-.- SOO Dm'ZlTiflaace 10 Money to Local - - - ' FARM and Cm LOAJCS and S Tour wa tei ma of isuam 'at wtthla rtooc Cnb for Reai Estate Co trscts snd Seeorvi Mor-- CAPiTca. sirujunu co - g C-r-f Bt PH 4-Z?$3 We'd like to Loan You $100 r If v-sTd Ok to borrow fit ' for may Amount up t $150) . Paon e call od as --mediately '- Typical Repayment PI 14 Me. " - Amoont " ' imtl;- 144 A mo 10 PACIFIC Industrial Loans IIS S Liberty pho-Q4--Mf Vacation Loans ",' $25 to $500 Boat borrow turns rstesrfly, but tf jU r..H trawl .pense. a cash loan from Personal ma oa me oesx soiuuoo w your problem Up to $900 on Auto, op to 3C0 uo Furniture or Salary. Repey when you ratun first payment not dua for JO oars. Com la ar phone , I ox caso ror any goot pssiiuaa. r PERSONAL Finance Company . of Salem 193 S. HBgH St. Ph. 2-2464 Uc No. S--U, M-1SL C at. Allen. Mgr. 1 600 Employment $31 Help Wanted BEAN PTCSXRS register picking tarts about July 20. HL L. Pearcy. Ri. a Box 190 Phone 4-1914. Only tnlle to ranch. fXPERT-NCED service man. Sears Roebuck a CO, 550 N. CapitoL -SXpERiENCED married im toe small Grade A dairy rioyd E. Bates, RL 8, B 224. Your Future Security Telegraphers Urjrentlv Needed 2 want to talk to 10 man and woman. 17-45. who arc Interested in perman ent emclovment with railroads as . telegraph operators aad station agents at a waga from 1309 tt up. We Train You EVes not interfere with present Job. It sincere, ambitious and in good .health, sea Mr. Hansen, at Senator Hotel. July 23. 24 and 23. 10 a.ra.- p.m. TADY WORK to right man. Ex per ience no necessary. State ace and previous work. Box $09 co Statee- Jobs! Jobs! Shorthand ia a useful skill. Kelps pay butcher, grocer'a W1L Even wo you're not so hot Might be e'nuff for Job ws go. P-3ec. exp. gd. future r-Steno. mad. records elk. 7steno. med. recorca elk. f -Sc. good typist F-Si-no flit, typist Ina. Jt7S -4200 7-Seno. 4: Dr's ass't. . F-Bkkpr. Exp. eZ50 F-Au U tkkpr gd. fut. .$185 $l5 r-ora. on eia. typist W-Brt. nurse, dr. off. . lf-Route saman i. $2504- COMMERCIAI. FLACOCZNT AGENCY 44 State Ph. 1-1481 . BThROUG Adding Machina Co.. is intcrsted in interviewing roechan Ically inclined young men for service work with excellent future, .astab luted training, paid holidays, sick Wive, vacation it retire me ut plan. Prior experience unnecessary. Must be ambiuous, of good . character Sl have high scool education.' Write glv ' In j personal lnformaUon to Bur roughs Adding Machina Co.. 1103 S. W. Alder St.. Portland 5. Oregon. sTSCSE to house, salespeople. Average 400 per month. 3-3S81. 2-7650. jOI Halp Wantod. MalT PAINTER wanted.. Phoaa 2-J51L Sub Help Warned, fsmals CALL ON PRTENDS, MAKE MONEY I Show new 21-Card 31 Christmas As sortments. Big values sell on sight, pay 100 profit. Sample on approv al. Embossed Personal Christmas Cards 50 for 31.25. TREK Samples. Imprinted Stationery; big line. Ex perience unnecessary. Writ STYL ART. 1717 W. Ninth. Dept. 4S-C. Los Angelea. ' " taIRL to te'ip with housework and cars of i cfclld. No smoklnf or drinking. r-none s-vbti or a-4izv, OrriCE GIRL, typing required, som bookkeeping. Start SIM moath. Apply in person Lee Coleman, Pay less Drug Store. 484 State. 7-0. fiOL'SEkXEPER wanted for suburban home. Must be reliable. Ilk children and . drive car. Separate lodging, board, transportation aad good sal ry. Phone 4-2821. BAVE opening for experienced offic worker. Tvping helpful but not wtme . essary. Montgomery Ward. Apply Gen. ofct 1 to t pjn. Montgornerr U'srd. ...... SAVE openings for exp. aalea ladies. Apply Gen. offic. 1 to 2 p.m. atont- romery Ward. vfOMAN io care for children, prefer live In. light housework. References. Phon 2-0810 after 6 p.m. RELIABLE housekeeper for modern city home. Best of conditions. Room, board at wages 2 children. 1 school . age. 1 4 years. Phone 3-4313 after six. Statesman .Classified Ads 1 Call 2-2441 Classified AdYertlilnf . Per werd. 1 tlzoe ' : ' ; -Per word. J Pe- word. 7 thwa it Per word, 1 ilaaia .Ca MinlioRZB tea words. - " Extrs chsrrt tni "BUad" ads au, Eeadert ta city briefst Per vrord "... " " MiaLmtuB tea wersav Jim Ne KefoBds, : : i . ' The deadline for v-T seal fled 'and reader advartlatnc ta 3a pan. dairy Only emergency "loaf ads wUl be accepted altar that hew., . The Stateamaa reserves the right to reject eueatlouable advertising. It further rwmi th rlrht to place aU advertkdat under la proper .lamftrsMoa. ,- The ttateamsa wuiiias aw fta swcial reapoosibllity for errors which may appear ta advertiae nnu published in Its columns and tat cases where this paper la at fault wi3 reprint that part of aa edvrttaemnt to which Lb typ xrapucaj sntrrssa A "BBatr Ad an ad containing a Stateamaa box asxaber for aa address - is for th rrotectloa of th advertiser and must therefore be answered bv letter. The States man Is not at tberty to divulge tnformatioa aa to th tMentrty f an adveruaer uatog a "rkad ad. - z lit 1 600'Tmployaacat'T'' CC3 Help Y7ca-oq. 1wtM WANTED: at altacattona lady. Hut v Montgomery Ward, -r WANTED; Bess pickers at Oer Lake Farm. Bt. J, Box 274. 2 miles north of Keizer. Phone 4-1316. - ' I 1. Box 129. Tamer. Ore start about A arust 1. CiMaa, aula north X Crawford schooL Xrd bom on left. HOP PlO5 was tad: Catena. wood. lights and water furnished Store and restaurant on grounds, picking starts early August. Register at Mitoma Host farm. ju. L. book xse, l orpea- I'fJaTOflU aPtlJJW BUXSTd for beaa Npicking 1 mile north on WaSae Rd. mtk east stiver Bend Bd start July 23, Z-4384. winard Bacbelier. -' BAM PldtXaS wanted for platoon. transportation furnished. 3 miles out. Adults preferred. Phone 3-0970. &AM P1CKES3 register now. Roy Herr. Corner Saiem-SliverVwv-Mt. Angel Junction. 11 miles cast -ot Sa lem. 1 mile west of Sihrertoa ' Bit. t. Box 33. Silrerton., Ph. Salem t-Ilfl. 816 SaU. t VVanbsxTT" ICS I . i- We ran make a salesman of you." train you and if youTe sot la the 910.000 a year class in 3 months, took in the mirror for the answer. Direct mail leads all you can handle, commis sion, paid dally and renewal' every month. All you have to do tswork aad have a car. The eooortucifr fat offered by a company doing business su over tne u s. ana rated -Ar ntus. Apply 341 State Street, room 2, 10 mm. to i nm moaiT- mv i BOOrXNG it siding salesman. com- mission basis, drawing account. Ap mornlngs. , Willamett Valley oot ,Co, Ul Lena Ave. ill Work Wociaxl 1-IaU PLUMBING work Heasonable. 2-8377. LAWN mowers and saw sharoenina. AM - work guaranteed. 31 Certh. -iaa. ncxtip and delivery. CAHPKAiTBV any kind, reasooabie 4240 Madeay Bd Phone 4-2054. j 615 Situations Wcmtoxl MtOOlXACED reliable woman to do baby sitting. Mrs. Hogan 3-T703. - PAINTING and Decorating, 23 years experience in Salem.1 Phone X-TSI? THREE college men want painting con" trace. Lowest priced available. GENERAL office, clerical, typing "by competent ladv. Phone "USQTI CHILD CARE in my home, daya and . evenings, iinq snipping. Phone 3-0924. SPRAY painting 4c root staining. Phone -44. Pree estimates. iLLL HOUSEWORK by hour. Will give, tit erences. Phone 3-3504 : t T PAINTING by hour or contract, guar an teed work at a saving. Martin's . 4-2870. ? ;( CAPABLE mother's car given to chll dren under five. Urge beck: yard. Nice clean home. Phone 3-0272. j ? DISCING, plowing, burs sawing Milk and Weather goats for sale. 4-3168. CEMENT work; aU kinds. John fald- sctiau. Dhone 38-T-3 evenines. CEMENT work. dona, free est. Phone 2-7163 after 2 p.m. ' ; f A GOOD iob of lawn mower sharpen- Ina Howser Bros 1410 S 12th TREE SURGERY, hedge and shrub . pruning, new lawns, grass scything ana ysro work off all kinds Phone 4-1402. - ' : - r ' I CHiLD CAftg bi Mr SoMS ! ',' t lrtrvu'rviralfo Mv nitrncrftlT SUte Licensed and Inspected. Ph. i S-7BSS. 620 Par and Corrtrtra" Salem Sand & Crarel fCto. Contract work - s . i Roads - Clearing DttcMnft r Sewer ac Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot . Phone day 3-S40S : iji Evenings 3-7412. 2-4417 , Salem. Oreaon AUfu FAIN 11 inc. lust shade better ev Rav ETTER. CaR Shrock Motor Co- 3-S10L i JL i I 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING room for 1 or 2. T9Q )N. rURNISHED community kitchen, din . tng room, rrigidalr. lockers. Laun- f. dry. 754 rrry. ; , NICE sleeping room and garag. Phone cnurcn. r none a-jj. i , - ' 705 Apcrrtmenta For Rent' SM. PURN. apt., prlv. bath 8c entrance. pik. to p.o. a4 w. cottage. i ROOMS, privat path. Utilities.' kit ' S. Capital. 3-7010. " ' FOR RENT: One 3 room furnished apt. , north. $33. One 2 rm. furnished apt: l East for poo person or quiet couple , 340- ' ; , IllJir TBOKSTlh HltAt-TfrSt I aai m canitni . iti a-wnel 2 ROOM furnished anartment. nic for - i or i, worxmg peopie. tau at go Hood or phone 2-6747. ;" SEMI-apartment and sleeping rooms. si a month and up. 834 n. winter: xo. I NICE 4 rooms and path, a real Rome In i 4 hlex. Adults. 805 S. Summer. NEW. cool, brick court apartment, S94 a sa,w . i .. .:-:. i-ROOM APARTM&tf. 2441 Sf At& GROUND TXOOR 2-room furnished apartment. Utility porch, private an trance and shower, rafrlaerator. ad ults. 1773 N. Front. Phone 2-8203 b- j fore 3 p.m.. After 3. 2-0808. i ROOMS furnished with garage and : utilities paid. 1100 N. Liberty. $30,00. I Sheriff Young of phone 2-1338. ' rOR COUPLE 1 blocks from city ceo- t ter. uiquir wooury iiinuum uo. sis S. Commercial. - 2-ROOM furnished comfortabl and clean. 841 N. Liberty. Phone 2-3446. SMALL furnished house, new on creek. i 2463 Trade St Business - ADDINO MACHCVES ;T - ' " j I ALL MAKE.S adding machines and typewriters sold. rnta. repairea Bnen 4S6 Cmirt. Phone 3-4TT3. ; APPI IKCK R RV1T Bandix. eivuvator and Hotpo tt Sales and Sei vfcm Salph JoAnaoa Apr ptlance. 353 Center St. Pnone S-aies. YEA ILK Appliance Cc 73 Chemekeu Pft 3 -4311 ' H . C T K 1 C A L S f R VIC E Uectrical W uruut or Sernc Vibbert Electric. Pro r; 3-gn. - rrmfTTCTg KFrTNT'rnx q . SPEC1AI J.STS at refiniahing St repair tng modern, antique 3t office furni ture. Lee Bros. Phone 2T001. MM no Judson'a. 273 N. ComX Ph. 3-41 il. titlLSK MOVINO House Movina Pboo S-4-i- Erl- ertced cor.ged and l-irc. . ' HolMHOLU rKOulCIS J a Va'Jta Co prtucts. lli & t-i-L. Sa-e-i ph. i-i. i. rree ;t LAJSDSCAPl.Na SPRAYING and tre work. LauIppeS for ay fob. 4-141. ariAj . LS -Guars nlaaiT r and hand anwra ' Cail Hrr W S -n 141 s Pn ft ' I H.tillSG f IXTl ; MMi e iu tv bi.iUif store. -4 Hty S-rt r Pr-ri 4-.14 3-413 Tvf f WTJTf ? - - Caott-1 Le3aUL coiion, wool, spriag mattress seaavstadL repaired Pnon 3i" - Lanaacapuig it ar. A. Lw tier at Sons 150 Ma, '---'- pa. 703 Rciib 70S Aportaamts let Caxl FOR YOU Maw aH-medera apta. at THZ 1.111. mpm Ml - ,,Ja. VAilcJm a bad room amita. unfurnished. . $&lao to tm.oa. laaaw your aeieettost smr for Fail occupancy tat fir proof building. - j "An Address el Distinction- 1 Winter and Union St. 4-1941 - NICELY furnished 2-room 3 blocks South Ladd 310 BeUew St. - BXTT2 CLASS apartments, 2 nice rooms and hath, -ruiiucs. waikung OBunct. as s capttoi St. BEDaoOJt uniunuaoed. 360 month. Phone 4-42?9. A mCEmodern 2 bedT room unfurn ished apartment, adults. Phone 3-0490. CLEAN1 2 rooms, partly fumuhed. bath, private entrance. Reasonable. Pnone 3-0883. - ; " -- - ROOM kitchenet to. clean, employed lady, close in. utilities furnished. Phone 2-7469. ' 3 ROOMS and beta, partly furnisoe3 private entrance. 345. 1370 N. Cot' tare, phone M5S1. ONS AND 3 room housekeeping apart- meets. 103 Marlon. - FURNISHED 1 bedroom, walking dis tance, adults. SO. Inquire 313 Bel- levue St. i ROOM furnished apt. Call after at 4M S. Winter. ! J NEW 1 bedroom apartments. 459 S. 19th. Phone 2-0757 evenings. IDEAL, for business nerson. Nifelv . furnished 2 room apartment. 2 blocks university. Stat office - buildings. Phone 4-1630. I CLEAN 3 room furnished apartment. private bath. Phone 3-0004. 413 S. lth rURN. 3 rm. apt. 330. 1 room $22Tni. No. T. T? N. Uhertr. Apartment for rent ta downtown . Salem. Phone 3-3711. " t FURNISHED room apartment, ref erencr no drinking. Phone 3-7541. at 862 W. 16th. f UN TURN. apU 1 Ig. 2 smaller. Priced 330 340. 350. Au ulttlities fum. except tights - tnchiding auto. oil heat, elec stoves included. 1437 -N. 4th REDUCED rentals. Immaculately fura- tshed 3 & 3 room quality apartments. Ambassador apartment. 330 N. Sum mer. Phone 2-9206. Several apts. cood location como fum Ina H HL Stiff Pura. 2-0163 APTS clos in 330. $33. $50. " 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4333. 707 Houses for Rexu" WILL LEASE Five room unfurnished nni-h ctvl. MS fall 2337. 4 BEDROOM. $73 month. 990 S. 12th or phone AumsviHe zbm. 2 ROOM . house and garage- Phone 3-5717. ' $&5. MODERN, 4 room duplex. (J"bed"- , rooms J. Harowood i noors. Venetian blinds, combination '; tub and shower, ' automatic furnace.! automatic hot water, range and refrigerator. Mar- km Street near North CapttoL Phone 4-3405. : 2-ROOM modern furnished cottage. - Phone 2-6618. Call after 4 o'clock. i-BEDROOM house for renL 333 S. 19th. Phone 2-2S92. FOR SALE or Rent: 2-bedroom house oa North Lancaster Dr. Owner 260 "S. 2?rd. Phone 3-6350. FURNISHED uoner duplex. Ph. 4-3061 eveninrs. ' ' i NEW 1 -BEDROOM units of a court on Park Ave. near hospital available August L Phone 3-4071 after 12 JO 'o.m. NEW . MODERN 2 bedroom house on bus"line. Keirer district. Phone 2-7202. 3-ROOM. house. Partly furnished. No 'drinking. 1035 N. 16th. ; SMALL MODERN ' house. Available August 1. 4 Corners. 4073 Glenwood. - jSe evenings. 1 ; - . I HOUSE with 2 apartments. Win rent separately or to one patty. 2090 War- - ner. Phone 2-5006, CLEAN, 2. 3 room cabins, (l sad $10 weex. 397 Williams Ave. NEARLY new 1 bedroom duplex. range, refrigerator, automatic laun dry, lots of cupboard and closet space. Reasonable rent. Phone 2-5064 or 4-4202. 2 ROOM house wired for range, large Tysrd. $25 month. Rt. 4, Box 873. Boone Rd.) ; 1 BEDROOM home, call Rawllna Real- ty. 2060 N. CapitoL 709 Wanted to Rent WE NEED rentals. Call Joe L. Bourn w Realtor, 1140 N. CapitoL Ph. 3-8218, 710 Wanted To Bent Houses WANT 2. 3 or 4 Bedroom house. Con veniently located : and close to bus . lines. Must have range and refriger.; . a tor. Have rural tur tor living room, dining room and one bedroom. Would like one os-two bedrooms furnished lf possiblVr; Call g-244- days and asx for Mr. rtuuette. EMPLOYED lady with car wants small furnished house, apartment or du- piex. fnone -3B evenings. doiXPLE and child want small ua fur - nished. or partly furnished house by August 10. References if desired. Box 314. co statesman. PERMANENT S.P. employ and family. a children , need a or s bedroom un furnished house. $60, Phone 3-4534. 2" BEDROOM house by August 15th. Husband returning from Korea. . 4 74552. Mrs. Maurice Cohn. BOUSE in country. $ rooms or more, - not over 6 miles put. About $33. pnone a-8377. USINESS MAN and1 wife want to rent or leas un furnished house. Best of references. Phone 3-3360. WITH OPTION to buy 2 bedroom nice house. Call after p.m. 3-4046. YOUNG married couple wishes furn lshed house. CaU 2-4SU after p jn. 714 Business Rentals T BUSINESS Room. H. L. Stiff. 716 Resort Rentals " OCEAN LAKE: Two bedroom home. 3 . minutes to Ocean Lake. Boating. Fishing St Swimming. Also Golf. Day week or month. BEacoa 8390, Port- - una,. .. j.i . . i : i . D i rectory- Pl.FfclBtNO GENERAL ' repair and oumsa. U- catur at Maerr ViO s. CowT Ph. J a Jodwm's 273 No Crm'l Ph 3-4141 PA1NTIXQ A PAHX3A.NCLNQ H. J. Wood worth, paintina. paperhang- ing. sxpcne-cM. , are estimate, PhOP 3-&807. IOAD fiRADINQ JOY STKICKFAE" M. PHO.VE 3-5419. SAND AMD GSAttL WALLING lAA07l GRAVEL Cm) Crushed rock, for reads and drt ; wav. Cement Readv-mix enneret. Garde- sand. Bull dosing drainage A -aliening ya aaovui and drag una riw j a-rri!f. ateKTIC TAN SS Uamci's scdUc tanka and lines clean- ed. Gtisrnteed worfrk. Phone 3-7404 MiK-TS SeiiC 6ervtc. JtoU cteaned Jee Rotary sei ie en sewers, drains J9a Elm tt, W. gt'-n. Ph. 3-9468. S&W. Sepue tan as. cTIias dean el Eoto-rooter ewyr srr r. Ph. 3-5327. a r. n . Epert repairs on s 1 as.e fre pick 1 up and delivery Ire eat 'nates riven In your bom. Phoaa lU Singer l(.lli M.U.nri CoJibTXecir rvc AU atc Miwrw- TBIIIIH, - iti;it are estimate . orx - liuaranteeo. P!!3h Johpwn Ap- 'iwi p 3-?ll r r r s t AiNAN tree servevf re estimates. Irtired. Pover ri. Pr;one 2-3748. hi LL I'tTTv-i DumciU C Ixr'f aUao, MixiUul U. A Rob'"". ?:i4 N Prcrt t Ph 3-T?c3 i A. &.' it SON isjtc li,7 p VNk-l fit) p-e ? Cn-CLLsG. c;e4n.;ig aad repairine. H- .. ; : R. Mir. Lh3 ti. Ci-w Phoo a--. ceo i 1 1 1 1 W1 ffe t i . U TREES, TREES. TREES -Tea. and a lovely brook bordering your back yard. This new 2 bdrra. bom has a large living room, sunken dining room with French' doors leading to the Patio. Yes, truly a lovely setting and a fin home for only . $lL30fe See Tlbbetts., 7 . -; ! 7 f - i lfw'4-BrRM.f' : ! Beautiful floor plan, a home that must be seen to be appreciated. Lovely den. doubt garage, a home with all the extras you will want, in finest of districts. Yaa a home to be proud of at lljtOOOQ. Call Simp son. . - .( ., uoe sq. ft. rooa SPACE ' - j Located on approx. k acre. Living rm. 14 x 30. dining room,' 14 x 14. large kitchem. 2 large bdrma. Double phrmbing. hardwood floors. Fire place, a real ranch type bom at aeOy $13300 00. Se Tlbbetts. 2TEW 2 BDRM: BUT OF THE WEEK ! r A sparkBns beauty ta very choice location, extra large Hvtng room, pic ture windows. Inside utility, extra builtms. attached garage, lot 73 x 179. Don't miss this mwm mmij $9250jOO. CaU Simpson. i j i -. , . . 1 'i-.k " ',-,...:!,. .-.-. : HIGH COST OF LTVTNG C7TTKG-Ot DOWNt .-.) -If so here M a place that srUl help you eat tt to halt Mice 2 bdrnv bom and on acre, located east. Brood sow and laying chickens go with place an for the sum of $7,000.00. Any .reasonable down payment will 7 be considered. CaR Chet. -'. u- . s - - ' ; i ' ' ... j : . NICE HOME AND 1 ACR Are you tired of living all cooped up -la townt Tt" 00 let us show you , this real buy. Only $6.0000. Call CheL t,.v", ' , : r . 20 ACRES : . ' ,ir-... 1 .' Located North, unfinished house. 8 drffled we.'!aaly VMM. See. 'Todd. i ' ' i.i 180 ACRE STCOC RANCH Excellent aoO. good, modern. 2 bdrm. home, good barn, garden, lawn, all kinds of fruit, nice shrubs all fenced. 5 springs, school bus. phone. Near Lyons. Will trad for- home la Salem. Price $14,000X0. Call Todd. , RAWLINS REALTY - ! , (Hollywood District, Realtor) i 060 N. Canitol St. - Office Phone 2-4884 or 4-1781 Simpson 3-3239. Tlbbetts 2-148$. Chet 3-6236. Todd 2-1731 : - Sold Out! " Almost; need a few mora -stings. Want Action? CALL R-LGORS CLAUDE KILGORE REAL ESTATE BROKER It AUCTIONEER 290 S. Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-S708 ' " I . . - , :'''--.' ' - j -' 700 Rentals 714 Business Rentals DOWNTOWN office space for rent Call 3-3711. o-a. . : - 800 Real Estate DANDY 2 unit -apartment house, fur- . . . A.u .w i . .. ..aiA I. - nisnea. siuv moui umu i. - quire 945 Tamsrscx AS GOOD AS THE BEST, far better than th rest s unit cotuige court, close tn. garages, $500.00 monthly tn - come, $18,000.00 wUl handle. Have other cottage courts. 1 apt. house and several motels , which will accept house as . part payment. If Inter ested tn Income property, houses or acreages, call : Lawrence Real Estate? 404 South High Phone 2-7508 1 Acre. North; 1 Acre could be 8 for extra' all good Diags., ouiit sine jivu. 'B" with fruit closet and work room, fine wen. best of soil. North. Price $7500. - -v , . ...r .. . - . J. G. A. Vicary Realtor 3980 Cherry Ave. ; , Phone 2-5839 801 Business Opportunities FOR SALE: Western Weld Wholesale service station route, call iwi uai las or se Koran Kennedy at Rick- SELLor trade first class 10 unit apart ment motel. Riovuta Motel. Moanon. SALE OR trad by owner. 2 unit apart- men i nous, nicciy i m wsys rented. $133 month Income. In dividual meters. Low taxes. $9500 full price. Terms. Take trailer house or lota as partial r down. Before 3. 3-8208, after 3, 2-8808. 802 Bnsineea PrcyeitT TRAILER court with furnished borne. See owner, 1003 S. 31st, BY OWNER: Cood business site, were house. rarare. railroad spur. 3157 Portland Road. For Quia ksal gZUMM. Phon 3-9517. 804 Suburban CHOICE ACRE CLOSE IN Very attractive modern 2-bedroom home, well constructed. Hdw. floors. Automatic oil heat. Fireplace. Sep arate garage. In a setting of large : Cherries. Walnuts, phut outside fire-place, lawn, shrubs, etc. Desirable location. Real value at $13,500. Terms arranged to responsible buyer. , - Ed D. Potter, Realtor 215 S. High St. 7 . 7 Phone J-3630 80S Houses Fot Sale CANADLARIA. 3 new homes. $13,000 bracket, immediate possession, von vMiint etnancln 4-4530. BY OWNED Hollywood district. 2 bed room homer hardwood floors, elec tric beat, plastered. $7750 terms. BY OWNER: New 2 bedroom in Man- brin Gardens 9100 oown. a eionin balance S7350. to see pnone nrk vm t like a new home? It is not often these days that you can ouy a ..(t a W-a tn cxui weu arpaiw-uuui wc-u-toom honv with attached garafe . . . . , ..neji large lot ior uni j . ivj. OLAJT THQNSTAT Jteattor 41 N. Canitol Ph. 2-7903 BH ... woyi .v. , w rvonsra A unit . rt. rt rr.nl hmi. au eiecinc, a pcu sva wus. good locaaon. pncea nznu on mouth. Oregon, pnone zi s. cv oirn nrn ttm K4ranm attached vara r a. birch doors, hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace, fully Insulated and w-stherstrlpped. FLA- terms. Phone - 4221 or M3. OWNER Will sell new modern PHA Inspected 2 bedroom bom with attached gar age for leas than today's cost - easy -terms, navments less than rent shown by sppotntment. Phon 2-245. 3-71Z3 3-5256. AVE 11100 from owner. 2 blocks niea school, new. 1 bedroom, baa every thing Around 318.000 8e n lotn NEW attracUv 3 bedroom neAr High SchooL Phorte 2067. iYEAR old 2 bedroom borne. $500 tstrmm, pnone a-wvif. 3 B-DaOOM bom tn Kaizer. 3 bedrooms on 1 floor, - 12x11 living room, targe kitchen. Hdwd floors, in laid linoleum in kitchen, and bath. Cars re and utility room, automatic washer. Large lot S Mocks . from school, bus and stores. 5073 Will A re turn east at fCeizer school. 1st road to the W. fFh. 4-2?!7). FOR SAJ by owner modem 4 bed room house, full basement, air con ditioner automatic oil furnace, com pletely redecorated hardwood floors and fireplace. Clos to school and bus. ideal for larye family. For ap-pot-t t r'l 2-t r. - - : ' Alia WeiiS now associated1 -wi.h Col- bath Land Co. Mrs. Wells welcomes the patronage of new C ents and old. C0LBATH LAND CO. Realtors Ph. 2-4552. 1633 Center Xvea. 2-3733 1 : nod Estate - 8C3 House- Text Sola Office Phones 4-3311 or 3r7820 Cream of the Crop t Located in new South Village Addi tion. This home Is really well eon (tructed. Brand new. Never been lived in roreed air oil furnace. In su teted and weatherstripped. Black top street. i block to bus. F JiJL commitment applied for. Total price $11,600. , i Want To Trade? Almost new home northeast. Insulated - and weatherstripped. This one hss a utility rm. Near school. 2 blocks to Kii. will - nrhnin for acreaee northeast of Silverton. Price; has been reduced to $8350-00. j I Creek Pronertv ; ReaUy ale. Back Of lot Joins on Mill - creek. 3 Bedrms basement, furnace. Insulated and weatherstripped. 2 car garage. Back yard fireplace. rJLA. terms. Total price npw. , i Candalaria Lot 75x130. This Is a real good building lot and it's priced st only fZ750.oo. CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK. 7 EVE. PHONE 4-3533. - . . 5 Cafe and Tavern ; This Is hot I Choice location right on river. 4 acres wooded lot. Business bide 34 x SO. nhis 8 bedrm home. Established 8 years. Very weU eauiooed. Seating capacity tor ie. - liberal terms. This Is a buy for v $22,250. , j :1 Cafe Sacrifice I Owner very snxkHis to selL WeTJ es tablished. This place has every kind - of equipment you can expect to find in a real restaurant. 3 Bedrm living quarters. The monthly rental for cafe and living quarters If only $50.00. How can you miss t Tne price nas been reaucea to onty soo. . 1 4 Unit Court f Plus 1 Bedrm Modern home. Carat 1 acre highway frontage. Lota of room for expansion of trailer park. This is a buy for $I4.000. Terms. CALL FOR MR. VAN KLXECX. EVE. PHONE 2-051L . ; 40 Acres 1 Extra good set of buildings. Very mod era home with basement and fire place. Paved highway. Only 20 min utes from downtown Salem. Year round spring. This would make an Ideal chicken or turkey farm. The price is right, only $1800. . One of The Best Suburban homes. Very modern, built in 1949. Good location. North east Only 1 mile from Salem. This is a home you- be proud to own. 1J, acres. Price 111,300. 2 Acres on Lancaster With modern 3 Bedrm home. Very food condition. Barn. 2 car garage. Chick- " en bouse, wen. borne nuts, sa root wen. Priced at only $9500. ' CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, f EVE. PHONE 3-4735. FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS . Mortgage Loans l Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7220 Eve. 4-3533, 2-0511 or 3-4733 ' Suburban Privacy, i View Ranch-type, m-top, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home overlooking vsUev taf north and east, mile south of city limits, off South 1-th; sit 308 x 283. room tor a other -view homes; 3 fire places in hemlock living room, kit chen. master bedroom: Insulated, weatherstripped, basement, oil beat, young orchard, patio, playyard. sum, corral, ror sata ny owner; asxmg price saiptw. pnone 3-3948. A Nice New. Roomy 22 x 38 2 bedroom bouse it space for 2 large rooms upstairs oa 7 a TI x 150 North front lot can be ' yours to finish as you go along. The " price Is $2SS with $350 down & the - balance at $30 per month at In terest, House can be seen Just off Cherry Ave. about S blocks, East oa CancTlcwood Drive. Phone 3871$. ' TWO BEDROOMS, dining room, large lor. ous. ia i xor reurea or worxmg couple. For sal at pric below FHA apprtiasl. Tel 2-5211 or 2-6058. Owner leaving town, wishes to dis pose of 3 bedroom furnished horn at " 2263 Stat SL Lot aOxLW. Hons is old but in top condition. Furniture rood. Be sure to se this. Full price 7500. Terms can b arranged throuirh AL BELL Real Estate, 4-1 60 L eves. 2-73S0. - - BY-- OWNER: bedroom home. Ideal location for schooL Near Shopping Center. 2-4-oS. C00 Real EsUtd CCS Bonstra Fee Scls IN A BIND Owner of this lovely 3 with a den. aU oa on floor, with fire place, hardwood floors, automatic oil neat to all rooms must aeO. aad wtU xiv immediate nrnsi laii. Excellent location. A real good buy is ta pros pect for someone. Available Monday. Sorry, a drive by informatioa. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol -- --'I Phone 3-8216 4 BEDROOM. 3 car garage, carpeted throughout, full basement, oil beat. 3 tile baths, unusually targe rooms, walk In deep freese. all la a netting - of majestic firs. 5 BEDROOM; fun basement, aknos down town, yet in oa g th beat residential areas. Large lot. Modem In every respect. 40 ACRE DAIRY bordering city limits. 28 stanchions, bar with drinking cups. silo. 3 bedroom bom with fire place. Willamette soil. AR equipment and crop included. 40 too hay ta barn. $22j00. ' ; 2 ACRES. 3 bedroom home, double ga 'rage. chicken house. aU fenced, frdit aad nut trees. $300 down. $50. per month. , 18 : ACRES, completely furnished modern 3 bedroom bom with view and year around stream. $3!KM. ; Denton & Denton Realtors 344 SUte Street Ph. 2-3663 Evenings call: Mr. Danielaoo. 4-1560 - - Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 s ' Mr. Denton. 2-0860 5v OWNER: 3-bedroom suburban home, lot 78 x 100. $750 down, terms. Call after 3 weekly, anytime Satur day and Sunday. 2-2057.. BEST VALUES Pick Your Colors New 2 B R. home, plastered and mod ern. K.. u.H ut. & bath. att. gar lot 67x197. Northeast. H.W. firs, F. H. A. commitment. Price $9900. - like New So. 15th Modern I'i yr old 2 B.R. home, LR. 14x18. 3 nice B.RS & bath. Insu lated 8c weatherstripped. Price only $8000. $3400 da. Englewood Homes 2 bdrma. 3 year, old Price $11,600. Terms. 3 bdrma. 9 year old. Price $11,300. Terms. 4 bdrms. i year old. Price $10,500. icrms. La. E. Klumpp Realtor 480 N. CHURCH PH. 2-7643 PRICED TOR QUICK SALE: Owner" moving. 4 room modern f urnlfhed. near school. $2893 will handle. You take $1000 mortgage. Lot 80x133. 2623 Larrson Ave. Phone 4-2531 - J SUITABLE for DOCTOR . . LAWYER as HOME & OFFICE DEN. ELEC FIREPLACE AND 1 BED ROOM with 2-pc. bath. ALL THIS PLUS 3 Br. HOME fine built-lns. WALL TO WALL CARPET in living 8c dining rooms DISHWASHER and many other conveniences. 2 fire places. Large lot. double garage, all . among tne tiis. LOCATED AT 1656 CENTER ST. For Appointment Call JoeHutchison Realtor PHO. 2-3629 rVX. 2-4782 810 Farms, Acreage rot Sal STOCK RANCH 385 ACRES AT ONLY S62J0 PER A. Half under cultivation. Good soil, '.very large barn and house. For this good deal see John 1. Dsnn Real -state, 433 n. tiign st- phone 2-6690, Eve. 4-1543. 2-BEDROOM home tt 13 acres. Trad equity for-late model car or truck. Auburn Road. Rt. a. Box 232. Salem. 812 Exchange Real Estate TO TRADE: Large 2 bedroom house, clos in, 67xxlOo corner lot, fin lo cation. $11,000 for house and lot or small acreage clos to town. W. B. Allison. 502 Walnut Ave- Long Beach. ' California. i B.R. HOME, close in. North, modern plumbing. Part hardwood floors, on 2 acres good soil. Mall Ac school bus by door. Consider Salem horn or cheap income property In trad. pnone Z-BZS7. BY OWNER: 10 acres close in. Phone 2-8129 after $ o.m, BARGAIN: $2200 equity in good clean 9-room house. North Salem, corner lot at 20 discounL Would consul er trade in cattle or calves of equal ' value. Phon Silverton 4311 or Box 511 co Statesman. FOR SALE or trad IJm? livestock. Equity good 9 room home. North Sa lem, permanent tenants, assessments ail paid. $2200 equity for 20 dis 7 count. Phone Silverton 4311 or box 511 co Statesman. lo ACRES, 5 room modern home $6000 or trade for 2-bedroom bom in Sa- lem. 2-5779. INCOME PROPERTY, sell or trad for small bouse as part paymenL Owner zm s. college fat.. Monmoutn. ure, ltTTTT WrWI-? 14 iwtm A mZZ BUOW IV ' MtM Vll &.,VW5 AW (values up to $5000) for unimproved "acreage aouta of saiem. pnone z-3242 or 2-2755. HOME WANTED v Win pay cash from owner for nice 3 or 3 bedroom house. Englewood or FairmounL 2 fireplaces, nook. 8c din ing room. Phone $-3300. 816 Resort Property' NELSCOTT Beach duplex home tt In come, fin ocean view. $7250 less for cash, itank N. Parent, phone DeLake 818 Wanted. Baal Estate L-7TS TRADE equities or - sell me yours. Want small acreage with good buildings east of Lancaster. T. Hawe. $823 u St. or pnone x-7330. 850- Automotive 852 Osed Cars For Sal East Salem 49 Cher. F sda. R. H. $1393 49 Plv. soec. dix. chib. H. HL I19S 48 Olds 98 dlx. club. R. H. 1155 '48 Kaiser dlx. sda. H. $1033 47 DeSoto 7 pass. (Oh Ob) .,$ $50 '48 Hudorr sdn, DMM. , $1033 '41 Chev. M. Dlx. sdn. H $ 699 40 Chry- Royal adJt H. S H9 39 Packard adnu R. H. -$ 29 38 Olds 2 door H. $ 193 38 Chev. 2-door. R. H. $ 135 36 Chev. sdn. (Why walk) $ 40 1947 Dodge la ton speed .77271 Long Trades - Easy Terms DEWEY'S. Open Eves Se Sundays Used Cars 3"9 Market St. Phone 3-4061 r40 FORD converUiie. aew battery. generator, cistrU mtor, and brakes. Excellent rubber. Edelbrack 9'W bead. HC Cam headers. 11 lbs. wheel with truck elyteh. 3-7327. 1470 McCoy. 'iTlLT33AKt commander, 4 door L7 f OHD 4-LOOR. Se at Launder- Klumpp tie, to Ferry. 20 to S pjn. Ci50 Automotive K2 Da Cora Foe Sole BONESTEELE'S 1239 Studebaker Landcruiaer Sedan plaza gray . 1.003 miles. , ; radio, beater, overdrive, bill bolder, many other extras f71l im Studebaker Regal Chamraoa 8 Pass. Cp. beater, overdriva $134S 1348 Clinrrolet neetmaster Sedan Radio aad beater ' ' Vf 1344 Chevrolet Tleetmaster Sedan 2 too gray at blue, radio. bater. T la ear at exceptionally eJeaa. low aUleaga $I34S : 1348 Studebaker Mux Cammander Two Door Sedan, radio and 77.. 7:htor - , , , r. , ; 77 , $mi ; 1M8 Studebaker Regal Champion I -, drive , 1348 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4 Dr. 134T Ford Deluxe 3 Pass. Cp- beater 1347 Studebaker Deluxe Champion ; -wdrtve , 147 Chevrolet FVetmaster Station 1341 Nash 4 Dr. Sedan. Heater at L- ' .. ' , Ask; to drive the new 191 Studebaker Com 4hindexr :V-8 when you come in. It's THE sen sation of the nation. 'f; I i ! - BONESTEELE'S Salem. Ore. 370 N. Church St. .it CLEAN USED CARS 1940 FORD 1-DOOR DEL, SEDAN $313 This car is the kind many pur chasers are looking for and sel dom find. Very clean tn every re : sped, radio, heater, aeat covers, , nearly new tires, and la excellent mechanical condition. 1940 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE -$393 1940 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN $199 1939 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN $430 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE $1093 1941 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN $393 1938 PLYMOUTH COUPS -$183 1940 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN .$393 ; I TERMS McCALL'S 129T State Dial 3-8108 This Time It's HUDSON! ; Service - SALES Parts . Shrock Motor Co. . Home of Cood Used Cars Church and Chemekets Sts Ph S-Omt We "Are in the Market "i rOR LATE MODEL CARS I ELSNER MOTOR CO. 52 N High j Salem Oregon Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ' ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ALL We (nvtt4 1 your comparison for price wiui UK a mail ac moaei urvoas Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS v WW N t.ihertv Ph -4M9 40 STUiiEBAKER champion. 4 door. Good condition. Overdrive, radio and heater. $235. 1339,a Franklin. W. Sar lem 1939 INTERNATIONAL ifc ton panel A-.k- ")! IMtMia t.1099 i948 PLYMOUTH 3 passenger coupe. special oeiuxe raaio, neaver, unw party. Phone 2-886L - -- I UEMBER OF THE Thm Anedsted Press It entitled exclaslvely to the ase fot repnbllcatlea ef all the local news printed ta this newspaper, as weu aa eu -- AP news dispatches. . 1XEMBE8 PACIFIC COAST DIVISION Of BCEEAU OF i . ADVERTTSENQ ; . AdrerUslng RepreseaUtlves VYard-Grlffltb Ce, New Terk, Cbleage 1 csb rrsncuce, uetreiu it MEMBER 4UDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION BATE ; Daily and Sunday By carrlrr la cities 8 L20 month 39 month 4.S0 six maa. M year - By man tn OraaoL tin advance) By mall In V&JL vI-20 month 120 six mos. 14.44 rear . utaide Oregoa ta advj DAILY CROSSWORD V ACROSS L Ill-tempered ' person ; S. Cover with . i wax ' 9. Kind of f' rock '' i . '. . 10. Unfolds' 12. Hut - , - 13. The afore said thine; X4. Turkish , Weight -var.) . 15. At home n.Mtnsnamc 18. Denary i 19. Lamprey - 21. Female ruff 22. Editor (abbr.i 1 23. Gave 25. From 26. Bone 27. HumWy ; penitent 22. Calcium - (ym.) 4.1Ttmet" 35. Blonder 38. Escape 1 (slang). 17. Division of European, Jurassia system i 39. Water 0d 40. Epoch j 41. Ethical 43. Fairs , 45. Eird ; 46. Sprites 47. Passable ; (Cdloq.) 4?.Resrettel DOWN 1. Strangled 2.6ird - 3. Malt : beveragt : 4. Faith 5. Fish . Kind of i poem T. Delays - 8. Admission 9. Young hog 11. Furnished . with a sole 16. Medieval boat 20. Behold! 850 AutomotiTe tS2 Used Cora Foe Sol Pass. Cp. Radio, heater At " t Sedan. Radio aad beater -$1299 1 i $98 X Door Sedan healer and , , , $na ; Wagon Radio, heater! ovcrdttve, clean - .. j -$na ' i l :. I ' 1 .1 29S ' ' i-rt Tet 29277, 21803 Convertible 4 rorq. Miami Cream. 2260 Lee St. 1951 CHEV Bel Air or trade for 'to it Sl PhM PtiMrMfftirt. tl .Vac. 1950 OLDS convertible. CaU 4-U7J, Good condition. - s 1937 CHRYSLER aeden.' New painL IliC neeuy sooq ouy. a-swu. iTPACKARD sedan. Very good shap 'wi votiage. rnone s-ZBla. 1941 FORD $-passenger coupe. Special amor, pane tea. Bdccepuonaiiy dean, A-l condition throughout. Se this on. 1093 S. 12th days, 2083 Univer sity evenings. " 1937 DODGE. Good tires. $30. Rt.' 9. oox is. laiewooa unve. a)era, c j. punse. 49 MXRCTTRY. anlv .21291 , ..$1093 $113 '48 Olds, hydramatic. heater sa stuaeoaxer uiimpton -"50 Olds, hydramatic, fully -$1999 2-382, ifYMris nssirri rii's 109 Orchard Ave Dallas Ph 1949 FORD custom 4-door sedan, ex cellent condition, 13.000 miles. Phone 2-5422. - . t - '46 FORD 4 door Super1 deluxe. Except tionally clean. Badio. heater. Financ ing If desired. 1074 S, Liberty. 8S4 Trucks. Trailers For Sola 1930 MODEL A Ford truck! with dua. tires and side rack. Full year license. II miles east. .i mile north of Kel ler school. Phone 4-1191, Rt. 2. Box 403. Sslem. f i 46 CHEVROLET 1-ton" panel $250 be 1 low book pric. Terms. Phone daya 3-4122. - - - ; '43 INTERNATIONAL 2',t ion K1 or trade for car or pickup. Phone 2-5093. 1965 N. 5th. - : ; j 856 Wanted. CkxraTrucks . CASH for 1940 and 1941 Fords. Chev. rolet. and Plymouth. For the high, est price see us be fare you trsde off sell. McCsllt. ml State. ZEEB'S USED CARS !l BUT - SELL - TRADE , 2323 Fairgrounds Rd Ph 2-4454. 860 Auto MiacaUomaous '33 MERCURY convertime parts, hood, grill transmission, motor, rear end - Ac body-parts, also 39 Mercury con vertible welded and leaded. No other car like it one the road. All for sal or trade for jeep. Phone Salem 2-8182. 862 House Trailers ELECTRIC brakes. Installed, serviced. S 8c K Motor Co.. 577 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-3961. ' f. , ; Jay hawk Trailer Sales , A trailer for everv purpose. , At 2640 Portland Rd. Salem ASSOCIATED PBES3 Week-da ya Only Sundays Only $ LOO month ft J9 30 month 2.75 six BOS . mJM yeas II ! SO month 173 six mo f a v rear 23. Astern 24. Spawn of fish 25. Province (Can.) 27. Soothes 28. Pungent vegetable (pl) 29. Music note 30. Anger 31. Merchant - 32. Combed, . as wool 33. Accumulate Sslar4srs Aasaeg 38. Depart .28. Weakens 42. Sign of the zodiac . 44. Eskimo toot HI lltl"l" AT-IE 16 iLlJ- rjoivtr Tiiii ft"' t Mti j" t oTT i 7 ftlwit uTf 2 W T-JTiilA TT . y ll3rll. : wr W ' Jwr i f M aS aSSaMKri MiMaMW