6 Th S"mqt Edna, Oregon. Friday. Apyast 17. 1SS1 SOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC A round Town... ! Br Jerrm EnrlUb THE PAKTT WHttL. ... A garden ' party overlooking the Mill stream will be given my Dr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Burdette and Mr. and Mrs. William Schliti on Sunday .ft moon at the former creek- , side home on North 14th street The hosts nave irmtea inirry-uve of their friends to come at 4 o'clock and a bullet supper will be served on the atio . ... A eoff ee yarty ... Mrs. George Dunn will be a hostess on Tuesday morning at her home on Pioneer Drive for a group of her friends ,,. guests have been bidden to call at 10 JO o'clock for a cup of coffee . . . Assisting the hostess informally will be Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs. Forest Bodmer and Mrs. Paul Karsehnia. EnlerUlniax . . . informally to- nlrtal at their Fall-mount : Hill heme win be Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aadersea . . The aceaai will celebrate Mr. Aadenw'a birth day aa4 will honor their week ead house guest,' Mrs. Mel via Vlken of Fertland ... MmTlkea , wUl be remembered by her Wil lamette BBtverstty friends as Lil lian Hart . . . Aeeoaepanyln her to Salem will be her small son. Richard ... la the grmmp will be Mrs. Vlken, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Speerstra. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle B. Roberts. Dr. and Mrs. Otto Kranahaar, Mrs. Eileen Sheldon, Dr. and Mrs. Charles IL Derthlck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guerin, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Margoslan. Mr. and rMs. Kay Khoten and the Andersons , . . Presidents . . . of Junior clubs from all parts of the state were honored at a luncheon on Wednes day afternoon when Mrs. Fred C. Cast, third vice-president of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, entertained at her Manbrin Gardens home . . . Eleven Junior club prexys were present to form ulate plans for Junior activities this winter . . . Mrs. Sam Campbell, past president of the Salem club, assisted the hostess informally... VISITORS OF NOTE ... Mr. and Mrs. William E. Scandling and the latter's sister, Mrs. Margaret Cal lahan, have had as their house guests their longtime friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiesler of Point Loin a, San Diego . . . The travelers, who were accompanied by their daughter. Jeanne, stopped in Salem a few days on a motor trip north to Seattle ... they also stopped in Salem again on the return trip south . . . Jeanne, who had to return to her position fn the southern California city, flew south by plane from Seattle... Arriving . . . is the capital today will be Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Williams and their three daugh ters. Mrs. Leo Reed (Barbara Williams), Mary Margaret, and Janet of Clare mont, Calif. . . . Accompanying Mrs. Reed, will be her small danghter. Susan . . . they are living In Clare mont at the Williams' home while Mr. Reed Is In the army ... While here they will make their head q Barters at the Orchard Heights home of Mr. and Mrs. Tlnkham Gilbert ... The family Is on a motor trip Berth to Vancouver, B. C. . . . They will remain In Salem until August 24 for the wedding of Mi Patricia Elf- atrom and William Johnson at which Dr. Williams will fflcl- House guests . . of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Livesley at their country place have been Mr. and s. David Jordan and son, Paul, of San- Francisco . . . they also visited with their cousin, Stuart Bush . . .' ..; ; Returning teeth . . . by plane on Thursday to her home in San Marino, Calif, was Mrs. Andrew L. Gram, who has been in the capital the past month visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele ... Headed starts ... on Thwraday was Mias Edna Sterling, who re tained to Seattle after a tlx weeks visit In the capital at the Wallace Orchards borne mt Mr. and Mrs. Fan! R. Wallace ... A month's visit ... in Salem for Mrs. Alex deSchwelnlts and on. AUaa and George, who left Sunday for their home in Barley, Idaho, after a stay here with her another. Mrs. Harry U. Belt , . . Mr. deSehwelnJts was here the first two weeks ... Vacation Jottings . . . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts and sons, Larry and Ron, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Roth and children, Barbara, Jimmy and Roger, left Thursday for ten day camping trip in the Wallowa mountain' . . . A aojoora at Neskowin ... for Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Cannon and daughters, Cathy, Christine nd Cynthia, who returned Thurs day from a fortnight's stay at the beach resort ... -.A,wtke"4 N'leatt ... for Ebirley Karsten, Beverly Beaker, Jean Clement. Dorothy MCall ad Patricia Fitzsimons, who leave tonight for the beach ... A gaeat iMa week at the Walter Fisher homo on Hollywood drive was her sister, Mrs. Anna Ander- of Portland. Wash At The ; LAUKDERETTE 1253 Ferry St. : Up U Mbi Washed end Dried For 55c f :;: . li r .... 1 ' ' 4 i i '., ' f : , I 4 - - i - r . ; - . . ; f " :, t II' l.t-i Hostesses Fete Joan Lewis at) Bridal Shower ! Miss Donna Johnson and Miss Carolyn Parker were hostesses for a surprise garden party Thursday night at the latter's home! on Roosevelt street for the pleasure of Miss Joan Lewis, who will be mar ried in September to FerreJl Covalt A bridal shower feted Miss Lewis. - f I Refreshments were served in the garden and a pink and white color scheme with baby breath was used In the decor of the tables. Assisting the hostesses were their mothers, Mrs. Clifford Parker and ! Mrs. George Johnson. v " j i Horjoring Joan were the Misses Margie Dunnigan, Roberta Sjod ing. Joyce and Joan Traviss, Nor ma Hamilton. Patsy Walters, Leaden Davis, Patricia Wegner, Patsy Finer,-Colleen McNeill, Billie Mfflerv Margaret Miller, Eunice Peckenpaugh, Sonia Nohl gren, Mary Jane Rudd, Gail Loo head. Helen Cadd. Harriett Just, Eernlce DaMoude, Donna Nothel- ier. Maruyn Blakeley, Carol Hud son. Norma Harrington, Helen Retaanny Sophie Polales, Mrs. Bruce Rogers, Mrs. James Black- ourn ana tne hostesses. 4 Willamiaa Mrs. Frank Doric was honored Wednesday with a shower given by Mrs. Laurice Fox and Mrs. Don Hurd at the latter's home. Guests were Mrs. ' Edwin Garrabrant of Sheridan, Mrs. Ross Wright. Mrs. Ed Spencer, Mrs. Bill EUlngsworth, Mrs. J. B. Ellin izs- wortn, Mrs. D. W. Fox, Mrs. Ed die Fox and the hostesses. 7 J I Mrs. Douglas Earl Heider, who was Mary Patricia McCor tnlck belorwlher xnarriaga in St Cecelia's Catholic church, San Antonio, Tex. She Is the daughter of Mrs. Clare P. Mc Cormick. CpL Heider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heider, is sta tioned at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio. Oesten-Mil-let, photo). I' I j , Care in Washing, Ironing Makes Nylon Last Longer, Simplo Rules '3.:. 3n By Sue Gardner I I The popularity of nylon lin gerie has led Jit to become one of the mainstays of the average American woman's ward-' many new y styles in nylon j lingerie for the fall and winter markets, ranz- inr from souh f rayon snuggles to sheer peg noirs. To get the most wear and comfort from these styles, there; are a few simple rUes to follow in their maintenance. t Most' women buy nylon ar ticles because f they want a time saver in laundry work and an economical long wearing gar ment. Sometimes they are fooled in thinking nylon does not need a thorough washing because it sheds dirt quickly. Actually it should be hand washed oftenj and occasionally put In the washing machine for a more complete laundry. Job. If the garment has delicate lace, gathers of unfinished seams you think might -ravel In the machine, put it in a pillow case when you wash tt in the ma chine. However, many of these On Etiquette By Roberta Lao Q. If a man is seated with a girl at a nightclub table, and sees an other man at another table whom he would like espedaHy td intro duce to his girlj is it all right for him to conduct the girl to his friend's table? f A. No. I would be much better if he excused himself, went over to his friend's table .and brought him back to his own table to be introduced. f - -. J ' Q. What would be some appro priato kind of music I could have for my wedding, which is to be in my home?. . . A. Nothing could be more beau tiful than the phonograph records of organ and choir especially avail able for weddings. Q. Is It all right for a man to accept a cigarette off ered to him by a woman?.. , . i: . , A. Yes. this is perfectly all right. garments are sewn ' carefully with nylon thread and probably do not need this precaution. White i nylon should not be washed with colored garments or even light pastels, if you want to avoid discoloring. Dinginess might also result from improper rinsing or pressing with a too- hot Iron. A water softener will help do the job well. If you use a bleach follow directions for cotton on the bottle but do not boil as this might leave stub born wrinkles in some nylon tabrtcs. ! When Ironing keep the iron moderately warm at the rayon mark of 275 F. The nylon lin gerie comes in tricot, taffeta, crepe and satin with only the snuggies made so far of spun nylon. If you find nylon tends to be too warm for the climate you are in, ask for one of the fabrics woven with a porous feature. ' (Copyrteht 1SS1. General Features Corp.) ' CLUB CAIXTTDAB rtlDAT j I Past Guairrfian Kelrhbors ehib of Kesg&borc of w&odrraft with Mrs. Sara MeMU. SIS Aorta Commercial atraet. a p nu . . snroAT. CalTary Xjitherma Ladiea CuHd Btuthr aa taa aad acuwooa oiaa TCSSOAT.,;!' " 4 Salom CeatrkI WCTU picnic at CkA drcn'a farm Home. , chartered bos to leav at la aj a pieaic hwchaon. Joint aaeenag of Chrlstiaa Senrica Gafltf aad Womn'l Society of. World Scrrica at WUllam Pero home.ti4sa D street. SJS bibl. picate dinner. I Elks Club Annua! Picnic Sunday f A large crowd; is expected to attend the annual picnic of Salem Elks lodge, 338, on Sunday. Aug ust 19 at Paradise Islands. The af fair win begin at 10 a-m. and there will be, no admission charge. AH Elks members and their fami lies are invited to attend. Each family is asked to bring a basket lunch and boffee will be fur nished.; There will 'be a sports program both for children and adults and later in the day there wffl be dancing" to the music of the EDcs orchestra. j William Johnston Is chairman of the picnic! committee with the Exalted Ruler, Hal Randall, as sisting. .1 Members f Barbara Frfetehle Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans will meet for a picnic luncheon today at noon at Paradise Island. a business session will follow the covered dish luncheon. Surprise Party For Miss Broer On Tuesday IQss Marilyn Broer. who will be married lo Robert Goffrier on Sat urday, was the honor guest at a surprise bridal shower Tuesday night at the Saginaw street home o ISss Ann Gibbens. A late sup per was served and assisting the hostess was her mother. Mrs. Har vey Gibbens. Honoring Miss Broer were her mother. Mrs. John Broer, and sis ter. Mrs. Walter Weathers, Miss LSandra Nordyke, Miss Cora lie Dough ton. Miss Marilyn McFar land. Miss Juanita Burr. Miss Wll- ma Blue, Miss Ada Hudson. Miss Patricia Hall. Miss Carol' Wood roffe, Miss Betty Jo Davenport, Miss Jo Ann Beard, Miss Roxann Hussey, Miss Alice Waters, Miss Darlene Engdahl, Miss Edna Marie Hill, Miss Dorothy Pederson, Miss Alice Lehman, Hiss Leoca Todd, Miss Phyllis Scott, Miss Marilyn Foxley. Mrs. Robert Shipley. Mrs. Harvey Gibbens and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Loads Nevmaa were hosts for the August meeting of the TPM dub at their N. 33st home. A picnic supper was served on the patio. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. F. Fred Arls man. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Kinney, Mrs. Laura Pangle, Mrs. Sara Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. John Verstegg, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Es tes, Mr. and Mrs. George Beane, Mr. and Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. Anna Houck and Mrs. A. Ar thur Hartzell from McMinnviUa. Rose Ekmpton Compares B!ue Bonnet -Prefers It Always! it im Boat Bampton has a rogrestkm for you. Compart Bunt Bomnkt Mar garine with any spread at axy-price. Like the Metropolitan Opera star, youU love the delicate, sunny-sweet fiator of this fine-quality aZZ teffeiabis margarine. YouU appreciate BLCS Bonkkt's nutrition. No other spread for bread is richer in Vitamia A the Fear around! And youU welcome its real teonomt! So buy Blcs Bonnet aad get "all I"-Flavorl Nutritionl Econom-e-e! Ernest P. Greenwood; M. D. I PHYSIOAN and SURGEON announces ; the) opening of offices for The 1 .. ! general practice of medicine and : I surgery in association with ! Merle P. Brown, M. D. 1M 8. liberty Street Salem, Oregon i Telephones Office: 4-4435 Residence: 4-3514 iasfeoaMi I 0 "S. ' . n : rp th : I ! i - asssPSBwa asflup j Jimmmmmmmmm THo Event That's Drcaldng All Previous Records! MWetCoiaoaBfc i " - - I 1(4 iVlilliBiiiaaiaii 3 li o mi jLS o iriiitfltfcii&i feyCfejT&LiOt Mfe'iftiJtrtia ajetsWeoijeaveiyotxswjCij if .1 paawwyasyy:BTeatai!ew .ijuw mnmtoiM ymwwmmr:qmBmm j i j I , . EasltLiZ laaJluStS J-Ai j ICT-?;cw:eaiasttosi'( l mj 'Ji . an mmmmm, 'jutaway ji j aja - D O ovt flat; immtmmiawMfAMmsmttm 'mwimmtmmanmms mm Come In for yours while they lastl AO sizes and lengths In the most famous nam in women's hosiery, exclusively at Price's! I 5) t ; 1 i t : - . '. vs :,3S mm 49 U NORTH LIBERTY i4tJtobaad2&3ifce Sco Vivian Enycartj Owner & Operator of . . i PRICE'S DEAUTY SAL0I1 THE 1 1 OPENING TODAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M, of our NEW 1 - i and NEW LOCATION 1280 i STATE ! STREET , t 1 i 1 - ;! Between 12th and 13th OVER SIXTY INSTRUMENTS . . . ALL STYLES AND ALL SIZES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE BALDWIN PIANOS f WURLITZER PIANOS ! I HADDORF PIANOS CABLE ! PIANOS . . , ... i ALSO HAKDMAN and SHONINOEX BALDWIN ORGANS f HAMMOND - SPINET- AND CHORD ORGANS 1 Now at 1280 State : "Thfj VcIIey'i Finest Piano Storo" a O o o r, r a