatae
s one peek of market potatoes rrawa
nd aeleeted by etutt memoer. u
'Memmar Salem. -CUa
ai Vesetabl Oareate(
Helen Haranus. Perrydale.
Ciasar 123 SaewmiBshia Dairy
V Sha-Mnaaship. dairy Junior dtvlalon.
Marria KempeL Dallas: bowmaaabip.
dairy aeaior divlsioo. Ronald Kocera.
- . - - nr.h tmrt Rick
m..ll--mZmUn Kflifer. BttT ABB CUB,
Independence; senior heifer catt. Dick
Ley. Udepewdenoe; Junior heller eaU.
Bob Stewart. Rlekril. -
- - - ll.ii mmm m a- -
; cow. rviy - umi
carlin heifer. Larry Kaaie,
Amity: senior better can. Bicnaro nac
Sard. Sheridan. ' 5
Claas r3S laWlaj "J -
TimIIH mnfer. Ronald Rovers, ta
dtpcaSmrr; amtor beifer cab!. Ray
mond DsJoac, Amity; Junior bUar
eatt. etacara. .---,
Class UiAll Otktr Breeds -
Senior heifer eiK. IDe ben thai: Ju-
tor baiter eaB. wayna .Bono.
Cow. SUakatd. ysarlmf heifer, Cool
er: staar, Cooley.
CUM 141 Saddle Bens
Mara- aad colt, under one year, eolt
Aly we padsad. , Donnal Staptetoaa.
Dallas: esR. aver aa aam wider three
years at BwAer. Patricia Camp. Bher-
am". 4-u adMrricoNomct
irtrst place wtnaarsi
errauaa "...
a. atyra Simmons. RJekrean,
Bum blaster. Rickreall: canning X.
ftaadra Emerson. Sherldaa: caaaing 4.
Betty Jean Newton. Mofimoath.
. Sears eoateat: Lot 1. girls under IS.
Simmons; girls over 13. Emerson.
Jaa aad Jelly special. Emerson.
Spraekaw aufar contest. Emerson.
Kerr sanalng contest. Emerson.
vanuSa dree cookies. Rocer Bros-
sf anmouth: Donna Mccntra.
t. Salem: Nancy Savac. falls
City: ms Buat. route 1. saiam.
Ice boa cookies. Colleen Loucks and
WauMaa Lewcka. rout 1. Salem; J aha
Quiring, iwaie U DaUaa.
Four cm cakes: Clsora Coles. Amity:
Susan flamstreet. Perrydale, aad Lois
Bemy. Benas. .
Bdobm cake: Nancy Dauenhauar.
Amity: tCarrt MlscneL route L Sa
iam - -
Whit Srcad: Darfene Itaatey. Rick-
vaali: marietta EtzeL route L Dallas:
Sandra Bartet Independence; Sharon
Roainbami. Amity! '
ruin acran book; Kmer
Camp caokaryl J Ana Rogers, lads-
OotbTag 1A (Handwork): Wary
Bart. rtaBas; Judy Meisaner. Salem:
tiada Meyer. Salettij Karta Bradrick.
Salem: atartanne Ncursid. Rickreau.
OotasnS tB: Iris Uay Runt Salem:
Donna atcCajra, Salem; Georgia Ana
yaircWaa. tmOas.
Oothuc S: Mary McQueen. Dallas;
Eada Stralev. Rtckresll: Miss Hlebea-
thaL Jwdy Barnard. Dallas: Sharon
Raster. Rickreall: Mary Walt. Rick.
' Tea mil
Ootnma S-A: Dorothy Hermans. Ia-
Cmthmg S-B: Msxlaa rickeL Inde
peadeaca: Sf las Simmons: Darlcna Mas-
aey. Maeareau.
Clotbina' S-C?
Miss Emerson: Cat-
1in 1 ma-la Salem
Clotbiag -A: Miss Hsriand; Ruth
Carteaaa, Rlckresll.
Clotbiag 4-B: Shirley Straley. Rick'
Man. - .- -
Knintag (beginners): Miss McLaugh-
Bacbeter Sewing:
' - e s
Ronald Maachss.
Carloya ferguson. Sa-
baautlfl cation: Mia Garrett:
tervinj SaUnt end Vklny
s Funeral Clrecfsrs
: far 22 Ytsnl. -
' 'l :- ':-v- v-.'- -., :':,?
Convenient location, ft. Commercial
street; bus Cos; direct roup to ce no cross traf2e. tiew
ssodern building seating op ta
tZH. Ecrvicea within your means.
CZZ L Comrcsrcljil Ik
i a
TJruIaa- Taverna and VTrrinla.
apptarinf in tbe Helena Bushes -Tulip-Time Re-roe" Alone with a
complete line-up of outstaddinf stars, tbe 14-girl chorus win perforsi
Intricate routines la daszUnf costumes during nightly stage show at
ltSl Oresoa State Fair, ooenins in Salem on Saturday. September 1.
Ruth Ben thorn. Grand Rands.
Be Culture: Wesley Raster-, Rickrs
att, .r--- '
Beatth Centest " -
. Health posters (3rd aad 4th grades):
Larry Thompson., Perrydale; Nancy
Straley. RiekreaiU Davtd Hiebenthal;
Tbereas Cotes. ' : 9,
Posters (Sth and SU. grades): Mar
Jorle Mclintosh; , Dolores Stapleton;
Shirley Neufeld. j $
Posters (7th and sth grades): Lester
Massey: Louise Neufeld; Marvin Rem-
t . . a i;
. Rosa and flower Garden r Miss Hen
thorn, r i 4
4-H Claa Jadctng .11 '
good preparation: Sharon Rosenbalm,
Amity - - -
. clothing: Darlena Massey.
nemoastratfaa Ceeteste ,D '
Clothing: Ruth Carleaon. Rickreall.
cookery: asm jioscnoaim. mm
Emerson. ; - f .."i- -DITUIOlf
A Grtlas sad VegeUilet
Sheai grain, wheat. MielS Pedersen.
RickreaD; - sheal grmin. winter oata.
Jmunia McCrae. ? Mpmnoatn: aheat
rrain. spring cats, McCrae. sheet grain.
spring barley. Pederea: threshed
arain. rye. stccrae; neta poas. un-eao-
ed exhibit, McCrae: ebawmg Seacua.
thrashed axhlbn. atccrae; atta zeacue.
thrashed exhibit. leHoy A"
jwer. uwasbaa exauut. uump.uxw
pendenee: crimson clover. John Micek.
Independence; white eJorer. . thrashed
exhibit McCrae; English rya grass,
threshed exhibit. McCrae.- Hairy vetch,
lln exhibit. ( MeCrae: Sax. beat
Oisptay of sfaeaS and threshes Sax. afc-
wraa. - y t ,
Lsdhu clover aad grass, best tray of
growing pasture sod.- Cline; hybrid
com, Hanrey Young. Monmntb: aarty
Sweet corn, rrank Aaria,-Dallas: pop
corn, small. Young; popcorn, large.
Young; best three staTks of field corn.
Yoans: beans any variety C B. Holt
lUckreall: basts, any variety. Norman
Baker. Dallas; carrots, any T variety.
Baker: cucumoers aay ivanary. Aan
Campbell. Monmouth: iettaca, aay va
riety, Bella Rogers, jnacpenoence: an
ions, white variety. Cnaeji onions, any
colored variety. Mrs. H. R. McBea. Dal
las; peppers, aay variety, Mrs, Ed shal-
tenoerg, Dallas, v -. e ,. a
Tomatoes, any variety.! Batty Cline.
IiMiependence- puanpkias, ' any variety.
Mrs. H. R. McBee. Dailaa; Muash. long
variety. Mrs. Nick Psdsrsea. Rickreall:
squash, round variety. J. C Neil. Dal
las; muakmelons. any variety. Ehria
Pedersen. Rickreall; wstermeionv aay
variety. Pedoraen; vegetable display.
ten varieties. Batty Ana Cane. Iade
pendeaea: bast display pf , fire weed
boney comb, Bella Rogors.' Sadepca
dencs: best display of fire-weed honey
strslned. W. C. Kester. Rickreall: best
display of valley boney comb. W. C
Kester. Rickreall; best display of val
ley honey, extracted. Raster; beat farm
noma beauUncattaa display. Mrs. Shel-
tensers. - ;
Community booths. Mt. Plsgab Farm
ers Union; best decorated sei lea dub
booth. Perrvdala - Good Will club:
booth depictiag work of Polk county
home economics extension serrica,
Mrs. Wilma Young. Morunouth: booth
depicting work ex Polk county rural
federated womana club, Mrs, Lucille
Lams, Monmouuv; i -
DIVISION C-erUevJtare ! t
King apples, single tray : exhibit
Parry and Jack Wells. Independence;
Jonathans, single tray exhibit. E. A.
Bennett Dallas route I: SpiUen bergs,
sLagle tray exhibit Bennett; Spltaen
bergs. throe tray exhibit. Bennett;
Winter Banana, single tray exhibit.
Wells; Yellow Newton. stngie tray,
Bennett: three tray, Bennett: Deli
cious, single tray. Bennett: three tray,
Bennett; Yellow Delicious, single tray.
A. H. Craven. Monmouth: Oruey, sin
gle tray. Ray Tibbeta. Sheridan: Crav
emtelns. single tray. A. B. Sacra. Man
month: Roma Beauty. Ttbbets: any
other variety, single tray. Harvey
Young, Monmouth; Baruett: pears,
single tray. Craven; Bosc. single tray.
Bennett: Anjou. sintle tray, Frank
Alsip, Dallas route : Com lea. sing)
tray. Alsip: Clairrsau. Wells; Crawford
peaches, single tray. LeBoy Cliaa. In
dependence: tUbartas. , sine) tray.
Sacre; Concord grapes, best .'display,
at least two baskets. Weils; White
.. mZiui T- 4rfB,.r '
f f v
trio of kUh-stepplnC dancers
Sweetwater grapes, best display, ana
basket. Harvey Young; blackberries,
best display, two baskets. Aldp; boy-
sen berries, cone; loganberries, cume;
Italian prunes, dried, single tray.
Aktip: Italian prunes, green. J. .
Johnson. Dallas route Z; petite prunes.
green. Alsip; Silver prunes, green.
Alsip; rranquetle, two pounds, Harvey
Young: atayette. two pounds, wens;
Barcelona filberts, two pounds, ' Grace
Sacre. Monmouth: IXiclulU ruberts,
two pounds, Sacre; best display ' or
nuts, not leas than four varieties in
two-pound quantities. Young.
- .-
DIVISION E Heme Ecaasndcs. radS
White bread. Mrs. J. H. Neufeld,
Rickreall; Graham bread. Mrs. Neu
feld; Whole Wheat bread. Mrs. Neu
feld; Cracked Wheat bread, Mrs. Neu
feld: cinnamon rolls. Mrs. Roy Black.
Dallas route 1; rolls, hall dozen plain.
Mrs. Elmer Chapia, Monmouth; nut
bread. Mrs. Laura Hilbert Indeoend
ence; prune bread. Mrs. Meufeia;
white layer cake. Mrs. Laura mioert.
Independence: dark layer cake. Mrs.
Kenneth Keyt Perrydale: angel food
cake. Kathenne Attip. uauas route a;
devils food cake, Mrs. Roy Black;
yeast bread dsuchnuts. Mrs
Harmon. Independence: dropped
cookies. Jean Ediger. Dallas route 1:
rolled cookies, airs. Neufeld;; filled
cookies. Mrs. Vers Abia. Dallas, route
Sr Ice
box cookies. Mrs. Alsip; on
pie without meringue, Mrs. i
Black: two crust. Mrs. Black: tarts and
variauoas. Mrs. John Calavan.
Best collection ptekVa.. Mrs. A. B. I
Sacr, Monmouth; berf ectlon
Mrs. E. H. Busby, jnaepeoaenee; 1
two Quarts of cherries, dark. Mrs.
Catevan; best two quarts cherries.
ptTrs. mS. SS two qUaS
. . .
apricots. Mrs. Sacre: best two quarts
logsnberries, Mrs. Black; best two
quarte blackberriea. Mrs. Black- bast
two quarta raspbatrtes. . Mrs. Sacre;
tarmsa. ssua. bkit, ,ww wiww 1 wcu nctauvus 111 rviuu tcittIJZlUCaiMun'Ul DIED OlllCe WDICDI
ES'n "?hMj2 tory. v - -! I shook the very foundations of our
ZrX mltZr tmik wZmrZ The reugees painted s picture of aoaetr and of our nolitiral insti-R
?ast two quarts atrawpmes. - ,
Sacre; best two quarts gooseberries, I Jerry Kulesza, blonde 25-year-
Mrs. Sacre: best tw. quarts young- ftM for, rhj7fPoliSh rowmmfnt
pema. tan. . ."
boysenberries. Mrs. Edward Molenaar,
Best tw quarts neas. Mrs. Sacre;
best two quarts corn, whol I grain,
Mrs. Calavan; best tw quarts corn,
eraam style. Mrs. Sacre; best two
quarts beans. Mrs. Sacra; best two
quarts tomatoes, Mrs. Sacre: best six
quart assortment of canned vegetables,
Mrs. Sacre; best six quart assortment
of canned fruits. Mrs. Sacr; best gen
eral exhibit of vegetable, meat and
fruit Mrs. Sacre; best eight quart as
sortment of canned cherries, Mrs.
Sacre: - best assortment . of canned
arunes or alums. Mrs. Sacre. Crown
Mills award, best bread, Mrs. J. H.
Neufeld. Rickreall: best cake. Mrs. Roy
Black. Dailaa; best cookie. Mrs. Neu
feld. Kerr lar awards two oesx
hibits of Tanned fnut Mrs. Kenneth
Kevt; two best exhibits of canned
.y.. . r.1 ralla-I
ro'T-wfoed meS:
Mr, sacr. General Miii. inc. best
ess, sirs, it Mraw, snwuwiu. ;
Senate Committee Cats
foranration Tfctea :i Ii? i
The senate finance committee went
.a . a. . a
to work on corporation taxes w-
day. lessening the Increase e
house has voted by about 155,000,-
000. - t;
. ' . .
SUU more euis unaer tne nousei
.,-).-. nntnhl mmt in-
. . .
Creases were m prospect PC"re
the committee has s bill ready for
the senate.
The first laree-scale standardis
ation of men's clothing in the U-S.I
was in World War I umforms.
(araea ta. Lawcjb
i i
i ! ff
elegates to i
I .
Meet Increased
tioa fa 1852 would Hairs L.1S3 dele-1
fates, an increwe of IDS over 1948,
under a tentative cssnputanon.
Tik research division of the re
publican national committee has
I worked, out tne tentative appor-
I tkrament of delegates, subject to
mirtar chance later. ,
The increase of 105 -is due to
i the doublirig frtsn 3 to 6 of the
deleeate bonus for states which
went republican m tbe 1945 pres
idential election, or. failing that.
elected a republican senator or I
governor in iRu.xaies not coia-
ins a senatorial election in 1850
would set the bonus if they elect
ed a COP. senator in 1948 white
castinx their electoral vote for the
democrats as in Massachusetts, i
If the total of 1.199 delegates is
not changed the final decision
will be made in December or Jan-
Uary a majority Ol eoo votes WU14 r131 raacy wawaaj
be needed to nominate a Dresl-1
rimtiat MnHirfat i I
1 c 1
The democratie national com-
mittee has already definitely fixed
and made public its party cod'
lade nuhiie its nartv coil-
vention total of 1.230 delegates, or
four less than in 1948. A majority
of SIS : will be necessary "far s
nomination. - L
Delegates wUl be chosen start-
in nest March. They are named
m primaries and state and district
conventions. In a few states, all
or some of the delegates are pick
ed by state party committees.
Delegates at large are selected on
a statewide basis like senators and
representatives-at-large. O t h e r s
are named by congressional dis-
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 25
-CflP) Polish refugees -who have
found asylum in Sweden say they
eMi h,. MMn4 fMm
Tj' ' . "
prison that encompasses their
entire homeland. Some said they
had decided to kill themselves ill
they COUld not ECt OUt Of Poland, f
iste of 15
mure siavc xaoor camps in x-oiana,
isome complain of ''tbe Increasing
1 1 1 1 iruiii . ui.iiu. .jLiini s a
cite daTlTof Urge scale Russia
I Poland as a vast slave state tail-
ored to the needs of the Soviet war
ahln. . TT- m -
. "; ;wr" TH
j4. lrfrfA. K. MMa
Euoer msirucwr wno escapea .
"T", to1e-scater
"I believed it would be possible
to remain in Poland and work for
my country. That was an illusion.
We know now that everybody is
just working for, Russia's jwar
preparations. I want nothing of
th t sort That Is why I fled I
Henryk Skorupka. 22. leader of
12 Polish naval men who mutinied.
locked up their officers
brought : their minesweeper
Swedish port this month:
Poland is lust one hlige Prison.
J War psychosis Is general and; the
I mirMn tanetn In 7nloni .
r"- w" - i
bearable. We do not want to carry
i arms against me west, mat is wny
we i sugeu me muuny. n naa
... t.. .
mmm, , sswuy a
commit suicide,
Ieczyslaw Nycz of Kolobrzek,
one of the five crew members of
the Polish trawler Walery who
were eranted asvlum heve a few
weeks "ago: ; n
I .
-All Poland Is being' turned into
, rriilitary camp. There is; no
greater bluff than the Soviet peace
propaganda. We did not wanTto
I f;.k -D,,-4. ' t
- ' - v.-. .! ..
JOsel TchoreE, another OI the
whon t rh.f
V. .77 JTll
"iuf.wr ?StVZ
7 . . . ' .
to escape. i is just a way to tueea
you white by overwork."
1 to ;
Settle Political
Feud Tuesday
JACKSON. iJlss, Aut 25 - JPV -
c i-
wiMiwitvi. fc.K, iuvuihiiviw
Mu ni k. kM
taw wia ucuucu a.caujp ----
- - W 1 mm. m. T ft Anw
old xormer gtrvernor ana a ; jo-
year-old son of s former governor.
The candidates, former . Gov,
Hueh White and Paul Johnson. Jr.,
i have waged s whirlwind battle of
I harsh words since the first demo -
crsuc primary Aug. 7. 5-.. 1 f
WW f haTlMieriHl vvhnierHrta
atf n th SfatMRlcrhfa mrrve.
ment. -popular jrin
Johiisoa acrused "White of deed
ing tbou5ndj of acres of state land
9--m mw.mmmm , Var -, arm-'m -
MP S.SfjniJ.AXZrd UfcAA.SAa sure 4 Awt4Lfva
term or ouice. ---.- -i-:-; r
vHute called Joiinsoa a Tru
mancrat" and attenipting to rasp
Mississippi's most sen sa live nerve
claimed Johnson received bloc
support of the state's voting Ne
groes m ine iirss primary. ;
Jonrisan countercnarsed tnat tne
mm tmMri.i txr-.;ta ami it.
,fc,4v t- j-- m. m. , b-
niea iraniugi wwtiu iiuiuau
r . . . . . J ...
ism. ,J, , .' j ' '-
TTrilf- crivivrl Twlitical cworrll
wua rfwuwa t isuicr in im wuc"
he defeated the elder Jortnson lor
the C5vernors chair. Now, 15 years
later, the younger Johnson is bat-
tling the aging politician f sr : the
tncts. ' - . f
H.- ;- l . - : i-
Refugees from
Poland TeU of
Slave Gamps j
V4 mrm 'a .-..
same post, -
tPo k; Counvy .Fair
Net Loss in
Stock Market
NSW TOSS. Aal. K-UPhK lot
of bsckinc and fnUaxta the stock
market this week, ended in a act
! loss. I ! i v . ,.':..." '
The: Associated Press sreraM of
C9 stocks declined tt cents at $38.-
18 durxnx the week. That wasn't a
'CiJL rJT-7
" v " ' . "'
hit tbe 1851 bottom June 19.
The PUll-aver by traders tO the I
weekTvolume tWjSoOiaresI
rTh v5isnl ah7r
the nullcft ainra the week ended
Barldev Claims
1: ; . . J
rri 111 sH 'x
PdHtical IVliht
i mm v. . . . n . j 1
rresiaeni xruman u growing in 1
nolitical strenrth. and as for thelt
- - 1.
I-yw-oid vice president-- TTm
T9 KW? " a
ana am oomg iour times asi
X11S comment to reporters Came
ww? a a a .
on the heels of private talk by
some leaders al a 15-stata mid-lby
TTlJ?0 1Vrle
ZLVT? meixnce ot oemocrats
Tmn) mipht renlar Rarkw
iSJntrn. -.,nWin
dfnt Truman runnin mate
. Those leaders, who declined to
be quoted, said having Kefauver
k1: 1 ni.T vi.
committee's investigation of or
I TvvtAi1 mvwa aa ex4 wvil ill aa! almi
1 . r
ruDtion would be a tangible an-
swer to republican criticism.
Barkley, in a speech at a dinner
Jr ami, as vsAsiisarE
aml st 4Kaa n J Mem4; w 41,
TtZrM rrT t ' eT
L-taClliniS" by Sen. John H. Hsnnv.
mon in the national adnimistratkn. . M' , . ..
. . President's reply was,
in effect, that the republican party
ha ria1 it char nf mminf m
I and misconduct in high office .
ilwh nffi
He singled out for attack the Hard
ing administration of the early
1820s. : "
"Some of bur opponents are ut
tering anathemas against the pres-
I administration on the ground
W nas permitted morsii in
me government w aecune.
iiao not canaone wrtK-nomg
at any level In the government ...
out no political party nas or has
had monopoly on virtue or
atvi f m a e of .
n nuant dc weu xor our people
I to recall that when the republican
mw w.a uii in i.iwrr IL IHl.
YEZt era ofTption and
tutions. - V
-it ij nothmg short of laughable
L. " ''"'' "t
w see men gag ana grimace over
I petty, thougn, inexcusable and re-
f nrescnsibleThihitioris of dishon-
PIT Dle ' r101 M TSf
without hattins? an av or twirtin
I . -' " -
muicle T"" -
Solon Qaims
Rackets Poison,
' ! '--- .
U.S. Capital
Senator Wilev fR-Wisl charKed
ti.j . .t- .
wuaj uui uigauiixjra nueu sua
payoffs -poisoned- the nation's
i canitaL -
. . .. m
itrnnv rrmrtniiannn ir rrta ean.i
I r - "
ate's in VCS Uga Son Into crime COO -
riifinna Wilov nH In m
41. .j. . A . . . fit
we senate commerce committee
ought to take over when the spe -
CTlme JER? llee
next inaay. wuey is a mem
1 rNsSr Asf ina) I fx TTaxieai 7trl 1 14
m "1 n.TinVr, th. wi
fKS? flrfvtSr
ei?ator " .lfr,0"
2ti crim,: in tte Dutrict
Ol IMUUUUIS. .... -
- v-
. V ymMi"tmr.."KMI"T
i nas receivea repoiTea mere u
I rnncidarahl amnitnt nf navfiffa to
Tll, fAmM.t .ffi .1
;f ff ..TlnH
luown ine line n ion uiev wuuiaif.rm
ignore! numbers and horse race
TtT..1 - - ...
Dnng operauon oeutc craa 00
in tnctr areas in uum uic aisurict
and in adjacent Maryland and Vir-
ginia counties."
As a result of recent crime com
mittee i disclosures indicating ' big
scale gambling In the Washington I
area, a District of Columbia grand
jury and authorities in Maryland
hare started mvestigations. -
I w-mnm.m.xri-m . mavb
I TWIN FALLS. aU2. 25 -m-A
I j . C
uuuiuuu vi e-fe-iv uas whi uisuo
.. it.: n j:
i uic uiuvcraiiy ot uirguu uicu--'"
f 1 . 1 . J 1 . T . J
i tion.
1 4-1 ..t, .1 M A
I wValWill liUi-Wl
I rSi-'-Jaa.-fcali
1 WUOtaUOllS
A ef yycrdy''
No. S
I 2ZSiT'
a w
fmfuJ ,
tfct. S Sytag)
tWhoiesa. prices rang from
to 1 swots avas bating
Larxe- AA "
La r ire A - . .
Meuiura AA. , ' . ...
stedJunv A - '; --
mi ltki -
I Leriiam
Coxirtd nens
- . ,, ,,b ,
- i,,,),, (rwri
I uvrviw.
I Ota rooster-
I Romt-rs
rftlw estehtn
I y,t Cairy Caws.
ta to aia
IS M ta 10
13E3 l 23 .SO
29 t t i 34 W
Jf l ta S
2 4 ta
j Cutters,
reinr iamb
''Lamb.,.. , , ,
Yellow Oleo
Measure Due
dealins with the sale ot ytQew
olearjaaxjariBe, welfaxs payments
m Trva ri3icirvM-c km Ammitvn
!h,t UtiriT tvir
.v.. I..l, t,,M ur). I
Tk TeUow oarsrine !
cropped up again when Rep. A L.
RaTacom. democrat said
woul present bill Monday
pennittins the sale of the butter
I ciiSctifiita In tRTacKfrtsHnn '
Co-SDansorS Of the measure Will I
be Reps. Charles M. Stokes, Seat-
tie republican and Robert M. Fcrd,
di cum iuu. ucnocrau
The bin will be virtually the
same as one introduced st the last
special session by the same three
representatives, Rasmussen said.
It will provide for the sale and
serving of yellow oleo and the col-
lection Of a One-Cent-Der-nOUnd
Public eatintf nlacea servin th
.ubstitut' would be rauirMl tnl
- . . .
uuuiia luar cuuomcn noia dti
waJ1 stoa and noUtions on menus,
.The ttm f th wn emat
.. . e
I , .
wr uius user biale uroui w
L A ' Jr vUr
Sen- r- Stuart Foster,. Yakima
Irenublipan. nravidea that rwraons
obtelfare monev bv fraud-
ulent means would be subject to a
charge of grand larceny.
The bill was prompted. Poster
" xi "TT
agamst a welfare recipient ws dis-
because of a 1935 state law which
. , . , , a a
1 srwdktTiai fns av a AMInin es nlri
-V. riv
age assistance by false representa
tion constitutes a misd emeanor
1 , J a
"". Kg oilU tCUJ .
I The third measure, to be Intro -
ir. K;"i""j trt
. WV -I .7 .
1 ""iiAjai; Siamese cat. tan wun crown
quaner 01 uuc per tent ui. sw
Portland Produce
Portland.' Aug. xj-(ap)- Butter -
1 fat tenuuv. sub tact to immediate
I ""p;' Vi ...7 fiti;"
poru.nd.Me lb; first qWity. He:
I second quality. 70c vauey routes ana
I wVw.u-firsA. aa. as acor. I
ssc lb; A. n scort. nc; B. M score. 2c;
1 V,. Olf apcviVa 'w AWTV sw sutbu
1 DOmiBsVL.
I r-w mr prtiaoa
I wholesalers: Oregon singles. 4la-4tsc
lllti w.vh v - .ww..
1 r?U? ZlSl'V.
OS. Portland. A large, sai-on!ic; a
medium. SS-H: A smaU S8s-4Ss:
grade. 32-S5C.
I plants! : Brols7li:lla lbs. ifttr. fry-
era. 2',,- lbs. JS-30c. s-4 lbs. wc;
I t . 4 lha and over. SOc: Usht bens.
iu weights. 19c: bwvy bans. aU
weights, lie; old roosters. aU weights,
H-lSc. .
Rabbi U-A vera fe to growers: Live
t,- ?.J1J?iZ
T- kT
Ued tiyZ, to retailers. tv-S
Steers, choice. 500-70 lbs.
54.90-57.00: good. M.t-55S0: eommer-
uL sia.aa-aojxi: . uumt. sis.uw t mt.
cows, commercial. S4SSO: utUrty, S43J-
43.00: canners-cuners. humjj,
Beef cuts (choice steers): Hina
ouarters. i SSlS0-6z.h rounds. S57.I
SBAO: full loins, trimmed. Sai.Oa-SS.OO:
triangles. MS.1D-4S.S0; forequarters.
S3ISO-U.00. ,
Veal: Good-cnotce, sm.oo-cujx;; com
mercial- S50.00-MJW.
Pork cuts: uotns, ho. I, s-u ids.
S54.6S-M.20; ahouJdors. IS Da.' down.
$37.00-41.00; sparerlbs. e4.00-474;
imhTTfJond-nrima anrlnsers. 123 M-
fresh hams.
Wool: Willamette valley, mosuy no-
min at ea-loe lb areaae basis. onorgrowth.
r.03. country shipping potats.
i anuT'iiuts meats:
.. " . mm.
i Mutton: test. oo-v ids. u.
1 rough heavy bucks, ewes. IS-SOe .
I Veal: TOD Quail'
Veal: Top quality. 54-53c; good beav-
1 m aSW " alms- . uuseb. m w aarw.
Good cows, 43-4e lb; eanners-
1 cutter. 41-tJc . -
- i "Lambs: Top- grade, S3-53; other
I J . a ) S
' pitetW Local Triumphs, lugs SiJS-
wng whites S3 ss-75; wash White Roe
2 Z?itt?Z5Z
v . -
s.oo. . . .. .
I Hay: U. S. No. s green ai-aua. ae-
a Hvered car and truea wts.
Portland mosUy $33.00-34 00: ton: WU
ismew. wiT..f" a
I lamett vii7.
I nominally sz5JX-naa a ton, oaiea at
o?10"!-!"!! 5a1l 7WZ' xU!L
lsack. Sl.79-S.00: Jumbo. $3J: Idaho
aweet. S3 75: Spanish, aned. $1.75-3J-.
r white, gz jv-aau.
f i Salem ; :
i Herman eciguei. sale iwu
J lis Jetferson st, at a loeai hospital
Herman Bergner.
lata resident of
1 Aurust 24. Survived by to wioow.iai nun u-ati xwxa
"MTsvtn Berener Salem: sUttSbtera.
1 1 Mr. Juina rgner. m. "
I Betty Jean Bergncr. baiem. ana
1 . - Tin i 1 1 ll ft ' hmtS.
I era. Oscar. v,. "
bweaen; sisters, itsis "
s-rsnddauehter. Kristin Car
nathan. - Portland; aunt Mm Anna
Blonquist. Denver. Cola Service wUl
t tvald Moivdav. Aurust XI at S PJB.
from th Virgil T. Cofatea cfaapcL In
terment in Belcrest Memorial park.
Joseph Ben lamia turn, jr.. iniam
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Ross.
1SS V Whitman KL. Monmouta.' at
local bosital August 23. Surrtved also
by sisters. Julia Kay and Carol Ann
ot Mosnmnn; cranaparciusv - -
Mm. -r. J. Sheehv: crest Kranaiaetner,
Mrs. Lena Seward. Graveside services
will b beid Tuesday. August 23. at
1 -2a a m ta the Monmautb eemeiery
with th Rev..G. T. Jantren aflieiating.
rMrecUoct by th VirgU T. oiaca
company..: '
WiUiam H. Post at a local bospftat
Aurutrt 23. Survived by sister, Mrs.
Doiiy Church. Vancouver. Wsan-r step
son. E. L. Crlatenscn. Ontario, CaUf.
Annotincement of services later by
Oougit-Barrtcic tympany. . .
Erects:-' - '-
Mra. Count S. Zlegtertat resident
of 3423 Center st ia tnis city, Augast
23 at th ate ef 79. Survived by
nephew, Leus E.iem. Bulon coosin,
Mrs. I. A. Jciderkit. Salem. Amnwaw
meet d aervic later by tUe W. T.
Rurdost coBaoaav - ; -
. i
The .KstoaKra. SScLtau Oregon. Candor. August 3. 1131 17
Week Higher
Chicago. Aosi ts-cwitlJiAL-?J5 f.!rrD? rr
and corn adTanced n tbe board I
OX trade UUJ Wtelv belped aioni
by export sales and cool weather.
but there was nothmg spectacular
about the upturn. HThe ioTthe
market was either mixed or lower.
Lard developed Independent weak
i ! - . -.,! - - ' -.
Wheat closed the week 1 to
cents nlDer. The July contract
mot in unco mn inn m mar. i
h StembeV tiZ, amaiw
w titu-hanMt tn 9U. KlvKar I
iafigea wruie ine lartesx asm was
by the most distant contract.
SeaW proposals tor tha comtne I
Scbool. District t4ej Route 2. Tmer.
2Tf2?? iTT? "".w"41
oS "stool bi
and eewaia faculties
Plaai- PcxiS,fcaBl thr 5:
Sid tTu mjZ Z
Arenac, ut south Church
bfubESiiES ES
I bidders unon a denosit of SUM. which
ftvnmMH r iiit Kut rvt 1 i I I
I mi .14 i
Attention of bidders Is directed to
ISecUon ts-ias. PC t. A. nrovldlna tor
am T nsauuat ba unon raeuiar
. .
l? "." .ccoml1
I total bm- A 100 cornorata auretv band
baireoutri to ou-ranue th.
faithful performance- ot the contract
1 together with Insurance tn euch sum
f 7 'JpT
son of tmuries t person o7 property
The right is reserved by th District
te. ?
Clerk Edna T. Stevenson
300 Prrsonal
312 Lost and Found
1 ajjU,.ra .M jm M
1 a.. m
or. fryZZ' '
lost: At 6unr Pool NeJk bike bT
Stetcamaai carrier, needed for route.
isst Hatet Phone i-e35s.
ace. white markings on rear
middle toes. Vicinity Candalaria and
Fairriew. I Rfwir. S-SCS4.
FOUND: Boys bicycle at139S Marlon.
Owner can have by Identification and
pay rot aa.
1 314 Transportation
I leaving for Minneapolis September
ZIwilT TTw
m waarwaataa
PSYCHIC card reading. Phone t-ai.
Get-Acauidnted Club
rHROUGH ! SOCIAL corraspondence.
thousands: meet t their "Ideal.- Write
today for; Bat of ehgibles. Shnpsaw.
box mi, uenver. vow.
n.HOUia Anonymoua riw a-SUS
PO Bs TM MCA Wed m S om
Commercial St.' Pbon 3-zlOS Meet
ings. Sunday S Bum. Tuesday 1
400 Asricnlinre
1 402 Livestock
MILK cow for sate. Call Sunday S-599L
" a -j i v' i I, ., a- , --
I5QW wiUi pigs; 1 coming fresh. 1 bred.
boar. 7 miles North on Newbersr
bisbway. BC S Box 340. Salem. Call
evenings i 4 356 1. Berry . pickers
avcUXt uvesUK-k ouyei CUuoe ta
warns - Rt: a Box bosk pa -ni3
McCsnahsw 1137 s mt Ph -w
LOCKMoSOi i Livestock ouvci u a.
SnHhen. 1940 Lsnrsner dr Pt 3-I34S i
HON Usui uveabjcs buyer A Son
XI Sff Cheats w Rd Pb. 2H1T
BUUL SCBVICEj reasonable Nel
anypiac anytim Pbon 4-384.
j a it i i ,
1 404 rouitrf oa naaoKs
' MPSHIRE pullets
men. Rt. 7. Box 3S4
I. N.
jr. E. J. Ward. Ph. 4-1181.
USTK.i-..ulte pullet. 14 weeks. $lii
-IOMI Stat St T
f.Jt. rRYERS 3 to 4 lbs. mile s.
Airport Rd. mOe W, )a mil S.
R. Zistel. Rt 4. Box 850.
I.VLBk Tharsday. Harops Af CorniiUi
Croat Chicks Phone Cebrtna Hateh-
erv Bl-k iss Sirverton
HATCHES of Golden Broad aad New
Hair.psmre chicks every Tuesday.
We apedalix In broiler chides Pox's
Hatchery. 3S3 State St, phon S-4PW
UAY -OLl ana sun-lea ctucaa a nea
ter Street. Phone X3S61 Lees Hat-
ebery. 5. ; .
i Trs-K-r"
4Wo rtns
WELSH TERRIEH puppies, ready now.
AJCjC -; Utter. I Be, gze. oas l.tiis-
forth. Cerrais, Oregon. Pbon Cer
vals 3221. I
RING NECK Doves. HM a pair. Mer-
rill Green House. BrooKs.
ENGLISH Springer Spaniels, ready t
nunt this; isu. jkjkjt;. rexHtcrcu.
champion i bloodlines. Bob Brown,
S-1003. - 1 I
If OR 8ALE:.OoUie Shepherdupples.
reasonable. Phone sjutt.
MooitK'b if rooicai ton aauanum
rish. tanks plants beaters . ther
mostats. Marvel pumps S mile from
8 Lancaster aa Macleav Rd Phone
TROPICAL fisa and sappliea C L
Mann Bjmiepree Bd -Turner Or
30 NT
73. -i
Lane i
I , - 1 . j j sj
I ath a. i fa i jrz4S2 Sports LqulpmerJ
I ' . '
I . i - .
1 BAKTXXTT Fears, 7SC and np. PTlon
1 . .., ' ,
1 U-PICK beans. 4c
U-P1CK beans. 4c pound. PW.4WZj..
CiRAVi2TElHtPPpS : Hand piekil
avc per vn in up. snrui
containers.' Twin Fir Orchard. Rt.
imx 4(, tianaa, tsa suhim"
Highway. S miles east of Dallas).
tiirvtlr It lAl. to t OJT1.
BARTL1.TT bears, Uicx. 7ie box.
Ppn MiMtatiwrf PhtMl S3 F-14.
CTRAVirfGtliN apples ibt. Bring
container. : 1337 . WWtr j-non
: vjtri ' J
Si55AVtD tartlett pesrv $LT4 bufctrti
: delivered. Pbon 4-1071
Why Suffer Any Longer
s tee in.
rears ta Chiaa. sat- wa
bat aiisaeats ye ar armetsd
gtserderi staastUs. heart htass, fiv
er. kl4aers. gaa, eaapaoo. aicers.
ganaafl siao-
cstrjvgss srrtus
tS4 M
Pn J-l f 4
I 11U J CIt.
Oflic liowrs t s. , N
TsasMl tol alyt
400 Asricnlturc -
411 Frail end Team Prodncs
CRAVrNSTEH aaplas. BarOstt paara.'
stmasy auy. 4. r. DoafAarty.
Clartrr d NartS StlM
pSW, pwwi!i?m - T
tOktMJL: Tomatoes, lk ai iaa
SchaoL r. v, Cdu.
i,!',8 j M
iBrSl JwT
8chneker. 1 ROla Souths af
Corbers. 1
f5RxUtSS UackWrUa, C-fic! US!
n ror a ax ao. very
Nice picnic area aa Mill Craak" V. s
9w7tr. j vtiMS Mornk of
Fnrwway. Phone Tamer ITT,
rruarKar- k . l
?J?JLomc- 1 ff
Salem. Mile East a atarlaa MA.
yaca. t mOes East tvn t craT
ffgiiiH pears, Lt mU. torta m
Wallar Road. A. B
Phone VIM.
fltiKt fo- ..u, ti IV W,,
utt Farm. Nona of Ketaer acbeoL
Rt Bo rM. Pttoae- 4-lMl
Gravenstetna. CTS Portland 4
G. APPLfcS. B. pears. Ph. Ojl.
' Birtlett Pear
THE Li. RANCH. Rt S. Box m.
laaa Brook Rd. Brine containers.
I ITS fmrn rmlnmMl
I RIDE or riders wanted to OwvavBa
I ssonaay utrongn moay. Call
I .
1 .
W nicrTlianfllM
I 1 IcrcJomery cmd XOQlS
DEALERS aad repair station tor Wood-
boss chain saws. Briers. CUnteat
Wisconsin gaaoune otuwnea
Bros., mis s, irth. Pn. s-jne.
U 1 u I lU.r.H sani tMrU. enn aervK.
nowaer nros n. s JMU ; ie S.
rioK una maa etturt otmsaot auwd
tHtv them at llnissar
Hit 8
46S Hottsehoid Goods for Scde)
New and used furniture.- We buy ar
trad far anything of value.; W pay
cash. i i
ir?t Fslrgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481
LEAVING town: Sell rami tu re or trad
furnished small house- trailer for
larger trailer. Best offer.' 1 1(19 S.
ISth St ?
xlJ LXN OLEUM rugs S4SS. Bar fuci
itu re co sss w. High
Used Furn-. Oieap
itw r,rti r-o tm :in a-eert
Itxlt WOOL RUGS Furai-
ture, w n. mgn. j
i 456 Warded. Housahola Goods
I MUST HAVE at once, good used fur
niture, appbancea pr anything of
value. Large deals solicited. Small
deals appreciated. We pay casta,
1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Pbene 4-34S1
WILL store refrigerator sor n . Pb
3-7193. (!!
rKAis.B LOUIS oflers fair cash nftova
-an rurnitura and tnisc Phaoa i-tug
KHne (jma v
CASH for your furniture. 1; piee t
bouse full Phone 2-nsx. i
MUST HAVE at once good ueedTur-
nitura. appliances or anything of val-
i sss earns ajw. . na - nwiiita
i Locals appreciated. W pay cash WM.
hall ruRNrruRE ta, if it rstr
r round Rd Pnon S-4381.j j
PHONE S-M0S I w prompt apprawsL
T-J FumHur Co.. 5oS Edgewster St.
IMMEDIATE caau Woodry. Ptt. 3-cll.
Highest Prices
Valley Farn. Co. 2-7472
CASH (or vour furniture. On piece
r nouserui Lamberts-s-tisb.
I 443 fklilflBxi MotSCkSbT
a , -
Lumber Sale;
1M carrier mads good lumber. Deliv
ered by block or thousand, sat Tea
Muller. rriday. Saturday f at Wart
Salem Sawmiit WaUac Rd cad
S-119S Salem evenings, i
We BPTweciat your rmginess
trHiadimU". SHAKEl
Best grad No. I s 119. Uo.rsff.Wa.
S s S3 S3 Any amount usuvaiauw
IS in. No. 1 carton packed islrlawaR
staakes UJ0 par sq. with: nailir
course. Common lumber, ail grades.
Oak and Pecan flooring, Ted. Mailer,
k C.Um 1.1 1 OS MnenlnCLM
LSI I . ' D
$149 OS. KNOTTY PINE tanaiia and
lxlTs. Clear white pine fmiaaw r
and 10 lap siding snd beaded eaO
ing ttsa, Pioneer-ninUoteirooriBf,
aU colors. Plywood, any ate Wasi
board 4xS S1-7A Roduath and abeat
rock. No. 1 Stained cartoned erisas
and andcrcours SUM StaeJ and
aluminum garag dew All grades 1st
stock at attracuve prices, as a
to pay if desired. North city
vAPn 4-44 r ?
tsh. all widths. Order wnii eeiecvwa
SPLIT shakes, rustic root aad wall.
Ala smooth aad wide split SOS sq.
to pick from, on Higaway mua
w-T Atars Oreenw t
-iARGAiSS loft 6UILdh1
ShipUp and 1x4 SB 0 K
S-Tab RfX SI (bS. 7 BS Sq.
Sheetrock. 4xS !4Sh
Window mmes j Dtaa,
. Service lumber co
3SS3 ,; ati
4S0 Musical Iristrumants
and Solovex. wtu aeu separata.
ffmr S .my 43774 ' i
SPINET PIANO. Top quaUty Bargain.
Phone 34441. ' '
Old Pianos
TaHey Iurn, Co, Ph. UitTt
S0-S Enfield rifle with nw barrel and
tight action, tw. or mom mr s--ie-
or 12- lightweight boat.
Stose. Cascade Dr. CU S-34uS.
. after 13 JO pjn. days. , n :
1 44 BiCYClM
WANTED: Boys W blcycte, Write
Milton Libby. Marion, urcgoa. ar
fRADETcTrlse-Wycl lor 1' -&
bicycl. Phone z-esu. -
D. t T If r at-sk Be. 4. Chan. St-9
-' EZZZ4lmZL7I2 .
241 Karta USertyj "
Ooetatrs aba Ja" m .
orAea sent i - y aory
I. I m. ta 1
(: boa Bioed press-'- -
far tre M chari tiat'ctl
I Lit
: .