8 Thm StatenDOB. Salem. Oregon, Wednessday SOCIETY Around Town.. hy Jerytste Eegli VISITORS . . . "nl prtie in their honor hirhlifht the sumimr social calendar ... Mrs. Kenneth itemon and Mr. R1ph Nohleren , vee hostesses lor bridge party .Tuesday night at the home c;f Mrs. .Hanson's father. Hoy H. Mills . . . The affair wss arranged in rompli .inent to three summer visitors, . Mis. Andrew H.'Burmtt of Santa l-ibara. Miss Julia Johnein of Portland nr- Miss Eleanor Trin-,;-dle of Coryalli . . . A laU supper was HtvH by the hostesses . . Friday sricbt.-.. Mix. Harrison . W. E!s,in, jr. and Mrs. Wayne Dunrhton will entertain f the lor ;,mer's Kinewood Heights nome for ,.the pleasure of Mrs. Burnett, Mi Johnson and Mis Trindle .. , . A , tkfcrt supper will l served with . liridce. in play during the evening ; . . . Other ruests bidden ire Mrs. , FhiM) Hall, ho is ejpeettfi to ar , the in the capital from Aberdeen, I Jkwth Dakota the end of the we k, . Mrs. Kenneth Hanson, Mrs. Ra.lph , fohl;ren, Mrs. Harold Shegrro, , Mrs. Oscar White, Mrs. Donald ..Feitzer, Mrs. Malcolm Jonts, Mrs. "-.Wheeler Ft. English, nd Mrs. Wil- Ham H. Trindle. jr. A Laffet dinner . . . given en Today nitht by Mrs. Ralrh , fleieer i her country bent fr the f Uaftore ef Mis lrma Rt fotd of llonelulri. wImi Is visiting in the eapital thin summer with , her hi ether -in-law and sister, the ; ftam ftutUrs... The dinner table . wan arranged in the garden and , W(V were creep ef Mfes . Fotuford" loan time- friends i'. , tAhm Ola Clark, Mise Beryl Ble.lt, Wn Maxine Keren, Miss Dere- - thy I raree, Dr. Helen Feerre, TAttm Lerett Ferd. Mi Dera ; tUa KievfleffMiM Leila Hi don, ; Mrs. f. J. Butler, Mrs. Bjren Kcrrlck. Wra. G. Frederlefc Chamberswilrft. Merrill D. Ohl ; leg and Mrs. Frank Neer... John Li nd beck on Saturday when Mrs. Cmlton J. McLtwi and. her mother, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, en tertained nl the M(L1 enuntiT home . . . Mrs. Lindbeck is Imving ..today for Honolulu to join ber navel lieutenant commander hus : band . . . Honoiinir the visitor were Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Mrs. Rob- rt KMidoway and son,' Robert Da- , or t'ortliincl. Mrs. Robert G Co n't fill him up since we twitched lo Curly' Milk Cups end glasses empty . fast when they're filled with richer tasting CUR- , LY'S Mil K. Keep yoor . "whole family healthy end happy ... twitch , to delicious CURIY'S AAtlK today. : CURLY'S Your Friendly rlome Owned Dairy Phone 3783 GENERAL y ECTMICl LATEST MODEL AVT160D V FOR FREE - -t. - - ; sit ni iter m tur m th Yttcn 4!Ur . ' JSluLw" v mLf JL'2:S'' --ff )pjy It. - CLUBS -J.t .'-f ' Silvfrlon Mrs. Fhilip G. Oile4 e foimeri Rognild Slorrutte, dougRter cf Mr. , orid Mrs. Michotl Eicnuste cf Sily erlorv "whes e we ding -was on event of j July 14 of Trinity LulJie ion churcrL Mr. CJilf js Ibe, r on c( Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cliies of Nebraska City, Neb'.. (McEwan r,hoto). Brady,' jf. and .children, Michael Jean and Robert Bruce ; . . Mrs. Stanley McKay, Mrs.tGale Bcsse and smal son, Rene. . I Mrs. Prince W. Byrdi Mi Betty feyrd . . . Mr. Homer Efan, Miss. Adfle Ecan, Mrs. William Egan, Mrs.! T. W. Creech and the hostess i.. Geest frf henr ... at a r arty to rtight wijl t Mrs. Richard Sulli vpit, who is visiting" in the crpital this month from Pendlrton at the home of -her prentp, the Kenneth Bells... Mrs. Warren Ling and Miss Ruth Skinner ate entertain ing for the pleasure of Mrs. Sulli van at the Ling home en Olive street., v; A dessert supper will be served with bridge following . . . Honoring the visitor Will be Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Mrs. (Hillary Etzel, Mrs. Kex Adolph, Mrs. ?. Dixon VanAusdell, Mrs. Jack Strickfaden; Mrs. Fred Nichols, Mrs. Richard Grabehhorsrt, Mrs. Charles A.. Barclay, Mrs.fDatrell Gemmell Mrs. Robert Hinkle, Mrs. Roy Of twin and the hostesses WELCOME llOMC.Marjoric Scandlink daughter ef the William E. Scandjings, has returned from a month's stay in Mew York City, where she was one of 19 guest editors of Mademoiselle Magazine .She served as fiction editor of the August issue ... Marge! gradu ated in June from the University of Orfg and is .an TAlpha.Delta n . . , -t . - .: Referring . . . te RaJf m te make their heme are Mr. and Mrs. Rewellf Rentier. whr arrived in the capital Menday bIkM I rem Oeeanside. Califs, where he- has lieeH statiened at Came Peedle ten with the mat lues as a staff eeegeeat ... Eereet Berth . the Rennets ateeped in Kan Franels ee...he has been released from active dety with the (narie eerye after a'year ef eervlce... Arriving... In the capital ea Menday were Mrs. Keltea Lew ; ery aed ehlldree. Car el ye Zee, Mack and Melly.'fef jaeksen, Mheu. wbe will spend the te MaJnder ef the semmer at the beeaie ef Mrs. Lewery'a parenta, the H. G. Maisena . . they made the trip eerth by taha..L I A rertnicht's trip . . . for Mrs. Clifford I Harold, who returned Sunday from - ShreVfpott, where t-he visited her son-in-law and daughter. Captain and Mrs. Philip MeKfnlay . . . he is stationed with the air , forte at'Barksdale FieWThe McKinlayg and five year old: son, Elbert, acefoinpanied Mrs. Haroki - to Springfield, vMo where she was met by Mr, Harold ...The Harolds drove home, de touring the Kss floeid area and stopped enroute .at Colorado Denver and Suit Lake Springs. City... " ",f , it i VACUUM CLEARER -:c Cempiele'VVirh AM Atteehenents CccuUr $44.55 Stark's Pre Cr CPs Sal Oely . - v . Price 5)95 9 Mi 3 IOR LIMITED TIME . - 10 Day jFree Trial i HOME DEAOWSTRATION By lecol Representative at any cf stack's si cm; ' re . . -;w n m uuiaet. - ier k. ak sei la. s-isJH Ih. ca ss MUSIC Couple to Live In California' The-JTirst Christian church was the peeneof the marriaee of Mrs. Rose L. How4asd of Salem and Don C Feemster of Orange. Calif, on July 13 at 8 e'elock. The Rev. Dudley Strain read the double ring ceremony before member of the immediate families. ' For her wedding the bride wore a rose crepe afternoon dress. with white accessories and a cersaf e of gardenias , d lavender gladi oluses. " -'? : . ' : ), Mrs. Donna Baker of Oranjie Calif., daughter tl the groom, was matron of honor-end wore a shell pink nylon afternoon dress with navy blue accessories. Her corsage was of blue and white carnations. Robert E. How land, son of the bride, was best man. ; . After the nuptials thenewly wedx left for a weddinp trip to Washington. They will be at home at 255 North Cleveland street, in Oranre after August 15. j Committees Are Appointed . Mrs. Lawrence McClure, noble grand, ef Salem Rebekah Loflge No. 1, presided at the ; regular meeting Monday evening. Mrs. Lloyd" Wood, district deputy pre sident, assisted by Mrs. Ida New ton, grand marshal!, installed Mrs. Charles Neubauer as right sup porUr to the vice grand. Committees appointed were as follows: - budget committee, Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, Mrs.' William H. Gardner, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Miss Wilda Siegmund and Mrs. Blanche Hull; Theto Rho committees Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, Mrs. Merritt Brown, Mrs. FJmer Roth, Mrs. Cera Van Pelt, and Mrs. Clarence Woelk; ways and means committee: Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs, Merlin W. Ready; social committee for July: Mrs. Chris Sumpter, chair man. ' assisted by , Mrs.- Theo. Rhoades, Mrs. Elmer Roth, Mrs.; Frank Saunders, Miss Wilda Sieg mund, Mrs. O. L. Scott. Mrs. Mike Simmons and Mrs. Dae Staf ford; education committee chair man, Mrs. Virgil Parker; Woman's club council committee: Mrs. Roy Pease, Mrs. Justina Kil.dee and Mrs. Lawrence ,MrClureJ -' . Past Noble Grands association will meet at the home of Mrs. Alda Murphy, 1525 N. 18th st Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. . There will be a covered dish dinner Friday evening at 6:30 o' clock at the IOOF hall, given by the Willamette Encampment Re bekah and encampment mem bers are invited to attend. Next Monday night will be social night fieeete at the heme ef ' Mr. aed Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff are Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Elliott and son, Bill, of Scoltsbluff, Nebraska Mr. El liott, an attorney, is a cousin of Mrs. Ratcliff. Also a guest at the Ratcliff home for the summer is Miss Ida B. pKott of Oakland, Calif- an aunfof Mrs.' Ratcliff.- On Etiquette By Eeberta Lee Q. Is it proper, when bowl ine; with friends, to deliver the ball at the "same time a person on an adjoining lane delivers his ball? ? A. Never. : There are ( rules - of etiquette on the bowlinf lanes, too, and one of the most strict .re that one should never; do anything to distract the attention of a bowler on an adjoining lane. If that per son is preparing to deliver his ball, then you should wait until he has bowletf before you start down the runway. - ." ' V- :?-.;"' Q. Would it be prrper . for a young woman to sign a; business letter as Miss Alice Jones? A. Yes, but the "Mi" should be enclosed in 'parentheses. - J. What is the" correct way for M young man or. girl to introduce . friend to his or ber mother? A. "Mother, this is Clarence Wilson." Or, "Mother, this is Anne Morgan." i AT STARK'S The Neeth west's Lraeisg Taeeena" Clcaeer Steree I On Phone rfc.i.e . W I ! i" - ... If mm- m. k. J , Marilyn Broer, Mr. Goffrier To Marry Miss Marilyn Broer, daughter of Mrs. John ' Broer, announced her engagement to Robert Reed. Oof frier, son of Dr. A. F. Gof frier, at tbe-monthly meeting of the Mary and Martha Circle Tuesday even ing at the home of Mrs. Norman E. Mann. The engagement news. was re vealed in the form of scrolls with the couple's names and wedding date printed inside. Miss Broer and Mr. Gof frier win be married August lath at the First Baptist church. . -: ; Miss-: Broer is graduate, of Salem high school and Mr. Gof frier. also a graduate of Salem high school, graduated from North western Schools , in Minneapolis, Minnesota last spring. He will be associate pastor of the Camden Covenant church in Minneapolis and win also attend seminary at Northwestern Schools this fall." Cootiette Club at Forbis Home Members of Cootiette club," 140 met ' at the home- of Mrs. Elmer Forbis on. Liberty Road for their regular meeting, with Mrs." Joe Horneffer in charge. Delegates elected to- the Su preme Crawl in New York August 26-31 were Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs. An in Slrayer. Mrs. Lee M. Spen cer of Lakeside. Oregon and Mrs. j Dave Furlough. Honors were given 'Mrs Mel Clemens, who was re- . . . 1 1 . . j 1 1 reniiy rirtitii ursno orsyracK Ti Oregon at the Grand Crawl in Klamath Falls. Others of the club. named grand officers are: Mr Dave Furlough,; grand scratcher Mrs. Dale Brooks, on the auditing committee, and Mrs. Al Aesehli mann. " ; A buffet lunch was served to Mrs. Emma Delapp, Mrs. Lee M. Spencer, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. William Noyes. Mrs. Jack Schmidt Mrs. Arwin Slrayer, Mrs. Joe Hop kins, Mrs. W. L. Bar net t, Mrs. Rob ert Edgerton of Silverton, Mrs. Roy Carter, Mrs. Joe Horneffer, Mrs. T- 1 - 1 " -k. T" l . 11.1 weger, Mrs. Charlie Hunt Mrs. Charles Hagemann, Mrs. Mel Clemens, and the hostesses; Mrs. Forbis and Mr. Al Aeschlimann. The next meeting will be at the V.F.W. hall, July 27. Looney Reunion Held: Sun day Jefferson The descendants of Jesse and Ruby Bond Looney, pio neers of 1843, met for the annual picnic at Paradise Island on Sun day. Mrs. Leona Gaines Oberson presided. Officers elected jnclude Marguerite Looney, president; Ruby Looney Wynd, vice presi dent; Mrs. Gilbert Looney, secre tary; .Walton Looney, treasurer; and Mrs. David Looney historian. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sieiwer, Chester Gaines, Lyle Looney, Mrs, George Griffith, Mrs. David Looney, George L: Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Looney, Ele anor Looney, Mrs. Jack Taggart and Robert .John, and George Loonty, - all of Salem; Richard Games, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ober son, Victor Looney and Mrs. Ray mond NebergaL all of Albany: Mrs. W. W.1 Allen, Mill City; Mrs. Clifford - Johnson and twin daughters, Elizabeth Ann and Su- ' . . . " il .t i . . . a ban t'l jiisaquan, vvin.; iur. ana Mrs.-Coyd Looney, Mi. and Mrs. Lawrence Looney and Dorothy Looney of Estacad;'Mr. and Mrs. Walton Looney, Gilbert Looney, Marguerite, Looney, of Jefferson; Mr. and-Mrs. -Jesse Looney, Yvon ne and Ben too of Scio. .W.': .:..:. V . nsiTWK ruuucu . KtxTTtrttta- I10JS8CASH , . Wis Ciee C. SlMi I Mmte, CsMf. f . Mir. C. I. Mreea Pwtiane. r. 9, Mrs. fitti FrvM. Mrcka. Ulrf. 4. Mrs. Strtt Dtnlsea I. Mw. M. tielireica ' " tt fe. Tt . Mrs. V. Al tMtite : CHe Crae, Ore. -7. Mrs. Bvrt twrtTt SMttte, Ww. ' t Mr. War WtHM r4am; Utak tt. e. OarMan. Caiit. 1C Mrs. t. M. Vwmf Psrtetef, tW . IX. Mrs. Cfcwtms 0-hri tH5tr. CM. j. .. 12. V. ' , WerwIcrMC, Was. 13. JobaC Wort San Cm. Cat. 14. J. t. War4 15. Mrs. C. Sarw MMiyweMt. Calif. II. Mrs M. SeM iof m. Ore. 17. tern Mswgfce ' Sacraaicftte, CHf. 11. tor. Martin KtrMMI, War tore 1. Kert A. rtetk FertlaMd. Or. 20. Mrt. Clairrs fewer Sfctone. eas. - Meee. Cie. . JLEtTklt RANCES 1. m. Utt Cewte MMyaoMl Calrf. t. Mrt. N. K PitatanteK. CHf. a. w a. au'tcraf l twisted, Wha "4.i. a. iM . . ; 5, h. ftid C. Mtnea CeteMH. iMhe .Mr. See. Ct 7. airs. . T. Iajn1 Sratt, WmH. Km?rfitZlS UVKCKOWATS l.t. W. Umtm $, was. 2.r. . Sreufco? - fetx Clrf. "3. Mrs. Kait lyrm Pontsnd. ttt. 4. airs. Era SjrnmMtiL Crf. . i . r. D. iase SaatMMW. VIM .Mrs. Atrtrer UVrtlt 7.k)rs. MreW untsfstrts- . VAcmm tiwm l. Irv T..t. TcjeU - forsiend. Ore. tp Ct, Cot a.ah. tl S-Mwrtaes 81. Mrs. C. w. les Alamos, . J2. 1. -Veraraae ktamel St. JfwtiM. Moat 23. M. f . arena Cleaeate. Catrf. 24- Mrs. a. CaKwsa fDeeer. Ara. i 25. Mrs Saewer Farter -Asirtarie. 0r. - -. ' J. Atme CeHrra . Aitiiawrane. a. M. - 27. MS. f. M. Sbi les Ankeies, CaMf. 7L Mrs t. Sa PortiarM. re. , 2. Mrs. C. A. imeurr. tHM. Caff. 26. Mrs: Jeea MUM ' l. Mrs . A. tmnew tl fasevlesa .... . . Saia Uf"i V - Csnaktkatt, Cent.. J9.Mrs. Cue tasatar . .twrtk ea4. Cue... - 34. Mrs. f. a. Jeaes ; tr1t$0i0. CM1. - - . airs. rice ir . Cteb. ws. 1 Mrs tie tf Urn ; laa Ct, tJ'rt a Mi Crit Comm. C. .. - . 7. Mrs. tMi H. 0r t - - C'MM. C4rf.' a Mrs. I. C, Cettttta - L Mrtty(. Cf. . nws. lie ; rl Arte. Oalrt. lie . . c e 11. Mim wj trer 12. . I. Ktriw SMI BWAMeMW I -vies enftte. 14. rs. Jwt a. Ifc(rtj - 1 15, rs. Vf'rm lack . Sustained Interest Expected Guests Did ate Activities Of Prospective Hosts for Weeks -,'"'-' "I"; ' lwi.'-' .By MaBiee Berts Siatrsmae Woman's Editor . Boris Karloff and all the double billed horror futures in cir - culation can't hold a candle to the suspense ef waiting ter sum mer visitor who write, "Expect us when you see us." They arc net on any schedule, they say. Neither it aeemsj are, their prospective hosts, for who can plan for" tomorrow when company may arrive tonight. - Such a situation taxes the tempers of a childless host cr host ... ess; but' it takes the skilled effort of two lion tamers to keep a brood of youngsters in a treading-water mood for an indefinite . reiiod of time. And clean enough to be proud of it company ever ; does ccme. - f. , - 1 -:. " : --Cr- lf tlie guests-to-be are old friends cr close relatives perhaps the situation ran be handled .more simply. Merely don't go away from the house anywhere from one day to a month, without leav ing someone behind to relay the news of the arrival e.f guests. ABOUT IDIOSYNCRASIES. . '-; i : But be the travelers casual acquaintances, which very often they are for this sort of a vague arrangement, the situation takes ?n tcrr.pica lions. . . " s Are the guests vegetarians, are they allergic to eggs or don't ' they like vegetable salad?. Or, on the other hand, do they cat no thing but meat, do flowers in the house give them hay fever or do.they turn up Iheir noses at rmajs on the patio? Leaving the house, the hostess must be sure it's tidy, company might arrive' before she returns. The house must be rpicknd span when she retires, guests might arrive late. The early morn ing costume must be suitable for greeting guests who might ar rive before breakfast. ..; ": Then there's the business of keeping the larder stocked up with company food, that may have to be eaten by the family. It's not a simple matter to plan the mentis for the day, with any thing from a simple family supper lo a welcoming company meal. Splurge with a roast and the company will arrive just as the last sliver is being eaten a week later. Or plan to have a simple meal cf hamburger on buns and they'll walk in with a ncw-for-a-good-rjorr.e-bf oiled-steak look in their eye. IS MOTHER ALONG . - And how long will they stay, and is his mother-in-law in the" party and how many children was it they said they had this year? But. if they are the sort of guests we hope they are, they'll register at a motel first, then report to the house and the prob lem's solved. ' If one really want them at the house, insist cn them coming, otherwise invite them just enough, then graciously admit defeat the instant before they decide tc withdraw from the motel and . move in with you. i t-; I ! Mrs. L. V. Giheen entertained cump rut; V7iria At Kilowatt Camp Kilowan, Camp Fire Girls camp of. the Willamette Area Council, is now in its fourth ses sion. Girls registered for camp this session include the follow ing: ' Blue Birds from Salem: Patricia Shimondft and Maudie Smith, from Corvallis; Patricia Irick, MaTy Campbell, Dawn Summers, Fawn Summers, Barbara Beals, Betty Fease, Kalhy Richards, Joyce Mann, Molly Nelson, Judy Brown, and Carol Moe; from Dallas, Con Die Johnson, Lee Ann SalisbjR-y, and Paula Hayes; from Mill City, Carol Lea Merrill. Emerald Forest (fifth and sixth gTade girls): fftfun Salem, Barbara French, Sylvia Momeyer, Roberta Berlin, -Helen Aquila; from Dal- las,Judy Arends, Lucille Friesen and Nancy. Kelly; from Mill City, Carolyn ; Harman, Carol Cooke, Carol Veness, Linda Dyhrman and Carol Brinton; from Corvallis, Su san Small, Shjrley Small, Kath leen Kelly, Donna Rouse, Carlene Hise, Carolyn Woodring, J o a n Held. ',. Alderea (seventh and eighth grade girls): from Salem, Kathryn Winiecki; .Sharon Bourne, Mar jorie Olson, Elma Roth, Diane Dependehner, Lila Daily, Martha Klaus, Gayle La Branch, Judy Words, Patsy, Edstrom, fharon Searcy, Darlene Olson, and Lau ris Kolsky; from Yakima, -Adela Rickey; froni. Corvallis, . Carol King, "Linda Henderson. Barbara Lowe, Zathoe Giffen, Jtdy Ram Nancy Ruffner, Kristin Han sen, Linda - Boyd, Martha Mum ford; from Valsetz,. Jean Down and Rhoda May Peak. E3GQG AQG TOE UJICinEDS' nn rMinrrrr?rf lr UU LOLiLU 5. Mrs. 1. 1 MetcM - tuore, ore.- SrarrMm, Artt 7.ettrIHi tewares San Francises. CHf. iM. f . I. CakMae. Catrf. St. Mrs: U I. Foal Porttaad, Ore. 40. Mrs. L- Stce Cleneale, CaM. 41. Mrt. F. 5. SHarple Pasadena., Cairf. 42. MrS-.sWVit Brack Tacaaa. Aril. 43atence M. rente RirlnaeMi. Cetrft, 44. Mw aarke SaM4a. War. 45. Mrs. SaM. DowlMn ' Alemaareue, N. M. . 4. tHrby Cm - epitl. Oi. . ' 47; atrs. Jy Smart SprtncvHIe. Utak 4S. tars. Sea. M. Arr - amlrnrre. Caul. ml Mis. M. i. Waller Salt Lake City. Utah SIX Mrs. . C Tcrliaf ' i tacama. Ml rttie W. Aothtey San Francisce, CalM. 63. Mrs. Oaatet Sawfla Salt Lake City. Utak f3. Mrs. Mere Water - Suekane. War. . 54. Mrs. C. M. erewster - i Oaktaae. cairr. . (5. Mrs. A. area -HollrMat, Clf. C Martha WcerJs . flklar. call. lerwerg n a rmml a. Mts. "' Z JZL. M ul. Fie team. a. Mas. M. Mrt. Dell Setles - Seattle, Was. B Meter) t. SMW ' - fartta. Ore. . Mi sWraeaa Keel tl. Jfa Istecsea Salt lake Crt. tltsk n. Mrs. t. wttc a. - San IHne, talrf. - BX KM Nerrirtt Gef ' Cenwrlis, Ore. . . $4. Mrs Ueete lee - : (I Paso, teas C5. fa (rra4 .-vfJ,. tainrt, Ore. . i t. Mrs. t. 0. Harper S IVteCaM. - 7. Mr. I- P- S""t- ' -f ma. hv . 4a. Aire 6. Lea Berketef, Cam. , ' ti. Mrs. S,Vmb f . M - Fecatelle, Msrta ' Je. Mrs. Fata . MlkmT fegeae. Ore. .... ;rv s members of her Garden club with a picnic luncheon on the terrace at her new home in the Eola Hills on Tuesday. Children Feted--On Birthdays Mrs. J. M. Meier was hostess at a birthday patty on Monday for her children, Linda Jo, who was three and Danny, who was one year old. The party was held Mon day. Those attending were: Sherry and Gene Lew en, Linda Lee and Fern Hayden, Dennis and M ic had Alley, Tony and Ronny Stinette, Tammy and Claudia Bow er, cousins Jerry, Nicky, Shirley, Steven and David Mfiti, he grandmother, Mrs. J. Haagensen and the mothers. Former Detroit Resident Weds DETROIT Word was received here last week by Mrs. John Es- tey of the wedding of her niece, Lorraine Booker, who with her family were residents of Detroit for many years. The bride in a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Stahlman, early settlers of. Detroit, who both lived in De troit from time of settling there until their death. Miss Booker became the biide of Robert A. Cavanaugh at a rxn ceremony on July 8 at the Bapti church in Darringfon. Wash- the Rev. Ward Byers officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Booker, and the groom ix the son of Mr. arid Mrs Alfred Cavanaugh. all of Ailing- iton, Washington. t"rn"r?rrri Win ISSI 2 p-nrwrrt , ir ti nil VOW IT ftlCMIK fLAVOK AND KUTtlTIOM WITH CUR Klt'S CvrkM't amiM ASayaaaalaa twka's Wttreeed teW tVeaitg ee taeee eery .rlsi wkla. frnk, eea ft yM 'teead. Hate is erne W aw te yee ha.., riAVOK... WKeie, rek a) mote meyroAorae oto' t Ww Kewee ccr.ar, crecmrer fejrtaTe 94 errrfcer FUVOt. NUTKITION.;. tvrUe t Ceaaiwe AeycMtemt 4 Oariee 't Wire tedSereatiaereIaWerlrwrlkwKc, frattt es ka eyee rwt HUT ITT ION. : T AND SHE'S THE MMarttzi tesiPAmaastaA SMrne.je.: V4 J -'V- - Surprised on Birthd lay Miss Elizabeth Jane Johnson was honored at a suipiie patty en her birthday Monday right when her sistetrin-law, Mrs. John H. JohmoR entertained for a group tf her college friends at their Hansen avenue home. A fcar beque supper wis serve! by the fireplace in the garden. . -, . Honoring , Mi Johnson were Miss Norma Canfuld, Miss Gwen Fry, Miss Ber nice Imlah, Miss Joan Marie Miller, Miss Leslyn Eur rette, MLss Susan Ferry and Miss Joyce Armstrong. Picnic Honors Visilor. ' , ; - . , . :: r , Mrs C. S. McConnekey. ef Seat tle is.. visiting- her grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page cf Al bany. The visitor was honotd at a picnic in Eleanor Park on Sun day. The' following relatives at tended: Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stubbs of Mill City, Mr5 and Mrs Ralph Rcberts of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stubbs of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Runt, of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stubbs cf Albany. Mt of those present . bad net seen the honor guest for ear. Wath jAt The LAUNDERETTI 1255 fry St. Up To Wbs. Washed end Dried : Fori 55c ciode o' day COTTON 'faSMrMraWaeasMeaM AitMN MEAL rm A Ck I i 2 to . Froea Leeflti of eioeetJe IUmI; O Itey tla f rwln, w ainiit rhk trilV Sj skiw tnf awHtn r imt rlum frtMS ei'Ue ful tiMttWe riet eMnlitM' ifh frrtth arhite Maw for 4Ir in! rat, rte-n trran f r arrram. f all A e" rl in. mul m aJ aiaee 14 te 2V, sraatmhae. Only Motle 0 Day Slieer Xuxiiry' nYLonVnosiEriY Full Fatfiionecl! '- , Cr4 MORE ftr wkal ym fr'rt jJtu,f 373 Stat CLUB CJUXXDAB ! ' ' WVDNCfBAT i ibttete ehatUr. CIS. revered mlH hmrkMMi, ataaonkr Temple, acwia. eenkk fiHfcawtng. .- ,4. larlln ef CAN with Mis. Ma Ctewr Vjr. ansa Mortb Cboirh street. 11 if) rx-ht liupeheen, husiaea ; joeetiai MhHrtnt. j - . t , TstrasuAT' lldelts rbve. first Partfet vhiueH ne at rfeutvri. 3 js.m. '- t AnMHkran CUM Star frlatftrts.' ci-ne- dVnrwr ayitrt Mrsb Li net to Clvofi, SCj scuta ma sttret. C-Jt p.m. ; Monthly Meetfjig Sialyl ; The monthly meeting ef th) Chtistian' Women's fellowship- at the First Christian ehuieh riH Itm held Thursday morning tt II a. ra. J with, ioon luncher' follow inc. The program "will le at .J cVIwk e,ith Miss Merirmi Boet administrator cf the Marion. eHirr ty welfare rommission, the goett speaker. The theme t f the wor ship tervk Is "Cbrist Jn t hi Church." Mrs, Carl Bryan he the soloist. will. KITII THAN ffVf Acfuoy Hides DfofniM EEITONE 1 Hearing Center James N. Taft A Atavcs. Cersser Ute at4 High 22 Oregesi Bldg. rkw X-4481 sur.ir.iEnTir.iE .FROCK! 1 j Caaranteed - PfErfccXt fy Am M ymmr :) - j: je k' JfUtjl"' "ii ' AT Street cle ii ni. "i : ,pe ier ,TU 1 I'. " . ;-Ke. Ttt . mm WMia, was. oete Altcxiy ConreESa itiiiiiwjji A . - . . - t - - .