14 Tna Ctaltngn. Scdm. Oregon. 7dadoT. Rt&u t, U31 1 MILL CITY Mr. Neal Mart tala . and daughter. Donna, have Coo to Ohio where they will visit friends and relatives. Marttalas re former residents of Ohio. 300 Personal S12 Lett cad Found X-OST: Small black pup wearing shoulder harness. Phone 3-3022. 133? N Winter. t COST Downtown, 1 earring. scroll ce!m. Reward. Phc one S-1770. Co ST; 1 blac k ledger vicinity of Mar ket or Baker streets. 1100 reward for return. Phone 3-140$ or S-SMS. imi Market St t!4 Trcpsportatloii DRIVTNa to Dulutb, Minnesota. Fri day. Au(. IS. Take 1 or X passengers. Snare ex pent and help drive. Ref erences exchanged. Call 2-3416. til Ponosed WANTED, a food cook and house keep- . er a( 40 to M tor widower at borne Sundays and weekdays after 9JO. j 44Q . Wth. Salem, Oregon. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, K. Commercial St. Phone 3-210 Meet ings, Sunday 1 pjn. Tuesday 7:30 pm ymoua Wed f OBim uca m sjspjb 400 Acricnlturc 402 UTMtock 1 GRADE A milk goats. Nubian and Saanen. W. Looney. Rt. 4 Box 1010. (2nd boose past Shaw Junction on right.) ; tiUSUitfi Livestock buyer Claude Ed wards Rt 3 Box 899E Ph fllll "BO WD En LIVESTOCK buver . C. McCsndiish ll S h Ph 3-6147 tJck.N.stX Livestock ouver H E Rnethen 1940 t.ancater dt Pt 2-1545 bUU SERVICE reasonable Nelsons - anyplace snytime Phone 4-2949. BONDLD livestock buyer A. 9. Sonv met. 2120 Chemawa Rd Ph 42611 404 Poultry and ftatobtts XXTTS of rabbits and hutches. Rt. 4 Box 171 East of Colonial SUak Houit i tTPt'LLStS. 10 weeks old. flii each. Rt. 6 Box 298. ShoDE" ISLAND Red hens for the locker. Phone 3-5429. HATCHES of Golden Broad and New MsmtMhire chicks ever Tuesday. We specialize in broiler chicks Fox's Hstchery. 3830 State St.. phone 3-498S DA -OLD and started rmcxs a. cen ter Street Phone 22341 Lee's Hat efcerv EVERY Thursday. Ha wipe Cornish Cross Chicks Phone Gehrins Hatch ery Black 193. Silverton. 4UB Pets i "" - - THOROUGHBRED Toy Collie pup. T weeks. Ideal breed for stocx oi cnu- dren. 820. Call 3-5433 FOR SALE: A.K.C. Registered Cocker - Spaniel puppies, 55 champs in gen. $35. Mrs. John K. Given. Rt. X. Box 158, Eugene. Oregon, t-aiw. KORAV KL.NNKLS. 31083 uuHi'S Trootcai ban aquarium Fish tanks i.olanU heaters 4 "ther mostats Marvel Dumps 9 miles from S Lancaster on Mac War Rd. Phone 37321 WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS t Pacific Daylight Time I f ! ' I'M;-, Megacycles - KOIN 101.1; KEX I KUocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. xHtAa ): The Statesman enbtlihes In geed faith the pregraaas and times as provided by the radio stations. Changed wtthoti. notuicauon. uus aewspapes canain. inrwuim tvw ww nccarscy herein).-; - HOUR 00:00 0:15 6 KSLM Mews fTtmekeener IFarm News KOCO Westn Melodies IWestn Melodise (Farm Newa i KOIM- News I KOIN ICIoctt KOIN Klock ROW aock Watcher Clock Watcher 'jKneass News KEX Farm Edition I Keep Smiling I Keep Smiling 7 KSLM Heiriinxway Break. Gang Break Can JSSPjJt;,0 KOCO Liberty IJamboree r. Hamblin (KOCOKlock KOIN KOIN Klock IMcLeod News IGoss News '; (Babbit Show KGW Mueller New8 Country Editor tKneasa News patn Hayes KEX First Edition iMr AgronsXy (Bob Garred IBob Haxen 0 KSLM Cecil rowi - iFamirr AKar -Bible Inrt KOCO Harmony Shop ITuneTime IKeystoMusle KO!!4 Cansumr Nswi Vatle Newa (Grand Slam KGW The Old Songs The Old Songs I Jack Berchj KEX Break. Club - I Break. Club .Break. Club 9 KSLM News (Music KOCO JimAmeche (Jtm Ameche KOIN Wendy Warren I Aunt Jenny na , r-n-Ko Tmrim iTiitu Tm( KSX lun Edition ISUrs of 10 KSLM Glen Hardy KOCO Net News KOIN ; Big Sister KGW House Party KEX i Nelghbr's Vce. TTeUo Test Stars Sine i Ma Perkins IHouse Party HBreak Bank iHeadlineNews I True Story'; 11 KSLM Ladies Fair Ladies Fair KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac s Meioay KOIN Mrs. Burton i Perry Masoo tNorah Drake (Brighter Day K3W Doub. Noth. (Doub. Noth. tMiltionaire V (Millionaire KSX Betty Crocker I Lone Journey I N. Westerners (N. Westerners 12 KSLM Topi Trades IN W. News Gay 908 ! SMusIc , KOCO News 1 I Major League I Major Learue j Major League KOIN Marieod News iCom Get It IHouse Party fHouse Party KGW Foster News Road of Lite I Pep per Youne it Happiness SEX P. Harvev iNoon Edition Mod. RosianonDind Anrjitv 1 KSLM K0C0 KOIN KGW KtX. Jack Kirk wood I Jack Kirkwood IMusie ' Music Malor Learue iMalor Learue lUalor Leafao IMllorLeafU HtUtoo House IKlnrs Row Top Tunes I Kit West am KSLM News IConcert 2R0CO ' Magie Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody i Magic Meioay KOIN Strike Rich Strike Rich Music Sparkles (Tunefully KGW Just Plain BUI IFt. Pg. FarreR ILorezo Jones IBob and Ray SIX Pert. Husband I Pert. Husband I Family Circle t Family Circle 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN Music Rust Morgan (Music Star Parade Kirkham News Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey ir AW ' T.vaUM 1 Tra n Ti KSX Mary McBrid I Mary McBride IBarney Keep 4 KSLM Fulton Lewie Hemingway (Behind Storv Sam Hayes KOCO V ' Frank DeVol rrank DeVol 9- Vandercook Old Scotchman KOIN 'Art. Godfrey Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrev Curt Masse KGW Dr. Paul , (Life Beautiful tHornetowners Morgan Musle KSX Stars Sing 1 Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage I Jerry 5 KSLM Adventure Adventure fSing. Marshall :Sing Marshall KOCO l?h st Hr (12th St. Hr. (United Nations $$Keys KOIN Hllenbck News ( Goes News I World Today t3ossNews KGW R. Harkness (Foster News (Songs of Times A Peterson . KSX Merrie Circi I Merrte Circle IChet Huntley (Bob Garred 6 KSLM Gab. Heattet iN.W. News (Answer Mad Sam Haves - KOCO Candieught (Candlelight INews -'- Twilight Song " KOIN Escape lEscap . I Johnny Dollar Johnny Dollar KGW L Murray 1L. Murray I Night Beat; Night Beat KKX Wrtn. Hedilnes (Home Edition Buzz Ad lam . BuxsAdlam 7 KSLM Crnr Comment Ray Block - t Cisco Kid :i C&co Kid KOCO JocHarsch Music Jackpot Bandstand Bandstand KOIN Wavne King Warn King iSammy Kay Sammy Kay KOW Big Story Big Story I R. Harrison R. Harrison KKX Lone Ranger 1 Lone Banger IDrmldPlayhae Drmld Playhse 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Name of Song iName of Dugout Dope j Base ball World womgnt Heicnmn I Man's F ami IV 'News of Ufetm Chance 1 Uf etm Chance, IFrm Homocide Irrra Homocide 9 KSLM Glen Hardy I Fulton Lewis Nit Winner , KOCO Baseball Baseball I Baseball '.: KOIN Rocky Jordan j Rocky Jordan Waxworks KGW . Pays to b lent iPays to be Ixnt 1 Oist AUorney KEX Fat Man IFat Man ' 8?laybouse -s 10 KSLM I Love Mystery KOCO Baseball nOlN $ Star Final KGW Richfield Rep. Newsreel . Baseball You & World Eddie Bergma News - -K.EX - final Edition 11! KSLM Myst-Trsv. Mdnt Melodies Melodies : KOCO Nue Song nueaong KOIN CaU Una Orch. (CaUlm GW News (Hai Derwin KEX Good Listening! Good Lit KOAC 19.-W ajn. The News and Weather; 10:15 Especially for Women: 11 0 The Concert Hail; 1230 the News: 12:15 Noon Farm Howe: 10 Ride Lot Cowboy; 1:1$ Uncle Don's Story Time: 3 .43 Festival of Britain; 3:00 Especially for listening: 2:39 Memory Book of Xiusic; 3 Ore Reporter; 2:13 Music t the Masters: 4.-00 Serenade in tUue: 40$ Oo the Upbeat; 4.45 News St Wea'Ji 400 AtrrlcnItTirC 1 4C3 Pets IRONICAL rv&a and swpplMS. Maaa. Battled. Id iinatf, Otsl 412 Fndt cad Jena Frodacw ciiTrmnn mmiam sue W7 Hazel, rear bowse, suaee ano Pine. - ' ' BOYb.'Bita!S, yo ptck. 10c. Alaa Wiesner. S snilea norta ed Central " . . I tassiso bean. sGcen ano cwfon,wnuv v-. i . r-6R iALf: Cravenei. .apple., and New Zealand rawrts . sue scspte. i U-PiCK twsenaano, Se, Aim van oeave rsnn jb n Green. Nice plckinr, (North on SS-B to Totem Pole. lmCe East to 4- corners. mile Norm on van mmwm t Rd.r APPLES ti-PlCX, Irrigated; waahington JUsp- berries, good picking 10c Comelini Bateson. PTatum. t I Nlct boysenberriea. you pick. lte. To. S miles southeast of saiem. vui ait. Me ii. must wtnt or ren Annex. 5. ZisteU fct. 4. Bat sit. Ph. HO. 414 Fi EQtdrJHxrnt COVER crop disc 4041 Mahrt Pbone .. .- . - t - ' fho tf ff. A 'at ford Ferruaon trae- tor. new tir and in good shape. CaB S-S30S. , I 425 Aocflon Scl Sudtell's Livestock & Furniture, Anrtion I Thursday. August at 10 am. U1 tun. I 1949 0 ft. Leonara remg. f'n-'mt'' walnut secrexary, e pe v room set. 1 I U wool rugs, ply- nMtrnha. cheats of drawers S davenports and cnairs. beds, eeil springs, mattresses. Royal tank vac uum and attachments, like new. 3 breakfast sets. ' DUhCS. tools, fruit jars, fresh vtgeUbles. and many I miae. articles. -, i 1 l . m. UvcstaekL cfaiekens St rabbits. I calves and veal, pigs, beef cows. I heifera Jk bulls, I Ralph Crum's Grade A dairy herd to I be sold this weex. is neaa jersey s Ciiernsev cows.;; These cows all la I good condition and are all high pro- j aucers. rroaucnon recorua sums i treanemng oates given wtgir i (ALU IAHU IV mile X. of Salem on Slhrerton Bd. r" wv , j 450 Merchandise 451 MachSntrt aod Tools ROTOTTLLER sales, parts, and aervtoe Howscf Broav a. Pb t B-SMe. , 1410 s tfouft time and effort oemands good I tools Rent or Pur them at siouser 1 . Bros 1410 S 13th 455 Household 9x13 LINOLEUM' rugs. $4.8. Have Furniture. 255 N. High. SS?1 iT V' . ujvw wvcuv, kwut 1 - LAMBERT'S, 320 No. Liberty KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 Set became of times the programs are 1 . 00:30 45 fNews t (Net News KOIN Ktock IFarm Time JohneyL-WUls1 Bible Inst. Kennedy Show I Rosemary ; (Dave Garroway I Break, ciun IPastor's Can iBargaln Counter IHollywd. News Second Look (Helen Trent (Gal Sunday iTunc Tt lKnease News Today (Eve. Winters (Girl Marries ICa Garden Guide 1 Concert IMac s Melody Mac's Melody (Dr. Ma lone. it ma. ugni j Break Bank J True Story; tfueen for Day I Queen for pay (Kirkham News Kirkham News) I Kay west ntvay wean Muate Concert Music Concert Music (News iAnswerMan Music U Want rArt. Godfrey ?Ev Young IBarney Keep Music U Want .1 A tint Manr Song rrttm. our bus. (Musle I t. 1 Baseball orch.i or. Chnsuan Lr. Christian Worm Th Falcon , ITh Falcon ' Kite Winner I Baseball Q's Wax Works max. Attorney I Playhouse -1 News . IMyst. Tra. ' iMews ' Pastor Orch. BasebaJl i Pastor OrclL; Sports Final Good Listening (Current Choice Good listening! Melodies JNight Song I .Night song i Orch. j Band ana i Bandstand I Royal Hawaiian RyL Hawaiiahs tenlng; Good LiiteBingiGood Listening en tOS Children's Theater; M Chica go Roundtabie: m News and weathers 6:1$ Report From Conrresa; S20 Here Is Australia; 69 Soofhem Oregon CoUcg of Education: 7:00 Fanners Union; 7:15 Evenutg Farm Hour; 80 Music of . Czechoa.ovskia: 8 :30 U. S. $larine Band: S:45 Ne-s and Weather: 9.-00 Music That End ires: 10:4$ Newa and Reather; 113 &$a Off. . 45Q McrcHandlsa 4'nogasAcIi Goods for Sola) ZENITH Elec. Range t-BVKRZS TOP AND DEEP WELL, gtl OYTIS17S 3-UHTZ OVEW. REDUCED US daily until sold August S, 1451. price $259.99 : I Keith Brown Lnibr. Yd. . , . - . Phone S-91Q lj? v r 4iAPr - - V , fav, 44,A . ' . " X-PC. MB. is USS. bedroom suit, m W. Hare rnrniture. 155 W. High, Used Furn Cheap TXADB TERMS wr ravn Co t8 ?o ft"w' I? dinette. ladS. Earn rurnlture. S5S M. High. ; . . . A fl WflBISid. noOSOBOlfl COOOB PH0KX 3-0403 for prompt appraisal. T-J Furniture, V Edeewater St. i WANTED; S room sia Spark oil dr ' mlitsr. Phan S377 after S. PHONE S-04C2 for prompt appraisal. T-J Furniture Co.. w cagewster at. HALL. Furniture Co. pay top prices for used furniture at appnanees, ir; Fatrrrounoa Road. Phone -34ei. cash. Wooory. Pa. -eia Highest Prices Valley Fnrn. Co. 2-7472 CASH lor your furniture. One piece or woeful LAMBERT'S 3-7100 TRADER uOUIZ offers fair cash pnees on furniture and miae. Phone -as er bring to 1170 Lane Are. 4X3 BnfldlnQ MotSajglS Carload Supply 4"c ft. 4jc$ $7i 4.M 20c ft. 4x4 M.40 ISeft. 4xS-SS.TS : 13c ft. 4x8 S4-1S V" 10c ft. 4x $3.20 ll$ Sett. 4x$ $M8 Abo exterior plywood at bargain prices M. u. uinu Ph. 1-S821 1 mi. N. of Keizer nRCKING S buildings at Chemawa mdlan school, lumber, brick, pi doors. Windows ana piumoing. phone etui aqrwered. . -1 rv -u.i ..( ..it .n Atoo nootn IM wide spat. 300 sq. a nick from. On Hisrhwav S mliea west. Alsee. Oregon Shineles - Roofing No. 1 Cedar shingles $10. No. 3 s $7; No. 3 S 84.71. no. 41 sx. New erst quality 310 lb. S tab eompositloa roofing, choice of colors. $7 JO sq. bou roocaf xz.u. DOORS Grade A, 1 panel doors. $8.40. glass doors $11. hardwood entrance doors doors $1L $1830, metal or wood 8x1 garage doors with hardware $30. WINDOW 100'a new windows with frame, aaah. St hardware, ready to go. cheap. Sale on new Ac used sashes. KMbonSnSSS intulation WALLBOARDS board $1.76. plywood $2 JS. water- Drool waxiooaro S2 zu. CEDAR SHAKES first quality painted shakes with tin- aercoune $13 jo sq. ' c. a. LONO Phone t-5831 1 Ml. N. of Keizer 30 Months to Pay For remodeling, repairing, painting' Duiiaing ot rentals, barns, etc 10 down. Contact us for free estimating ana oiue print service. Epping Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd. Phone 2-2054 or 4-2859 eves.. RED CEDAB SHINGLES NO. I. $10.00. No. 327.00. Mixed S3JW. common lumber at West Salem sawmill 2x4 to 2x12 No. S $50.00 per M. No. 3 shlplap $55. Na 4 Grade $30. R. L. Block loads deL TED MUIXER. Ph. Sslem 3-119 nmlnn tCNOTTV PINE paneling and 1x12 s! Another load of lap siding 840.50 M. Mejecr piywooa, all sizes. Xx4's 83S.0O up. boxing low aa $30.00. Pioneer riintkote ahingles, all colors. . Roll roofing $2.43 np. No. 1 painted Shakes In cartons $15.00 Sq. including' under course. Free estimates, monthly pay ments if desired. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD, north city limits On , -4433. - " BARGAINS fOR BtftLDERT Shlplap and 3x4 $33.00 M 3-Tab Rfg. 310 lbs. 7 3 sq. l.$4 Sht Sheetrock. 4x$ Window Frames 50 Disc SERVICEXUMBEB CO. Phone 3882 Silverton Wrecking St. Joseph's Auditorium on Chemeketa and N. Winter St. Staple iioonng, wtnaowa, doors, plywood. 0' Uusses. radiation, toilets, basins and pipe. - Everything priced for quictt sal. Salesman on lob. - Dolan Wrecking Co. 04 a E. Belmont St. Portland, Ore. 4K2 Sports EqtttpmoPt PRACTICALLY new SO JO rifla and model 13 20-gauge pump shotgun. sou at a oargain. prions 43013. 4S4 Bicrclen MEN'S bicycle and tandem bicycle. ixe pans, mono $3zbo, 4oo Braaiey xvr. . : - . 483 FoYiRcmt MisceOaneous fTOOP rrSED Plg.no a L Stiff I Ki HUbK eewuut now Rent Sincef elee portable sewing machine $6 per I , mo Free pick up St delivery. Singer sewing Machine Co 130 N Com! Pn 33512 0" DRIVE tRtteki l-OR RENT Biah- - eetii furn 197 S Uhertv Ph 3-9W2 TOOLS St equionaent to bum a eood loo oetter Rent or buv at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th. Phone 33644. , 470 For Solo. Mincwuaztootis BALDWIN Aeroaonie - spinet piano. Lady's M karat Keepsake diamond. Call after 9 o. m. at 163 Gerth Ave. RUSSIAN squirrel fur coat size 14. $75. 343 Richmond Ave. Phone 36959. - i I BODY AND fender power equipment ana nana tools, a shorter power. a electric drills, electric fender grind er, acy and electric welding out- fits, air hammer, etc. Will take car , In trade. 2213 Hare! St. Phone 34933. B-riat Clarinet, men s t',i roller skates, men's tee skates. 1S35 N. Summer. . O. T.TXaaa. NJ .Ox. a.Chaav.MJ ' DRS. CUAS 1 . . LAil j , cnrxusa. nrn:r..ujsT3 1 til NerUa Liberty ; Ppstatr abov Ja a is. 277 It. Lib erty Offlce open Saturday only IS am. to t pnu to V pm Consuita-; taow Blood pressure and urtn teste are free of charge. Practiced cute UIZ. Plywood 0 Q 450 ElercKandle 473 tot Solo. I-?IcIIanocm T I DAVXNO $30. Wetlr.xun reirlsera tor $50. twin beds and springs ST apiecia. Concrete block swhin S3. tws wheel trailer S2S. RU S. Box Dallas Bd. Phone T2344. KXW &ZO U- lawn mower. elec trie drtO. 1 ton fcydraulie lack. 33811. USED SiBJcr elec. cabinet sewlna ma- cntne with stool St a drawer sewing cabinet, good condition and guaran teed. u down, singer sewing Ma chine Co- 139 H. Coral - tXXCTRIC stove $35. 100 lb. ice box $13. Tow bar SIX. Phone 3-323S. id EETZlGZ&kTlQS meat case $s33L r Koch 3 deck refrigeration dairy ease S9O0. 3s) en. ft. deep frees $450. Meat scales $75SSS. Cold Spot lock ers. Stsrton. Ore r on. Bt'GGY and stroller in good condition. Phone s-esei. BrVEH sUt. phone 3-37 COMPLET douole bed. single bed, I hair drier, chest of drawers, metal i chair. S01S N. Lfbertv St. OH TRADE: Storm Boring Bar Butter style, cut a true cylinder. $200 cash or trad for 200 amp. welder, a er S h p. 330 V. electric motor, or body tools, if interested write Bill Miley. Ft. 1 Box 33. Aurora. Oreron. STANLEY , home products. Phone S-405S. Lee Mlndt. S. 19th. Top Soil Rrver sfrt. rui dirt. Phone S-T339. NEW and Used Sewm asacmnes Tester Appliance Co. 37$ Chemek eta aXkCTRIC Ranges M t and Csed Yea ter Appliance Co, S7S Chemek - eta PLASTI-KOTX rvauires no for your floors er linoleum. Teeter Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa D&fePFKEEZfc Freezers V eater Ap- oliance Co 37 Chemeketa Phillips Bros J PertJhxers ROTTED Manure I AS types cedar posts, stakes, shakes picket rencea, rose trellis, poles at special cedar orders. Flagstone for steps, patio, walls A- watxs. aim rea Lava and other stone. 4 large strawberry barrels. Rt a Box 118. Slim. tt 4-WMi GOOD USED pianos. $73 ea. H. El Stiff Furn. Co. WASHING Machine. New and Used Yeater Apoliance Co. 378 Chemek- tt - ' - Walling Sahd & Gravel Coi Crushed Rock or reeds A driveway. Cement, Ready mix Concrete. Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. yd tppvei Br gray one Pnowe 3-ST49 Linoleum $3.45 v-Ai i.ry ruRN co m n comtJ VACUUM cleaners. Electrolux. Kirby. uoover, Lewyx, ruter tueen. sam tixer. Singer. AU makes $10 and up, Phone 3-M74 or 2650 Portland Rd, Salem. NEW location: CHARIS Corsetier. Marv m. . tsaies, lisx center at shopping center, xssis. 472 WantsKL Miscniexros WANTED TO BUY: Boy's bicycle M or 24 Inch. Telephone 2-8914. J I WISH to buy men's, women's and children $ good used clothing. Phone 2-5S45. ! SAVE for Crippled Children Society. Call " City Waste Paper Co, for oickupa. sua Hollywood or. Phone zma. 474 MLscsQaneous WANT TO But usee i McEwsn Photo Shop 345 N High s-v s ns n uentai riate itepair TWO-HOUR SERVTCX 0T MOST CASES Bring or Ma0 Your Plates for Repali DR. HARRY SEMLTCR. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg Stete St Com Ph 3-3311 178 Fuel SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 18" slab cordj 0r m- Ph" or w TieOU2A. r I Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. ' i Tri-City Fuel Clesn handpicked 16" slab wood Fresh cut screened sawdust 12" mill ends ASK FOR SAH GREEN STAMPS PHONE 3-7443 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask to Saver Stamp Ph 98444 Penny DRY 16 old growth fir body wood. limited supply, so old customers or der now. Phillips Bros, Rt 6. Box 118. Sslem Phone 4-3081. Special Planer Mmminrs 38.00 eord CAPITOL LUMBER FUEL CO. $-7721 or 3-6024 ELMER BOJaT JTfc. sSpiAStor 1 Turne desired f OR VALUE, quanUty and price, order Anderson's hand picked slab wood. 2 full cords only $12. Phone 2-7731 OT t-4233 West Salem Fuel Co. IS-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANES ENDS Old growth block wood 10 In. clean no bark : SCREENED 8AWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood st 1523 Edgewater St W Salem 1 II IN. GREEN or dry. slab or edgings. Sawdust duinscd or tube servic. Oregon FlMl Co. Phone 335TI. 500 Business & Finance MORTGAGE LOANS Low Rates - ' Prompt Appraisals Reasonable Costs See us when refinancing, buying, build ing or modernizing. Sanf ord & Gardner Salem's Complete St Reliable Service 318 Oregon Bldg. pnone 4-35Z1 Vacation Loans $25 to $500 Dont borrow unnecessarily but If youT short of Cash for travel ex- m -mH bn fnm Pmnn mav b th beat aolutian ta Tour i "problem. Up to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Furniture or Salary. Repay when you return first payment not due tor so days, come in or pnone cor caan tor any good purpose. j PERSONAL i -Finance Company v of Salem ' - - 10S 8. Kurt) St. - Ph. 2-2464 tic No S-12Z. M-169i C. R. ADcn. Mgr. . AUIO uUANS .WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 132 S. Church St Ph. 9-2437 v parking Aplenty Lie M1SB-S154 Why Suffer Any Longer waea otaers ran, sue ear Chinese remeeies. Asnaxuig svecesa for sees years fa China. Ne ssatter with what ailaaeats yesj are afflicted eiserdrrs. sinesitis, heart, langs, Br et, kidneys, gas, cewstiparien, icers. S la betes, rheaaaatlsaa, gall and klad- aer revet, sun, d CHARLIE CHAN csrersss CO, 298 9L Ceamaseretsl Pkwne 2-1 tie SALKM. OKL Orfie Beers 9 t S, Twes, and Sat, Only te 1500 Business & Finaiice SIO Moot to Locm IpRIVATg money to loan. Phone S-S7H. 1 S'A&as wfl uit Uia 4V and Cocnr own serine eg repevment wtthta reason, cash for Real Estate Coo- tracts and Second Mort fifes. CAPITOl SfXTlTRrrTES CO I S8V Cotirl T sh 4-SKI PEatSONAL. AUTO. REAL ESTATE LOANS V State Finance Co. : 167 S. HIGH ST. LIC. S214-M323. INVESTORS H7. . "nriw re" estate. I aaiem as ricinlty. Too always . re-1 eeiv S per cent net on your invest- at. we ta tkl Irak aShVwS slb shtt a4antskles 4m you. no extra charge. See ua tori sound investmecta. State Finance Co. 167 S. High St. Prirate Money .j Care Trucks) A TiwOWe SJinaa Short Terme PayrAente . Roy i Simmoni i ISS S Commercial 8t Ptimta t-iiai 5$ CASH HOLLYWOOD fTNANCS CO, ' 1980 Pairgrounde Road fnext door to bank! - Ft Park-in In . w can s-Tea CASH . NOW S25.00 to $500.00 ea loan company offers money when I you neeu ni - I You can per snytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers, ee halo from rrtenui On care, trucks, trailer bomee to 8500.09 On furniture, livestock, eoulpment. alary or other personal piupeity up CD SJUO.POI Phone or vtott our offlce today I Hear To Trader U$ dally KSLM UN R.U8U General Finance Corp. Lie. No SUSS and M33S ' PHONE 3-9181 138 S COMT. ST We'd Like to Loan You $100 If you'd like to borrow $100 (or any amount up to $1500) Phone or call on us immediately Typical Repayment Plans 15 Mo. Amount . Payments' 9100.00 340.00 380 00 850.00 9 a oo 19.00 30.00 67.00 PACIFIC Industrial Loans US S. Liberty Phone 4-2209 600 Employment 602 Holp Wanted WANTED: Responsible party to drive huick To Texas, call evenings 267 8C. BOOKKEEPER capable of handling payroll ana ornce. san Shop, port land Rd. Apply 9 a. m. to Id. m. FRY Cook, steady. San Shop. Port- iana Koiq. Jobs! Jobs! F- Dr.'s. off. rec'p. and ass't. $175 F-Typist. several to , $185 F-Secretary. 35-40 F-Steno, elk.-typist 31.25 hr. F-Steno. off. gen. ogg. $50 wk. r-Bkkpr.. full charge, exp. 4250 r-Gen; office: Coh'c'priE'ZtlTs WTJTlV a. .Mlu ties I F-PBX. Gen. office i 163 185 r-Statistical typist, exp. F-See.. excel, fut. F-Steno. medical. Sxp. .$200 .$200 $175 .$175 .$240 .$225 F-Sec., good typist i F-Typist & light steno, lnsur. F-Secretary, out of town M-Bkkpr 23-2$, some exp. M-Credit Sc Corrections clerk $200 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 State . Phone 2-1488 MN AND WOMEN, hop picking ma-" chine and field crew. Top wages. Register now. starting approx. Aug. 15. Call 41218 between 10 JO and 7:30. Wanted also dry house crew and 3 trucks. W. W. Graham & Son. , mile from Clear Lake. RL 2, Box 209. Salem. BEAN PICKERS register picking starts about July 20. H. L. pearcy. Rt 2 Box 190. Phone 4-1916. Only 9 j miles to ranch. HOUSE to house, salespeople. Average $000 per month. $-3861, 2-7658. 604 Help Wanted. Male I WANTED: 2 men to learn the beating end air conditioning business. Rapid advancement and good pay wnue you learn. (Not label mechanical work). Apply in person between 10 s. m. and u noon, no pnone cans. Holland Furnace Co. 320 E. Kearney. DISHWASHER. San Shop. Portland ! Rd. Engineers- Desianers . Mechanical, Electrical, Civil U. S. STEEL SUBSIDIARY SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Requires experience in board design layout ot neavy mm macninery. elec trical equipment, piping, reinforced concrete, plant layout Not I"" 9 years drafting room experience plus 9 years supervisory or semi supervisory experience not lower than squad leader. Steel mill experience preferable but not essential. I Am.lv la wtmtmrak Aatiwt 19 4l Me. W ts Barr, conimoia sceei tompsaj, Senator Hotel, Salem, Oregon. or writ Personnel Deoartment. Columbia Steel CnrnDanT. Pittsbure. California. OIL. delivery salesman between 27-35. Experience necessary. State qualifi- eatinns and references. Box 537 ro canons and reierences. box j? co statesman. WANTED: Powder man for stump and 1 j - 1 L rocs mont rii mm unit, MXN needed for hop machine work. siarxmg Dcvwrai jum im-n Apply at Misaton Bottom HafT riant. oca mue. eluaLlS teeTa aim? A- trL A GOOD lob ot lawn mower sharpen call 4-13ZX oetwaen s sum. t e pjn- I h--. r-m im i tstw PDLLGG C RXZ3KK80.3S 9) COLON InOMACM tUfTUKf Ifsrw) Tnssasl3SstSstfMlfiata POO wmt MOkll.Hw.U M. swJ 840 p-ss. M,Ws,M. Cna .MS ftlT-P . - . .. . Ara TIXC DEAfl CLKJIC IN OKI 41"TIAI MX Awa. Ti tAetaSIS 14.1 a 600 Employment POULTBT MAN with hatchery expert- ene. Box S2S. ra Statftmii OPPORTUNITY for man haady with tools to learn Door covering install ation, permanent position, man wtta some experience may apply also. set wore uroe. xce state St. Carpenters , Wanted at once for work aiv Reeds- ax Coos Bay. Oregon. - Bauer Lructlon Co ottoom Mr. Slnrov. Reedsport 2S44 or Mr. Perry. Coos Bay SMI. y - , .- CCS Holp Ytaxama. ImcO ASSISTANT cook, practical nurse and general work during vacatton period. CaU in person at Old People's Home. g.RY . w a l- CTvcIzr 7."" jS&ne 38243 before 10 a. m NCED press lady at Salem laundry Co. 263 S. Hirh. PERSONAL DCBOSSED Christmaa Cards with sender's name. $0 for $1J5. Super siuea sell themselves. 100 . new $1 srax Assortments pay you $50 cash prorjx. stationery, others. No ex pertence needed. . FRZX . Imprint Sam ples.- Boxes o approval. STYLART. ai 1717 W. Ninth. Dept. 45-A. Loa As. gdex. -' - .- - WANTED experienced stenographer. shorthand required. Phone 3-9181. - ura--iuita lor cook with experience. . - i . ... ii ability to do pastry, desirable. Ap ply S.'H. Kress A Co. NATIONALLY known- company has opening in Salem store for women to train aa bookkeeper. Must have soma Dooueeping experience Sal ary, j hospitalization and retirement plan for a permanent employee. Write box $40. care Statesman eiv. lng Qualifications St when available lor interview nutsuuiPEH. May have child. I live in. yTione 4-4QBI. WANTED: Woman for ceneral office worx wttn rarmers Union insurance Co. Insurance experience oref erred. Downtown location, permanent em ployment. 4a m. commercial, phone a-eiiri. EXPERIENCED waitress. Terminal Bar It B-Q Call 2-9000 for appointment. i . . i ..I.. , . "balesmwoman. good opportunity In nosiery ana Lingerie Shoo. Year around employment S43.00 per week for thoroughly experienced woman. mate experience, age. Write Box 52S. CAR HOP. San Shop. Portland Rd. WANTED Experienced girl for sen erai ' insurance office. Good salary and working conditions. , Employees aware ox vacancy, jjox aza. co Statesman. . MIDDLE-AGED widow would like lady companion in nice Salem home. Phone 3-4319 after p.m. 1 603 Pickers Wanted BEAN pickers wanted. l',4 miles N. E. oi Keizer. Frank Toney. Rt. 3. Box 414. Phone 42S72. BEAN PICKERS. NOW URGENTLY NEEDED, sc. ROY HERR AT SA LEM - SILVERTON - MT. ANGEL JUNCTION. SEE SIGN. RT. 2 BOX 55. SILVERTON. PHONE BLUE 283. PICKERS for bean platoon. Must be 14. Transportation furnished. Mrs. Gladys Epley. 2193 Park Ave- phone 3-7818. WANTED: Adult bean pickers now. Alp-DeSart Bean Yard, follow signs rrom central Howeii. HOP PICKERS wanted for early and late . hops, call coUect Blue 213 or Blue 212. or Green 183 for informa tion or transportation and street pick-ups. Edward Stradeli, RL 2. Box 166. Silverton. Ore. HOP PICKERS wanted: Cabins, wood. lights and water furnished Store and restaurant on grounds. Picking stsrts early August Register at Mitoma Hop Farm, RL 1. Box 260 Indepen dence. Oregon. Phone 35-F-2. 610 Solos Persons Wanted NATIONALLY known company has opening for salesman in Salem store to sell electric appliances. Will be trained for shop management. Per manent employment and future for hard worker. Must be willing to learn and work some evenlnsg. Car furnished, .salary, commission, hos pitalization & retirement plan. Write Box 540 co Statesman giving qual ifications and when available for in terview. A REAL OPPORTUNiTx1 . ITIOUS SALMAN WITH CAR FOR OFFICE OF CON STRUCnON. MORTGAGE LOANS. REAL ESTATE. A CHANCE TO MAKE SOME REAL MONEY WITH OUR NEW FALL PROGRAM. BET TER GET IN ON THIS! SANFORD & GARDNER 318 Oregon Bide. Phone 4-3521 EXPERIENCED salesman with good closing technique. Must nave ability to co-manage new furniture store to be opened in Capitol Shopping center in aoout so oays. adust be a non-drinker. State salary desired. Application confidential. Box $34 co Statesman. SALESMEN wanted to represent the world s oldest and largest builder of farm welders. Sell direct from fac tory to farm, earn $150 or more each week. Protected territory. Rapid advancement Car essential. No in vestment Contact Mr. Azlein at Mar lon Hotel. Salem or write Box $17. co Statesman. 12 Work Wanted. Male) SALESMAN with store and produce experience wisnes steaay worse uox 538 co Statesman. PLUMBING work. Reasonable 3-8371 LAWN mowers and saw sharpening. AU work guaranteed. SSI Gerth. 2-1656. PickuD and deiiverv. CARPENTRY, any kind. Treasonable 4240 Macleay Rd Pbone 4-2054. 615 Situations Wanted. PLOWING. discing. buzz sawing. Phone 4316$. I PAINTING reduced price. Expert painter. work guaranteed. Phone 33018. EXPERIENCED typist desires steady position. Phone 44524 CALL 44548 for free estimate before eontrscting your house painting job, CHILD care in your home. Desire ctearfv 1oh din. Phone 35108 RADIO and electronics. 12 months training, have 2nd class F.C.C li cense. Box Mz, care statesman. WILL DO baby sitting, my riome after noons and evenings. Mrs. Harry Bog- ." ntTaet Jiii. JSPJfS.' anteed work at e saving. I "". ,-f. . 4-2879. ! i.unru.1 a lanoscape servic. uwna. I sprinkling systems, walls, fences. walks, play equipment weekly yard i care, service center, eio zxisewaier. I Phone 4-3373. I - I i.AITK'nnv anH phiM rar. in mv horn. I hour, day or weex. Phone 3-8P50. BABY SITTING by adult, phone 3436T. I Rin... t .:L e PAINTING and Decorating. 25 years f nrnerience in Salem. Phone 3-7552, I " 1 I CHILD CARE in my home, days and i evenlnrs. 1180 Shipping, prione 3-gV24. I CLME.NT work. aU kinds.! John Feld- schau, phone 38-F-3 evenings. CEDENT work don, free est Phone I 2-71 0 after S P.m TB SURGERY hedge j and shrub pruning, new lawns, grass scything and yard work off aU kinds Phone 4-l4n3 i CH-bCARE C4 Ul HdMl Ul I. 18TH. ?H- Mlj r I 620 Dory crad Corrrract r i Salem Sand & Gritrel Co. Contract Work! ' Roods - Clearing - LCtching Sewer St Basemept ...... ;. EqtiipBient Rental Pitching by the foot " Pbone day 3-S4CSJ - Evenings 9-7412. 2-441t Salem. Oregon auiu Faim I IMr lust a snaO oettas by Ray ETTER, Caa svxarocx atotog Co. a-sisi. . 700 Rentals 7C2 See piacj Eocanau Board FOR RENT) Sleeping room for 1 ee Church. Phone 34333. - LIGHT housekeeping room. Ledy only. w n.- ynnrcn. ROOMS in West Salem. Light housed keeping. Phone 2-7344. - 7C5 Aparbnonts tot Esnl SPACIOUS 3 bedroom apt, large room throughout, unf um. S63.M a monthj See Ohmart St Calaba, 471 Court St. Phone 24115. WANT clean man to share 3 room fur- susaeai apartment. No drmker. la quire ess W. Front St. upstairs. one bedroom a part -snent I Upstairs. Adults. $45. 1163 S. - Liberty. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, upstairs' apartment, rnvate . entrance. - 479 Elm. W. Salem. 2 BEDROOM house, close in. electric water I heater, wired for electric ranreJ Phone 20035. CLOSE) in 2 room apartment, private bath. iS33 Ferry. - NEW ONE room bachelor apartment, completely furnished, air conditton ed. Close in. 539 N. Winter. - i ROOMS, large-furnished apartment, . private bath and utilities. Adults. 1350 N.. Winter St 3 ROOM furnished front apartmnt. private entrance, fireplace, newly decorated. $52.50. 87 N. Liberty. APARTMENT for rent. No peU ee chiU dren. 843 N. Front. - EXTRA nice 4 rooms and bath, unfur nlshed except stove and refrigerator for 2 adults. 605 S. Summer. 1 BJL APT, priv. bath. 1318 Madison St; Call 3-3101. 2 ROOM fur n apL close in. 3-7100 or 3-T782 even. NICELY furnished apartments. Am bassador Apts.. 530 N. Summer. FURNISHED ground floor apartment, bedroom, private bath. Adults, eso N.I High Phone 3-6373. i LARGE rooms with private bath, newly redecorated and furnished. Ideal lor working couple at $33. CaU Nohlgrcn'e Restaurant. 3-5016. FURNISHED apartment, cheap, clean! Phone 3-7546. LARGE, nicely furnished, upstairs. prT vste entrance, adults. Reasonable. - 743 N Capitol. 3-5323. FURNISHED 1st floor ot duplex. 2 bed- rooms, suitable for 4 adults, on bus lias and school bus line. Garage. $60 per moaxn. water includeO. 3130 Cen ter. Phone S-3327 UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment. range proof and refrigerator, new fins- building, large picture 'win automatic elevators, heat A dows. hot: water. $79.00 and worth It. We also have a bachelor unit available wiin ouuman Kitchen, dressing room and hgth. 2-3706 or 4-1641. CLAUDE KTLGORR ' I Real Estate Broker 2-ROOM apartment. Clooe To slate buildings. : Employed lady. 96 S. ournmer. i Gfeoreene Gables Apt.) unfurn. except range and refrig. FURNISHED apartment near . State no snupping ranter, sun 3 er 3 adults. Phone 3-6037. NlCE furnished apartment. Range and Vwrrl. .tM n-n k.tk IT i 14,.. - r . . . . v .... v.ui iuj. nished. Close to CapitoL $43. Phone NICELY furnished apartments. ITS Court ROOM furnished modern apartment. Phone 3-7034. NICE LARGE housekeeping room. uouDit oea. Everything convenient. Joint fuse ; of refrigerator, laundry, bath. tjtUitiea furnished. e3 8. teth st. r FOR COUPLE 3 blocks from city cen- ter. Inquire woodry Furniture Co. 474 Sj Commercial. CLEAN i S room furnished apartment, private bath. Phone 3-6004. 419 S. 19th T FURNISHED apartment. $40. Private bath arid entrance. 196$ N. Commer ctal. 1 APARTMENT for rent In downtown Salem J Phone 3-3711. ' t FURNISHED room apartment, re- erencr no drinking. Phone 9-7541 at 862 N. 15th. SEVERAL APTS. cood location comp turn. Inq H L. Stiff Furn. 3-9185 CLOSE ijn. better class, well furnished 3 room. 658 Center. 707 Houses for Rent 1 LOVELY! home, oh oremlses. 1930 N. 18th. Owner 2 ROOM i house, partly furnished. Close lrt. $30i month. Phone 2-0733. 2 BEDROOM house. Phone 28803. WILL lease 2 bedroom bouse. Cloa to CapitoH buildings. Painted inside and obt Reference. Adults preferred. After 6 p.; m. 345 E. Lincoln. CLEAN i room cabin partly furnished, 825 month. 3397 Williams Ave. 2 BR. home. 2 miles N. Chemawa $55 per mo. See Ben coibath. Realtor. Ph. 2-4532. BEDROOM house. newly t redeco- rated. Phone 3-4879. 4 ROOM j suburban home. Hi baths, 2 living rooms. 3 kitchens, spacious grounds, lots ot fruit. Good building 3&x60 suitable for warehouse or shop. waiter !Zoei. Chemeketa St High. NEW 1 bedroom unfurnished -nous arid garage. 1735 Market St. RENTAL; Service. Hom. P oe L. Bourne. 1 1 40 N. Capitot 38216. 1MALL HOUSE, preferably coupleTHa mo. Inquire 4450 Sunny view Ave. or phone jz-2057 after $. 709 Wanted to Rent WE NEKU rentals. Call Jo L. Bourn Realtor. 1140 N, Capitol, pn. s-azis. 710 Wanted To Rtnt Hours PERMAJVENT stat employe desires S bedroosn no me. unrurnisned. contact Mf. Thomas, room 308, Stat Library building, i YOUNG i couple, college graduate, de- air g bedroom riouae. Excellent ret erencee. Phone 28874. 4 BEDROOM house with basement Phone iMri. Nohlgren at 2-3324. DENTISt. wife and baby want 2 bed- room house, partly furnished, box 539 cd Statesman. 2 BEDROOM house, unfurnished. Ph. 4-2817. r . ; . 712 Wanted To Rent Aprs. SECRETARY desires' nice semi-fur nished j spartment about September 1st Within downtown walking dis tance. Phone 2-6869 or after S 25500. 714 Business Rentals 7. DOWNTOWN office space tor rent Can 3-3711. 9-30-5:30. BUSINESS Room. H L Stiff. ' , 716 Resort Rentals OCEAN LAKE: Two bedroom home, 9 minutes to Ocean Lake, Boating, F.hn Sc Swimmine Also Golf. Day week or month. BEacon 6990. Port land, i : 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opporhmlties BY OWNER: Neighborhood grocery Witts attached living quarters. Stack and fixtures included. Term. Writ G. E. Tharp, Box in, stayton, ore. LF INTERXSTED la leasing a modern Service Station, please caiK at th Standard Oil Co. office, 13th and Oak streets between S Be S am WANTED; Silent or active partner, Can ! double your Investment each yearj For information call z-bzsj. MODERN 2 Bay neighborbood service station for lease. Low inventory and low rental Phone 28533 days, 20761 tT.l .lvk nulv once: eniov yourself with -proceeds from his cottage court $ Units. n,W. UTS- nreyuwi m . hmml in on, xaraees for aB. 2 lots, size a is 145 and 73 x 50. Income ' $500 90. with very small -operation costs j $18JJ00J flows. i Lawrence Real Estate 404 South High SW Pbone 3-7909 000 Real Estatfi Of fee Phaoea 4-3311 ee S-7S3S Wratch Our Ad for Special Announcement Distinctive Small Home This home has aQ,Qie features of e high priced - Rom. Very weU ar ranged and planned. Automatic oft heat. Hdwd. firs, throughout. Lets of buiitins and storage space. Paved driveway. Only 1 yr. old. Has had exceptionally good care. Owner will accept late model Ford. Studebaker or Plymouth aa part payment Total price $7950. i ' f Very Good Value Only $ yrs. old. In very good eendt nonj corner sou extra iiiog. eouM be made Into rental. Only 3 blks te st. Vincent school. Paved st on both sides. FHA terms available. Insulated end tweateerstripped. This la a real buy i"or only 99750. j $1000 Down Bargain Only S yrs. old. Bus front door. S bdrrs, unfinished upstairs. Garage. Modern. 90 by 100 lot Total price only $5250. j . . - Kingwood Beauty Brand new. bdrra, on one floor. Ex tra plumbing in full basement 2 fire places. Extra well constructed. Fore ed air oil furnace. 2 car gar are. In sulated and weathei sti Ipped. This is e bargain for glsJOO. i I Really Cute , , Just Eke new. Inside city. Owner leaving state. Very well built home. Priced to sell at $9250. i CALL FOR MR. DAN X9AAX, EVE, PHONE 4-3333. Outstanding Buy Appx. (1 acre. 1$ minutes from Baleen, Nice setting. Modern S bdrm. home. barn, garage, fruit room, f nice lawn. shade trees. A goodly number of fruit trees. Owner leaving city. W consider this s real value for rely 98450. I 10 Acres j Building site. S acres In strawberries, JSybM,w' ! 1 7 Acres Plus Modern 9 bdrm. home. Several Out buildings. Family orchard. Outside fireplace. Good weD, Total price only $87504 Worth your tnvestigaUoe, 2 pVcres, $750. pown Owner1, leaving state. House built fen 1950.! Almost immediate j posaession. Only 2', miles from Salem. A bar gain 3- the total price is only $4790. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PHONE 3-4739. J FREEPARKTNa FOR CJSTOMERS jMortgage Loans AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 3039 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7830 , Eve. 4-3533. 2-05 It or 3-4733 Filtered Sunlight softly enfolding lovely southern manse built to tend er the acme of fine living for Its happy occupants. The heavy carpet ing, luxurious drapes, -the gleaming andirons In the many fireplaces afi bespeak th eleganc and amatty of this unusual home. Fiv acres of beautiful timber and shrubs, a horse barn! In keeping, and a three car garage, a 60 foot walk-in deep freer, and many other interesting; featurws will assure your viewing of this properiy a pleasure and here is e is the it li pest part or the whole deal' priced at only $29,500. , - 2 Bedroom home In new section with large living room, dining room, un usually large utility room, attached garage and ample lot Owner $8950. V'ry nxlou f or a sale. Seven t seres with view, creek, "new sprawling ranch type home, double garage, timber, wild We. orchard, copious water supply and close t Salem, The answer to the man hunt ing seclusion with accessibility. $1$.500. j Denton & Denton Realtor! 344 State Street Ph. 2363 Evenings Call: Mr. Voorhees. 24001 i Mr. Danlelaoa. 41Se Mr. Denton, 30880 ! ! Close In Nice home with Income Close la m Lesue Street. This is a good prop, erty and can be bought; right Si. Lots : -J '" We have several good lota. weU lor cateq inat can be bought for $00 Cv down and the balance at $li per month. f Ooodwin-McMillin , ' Pho. 94707 - Realtors - 474 Court tt. 801 Buslnoss Opportunltlos SELL. TRADE OR LEAKS' Business pro party. 2 Br. bom, war terms, seu or trsde. Would alter tb !uiiitnant 00 l004 le ft"" 2-3040. i t fiEAtTtV .hop for sal or ieas4. Nlrwrt reoeeorated. excellent location lat thrivlns; valley town. Best of term to responsible party. Family illness forces tale of this good business. Eos 341 co ststesmsn. MOBILGAS service statioiai for leaaS in small town In Pola: county. Bom Investment In stock and! equipment required. For details call Mr. Doc little-; day, Dallas 2996, evenings and Sunday Salem 2-6043. SERVICE' STATION for lease, small inventory to buy, 2-9379. j 802 Business tVoperty'" BY OWNER: Good business! site, were bouse, j garage, railroad i spur. I13T Portland Road. For quis ksale $21 AM. Phone 9-9317. 804 Suburban Finest View In Valley Ranchtype. 4 bedroom. 2 bathroom borne wiin inree n replaces, srui. half i basement hemlock bving room and I kitchen, young orchard, patio, playyard. city water; mile south of Salem city limits overlooking valley to north and east. Owner will sett home with 130 foot fronts on Pringle road, and 283 feet deep, for $280. Adjoining 78 foot frontage withj stable and corral, also 283 fret deap available for $4000. Entire property S3L5UO. Room for S Dior views homes, pbone eUb houses fox Salei BY OWNER: Seduced to ieese.' Miart sell pew 3 bedroom home, Hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace. 14x2$ astadhed garage. Private well. 45x120 lot. Manbnn Garden district, shewn by appointment. Phone -'14. SidALLbut comfortable i newly . re modeled l' bedroom tMime. full - basetnent Sawdust beat. 96300. Phono NICE CLEAN 2 bedroom j bouse.' all . new i inside. Wired for langc. Nice garden, SnadA, Close to schools, store, bus. $1300. some terms to le- - spowspic party. nignway w. BYVOWNEH: 2 bedroom borne, eU . to Richmond school and stores. $5500, Seejst 360 S. 21st. f NEW J bedroom home en 1 floor. South Village. 3-2334. 4Fjao6M3rTCoor. $15U9 down, eskieg $3500. L shaped dining- room and living room. $ years -eld. 9 min trteSj t downtown, good neighbor hood You can get this for much leas " thsnj similar property inside city. Will s consider trade on good rental pronerty. Phone 3-9751. j: WILL j exchange interest in 4 room bous ut Salem Heights for late snodd car. Phone 2-4214. i ' 1