I : : ; r ' SOCl ETY Town... - By Jeryme English OV THE SOCIAL AGENDA . . Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson will entertain with an informal at home this evening in the garden cf their Fairmount residence lor the pleasure of Mrs. Johnson's cousin, Ivan White, who is here from Washington, D. C for a few days . . '. The hosts have invited . f m old school friends to call between 5:30 and 7:30 o'clock . . . Assisting informally will be A round "David W. Eyre, uncle or tne non siioct nd Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Potts ... Mr. White, who is ritH the state department, came west on a business trip and while In Salem is visiting his moiner, Mrs. B..H. White ... A day en the lake ... Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen have invited members of her bridge elob. their husbands and chil dren U their summer place at Devils Lake on Sunday . . . Dur ing the afternoon a no-host din ner will be served . . . Attending the all day eating with their children will be Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr.. addi tional guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer L. Goolet, Mf. and Mrs, Robert Needham, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine M,r. and Mrs. Carl G. Collimv D. and Mrs. Charles Pomeroy, Dr. and Mrs.' Arthur Fisher and Dr. and Mrs. William Lidbeck ... A get-together . . . on Thurs day night at the home of Charlotte Alexander when she entertained a group of her college and young married , friends, who attended high school together ... A dessert supper was served, following an Informal, vening . . . Charlotte graduated from the University of Oregon in June and has accepted a position with KOCO . For many of the guests this was the first get-together since Christmas ... In the group were the Misses Joanne, Fitzmaurice, Marianne Bonesteele, Patty Wilson, Luella Campbell. Patty ' Ray, Suzanne Huggins,: Betty Jo Brannon, Man lyn Hillv " Joan Blaxall, Joyce Smith, Lorraine Poindexter. Mrs, Jack, Fitzmaurice, . Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry, Mrs. Dale Pence, Mrs. William Hill and Mrs. Har vey LovealL jr. VISITORS, TRAVELERS . . . Heading north this weekend to Seattle to attend the Northwest Dental convention will be a group of Salem dentists and their wives . . . Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Springer are leaving Sunday for Seattle and will travel into Canada before re turning in a week . . . Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Dr.' and Mrs. . John R. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. For est Bodmer and Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill are among others leaving today for Seattle . . . The Wiles and Woods will go on to Lake Louise and Banff following the convention ... Returns ... to San Francisco ... Grace Covert, who has been ;" In the capital the past fortnight .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Covert, Is leaving to day to return to the bay city ... Sojourning ... at the Esther Lee apartments near Taft for a week or more are Mrs. Lynn ' F. Cronemiller, Jr. and daugh ters, Alexandra and Victoria ... their husbands are stationed In - Korea ... At Neskowin this , weekend are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wlrth and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Beardsley and children, Jimmy and Janet, who are visiting here from Saa Leandro, Calif. . Arriving . . . in the capital this weekend for a ten day visit win be Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Leonard and children, Barbara and Jim my, of Oakland, Calif., who will be the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. CHarles Campbell ... - -Weekend guests ... of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson will be Mrs. R. W. Smith of Seattle and U.E. Saadelin of Portland ... , In Portland ... on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. HougH (Donna May Holman) at the reception following their marriage in June at the Silverton Trinity Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norin O, Holman and the groom's parents are the Roy E. Houghs, all cf Salem. The newlyweas will live in Salem. Oesten-Miller photo). ; , . .j . .. z. i . . iGLUBSh MUSIC i ! I I jl 1 .V' : V x I Mr, ' and Mrs. Robert Richard Harrison (Diane Louise Jenks) whose June wedding took place at the Calvary Bap tist fchuxchThe bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Loyd Jenks and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckinger, all of Salem. ! : f ' i Miss Betty J. Coxj daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.! John S. Coxf of Dallas, whose en gagement to Ronhald R. Ruggles, son of Mrs. Gladis Jaqek of Yoncalla, has been announced. No wed ding date has been set i were Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Young (Mollie Mc Waters), who attended the wedding of Susan Ball and Waldemar Seaton, m, at Trinity Episcopal church at 4:39 o'clock . . . To attend . . the golden wed ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Berry in Portland on Sunday afternoon will be Mr, and Mrs, Albert C. Gragg, their daughter, Mrs. Paul Karschnia, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wharton . . . The Berry's son and daughter-in-law, Colonel and Mrs. Jay Howard BerryJ'With their children. Bar bara and James, have come west from Washington, D.C. for the oc casionf. . . Mrs. Berry will be re membered as the former Charlotte Martin of Salem and Colonel Berry has been assigned to head the ROTCS at Oregon State for next year . L . Their daughter, Barbara, just completed her first year at William and Mary college ... v ?! i ii 1 r Sorority Scene Of Nuptials I Jefferson The Alpha Omi cron Pi sorority house on the Oregon State college campus was the scene for the Saturday after noon wedding of Miss Leola Mae Stevens, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Stevens of Culver, and Wnct W Frpotnan tnn nf Mr and Mrs. Ernest J. Freeman of r.f.NAn Th. R.r nr. Ton hollow of Redmond read the 2:30 o'clock service. I Given in-marriam bv her fath- a tha hH fi a irra m ora hlna suit with white accessories. She carried a white prayer book top- ped by a white orchid. . ! Miss Geraldine Dickey of vale was the bride's omy attendant. I She wore an aqua suit and white accessories and carried a nosegay. Loren Hoven of Talbot was best man. Ushers were Fred Stevens were Mrs. Alice Patterson of Port ot Culver and Ralph Harding of I land, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Smith of Corvallis. t For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Stevens chose an orchid after- I noon dress with hlark arrpusorif I Her corsape was of white rnspg Mrs. Freeman wore a navy blue I dress ; with pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. The reception followed. Cutting the cake were Mrs. R. F. McCabe, Mrs. Kent Freeman and Mrs. SWmS: 0LlUgUZ C Stevens Oscar JaCkson ing were Mrs. Jack Whittington and Mrs. . H. Freeman of Port land. Miss Janet Abelson of Port land and Mrs. Etta Blackwell of Corvallis served the punch. Assisting were Miss Marilyn btreubmg of . Brookings, Miss Martha Stewart of Coquille, Jane Clincx en beard of Coos Bay, Miss Florence Moore of isandon, Miss Sharon McCabe of Portland and Mrs. iEldon Merklin of Corvallis ! Mr.: and Mrs. Freeman will be at home in Astoria after June 25. t Both attended Oregon State college, where the bride was af filiated with Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. The benedict- received his degree from the school' of pharmacy in June. Committees Announced Mrs. Dayl Burres. new president ox the Mothers of Bethel 35. Job's Daughters, announced her commit tees at the Thursday meeting of the group. They include Mrs. Wayne Schrunk, telephone; Mrs. Lloyd Arnold, hospitality: Mrs. Hal DeSart, publicity; Mrs. Ed ward i Burnside, cheer; Mrs. W. Highley, ways and means. Officers serving with Mrs. Burres for the coming year are Mrs. Clyde Ban croft, ; vice president; Mrs. Fred Fleming, secretary: and Mrs. James Byers, treasurer. i " . ' ! Mrs. A. W. Frye aad daaabter, Nancy Carol, of Cucamonga, Calf., are visiting in the capital for a month as the guests of Mrs. Frye's sons-in-law and daughters, Mrs. Henry Overman and Mrs. Ken neth Scott i Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Powers have as their house guests this week their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Del Wheeler and sons. Gary, Allan and David, of soma xiaven, Micnigan. ! Woedbnrn Mrs. Harold Tick- nor and Nancy, Mrs. Edward Co- man and Mary, and Mrs. Kenneth McGrath and small niece, Mary Russell. , left Tuesday for a few days' Vacation at the McGrath beach horn at Neskowin. ! Waedbnrn Mr. and Mrs. Ar chie Murphy of Woodburn have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Oleta, to Clayton Seaton, son of Mrs. Doro thy Seaton of Salem, former Woodburn residents. No data has been : set for the wedding. Two Teas ' on Social Slate v For June brides and brides-elect are sharing in. much of thesummer entertaining. On this afternoon's agenda are two Informal teas. Mrs. Cornelius Bateson.is entertaining at her country home at Pratum for the pleasure of her son's new bride, Mrs. - Cornelius ;' Charles Bateson (Janis Carlsen) who were married last Saturday in Salinas, Calif. Friends have been Invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock to meet the new Mrs. Bateson. u Mrs. Ralph E. Jackson will be a tea hostess this afternoon be tween 3 and 5 o'clock at her home on Hollywood Drive. -The affair will honor Miss Gladys Marie Young, who will be married on June 29 to Ralph H. Jackson, son ot tne nostess. 5:.. Karen Klapp will greet guests at the door and receiving with Mrs. Jackson will be the bride- elect, her mother, Mrs. H. W. Young of Monmouth, and Barbara Jean Jackson. ' daughter of the hostess. Presiding at the tea Urns will be Mrs. Wilmer C Smith, Mrs. Burton A. Myers, Mrs. Paul Morse and Mrs. Arthur. Knox.' Serving will be Frances Eckstein and Judy Rlcketts. Church Nuptials Unite Couple The marriage of Miss Betty Bur relle, daughter of Mrs. Lena Bur re lie of Albany, and Pfc Donald Spelbrink, USAF, son ot Mr. and Mrs. A. Spelbrink ' of Salem, took place on June 10 at the new First . Christian church. The 3 o'clock rites were performed by the Rev. Dudley Strain, s Howard Burrelle gave his sister in marriage and for her wedding she chose an orchid suit with white accessories and carried : a white Bible marked with a white orchid. Mrs. Arthur Meola was the hon or attendant and wore a grey suit with white accessories. Her cor sage was of pink rosebuds. liar vey Christensen was best man and ushers were Ralph Burrelle and James Sartin. ! Mrs. Burrelle attended her daughter's wedding in a green suit with white accessories and cor sage of yellow rosebuds. Mrs Spelbrink wore a blue dress with white accessories and her flowers were pink rosebuds. A reception followed in the fire place roomMrs. Ralph Burrelle poured and Mrs. Harvey Christen sen cut the cake. Assisting were Misses Etheliyn Tunison, Roberta Burrelle, tvelyn Palasek and Mrs Howard Burrelle. I fhe newlyweds went to Seaside on their honeymoon. The bride. who is employed at the State civi service commission, will remain in ?alem temporarily while her hus- hand is stationed at the Las Vegas, evaca wiui me air lorce, o7th Birthday Feted i I - Mrs. Mary Smith. 1945 North 4in street, was surprised on her o an nirtnday at the home of her so and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. u. E. Smith. Attending the birthday party for Mrs. Smith Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Arne! Smith, Mrs. Robert Sullivan. Ter- ry and Colleen, Mrs. Murlin Bur- i vna f.f C I " eeKly Supply Toddy There's Wide Variety In Fish for Valley Homemakers to Use In Menus l-M..:L By Maxlne Buren Statesman Woman's Editor If you haven't looked at the merchant's list of fresh fish late ly you've missed a good bet on menu Ideas. There's a lot of va riety in the fish fare right now. ( Looking at the list offered by one dealer in Salem, we see that he has fresh rainbow trout, spring Chinook "salmon, fresh halibut and fillet of red snapper. I Then there are the smoked fish, which are excellent for sum mertime meals.,Finnan haddie, kippered and smoked salmon, salt ed herring and pickled herring art listed in the ad. Then among the shellfish we; find oysters, razor clams, fresh crabs, crab meat, shrimp meat and fresh prawns. - Pretty imposing We'll say. Let's loqk at a few recipes for. using them: One of our cookbooks, the one devoted entirely to fish, sug gests lot of ways to cook trout, among which are some very fancy recipes and also the simpler wat of preparing them by merely rolling lightly in flour and sauteeing in butter or other fat until a golden brown. If the trout's of good size, you can bake him whole to a crisp brown and, after garnishing with parsley and lemon wedges, serve him up with tartarj sauce. Chinook salmon just simply can't be beat. Salmon and peas are said to be a traditional dish to serve on the Fourth of July, almost, but not quite, as proper as turkey on Thanksgiving. So here is the recipe for j" 4th OF JULY SALMON Broil slices of salmon for 10 to 15 minutes, cover with melted butter or margarine, squeeze some lemon on them, dress up with parsley and cucumber; and serve with new peas, also dressed with butter. 3 Here's a recipe using fresh BAKED HALIBUT A LA JUNEAU 2 4 -2 pound slice halibut thin slices salt pork slices onion Put slices of pork In the onion and bay leaf. On this crumbs and put in a hot oven to platter and serve with garnish of parsley and lemon. Most of the other fresh fish Droned. i Prawns, clams and oysters and frying in deep fat. Crabs ot ter as cracked crab or on the Westerners, lucky in the fresh, should Include fish several times arweek on the menu. Hear AuntsScphfc'r Sf:ry Ik'-T KOCO 10 Sponsored by fTTT Mr. , and Mrs. Donald Spelbrink (Betty Burrelle) cutting the cake at the reception following their June marriage at the First Christian church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs:. Lena Burrelle of Albany and the groom's parents are Mr. and "Mrs. A. A. -Spelbrink of Salem. (Photo by Ted Parks). J r - a At 1 ' 4 4 -t 1 - t rli ffh Mrs. Robert Cook (Elaine Johnson) who was married on June 8 at the First Evan gelical Free church in Port land. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Cook of Salem. (Bruno stu dio). ton, Linda and Dale, Mr. and Mrs Clifford Smith and Gene, Terry and Patsy Klmbel, Frank smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McMorris and Mr. and Mr,. George E. Smith. halibut steaks: 1 1 1 bay leaf . W cup bread crumbs - bottom of a baking pan and add lay! the halibut slices. Cover with for 30 minutes or so. Remove fish listed are good either baked or all take well to dipping in batter course find their place on a plat salad plate as Crab Louie. variety of fish they can purchase ? Day Nursery On A.M. Sat. Toy A Hobby Shop , J . , "Hi 4 I. Pi Phi Picnic at Keech Homo The Pi Beta Phi alumnae were entertained at a picnic supper at the Morningside home of Mrs. Ed win Keech Thursday night Thir ty-two attended the affair and ta l bles. were, arranged on the patio and in the garden. Assisting Mrs. Keech on the committee were Mrs. Sidney Hoffman. Mrs. Joseph M. Devers, jr., Mrs. Charles Coleman, Miss ' Barbara Causey and Miss Lois Mulcahy. Miss Suzanne Huggins. who graduated from the University of Oregon this month, was welcomed as a new member. Two guests were Miss Joan Marie Miller and Miss Margaret Brown from the active chapter at Oregon. Mrs. Cornelius Bateson presided at short business meeting. Regular meetings will be resumed in Oc tober. ; War Mothers Hold Picnic American War Mothers held their annual picnic on Tuesday at the West Nob Hill, home of Mrs Ben Randall. Special guests were Mrs. Grace Parson, McMinnville, state president of the American War Mothers, and Mrs. Eva Ben nett, Albany, state hospitalization chairman, who gave short talks. Mrs. Glenn Prather presided at the business meeting. Plans were made by the mothers to place markers on graves of three for- mer members of Citv View Ceme tery on June 27 at 7:30 o'clock, a large group of the mothers attend ed the state picnic at Champoeg last Sunday. Camp Fire Girls LeQVe f Or CaiT.D Woodburn Six Camp Fire girls and Blue Birds will leave Saturday for Camp Kilowan, lo cated near Falls City, for one- week and two-week sessions at the camp. Camp Fire girls are 2rSuS8cM Roses group led by Mrs. Arthur Burt; and Judy Reed of the Wa-can-ki-ya group led by Mrs. Jim Chapelle. The two Blue Binds are Judy Cprnwell of the Twelve Little Blue Birds led by Mrs. Frank Doerfler and Harriet Van Arsdale of the Winsome Blue Birds whose lead er is Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale. The girls will board a special bus in Salem which will go direct to the camp. The Blue Birds go only for one week and will stay in the new iBlue Bird lodge while the Camn Fire girls stay two weeks and live in various cabins. The two groups are sponsored in Wood burn by the Junior Woman's club. CLUB CALENDAB IATUKDAY SaVem chapUr. OES. Masonic Tem ple. S p jh, cards and dancing to follow ImteUnf. c:ss a isesst ar::nf::::.inf::Dn::5 "Made by the Bakers el Master Bread" ' I Mrs. Shell a State Officer ll'i Mrs. Harold Shell, a member of Barbara Frietchie Tent, Daughters of Union veterans was installed as senior ' department , president on Friday at the department conven tion in Portland. Mrs. Shell has served as junior vice president the past year. Convention headquarters-were at the Heathman hotel and sessions at the Portland Wom an's club... Others attending the three days sessions from Salem were Mrs. A. W. McCoy, who has served as de partment musician the past year; Mrs. Jack Simkins, who has been naee. Mrs. Jack Cutler, mother of Mrs. Shell, Mrs. J. W. Nash, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. Harry Hiday, Mrs. Joseph Bach, Mrs. Jul Ulrtcn and Mrs,. . w. . wrnaen- werder. Mrs. Violet Gunderson of As toria was installed as department president. Betty Diorcks A June Bride - - . . . ? Jefferson The Marion Cal vary iAitneran cnurcn was tne scene of a wedding Sunday after noon. June 10, when Miss Betty Jean Diercks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Diercks of Jef ferson, and Willis C. Sink of Sa lem exchanged vows before the Rev. E. H. Becker of Salem. The bride wore a Victorian style wedding gown fashioned by her mother. The skirt - was made of heavy slipper satin ' ending in a full train, with bodice of im ported lace. The full, length veil was edged in lace caught - to crown worn by the bride's grand mother 50 years ago. She carried a while Bible toppea or a wmie orchid. . i Miss Marjorie Krenz, of Marion, maid' of honor, wore a taffeta and net gown and carried a ,white Testament topped with; Yastel flowers. Bridesmaids were Miss Sally Becker of Salem, Miss Dorthy Mallory of Jackson, Mich- cou sin of the bride, and Miss Yvonne Rosenau of Turner: They wore dresses of pink, yellow and aqua, respectively, each tieed with i deep matching sash. They car ried white Teetaments topped with pastel flowers. Twila Kre ger. in an ice-blue dress was flow er girl. Biilly Krebs of Salem was ring bearer. . Attending -the bridegroom was the bride's brother, Lrier Diercks, who served as best man, and Rob ert Parrent of Salem and A. Wesley Krenz of Marion were ushers. . ! Ralph . Diercks, brother of the bride, and Mrs. Edwin "Swartz, played the wedding music. Miss Patricia Parks sang.. ! At the reception at the Salem Woman s club house. Mrs. Wil liam Krebs' cut the bride's cake, Mrs. Karl Steiwer poured and Mrs. Pecker and Mrs. Brown ser ved the punch. Ellen Mae Reis assisted about the rooms. After a . wedding trip to San Francisco, the couple will be home at 450 W. Browning in Sa lem. Board Flans r rozrram ! (At the League of Women Voters board meeting on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Nora Thomp son the program for the ensuing year was planned and adopted. Mrs. John Goldsmith gave an out line of the league's local project, a study of the 101 railroad cross ings in the city and the accidents which have occurred at the vari ous crossings in the past ten years yhJf KPhalL Meetings will be resumed Centralla Temple, Pythian Sis in September. Mrs. Wayne Stan ton was elected a grand represent ative and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen. the alternate,: to the Grand Temple to be held in Corvallis in the falL. This Week Only I : - - - : t - - r -A- GLADIOLI: Des. ... . Jombe bulbs, first class varieties tV GEBAIIIUIIS: Dos. s3.sa Husky plants la named varieties DAHLIAS: Des. . Unwin's Dwarf Hybrids, exeeUeat far catting ! CAmiATIOIIS: r. silso. 4 Maroon, Ked, White In plant bands rv CbysaiUhexiins: D.$i.5a Strong plants from tattings sV Garden Slakes: Dos. SOt ea, 4feetluKllnchtliicavferDaJiias,ete.. I f Special Iloio io All Gardeners BrycWa will lo cjlad to plac your nenno on tboir xnafl Ing list so that you wQ rocolro your FEES copy 1 "Ore do Garden Fsnco" containing timely lniorrnatioa on your Qordan octbritias. : ' i ! : ; BR YD TeL 2-0117 lluxsery & Sed Stor 415 S. mqh i FEEE PABDNG OOWirrOWWBIGH AT ISLL . J ' . ',', . - . - f ' -, 5 . J ? ; ? " ' J: ft ' t " x " Til .:-!ifevi:-:'.'A-:-.-'.-:-. Mrs. Francis Schmidt CEl-- ' len Stauffer) i whosa marri age took -place on June j 9 at - the Holy Redeemer church in Portland. The couple will make their ' home in Salem at 2086 Mis- ; sion street. The groom is a graduate of Willamette unir versity. (Higginsl Steffens Colmer studio. Portland.) To Attend Y-toon Conforcnco; j Several Salem girls will be aU tending the Y-Teen summer con ference at Camp Magruaer at sar view beginning today. The sessions will continue through June 30 and are for high 'school girls, who will assume club leadership in the fall. - Attending from Salem - will ba Miss Norma Wallace, Y-Teen director of the YWCA, Misses Pa tricia Deeney, Evie Tarem, Anna Gallaspy, Joyce Traviss and Nor- ma aiewan. i t Theme of the conference is Wise Decissions Build a Secure Future". There will be workshop on artcraft, leadership, worship. ceremonials, muEic, public a Hairs, publicity and social. Salero girls Will be in charge of the Sunday evening program and Anne ;Gal- lapsy wrote the skis tne baiem girl will present j 1 i ! Sigma Kappas 4 - Entertained 1 Salem Sisma Kappa alumnaa met Thursday evening at the homo of Mrs. B. W. Stacey. Plans fwera formulatecl for the outdoor piciue to beheld the middle of August at the home of Mr: and Mrs. L. I Jensen. There will be no alumni meeting in July. Following tha business . meeting, refreshments were served. t i Present were? Mrs. E. S. Beck- man. Mrs. rxana uewiw, sm. Leon Everitt, Mrs. Allan Johnsfcn. Mrs. B. : W. Stacey, Mrs. teen Walker, Mrs. George Robinson, Mrs. Joseph Franko, Mrs. Earl Hampton and Mrs. Norman John son, i f I .5 ! Mrs. AI Latham ef Culver City. Calif, is visiting in the capital this weekend at the! home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kassom. I I SPINET PIANO) Keposaessed jTerms Jaquith :Music Co. S4I Caseada Dr. I Fb. S-Wl YJlih They Lad 250 e - .4 - 150 150 150 5 S1.SO. ea. ON'S . . . t t ri . .