The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1951, Page 9, Image 9

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    Slccbx cmd Bonds
by Tb
Aurust jj
' IS IS-
-t-.-;' ted tssiss Ctl Sou
rt r rmgi aj une aj aj
FrttUjr L ; MJ MJ NJ
re. day W4J "J 4IJ' f-f
Wfe - fii - 4S J
Mik g -mJ . ess ti
Year age. iMi A 44B TBI
-Stow UU alga.
m t : ie ; -is
Bane to etrjrg
fet t&aag - AJ AJ , A J Vac
sy . m-v ' se ' . -
, us . nj
W40 tTJ 102A M4J tU)
On July 14. mu ETHEL M. MOORS
VM duly ppotn ted m -Admin (tratrts
Of th estate of H. L. MOOSE, aka
Burn L. Mum, tftettttd, toy an e
der f Mi Circuit CmoH tor Mario
County, trceet AD persons having
claim atat said estate hereby are
notified to trwiBt acta claim ta do
form to toad Admmwtratrtx at all
yloMtr Trast B-lding. Sale, Oregon,
with etc months from to data f
tb first paburaOon cd this notice, to
wtt: Angus 11. mi. -
ethel M. mocrx, m nek
Oat d fArst avattnttMi August 18.
Vaaw 1
Date at to pvbHeationr Sept 15,
US1. A. 1. 25, S. i t. U
300 Personal
til lost cad food
LOm OAT PmUa wttn wnM fae
a eaas. cauarai i pat.
tLSTi Om floor sending 4xer at cor
Br of tut At CcenX Please call
17874. Ohm Timer Co. Reward.
114 TfumportotSofl
VAMTD: t ridr to Lot Angstes
Attfvit . naat mu.
16 PstsoTjaT
ALCXlHOUCS AaoTmeua Ph. S-dlS
PO B 114 HICA WH fVl 8 to am
' - ...... m, nuiM xjioa tlis
tegs. Iwdij S P-A- Tuesday I at
Are od. datoetiv whtt fir traas ra
totn ywr paatur aoUaT That yar
you caa) ran marn at a praui. aa uwy
or toarto a haary crop of eoneo
worm ae per pouna at im ww-
an Suaavjrakla Bd. Or aend postcard
and wa wtli com d gat theas.
wa aia y iwa.
Dou( laa Fir eonaa.
Act bow, (omi aro ready
41 : 4-3S3S
400 Atrrienlture
402 Urowtock
OUERNSXT COW recooQy frtahtned
with first calf which ia a bclfcr. Thia
ctrw waa alrad by Oak Parks Pat
M. S23S47 Oregon Dairy Braadara Aa-
soclaUo stud. Prlea tot cow and calf
t2S0. Also balad clover hay and ata
straw. P. L. Smith, Bt t. Box Jit
Satem. Phono tXttu
A . tJUJ uvasiuca dumi Claud Ed-
rinti W a, won iwr, m -nn
"tiruuhiri l.rVLSTOt-K hutn Sic
MeCaiMiasn 11TJ 8. Ol Pb S-1141
KDocyclcs: KSL1 ISM. KOCO 1189. KOLN 871. KGW 425. REX tlM
- t Pacific Da flight Time!
I'M: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KEX J2J
(Bdltors aaia: Ta
iaa aa pravMad by U
kaaced wttkaut
accuracy aria.
West. Utlody
Hodgo Podge
Dawnbeat -
(West Melody
KOIN Block
Hodgo Podgo
Hemtngwar I Break Cane I Break. Gang ITop Tredea
Platter Party iPIattar Party Jerry Sears Bx. Serrlc
KOIN Ktock iMacleod news iGoss News I Cons News
Hear rnia Hear This INews i
Roundup Boys M. -Agronsky gomo Pern. Ag.lBob Haaea -
BtXat Leslie Nichols Musi Haven of Rest "Haren of Real
KOCO Organ Moods Chtldcrart f Proudrr Hail Proudiv HaU
KOIN News ILefa Pretend Makebelievo iMakebelier
BOW Klywd. Loto Hlywd. Love , Secret Story Secret Story
BBX - No School INo School INo School INo School
N.W. News
Theatre ;
No School
IFsrm. Bom
IGood Beading
ifublte Affairs
INo School i
BSLM News ' Land ' Fre iMusle I " IMusie
KOCO Aunt Sophi I Aunt Sophie lafajor League IMaiorLeagu
KOIN Stars Rivd Har Hlyd lAhasJ.Do Alias J. Do
BGW To B Advised To Be Advised Snulin Ed . ISmllin' Ed
BBX Tom. Sure iTom. Stars : (Tom. Stars ITam. Stars
BSLM Dunn. Discs IDuna. Discs
BOCO Major Leagu Major Leagu
KOIN Musie Girls I Music Girls
BOW Mary Tavior : larv Tar tor
Zoncert Hour l.oncen nour
I N.W. News
(Major Leagu
BSLM Gav 80s
BOCO Major Leagu
BOsN News
(Guest Stars
BBX PanAmericana IPanAmericAna IRoseland
Sporta Par. Sports Pari Band Concert
Major League Major Leagu I Sat. Matinee
rha Cbieagoans! Th Cbicasoans! Kirk ham
To Be Ad vised To Be AdvisedlTo Bo Advised
Marin la BvwiMarln la RvwIJaxx Concert
Air Force Hr. xAir Fore Hr. ItGeor. Crackers iGeor. Crackers
Sat Matfne at Matinee Sat Matinee Sat Matins
Scratchpad Farm News. - (Cross Section (Cross Section
To Be Advised To B Advised City Serenad (City Serenade
Musis to Go IMusie to Co Kiirl Scouts Must to Go
Bands-Bonds (Bands-Bonds (Musi (Guest Star
Sat Matinee (Sat Matinee . (News I - (Amy Band
Kirkham News atlantle Bands I Snorts Review -Leueur News
News . Earl Godwin Mrhat'sScor What's Score
Music to Co iMuato to Go (Musie to Go '(Musie to Go
John Frvna
Chin-up I
Treaa. Bandstd,
What's Score
LUtoa to Latins
BSLM Air Fore HourtAir rare Hotui Chris. Scicnc iMusle" -
BOCO othm RaocnlHhvthm HancniMusi lEncore Sid
KOIN Gaston Fischer I Barnyd Follies (Danger Ahead Goes News
BOW Dixie Jaxx Dixie Jatx ( Serenad E. Prfrrsoa
BBX - Navy Hour (Navy Hour Blu Sporta Guest Star -
KSLM Hawan Calls - (Hawatt Calls
vnrA rumwf UikU IrMniuf liiHif
B01N RiTburn. Finch 'Ray burn.
BOW Eddy Arnold 1 Eddy Arnold (Bob and Ray . Bob and Ray (
BBX Inortttdltlos Irtooie Coition IStarsParad (Bert Andrews
CoHeg Choir I CoOeg Choir (Reservists IReservtrts
BalUdiera I Drivers Pry hs (Track 1480 (Track 1490
Songs for Bala (Songs for - Sal iSooga for Sal (Songs for Sal
Bob and Ray (Bob and Bay (Oie opry f Oie onry '
At shamrock lAtShaanreck ISpec Patrol (Space Patrol -
BSLM Reporters Rduo' Reporters RduolxwnbanJi. USA fLombardl 0JLA
BOCO , Bandstand Bandstand r.-. (Dugout Dop J (Baseball
KOIH . V Monro V Monroe iGeoaAutry (Gene Airtry
KOW Merry-Ge-Rnd IMerry-Go-Rnd (Mont. Wooley Mont Wooley
BBX Lon Banger Loo Banger ITh Sheriff (The Sheriff
sorM .
Ghost Stories
Pap Edwards
iBaseball '
IGanx BtMrtcrs
I rex WiUiams
KtLM Monica Wbaiea Dane Muaie
BOCO BasebsJl i&aaeba '
BOIH Night Final ' Georg FSshr
BOW News ' ' avr JuoUe
sax riaal Editioa Uaten
KtLM One Houa Onee Bona
BOCO Dancing Party I Dancing Party (Sal to Rescu (SaLtoftescu
BOW CataliM Orch. ICatalio Oreo. (Trees Bandstd (Tress. Bandstnd
BGW Hal Derwus - (Hal Derwin IRoyl Hawauaaa Royal Hawailans
eULlV Coed IJstonina? tGood Ustentng (Good Listening (Good Listening
news aa wthr- 14.15 Espeeiaiiy fae
VVamen; 11X4 Th Concert Hail- 124
The hews; 12:U pju Koon Fsrm
Hour: ISA ESde rs Cowbev; I Jo Stars
e ParaO. J Hi r.rurr's Scteae:
a tm ate of tie Masters: 4-ee
Scienc hews of th Ueek: 4.11 Oa th
400 Ayrlcnltnre I
433 liratociV
UCTNSrO Uvestark portr K. - X.
CViTE tauraoa. buiM a Coci
Craaa OUcka Pbom Cattrta Uatc-
rT Rlar r PHrrtw
boMiiOi inrrUict ouyat A ff. &o
zub rnsnujw u m asni
4J4 PociaT cna Bafebiai
U XX puQota. 11 oach. M . Mat, Ko
swoy cai'a. '
RTTiTrKVEai S i i lb, ft. XktiX
BU 4 Box j0. 4 nil waat of pa
roa &AI; Nw Hmp. fryers a3
eonrta. fl b. av. A. waiug. ju. a
' Rot. ITT. Phowa 1-2833.
iHiiirbAl&SIaa puHeU. 1 months
Old. 11-05. PTtOO 43CT. Kt. S. BOX ,
AU3TBA WHITX pulWla. U waaks
oh). Pbaaa 1-0704. - -
CX1jLKjlX trycra. any fit 1 mi
SoutO of Airport on Turner so.
Afroaa frara city doi
om ooaad.
HATCHES or floida firoad ami Kaw
Hampatiir calcka orcry Tuosoay.
Wo spocialne In brotaFT chicks Fox's
HatrM'ry. M30 Sts St.. ptono HW
tA OtM sod varvc rnirtt k, Cen-
tor Stroat Pftno zzaei vs a
anypioc aajnun pnoao
4U Parts
W A JaT A tlTVO a".n -aaatslBl -
KZCISa Springer Spaniels, ready to
sunt lata xan. aju.. rrjiirru,
cnamptoBjMoad Itaos. Bob) Brown.
EaEMATTaN PVPS. I mo, AKC ret-
tstered. peneCT manung wo mm.
txcellont pets or show and breodlai
docs. C. Keatoo, l N. Monmouth
it . aioamomn.
HOuiU'k Traowat ban aouarium
fish, tanks plants, beaiars A tncr
AOftata. Marvel pmnos S miles from
S lnckstrr ea Uaeleaa Bd Phoa
TkAPiCAL PISH aad aupoUea. C L.
KaBB..Battlacrak Rd. Turoor. Or
end Hants
BlvOOMTNO bagoolas 80c. CUUs
Creenhotiso, 4',i mt N. of SaJoni oa
, Walla R4. 1 (Salon-Day toa bifh-
412 rrult and Fcm Product
BAJrTUCTT paxrs. $130 a bushel, bring
containers, w. &. want, , tr-
deo Rd.
fiAHTLXTT pears are now ready. 4390
Liberty Rd. i mil North of Liberty
Store. Ayauapio aaiurosy, annoay.
BAkTLZW' paafinto box. U-piclL
Phone 1-4764. 1111 Maplo Ave.
COOKING appias
ofr 23c a
Phone 7-2Z22.
your Cberta csnninc peaches
UVW. MWW f 1 1 1 f . . '
North on Salem-Newberf highway.
Phone 1-1029
BARTLCTt pears:' BX L Box 40. Wal
lace Rd. f
GRAVENSTXat apples Sunday only
srhllo they last $1 a box. Windfalls.
50c. A. S. Daugherty. HW Claxter
Rd, North saietn.
BAkTLETT oeara. U-oick t3i bushef.
Bring eonUiners. Out Stat St. 2
miles East of Pen 4 Comm. RL f,
pya. iuin M j . .
WORM TREE , Siberian erabappteft.
'Box 111. Tom's Place
wasTxgT" pprtrsj. roonc dtw.
GRAVtNSTEIN apples. TS0 box.
Ceortt Schirman Rt. T. Box 197,
Prion 4-1344. s
BOYiENBERHltS. U-pick Se lb.
Htcfca. mitg an ei nrooa.
Hoyt $
taa aeABsaes ta gaad faith Ua pracTana sad
stattea. but beeaaaa aftUuee tka praxraaai are
a raapantiata ia sua
oo jo i
00 IS
rarm News
IWest. Melody
iKOtN Klock
I Hodgo Podgo
(Net News
iKOIN fClock
I Hodgo Podgo
ipastor can
(Club time
(Grand Central
(Guest Star
floyland Tunes
IBanratn Ctr.
(Club Tune
Grand Central
Toyland Tunes
I Dunn, Disc
(Major Learu
Galen Drake
IY. Oregonians
t Concert Hour
(Dunn. Discs
I Major Leagu
Galea Drak
Y. orexoniano
I Concert Hoar
IMusie IMusie '
(Major Leagu I Major Leagu
. Dave Stephens iDav Stevens
Band Concert
lat. aaaune -I
Kirk ham
To Be Advised
LXazz Concert
IMelody Portrait! Twin Views
cnin-t Ambassadors . Ambassadors
Treaa." Bandstd.1 Jonnav Snot Uonnnv Snot
what's Score (Narcotto Truth INarcotie Truth
sauurel Cajt (Saulrrei Cage Uaa M. Carlisl
(West Ramblers West Ramblers
news t I Assembly God
Finch! Ray burn. Finch! Ray hum. Finch
(Dane Musie
- i Baseball - ,
rLes Brosm .
(Muaie t
(Lea Brown
(Keiley's Blues
(KeUy-s Blues
I Ghost Stories (Old W. Dane ' (Old W. Dances
9 w News lOrcrestr
News r rDaacinf Party -
Lea Brows , ILes Brown "
Sports Par f EL Bergmaa Or.
ListantoCGood Listening
' Ooea House Dos a FT
rpteeet: 4:4S News A Weather: S:f Chil
dren's Theatre; $:S9 Defees Report;
1:41 London Letter; 1:00 th News and
Weather: 015 Dntner Melodies: 04
Ports f Call: i IrOS Light Op r a
Tonight; S.-41 Tb News and Weather;
9-to Daac Parade; 1041 News and
Weather: 11 S Stra Olf
400 Aftare
412 TzvSt estd Team Prodacw
rCX SAUC: Eoynbrris C-p4ck to
ml Drum cocaaimra. 1 snli aeutit
an Uf low A
Aaaii JarL
SA&TLtT ttASJL ilie par busheL
A. B. Komclaw. 4420 Carter X4,
Salem. Otmsb.
LA&GBLoeai Sweet Tooutat. Satart
day. Salem Public Market. 12Ua Street
ard Burst. ' .
Cravenrteins. " 487 PorCa-nd M.
BABTLXTT pear No. i. UJ arbx.
mo. z. xi.73. no. J Si. Bring contain
ers Frank Gratf. Rt. X. Box 144. Laka-
GHAVNStXN apples.. U pick. fc3
Evans. TV- box
CKAKAPFLE3 to lb. TaberU Pcbe
iaier. atoiua nearer, rnoa xrz. -
FARM A I J. F-2 tractor. Massey Harris
z-ia piow Bear new. M h s rt. auvrt
he driM. International T ft. diac
SO Made, 1-1 section harrow. Duao
I. Fclton, Brooks. Phono Cervata
X274. , . ..
450 Merchandise
451 Macklasry end Tools " i
DEALERS and repair starloai for Wood-
eon, cnaia saws, vnggs. uiaua at
Wtaeon&ln gasoline engines. Howser
Bros., 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 1-3640,
aire parts. MM service
rtowaer Brae
Pkw S -SMO 1410 1 S
YOLiR une ana eflurt demands gooa
tooit Rent or buy them at Ho user
Bros 1410 S Uth .
Housahold Goods For Sal
MOVING. Inquire 1190 N. 21st St. Cen-
oral household items; fJlinf cabinet,
2 desks, electric washer, fruit Jars,
etc Geo. 3. Smyth. Phone S-4T14.
Refrigerator Specials
The lowest prices la the county this
weex niy. -Gibaoa
Dehtxe T'i eu. ft. with freezer
cheat, rreshner chest, glaas shelves,
etc. This on is really fancr. 1 189 JO.
Ketvlnator. 41, ft. 1st ntodeL very
good. I139J0.
Coldspot 1 ft. Good condition. 171 JO.
o-E.. im moaei s',a n. S1M.3Q.
Norse S ft. freezer cheat, used only
en year. Waa a9.S. now $159 J0.
Other refrigeration as low as $35.
Trader Louie. 1870 Lana A ve.
1x12 WOOL RUGS $21 An.- Hare FurnT-
ture. 155 N. High.
ftxll UNOCETJM rugs f-4- llareTur
nur co.. zas n. High
DARK GEXEN mohair davenport.
Good conditloa. See at SU Edlna
MAHOGANY Duncan Phyfe Dining art.
a nost cnairs. large Dutrct. a bargain
$121. Pressure Cooker Csnner holds
1$ pts- used once. $20. Kitchen sink.
18x26 porcelain back, good condition,.
WOOD range, copper coils, first class
condition. Price $13. Phone 3-7701.
FOR SALE or Trade: New and used
furniture. We buy or trade for any
thing of value. We pay cash WM.
grounds Rd. Phone 4-1481. ;
Used FurnM Cheap
VaDev Fura. Co SSS 2fo Comt S-74T1
I5S Wcmttd, RonsB&old Goods
TRADER LOUTX offers fair cash prices
on furniture and misc. Fnone
or hrinr 1W Ijnt Aw
CASH tor your furniture, I piece or
house full Phone 2-7152.
MUST HAVE at once good used -furniture,
appliance or anything of val
f uo . large deals solicited, small
deals appreciated. W pay cash. WM.
grounds Rd. Phone 1-4381
PHONE 2-0402 . for prompt appraisal
T-J Furniture Co.. 586 Edgewater St
IMMEDlAfE cssh , Woodry. Ph. 3-8110.
Highest Prices
Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472
CASH for your furnttur. One piece
O houseful. LAMBERT'S. 3-7100.
4S8 Bnfldlacj Mato rtals
Plasterboard .
New 4xS sheets, 1-8- 5c ft. $1.60 sheet
ta to n. sua sheet.
Ph. 23821. 43131 1 mile N. of Keirer
Best grade No. l's $10. Uo. I s $7. No.
1's 43. i $3. Any amount delivered.
IS In. No. 1 carton packed side wall
shakes 113.50 per aq. with under
course. Common lumber, all grades.
Oak and Pecan flooring. Ted Muller.
pn. saiepr z-iiso evenings.
Flooring kd $59 so. - vo low as
$149.00. KNOTTY PINE paneling and
1x128. Clear white pin finish. 0"
and 10 lap aiding and beaded ceil
ing $49.50. Pioneer-Funtkote roofing,
all colors. Plywood, any size. Wall
board 4xS $1.76. Rocklath and sheet
rock. No. I Stained cartoned shakes
and undercourse, $13.00. Steel and
aluminum garaf e doors. All grades In
stock at attractive prices. 36 months
to psy if desired. North -city limits
YARD. 4-44.13.
CABINET SHOPS White Pine $' fin
ish. all widths. Order while selection
No. 1 shingles, $18: No. l's. $7; l's. $4.71:
4's. S3. S-tab composition roofing.
$7-50 aq. Roa roofing. $2.43. Cedar
shakes for sldewall. painted, with
undercourse. $13.30 sq. All thicknesses
plywood: i-in.. 23c: V,An SOtr, -in,
lie; e-u), 13: i-in.. 10c: si6-4n
Sc. One-panel doors. $8.40: glass doors,
, $11: waterproof waUboard. $220 sheet,
perfect material fo rboth wall and
floor coverings. Toilets complete. 835:
. wash basins, 815. Paint $1 gaL Used
windows, , $1.73 each..
Phone 1-5821. 1 Mile North of Kelter
sPUT ' shakes, rustic roof and wall.
Also smooth and wide -split 200 sq.
to pick from. On Highway 0 miles
30 Months to Pav
For remodeling, repairing. painting,
building of rental, barn, etc. 10
down. Contact us for fre estimating
and blue print service. .
Eppin Lnmher Co,
, 9T4A SitM-tM. n
Phone 1-2054 or 4-285f" eves.
bargain's rnn Rim
Shtplap and 2x4 $33 00 M
1-Tab Rfg. 218 lbs. 75 Sq.
snwiTO, exa 14 sot
Wind Fra-rres"
60 Dis,
STRtnmr. tJT7rRn rt
Phon 28S2 SUvrtoa
4S2 Spors EcruipTnwnt
BOAT: 10 ft inboard. 20 m.pA. speed.
In good cendxoon. Call 3-0472 for
NJ Dr O. Ca-a. NJ
211 North Uberty
Upstairs abev Jaax. 237 R. Lihv
erty Otfic open Saturday only 19
exa t I pas. 0 to 1 pjn Coesurla-
Uoa Biood preawore and urin teats
are r
O (
De Y.TXaam
450 ElerrYisnflha
iS2SpOgtB lUiyiiLtaTgt
rca XALX: UJL Cermaa llaoser.:
scarier iocx. santit pasp alaav
H 1 HJ. Jch.nsos Perlact anapl
2,( HP. Johnsosv-AJ perfect.
1LP. LAUSON 4 ycl. air cooled.
Bw. Ontv SIM. SeHa for Hat. -
XI HJ. BVtofBUDB, aunr ttogs. racteg
A JOHKSOlt. to motor gey Astoria
or wtncjsaator. Onrr Sis.
14 HJ. Lot made! Tahiwrm '
ALL, Carta Craft boat kits la Stock.
1M Charneketa - Ph. Sna
SMUiCmstfX modal 14. 1 Urn
acnrnimtuo. S3A BBM HoUywood An,
4SS For Bamt 1L
Hospital Beds
v auey rormtnre CO.
Paint Spray
vajagy FTmuyare c.
fOR ANT: Ford tractor. b K. SCth,
rTMOt ZoeSi between S t 730 ajn.
Be nerween 13Q and a pjn,
-.mi iki tmnn B L SttH"
hi tutK aewiu am ataat Xitaaei
eiee portable sewing maenln $0 per
mo Free pick up A deUvery Singer
Sewine aiarhhs Ca us
Tv 3.T74TX
DKIVX nfjcxs foft Ant Blanl
rt ftim tl g l,Hen Ph l-in7
TOOLS A cQuipntoat to mass a goad
fob better Rent r buv at Howser
Bros, icie a LZUh.
470 Tot Sal, l.icsllcnwocs
FOR SALE: Autoharp.
atm. mont s-toit,
FOR SALE: Camp' trailer: Inquire
Gates General Store or write w. Li
Ott, Jr, General Deiivery,. Cat,
1 HXAv'Y garage doors, good condi
tion. si. fhort HNS.
ALi and Fair MtchmnJ 2 sroas
ball point pens 10c each. Several
other premium articles. AQ beiaw
cost F. G. Hubert. Rt. 1. Woodbwrn.
Oregoa. I mil South of Hubbard oa
SINGER aewtng machine with new
walnut cabinet A motor $13 dn.. full
price :
130 N.
$99.50. Suixer Sewing Mach. Co.
sv rt. com i.
MAYTAG WasherUte model, top con-
ditloa $71 JO. Trader Louie, 1879 Lana
MAHOGANY drop tosi i pc. dining
A. aksA 4Uk T 1 SMSm
W fPaVla A laHlwr eWATUlV A l JUaUia
f waj. f
MOUTON fur coat. Ilk new. win fit
sizei iqjo. vuiuiig.
BUILTWELL daveno A chair la rich
blue mohair; fin condition. $111.
Tracer iouie. ig70 Lana Ave,
PLAY PIN $730. uaed bad complete,
with mattress. . $19.30. Trader Louie,
1870 Lena Ave. ' ' !
BHAUfiFUL bUck tooled saddle, silver
trim. Must be seen to be appreciated.
Breast collar and bridle to match,
also available. Mrs. Leon Everht, BU
I. box lis, saiem. Phone 43056.
FROMM silver fox jacket martin-dyed
skunk coat at heavy gray wool coat
with martin trim tuxedo style. All
size IS. Have been well cared, for Ac
all ia excellent condition. Mrs. Leon
Everltt RL 2, Box 211, Salem, Phone
MofjERN blond $ pc. bedroom suite!
-with matching box spring and mat
tress $175. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana
CfWn ....rtn
Used several times at demonstrator
Bargain 15 discount. Budget terms ..
singer sewmf ssacnuia 1.0. v XJ n,
com L
1 AIR COMPRESSOR In goo4 shape
with electric motor. A steal at $50.,
Ron's Uaed Cars, cor. Broadway A
CHEST OF 4 drawers, modern, limed
oak, &3S. Unfinished 4 drawer chest
$13 50. Trader
113 50. Trader Louie. 1870 Lana Ave.
E cooler. Smith Corona cash
register, refrigerator, oil stoves.
Phone 4-4138. -
STANLEY home products Phone
2-4058. Lee Mlndt. 333 S. 10th.
Deepfreeze Freezers
Yeater Appliance. 17S Chemeketa.
CLtCTRlC Ranger- New and Used
Yeater Appliance Co. 273 Chemek-
OIL HIATtR, automatic fan. 1-50 gal-
ion oil drums. 40 ft. copper tubing.
loo. Phone DalUt 396.
PDJCOR power mower. $79. Johnson
heavy duty power mower. $99.50.
Both excellent condition. A few used
hand mowers. $830 A up. Howser
Bros.. a. lztn.
3 GOOD used graden tractors and till
ers from $123 up. Howser Bros., 1410
9- i2in.
18" Power
Mower I
$2 daily until sold
August 18. 193L Price $94.58 i
.''''! . ' -
Keith Brown Lmhri Yd,
Front 6c Court Phone 39183
i WHEEL hooded trailer in good con"
dition, suitable for hunting. See at
4czo stat st
QUART fruit jars 50c. Dozen pints 15c
1350 N River Rd. Phone 4-1171. -
FOR SALE: Dormeyer food mixer and
Juicer in good condition, $15. George
Schirman, XL 7. Box 1F7. . Phone
SIDXARM water heater. $20. 3820BoT-
1 rood Are. Phone S-13.
Phillips Bros.
FertiHaars ROTTED Manure
AH types cedar posts stake shakes.
picket fence, rose trellis, poles A
special eeoar orders r s
Flagstone for steps, patio, wads A
- waucs. ajbo re ava and outer atone
v 4 large strawberry barrels.
Rt 0 Pox 118. Salem. Ph. 4-3081
AV ay aVA Slip, OgiSS-TII, aTIl. 4fJ.TJI
posts, porch columns
and railings to order. 1141 N. Liberty.
knVi aao Used . Sewme Machines
; veaiar Apoiianc to. 171 Che me k
PLASTl-KOI'E requires no waxing
for your floors or hnoleum ; Tester
Appnswey Co 375 Cnemelteta
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crashed Rock '
For roads A dtivewsv Cement, fteodv
mix Concrete Garden Sand Bull
dosing iratnag and ditching vd
etwrx H dg Una Phone S-rt4S
Linoleum $345 .
VACUUM cleaners. Electroiux. , Kirby.
noover. wyt. niter xieea, saru
ttzer. Singer.; All makes $10 and op.
Phon 2-4674 r 2650 Portland Bd-
SaJerr u
WA-wlLNG Mactuae. New and Card
Yeater Asao Co. . TO Chemek
NW location: CHARTS Corse her. "Eary
E. Bale. 1183 Caster at Shopping
" Center SS41S.
GOOD USED pumea, $71 . !
SUtf Fura. Co. .-.-A-.'' -
Why Suffer Any Longer
ran. as r exutese
fae 444
years to Cains. N saatter ' wUA
wast aiiaiears ye are axnicted
tisarSnx stassB-s. aeart, teags. Br
er, kldaeys, gas, canasta tie, aieers.
etebetes. raeamitum. gsit aad kiaaV
aer revet, a a. f
234 II CemaserSta 1
- pBaa t-itl -
orix at r s IMC
Taea,aad8-t Only C"
472 T7eSex, lcstseea
WANTED: Apavtaaant stas Baa
&ZZTTi&Xte. 4a u i KTR.
rr.-y, rn e aanwn ao-r-X.
for enpoead Caaidrv aVoctetv. Oeil
CStyjWasto Paper Co tor 4cxas
3-l poayweod Or raoato Sl22v
Afrvl vra ttii ,
M'-y-a PSwS ttSKj P
Dental Plate Repair
Brtnr r Msl Your Pistes for Itoeear
Adoioh, Bids Stat A Coca Pa 1-3311
SECOfVP growth Preb woc4. 1-2128.
rrratL fn
1-T7H oy 3-8CT4
Highway Foel Co. .
wievHsn osam ask ra
-jvee atai-n t S6444
spsxUl Summer raTM is" sua
weodj 1 cords for $1A Ph. 1-7T21 r
-6024. : i
Capitol Lnniher & Fuel Co.
Tri-Citv FhpI
QeaB haBdpicked IT slab wood
wa cut aci itueu aawaust
IT mill ends
Is aid mwtk Hr ; hrwt ,T
umiwa suppry, so oia customers or
f?I n PhiUloa Bros, Rt 8. Box
; tlS. Salem Phono 4-5081.
wrxrws e. . -
Pav AtSSlol S 12th ir OM Ft
veneer tores Spin rot Fanuet tf
FOR VALUE. quanUty and price, order
j mrnon a nan ancxeo aia woo.
1 full cords only $1A Pna S-T751
or 4-4233
West Salem Fuel Co.
OM growth block wood 18 lav eisaa
I n bark
I Phon: Satem 8-4011
Ala pick up wood at 1323 Edgewstas
I , IIS. Salem.
500 Business & Finance
810 Mbnsy to Loan
Private Money
O Cars Trucks A TraOar Boms
isoi or anon Terms Paymcnta
Roy H. Simmons '
3 S fiommerglai St Phone 1-1181
- I 4u- and 8
roar own terms of rensvment within
reason. Cash for Real Estate Con
tracts and Seeond Mortcaeea.
Court St Ph 4-r3
$25.00 tb $500.00
d loan company offers money whoa
you need Itf
You can pay anyttmo to radue at
aeatl I
to endorsers, or ftalp from fnends
On cars, truck traitor homes to $300.08
On furniture. Uvsstock. equipment
salary lor other personal property up
to $300,001
Phone or vtart ear office today I
Hear -Top Trades' 11.03 dally 7:45 ao.
Sat 1390 KC'sil j
General Finance Corp.
I jo. No Bra ttmm '
5 On Your Savings
We have! always paid our Investors 8
net onj their Investment. Buy. first
mortgages on real estate. Salem A
vicinity. We take care of all detalle
for you.. Amounts $1408 A up.
State Finance Co.
1ST S. High
Vacation Loans
$25 to $500
Dont borrow unnecessarily,' but tf
you re short of Cash for travel x,
a cash loan from Personal
may b th best solution to your
problem Up to $300 on Auto, up to
$300 on Furniture or Salary. Repay
when you return .first payment not
bus ror av aays, com la or p
for cash for any good purpose.
Finance! Company
I of Satem
109 S tTJgtt St Ph. 2-3464
Lie No 8-122. M.m r n ah m
PRlVATii money to toan. Phon 1-Q794.
1150 Fairgrounds Road
inext door to bank!
Pre ParsiiRe ln
tn ( CaB
UB A Church St Ph 14411
Parking Aplenty
I fjf M15S-!t1S4 -
We'd Like to Loan You
ff yan'd Ilk to borrow 1100
(or Snv amount au ta 11500 i
Phone pr call on us Immediately
. Typical Repayment Plans
! : .. 15 lis.
Amount ! Payments
Industrial Loans
111 Sj Uberty f phon 4-2201
600 Employinent
602 Harp Wcrrrtad
CAR HOP. San Shop. Portland Rd.
LOG TRUCKS, year around work. Top
pay, good worxing conn rt tons. Call
Drain 1481. Tb ALn Nash Logging
CO. (
civil. stftV7te p6sm6S'3 ;
' Write Box 8, Oregon Statesman
fcl'HWASHEH. Sah ShopTPortiAnd RdL
HO? PICjQnO maenin and 67 house
hern. i. ;w. Graham a Sons. Phon
4-l!0. X i - -
Jobs! Jobs!
Consult s for tb RIGHT JOBS to
i suit YOUR sklOs and needs.
F Assistant bkgp. 8om exp sits
F Bkkper aad general off. exp. to $250
r couee graa, gen
F Typist tO-45. fin opport .
r--Jt-typstr, expw
F ftecerUonlsl-tycist. Drs. act. S173
F PubUe relation aeeretary . $W
F SUmo. gen. ocflc trainee "
F See, leral ofiice , IT'S
F Steno, near Saiem, Imbr
F ktedical steno ,
F Steno. ins uraac
M Bookkeeper 1 VT
M Yoanr ma, acrte era or XrxSrH
494 State I t Phon 3-1421
$10000 i IN
240.08 ! ' IBiW
380 00 5 30.00
850 00 j " VIM
600 Eraployraent
CC4 X!h Wefitsds Mcis
MAN 20-81 t laara totataia. Must be
to stork aaenta. Too wars ta
th right party. No pna caUla.
WWtes Drtve-fn lis S. Cr met-iaL
TXlSTlJ: 1U. boy. snuat U H7J$.
pry JHoel Senator. - .
WAKT): 1 net 1 faUara aad bucl.
was awsaarea ay Biunkury. faooe
l-ev. -
sQifGilWa eRo3. aWS BAiiWal A
aiAUCY cutcus WANTS working -man
to all depts. Steady, year Y-ad
mpioyment with meals, tailing" and
traMportatloa fin-sUsbed. Contact
Frank- McCtosky. Manager, at cirrus
a-rosuMUw o aouth nut St. Tburs,
Aor. 23.
maloymat la Salem
experienced service station man.
it be honest, reliable aad able
to furnish referent se. full time aad
part tm Jobs available. For further
lnformatioa contact C. 3. DalzaU.
Unto Oil Co. a California, Salem.
l" tiwii y r rm.
FXXLD ASSISTANT for survey party
with U. S. Geological survey. Must
b at least 17. la food health, hav
aun Knvw niaut nartgroun q fau
bt tzs yyumrr st
MAK-OVS-t il'tor wkolasals and I
s uu market. Must be able t assume
responsibility. S9S S. Com! St Sat
aner s i n,
CTptilTr.CtD bus boys. Senator
xxotei soiree snop.
WANTED: Log trick driver. Call f-I
- luittet. Arnoia trumps.
atlCPEJUXNCl ) servic station man for
evenings and weak end work. Apply
to parson. Park A Market Richfield.
POULTRY MAN with hatchery ex peri -
erice. oox aza. c0 oTargsman,
MEN needed tor bop machine work:
Starting between Aug 10th A 15th.
Apply at Mission Bottom Ha esters
Plant Located mile North of
Satem n Wheatland Ferry Kd. or
tail 4-lita betwaea I BJB. A I 9JB,
ICS Halp WcralfscL I
Q-ahfied typists needed immediately!!
unas at present ia ta saiem
are. Salaries begin as high as $170
per month with possible advance
ments 1 1 1 Apply bow Oregoa state
Civil Service Corojniasio , lot Public
pcttio s ouiiaing. saiem
WOMEN to conduct telephone survey
nours per oay. rnon s-xsz oe
tween 1 A 11 a.m for aonointment
mttffiJCIS waitress, dav shift.
Court St Dairy Lunch. 147
XSSISTANT payroll clerk ' and minor
Bwuccpmi. an sj-iu. ee nour
week. nermanenL Call Mr. Pfraita
ii vwi asonqay
AGE 25-13. Ice cream counter servEe.
non-smoker. Local references. Hours
18:41 to 8. On Sundays, off Thura-
oays. me rixe. iaa a. Liberty,
FRY Cook, steady. San Shop. Port-
iana Koaa
DAY care for 2 children in Richmond
-lsmct. a-none s-suo weexenos or
WAITRESS . anlH mnrnlnl shiA
, dine A Johnston rood Shop, 444
n. cnurcn
CAPABUE housekeeper for 1 adults.
- fnone a-S3i.
EXPERIENCED market and aaaembly
rtri. Dry cleaning aepartmenL Capl-
toi City Laundry, 1204 Broadway.
SHORT HOUR banquet girls. Senator
- Hotel Coffee Shoo.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for country
, home. Must do a Die to take charge,
like children and drive a car. Per
manent separata lodging, board.
Transportation ac salary, fnone mi
WOMAN for light housework and car
of 2 school sge children while mother
works. Room, board and wages. Eve
nings and week ends free. Must be
reliable and permanent No objec
tion to woman with a baby. Mrs. C.
M. Adams, 1137 W. 11th Ave, Al-
hany, Oregon. Phone 382-j
WOMAN OR CIRL care for 1 child,
light housework, room, board, wages.
Permanent, fnonez-ttsis.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, also
bus girl. The .Spa, 383 State.
STiOGRAPHIR - Typist experienced
for general office work , including
telephone. Aga Sl-15. Salary SZ50
i month. Transportation furnished
r from Salem. Apply Independence
. Lumber A Mfg. Co Independence,
. Oregon.
WANTED: Experienced office girt re
ceptioniat, bookkeeper. Call x.W.CA.
608 Hckjws Wcmfd
BEAN PICKERS needed. Good crop.
Cornelius Batesoa, out Garden Road,
lust past Prstunx
BEAN PICKERS Ws are la peak and
way behind. Do yourself and ua
a favor by coming to Dean Walker
Farms, Hanna Ranch. 11 mile S.W.
towsrd Independence. Drive in or
excellent free camp. Call Indepen
dence 30 or 140.
THORNLESS Blackberry pickers wsnt
ed. Jacob Waigum . 340 Chamawa Rd,
Phon 1-5971
STARTING August 10th picking 15
acres of thomless evergreen brack
berries at th Alvtn Van Cleave
farms In Haselgreen. North oa 89-E
to Totem Pole, east life mil to 4
corners. North mil on Van Oeave
. Rd. Phone 1-5163.
Bean Pickers
-j. - ... . r
1M Acres, Sandy Farms. Camping fa-
em ties - Let Season. Located at
Gaston. Oregon, oa Hwy. 47.
Phone Forest Grove 17281
BEAN PICKERS: Our bus leaves l2th
St A Rural at S ajn, down Uth
to State to Employment office, then
down State to - Coral, South to
Owens. For Information call 2-0137
after 0 pjn. Bishops Bean Yards,
HOP PICKERS wanted: Cabins, wood.
lights and water furnished. Store and
restaurant oa grounds. Picking starts
early August Register at Mitoma
nop rarm. au. 1. box sod. inoepen-
810 Salss Psrsons Want
SALESMEN wanted to represent th
world's oldest and largest builder of
" farm welders. Sell direct from fae
. tory to farm, earn $150 or more
each week Protected territory. Rapid
advancement Car essenii aL No In
vestment Contact Mr. Azlein at Mar
lon Hotel. Salem or write Box 117.
co Statesman. . -.
612 Work Wanted. Mais
PLUMBING work. Reasonable. 8-8377
LAWN mowers and saw sharpening.
All work guaranteed. 301 Gerth,
1-1656. Pickup and delivery.
CA'l&NTRt any tun d. reasons M
4240 Maclear Bd Phon 4-20M.
615 EUtierflons Wemtad
WANTED: Housework, by hour. Neat
and efficient Bel erence. 482 So.
High. Apt 4.
GOOD salesman with.. car desires po
sition. Box 11 co Statesman.
Septic Tank Cleaning
Drain fields Installed and repeired.
Todd's Septte Tank Berrica. Phon
PALNTING by hour or contract Guar
anteed work at minimum cost. Im-
mediste service. Martins, 4-2979.
HIGH school girl wishes work la homZ
Box Ire, woodwirn.
CHILD CAKE in my home, hour, day
or pi t. remt a-e".-
PAINTING and Decorating. 25 years
esyeilence In SalefT. Phone l-TSSl.
CHILD CAS.E in my hoove, days and
eve-'f Xi!".gtJt-
CSTLnt work don, tie est Phoo
2-713 sfter 8 p.m
k GOOD ho 0 law mower saarpaa
tne Hsrer Prwa 14)0 8 l?h
fal' i'JZZ2V badge and al.ruO
prunmg. new uwns, grass scything
and, yard work off all kinds Pnooa
hiicAAi? 4 til o;2
153 a UTO. .11 S-toiA
Tits Gctosaca. ZcHsl Orscai CafttrrXcry. Aogi-rt It, 1M1
700 Rrntsia
TC3 Acjtrt--Mst for .
Tsur grieads aad 8MfMrs ar toevteg tote tb Le. Whytr
Simply bsoaua they are sold a th fact that w hav nswre to
efr. tlx Just that easy to r$4al. Why doat ywa tospct; our
M-rtastU mkI Isira U brti tbsut attot U Iruifl
600 Employment
Salem "Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Wort
Roads - Clearing - Dttohlac
Bewer A Baa am sat
Kouipenent Raatal
Ditching by the foot
Phone da 2440s
leanings 2-7412. 2-44IT
Salem; Oregoa
AUlU rAiSllMii HiSt
try Bar rTTSw CaB Bhrca
CA s4ul - i
700 Renlals
TRAILER ' spaoa south side of Paul us
grog. Cannery, school bus trsjmor.
. .tJon. Roth TraUar Court.
XEXPTNO room tor gatjeaa, Pltone
1-44TT. i ---
CLEAN baietasnt room. $14 vJTFSZ
nac worn, ree wtrwa.
LARGE sleeping room with kitchao
prirUeges. woowsa only, near bus.
. Phone 4-4330. 1 ..."
aUXEPINO) room, close in. Lady pre
terred. Kitchen prtvUeges if desired.
Phone 3-5553. "
BOARD and room for pre-chool eh231
Phon 4-2983.
Kiet ILKpin'q rOotJ. llSagggf.
SLEEPING room, kitehca prtvUeges,
locker spac. FTigidaire, laundry. 754
- Ferry. -
I ROOMS in West Salem Light nou7
keeping i Phon 3-7554
BOARD and room. Close In, ntoa loca-
ttoak Phon 18708. .
705 Apcirtmsmts fog Rsxl
Our utility apt. la a bargain f Large
15 1 II Irvine rtn. ntrxnc hall,
kitchenette, with range and refriger
ator, dressing rm. and bath. Plenty
of wardrobe space.. Large windows in
every apt. Room enough for two. Call
for an appointment to Inspect the
utility apt. Prices start at $61 00. Util
ities furnished except lights. -
Claude Kilgore
Exclusive Rental Agent
Ph. 2-5706 - Ph. 4-1M1
ROOMY well fur. 1 or I bedroom apt.,
adults. $40 A $27, 3-6288.
I ROOM furnished apaxUnent utu-
ties, 1
near SUte House. 940 Mill.
3 room furnished house. Ut 1
ties paid, baby okay 132 JO per month.
Also 1 room furnished or will rent
by week 3310 Williams Ave
2 BEDROOM house partly furniahedT
Also 1 bedroom furnished house,
close to bus. Inquire 1138 Ruge, 25277.
FURNISHED 1 room apartment elec
tric stove and refrigerator. Private
oath ana entrance, ro. Phone zvzax
' ROOM modem insulated, automatic
electric heat, range and refrigerator.
Nice yard. Close In. South. 173 E. MU-
ler. $47. Owner at 990 Ssglnaw.
1 BOOM furniahed apartment Electric
range, washer, phone, shower, park
ing space, au utilities furnished. Em
ployed tradesman preferred. $28.
10S4 oax st
1 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, re
frigerator and
utilities furnished.
Close in. 27050,
NICE 2 bedroom court available Sep
temper L Unfurnished except range,
refrigerator. East of Salem High, If.
ittn st pnone arses.
DELUXE i bedroom furnished apart
ment Laundry, garage. West Salens.
Z7W5S Or SKM7.
MODERN i 3 room furnished duplex.
3-7034. i
NEWLY DECORATED, partly furruh-
ed apartments. West Sahrm. Phon
3-361L '
FURNISH ED apt 1st floor. Oose UL
1073 N. CapitoL Phon 1870$.
Baal cut apt, 8 rooms A private bath.
rang, refrigerator A laundry tadl-
iUes furnished. $65 per mo. rent
Al Isaak & Co., Realtors
3035 Portland Rd.Ph. 4-3311 or 1-7820
i ROOM (turniahed heated apartment
private entrant and small apart'
ment. mi court St
3 ROOM court apartment 1&54 g. T5tR
CLOSE IN, private bath, $50. Incjuire
827 N. Liberty, Apt. 1.
NICELY furnished apartments. Anv-
oas-mqor. Apts.. 850 w. summer
A . M SL - 1 1 ... 1. . .
3-ROOM apartment with lights, best
water, close In. 140. Call after 4 pjn.
340 Union st.
I OR 2 ROOM furnished apartment
end sleeping room. 444 S. High. -NICELY
furnished j apartment. "TI5S
COURT. ' ' - -
Georgene Gables
Apt onfurn. except range and reirtg.
auto, urunary. ra s. is'n
FOR COUPLE i blocks from city een
tor. Inquire Woodry Furniture Co 414
S. Commercisl . ,
APARTMENT for rent In downtown
Salem. Phone 1-1711
SkVaJiAL AKTS, good aocation eomn
furn. Inq H L- Stiff Furn. 1-91 a
CLOSE in. better class, well furc-
I room. 154 Center.
7U7 Ho-aiuas Tot Amm
I BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, oil
. floor furnace, garage. $51 month.
waner. paon a-ewr
DUPIJ EX, unfurnished, very clean, 1
bedroom. Adults. Phone 1-4708.
$-50 DOWN buys house on Berry t.
Had a Or and a little fixing will
make ttihveable. Price $1950. City
water, paved st.. So Colbath Land
co. Phone 1-4552.
NEW 2 bedroom horn, lisi 14. loth St
$70. . : -
FURNISHED motel cottages, utilities
paid, fit week, Phon t-9S2 or
FURNISH-IV I bedroom older type,
close, refrigeration, stove, . adults.
iHoAXitodil Lre ranch type house
partly furnished,- $71 a month, 991
McCflchrlTtOwner at 1340 Lee.
$ ' BEDROOM motiera on Capitol St
Fireplace, hardwood floors. Inquire
izw nr.
r BEDROOM houae for rent Pboo
. 3-92. 1444 8. 12th.
2 BEDROOM furnniahed hous. couple
on ry, no pets. cau J-ivn or sl.
ilitt PARK" AVE. House for rent furn-
fshed. $50. Phon 19093. Call after 0
m. or an dsy Ssttrrdsy.
WNSTalCS on bedroom, living
room, dining, bath, utilities paid.
las a. t-ygi.
rkbt J. hauae tor reai 'Mi K. Trent
Avaiiajl staxnber L lnare 1111
ft. L
isOSXAN redecorated 4 room duplex
(1 belrooraa). Unfurnished except au
tomatic furnace. ; hot water beater,
rang aad refrteerator. Hsrdwaod
floors, venetiaa bunds, combination
tub and shower. Near N. Capitol and
' IWsnon tn. 3. Phone 4?4.$. -CXO&2
rST44TiKTotuie. s rooms.
rrr sneattu X. D. V oodrew. Fhooe
FOR IT, smAll house, eomp-tteiy
redecerstel at im H. 2Ct Inquire
nt ?f. lh before 1 pra. .
ei'STAI one U4roum, kiUJken, liv
- las roomw bata ; 1) SAgznaw, $39.
,700 Rentals
Tt3 Apart nts roe P-t
Weato 4-1141
707 Hwisws For tttttt'
BEDROOM house. 1013 Tf . JSth. at
at ts V ,w b. 1 .' F
CLEAN 4 room cabin, partly - T
BJ""tlt VtM wd!sjnrM
A-0SE a roorn, 3 bedrojalu5lex
SiPS? '2122 " Call JUw
aAoOM suburban home. Hi VT1
ZZzLJfZ Jatchens. spacious
ftwrndA lott of fruit Cood hulistn
34x00 sujUol for warehouse or abon.
UFlTAlSi: woroorrikitcGr
KANTAX. Servic. Bomes.. IZ fl
ouurn. 11a m. raMM sens
SMALL HOUSlirD7.hi,r;-t-e-
mo. Inquire SAM Sunn tew Ave. .
aaon J-10S7 after A " . " , r
lii Wcmtoa
cmtsd to Rsrit
FAMTLY eg 4 daslra elan W ev t bed.
rCpXaaTM nnilgs sTfea atAr4s .A
sfhooL Phon 404SS
-. ,w . atnnsa. t ra. s awlS.
7 1. VVoxtfwfJ To fW 11
FURNISHED apartmeat or rr-furatahsd
tw bedroom house, Ira Dmtgy ph.
liACHXR. wife, vounast-r
nedl bedroom nous. Maximum
4Jry0l llAWsksa, A AA as ' c
yy pi
s. V LiVSIW 4gH,.
Y of four desire 1 lri
horn la Bio district Call S-441S.
V, -, , . , 1 a , . . j '
ivi mmm m wet fit. iiii isie
a real estato venture, wet saargeat
yosi sea on at bt oompto-l
salestBea! j , j- , -
tiiaer type noma uiat is very clean
with a beautiful extra large carTirr
lot, Tbig it an ideal property lor
a retired or semi-retired coupl.
4 blks to Grant school. 1 blk to
bus. Paved it, on both sides. $2,000.
down, total price 18300.1
ST. VINCENT -District
Only 10 months old. Ifioe
setting. Very well arranged. Insul
ated and weathers tripped. AJaost
inuneaiai possession, r nA tarzat
vaiiaDie. iou u pricea pgnr at
$10,500. ' f .
On Kingwood Heights, f j bdnnA.
ax i u vu uoor. sueme m. rorcea
air oil furnace. 2 flroplac
Brand new. 2 car garage in bBS4
ment. Priced right $18,300.
$350. down includixig taxes, insur-.
ance. recordinif fee. New h mi
for veterans. Streets will bapa.
ed. City water and sewer. QU
beat Veterans dont pass up tnii
opportunity. Act now. Total price,
complete, delivered to i you only
$450. Go out Mission to S. 22nd
turn south and inspect t&es
homes. A salesman will be there
Ctiivx4w astil ..
a .fcMA WMT 4BAAVA -""" Is
Call for Mr. Dan Iaaak, Xv
Phont 4-3533 or Call for Mr.
Iioyd Keene, Zve. Phone 4-3S38.
Totsl of ippx. 2 acres on a good
comer close in. 5 rm. niodern homd
with baseoneoL Deep well, plenty
of water. Appx. 40 trees. TMav xi
a buy for $15,000. Owner may
consider terms. . i .
The location is second to nons.
Very reasonable rent. Very well
equipped. Business is good. Thii
is a real deal, very low overtiead.
Term. Total price $12,500.
Very modern, each unit hag firo
place and bathroom. 2 extra rma
in basement. Kew oil furnacA
Taxes are only $92.00. Cb4c lo
cation for bus, store and schooL
Terms., Total price only $1100.
rail fm- XMr Van VWV f
rnone 2-051L M
77 ACHES .': :
3 bdrm, home. 40 by 40 barn, 49
acres under cultivation. .Irrigation
ditch through farm. Appx, $4,000.
worui ox umorr, near svwn. iw
price $1250. -
43 ACEES ! "
Less than 9 miles from Salem. Ns
waste land. 4 bdrm. home, barn,
machine shed, 4 acres in'stravrber
ries. 87 foot well. Wm eidtrati
for Dallas property. Total price is
only $12,000. i - i
Very modern 2 bdrm. homo. Very
nice setting. Barn. Lots of weri
and shrubs. If yoa like suburban
living, be sure to inspect this one
Priced right at $13,500. .
Call for Air. Leavens, Ey FhotaS
3-4735. , i
Free Parking for Customers
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S335 Portland Rd.
Phone 4-3311 or 3-7820
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