Marriages Booming in Polk County luttniu New Servke DALLAS ' Marriage licenses have been selling like hot cakes t the court house here this month. Polk County Clerk E. B. Hamilton Friday reported license sales brisk "even lor June." Licenses obtained this month: John B. Stump, 19, Monmouth and Ethel Mae Burns, 19, Mon mouth; Henry Loewen, 24, Yar row, B. C anAnna Louise ruie-1 wer, 21, Dallas; J. T. Crumpler, 25, Independence, and Darlene Zola Blair, 17, Independence; Rob ert Harlow Johnson, 27, McMinn ville, and Barbara Ann Hatch, 20, Cheney, Wash. Robert Lewis Morris, 20, Dallas, and Marjorie Mae " Kliever, 18, Dallas; Richard B. Jenkins, 21, In dependence and Mona Elizabeth Davis, Salem; John Holman, 66, Valsetz and Lucy McCoy, 71, Val setz; John Elmer Wall, 24, Dallas, and Zelma C. Friesen, 18, Dallas; Reuben O. Johnson, 49, Willamina and Edna E. wertn, ii, wuiamina. Lester Wayne Taylor, 37, Sheri dan to Geneva Iray 'Trent, 39, Sheridan; Lbuis L. Townsend, 19, Kennewick, Wash., and Marlene v . V w . a . . 1. oeorge j. t-uoiiruu, t, xjmias u Eunice Rank FeaseL 19, Dallas; Donald L. Cooper, 21, Falls City and Ora Jean Ward, 20, Falls City; .' . : j Tr 11 J "William L. Griflen, 22, Monmouth miA If aw V Ctmnni 17 Tnflflnann. nce. . -.. Ira L. Stewart, Silverton, Dies . ". Statesman New ferric . SILVERTON Ira Lawrence Stewart, locomotive engineer for the Silver Falls Timber company from 1912 until - the company closed down some 35 years later, died at the Silverton hospital Fri day. Services will be from the Ekman Memorial chapel at 2:30 p. m. Sunday with burial in Silver ton cemetery. The Rev. Arthur Bates of First Christian church will officiate. rr Stewart was born September 13, 1880 in Hoyt, Kansas, and came to Silverton in 1912. He brought the first load of logs out for the Silver Falls Timber com pany from the wooded area back cf Silverton and just before opera tions closed in the woods here, he brought the last load out . Following the close of the local mill, he was with the Johnson Lumber company in Toledo but be maintained his home here. Survivors are the widow, Myrtle Stewart; two daughters, Frances Carlson, of lone, Evelyn G. Bye, Silverton; and two . grandchildren. Rev. Widmer Addresses Hopewell Mission Group SUtcsmaa Ntwi Service HOPEWELL The Hopewell Missionary society held their June meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waller. Mrs. Howard Stephens was the leader. The Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Widmer gave reminiscences cf their work as missionaries in Palestine in 1927. Bertha Magness gave a report on China from the missionary convention held at Jennings Lodge. New officers of the Youth Fel lowship of the Hopewell E.UJB. Church were honored at a party at the home of Dorothy Brown who has just returned from a visit In South Dakota and Iowa. Falls Gty Rebekahs Hold Special Meeting (Uteaum New Sarvteo Falls City A special meeting cf the Magnolia Rebekah lodge was held this week for the visit of the president of the Rebekah Assemb ly, Mary Allen. Dorris Joslw, noble grand presided. Vesta Robin son was initiated. Refreshments were served to 45 members and visitors. Mrs. Leslie Guppen was hostess to the Past Nobel Grand club at the Oddfellows halL Thursday. Fatty Sappington entertained In honor of Miss Joanne Heggle of Independence with a bridal shower at the Harvey Montgomery home recently. Valley Hay Fever Victim To Cascades for Relief Statesman News Service JEFFERSON Howard Mc GUL son of Rev. and Mrs. M. N. McuilL is spending a week or more at a Santiam Junction re sort for relief of hay fever. He is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Eandov. Valley Births DaUaa To Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher, Forest Grove, a son, June ZZ, at Dallas Hospital. Hubbard To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hooley, Hubbard, adaughter, June 11, at Silverton hospital. Iaaependeaee To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham, Independence, daughter, June 11, at Dallas hos pital. DaUaa To Mr. and Mrs. Xul Arnold, 1403 Birch st, Dallas, i daughter. June 20, at Dallas hospi tal. LOGGIH3 LOSS t-FL l&TL Al Top Ral Ipli Lulay 1 1 New Head of Sublimit vILG. i-- Statetmaa Newt Service ." SUBLIMITY Ralph M. Lulay. Sublimity,! Is the newly-elected grand knight of ; the Knights of Columbus 1 of Sublimity council. He succeeds Ted EtzL Stay ton route 1. .:.- ;.-..: i. . . Others elected Tuesday: j Raymond Kerber, Stayton, de puty grand knight; Francis Rieser, Sublimity,? recorder; Andy A. Kintz, Sublimity,; treasure; Matt Biever, Stayton, chancellor; John Bentz, Sublimity, ! advocate; Leo Basl, Stayton, inside guard; Ray BsL Stayton, inside guard; Ray mond Stuckart, Stayton, outside guard and Ted Etzev Stayton, trustee. j . : J Hold-over trustees are John P, Cries and! Marcel; Van Drlesche. Joseph F. Kerber was presented an bonoray membership card and Vincent Mertz, district deputy, a gold-emblemed tie clasp. An ad dress was given by Rev. Carl Mai, chaplain. Eugene Butler, tin the armed forces for; the past year in Alaska and Pacific, addressed the meeting. He is an a month's fur lough. , j ; . j T - -, j Woodburn Wants 150 Crop Hands - j i ! - ' i- SUtHmaa News Service WOODBURN iThe farm labor situation in the Woodburn area is still critical and about 150 more cherry and berry pickers are need' ed, Larry j C Austin of the labor office reported Friday. J - Many fields of strawberries are still being picked around Wood burn. Farmers report that hot weather is bringing on loganber ries and Santiam blackberries very fast although cool mornings are a help. 3 Worker! also are needed here to. stake back berry vines. Bloodmobile Visits Mill City Monday ! lUttimu Newt Service MILL CITY Mill City and area will; sponsor a blood day Monday. The mobile unit from Portland will be set up i in the Presbyterian church at Mill City between 2 and 7 p. m. i This is the second blood: day in Marion county this month and 200 or more donors is the goaL i Four jNuns Visit Kin at Mt. Angel f s tatenaaa Naws Strvlc MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. L. A. LeDoux were hosts Wednes day to four visiting nuns. Sister M Eustace, Ontario, Canada; Sister M. Cleopha, Detroit, Mich; Sister Louise Mary, Maryhurst, all sisters. of LeDoux, and Sister Mary Jean of the Benedictine convent, Mt Angel, a niece.; 3 Sister Eustace and Sister Cle opha are ion a nine-day visit to relatives In Oregon and California and Sisters Louise Mary and Mary Jean accompanied them. They also were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hauptman, Brooks; a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeDoux. ; Furniture Store i I i Opens at Mt. Angel IUUmui News Service SILVERTON The H. L. Stiff Fur niture company of Silverton opened its branch at Mt. Angel Friday with Jake Penner as man ager of the Store. Announcement of the the opening was made some weeks ago. i ; ' ) R. B. Duncan, manager of the Silverton I store said, uw have taken a long term lease on the P. N. Smith building at Mt Angel and plan to become a permament part of the community." i i ; I. Donald School District Elects Raymond Gilles i - - lUUnua ' News Scrrtc Ike Williamson. Ray Wertz and Ludvig Peterson attendtd the Masonic Grand Lodge yearly con Terence lor three days In Portland. The Rev. W. D. McQraw, super Intendent of the Oregon i Pacific district was guest Thursday night at ine new Church of the Naza rene.- . i i I Donald j i Raymond Gilles was elected to serve on the ' Donald school board for three years. Dean Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lulvig j Peterson, graduated from Oregon State college school of pharmacy and Is now home awaiting orders to enter the ser vice In August Metcalf, Mrs. Poitrus On Turner Schoolboard IUImui Nm Senrlc TURNER Mrs. Jean Poitrus was elected ; to fill the one-year vacancy ion the Turner: school board. Phinas Metcalf was elected for the three-year term. Wallace Riches will be chairman' of the board this year. The board re elected J.,0. Russell as clerk. The school budget of approximately 94.1,000 wiu be voted next Thurs day. betwten 9 and 10 p. bl, day iignt nm. .:; Ain UAIIiSD And Lcni Las0is Prices From Tho Oregon House Moved with Family 1 .! vW? i.vf: i I , r ---! rl t T1U DALLAS It's house-moving time shews house and its mover. It was hauiea dowa one nm. over ne one u - few hundred feet to rtght of photo. Below, son David Is quite Interested In his mother's baking u house la being moved. At left, family Fide seems, unperturbed that foundation and doghouse are all that re mained behind. ' I - Rolk County Hive Real Wheels for 5 Days By Charles Ireland Valley Editor. The Statesman nn tic ti Jn Hiehnthal for five days while their house was '-""w ireiia ann utot-it m ion it i c r tria xauc Thursaay alter a rwo-nme urea, over "v,"" fields. The trip presented housekeeping problems to turn a strong house wife! pale, but Mr- Hiebenthal took the move :igbt in striae. After all. she was champion eook at the 1950 Oregon state fair. Sot It wasn't too big a problem to bake doughnuts while the two- bedroom house lurched along the way.: - . . The six-man moving crew is still raving about how good those doughnuts tasted. The Hiebenthals decided to move their house up next to the Dallas-Perrydale highway to elim inate a long private road, mainte nance of which was often costly and sometimes impossible. The family was snowbound for two weeks during tho "big snow" Of 1930. i They have lived In the house since Hiebenthal built it 17 years ago. ITheir farm is about 20 miles Unorthwest of Salem. The move was fairly routine for the moving crew except for three times when the moving geer bogged down in low ground. But It was really novel for the Hlebenthtals and their two sons to sit down to dinner and watch their grain fields roll by. Anderson Returns - i i - After attending the national Conservative Baptist meetings in Buffalo, N. Y- Pastor Lloyd T. Anderson of First Baptist church will-return to the pulpit Sunday. HILL WEEDS EtlSV Swish ocross your BucjJiorit and fher cue osfroyeoVwfbt ' horn- fo fhe grot .v . simultaneous rci " , thicker growfi c- bett applleoy ; , t& iosy eoc weeds. Some po; A feed but whhooK. ODoIIexl CM k nmit (rent ' i , i fto mixing or fussing with 1 I So. 2500 sq H - f . log, 11JD00 j h - SttQAl HMKSS HBG ft eeV. V i faet greylag eeeelUat for lata aariao plaatiam, mwcae mmd aJay aM. I B $1J3 5 Sm 14.IS DOERFLER & SONS . NUZSUY MID CAKDIN STOU Opea Sondays tit N. Lancaster at 4 Corners Statesman's Valloy at the Joe Biebenthala, but the Home on familv needed a good place to live . . - . T, . . 1 l being moved, so wey noppea oc - Cider-Sipping Days Over at Stayton Jail ' f Statesman News Service j STAYTON No more sipping hard cider through a straw for prisoners at Stayton' s city JalL Police Chief Larry Wright re ports a walk to the jail ent rance has been enclosed to thwart inmates who occasional ly imbibed while incarcerated. Wright said they would In duce friends to bring a bottle to the Jail door, then stick a straw trough the door's close mesh netting. The enclosed walk also ends the hazard of policemen being dumped Into the Salem water way while marching belligerent Jrisoners to jail, the chief added.' dtt telngthlacoSRioihlaoaylo liberty Picnic Sunday LIBERTY The Liberty Church of Christ will hold Its an nual Sunday school picnic on Sun day at 12:30 at Leslie park. All members are invited and asked to bring a basket lunch, and the treats will . be furnished by the Sunday schooL Folks ScogL UllVj own Dond1ior"fT pfsfcyrJ eroiioA .'scVcfld in Hdj. gross to olor. Irs 1 eoder. ' -Kived 't-; . V . r woU SU5 S4.9S SceHe 4 hlBh apeti Ml bare kr ' Coircrjiondsnts Aboard 1 family Isn't upset a ML Top photo Valley Qriefo Dallas The Polk county draft board office at the armory will no longer remain open on Saturday mornings, Mrs. Nona O. Ford, dark, reports. It will be closed today. Mallear A "housedress and overall' dance will be held a 9 o'clock tonight at Macleay Grange I 1.1 1 umu. l i . t m a errii from a Salem hospital after un dergoing a spinal operation. Inscriptions reveal that bricks were , used as structural material at least COOP years ago. "1' . , I) Keith Elected kiWdodbum RcaiiAur-orailiono Commander Aumsville Post a tTUfcirrr t .n r.itk elected commander of American Lerion Gold Star cost 173. Other au uili lLiuLi m an .caua n mm ' " " i mander, Archie Ramkin, adjutant, Wm. Basil, Quartermaster, Robert r. Z1'' ZZ7, Tl. VUV ?"icer Mickev. Chanlain. Bud Roberts and Carl Jemnsen will be en duty, William t .t "rr. ja. Krohu - i rb Jf0?. -"iUary Installed I ine xoiiowmg oincers, jaeen jmcKey, presiaem; JLOiin Kanian, i vice-presiaeni; Loreua unci, secretary-treasurer; Rita Roberts, sgt.-at-arms; -Leotta Kllhnger. historian and Hazel Smelser, chap-Iain.- . Mrs. VyU Wells and son of Seattle ' have returned to their with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Bvrorf" Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Byrotf'Wells. day Wednesday. Guests were Cath- erine Anderson, Connie Lee - Rob- ens, isarDara itoDerts, ftxymt Roberts, Mary. Lou Roberts and Jackie Wright Mrs. Wright I was assisted by Charlene Wright and auy Ann Mouet. uetnei Baptist church held a fathers and sons banquet Thurs day night at the schooL The Rev. Frank - Ferrin was toastroaster. Floyd Lacey led a short service. Jefferson School Meet Set Ahead! SUtetmaa News lrvice ;. - JEFFERSON At the annual school meeting here this week, it was decided to adjourn until Mon day night, July 9. This action will give residents of Conner and De- Vaney districts, and the portion of Ankeny district recently con - soUdated with Jefferson, the right to vote at the meeting. The budget meeting called for Friday, June 29 will b held as scheduled at Jefferson' school- house at ; 8 P. m. Only residents of Jefferson, Sidney and : Talbot will be eligible to vote at this meeting as DeVaney, Conner and Ankeny consolidations do not be- come effective until July. Boys State Calls Silverton Youths Statesman Mews Service : SILVERTON Attending Bea ver Boys State from Silverton will be David Finlay, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Finlay. and Gary Carter, son or Mr. and Mrs. C H.' Carter. The event will start Sunday at Oregon State college. The' boys are sponsored by Delbert Reeves post American Legion. - Shirley Greenfield attended Girls State at Salem this week as guest of the Silverton Legion auxiliary. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Greenfield. VTORRAL NEW DIRECTOR ORCHARD HEIGHTS Robert Worral has been elected to the Mountain View school board to re- puce linxnam Gilbert who re signed. gSplash L I this morning as Woodburn areal yovngsters prepare for the sum-1 mer . epenlnr f . the city's war- mmrt1 aJMB. 1 VJn- 5y : . . .. . . I . . - ina MAl 'la m9 HattiamiM W XA. ana a swimmmg umrncuon pre- a. G- Cowan, elty park chair jaaa, reports that seasea tickets are being sold. 30 Year Club ans Anniinl li fvril i rJLllJLl UUl JL JLU111 x V u,rf?; La"duliTpredef- fLti Thirty Year Club," has appointed the following chairmen of com mittees in preparation for the annual picnic for the organization. Earnest Gibba. general arrange ments; . Vernishia Newby, pub licity: EEsterh Cochran, recep tion; Ruth Rlchter, refreshments; Lloyd Cochran, tables and chairs. The plane and meeting will be held in the Amity City park, July ts. Members are asked to bring their families and own picnic baskets. Four Corners to See Atomic Jfilm i f UUnua Nawa Service - FOUR CORNERS "A Pattern of Survival,' a civil defense film concerning atomic warfare, will be 1 shown free at 8:30 p. m. Monday at the Four Corners Community halL! Waldo Miller, deputy fire chief. said the" film is being shown free ! as a public service: He stressed the importance of every person seeing it. WrtrtMltniTO UTan PnooSiroa V OOfltlUTO JWan KeceiveS T n T)e nt Wo i WOODBURN Borden Beck, jr., who graduated from Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass., last year, xnursoay received nis aocior or jurisprudence degree at mr- vara. His mother, Mrs. Borden Beck, sr., attended the exercises Why Suffer Any Longer Waea etaers fau, ate . ear Chinese reateeUei. Amajdag face eta for SMS yeare ! Ckiaa. No matter with whet eJlmemte yeo are afflicteS eieereera, cinulUa, heart, loaf , liv er, kidney, (as, ceastipetiea. alcere, Siahetes, rheamaUim, gall ana aUS Ser fever, ikla, feme ramaUtata. CHARLIE hGHAN csnNxsa i CO. XS4 N. Commereial ruans s-isse saxbm, oaa. . Office Bears S to S, Vaes. aaS Sat, Only At Amity PI n so yol air rjaplltfig t& Dd o b ur i 4 I I if i isl li m i - - - . ' '' '. ' -' '.-.' s ' l 9" '' J Y i i ' ' . ; f . worlb ronicnibcrlng! With this happy ovent approaching, surah you wlB want to mako It memorable occasion ... ono your relatives and friends will long rtrriambor tool f Th courteous way as wall as tho most convenient Is through an appropriate Wedding Form ... Formal or Informal . . . "Traditional or f Modern" . . ', whkiv saves time; saves expense, avoids oversights and solves all the problems quite nicely. :. '. Let us show you our complete line of Engraved, Thermo graphed and Printed samples. . allbInslaIls New Officers - 4 . tutimu Ntwi Scrrlc AURORA Aurora Lions elul InstaUed officers and held its monthly -ladies night. Tuesday, f - ? nt a. Aove,r lecV?. Officers - installed weret G. Lowrie. president: Walter Erland, first vice presi dent; Merritt Wirth, second vice president; Bert Jeskey, third vice president; Chester; Smith, lion tamer; Elmer Jeskey, tail twister; Fred axton, sr, secretary-treas urer. ' Directors are: Louis Gienau and Merle Ferguson. . i Fred Saxton sr. reported on the Lions convention at Baker. Earl T" I A. tl 1 W.i 1 i, - cnggs lautea on iiomsm. Aurora Lions Club is sponsor ing a cub baseball team in the Jr. baseball association consisting ox ooys ie to ia years oz age. wai ter Erland Is manager of th Aurora club. . . i' r s William G. Lowrie is sponsor- ing the "Pee Wee baseball group I from Aurora. ; They, have a 14 game schedule for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. ' enneth Holt have moved to Idaho. Holt formerly drove a distributors truck for the Union Oil company. He is now in . the tire repair business. i Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley , Wilbur have completed al 2-unit motel adjacent to their home.; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pitchford and fam ily from Everett, Wash.' called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilbur Wed nesday. 4 - : J ; A bridal shower was given re cently for Barbara Gilmer of Bar low by Mrs. Ed Rivers and daugh ter rat or rargo with; 30 ladle present. Miss Gilmer Is to be come the . bride of Robert Rivers on June SO. t i J 1 m. ACCldent Victim at Silverton Said Better 1 SUtetmaa News Service f SILVERTON Karl Rehm. whe suffered a broken leg a week ago, is reported improving at. the Sij-' verton Hospital where he. will re- ?lain ,for ome time. His mother, Mrs. Martin Rehm, injured in the same accident, returned horn Thursday. ,i Injuries were sustained when the car which votm Rehm was I drivinff collided with a truck HHw. en by Roy Williams on the StajN ton-SUverton road a mile south el town, police reported. Dc T.TXaaa. H JD.Dt. aCaaa.NJ. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM , CHINESE HERBALISTS , 241 Nertli Uberty Upstairs above Jan's, tn M. Lib erty. Office open Saturday only 11 a a to 1 VXD-, S to t pjn, Consutta Uon. Blood nceeme end urine teats are tree of charge. Practiced atace isit. s . dl ! DnrMnnd LnnLbr Co. I Statesmen Publishing Co.; IIS tsuih Comt UUm Hum 1123