The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1951, Page 13, Image 13

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Children and
Parents Learn
At Blind School
Twenty-nine - mothers, IS la
then and 27 visually handicapped
pre-school , children are learning
this week at the state school for
the blind some of the belp "avail
able la understanding and meet
ing problems.' The prog am Is the
third annual Institute conducted
by the school. -
The institute, which opened Fri
day evening and will close Thurs
day, has youngsters as young as
five weeks, whose parents are at
tending. All are staying at the
school during the course.
In addition to pre-school ' In
struction for the older children.
sitter service is provided for the
tiny tots by members of Salem
area Lions club auxiliaries, ac
cording to Walter Dry, school su
perintendent. '
T Speakers so far have included:
Mrs. A. J. Grose. Salem: Mollie
Vlasnik, counsellor for pre-school
blind children at the state blind
school; Dr. Kenneth C Swan,
bead of the department of oph
thalmology at the University of
Oregon Medical school: and Dr.
Waiter Snyder, assistant superin
tendent of public Instruction.
t Sunday's schedule win feature
talks by Effle Westensee, Braille
instructor at the blind school; Rob
ert S. Mealey, instructor at the
Washington state blind school.
Miss Vlasnik and Walter Dry will
ieaa inajvaaaai conferences.
Spearmint has been known since
Biblical times.
j rtllUl.L. I I. II. .;. ; . - - - - I II .
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At Sisters,
Sweet Home
Plane YZrect
.. i , ... .... - .
Victims Found
T HE CHAMCIttC SCEtl E-Ai artist paSs Jcf-
frys Dak Ugbtheatsa en New Terk City aide of JZaisea Sire
before St-rear-eU stractare Is aarttened by u. 8.
Seals Graduates'
From Prc-Fliht
f PETSACOLA, Jla, Aug, 23
Naval Aviation Cadet Donald A.
Beals, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.
K. Seals of 21S3 Berry st, Salem,
Ore, has graduated from the UJS.
naval pre-CIght school at Pensa-
Cadet Beals graduated from Sa
lem senior high school! in June,
1947. He attended Oregon; State
college for two years before
tering pre-Gight last April. I
After completing the 13 -week
pre-flight course, Beals is now as
signed to the TJ. S. naval auxiliary
air station, Whiting field, Milton,
Fla where he is engaged in pri
mary flight training. Upon com
pletion of training at Pensacola
(Story also on page one.) 1 1
A total of 10 Detroit fire
cuees were taken care of at Sweet
Home by civilian defense and. Bed
Cross workers Friday night;
Saturday and 67 at Sisters. I
Jack Hayes, state crrtl defease
director, said the following persons
from Camp Mangold were housed
end fed at Sweet Home: - 1 ;
Mrs. I J. Fitzgerald, who went
on to Salem Saturday; Mrs. P. -N.
lfcFee and Donna Elingson, both
of whom went to Dayton; Mary
Sue Palmer, Mrs. Keith Pinker-
staff, and Diane and Kaymond
Pinkerstaff, all of whom went to
Portland. 1 -
From Detroit were Edna Golden
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worry,
an of whom went to Salem.!
Detroit and Mongold residents
evacuating to Sisters were: Mr.
and Mrs. Harry B. Booker, Emma,
Doris and Harry; Mr', and Mrs.
John Lovejoy, Camilla and Connie
Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow j I
Burgess. Robert. John and Wood-
row; Mr. and Mrs. Mack McCau-
lev: Mr. and Mrs. Walter l xtoyt;
Mr. and Mrs. James Shibleyf and
James, Jr.; Mary Dickerson;! Mr.
and Mrs. George Springer; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Parson, Linda, Mike and
Gary: J. W. Parsons; Mr. and Mrs.
Omer L. Goodrich. Charles
Harlandi Mr. and Mrs. H- C
debrand, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph
Sd Corpus ChrisuC TaV wS ?SlLJh& SBohS
k. mrMjrAoA TrAA J? . Leshe: Mr. and Mrs. Anen Bond,
naval aviator and rfrH to duty
with the fleet.
OAKLAND. Calif. Aug.
Fortr-nine bodies - were brought
down today frCm the seared, iso
lated hillside where 10 persons
died yesterday m the fiery crash
of st giant airliner.
' Searchers combed the tangle of
wreckage and underbrush for the
missing body. . .;'.v
.Tom Berge. Alameda county
coroner, announced positive iden
tification of 43 bodies. His men
sorted " jewelry, clothing and
watches and FBI men studied fin
gerprints In an effort to identify
the other six and determine iden
tity of the un found body.
While this was going on, crews
of investigators were trying to dis
cover how it happened that the
United' Air lines. Mainliner
smashed into the fog-shrouded
hilltop. It appeared the pilot was
off course..
Ne Comment
The FBI said it wanted to know
"whether sabotage had been com
mitted.' Agents would not com
ment on reports that the TBI had
impounded the four giant engines,
or the pieces of them that could
be found. -
Forty-four passengers and six
crew. members perished in the
crash, 20 miles south of the Oak-j
land airport. The ship hit, was
enveloped in flames and exploded
five minutes before it was to have
landed at Oakland.
Three minutes before the acci
dent. Pilot Marlon f. Hodden, 42,
of Los Altos, had talked to the
Oakland control tower It was a
routine report. He was lowering
for the landing. As he talked, he
said, he was on eourse over the
Newark air marker.
East ef Ceerae
E. R. Mitchell, civil aeronautics
board official, said that a straight
500-degree course from, the New
ark aignal would have brought the
ship in safely. He added: "The
pilot was two miles east of his
course at the time of the crash.
It appears that he came out of a
fog bank into the hilL" .
The new-type DC-4-B was com
ing into Oakland after a non-stop
flight from Chicago. It had left
Boston the nirht before and had
stopped at Hartford and Cleveland
The coroner's office said all the
bodies would be removed today
from the bleak and fire-blackened
hill and from the ravine into which
much of the debris rolled. Identi
fication was very difficult. Papers,
rings, fragments of rWhtny,
charred and battered purses these
all were helpful.
Nine women and nine children
were among the crash victims.
Pack horses were used to trans
port the bodies from the deep
ravine, and over the steep, brush
covered hillsides.
Mulkey Named
First lieutenant
Gerald G. Mulkey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Mulkey of Salem,
recently was advanced to the rank
of first lieutenant in the air force,
It was reported here Saturday.
LL Mulkey, whose reserve unit
B1US. drama ef Cherokee Indians' resMval frees North Canlnu
to Oklahoma, is played at Great Smoky National FarluN. O.
was activated April 1, is stationed
at Portland air force base. He
graduated from Salem high school
and from Willamette university in
1949. An army veteran of World
War H, he was residing in Port
land at the time of his return to
active duty. y -r.x'r -
price of milk in the Puget Sound
area probably wiU be increased
one cent a quart next .Saturday. or
shortly thereafter, it was disclosed
tonight. The price tilt-would raise
the cost of home-delivered inilartov
21 cents and store-purchased milk'
to 20 cents. - ;
YOU SAVE 19.75
Look around, shop the town, youTI hunt far ind wtdft for quaCty
A : r III II! 1 1 1 H
; vsj 1 1! ill
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Anglesby,
Franklin. Doree and Naomi; Mr.
and Mrs. Edward L. Pearson; Ed
ward. tr and Janice: Mr. and Mrs.
J. C Bean and Wahlgah; Mr. and
Mrs. William Blair and Elizabeth
Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Bob savers,
Patricia and Eddie; Mr. and Mrs.)
Howard Tlmms, Charles and Stan-
ley; Mr. and Mrs. Lester L Sau-1
ers and LeAnna: Mr. ana wrs.
Harrr Fry. Claudie and Perry: Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Majors, Larry
and Rickey; Mr. and Mrs. John
Osborne, Sally and Dolores; and
Lenord Oberholser. -
low price EVe thisl Light, powerful cleaner sucks out rvorvining
I !...
stows It neatly In oasy-to empty bag. Flexibb hose- cSeana
drapes ,Kard to reach corners. Complete wftii attachments. Test the
Kenmore today)
Shop Mon. ft FrI. 1 2:30 to 9 P. M. Toei .r Ved., Thurs., Sat. 10 A.
Air Jumps End
CJPV-Spectacular air Jumps today
trr 4 000 narabrooDcrS climaxed
the army-air force war games dur
inc which IS men were reported
by the army to have died of non
combat causes. - ' ' .
The first casually report lor tne
12 days of the maneuvers which
will end over the weekend gave
this breakdown on deaths among
the 110.000 men? ; j f ,
- Six by drowning, three in pri
vate motor vehicle accidents, two
by lightning, one from "horseplay,
and one from polio.
Total casualties, not Including
today's, reached g.104' including
2,477 from illness or disease sand
others from various accidents. The
army said this casualty rate was
lower than had been expected. -The
report gave no names of the
dead or inraswd. ' v ( 1
t Two paratroopers are known to
hav suffered Dossible serious In
jury In the air drop today by ele
ments of the BZna airDorne :uv-
tton. Thev have back injuries. I
Two other jumpers had rractur-
mI tn. Several score came
thmnph with cuts, bruises ana
other minor injuries.
It's here!1 in
fasliin;genius colors
new iMDELIBLE-CnEfjiEthe miracle. lipstick
fabulous WEAR - .
fabulous LUSTER
to frrt td c:!y tdy crtrsy fci:!a EJckt
cn-dTfel t::n:3 It's tia Ep-urz; Lrtsi
No other Hpsikk Is so Cor yur IHs f hcmlcs t '
Cevlon'a owrt lxmolltel And the colon! Not the thirl, flct
shades yo find in ordinary indeCble Hpsiicks but o fuU
" I ' v 1-
of fabulous fothion-gefMiis colors only Revlon could croatel
t . - Discover "lndenb'e-Crtms now donl wait onoiher dayl' H3
405 Stato St. at Liberty
i3rug Svor.e
1 l 7o Give Sail Green Stamps
i t
-1 r ejr
Under New ilaaueaaesst U
tlrs. m&ifred Perry LaxSen,
! - E. 4nd - ,i: I -;
Bfray Ada Harder. Uasasers '
CerUtered Practical Narsin
'-- '24 IUwt Service: 1
Ased - CeaTsXeacents
ZtA Pitlmts State Ax proved
222 fi. Cettare St. Eaicstn
. rheae i
Publicity Shim
WTAft AW A TATJLS. Ont. Aug.
2S-CTV-The double-barreled 'pub-
rv.ii. JMnH m rtttj ' .
One would-De aareaevit,
I mm V . VT L mmm fll T Ctr Wwnm
I&anaer, new iora aiit w j
stopped by Canadian pbheej Who
seized nas Darrei. . ; ( .
mrvctorimi "Hant" wnoever oe ,
is, apparently is still in hiding
Month hia narrpl - . - -i .- -. -
And Bernarr MacFadden seem
ed to have postponed bis plans to
rinm dummv narachutes into j the
gorge below the 165-foot falls.
Sander appeared outragea wm i
h a told ia Nlann Pails. N. Y
old bachelor said he spent 13,000
nrwria-rtn m rrar mm 1 1 m aria - uuw
here I stand penniless, friendless.
and desperate. f
The mystery man known only
n Hank" IvniiM rv didn't VUl
to worry his mother was reported
tohoi 21.vear.Ald Toronto Stee
plejack.. Some disappointed lob-j
servers saxa xney oenevea
was a hoax.s - . : ! .' -
MwFurtHon h S YMf; - old 1
"muscle enthusiast;'' had planned
to crop we aummy paracuuxes u
I imunfim fnr m nsnrhnt . ilimO
which he asys he will make into
thrsorge on the Labor Day week
end. v-v-.-'.."! rl
He left the Dansville airport at
about I n. m. EST. H laAvl
I at the Buffalo airport about en
hour later, iert tne plane at! xne
field and took a taxicab into the
city where he was unavailable to
reporters. y
-l i;
Salem, Oregon
. ' ' I'll
. I I -A
b MUSI1N SHEETS " ,!i 1 :'
IN .10MTHS FOR. ;a " f fi ( f i V
; : SU?E-SMOOTH, LJ I I I j f I U f -
sriovY-vHiTE FasT I J J I ji ; ! 1
X quality sHrnsi U . ; 1
.1. . 3.29' I 1 145 Thread Covnt j '
J . . t . ' I.I
- ooo I ! u . - - I 5J i
, i i I i i i
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5 -
I: I--'
81"xl03" ;
90" x 103"
42"x36" Cases
Lucky y6a!yNow ytn cam get smooth tcitiirctl, loag-wearjng
Pen co sheets, sad for far less thin youM expect to pay! Think -
': , " ' ' ' - " i V ' ' ' '
of the value . . think of the savings, then come a-runnin. This
r-' . . . . . - :'V Hy . . ; .
is the event you've been waiting for, hoping! for! Buy enough
to fill up your linen closet . . . put some aside for gift-giving!
Yes, shop at PenneyY . . comparel t
Fenney's .Wzzaiune
if :
01M end 72" x 103' Size t:icnw3 Gunllly !::::s
Famous Long-Vearing Muslins at Lower Prices riowl
Penneys .'.zzxa nine f
4 42x2S Cases 5Zi