g The ESafotmcm, Scleia. Oregon, several irom 6 Buena Vista Finish Schools BUENA VISTA Those from this community finishing schools f. higher learning this Spring re: Miss Muriel Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ward, OSC ndi Portland Medical school; Farrell Rust, son of Mrs, Blanche Rust, agriculture and ani mal husbandry at OSC; Elmo Prather.- son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather, automotive elec tricity and motor tune-up at ' Oregon Technical institute; Wil liam Prather, son 01 Mr. ana Mrs Leland Prather, Multnomah Jun ior colleee. Portland. Teachers in the Buena Vista Grade school for next year will be Eugene Brown and Mrs. Ray Lewis, both of Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. N. C Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. - Leland Prather, Mrs. Addie Harmon, Gail Pra ther. M. L Conger. Mrs. Maude Johnson, and Mrs. George Gur well motored to Winlock, Wash, Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Eva Prouty, a niece or An derson and Mrs. Harmon. Recent guests at the P. A. Wells home included Mr. and Mrs, O. K. Paulus of Los Angeles. 300 Witness Graduation at Boys' School Statesman News Service HUBBARD Graduation ercises and open house at Woodburn Training school ex- the for boys .marked the closing of aca demic year last Sunday. Appriximately 300 parents and guests were present. Greetings were extended" by James Lamb, . superintendent. Thomas A. Leu pp. school prin cipal, was in charge of the pro gram which included singing by the school chorus; short talks by Theodore Shaner, James Main ella. Cleo Harris, Jerry Bishop, Romley Duncan and Eddie Run ner; -violin solos by Robert Reichlein; accordion solos by Ray mond Fox, and group singing by the entire student body. Main address was by Ralph M. Holman, circuit court judge of Oregon City, on "Success in Spite ef Handicaps. The school chaplains. Father Gelinas and the Rev. Ted Hastings, pronounced the Invo cation and benediction. Nineteen boys, received 8th grade- diplomas presented by Willard Bear, state department of education. HONORED AT BIRTHDAY WILLAMINA Jimmy ,Lash was honored Tuesday on his birth day when Mr. and Mrs. Bill Den ton. Pam and Mike, and Roy Kolln were guests for cake. In the eve ning, a family gathering was held. Attending were Mr. . and M rs. Clarence Lash and daughters .of Grand Ronde, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Lash and Marilyn of Oakridge, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lash and Avery, Mrs. C A . Lash of Sheridan, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lash and Sharon. Valley Qriefo Statesman Ntwi Strvice Jefferson Eric Fitzsimons, new band director for the Jefferson school system. Is calling a meeting at the school at 7:30 p.m. Monday lor au young people lmeresiea in band for the next school year. ML Angel The ML Angel court of the Catholic Daughters of Am erica will install its officers for the year during the regular meet ing to be held Monday, June 11, at 8 p.m. in St Mary's clubroom. Mrs. Fred Hottinger, district dep uty, will be in charge of the In stallation and Mrs. Urban Butsch will head the .committee arranging the program and lunch. tTnrner Ideal Rebekah lodge will be host to the 44th annual convention district number 7, to be held today at Cascade union high school, three miles southeast of Turner on the Marion-Turner road. Dinner will be served by the Arema club, OES, at 6 p.m. St. Paul The Rev. Leo B. Kauf man, S.J., former student at ML Angel seminary, will be ordained into the Catholic priesthood June 13 at SL Mary's cathedral, San Tancisco, Calif. The Rev. Kauf- LESSON BY L A S 3 I B Lassie, aaeraVer f Chartotie, K. C, peliee feree traveling safety ' dtaczsirata U clrta ta I.'ew Crkass tie rrrrcr mtj tt crea itrttt U slow, Sahirday, Tun 1. 1S3I THE VALLEY NEWS "COLUMNS- From Tho Oregon Statesman's Vallay Correspondents ' Ik- V Ik N -.; SILVERTON Strawberry picking is underway la the Silverton mils berry district east ef Silvertoa. Berries here usually are later than en the valley floor, bat this year, doe to the late frost, ripening was even later than nanai. However, the crop la feed, and berries ef excellent flavor. Mrs. Alous Moen (above) la quite happy with the way the Moens 23 acres el1 berries are turning ent The Meens came U Silverton Hills five years age and dog out the land for strawberries from timbered and logged ff acreace. (Larsen phot for The Statesman.) Efforts Made To Assure! ( Pool at Dallas SUtesmaa Newt Service DALLAS Dallas was in dan ger of being without a swimming pool this summer heavy winter rains washed away the dam in the river v running through the city park, and costs appeared to to be too high to make repairs. Losing such an attraction was felt keenly by many residents and brought about action that is evi dent throughout the city and out lying districts. - Mrs. 1 Clarence Davis recruited help to assist her in canvassing business,' industrial and residential areas; ;Mrs. Ross Simpson called together a group of mothers where plans were laid for coffee parties. ' I Funds for the new i dam are mounting i and lt . is hoped con struction work can be : started soon. i ; Polk Club Sets Annual Picnic at Park on Sunday IT- I i - SUtesmaa Newt Service DALLAS The Polk County 20-40 club will hold its 1 annual Jlcnic at Helmick park, Sunday, une 10, j reports Fred Warren, president.! Curt Lamb, chairman; of the pic nic committee, promises an In teresting day for dub- members, their families and i guests. The basket lunch will be ; served at 1 o'clock., I J i The picnic is the closing event for the club season. Activities will be resumed with an Open meet ing on crops September 11. Annual Victor Point Homecoming Sunday VICTOR POINT The annual Victor Point homecoming iwill be held at the school Sunday.' A bas ket lunch Is on the program for 12:30 pan. Entertainment: and a business session will follow. Mrs, Clarence ; Brownell is program chairman.. Mrs. Noah Hunt heads the nominating committee and Mrs. J. O. Darby is in charge of the memorial. - - Officers will be elected in the afternoons Current president Is Mrs. Verny D Scott f man will -celebrate his first mass June 24 at SL Paul, j ! Valley Births JEFFERSON A son, Gordon Dean, was born to Cpl. and Mrs. Alfred G. McCann on May 31 at Wichita Falls, Tex. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aerni of Jefferson. Mrs. McCann is the 'former Shirley Welton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. War ren Welton of Salem.': WILLAMINA Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNamar of Junction City are the parents of a daughter, Jeanne Suzanne, born June 1 at the Sacred Heart hospital in Eu gene. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNamar of Willamina, and Marvin Shank of Eureka, California. 28 Children. Are Examined SUtesmaa News Service SILVERTON Twenty-eight children were examined by Dr. W. J. Stone, Marion county health officer, at the well child conference Tuesday in Silverton. Immunizations for diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus were started on five, completed on seven, and three smallpox vaccinations were given. Volunteer assistants Included Mrs. Knute Digerness, Mrs. Mike Hannan, Mrs. Charles Sthamann and Mrs. Willard Benson. A nursing conference and Im munization clinic has been an nounced for Silverton June 28 from 2 to 4. No appointments are needed. The next well-child con ference here will be July 3 and ap pointments should be made by telephoning Mrs. M. B. Ford. Amity Youth Take Overnight Journey SUtesmaa News Service AMITY, June 8 Youth and counselors of Amity Methodist church and Oak Grove chapel made an overnight trip to Camp Magruder on the coast Thursday, The vacation church school at the Methodist church will begin June 18 for two weeks, for chil dren from three years through the sixth grade. AUXILIARY ENDS SEASON FOUR CORNERS Mrs. Jess Mcllnay and Mrs. Warren Shrake were co-hostesses Tues day evening to the Firemen's Auxiliary in the former's home The group voted to adjourn for the summer months, convening again Tuesday, October Z. 'I i U I 1 j State School Head Talks at Dallas .Rites SUtesmaa Newt Service DALLAS Commencement ex ercises for Dallas High School 1931 graduates was .held June 5 In the high school auditorium. Edgar W. Smith, president of the state board of higher educa tion, spoke on "The First Prize is Enterprise.'4 The senior girl's trio, made up of Mary Daniel, Ann Gerlinger and Marlene Grant, sang -You'll Never Walk Alone." They were accompanied by Janet Iundy. - Presentation of diplomas was made by Frank L. Quy, chairman ox the school board. Valley Obituaries state saaaa News Service Charles Crawford Walker FOUR CORNERS Charles Crawford Walker. 70, of 4045 Mahrt ave., died unexpectedly early Friday, apparently of a heart ailment Deceased was a native of Pea ridge, Ark., (Oct 4, 1881). He was married at Pearidge In 1904 to Mattle Wardlaw. who survives him. Uther survivors include a son, Everett of Hollywood, Calif.; daughter, Mrs. Bonita Schuette, of Seattle; five brothers, Elmer, of Aurora; ueorge and Cecil of Sa lem. R. r. of Pearidge and Pierce of Bentonville, Ark.; two sisters, Mrs. Mattle Woods of Springdale, Ark and ' Mrs. Cora Mallary of Bentonville, Ark.; one grandchild and two great-grandchildren. Walker came to Salem In 1809 and was with the Southern Pa cine for 20 years. ' The family moved to Four "Comers nine years ago. Eervlcei are In charge of W. T, Rigdon chapel. . ' Graduation Held At Grand Ronde GRAND RONDE Graduation exercises were held at the Grand Ronde grade school with Gordon Spurgeon valedictorian and Bev erly Gill salutatorian. L. H. Hol man presented diplomas to Brian Murray, Bertley Aronson, Gor don Spurgeon, Eddie Bice, Bev erly Gill, Miles Hadley. Jauncey Perrizo. Dolores Voutrin. Fatrl da Hyde, Betty Church, Mary Brandon, Charlotte Quenelle, Alva Johnson, Dolores Palanuk, and Frank Tolman. , REUNION HELD " WILLAMINA The annual Brown family reunion was held Memorial day at the Oscar Rudig home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brown and Mr. and Mrs, Hen ton Brown of McMinnvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dickey and Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey and Anita of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stupful and family and Earl Kelly of Multnomah, Mr. and Mrs. Tru man Hostetler of Newberg, -Mr, and Mrs. Harold Brown a n Leonard, and A. A. Brown of Dal' las, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudig. TWO JOIN NAVY : ' WILLAMINA Buddy Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ellis of Willamina, and Clyde Bice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bice Grand Ronde went ' to Portland Tuesday and Joined the navy. They left that evening for San Diego to enter boot training. Both boys graduated last week from the Wil lamina high school. i RETURN TO WILLAMINA WILLAMINA Mr. and Mrs W. C Johnson have sold their bus iness in Delake and returned here to make their homev . (drains Slide Lows Mailed1 At Days Eiid CHICAGO, June .8 -JPh Grains slid downward on the board of trade today, making their lows for the day in the dosing minutes. At no .time , was the market able ; to work. itself into a rally. 0 r. 0 .. Soybeans had losses extending to 3 cents,' which made them the weakest commodity traded. But buying interest lagged In all pits, partly because it was felt the sur prise visit of Defense Secretary Marshall to Korea would puf some aVAASTW tjUW v v vu4 rumors. ,.,.. Wheat closed 1-1 lower, corn lower, oats" lower, rye (old style) lower, soy beans -1 to 3 cents lower, and lard 3 to 13 cents a hundred pounds lower.".:'' ; : Stoics Ease Domward in Slow Trading , ' ' V. I NEW YORK. June 8-lAVPrices settled tineasily Into lower levels a in . lit w. - I "a iu m a juj.w - The din was lirht. and several I futile attempts to make progress servea xo create a raggea pattern aoout tne zaii. . . , v - I The Associated Press average of I OU siocks lost 1U cenis at S9Z.B0. - aA i i ' . M. . . A . ... I Trading came to only 1,000.000 1 shares azalnst U40 000 ahara ve. I aoa enPl. witn Dr. Chester w. Himb if.J! J a 0511,3 wulai y eT Un officUting. Interment wiU be to tciuaj. iuudj was wic ectuuu siu w i x j ma : 1 1 I ,053 Individual Issues traded, of 1 wnicn 311 advanced and 480 de- cline. Baseball Given For Attendance at Hopewell School SUtesmaa News Service HOPEWELL Robert Pearse was awarded a. baseball for per feet attendance at school the past year When the Hopewell school tLrT1 UamSOn State Park. Children S day will be Observ- ed at the Hopewell E. U. B. iunm ,lu;.-?i"jn- ,ln w rhurrh Tun. in Hh m don chapel with concluding srvices at cnurcn June 10 with a special I Rirrt. Tha. i-hnnTtn yivm am preparea oy xne primary department. The McMinnvllle in , i . - v" ol . morning service. Election of church and Sunday school Offl- cers will be held. A Father's Day nicnic will be held at the Williamson Park. Sun - day, June 17, with a no-host din- . ' ucr "l a P.m. The Youth Fellowship Of the Hopewell E. U. B. church enjoy- H iwimmina Mr .t h. c lem YMCA Saturday evening. Mr; and Mrs. Keith Leeg were chaperones. A party honoring Anna Mae George was held at the school Thursday. Hostesses were Mrs. N. O Pearse Mra - Nellie Hammer . U. , m ilammer and Mrs. Gladys Dorcas. Billy Moddemeyer. Jr. honored Sunday with a .n. dinner before leaving for Maxr and to re-enter the service. Pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moddemeyer and daughters Portland and Eleanor Moddemeyer 01 Salem and James Kirkun Of Salem. Cemetery Group At Hubbard Has Annual Jleeting ...imu . . . . m - ... HUBBARD The annual meet- tnir hm Hnkk.M r-.nn. soclation was held June 2. Dr. A. F. deLespinasse resided. Out- going director was Mrs. A. J. Smith. Mrs. Julius Stauf fer was elected to a five-year term to serve with deLespinasse, Gar field Voget, Leland Kocher and aoiss ranees weaver. Airs, ae- Lespinasse will continue as sec retanr, misi weaver will con tinue as head of the filing de partment and needs the names and addresses of all owners of lots in the Hubbard cemetery. Voeet treasurer, reported 1288 paid for Improvements and said mors improvements are Plan- ned. Donations by anyone inter- estd will he arvwrif Members present expressed ap - preciatlon to the directors for im- provement on the grounds thus f ar. t PLANNING VACATION' gervais Miss Gloria Ken- ski and Miss Mildred Heisler are planning a vacation trip to San Francisco and will - leave Salem June 10. Miss Klenski Is employ ed as bookkeeper at t Curlv's dairy and Miss Heisler was grad- t a-i tirJL.. uated from Mt. Angel woman couege ana wiu leacn ai uanoy this fall " i Quotations p Salom Market (At ef late yesterday) BCTTERFAT Premium , No. 1 No. 3 BUTTER Wholesale Retail ; .78 '4 .76 EGGS (Baying) ' (Wholesale prices range from S to 7 cents over buy inf . price, r Large aa . Large A Medium . Medium A .54 JS2 J2 .48 Small POtLTRY Leghorn bens . Colored hens Colored fryers -Leghorn fryers Old roosters J7 JO Jl J9 J4 Roasters LIVESTOCK (Valley Packing Ceeapany 4eetaties at .Dairy cows 21.00 to 22.00 19.50 to 20.00 Cutters Bulla .. Dairy heifers Good veal . . Lambs, sheared Ewes, sheared Spring lambs 25.00 to 28 50 22.00 to 26.00 34.00 to 38.00 S4.ee to 27.00 2.00 to 12.00 20.00 to iX0 Nov York iStocI: QuotaiionsV; NEW: YORK, Vune 8-rVToday,i Closing Quotations; Ad Corp..'. ' T3Cen Foods Al Chem -., , ; . -,.. 70 Gen Motors Al Chalmers Am Airlines 44 Goodyear , 13 (Homes take Am Pow & Lt 18 Am Tel & Tel ... 155 Va Int Paper Am. Tobacco (Johns Man Anaconda Atchison Beth Steel Boe 'Airplane Bbrg Warner Bur Add M Calif Packing Can. Pacific -Caterpillar. Celanese Kennecott Libby McN Lockh Aire Loew's Inc Long Bell Montg Ward Nash Kelv NY Central North Pac Pac Am Pac Gas tnrysier , Con Edison 30 Cons -Viilto . 16 Crown Zellerback -53 Curt Wright 10 Doug .Aircraft 48 Duponf -. 95 - Eastman Kodak i. 43 Pac Tel & Packard " ; Penney Penn RR Pepsi Cola Philco Rad Corp Emer Radio .:,-.133 Rayonier Ray Pfd . Gen Electric 54 Obituarico HEKEFOKD - onnie n. nerexora, uie resident oi Salem route 3. box jm. at the age of k' ZZS?bx?J2? m"" riorence K. Hereford, father of Mrs. uorour turn ox saiem, Mrs. Virginia Reed of Meridian. Idaho. Lawrence t2itlJM JLH' cisco. Cain. Also survived by a cousin. ue urucou ox saiem: six sranacnu. ?55n 'iT?-.'r I1 rl'l fornU. Services wiU be held Monday. ici ui n jvuiiiis aim ea euici iu veui1 J"" . at iao p.m. in the w. t. Rig- city view cemetery. - - 993 Hatciiff dr June . Survived bV wut, jeva . unnxs, saiem; two aaugn tera. Miss Phyllis Brinks of Portland and Miss LoU Brinks of Salem; four staters, Mrs. c Buisman oi Salem. Mrs. Minnie Rodenhuis, of Bellflower, Calif, Mrs. John Baas of Otkaloosa, Iowa, and Mrs. Ray burn Dunbar, East St. Iouia. 111.: also two brothers, the Rev. James Brinks of Cloverdale. and John Brinks of Pease. Minn. Services will be held Tuesday, June 12, at 3 p.m. in the Virgil T. Golden chapel, with the Rev. Brooks Moore officiat ing. ' - edga Frank W. Edgar, late resident of 1740 S. High st in this city June S at the age of SS. He was the father of MiM Gladys Valena Edfar of Salem; SrAonWF.iifn of pWort! land and Mrs. R I. Williamann of S. lem. Services will be held Saturday. I win officiate. . I HACXIT Mi EJlen Hackit. late resident of looo N. Capitol st.. Salem, in San rran- Cisco June 6. Survived by sister. Mrs. Anna S.a!i-Spke, wh. : nl5 -...h,T' 't 1 1 uson. De Sm'et, S. b.: and Mrs. Grace "e' VV: nP"fw I William Hasleau, Montevideo. Minn., I mrA rkn U.bM U711K.n U..VO both of Salem: crandneohews. Robert Glover, San Francisco, and Lyle Glov- r, Vancouver, B. C. Services will be th Clouffh-Hmrrlfk: fhanl. with T)r I Chester W. HambUn officiating. Inter ment will be In Pioneer cemetery. WALKEK Charles Crawford Walker, at the residence. 4045 Mahrt ave- June 8, Mattle waixer: father o Mrs. Henry Schuette of Seattle. Wash husband or Mattle Walker: father of Everett Walker of Hollywood. Calif R. F. Walker ef Pea RidKe. Ark I Pierce Walker of Bentonville. Ark.: Walker of Salem. Elmer Walker of Aurora. Mrs. Cora Mayberry of Ben ton vi ii. Ars:.. and Mrs. Mattle woods. i apnniaaj. an.: aiso survivea oy one and several nieces and nephews. An- nouncement of services Uter by w. T. Rigdon Co. KVSCHNICK - .'1 Jose oh J. Kuschnlck. M. at the real. dence, OceanUke, June 7. Husband of Evelyn Kuschnlck; brother of Henry Kuschnlck of Gervais. Bernard Kusch nlck of Marquam. Francis Kuschnlck of Portland, and Mrs. Josephine Stu- ber. Mrs. Cecelia Peterson and Mrs, Louise Sims, all three of Portland. Services will be held at 10 JO a.m. Monday, June 11, at the W. T. Rigdon chapel, with Interment at Gervais i cnapei c,Pol.e . cemetery. Father Bernard I Will otiiciate. : ti nelson Pauline Nelson. 88, late resident of Astoria. In a local hospital. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Betsy Goodwin of Roseburs and three brothers. Ed ward Nelson and Gedo Nelson of - As toria and Frltzoff Nelson of Portland I eu-'rw.rd. force. S-rA a av . J A. . A J 1 ment. PLENGE Mrs. Trestle Plence. late resident of Salem route 9. at a local hospital June 8. at the are of 64. Survived by her husband. Gustavo Plence: six daugh ters. Mrs. Faye Sanders. Mrs. Char lotte Hughes and Mrs. Maye McMillen, all of Salem. Mrs. Ethel Williams. Leb- 1 "rHJr"- Vi 7 ril ? w innn. Kenneth Plann and Ernest L. Plenge. both of Salem; four I sisters. Mra. Forrest Heath. Yreka, 1 uiv.- CSv rim-, wiT and Mrs. Gertie Boggle, Lebanon; one brother. Lewis Post. Lebanon: 14 grandchildren and one great-grano child. Services will be announced later by the Virgil T. Golden company. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. June 8-( AP)-(USDA) Cattle Friday 13. For week 850. Fed steers" and cows fully 80 lower, spots 1.00 off: heifers-bulls mostly steady. Several loads choice 871-955 lb. fed ,d. J 36.00; odd lots commercial-food 30.00- 34.00-. utility 25.oo-28.oo. Load good 933 1 id. fed neuers sjo; part 10a a cnoice 1 35.00; bulk commercial-good 29.00- u.9u. canner-cuiier cows a.uv-2au; utility 23.00-26.00; few I commercial 26.50-27.50. . Commercial-good bulls 30.50-32.00; bulk utility 26.00-2S .50. Few lots feeder steers 33.00-25. : Calves Friday 10. For week salable 2S5. Vealers-slaughter calves fully nuDSOii house, inc. umirs Yoon . i i Cash Ilarlie! Prica Paid To b delivered to Puritan Oder Works. 731 E&jewater SU. West Salem or Adolph HUdebrand Receiving Station. BL 1. Box 443. Dcdfcs. Oreaon. : Fcr Ilsro Id crndicn Cdl 2322 Dallas ; 43V4mepub Stl 40 48 Rey Metals Tire Jl Richfield r 33 Safeway, 50 ' - , 54-- - 35 tint Harvester 33 V Sears Roebuck 53 - 50Soc Vac ,. . 55 South Pac , ' , & L 73Std Oil Cal 8Std Oil NJ 33y4Studebaker lSVilSunsh Mn i 43 (Swift 8c Co 69 Transamerica , 18l 18 Twent C Fox 184 1 17'Un Oil Cal ; " 38 I hT !. m- .105" Fish Un Airlines & Elec 32Un Aircraft - 28 . 29 Tel 108rtJn Corp - 4 4 US Plywood .-36 ..-40 67 US Steel 19 Warn Bros' 8 West Un Tel 13 West Air Br 19 West Elec 52 Woolworth - .12 - 36 i 34 .38 . 43 steady. Choice vealers 36.00-39.00: odd choice-prime 40.00-41.00: commercial' rood 30.0O-3S.0O; odd utility 24.00-28 00. Few medium-choice stock calves 26.50- 35.00. - . Host rrldar 25. For week salable 1.313, Butcher hogs steady-weak, hav ing; recovered most of 25e loss; sows steady.- Bulk rood-choice 180-240 lb. butchers 23.78-24.00; few choice loU Monday & Thursday 24.25: 240-270 lbs. 22.00-23.00; over 300 lbs. 21.00-22.50. Bulk good-choice sows 19.50-20.50: choice lightweights 21.00; heavies 18.30- 19.no. choice light feeder nigs 28.00. " Sheeo Fridav 10. For week salable 1.560. Slaughter Iambs 50 or more low er; heavy old crop and yearlings off mosr; ewes weax-se tower. Good-choice spring Iambs 33.50-34.50. few early up to 35.00: choice No. 1-2 pelt old crop snora lamM ana yearunn 29.50-30.00; bulk good -choice 27.00-23.00; utility down to 24.00. Good-choice shorn ewes 13.00-14.00: cuU-utllirv B .00-12 00- few choice wooled ewes 21X0. Spring feed ing lambs 32.00-33X0. - fs 1 " " A I - Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press STOCK AVEKAGES . June S 30 IS 15 60 Ind Rails Utl Stk Net change DJ D.l D J D.l Friday 126.1 S4.S 47.S 92.S Prev. day 126.S 64.T 47.7 Bi t Week ago 125.7 64.0 47.5 ' 92.4 Month ago 130.3 $1J 48.1 95.S Yeas, ago 1U.S 44J 47.7 80.1 BOND AVEKAGES - 20 10 1 10 Rails Ind TJtl Tm net cnange uncn OJ D.l TJnch Friday- 94. 88 9 993 71.9 Prev. day 94.S. 99.1 99 3 71 J Week ago 5.0 99 J 99.3 71.9 Month ago 83.S 99.7 99.5 72.0 Year ago 94.6 102.3 104.8 75 2 1951 low ... 94.6 98 J 99J 70.8 New 1951 low. Portland Produce PORTLAND. June 8-(AP)-Butterfat- TenaUve. subject to immediate change. rremium quality, maximum u js to per cent acidity delivered in Port land. 74-77C lb.; first quality. 72-75c; second quality . 71-73c. Valley routes and country points 2c less. flutter Wholesale X.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, 93 score. 7uc id.; vz score, eac; a. 90 score, 64c; 89 score, 59c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 45I.a-461sC id- uregon s-id. loaf. 49-50C. Eggs (to wholesalers): Candled eees containing no loss, cases Included, f.o.b. Portland. A large. i7'i-59',c: A medium. 56a-58lzc; B grade. 53-54 ',ic uve cnicxens mo. 1 quality, i.o.d. plants): Broilers. li-2'i lbs.. 31-32c: fryers. 2'.i-3 lbs.. 31-33c; 3-4 lbs.. 31- 32c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 30-3 lc lights hens, all weights. 29-30c: heavy hens, all weights, 30-32c; old roosters. ail weights, ld-nc Rabbits Average to growers: Llva white. 4-5 lbs.. 28-aOc lb.; 5-6 lbs.. 27- 30c; old does. 12-16c. few higher: fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 6d-65c, tome nigner. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers te retailers; dollars per cwt): - Beef: Steers, cood-choloe. 500-700 lbs., $54.60-57.00; commercial. 849.60- 50.00: utility. 844.60-45.00: cows, com mercial, 849.60-50.00: titUity, 844.60-45.00; canners-cutters. S43.50-45.00. JtJeer cuts (good steers): Hind our. vers, aeijru-ez.uu; rounds. I3Y.60-30.00; full loins, trimmed, $82.00-86.00; trl- 111 Iilu M. in na 52.00. l'"i yiwairw-w, iwci(Uiiwi, fflLW Veal: Good-choice. 860.00-69.00: com mercial. 154.00-67. 00, Calves: Good-choice. 856.00-60.00: commercial, seJ.oo-54.oo. Pork cuts: Loins. No. I. S-12 lbs.. $49 00-51.00; shoulders. IS lbs. down, 848.00-41.00: spareribs. 845.00-47.00; fresh hams. $53.00-54.00. Lambs: Good-choice, $86.00-67.00. Wool: Nominal. ' Mohair: $1.13 lb. on 12-month Country-killed meats: , Mutton: Best. 60-90 lbs.. S0-32ei Veal: Ton quality, 55-57c: good heav ies. 48-50c; others 43-47c. Beef: Good cows. 45-4 so id.: can ners-cutters, 40-43 ',4c. Hogs: Light blockers. 32-33e lb.; sows, light. 2S-30C. Lambs: Too grade. SS-S7e lb low er grades, eeac. Onions: Western ore. yellows, med ium No. 1. $2.50-3.00: 50-lb. sacks No. 1. 3-lnch mlru $35-50. tome to 83.75; Calif, white wax. 84.75-5.00. 80 lbs. Potatoes: Ore. russets. No. I A. S3.75- 4.00; 25 lbs.. $1.00-15: Idaho russets. No. 1A, $3.75-4.15: Calif, lone whites. No. 1A. 83.65-85: Ne. 2. 83.00-25. Hay: U. S. No. 3 green alfalfa, de livered car and truck lots, I.o.b. Port land, mostly $30 ton; Willamette valley grain and clover nay nominally $23 a ton, baled at farm. Portland Grain PORTLAND, June 8 (A) Coarse 5 rains. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast elivery: Oats. No. 2, 38 lb. white. 66.00; barley. No. S. 45 lb. BW. 59.50. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white z.zs: sort white (excluding rex) 2.2a; white club ZJta. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.27; 10 per cent 2M; 11 per cent 2.33; 12 per cent j.m. Hard white Baart: 11 per cent 2.31; 13 per cent ZJ4. Today's car receipts: Wheat 80: bar ley 43; flour 3; corn 3; -oats 6; mill feed a. TRADE MARK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that J. M. Ham merman, Inc. an Illinois corporation, of 200 S. Market St Chicago. 111., has filed its trade mark FAD with the Sec retary of State of Oregon. J. X-9-18. 29 63 - 45 115 - 29 io NOTICE OT WTBTTIOTf TO CrPKOVS CPFSTVIEW DHIVB rKOM frALf HElGBja AVNUI TO iAJiax-X , . AVTNTO NOTICX EXREBY 13 CXVXN tha th Common Council of the City o sawn, Ore if on. aem it necessary an expedient and hereby declares iU pur poee and intention to Improve Crest view Drive from the north Una of Sa lem Heishta Avenue to the north lin of Hansen Avenue, lit the City of Sa lem. Marl on County, Oreron, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent groperty. except the street inters on the expense of which will be as sumed by the City of Salem; by bring tng said portion of said street to the established trade, corutructinf cement concrete curb, and pa vine said por- phalOe concrete Pavement 20 feet in uon oi mm2 airect wiin a men width, la accordance with the clana na Pcincatlons therefor which were laaopiea oy me wmmoa council May w uwv UVW W. I I. U Ml. office of the city recorder and which oy this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council here by declares iu purpose and intention to make the above described improve ment by and through the street Im provement department. Written remonstrance ' anlnst the above proposed improvement may be wea wun me city recorder at any time within ten days after the final oubiu caUon of his notice by .the owners ot .the property affected. - By Order ef the Common fJousfdl May 28. 1951: ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la May 31. 1951 Date of final publication June 10. 1981 M. 31. J. 1. 2. 3. 4. S, 6. 7. 8. 8. 10. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVsJ McGILCHRIST STREET FROM HIOS STREET TO CHURCH STREET ' NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur pose and Intention to improve McGU christ Street from the west Une of High Street to the west line of Church . Street, in the City of Salem. Mario County. Oreron, at the expense ef the abutting and adjacent property, ex cept the street intersections the ex pense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete - curbs. and paving said portion of said street wun a, 2i men aspnaiue concrete pavement in accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were land specifications therefor which were .ni2no""ci.1M? office ot the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council I hereby declares lta purpose and inten tion to make the above described im I provement by and through the street improvement department. written remonstrance against the bove proposed improvement may be bled with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final pub cation of this notice by the owners OS i the property affected. By order or. the common Counon May 28. 1951: - - ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof u Date of final publication June 18, 1981 M. 31. J. 1. X. 3. 4. a. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. May 31. 1951 - - NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROV LUTHER STREET FROM JOHN STREET TO RESERVOIR STREET ' NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City oi Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its pur pose ana inxennon to improve Luther Street from the west line of John Street to' the west line of Reservoir Street, in the City of Salem, Marioa 1 County, Oregon, at the expense of the aoutung ana adjacent property, except the street Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion ot said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and paving aaid portion of said street with a J' men asphaltic concrete navement 30 feet in width, fh accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council. aaay zb. 1&51, which are now on file I j the office of the city recorder an 2 i wnicn. oy uus reference thereto are made a part hereof. Tha Common Council hereby declares its purpose and unenuon 10 mane uie above describee, improvement by and through the street improvement department. written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be wun un aiy recoraer SI any time within ten days after the final publi cation of this notice by the owners es uie property affected. By Order of the Common Council May 28. 1951: ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof H Date of final publication June 10. 1881 m. 31. jni. a, 5. 4, . s. f. a. o. 10 7 Notice la hereby riven. tn4nn 93a7K VT 1 .u . t M I , ' , - - " . , uu unw V, "Ji n we flour ox o ciocx p.m at mxim ihii n xraiermty house 1A Miem, wnon county, uregon. the C nal meetlns of Kaapa Gamma Rho. a non-profit Oregon corporation, will be held for the purpose of dissolving such corporation, providing for the settllrf of its business and the disposing of it property. Robert C Notson. chairman. Kappa Gamma Rho Alumni coundL TRADE MARK NOTICE i Notice la hereby given that The R. L. Douglass Co a partnership of Ean Grand Forks, Minn, has filed its trade mark NORTHERN SUN RAISED aI I Design with the Secretary of State 44 uregon. j. 2-s-is. . TBADS MASK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that The Gland O-Lae Company, a partner! hip. 21 Omaha. Nebr., has filed its trade marl GLAND-O-LAC with the Secretary l State of Oregon. J. 3-9-16. '.as a hound's tooth! -thaPf : PQHS-yG-lLCGS TtlaV CLEAN, ECONOMICAL CONVENIENT FUEL CAPITOL LUMBER CO. . 2260 H. Cherry Ave. Phont r 2-4431 sit 'in nou