firm V-i l nOOTIear Estate COOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY i i Nw concrete bide. TOO to. ft. food parking !. room for another bldg. on the tarn lot. This property can ba bought for considerably let than replacement cost at thawing good return on Investment. No phone Information, but U you ar looking for something good see Mr. K1GGIN3. ' '- 1 s 9E NORTH ' Hie 3 BJL Borne with 190 ft. fronUga on tha highway extending bout 900 ft. thru to Lancaster with 120 ft frontage. Owner win consider taking In trade a smaller home. Good future business property. K1GGINS SUBURBAN HOME i tut on Center St to Hawthorne Wa have a strictly nod. S BJL Home, puttered, fireplace, ire. lot nice yard, good garden, f nut trees, Oow ers shrubs, two bL to City Bus. Priced at $13409, hare aa 1ULA. aommitUnent of $9600. JOHNSON. 'Li i ' NEAR HIGHLAND t ST. VINCENT ? Very good 1 &R. plastered homo ie. kit with tile dramboerd. shake exterior, good roof. fuU dry bant wit piped furnace, bean. lawn, trees, flowers, shrubs, garage on alley yest $8950. CRAWFORD. TX-lITT.T-RY rUU v HATCHERY la a - - - - MnnMciT .nulmiwl. a better check this one for 82L0M. Excellent terms. CRAWTORD. rous BKDHxm homx " I $11400. for this S yr. eld home with fuU bsmX auto, oil furnace, fire, place, an Insulated at weatherstrip, donbto garage, cor. lot on about V. Acre on paved road, bos by door, close to school, this la n cry good buy. BUST PICHA. j i BURT PICHA,! INC. 87 N. High St CRAWFORD 1-0390 Beautiful River Frontage - South River Rd. ; ; - S3 .330. A. with S m. cabin. Wonderful spot for boats, swimming and fishing. Natural harbor. Family fruit an bearing. Terms. - -, ; $7.500. West side. $ Br. home. Owner transferred. Must sen. This Is . ' worth the money. Good terms. 9. 300. Suburban East 0 Br. mssm borne. Wired for range. About 10 A. . - with barn and outbuilding. Tinas, , $10.000. Year old. X Br. down."! up with Bttle finishing. Outside city South. Modern. $1,00040 down. Bat $73 Mo. inc.' taxes and insurance. , $1S.000. Very lovely view property. S Br. and den. Patio. Small apart ment for rental. Nicely landscaped Late built. Terms, til. 000. Just completed. West side ontbe hilL S Br. This la nice. F BT As. Terms. -$1.300. 4 Miles South. 10 A. Soma fruit and berries. Modern a Br. home. Part basement $3000 win handle. j . - i A. A. LARSEN REALTOR 1 I 1 R.Hlgh A. X. Beckett Ph. 2-439 NELSONS' XASY TERMS Jive blocks to bank. Good plastered home. 1 bdrms. hwd floors, fireplace, automatic sawdust furnace, Full basement garage. . G. 1. FINANCED SUBURBAN As good aa new. Two bedrooms, living rom. nook, and kitchen. Full bath, hardwood floors, electric water beat- r. Insulated electric heat gang, x moa na old. $7350 - $1350 down. - MAY BE FOB YOU St bat a show place but a sound, al mas! trouble-free investment and sure Income, plus attractive owner's Bring quarters. Good building with small maintenance cost near city " center. Priced right to responsible party. COUNTRY GARAGE AND HOME OJerage with service station and living quarters on 79x200 foot lot Equip ped with compressor, and ether tools " and equipment Busy season Just be ginning. Jiu.vat). wouu take trauer k jum for part . VISTA ACREAGE Ojhrie acres with 3 bdnn modern noma. avara. chicken house, earaxe, wire fence. Good value for 87300. DIVERSIFIED 30 A. FARM OJtraw berries, cherries, prunes, apples. email grains and wood lot. Two bdrm - i wit, Salem school district Only auw. Nelson & Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors T)2 N Hirh Street Ph. 1-3669 fcj.i0 FOUR UNIT COURT RENT ALS close in north, four separate hxjse an modern and rented for 044.00 each. Good concrete founds ttjoa. good roofs, would rent for snore If cleaned up. . Ceo. A. Walters, Realtor -Ptt. 23040 or 25260 060 S. ComlT Zl BoainggMi Opportunlfias RESTAURANT $5C0 DOWN tally equipped, showing nice Income. Open t to 12. Small living quarters. I IMS or tana trailer house or ci I trade. ALLEN C JONES. REALTOR Ml N. Hlrt Ph. 2-SK38 flirt LEASE: Service station in Salem. good locations. Major Oil Co. Some finances needed. Phone 3-991T, SHY NOT own the bast $ unit cottage court in Salem T H.w. firs, fireplaces in each. 4 bjks. from downtown Sa lem on lot size 02x109 ft. with garages and 2 storage rooms on lot aoorox. 73 x 50 ft. Income more than $ 00 per month. Terms $11,000.00 djwn. reasonable on balance. Lawrence Real Estate V4 South High Phone 3-7500 wROCERY store, gas pumps, packs beer t cabins. 165 ft frontage on Highway 00 North. By owner. Phono J43i. Rt 7. Box 145. SAVE excellent opportunity for part ner with established company. Pos sibilities are unlimited: $100 win handle. Please call Avek Plating C. iini lor appomtment. ; tXESTAURANT. seats approximately I. Trade tor car on equity. Phone 2-8252. Complete Machine Shop-Body and Fender-Paint Shop-Garage and Wrecking Yard. In thriving nearbr tiwn. - Grossing $3000110 a - month. Low operating costs. Partnership must be dissolved. Priced away be- J )w value. aasy terms. See Davey or Bristol, Phone 2-1533 or 2-0611 Day; 2-5137 or S-0814 Night E. A. McGlauflin. Broker 367 No. High UbBILGAS Service station for Small investment in stock and equipment required. For details call Mr. ooohttie. Dallas 2990 days, or Sa Statesman Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Classified Advertising ret- worol. 1 Umo o Fer wsjri. S times . Fe ward, f times . Par wort. I Month ,C0 tea words Extra eliarr for BUaoT sdj ; S3 Keadrra ta city brleiki Per ward JIa Minim Dm tea words No Rafuda. The deadline for classlfled and reader advertising ts $ 43 pjn. daily Only emergency "lost" ads will bo accepted after that hour. The Statesman reserves the right to reect questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place II advertising under the neeoai naaauicai The ttaaraan assume no Ca nada) responsibility for errors which may appear In advertise. meats published tn its columns and hi cases where this paper la at fault win reprint that part of aa adverUsement tn which tha typo graphical atfc oeenrsv A "BMad" Ad an ad contamina a Statesman box number for aa addresa ta tor tha protactloa of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The States man la not at fcberty to divulge iniormatiosi aa to the Identity of a advsrbaag using a Uia4 ad. ROO lRral Estate" cUckca boosts, mod. 9 BJt JOHNSON 3-7431' Office 3-4047 Ph. 1-i WAndy Barrorsen Ph. S-TIOS and Sunday I 801 Basin Opporturiitias Service Station Major oil company offers high gallon age station for lease. Inventory only, financial ; assistance to - Qualified party. Phone 39533 days or 20761. evenings. OUTSTANDING HOTEL DEAL 8-STORY concrete block and brick bid- 41 rooms, lobby and excellent ground rental. Located In heart of one of Idaho's most progressiva, towns oil 18.000 poo. Good stesdy money maker year after year. $20,000 caan aown ana reasonable terms bat. or will consider trade for good Oregon property. Contact J X. Mackey. .owner, s Greystooe ; Hotel. nimu. iainfl. SELL or trade first class 10 unit ariart- snent motet Riovista MoteL Itvmi. uregon. , . - . 802 Buslnass friopny CABINET shoo for small busineaa 20x30. Concrete block bldg. at 9690 vnerry Ave, jerms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES " Have you ever thought of living by the sea . . .; ana wonaerea wnat you could do tor- income? We have just listed, a court and fiihlnr dock on Nestucca river bay. Modern dock. 12 boats complete with motors. I Courts completely furnished - owner's residence.: Very modern. 4't A. land. noom lor expansion, investigate una. ommi. acrms. s A.iA. LARSEN, REALTOR . 101 S. High 5 Ph. 28620 Salem. Oregon Andy Halvorsen - Ph. 27163 , A. I. Beckett - Ph. 24591 Eve anri Rttvwfaw BY OWNER: Good business site, ware- nooae. garage, railroad spur. 3151 Portland Road. For quic ksaia $2L000. Phone 2-0317. f 804 Sabxxrbcxn Potential Sliowplace For total of $31,500 you can have fine miwop rancn-type noma witn rn ground (200 by 23 feet), for five more view lot Just aouth of Salem City limits. Four BR. 2 hatha. v4aw. window bving room in hemlock: ar ranged for use as double-bouse if de sired; basement- oil heat patio. Play-yard stable, corral. , Phono 3-33e. KEIZXR. 1?4 acre in berries. ll3(io. RL 2. BOX; 45L Phone 2-3330., 80S House fog Sal $3950 - WEST SALEM Very nest tour room home with utility and bath, oa pavement near school and bus. plas tered dc tinted, good paint Good roof. Geo. Ai Walters, Realtor Ph. 23849 or 2S2S0 BRfl S. rviml $17,500 NEW AND BEAtmFUL"! BEU ROOM RAMBLING KHAITK near the j Senior High School, all rooms are Urge. Oil furnace, fire- i"ace. extra room I or work; shop, nice dining room, nice utility, large valine space in Kitchen, dish wash er and garbage disposal. Geo. AJ Walters, Realtor Ph. 23 849 or 2S2S0 08 S. rnnl SAVE $1100 from owner. 2 bloeks high acnooi. new. a oearoom, nss every- wrouna 680 N. IStn. BY OWNER; 2 bedroom home. $230. gran, jjcra inintie unw. Home Pins 5 View Lots A recently-built 4 BR . hilltop ranch- type noma, on rnngie road I to be sold: mile from south city limits; overlooks Salem and valley to north and east: ? living room in hemlock 10x24 with -foot high windows; two bathrooms; three fireplaces: master bedroom has owa front door, bathroom and fireplace: fireplaces al so living room and kitchen; grill ta kitchen: big utility room; basement; oil heat: nil ward, natio. citv watar tabta. small nut. fruit trees: some snruos: cmveway to rear; site 208x283 feet, room for at least more view nornes or valuable lota. $3L300 Business ADDING MACHINFH SEE CLARY, world's fastest adding machine before yon buy. 2-5373. ALL MAKES adding machines and1 trpe writers sokt- rented, reoatred Roen. 458 Court Phone $-8773. APPL1A.NCB SKRVlCS Bendlx. Keivinator and Hotpoiat 'Is lea and ServaeeL Raipn Johnson Ap- pp-arice aaa eenKT st. pnone 3-aise. Anoiianco Cb. a73 Chemakela Ph 3-431L CEMENT CONTRACTING CEMENT CONTRACTING, guaranteed. Prompt service. Ernest Drake. Phone 2-0313 KbJSCTSUCAL SrltVlC Eiectncal Elecrnc. Wiring or Service Phone 3-OCSL Vibbert UKAT1NG Judson'a 279 N. Com! Ph. 3-4141. BULSE MOVING House Moving Phone 2-4342. Experi enced bonded and Insured. Hot St HOLD PROUIC1 J R Watkina Co products. 1133 S" Saletn Ph. 3-5395. rret LAWN MOWERS iiAAPi-NLNG Guaranteed New Harry and hand CaO Scott 147 So Coral a MtiHTINQ gTXTVPs s exclusive bghunf store, ut Hirh Senstnr Potei bldg $-8413 MATTr.FSSf S Caottal Sedi cotton, wool. t apring repaired rnattresaea. PhrmeJf Ijirwiaraptag QaaigaanaV a. A. r- fler rb 2-1XX C00 Rear Estate Foe Sola Beauty like New bedroom noma. S years old. An electric, mania tea. oaa xjoor. nre piace. garage attached. Plenty of built-in cabinets. Comer lot 80 x 130. Beautifully landscaped. Priced for eraicv. aale. Br Owner W. K. JOHNSON. 4 So. Water St, sueitun. Ph. ZS5Z. USX -completed $ bedroom bouse. Large lot walnut trees. In city. 223 DeJmar. Pbeae 24384 Jloyd Springer. Bqflder. 4 BJl., Bsm't. $6000 downstairs and 2 up. Ltvsng Dining room, and full has Hollywood district This la i excellent buy. Close to St. Vincent's Parish Coxy bedroom borne, living room. separate UK- roll base. Auto, oil beat fireplace. Garage fenced back yard. Ideally situated for complete shopping convenience. Bus at corner. I UT US SHOW TOU THXSZ Mew S far- Hollywood gassa Tra. 2 be, HcKnurr Sia.TUO fx tra. j tur, on, Xnglewood - $11.500 V. Omer Hnf f , Realtor 21 Chemeketa : Office Ph. 2-001 Evenings 7-9M BY OWNER: 2-bedroom noma. At taches garage, oil Oor furnace, on H aero tat city limits. 1 block from I Washington school. S90O0, : Phoue 4-3971 or 2-S298. 2-BEDROOM bouse. 2 lota in Tanscr. By owner. Box 204 Turner. y ewacr. i-mureaa am- w caaia. m I Edma Lane. Phone 2-2292. A Real Cutie S bedroom. Bv. rm, nook and ataty. pecan floors, forced oil beat nice yard and shrubbery. This house la oa a large lot and ts on year old. AH for $8000. $3500 win handle. 2 Bednn. Income A nice S bedroom mod. bouse with a 3 i in. rental on back of lot which means a steady income for $790. Dairy, Garden, or Crass 2 acres. 24 under eultL A dandy track , aarden. 2400 ft. of Irrigation pipe. . 28 h.p. motor. 10 acres beets, $ acres corn, contracted at cannery. AS pas- . ture is under irrigation. 2 houses on this place. A rood father and son coenbtaaatkaa. Priced 19J00 with terms. CaD Keene en these. - Eve. phono 4-3333 . Art Madsen Realty Co. 132 State St Ph. 35580. 28812 "BUYING A HOME" Call Us tf we dont have what yon want listed, we will go out and' find the home you're looking for. With courtesy and professional protection. It la our . service to you. -If. it is a 2 BR.. Dining Room, Living Room. Fireplace. Full : Basement. Nice yard. 0 blks to court house, near new city park" : you want ' Look at this house, the buy of the " week. E. L. Gray REAL ESTATE 1318 State St. Ph. 2789$ DRIVE-BUY NEAT AND CLEAN. Two Bi ready for occupancy. Sia.SOO. Look this one over at 323 So. 17th. Call Dane. KENNY REAL ESTATE, 1410 Broad way. 2-Z497. MODERN 2 bedroom, dining room, liv big room, kitchen, utility. 4345 Durbin. 3-0183. $7900 - $1400 Dn. WELL-BUILT - PRE-WAR Hollywood district 1055 Pine St $- bdrm.. attached garage. Completely rurntshed. Large lot or will trade for Portland property. Call or writ Mr. Reeder. 11 6331 or 114 N.E. 28th. Portland. PORTLAND PROPERTIES. RLTR. BY OWNER: 2-bedroom house. Enele- wood district Nearly new. $8,000. $200 down. Phone 2-illS. 810 Farm. Acroarj tot Sola $8500 Buys 50 Acres Farm 8a miles from Salem. l' A. thornless aoganberries. lt A. Improved black berries, 13 A. oats or wheat 1 John Deere tractor, 1 rototiller. 1 tandem . disc roller. 1 spring . tooth. mower. raxe. l grain anu. l spiketooui har row. A large 3 room home tn a love , ty setting of oak trees. ASK FOR VAN M. GREER WITH Vm. Bliven & Co. ! . REALTORS 647 K. High St Ph. 23617, Eves. 38293 Stock Farm 73 A. Stocked with white faced cattle 2 yr. old now coming fresh. All mach.. lVa A. strawberries. Nice and well . built 1 room home, basement. large barn, spring. On main county road. Price for all $22,150. GENERAL REAL ESTATE 235 Center Ph. IBM 16 ACRES OF 13 TEAR OLD FIL. enV'oooii. acre- zarm just a mues rrcna Forest Grove. House 9 vrs old has la liv ing room, kitchen-dining room com- j mnarton. oata. 1 bedroom with room for two more up. Machine abed & garage. Melbourne soil. Wonderful view. Priced to sell quickly at $14,500, E. LZwaschka" Sale or Trade! REAL ESTATE Phone 2-4033 1748 Grant St. Salem Directory- PLt'MBINO GENERAL, eanala mru De- catur at Meen 97 S. Con"!. Ph 3223 iudaon's 279 Wo OrtnT Ph 8-414T" PAINTTNO PAFTRINQ PAINTING and paperbanxine Free estimates 857 Shin nine Ph 3-0313 ROAD CRAPINO JOY STR1CKFAJ3EN. PHONE 33411 SAND AND GRAVEL WALLING SAND and GRAVEL C Crushed rock For roads and drtvo- way cement Reaoy-mlx coamta. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage oitco-uiara. snovej ana drag Una agPTIC TANKS tUmeijs senue tanas and Unea. clean-I en. vruaranteed worxx. Phone 3-7404 MIKE'S SepUa Sarvioa. Tanka cleaned frS? "OUI7 eervice on sewers, drains 1079 Ern St. W. Salem. Ph. $-9468. Rroo1!;' 8EWINQ Expert repairs oa all makes. Frea. pick: p .oa ueuvery rree estimate given to your home. Phone S35U Singer . Sewing Machine Co, . IkWl.NU MALHl.MS '""PlifT; Prrsir cTmiit Ml fciaa Free estimate - Work Guaranteed. Psl?!, Johtan Appliances, ph 3I"9 BRNNAN troo service. Free eatimatea. Inaured. rover saws. Phone 3-3741. ?1ll DHILLI0 Domestic, irnration. IndustriAl. H. A. Rbitnon. 2214 N Front St r-h 3-T" 1 i. A. SNLLD as &ON3. &mc lXl Brook, Salem. Phone 2-oSCSV nno RearTtato::r tC3 Hoixsow far Cd Hudkihs Buy-Liries Family Home, Perfect school location. 4 BR'a S Complete Bath. Largs LR.. Fireplace. Dining Rnt. or Den. Kitchen with room for eating. - FuU Bsmt. Oil air cond. furnace, dbL garage, fenced rear yard. This borne as In good condition and can be purchased at a low price of only $12,750. - ; 'SACRIFICE . i 4 Apts- Income $180. month. Reduced $45O0) to tlOJOO. For immediate aale. Paitly furnished. Large lot Excellent return oa investment RETREAT; Ever want a log cabra only I miles Creek, Pood. ; and. Beautiful trees, spa clous lawn. Ban. 2 acres. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 230 N. High St I , - i phone 2-4129 Phone Evenings; LoRayne Wood, 2-0422 P. L. BUbop. 2-0100 .. ' ' i I - - i . - YOUbOlfT HAVE TO PAY ! $25,000 to Bv like a king, wo have for sale this I bedroom bungalow. Basement, garage, lot 00 by 100. Insulated, very neat and dean all fog $3,050. ' : ' ; : i . j j SO VOTrBE A BARGAIN HUNTER ! You bare been looking for that large house with 4 bedroom. fuU base ment Garage. Beautifully kept thru-out. spacious and cornforUble. Ideal location. Price $1L500. , - , IN AND, OUT IT'S FULLY EXPRESSED OF GOOD TASTE Large 2 bedroom Colonial with 2 car attached garage tn a perfect sub arban location Spacious living room with fireplace. On 1& acres, nicely aaauacapcu. bo very tempting see sor roarseax. gisaa. i , SEE US FOR INVESTMENT PROPERTY I' McKILLOP'S iff A T Tnnt pwta StarwawII M iVa n4iw 2-7541 2-7401 2-6901 ! 4-10$ LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US ; -: 43 Center at North High GRABENHORST SPECIALS i BUY CONSERVATIVE . and have a splendid Investment tn this Englewood home on choice lot. S kje. bdrms. down. bv. rm, din. rm.. kitch. nook. bdwd. firs- fireplace. fuU bsaont- ante-oil bent sprinkling system. Insulated, floored upstair with room for S more bdrms- fenced yard. Sea this before you buy. - Call Roy Ferris , j. . ' I RANCH HOME t ' 1 - Mighty attractive Interior, pretty sharp exterior. 2 bdrms- one with fireplace, lovely carpeted lie. rm. with fireplace, din. rm- built-in range In kitch- nook. Ige. ouL nn- 1. seta plbg- plastered dble. garage, loads of built-ins .exceOent closet space, lawn la. Price $17J00. Low down payment Call Peter H. Cetser. - k, mJ, FIVE HUNDRED WILL HANDLE I This J bdrm. borne lust 19 mia. drive from Salem. Lrr. rm, din. rm kltclKJM,tn' nice Sden ! fruit, room for poultry. Partly fenced '.. acre. Close to store and school. FuU price $4000. Sensible mthly. parts. Call Chet Ferris : , . ONE OF SALEM'S BEST HOMES I peslgned by leading Portland architect oa $0 x 140 tot. EngSsa cottage -type In perfect Undacaped setting 4 bdrm, l',i sets plbg- dbie. gar- . auto-pU hot water beat Ire. gractouo Hv. rm.. a drearn kitchen, hre! sleeping porch, hre. step-down conservatory. For add'l details I Call J. E. Law, .! Grabenhorst Bros. Realtors 13 a. unerty St i Roy Ferris 2-aoia aranaii at Peter Cesser 39060 SPECIAL Fedoced $730 S One nice 2 BR home; one small 3 room home. This' Is a real bargain for you. Buy this place and let someone else pay for It Immediate posses sion, and terms. i j . ; The owner of this place left town, said for: me to sell tt and let the buyer move in. Said be would be back In two week for his money. Cues ha means business, do you? j Priced at $779 and weR worth It Claude Kilgore Real Estate Broker 80 S. Lancaster ! OPEN HOUSE i TONIGHT ;'. $30 J0 VM. j This close-in rubtrrbsn borne will give yon peaceful contentment and that seldom found warmth and individuality which makes for joyous' Jlvtnr &methingreally different and a wonderful value at $13.900 k HAtenns. The address Is 5110 Robindale (1st street west of Keizer "i uu uuii louigni axter Murphy & Kent, Realtors 436 N. CHURCH j pH0NI 4-2191 803 Lota For Sea) 1 8(3 Lota for Sola Contractors Attention Building lots located In Keizer District, ta restricted area. FJLA. ap proved. Located in Walnut Lane Addition two blocks from school and shopping center. 73 x 133 lots, priced to sell $730 JW. KENNY REAL ESTATE 1410 Broadway WToitaaVaUrwgfJ, lVi ACRES In Keixer district Creek border, all set In strawberries and cain berries. Irrigation outfit available. Come and see. CaQ 2-3330. Route X Box 43L . 4 I 812 Exchanqa Baal tata 03480 S bedroom home, larg lot garage. utility buildings, dose in. tn. will la larger house. Prefer north. Easy terms. . i j m. E. Closes or M. D. Looney 331 H State Phorie $499$ Will trade new real dan ca in aa part payment on income property. Wnat nave you to oirerr i F. H. Weir Realtor 1247 S. ComX , Pb. 38411 Trade 2 U Acres An fenced, close In east Fine neigb- Dornooa. a-room plastered nome. complete new bath. Utilities. All kinds of family fruit trees. Flowers shrubs. Drilled well Chicken well. coop and barn. Trade fer bom close in. wnat nave your i GENERAL REAL ESTATE 233 Center - Phone 3-3289 SALlX f OR PORTLAND ' Beautifully finished Manbrtn i Gardens noma, x BR. lull hasement fxreplaoa. nice grounds. Trade Cor Portland of simiisr vahie. CALL LoRAYNE WOOD 1 CHAS. HUDKINS & SON I REALTORS ! St - Pbon a-CUS 1 111 a 1818 BaSOti PfCUHUtT I r t TAKE smflnsjlied Touae or lata model ear and cash for equity tn beach home, box 442. SUteaman. 818 Wcmtad. aol Latota oTWTATJi acreage near Salem, eld house with trees, creek or spring. Phone f'-r Xk LOOKING for borne on Mill creak to buy or trade for choice baiem residence. Pnone 2-8719. nOO "Ual Folate $X3 Bo2Sws Poe Ccda s. from Salem, but verv secluded. -m.T-n t i Tl -m - - Al Fabry I -710 I fh. 2-2471 aunaays can Chet Ferris S-0T74 ! J. X. Law 1U OFFER Home , An Ac Auctioneer Ph. 2-370 dinner. ! Phono S-249T 850 Antomulive 832 Csad Cora For Sola SPECIAL 1W UHEV. TUDOR $14J 1937 HUDSON TERR. - GOOD $195 1938 CHEV. TUDOR nl 131 FORD PICK UP $193 QUALITY USED CARS 3110 PORTIA Nn nn an 41 BUICK 4-door aedaiw S47S. SAA Brownine. Phone -txrt nmhiM '49 FORD pickup. Very good condition. i none ami, Mam. This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts ' Shrock Motor Co. Home Of Good Used Cars . Chnreh and Chemeketa Sta Ph 9-011 49 PLYMOUTH coupe, good condition. neater. siD50. fan nvo .. . 148 STUDEBAKEA Commander. Good conaruon. Kaaio. neater. Turn sig nals. Like new. 2053 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-6598 after 2 o.m. PRIVATE party has 1947 Roadmaster Bulcx. i Radio, beater, undercoated. IxceUeh condition. $1230. 9-498$ or see at nzs park Ave. SACRIFICEI -39 Ford 4-dr. deluxe RAH. good tires, make an offer. Must sell immediately. 1010 N. 18th. 1940 BTJICK 4 Dr. 8TJX VTRT KTCX RADIO. BEATER. NEW SEAT COVERS. AND ALMOST NEW - RUBBER. $489 TERMS. QUALITY USED CARS 3113 PPTn-nJlO f.OAO We :Are in the Market . FOR LATX CABS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 92 N F 'em. Orem : .A"""l ia A A , i . J" tJ2S JJ? hydra Sea at I malic' Radio, heater. $13S5. !&$ alarket anon 9-4039 attar1 9 PJD. v". (150 Automotive 112 Csad Cars For Sal IF TOU DONT LIKE OTJR PRICES. UA1CS TJS AN OFFER 'OK THESE CARS. THXI'Va BEEN TJf STOCK TOO LONG. TEXT MUST GO REGARDLESS OF LOSS. SAVINGS "AS MUCH AS $30 AM OFFERED ON THESE CARS XT TOO ACT NOW1 Used cars are sailing again and 1940 Cher. Fleethne Detaaa s-ur. Immaculato 104S Chevrolet 3-Dr. Heater, defroster, w. washer. The cleanest '4 in town. 141 Chrysler Royal 4-Dr. - k at H. Auto shift, etc. Far . above average. This Is Your Chance to Save Peal Money 240 N. CHURCH . 1 39 CHEV. coupe. Radio, heater, -good runner, can 333BO. YOUR, QHANCE to make best buy in town. 1830 Jiuicz, au extras, new ear like it today cost $1000 more. Sorry, no trade-ins. $2040. Owner, X-S400. - 1047 FLEETLINE Cher. Actual mileage 100. Good shape, clean, good run- nine ritr rnA Portland Rd. 1S39 FORD 2 door. . Run very gooZ RaHv Min SIM Phona Z7220. Q40 PONT1AC cyL 4 door sedan. fuS . price gzza. Terms, asecnamcaiir good. Body not too had. means, an 1940 FORD I pass coup tn fsr above average cond. Radio., neater, ewa. Ufna tsn stste. I 104 OLDS W 4 door sedan. Origin- al aawr Ton eonrlltaf Can DO I after 0 njn. weadrdays. 000 Leslie St IkoDEL A Ford. 4115 "Portland Bd. Il PONTIAC station wagon. 1 Dodge I sedan. 4428 after a. 94 CROSLEY station wagon, beater. $27SJ Leaving Salem, p of month. Phone 2102 184$ CHEVROLET Aero sedan, very 1 clean, lota of extras. At -eo-miles N. of unarm, on Portland Highwsy. Box 140-F. Phone 44Q7. 1942. Cnar Aara Bed. 1 Tone Brown - $50 Term ' ' 12 Mo. at o QUALITY USED, CARS TailO PORTLAND ROAD OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE Executive Car io-e -ma Wncket. HvdramaUc. radio. heater, defrosters, wnne wiui, turn signals, backup lights, windshield wsshers. power top. chrome wheel discs, undercoatlng. sport light and n Mvhts ate This exceptional car has very low mile age. Is in new condition anu raran a new car guarantee. Save in excess of Reduced to $2685 Lbder Bros. 4S3 Center Ph. 42281. or 27973 1942 PLYMOUTH 4-rfoor deluxe se - I dan. 1 A nice appearing car xor onir $599. See it. drive it, oetore you duj McCalls. 1297 state. 1946 Ford Deluxe 4 Door. Orig. -owner. sxoso. terms. QUALITY USED CARS 3iio romiAwu nuAu 1940 PONTIAC club coupe, clean in- tide and out Beater, raaio. rnonc 2-4858. ' 193 PONTIAC 6 4-door sedan. Phone 61F22 after 8 P.m. E. a. casue, xtx. a. Box 19. 1950 CHEVROLET. Low mileage. Very elean. Privately owned. Will sacn- fice for quick sale. Phone 43593. Every Day la Sale Day " AT OTJR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS. ALL We invite yoor comparison for price with Uke mas at moaei inyvsnsi Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES 880 N Liberty TERMS Ph -4ll$ 1941 BUTCK SPECIAL SEDANETTR EXTRA NICE 2-OWNER I $800 TERMS QUALITY USED CARS 'ssa a a.uiiO A m TfAlTi . all IV fun A iafaiv lr ilVf '50 Olda 98 Deluxe Club sedan, new rubber. R St H. hydra. nylon seat covers, ims car aa um new.i Only 13.000 careful miles. See thia one owner ear tooay. ,1 Only $2295 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 2088$ WILSON'S YOUR BUICK DEALER 1950 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN Light grey - folly equipped and dynaflow. 29.42 mlies $249S 1950 BUICK SUPER SEDAN Ctchl ZzJka) " - miry eouipped and dynaflow $449 1950 DODGE MEADOWBROOK SEDAN ' Green. xlOOO miles - fully " eouipped with fluid drive 1899 184$ OLDSMOBILE "98" CLUB SEDAN Light green. XLOM mOe. fullv- aouinoed and hrdro- matte - rocket engine 1899 i - . . .. BUICK ROADMASTER , SEDAN Gleaming black finish - fully equipped. Royal Master whit wall tires ard dvna- 1940 flow ' 1905 1949 BTJTCK SCPXR SEDAN. RTTE Light grey - iXfiBO miles -- fuU . aoutDoad . aavd - dma flow -1 1999 i - - UTTTTTC arrpiR SEDAN 1947 1948 Two tone grey - 28.000 miles 138 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN . , Blue - well eauinnea Kaooa transporUUon , , 12S9 m CHEVROLET SEDAN -Blue - good Urea - economi cal ., , 990 1940 PONTIAC "$ TUDOR Grey - good condition rORD DELUXE TUDOR Cheap tranrportatloa 949 1838 S99 123$ nmsisnmrx tudor Hack - radio and beater OTTO J. WILSON CO. O.M-A.C. TERMS Commercial at Center Salem, Oregon iliia Stcrtearaca. Soiam. Oraon (ISO AntombtlTe til Csad Com For Ccda Make An Offer dealers are buying, which So Hurry! 1047 Plym. Deluxe 4-Dr. . Loaded-with extras. 4 - " 4 .. 1047 Obev. Fleetmaster 2 -Dr. Lots of extras. In perfect mechanical condition and clean. 183$ Chevrolet f-Dr. Perfect motor. 'BaVH. front Lee s Used . Cars . 'OLDSMOBILE Once Again A Lirnited Nnmber of ? Factory Deliveries f : : ViiTi ' : Now . . r :- v , : SAVE $318 : R Is a pleseore to be able to offer this service again at a saving sufV .ficient to cover entire cost of trip to the factory and return tor twO) People. ... - ' . Telephone 422S1 for a jj ROCKET RIDE j . Or Come In Today t r ' " 453 Center "2 FORD. New paint, seat covers. $. S3Q33 oetore . after a. - 1040 PONTIAC convertible, radio, heat er, new ton. 75 N. 17th. Ph. 2-9862. HAVE 2 cars. 1949 and 1950 Fleetline' . Chevrolet Tudors. very low mileage. Both excellent condition Will sell either one. will take trade. 913 N. 21st 1040 CHRYSLER cylinder. Engine overhauled- 940 E. Sural. Ph. 2-7658. 14 FORD 4-door sedan, good eond& tlon. $300. 2210 Chemeketa. Phone 3-9074. 1947 CADILLAC 62 4-door sedan. See Ira Fltts. Phone 3-0403 or Fitts Mar ket. SELL or trade equity tn '42 Cbcv. Aero, excellent condition. Easy pay ments. Phone 4-4393. '41 CHEVROLET 2 -door special' deluxe sedan with heater. 8393. U3Z If. com mercial. 2-4986. MUST SELL 194 Pontine sedan coupe '8." Very clean. low mileage. Extras. $993. Phone 4-1037. - 1941 Plymouth 4 door dehnre. radio and heater. Very good. $593 - terms. . QUALITY USED CARS 311 rUnTLAND ROAD A GOOD '41 PONTIAC convertible. t radio, heater. $593. 790 S. 25th. after pjn. ; 854 Trucks. Titxilars For Sola 1943 DODGE log track. 2-speed ie. 2-speed axle- with S speed mam.' single auue log trauer. ev rubber. $1750. Mather Mack. at. L Rot 171. Stavton. PICKUPS: ,-ton. "37 Ford, cheap. '351 Chev. i-ton 993. "41 voage 4-ton. $23. 2429X ' miles Dallas Highwsy. Cook s Repair. MEMBER OF THE Ib AaaarJated Preaa Is entitled or all the locaJ aewa printed la thia newspaper, a wall as aa j AT news dlspetche. ' UE3XBEX PACiriC COAST DtTISION OF BCEEAD OF - i r-;"- AJTESTXSXNQ f- ; AdrertWat Repre3anUUre---rTard-Giiintb Ca, New tarfc. CUeac : 8aa Iranclsca. Detroit, j : MKMItCT AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ? '' . Dally and Sunday Week-days Only Sunday 4nlyt By carrtrr In cJUes 8 L20 motrth 8 LOO month t- 08 waeat j DO month $ aneata S By audi tn Oragot- CS0 six mo. , S.7S stat aneaV la advance) I 0U0 rear V i : I 8J0 yaar - j. By mail tn US .A- I l.M month I I t; J I mfsi ' ! utslde Oregoa I - 10 six mos, I I ; $.73 ats aoaav ta advj I 14.40 vear I I. f IH rear . j DAILY CROSSWORD i ACROSS T.Tiow 24. Antipathy t.riuUpUyr S- Eoon 25. Title of S. Acton .Destiny respect (Hort) 10. Woody ! ZlC&ejfehedi iL Goddess ' . perennial animal ca! peace 14.CoUy I 2S.Setla li. Of the moon 18. Vehicle with motion 13. Nobleman ' runners 1 SO.NaturaJ 14. Tndicat 15. HaiT ems . ; 18. Body of ait watar 17. Born IS. Land aurrotmded by water 19. Marks i - indicating "Let it . stand". tO. Herd of i c&tUe " 11. Sharp, projecting; point. - i H. A court fool 23. Grate 27. Performed 12. Shield . 2S.Qnerna 29. Sudden rush of wind 20. Secret 81. Youngster (eolloq.) S3.PubUe notice .28.Erenisf; ; (poet) 27.TXstres " alEnal 40. Be wary - 42. Ataaxit iS-Antetopa (So.Afr.) 44. Pry 43. Carts for 41 Sandhill) DOW2f 2. Heap 2.1Iet$i t . .PTeverts 4.Conciode ClXusienoU 8).C$lher,M 1 rrain. after I 2)833 1 VoxIaasdQrT. Jia 13. 1S31 17 C50 Automotive tZ2 Vfd Cars Foe Sa! price rise Just ahead. 14$ Olds 00 Sedaaet f 1 & Hyd- etc CompUtahf 1040 Dodge Ton Panel Heater, very clean. $2401 Reconditioned motor. ISM Hudsoa 4-Dr! I ' Runs good, looks worse, On A Used Car l PHONE X-153T i LODERBROS. i Salem. Oregoa 858 Wanted. ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE -2325 ratrgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-043 CASH for 1940 and 141 Fords. Chev .. roiet and Plymoutha For the high est price- see us oefore yea traoe or sell. McCalls. 1297 State. i 862 Rous Trcdlixv IT FACTORY built trailer house $400. Call 2660O, Jay hawk Trailer Sales A trailer for every purpose, j DONT be crowded this summer. Cacne to the Fir Crest Trauer aarK. rtenty of space. Clean rest rooms. Fir Cresl Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Rd. ' . New Management Lana Lane Trailer Plaza Space Available ; ! 1940 Lana Ave. " - TeL -144f See the Cozy Cruiser J The most beautiful travel trailer in America. A sportsman's di'iaaa. i Have fun throughout the year. i j Featherweight 1300 lbs. Workmanship Unexcelled Sleep 5 Only $995 , Security 5lo tors 3383 Portland Rd. i ASSOCIATED PRESS i -ava ! i ! exclusively to Um aa (or reaabBcaOBl !lulLlptlii;lT"11 SiNO 11 T ! L f MM Tl ! a g jy, IT Httr ! MlT.a Ul- r i '3rTp' cj" : HA V 0j3t ip i . to P jjqc' . " ikUiriTiimr - cavern knocks SXIndt S4.Rmov (Print) 89. Beautiful - bird , TesseeaajTa 4LP-xtidaf sidditioa 4AAtop CScAfr.) 44. South Paxotai (abbr.) is. Hautboy 39. Serpent lixaxd . I- a IT 9" 1 -a- -a. "I III 1 I I o-t