o o o v io I-' i I 'y-' v -c ; ! :' Ml J ' -' ' ... , ' - . . f rfr.: - i . .-! ' , v ' L --- III II '"ll 'RARE DINNER COMPANIONS a tlay chick J a ad pocket-size puppy dure a Meal ander benevolent record at i their snataal master 12-year-old Cliaton Cordon, at Seattle, Wash. Spouse Held In Death of Politics Boss AUGUSTA, KU,' July 7 -rV I ran -handed John B. Kennedy, po litical boss here for 10 years, died today, - punctured by six bullets from a target pistoL Within a lew minutes after his death, police formally charged Mrs. Kennedy with murder. Kennedy, 56, started as a city fireman, rose to fire chief and then to commissioner of public safety and Doss of the cracker par ty. ..' v " At the peak cf his power, Ken nedy's word was law in Richmond county and Augusta politics. Mrs. Kennedy admitted she shot her husband last Saturday, ciaim lnz he had slapped her because she went to work in a local beer parloiv-police reported. Kennedy had taught her to shoot. He. was hit six times sut of six. 1 " : .. ;r , Sen. Musa Eyes Seat in Congress BEND, July 7-tirVState Sen, B?n Musa, The Dalles, may seek the congressional seat now held by republican Rep. Lowell Stock man if Stockman is named to an other federal post. .Musa, a democrat: said here yes terday he discussed the possibility of running for the office recently at a meeting with other legislators In Portland. But he added he would not oppose State Sen. Ver non Bull of La Grande if Bull, alio a democrat, is a candidate. XOTICK Trie Board of Directors of School Diili ict 23303 will accept bid t In tall new roof and eave trough M school bulla in. Bids to be received not later than July 18th. 1951. The Board reserves the right to re ject any ana au mas, - Wm. Jensen. CWk -RL X. Aurora. Ore. ' Fho $619. Jly T. - ; ' - , ' i .- . f ; : It is now potiftriw to instzzw your d walling ocjalnsl nazarcU other than ust fir cmd Extsodad Cofmgs-lyiBgdiztoj oi pipM. Ttmiiollsan, sixploalon of boHt ollcrpM cmd momy otharsv Solam's GETtTHAL OF AMERICA Afjtncy lias th dataCs of this nw, broad-form insurance. CHUCK . ; 0 I . . CHET . ' INSURANCE -973 N. Church Phona 9-9119 Saln 02cm Ixu Salsa. Coos Bay. Myitis Point Gold Bsacb. CustanicsT Ptiitliio at Our Nsw Looatloii 1 -p-sr L - Ssrvirrg Sslsni and Vicinity as tHmsrsI Directors 1 for" 22 Tsars CooTenient locatioa, & CommercisJ - street; bus line; direct root- j to ce saeteries ' no cross traffic. New modern building . aeatinx i trn to . -VXL Services witoia rour - - I Portland Produce PORTLAND. July 7- (API -Butter- tat tentative, subject to immediate chance: Premium quality, maximum to JS to 1 per cent acidity delivered n Portland. 74-77c lb; -first quality. 73-75C: second quality. 71-73C Valley routes and country ooints 2e less. Butter - Wholesale r.O-B. bum. cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 70c lb: A. 93 score. 69c: B. 90 score. 64c; C. S9 score. 69c Above pri ces strtctUTj nominal. - hes btuiaf price to Portland wholesalers! Oregon singles. 45,I-46',ac lb: Oregon ft-ib loaf. 43-50C uti IT wholesalers) : candled eggs containing no loss, cases Included. r.O.B. Portland. A large. SD',i-si'jc; A medium. 57',i-0c; B grade. S4-SxC uvt cmcRens ino. 1 quality r.O.B. planU: Broilers 1'4-2V Ibs 30c: fryers. 2U-3 lbs., 32c: 3-4 lbs., 32c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 31 -32c: light bens, an weights. K-Zla beavy bens, all weights. ZS-29c; old roosters. all weightm- u-lic Kaooits Average to growers: un white. 4-3 i lbs.. 2S-29c lb: 3- lbs.. 34-27 c; old does. 10-lc. few higher fresh dressed fryers to retailers, sz tic: some higher. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers- dollars oer cwti: Beef: Steers, good-choice, 500-700 lbs.. ii 60-57.00: commercial, SS4.&0- 55.00: utility, S44.6O-43.C0: cows, com mercial. S4S.60-30.00: utility. S44.60- U 00: canners-cutters. 643.10-430. Beef cuts ( Choice steers): Hind quarters. 661 J0-62JM; rounds $31.60- 5S.0O: full loins, trimmed. SS2.00-S6.00: triangles. , S4S.10-48 JO; foreqjuarters. S31 SO-52. 00. Veal: Good -choice S60.00-6S.00; com mercisl. 154.00-57.00 Calves; Good-choice, $56.00-60.00 commerciaL sjj.0O-S4.D0. Pork cuts: Loins. NoM, S-12 Ibs $47.00-31.00; shoulders. 16 lbs, down, $37.00-41 JO: ipircribt, S45.00-47JW); fresh hams, $53.00-34.00. Lambs: Good-choice. $54.00-57.00. Wool: WUlsmette valley, mostly nominal. Mohair: $1.13 Ib on 13 -month grow th r.O.B. country "shipping points. Countrv-killed meats: : Mutton: Best. 60-90 lbs, X4-2te lb; rough heavy bucks, ewes. iB-ac. Veal: Ton quality. 5ft-37ci, aood bea vies. aoc-. oiners -jc Beef: Good cows.' -taaeTToT can. ners-cutters. 40-43 c Hogs: Light blockers. 32i-33'ie lb; sows, lieht. 27-29C. i ' Lambs: Top frade t4-3Sc lb; lower rrades 44-46C. :- ' Onions: Calif, yellows, medium No. 1. $3.50-3.00; SO-lb. sacks; Walla Walla. 36 lb. $2.30-3 00. Potatoes: Ore. Russets. No. 1A. $3.73- 4.00. cold Storage kinds to $4.50: lbs.. $1.00-13: Idaho Hussets. No. 1A. S3 75-4.15; Calif.-long whites. No. 1A. $3.73-4.00, some to $4.13; No. 2, $2.73- 13, Havt TJ i. No. 1 neen alfalfa, de livered car and truck lots, r.O.B. Portland, mostly $31 .00-32.0 ton: Wil lamette valley- grain and clover hay nominally SZ3 a ton. baled at rarm. i c I I I means, t : ' lrsJ T. CftUCB AIHGIL Ti Vt s ? ' iri v : WVmWM ' St r" - Quotations l (As of lata ywtenljy) Premium .76 i No. 1 n s .74 66 1 BCTTCXr , wnoicuii Retail i EGGS (Bering (Wholesale prates rang to 1veat over buy mm. Lars AA : Large A ; J60 is! Medium AA i Medium A ; Small , rti-Tmy Leghotn hens Colored i, hens Colored fryers Legnarn fryers Oid roosters 32 I as J4 J2 Roasters UVKSTOCsV 1 Valley Paektag rssspasj Qaalstlasul I w-t r r . M b M Cutters 1 19 M to 20-00 I Buus am to 23 50 Dairy heifers i . 2M I Good veal S2.0 to 35 .OS I Spring lambs Yearlings ii urn so njf i NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NOTlctHXREBY IS ClVrN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems ft necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur pose and intention to improve TERRACE COURT DRIVE from the southwest line of Cascade to the west tin. If extended south, of Lot 11, Terrace Court Addition to to the City of S.iem. Polk County, I Oregon, a the expense of the abut- I ting and adjacent property, by bring ing said portion of said street to th j established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and pavng said portion of said street with a 2M" asphaltic con crete pavement twenty-four feet In width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adooted by the Common Council June 23. 1351. which are now on file in the office of the dry recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and inten tion to make the above descrbed im provement by and through too street tmorovement department.. Written remonstrance against the bove proposed Improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time 'Within ten days after the final publication of this notice by th own ers of the property affected. By Order of th Common ' Council June 23. 1951: f ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is June 28. 1951. Date of anal publication July $. 1931. J 2$, 29. 30. Jly L 2. 3. 4. 5. S. 7. S. 300 Personal 310 Matemiq Hotlca Alnsworth Lodge ' 20L AF Sr AM Special Tues. July 10th. M. M. degree 7 JO PJ4. 912 Lost and Poand' LOST: Small red coin faxnemt Post Office. Reward. Phone 3-6966. LOST: Jeweled Eastern Star pin. R- ward. Phone 3-3127 or 4-1716. 319 Personal ! nuRsmif care xor eioeriy iaay or gentleman, privato room. Phone I a a a aw. - SKM KV Hme Pnlueta Ph 43WSS Get-Acquainted Club THROUGH 'SOCIAL correspondence. thousands meet their 'Ideal." Write today for list of eligible. Simpson, ' Box 1251. Denver Colo.' - - lx.UHOl.lCS Anonymoua Ph S-S133 PO Bx 724. fMCA Wad rrt 3 gun 400 Acri culture 401 Uvwstock FOR SALE OR .TRADE: Gentl pony. Cheap. Pbon 2-2201 venings. Rt. 4 Box 52. mile east of 99-E on Pringle Rd.) . ! t FOR SALE: good sized pigs. 3810 Center. MUST SACRIFICE . " Beautiful 4 year old Palomino Gelding. Very showy and spirited but gentle. Also black saddle, bridl and mart. Phone 3-6272. - - ' ' 7 YEAR old sorrel gelding. Good spirit. Trained for posse. $100. Amity 784. tiONDED Uvestock buver Claude Ed wartf Rt 3. Bo 999E Ph 4-1113. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E. C. McCarKllWh I12T 8 h Ph S-tl47 LICENSED Livestock buyer H. E. Snethen 1940 Lam-a uter flr prww BULL SERVICE reasonable Nelson's anyplace anytime Phone 4-2949. BONDED livestock buyer A. F. Sonv bmt. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Ph 42611. 404 Poultry and Rabbits ; RABBrrS tc Hutches, som good bucks. Rt. 4. Box 672. East, colonial House DAY -OLD and started chicks E. Cen ter Street Phone 22861, Lees Hat- fery . ' EVERY Thursday. Hamp 6s Cornish Cross Chicks. Phone Gehrtng Hatch cry. Black 193. Silverton. 4CS Pats PUREBRED Sheltie pup (miniature collies). Melcrest Kennels. Bt. a Box .' sa.BR Ttinne 4-MS PUREBRED colU pups for sal. BL i - Box 171. Lancaster 6t Hayesvllle Bd. MALE kittens free. 1793 S. CapitoL WANTED: Good homo for female cat 6t 1 kittens. Phone 3-3476, UK GRAY KENNELS. 310O. kUUKs'a Ttxxncat . fisfl Muanum tanks, slants, heaters 6k ther- . mostata. Marvel pumps S milesfrom S Lancaster oa Macleay Rd. Pbon S73Z1 i ' CO. I 1 One l. c... . :l 4 00 ( AscSItare 408 PwtS) BOLLCR canaries, beautiftfl - colors. S;ngen $ib. cera $7. Phone 2-53J. I TO GIVE away. Cocker puppies. After S. 2730vSedma. - TfcOPlCAL FISH and suDOi. C L. Mana. Battleereek Bi. Turner. Ore. 410 Saada and Fiantsi i LARGE Martha Washington Geranium Z5c Garasuusns sua dozen. Merrill s Greenhouse. Brooks. 412 fruit and f arm Produce NICK - Lambert cherries 3c U-pick. Phone 2-S1K- . . Frank Thomas, BU. L - Jefferson. Phone 327. r m rtr.w i cnerrtes tor canning, tail eveauues or sumur aaajcooua. fnone 2-1653. TOB SALE; Baled oats and vetch hay. Jim Thompson. Kt. 5. box 399. 1 miles east of Pratum. 4-1914. PIE CHERRIES. U-psck. J C Savage, pnone S-104S at Waconda. U PICK strawberries Sc lh.- Exceiient . berries, good pickirfg this weekend. Eight miles up Silver Creek Falla highway. Benaop-HnMin Bros. Star Rt . Silverton. TUFl.l J? Hrt man Be Fish. 34706. 14S8 S. Comt Co. S. Com 1 to River Rd. to Croisan Creek. At end of road, turn right to sign. Also fryers YOU PICK Boysenberries 6c lb. Bring containers. Mrs. J. T. N orris. Rt. 2, Box 81. Turner. PIE CHERRIES. U-pick. J. C. Savage. Phone 3-1049 at Waconda MONTMORENCY pie cherries, will start picking Thursday. July S. Order now. Phone 2-1239. Einil Hobbensief- ken. . ' . ' MONTMORENCY pie cherries, you pick 10c lb. .Thoroughly dusted for worm. 3 miles up Macleay Road, R- M. Livesley, Rt. 5. Box 476. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tools FOR SALE OR RENT: Woodworking " power tools and many other items. Several types of hardwoods for sale. See at A. A. BUndoJtt. 2 Box 2S-F. Turner. Oregon. (l' mile south of Prinele- school on Robins Lane.) DRY earn corn, mould free $2-50 cut. Phone Salem 4-1376. no I ci I sates oarts. and service Howser Bros Ph. 3-3646 1410 3 VUUR time and effort demands eoud tools Rent or buy them at Houser Bros 1410 S 12th 4S5 HcroMhold Goods for Sols COLDSPOT refrigerator, house in rear or 1444 rerry. HALLS Furniture store has good used furniture A appliances at reasonable prices. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-3481. ' , Used Furn.. Cheap TRADE TERMS VaDey Fur Co 263 Ho Com 1 1-7472 466 Wantwd. boossbold Gooda JhaLL Furniture Co. pays top prices for used furniture & appliances. 1979 rairgrounds Road. Phone 4-3481. TRADER LOUIE offers fair cash prices on furniture and misc. Pbon 3-B55S or hnne to IH"0 Lena Ave Highest Prices vr is - rt C ts ey rt V alley T urTJ. VaO,- tiLki& CASH for your furniture. One piece nr hmwfiil IAMBF.RTS . S-Tinn REFRIGERATORS, ranges, dining room sets, washing machines, living room acts, and lots of furniture. 1979 Fairgrounds Rd. - v ? 453 BuUdlnq Matatlala 1500 Ft. Shiplap New. Windows, doors, used. 730 Roman brick. 250 pumice Mocks. Some used lumber. 4230 Liberty Rd. Phone 2-4330. $ $ SAVE SAVE $ $ Save a dollar a yard on linoleum at Keith Jsrown s. wioe aeiecuon or color now only $1.75 aq. yd. Reg. $2.73 q. yd. . KEITH BROWN LUMUtit lAltll Front & court Ph. 3-9163 6 SHEETS shoetrocav 7c sq. ft. CaU 41137 after 6 p.m. - RETAIL LUMBEB SALES FTom W. Salem sawmill For good buys in all West Coast grades call Ted Muller. Phone Salem 3-1196. Roofinj Steel & Aluminum Limited sizes and quantities. SAFFRON SUPPLY CO. 323 N Com! Phone 2-4189 MONTHLY PAYMENTS on materials and labor for your remodel lob. 10 down. All grades lumber at attrac tive prices. Painted shakes and an dercours low as $14.83 sq. Sheet rock and Masonite. Fibreglas $5.21 rou. Reject plywood. Roofing of all kinds. Wall board 4x8. $1.76. Lap Siding $49.50. Ceiling tile and plank. -D" flr flooring $129.0. Free estl- ' mates. North city Hmitji on 99. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD. 4-4433. Building -Something? Waterproof waUboard 4x8 sheeU I1JB3, Vi" insulation board 4xS sheets $1.76. V" plywood 10c ft, - $3.20 sheet. Toilets complete with seats $35. wash basins $13, painted cedar shakes with under coarse $14. New Grade A. 1 panel doors $6.40. glass doors $11. birch entrance doors $20. SHINGLES - ROOFING No. 1 cedar shingles $9 JO $10.23 sq. 1's sT.OO. 3's $4.73. S tab composition roofina $70 sq. Root roofing $2.43. WINDOWS An size new windows com pie ta with frames & hardwood, lowest prices, best auality. hundreds used win- dews, modern style $1.73 each.sc. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. 1 ynile N. of Keixer. MODERNIZE AND BEAUT IF f YOUR HOME WITH WARDS SIDING AND SHINGLES. INSTALLED BY EXPERTS. Rugged ssphstt SHINGLES are fir resistant, approved by UL. Stand up for years under worst weather con ditions. Resists cracking, peeling. drying out. Asphalt SIDING avail able Tn 4 realistic designs, and S beautiful colors. Keeps bom safer. ; resista - fire, cracking, - hardening, drying out. Ends costly painting, re- , tains color for years. Looks good as lvf, DOWN. 30 MONTHS TO PAT J MONTGOMERY WARD o ; schooi sumo e c 44 z Q am itets (jute i1;i((1)rliriiaH'(iinyvi.i:.iJ.i r a. 1 i 4 50 j tTmhnxifihp U, ii 4S3 Bttgdlnq Mqi SCREEN DOCKS M(4t U L S-8 X S-S x !- JTS40. 3-0 x -S X 14 rSW. x SRL Soec Cedar Sidmg 72 00 4 x 10 RL Spec Cedar SidmglQtXO 2533 x BL -2 Com. Oak Monsg j - KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front Ac Court , Ph. 3-9163 WARDS ROCK WOOL SAVES YOU DOLLARS IN FUEL BILLS. LET WARDS INSTALL IT NOW. Wards Bock Wool keens sub's swel tering heat out in the summer, you stay a-15 cooler. In winter. It pre vents valuable heat from escaping. cuts ruel Mia vp to xri. nre proof. ooooesa. ones not conduct electric ity. Com fat today for a free esti mate en this low. cost, money sav ing rasulatio-i W DOWN. 30 MONTHS TO PAT ON FHA TERMS. MONTGOMERY WARD BARGAINS FOB BUILDERS Shiplap and 2x4 - $35.00 M 3-Tab Rf g. 210 lb. , T 93 Sq. Sheetrock. 4xS ... LS4 Stat Window Frames 50 Disc SERVICE LUMBER CO Phone rsq Sirverton 30 Months to Pay For remodeling, repairing, nalntinc. building of rentals, barns, etc 10 down Contact us for fre estimating uo oiuv prmi service. Eppinp Lumber Co. 3740 Silverton Rd Phone 2-2US4 or 4-859 eves. Wrecking St. Joseph's Auditorium on Chemeketi and N. Winter SI Maple rtooring. windows, doors, plywood. SO' trusses.; radiation, toilets, basins and pipe. Everything priced for quick sale. jSalesman on Job. Dolan Wrecking: Co. 304 S. E. Belmont St. Portland. Ore RED CEDAR SHINGLES Best grade, any amt del. No 1 $10.50 o. z. i.3o. i no 3. $3 Muted 4. $3 ieo Muiieri rnone Salem 21196 LET WARDS INSTALL WEATHER STRIPPED WINDOWS IN YOUR HOME AND SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR FUEL BILLS cut your heating costs by using these eiucieni weatnerstiipped windows. Seal in heat, and keen out drafts dust rain. Windows are made at kiln. dried Ponderosa Pine, fitted with clear glass, and chemically treated to resist rot Jhie stain, and termites. Wards weatherstripped windows soon pay for themselves In comfort and lower fuel bills. Installation rates are low .and you get a guarantee of satisfaction. MONTGOMERY WARD 460 Musical rfmrrrments BETSY BOSS spinet piano. Like new. PIANO: Good condition. 940 Parriatu -u stner a p.m. FOR OUT of town friend. Schubert upright piano. Good condition $140. 3390 Neef Ave CLOSING OUT all piano accordions; iTT " usea, au sizes, $49.50 up. Make offer on any. Ph. 3-4641 any time. Jaquith Music Co. 846 Cascade. BLOND spinet . piano. Phone 3-4641. SCHUMANN j upright piano $150. See at mzp rm.K Ave, rhone 3-0790. GOOD UStXk Piaou H. L, SUM 462 Sports E arprnsnt FOR SALE: IV, ft boat, steering wheel, racing throttle. 7 h.p. Mer cury, spare proo oaddle. fuel ran All in excellent condition. $293. Rt. 3 pox 60. s. River Rd. 1961 2',j hp. Johnson $142. h.B. Johnson, nkier SXS 22 h.p. Johnson. This motor is going to i rcwnri aa per aay until sold. Today $110.1 33 h.p. Evinrud only $233. Water skits and surf board. SALEM RflAT HntlSK 100 Chcmeketa'st. ; Phone 3-9303 16S Trade.! Miscellaneous TRADE; 2 wheel garden tractor for paint sprayer or sell. Phone 2896 Dallas. Oregon. TRADE: 1940 Buick or eity lot for carpenter, ror roonng & painting work. Harden Real Estate. Dallas, Oregon. j 4S8 f ot Bsmt Miacwflmeopa FLOOR polishers, wsxer and Scrub- pcrs tor rent. Phone 3-5674. uo souat aewuic now aient a ninicer eicc poruDie sewing machine ss per mo Free pick up 6c delivery . Singer Sewtng Machine Co 13 N Com'l Ph 33512. ; IDOLS At equipment to make a good lob better Rent or buy at Howser Brrw 141 S 13th Phone 33646 DRIVE TRUCKS iTOR RENT Blan" keU furn 197 S Liberty Ph 3-9062 470 For Sals. Miscellaneous NEW dishwasher $39. Corey Coffee Maker 6c Drum, 746 N. 15th. Phone 4-1721. i ZENITH washing machine and Dairy cnaid hot water heater. Rt. X Box 390-BB. (Chemawa Rd.) GOOD heavy , duty Skilsaw. $63. Good dining room set with buffet and 6 leather bottom , chairs. I master. . $48 JO. Good lnnerspring mattress, $18. 2-4753. ' V PAINT sprayer complete. 630 fL of copper pipe, lawn mower, misc. 2040 asaaison St. SPECIAL for this week only, river aiH $1 pec yard la $ yard loads. Phone BUTANE apartment size stove. 20 gal- Ion bo water tank, X butane tank. Phone Jefferson 27. -' - . - - -6 FT. HOTPOINT refrigerator. . years ; old, 1 owner. Can be seen at 1036 mecinc. ; ' - . niAu i u ui new Chinese booked rug unua : xi. usea inor wasning rna chine, good condition. Call S-.rvr ROBERTS BROS. Used Electrical app! S cu. ft. Frieidairo -$5a3 cu. ft. Wards refrig. . , , 9 cu. ft. Gruno refrig. cu. ft. Hot Point refrig. 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire $7SJ3 $74J3 LS68-95 -$745 Bendix auto, washer , La under all auto, washer Tread al sewing machine . Bendix Dial-O-Mauc washer. uoor sample -$129J3 We rive S Ar H Cnm Mami GOOD used daveno and ' large dub chair $63. Glen Woodrv Bargain Furniture, 1603 N. Summer. NICE panel S yr. crib & mattress $17 JO. Glen Woodry Bargain Furai- ture. 1603 N. Summer. . o eoozs O OFFlCf C 2 E IS at C rrJi ; i : t ?? 45p -Idrchandlso 470 Fox- Sola. lQcIlarioct - 93 BEEP SLEEP box rpriflf ft mat tress, very clean. Low low bargain price $49.50. Glen. Woodry Bargaain Furniture. les N Summer.' COMB1XATION sec' book case combt- nanon szzjo. A real buy at the price. Glen Woodry Bargain Barn,. 1603 N. Summer. FOR SALE: Antiques, china and glass including 2 band painted table lamps. 3-4026. 4x6 CARTER pump direct coupled to 6 cynnder Chrysler industrial engine. Fine for large scale irrigation. J. H. - Thompson. 1$ miles south of Salem ' on 99-E. 13 Tu6e Philco radio. Beautiful wal- nut cabinet with record chanser SI Oft. Baby bed. perfect condition, complete wvut manress at spread is. Play pen S3. Bathinettc $3. 2 pair 2' yard full width frosty green v oamisx uneo ara penes aza. Phone 2-4694 GENERAL Electric washing machine. Good condition. $33. Bed with coil , spring. $15. 2010 Lansing. 1-21 16. FAIRBANKS Morse shallow weU pump Ar Sears 30 eallon eas water . heater. Phone 4-4103. 4143 SUver- ton Rd DOUBUS sink complete with fittings. 3 pair drapes, daveno. Ac Rex air cleaner. Phone 3-5937. FOR SALE: 1 Jud whit Head electric hot water heater. A-l condition. 4923 Hickman Road. Keizcr District, ROYAL - portable typewriter, 1946 model. Encyclopedia Americana re- tsil at $210. sell fox $93. Phone 3-5230 1947 7i cu. ft, refrigerator, like new 381 BHIer. Phone 1-3124. BEAUTIFUL band loomed rugs for sale. See at 1275 Oxford or phone J-T773. NICE SWING rocker $19 JO. T. J. Furn, Co.. West Salem. Ph. 2-0408. , Closing Out Used Refrigerators 49 Hotpoint. A-l cond. cu. ft. 9 ft. Colds pot 1950 Deluxe M.W. S'i cu. ft, 1950 Leonard 8a cu. ft. 7 ft. FrlKldalre 1950 M.W. 1 Fairbanks-Morse 9 cu. ft. Make Offer Must Go This Week Valley Furn. Co. 283 N. Com'l Ph. 2747 FRONT and back bar beer cabinet eieciric piaie, smau on circulator Norge show case, table desk. S. Ma pes. 1693 S. Liberty , St. Phone . jaoj. aaiem. Oregon. 7x10 ITALIAN Oriental rug $60. 760 menianq Ave. WASHING machine good condition. lawn mower. 795 S. 24th. after 5:30. USED, common and fire brick. 2265 Lansing Ave. DINING table and 6 chairs, lawn furni ture ana golf clubs. Phone 34342. CRAFTSMAN 8" portable electric saw with case, electric drill, set of Irwin bits, four 2 house lacks and other carpenter tools. Mrs. R. C. Warren, l'i .miles S. E. Sublimity. Phone itre. stayton. MONARCH electric range. Dodge l'i ton irurx. xuisa wincn. 2 wheel raUerPhone 28223. - UPRIGHT piano and bench, $150. Lang wood range with coils, reasonable. Red Star Transfer whse. 290 S. Uo- rty- US ED 14 in. Comet Junior radial saw. like new. $325. R. G. WUlcox. Rt. 7. Box 431-W. Phone 4-4131. DIRT for the hauling. South Salem. Phone 23269. GRAND piano Knabe. 3 ft. 4 in beau- tiful mahogany case, fine condition. Stone Piano Co 1340 rairgrounds Rd. DfcfcPFKEEZE Freezers Yeater Ap olianr Co S7S Chemeketa VACUUM cleaner. Electrolux attach ments. late modeL Make offer. Phone . 3-5674. . . . . ; VACUUM cleaners, all makes. Elec- trolux. Kirby. "Hoover. Lewyt, Sine- er- ttexair, icureaa.- Airway, gio.oo up. 2650 Portland Rd. Phone 3-5674. VACUUM cleaner. Kirby All attach ments, floor - polisher. Make offer 3-5674. - NEW. and Used Sewtn - Macnines . Yeater Armliance Co S7S Chetnek eta Phillips Bros. Fertilizers ROTTED Manure AO types cedar posts, stakes, shakes. picket fences, rose trellis, pole & special cedar orders. Flagstone ' for steps, patio, walla Si walks. Also red Lava and other stone. 4 large strawberry barrels. Rt 6 Box J18. Salem. Ph. 4-3081 or i Stiff llnea DUIWIi Co S7 ea WASHING Machines. New and Uaed Yeater Apniiane Co V7S Chemek- eta iLtlTRIC Ranees New and Used , Yeater Anoliane Co. - S7S Chemefc eta PLAST1-KOTE requires no waxing for your floors or" linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa. USED Singer treadle sewing machine. - Excellent condition and guaranteed. Full price $20.42 Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.. 130 N. Coml. . Wallins Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads & driveway Cement Ready mix Concrete Garden Sand BuB - dozing drainage and ditching & vd : Ko 1 a t -y Wne v- aa ALL STEEL law mowers. $10.56. Glenn Woodry'i. 1603 N. Summer. Linoleum S3. 45 . VALLEY rURN CO 283 N COM'L 77 Wrmtexl. Mtiw-ettr.iiiaoiiB RUBBER Hfe raft. Phone 3-8-30. WANT to buy bicycles and parts. Her ; bert Lynn. State Hospital. - SAVE vour Newaoapers 6c Maeazlnes , for Crippled Children Society Call , City Wast Paper Co for pickups ; 2393 Hollywood Dr Phone 22973. tti Wyinar6ona ' Dental Plate Repair" : TWO-HOUR SERVTCS Dt MOST ' CASES Srmg er Mail Tout Plates for R sstt DR HARRY SFMT.FR DENTIST a - tM tf- a, W ph -tt WAN1 IO Buy use camera St k McEwas Photo Shoo 243 N High t?A Ft I isr woa Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12-06 For orders please call collect , Independence 42 independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company $ntfmftifp0 P',isrif FOR VALUE, quality and prica order Anderson's band picked slab wood. 2 : full cord only $12. Phone 2-7731 or 4-4233. Os, T.TXaas. HJ9.0r. O. Caaa. J DZS. CI1AN LAII : CHTXT&Z ITfTsTlA LISTS ' tU Ner-s Liberty ; Opstatrs ahov Janx, 231 SL Lib gT. erty Office open Saturday only IS ans to I p l S to 1 pan Coasuita tton BtossKeesur and arte teats are fre eg ergav Practiced stnos llt Tfct C!rf8sgr. Sc!g3f 450 PIerrhaindise 17S Fuel ; Tri-City Fuel " Clean hand picked IF" slab wood Fresh cut screened sawdust 12 mill ends ASK. FOB S4H GREEN STAMPS PHONE 2-7442 ' West Salem Fuel Co. , 16-L1 i DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 uv clean no bark SCREENED SAWDUST - KURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 As ptefc up wood at 1323 Edrewatet St W Salem - ' .ELMER BOJt T Ph 3-9433. 2023 S 12th IF Old Fu Veneer Cores Som for Furnace If " eiT d Special sCmmer rates is" slab wood. 1 cords for $10. Ph. 3-7721 or ; 3-6024. . Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. Highway .Fuel Co. sawdust dry Penny 5 love-Diesel oils Ask ve Stamos h 9M44 for DRY 16 oid growth fir body wood. limited supply, so oid customers r der now Phillips Bros.. Rt 6. Box 118 Salem Phone 4-3081. Special Planer trtmmlnrs ' . 88 06 cord CAPITOL LUMBER - FUEL CO 3-7721 or 3-6024 500 Business & Finance 510 Money to Loan $4000. $3000 and $1500 privato money to loan, t-none z-ov:h. 1 Private Money - On Cars rrucks t Trailer Borne Long or Short rerms Pavmeota Roy H. Simmons iSaflj ftmm ial St nnne S.ftlllt and !. four own terms of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mori sees. CAPITOl SECURITIES CO 7 Cmirr St Ph We'd Like to Loan You i $100 If you'd tike to borrow $100 , (or any amount up to $15001 Phone or call on us Immediately Typical Repayment Plans 13 Mo. Amount Payments $100 00 240.00 380 00 850 00 $ too 19.00 30.00 67.09 ; PACIFIC ! Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty Phone 4-2203 W loan YOUR money, we loan YOU money; we buy ot sell 1st and 2nd mortgages, contracts or notes. WHAT DO YOU NEED? Certifierl Securities to Room s Ladd St Bush Bank Blde phone 3-7929. $$ CASH HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO . 1980 Fairgrounds Rosd (next door io bank I Fre Parkin lot s 291 m 36 . 1 Oaf! 2-739 CASH,- NOW $25.00 to S500.00 Salem's iargest and oldest home-own ed loan company offers money when you need ttl You can pay aayttm to reduce net cost! J w No endorsers, or help from ' friend! Oa ears trucks trailer homes to $300 09 On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to S300.Q0I . . . Ptsone or vtstt our offic todayl Hear 'Top Trades' 12-09 dally KSLM I ISO KC SIl - , vrt-asi- as a maui t r vrti f Ue. No S13S and M33S PHONF -9l6t 136 mMT ST PERCENT NET For your saving Investments buy indi vidual first mortgages on real estate, Salem. St vacinity. Our mortgages have alwaya netted an our investors 5. ; It will psy you to see us for sound investments. State Finance Co. 167 S. High St Tel. 24121 AU'lO lAiAMa WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ' 1S3 S. Church St Ph. 2-3437 Parking Aplenty Uc M139-S134 S 12 Loans Wanted WANTED: $2500 to $3000. Fully se - cured. Exceptionally good interest. For irsformation call 4-2806. 600 Employment 802 Help Wanted Good! Jobs! F-Assn. Bkkpr. exp. $183 F-Bkkpr Steno, gen. ofl $193 F-Preigbt Clk S-5. 9 da, Ptl'd $20 F-Gen, Oft, H. dictation r-Sec 8-5. s nays .420 F-Gen Off., heavy dictation, exp. $193 r-Steno, legal exp. $S3 F-Medtcal Steno.. exp. , $76 r-Typtst. Gen. Off. Ins, V, da. $ S5 M-Bkkpr, Off. Mgr., out of T. ..$30 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 State Phone 2-1486 CLEAN couple for chores, farm and yard work. Modern home, milk and good salary for permanent couple. Give references, age and experience in letter. Box 48y co Statesman. WANTED; Experienced sewers wanted. . learn how to finish- fur costs. Apply Miller's office. -MEN and women to sell. Excellent money. Phone 3-3861 or 3-7658. BOY OR girl carriers. North or South side. ioregon Journal, 433 rerry. BEAN PICKERS register now. Roy Herri Corner Salem-SUverton-ML Angel Junction. 11 dies east of Sa lem. 1 mile west of Silverton. Rt. 2, Box 35, Silverton. Ph. Salem 2-7167. BOY-GIRL for Statesman route In Monmouth Can 6216. - . 604 Help Wanted, Male" WANT 2 men to cut and peel fir poles. Se Robinson at Richardson Stanch. Falls City. Phone 319. DISPLAY man for interior displays and show windows. Exp. sary but belpfuL Age 23-40. Apply Mr. Jackson. Montgomery Ward Ac Co, Bale , ore. FRY cook and cook's helper. Senator Hotel cone Shop, Why Suffer Any Longer Whan others fail, us eas Chinese remedies, Aaaaxtag sueeeas far 6044 years- tn CMaa. No saatter wiU wst 'alixaeats yen are affheted eisererrs. stanaiUs heart, teats. Ov er, kidneys, gas.eewstlyation. ulcers, siasetes. raewatsttt i. gsH sai U4- Set fever, skin. I CHARLIE CHAN CHIN CSS KZEB - . .CO. t$4 W. Cssssssrrlsl Pnon S-1tui A1JEM. OSS. Office Beers 9 to 6, Ts.and Sat. Oaly SSaa 1IKI i 1 Orrrca Ssadtay. Iztj , 600 Employment 604 HeJp WmtocL Msls PRISON GUARDS needed Immediacy i sour weex. salary szio to szu with possible promotions. Substaaual vacation, life insurance, retirement and sick leave benefits. Inquire room 1 103 Public Service Bldg Salem, Ore gore Examinations I JO pjn. July 11, HAVE opening for ambitjLua young man to go oa merchandise training program. Excellent opportunity for a man with good qualifications. Re tail selling tip. not necessary. Call 8-3191 for appointment. Montgomery PART TIME MAN" WANTED to work in store. PermanenL Phone 3-6123 3-0752. , AUT0 1 painter or combination man, only experienced need apply. Per centage or hourly. Coveralls fur- rushed. Only dealer body service m town. Phone 562 Hartman Chevrolet, SilvcTtqn. - , ; g - - .." 3 MEN over 1$ for outside order de , partmeni. can make $63 up weekly ir. art sax. sneea. iil - Hotel 6-T p.m. j MAN for general plant work. plant manent steady ioh. Time and h for overtime. Paid vacation. Hospital insurance. Essential industry. See Mr. Dennis. Pacific Rendering Co.. 23tn and Mission. (Back of ball park). Linoleum Layer, Must be thoroughly experienced and able to give references. LYONS FURNITURE COMPANY ; Eugene. Oregon j 3 MEN will be hired this week to Warn - the heating 6c air conditioning buid n RAPID ADVANCEMENT AND GUARANTEED SALARY whil you learn. Previous sales experience val uable but not necessary. W teach you. Apply in person 9-11. Holland Jurnsce Co.. 320 E. Kearney, Salem STRONG man for deliveries ofappiTl ances. May be temporary. Ask for Hamilton Ralph Johnson Appliances, Phone 3-3139. 60S Help Wantoo, f smals EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift. aa Sundays. Call in person. - Salem J"'"g anop itesraurant. y tMBOSSEO CHRISTMAS CARI SELL SO WITH NAME SI M MAKE more money with super-valua Embossed Name-Imprints. Sell lik magicl Up to 50c prom on II As sortments. Finest Gift Wraps. Comic. Religious. ' All-Occasion, others. Per aonal SUttonery. NO expvrtanew needed. FREE Imprint Sample, Assta. on approval. Write STYLART CARDS, 1717 W. Ninth. Dept 4-b, Los 'Angeles. it WOMAN experienced in alteration eat men's clothes. Apply 9 to 3:39 S6cN t-ioimera, sse state St.' CAR HOP. Night work. Apply in per' son between 2-4 p.m. Whites Drrv In. 1138 S. ComT St. ; ? COOK. Hillcrest School. caU 2-U-T' Stenographer, legal or welfare. Ex perience helpful, drivers Ucense nee-. esaary. call Z3UZ2. MIDDLE-AGED woman companton lue elderly lady. Light housework, mat and board, some wages. Write- Box ioa. i umer. Oregon. stELiABLE housekeeper j for modem city home. Best of conditions A Roam,, boar St wages S children, t aeaool . age. 1 4 years. Phone 3-4319 after atx. SOS Pickers Wcmted ' ; REGISTERING pickers for bean pla toon. Must be 14. Adults welcom ., Transportation furnished. Mrs. Gladys Epley. 2193 Park Ave., pnan 3-7816. - i BEAN PICKERS wanted. Start mbmA July ' 13th. 20 acres. Cabins. w tights, showers furnished. Store- grounas. wernne Hon Ranch. 38F4 independence. Oregon. ' $ BEAN picking begins about July zUh 3 miles N.E of Salem. Kei7er-Ch-mawa bus goes by field about every hour. My truck will i pick "up at Highland. SL Vincents and Paerkm schools - every morning. Joseph A. Herber, Phone 44C87. REGISTER for bean picking. stand. Albert Scharer. Rt. 383. WANTED bean pickers to rerteter at Clear Lake Farm. 3i mile North Keiiter school. Rt. 2 Box 274. BKAN PICKERS register, picking anaul- juiy lain Paul Hiensche. forsneriy of Herr 6c Riensche. has new loca tion. Riverside Beans Yards. 37 acme on Brown's Island, 3 miles out South River Road,' RL 3 Box mPBoa 4-2789 $ PLAN now to pick beans. Roth Bros.. eaa yard, t formerly Herr and Rien sche Yardl 4 miles East of Sale , si. Silverton Road. V, mile South e Middle crov School. Rt. 8. Be ; Phono 44037. S10 Sales Persons WantST APPLIANCE Salesman to sell fa ows ' M-w appliances. Good deal for right man. See Mr. Larson between; 1 and 3 p.m. Appliance DepLi Montana f Ward, 153;N. Uberty. , T - . r York WantexL Mat ; GARDEN work $L29 hour. Write atox 47, sutcsman. ; ' LAWN mowers-and saw sharpe sung. All work guaranteed.! 391 Garth, x-ies. pickup and denvery. j CAKPbNlRT any kind. 4240 Macleay Rd Phooe 4-203A. 14 Work Wanted, femat REGISTERED nurse-X-Rsy technician, experienced in office nursing, desires position with physician or Retinae, Can do routine lab. Phone Albany ' 197-R, collect, after S pjn. for in terview. WANTED: Position as switchboard ep. erator. receptionist, cashier, s typing, no shorthand, i Can furn h references. Reply Box 483 Statesmen. Id 2iruarion m VTmstno COMPLETE landscape service, law na," sprinkling syrterns, walls, f en w, walks, piay equipment, weekly yard care. Service Center, 416 Edge ater. pnone s-3a 3. ; CHILD care in my homo day. or month. Phone I-1IB4. - WANTED: Mason work, block or hrackl Phone week-days 4-1376. a CAPABLE mother' ear given to cnOl drea under fly, larg back, yard. Nine clean home. Phone 3-6272. sMOWING. raking, plowing. Phone 4-31S8. W. r. Crenshaw. r. FREE yourself from unnecessary deijlL .1 address envelopes in my spas time. Fast, accurate addf.f ising 4 low cost. Phone 20732. ; (7N1VERSITY graduate ! with A back-, ground in accounting and trans er tation desires postUon . with local firm. Phone 24234. -j f CEMENT work done, fre est, Paosv 2-7163 after S PJn. - - - - t CHILD care in my home.' 3243 Duncan Ave Phone 2-7586. CHILD care. 1180 Shipping. BollywoSZ mow a-vsza. HONEST teenage girl to tend your child. Experiei need, Pnon 4-119 sl- .ter 330 p.m. - micknhaU-3 DAV NURsia.x' " State I, tee need - and inspected. Ph. 2-7896. TREE SURGERY, hedge and shTA pruning, new lawns, grass scything and yard work off all kinds Pbon 4-1402. - LALnURV or child "care in my Hoar, day or week, 2-6050. Deckl Sp:ciiilid Hemorrhoids piles fishila -fissure prolapse and . ; other disorders, , Br. IL ElDyncIiJi " 1144 Cenier CL . f-v Oregaa : v. 4. '. v