The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 23, 1951, Page 6, Image 6

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    ThgyH Do It Every Time
County Adult
m 1 vr--
Only SV per eeqt of Marion
county's adults had their chests
X-rayed la the current vaUej
vride program, far short of any
goal and below the proportion
reached la . other counties, X-ray
headmiarters announced Wednes
day" -,":: . . '
-The. survey Is continuing this
week: in linn and Clackamas
counties, with a unit returning! to
Monmouth tar the PoOc county lair
beginninf today.- - r -
Because some cannot get to- the
retake center at the school admin
istration building on Church street
during the 'daytime, special hours
for them have been set up for
Monday, August 27. and Friday,
August tl. from 1 to 9 m On
those days, the center will close
to the afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Marlon's total of persons reached
Is 43J15. including the 913
X-rayed on the final day, Tues
day. Survey officials had hoped
the -estimated .TWO adults.
Polk county X-rayed 4 11,083
persons or 63 V& per cent and Yam
hill county 18.044 or 64 -per cent
Unofficial valley total through
Tuesday was 93,121.
Although the survey has dosed
hi the three counties, it Is antici
pated that some units will return
to them to reach more persons at
state fair, school openings and
large harvest groups.
Today V units are to be ooerat
ine in Clackamas countv five In
Ore on City, four In Mllwaukle
and one each in Canby and Wil
lamette. .. .
Ttere will be three units In AI
brn and one each in Lebanon
and Sodaville, all in Linn county,
todar. That area has X-rayed
18.360 in two weeks. The survey
will continue there through Sep-
" tember I. f - 1
os By Jimmy Hstlo
! ( r?gg JffiS 71 TSysSpfe yJrxJ uTA
SllUlfTV ; CZUlQJDtT A D rC l X Z KM
? V. T X OWT C2 Y7 " Sbv ' OPOOCSAtlS
MMgW'tjji COt iMsJ aTaSOJ tarfSsl strioc.Tg, i WaU MsWWB WMffswuy
Of Education
Plans Studies
OOSSES) -l- ' I
Thomas' M. Gosaer. late resident of
SS3 S. lima ivl. August i in Olym-
i. wain, survived by wile. Mr. Uly
Gosaer. Salem: sons franklin T.
and Delbert X. Gowaar. both Salem; Mrt. Harr Ana Mann, saiem:
brother. Clarence Goeser. Relinon4,
John A. Goeser, Portland.', Phillip Goc-
aer. Sweet Home, and William A. Goa
aer. In Germany: atater. Mr. Harley
twiikliey. Salem. Mrs. Jeaaie Gates. Roy,
va-m.. atrs. ueiian cstamDeriain, suy
ion, ana Mrs. Francis Anderson, Port'
land; also five grandchildren. Services
will be held at 130 pjn. Thursday.
August 23. at Clough-Barrick chapel.
wrni vne t. w. uaroM Lraun or
tida ling. Interment at Belcrest Memor
aat park...'
mvxt - s '
Otto H. Hunt, lata resident of 700
Cross sU. at a local hospital August SO.
at aaw os mi years, survived Djr wlc.
aars. aayrxM aaay mum. sajm: aisters,
atrs. Sadie Prophet, Portland; Mrs.
BeuJah Rea. WaUa Walla. Waso.: Mrs.
Lartna Trossback. Washtngton. D. C;
Mis. Nora Bryan. PeEU, Wash, and
Sirs. Lydta Grotf.. -Columbus. Onto;
brothers. Benjamin and Willis Hunt,
both of Walla Walla, and C. P. Hunt
In California; several nieces and neph
ews. Member of Trinity lodge, XOOr,
and Beehive Rebakah lodge 70. both of
Walla Walla. Services will be Friday.
August 24. at IS a.m. at Clough-Banick
chapel the Rev. W. H. Lyman officiat
ing. Ritualistic aer v teas by Chemeketa
Vxlf e 1. IOOr. Interment at Belcrest
Memorial park.
KEZAB ' - - I -
Charles P. Xesar. at the residence.
SOS Oak st, August XI. at the age of
. ai years. He la survived by a daugh
ter. Mrs. Edna Kald. Stewe. Masa
son. Charles LeRoy Kezar. Portland,
Ore.; also 0v grandchildren and eight
treat-grandchildren. Services will be
eld la the Evangelical church at
Florence. Ore., at S njn, Saturday.
August 25, under direction of HoweU
Edwards chapel. Concluding services
will be in the Masonic cemetery, Flor
ence, Or.
Oregon's new state board of
education, at its first meeting Wed
nesday, went on record authorizing
studies of maladjusted children and
mentally keen and retarded chil
dren, i t - j3 ' ,
Board members gaid during their
Salem meeting' they would com
pleter the studies in time to make
some definite recommendations to
the 1953 legislature. , I
Much of the session was devoted
to a discussion of new laws on
education, S. E. Brogitti, Helix, is
chairman ox the board. I
.The board was revised and ex
panded as a part of the program
recommended by pr. T. C. Holy,
Ohio l State university, who con
ducted a survey of the state's ele
mentary and secondary school sys
terns. 1 . j - i
Board members other than Bro-
gitti are Francis I. Smith. Port
land; May Darlingi Portland; Mrs.
Paul Patterson, Hillsboro; Ronald
Jones Brooks, and- Mrs. Lucile M.
O 'Weill, Klamath Falls.
WASHINGTON,! A u g. 22 HyP
Secretary of Interior Chapman an
nounced today the apportionment
of $11,191,031 among the states for
restoration and development of
wildlife resources. State allotments
include: Oregon $412,624. . k -
High grade optical
per eenr transparent
glass it 99
The American wool council today
expressed strong opposition to
government plan to encourage de
velopment of synthetic wool fiber
industry. Directors went on record
against the plan to provide rapid
tax amortization for-plants pro-,
ducing synthetic libera as a sub
stitute for wooL
Services for
Fire Fighter
in Bend
SP&S to Abandon
Service to Seaside
ASTORIA, Aug. 22-yfVThe
Spokane, Portland and Seattle
railroad today announced plana to
abandon passenger service on the
Portland-Astoria-Seaside line next
The Astoria chamber of com
merce and Mayor Peter Cosovich
IDANHA Funeral services for
Frank McDonald, 57, Idanha log
ger who died of a heart attack
Tuesday while fighting the Sar
dine creek f orect fire west of De
troit, will be held today at Nis
wonger & Winslow funeral home
in Bend.' Burial will be at Green
wood cemetery, Bend. .-
He was born at Ft. Quella, Sas
katchewan, Canada. He was a
member ot the Eagles lodge.
Survivors include his widow,
Mrs. Agnes McDonald, Idanha;
son. Berl McDonald,' Idanha;
father, Charles McDonald, Sas
katchewan; brothers, Bert McDon
ald, Bend, and Jack, Charles, Mel
vin and Orb, all Saskatchewan.
A house committee today approv
ed blanket- pay raises of $400 a
year tor 1,500,000 federal govern
ment workers. Included are 800,-
000 postal employes. ; v
Harry Harmon Hatfield.
snook hospital. August 30.
in a Tilla
at the aaw
of SO years. He is survived bv his
father. Hugh Hatfield. Salem: two sis
ten, Mrs. Mary Tscheu. Salem, and
Miss Rllla HatieW. Blackfoot. Idaho.
Services will be held at 30 p.m. Fri
day, August 24. in the HowcU-dwards
chapel, with Dr. Uoyd T. Anderson of.
Sealed proposals for the construc
tion of ftest Rooms In the Ooverdala
School. District 144c, Route 1, Turner.
Oregon, will be reoalvod untU August
t. 1951. S0 P. M, and wUl be pub
licly opened in the School j""4ng
at that time. .
The construction wCl consist of re
modeling two rooms to provide touet
and sewage facilities. -
Plans, speciiicaUona and other doc
wnenta required for bidding may be
inspected at the office of Jsmea L.
Payne. Architect. 1U South Church
Street. Salem, Oregon, and copies may
be ObtauMd ' by qualified propective
bidders upon a deposit of 13.60, which
; amount will be refunded la ease the
documents are returned, but otherwise
will bo retained ' -
Attention of bidders la directed to
-Section sa-ioa. O.C I.A. providing far
All proposals must bo upon "regular
4!aak forma furnished wna the speci
fications, and must bo accompanied
by a certified chock for an amount to
or exceeding five percent (3 of the
total bid. A 100 corpora to surety bend
will bo required to e,uaraatea the
faithful performance of the contract
together . with insurance ta such aom
as may bo Bscs wary to protect the
District against loss or Stsuf by rea
son of injuries r person or projterty.
The rtsht la reserved bv tno tiirtrirt
to reject any or all bids, or to accept
proposal wwen appears most od-
Clerk Zdna T.
i km i
' r -- - a " m
3S1 Stato SlI
611 No. Capitol
D0I1T inss THIS
It Means Meat On Your Table. To Accommodate Friday
Evenina Shoppers, Oar Stat Street Market Will Be Open
Until 9 P.M. . . - - - - " r
l?oi SeasSs-K-r
Eolled EonsSs
Veal SSeok
Boneless -LB.
M Tenderled .LB.
eeS Soaste .11
Lbs. and Over
Per Lb. ;
Ws Will Cui Into Any Six To Suit Your Needs. From
Yotmg Commercial And'Ui2irf Boei. The SmaTL Tender
Pnd With Llille Waste, .
i - 0Di:3 pig pons
With That CUckutUk. Tuto. And Flaror.
I Small.
Pure Pork"
t - WJ w
r" " "i
Lyk.JJi sJ
n;J :n
4 J
" ft- w sJ
vnznj roa czr it ei oun ad, its so.
Piit Officially
At 1,521341
Tne census bureau ttxlay reported
Oregon's , I960 populitticaa - at . t
UIMU fain of per cent
over; the mo total
i f-' : . . .
In revised Crures the bm-ean
said that ranks Oregon 32nd amon-
tne states, and Cvtj It 23 'times
more people than sihen It
first Included as a state In the
IZS0 enumeration.
Of the 39 counties la the state.
13 rained In populatkxx. Douglas
and Jefferson counties more than
doubled, t The bureau said some
819,318 people live la urban while
703.023 live m rural areas.
The revised figures listed a ran-
fe of residents in Morion county
voting precincts from 17t la pre
cinct 88, 1 which Is Champoeg. to
4924 In precienct 20 tn Salem.
' The smallest Incorporated com
munities In the state are Westfall
and Whitney, with three residents
each Both are in eastern Oregon.
Donald Baskins, employed In the
state! forestry ; research division,
rolled s forestry car into a ditch
on the Jefferson-Scio road Wed
nesday afternoon, state police re
ported. Hasklns was not injured
and the coupe was sllshuy damax.
ed, police said. Haskintt said he left
the road to avoid a collision with
another auto.
. South America is the original
home of potatoes and quinine,
but today the center of potato
culture is northern Europe and
Indonesia has almost a monopoly
saux tney would protest we move, on quinine production.
3 Fuhire Fannera
Recommended f or.
National Awards
frutaT Tanners of Amer
ica n af n there zrons Orearon have
been recommended to recehro the
orranlzation's highest decree, that
of American farmer, at the mm
national convention of the orjrani
ratiori in Kansas City.- Mo, Octo
ber to 12. ;
They sre FJdon John Barker,
Ontario route 1. Donald Wayne
Bassett, Salem route 8, and Duane
A. Drushella, Albany route 3.
' The Information was received by
Ralph I Morxan, state supervisor
of agricultural . education here,
from national Future Farmers
headquarters to Washington, D. C
Tax Roll Safe
From Riding
The state tax commission an
nounced Wednesday - it had not
completed its investigation in con
nection with the proposed reduc
tion of personal tsjtee in Multno
mah county but made It plain
there would be no ruling that
would affect the present tajc roll
there. -,v
Following announcement of the
proposed personal property reduc
tion the Multnomah county asses
sor, along with several members
of his staff, appeared at the com
mission offices and protested that
revision of the tax rolls would de
lay mailing of the tax statements
and would cost the county $50,000
which had not been budgeted.
Tax Commissioner Ray Smith
said a statement probably would
be issued by the commission with
in a few clays. "
Iilrs. Mercer
Arrives for
Revival Rally
Mrs. Jim ilereer arrfveJ in Ka,
tern Wednesday from asirffqMM.
MinnL. to b with ber husband,
conducting an lntfodenemlnation-
U evangelistic rally here, for the
first time in several years that she
has attended tne of his campaigns.
She made the trip by train, leav
ing their six children at borne, and
will remain lor a few days,
i The three-ireeks crusade had an
attendance of approximately 10.000
persona during its first week, end
ini Tuesday, (with decisions made
by 100 persons, crusade leaders reported.-
j -. t - v v
A special event for this week is
"family nightf on Friday, includ
ing a "free lecture on how to make
Johnny behave.- The meetings are
at the "canvai cathedral- on Port
land road at 7:45 nightly.
Americans ate an average of 300
pounds of game per capita per
year in frontier days, according to
the National Geographic Society.
t? a . Of ! '
oenaiors oiasii ij
Foreign Aid Fund
WASHINGTON, A u f. 23-CT)-Two
senato eommitteei followed
the lead of the house today ana
voted to slash President Truman's
foreign aid program by llOI
CCD.CD0. - . ij .
Senator CotmaHy DTex) re
Lported the cut was agreed upon at
a joint meeting ox to foreign re
lations and armed services .com
mittees, i ' v-:-.v-.-,- - i ,
Last week a coalition of repub
licans end southern democrats la
the. house lopped $U0O25O,O0O off
the bill, approving $7,434,730,000
program, .,.,. , : ' ': ;
Phons 4-3333
i 5-V-Crfanp or Cbcragated Sheets '
1 4 "Cut to Tlt'Tou Boofl v- x -
illnhinnm Loch Shingles
iWillunoilo Alncunnn
e Co.
3025 Portland Boad
PMfllHt'MffHH flUfHf! 'MlftttfeaeafasesxM
n m k
-- - j - s f M
Reg. 105.95
t 1
3s '
-'If J
. A.
i - r
Beautiful Mifalite Plastic table top resists heat ,stains, 'dents,
chipping. ZOxAlAn. top opens to 30x524n. Big 10-in. center
leaf, Graceful table legs are 1ln. heavy-gauge tubular steel
. . chrotn i plated. Matching chairs are upholstered in
heavy Vinyl Plastic with "No-Mar" back. Wide choice of
Harmony House colors. I
f i
Upholstered in mother-of-pearl
effect vinyl plastic in Harmony
Bouse colors. Graceful French
curved legs. .
Harmony House SPc
-- Dinette Sot
H:rj. 119.95
TKs Szh Only!
Duncan Phyf o
Chrome Tablo
Reg. 59.95
Clecmr.jBarom plcrfed wilh procfical plastic covered
seats end bodes. Exquisite 3rd dimemlon mcxxiglow de
Vz n Hamxxry House Cherry Red, Dawn Gray, yellow
end green. .. makes dtninjf a pleasure! Seml-ovcl tatb
top opens to 30x60-in. wlA center leaf. Aajmlrwrn apron,
Beautiful Micallft Flattie fop In choice of HarmohyJ Kouso
colors Sesisrs heat, stains, dents and ehlppino tabU stzo
30"x42 extends to 52. Table tegs sr. 1 -in heavy gauge
tubular stoat..
Shop Monday
Comfortably Padded
Chroma Chair
12.95 ?
Vinyl plastic seat and back in
mother-of-pearl effect:- "No
Mar" back. Choose from Har
mony House colors.
and Friday 12:23 to 9 P.5.L
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
550 tJ. CdpSfcI Fli. 2-9191
sr0 "
w . ?
mf u aar